lot 11» l>], suiJEl l,nSai r A{ri- Itbscdiin-P Ion, »*". II, toll I to at t Inean TUAV llSUilajr* &a K»Tln I'lora >naleri, fUcrelf I'lldini Ibbol |\lai »Mj|i(,iiM0i|ii;|i:iiiiiiay^ 'C -; SPKCIAi; NOTICES. ;5£" Koi^s, SORE EYES, HRAD^CHS, PALPIT- fftion uf the Heart, L*»hv*ation, General Debility, Ner- vouaqe-ii, Asthma, Dyrpepila, S^in- Eruptfora'Peraaie Irreg-iiaruies, l.ronch-icai Affections, 4c^, &r|se from 'he Iuiwumy of tho 3*<wd and a SVul Stomach, Keep hj» b.ood and stssnach pure and healthyv and there can be no chance for* disease. This appears simple enough— and yet th<t<-j» i-t s e v c e t v a f^mihjs in",the ^tate that ha«. n jt in >r« -r .&s-uime<XN try--sk knees. Thjjy say h there Q >i ,i3g ti.<*t w.H cure Joh"lx or restore M«|ry to health ? k * LAFATRTT*, l»J , Fl-h. 3t, 1854. J-HS l>. pAastvM. IX—Dear Sir— T-u ktrow my eroa- c.-.'.f.l appearance , fiow T wA6 racked wiih constant j.,a:»s—thai Lcoa.'d not <\eep— h-ad no app^tite-^myfoo'd .iL-Liressin^^me, csujo^rrg frequent voout ins*, anft that I wid in every way aji unstrung and doomed man. t am njuM to say th*t I>.-. Guy-'Ot-'s Extract and Teltsw r>*c'\ ban raptured rot*:-) perfect heal'h. j'Yoar-jrrateful h ietfcL/ ' SAMUEE l PARSONS." w . h *uch W'in!e'-f»'. •'fleets as th>s staring thera In the facefr,.ii: every-sMj 1 , they still d6 nothing but take sage- "u*a. rtni-i wilful*-. thvy are not^ured,. If you are in earn- tfiV,V.a\s i U'i Ye'l^ D..ck and SarsapanUa' wiR cure *..-! c-ii 1 . aM c-t a. niirph'.e: (gratis), of Mr. H. 8. Llv"vIP ISKi'.i'H As>mt, at '><rd-^ n?bttrgh'. S'^ni tfv-'v v-Mw^e, city, town, parrHh and hamlet :h-<»u^hAjt l r-roumry. , •.*>-4w] BUtVR^ A P\RK, in Broadway, N.. Y. £lf~ NSKVOCS ?l"KFERER3.~'& RKTIRFD C*e-eyraan was restored to health in a few days, alter ma':y years of great suffering, hy the use of Rev, John M. i>v.xnall*§ Pills.—They can be bad at PROUTY A RINDGE'S. - . __________ D9-tf} TO THK LAI)!KS. ' M RIFAWCKTT HAS jrST RfeCRlYRp TJ1V 'atest" Ea'l Fashions for Ladles'and Chihiren's ^..•>res.*e£. Cape-, Cloaks, M-vntillas, Ac, &c, a-l her Room?, No.-2^ Vec^anics,Row, Ford-stree.6. "Mr*. P , wiL-'i ^^r aist^^antfs^ U prepared to "Cut and Ba--t«." and if denired *'Make" I^dtea* and Childrtri's Dre-ae^, Ac , on ih.e shortest notice, irarrantingsattafac- iion in ail eases. RjeiIrf^-5 MECHANICS' ROW, UP STAIRS. *.[«-tn ErOSO.flV SH u tV£ALTHi J^" I HAVK CON^lt;>'Kn TO- UK, AS THK OSI.V Aeent ia St Lawrence County, a quantity of BLOT>QETT *• 3\YEET*S IMTENT GALVANISED IRON.BA&iNG 0VF.N3, tnixable'fur private Families or Hotels of the Ur*e*£ class. \ T^ey -ms the most perfect rhtngerftr invented,and for frc-wr^iy '3 1 'ye!, and perfection in doing'theii work, s^t eT-ry thing at deaance. \ . _ Dr. 3 N. SHKRMAN, C. O. MYE|L?/. Esq., St.'La^- rence Hotel, and JOUX.HcCARTY'^ InternationalCof- 'ee House. "S. 3. BLftt>0ETT, ' V Agent for Patentees. Oyden^argh.JnlTSftrd.TyW 0*-tf] CAVCEKS A*fiK t'l'RKD AVITBIOITX TJ1K KM3rX*- *^"W«. X. LYNCH, CASCRR DOCTOR, (SON ar.i jttud-ut "f Dr. W. B. Lynch, of Anburn,' X. Y., i o h i .'y and ju* f 'y renowned as a s^cce8^ful practitioner fr. t'-.e care- '»f Cancer?.i^ice - », Tumors^ Ac.,1 has settled s : C " pe p 3 Fail?, town of Dekalb^ and as he doe*! n:-t iriwi 'or ha*>.e*s, he, may be cftnsul'ed at all times!) th^ee a: 1 ?, eel byTancer*, ic.*, and also wijafc or diseasi 1 ey^.f t^er personally or by letter. R:;fereDc i es given if re>!'i^ted. ' Letie-s » 11«e*sed tn WM. N^ LYNCR^Defealb^St.Law-. rerfi-e C. 1 , N. Y., promptly attended t~6. ,fJU'6in] DR. LA<RMON"T? Paris a.n<t London » T I E H I C A I ^ A l > V ! s r . s i aHilTlARUUCi: v ;"th Ed':if>n nea-'v AM pn. indJtjiO.Etectrotyped Pictu 1 *- Kr*p-e-.iiiit-i4iiun-«. Cluth. - ^^" AlIONil !T> **<>NrF.STS IS THE ASATOVY ^f the jererauve "r;^^? of the male and fetnale-^Ri'!-' neri R i l !.T, 8e'Oin!'e^»>a i i fjbes, their number a r 1 lenzt'-, r-.p it-noe .and sterel'ty of B>rd?t Boar, R:r, Be-t^er. Caiorl. Hor>e, Ba'.l Rrtic, C-»at,'Guinea P.. L: .i. Elephant, P;inlher Cat, Doe and Fish —Prostra*?- Glanii, Puberty, the c h a n g e s i*- p r o d u c e s in the^yateir- - Irw: T:C'.. d ff-ren^e he'ween Ma*n and A rutin Is, Won ; , Pre,- ancy and P-.irtm itlnn. Ovum. Ovaries, Process • ' 1:.ip"esrr at -n, Ftfal Crcu^ iin.n. Puberty, Dyfttioi V r t piiwt-r, liupot^ncy and Kmissttins, ?terehty, Cau.- - a-> I (Vi. Rtrr-nn-ss, Causes of "If^rultful Marria^.-, L. e". i.sTC. ^c f .i'lu^e, IWJW to tell the sex ofT*t}iMt- be'ore h-.r^h^ P'-evcniion o' OtT-pnng, Deaths m Purtui ".."l. Causes of Senvn*! Disea^e^ and Deblity, Bf- D ^-ie jif retAiii'rjg Se\':a: Vijor to old aee, Childrei d.-tea^eil hy nurses, Ch.M Ke innzj Fruitful months, Co! - of Ha- Epi'c^v, Temper. Total Abstemiousness, Choir •A a P-irtr^r, Cousi*5 of <l,tTerence of the Sexr- R Til Farailir". Per^itn-' and ^I(l(^lro^ans, Marrying Aj: Bitv^-i.-rs and O'd Miids, H.-nnaH-'trof Fce-u=, Re<p" b!*r,ce .n t ' p O^prinir oS the Pa rents ^Quackery a 1 : Quacks. ?i>ec ftc*. M -<t >ry of Venereal d'^'O^es, Yirnler. ar>J ri'in-V;ru',ent, Weakness pecujtaij to Females, NW^i 0 ^e- n rt*-*t'jtWnsj M^n^truition, Pyp'i'i-s, Primary an C >iitt::oti-.L.ai P.^boe-:, G.norrh.Ta. Gleef, Retention - CTr7*»7 Svccori^r ions. Innocent an.l Cnf^rsf^en Affectioy.- . • S'."- c a r ^ , il.f -• eympt'im-", Inf tinT,jir;on, of ^he Neck *- \% B;.i.Uv, VH -.,-! cvXv. tly-lroceif. &'., with tio tilastraf . J Ca<t j -',an.l cer'.jfii-ates of the most unparalefled cures ev-- perfT-med - I ?.^;d NV >t"tn?er k Town*end,*2'22 Broadway, and ma-- j -tl ' T ^1, and ^hiee s;arap-*, free of pr^affe, clnse^ ', ?*-H"e<i, to any address, by fbe author", M. LARMOV, ', Pfiy*n*ian and Surgeon, No 42 Reide street, corner '' ; 29"> B-oadway, New Yo-k, t formerly from Parfs and Lon- i 1 *n i Ad.lre-3 a"l fett^r^ Bix/X«» SW, Pnst Office, New | Y-irk. T'\e a itSor car-*-* all 'h J d^eaa 'S treated on in | n>t w->-k. at hn old office. No 4'2 "Reade street, comer of 29-* Broadway, f n m 10 K. M. till 9 evening.' [ EttrACls^frorn 'EiUtorial Notices of a number" of Nevi- I papers.—" We concur with the other papers in reocm- | ruendins? Dr. Larmont and his work."'—Courrier dea I Euts-Cu.is, Gernia.n;, the Die, Reform, Sunday Dig-pa 1 'h j §:aat9 Zeitiintr, National D-m >crat. Day Book, Et sex j 9-andard, Railway Advo<$at*» _mp : re City,Police Ga- j ziu*. New York Pick, New Bruhswick Times, &c. \' > \ B —On the first of- May, Dr'Larmont will move to j the corner of Spring and M**-cer streets, adjoining the Prescott House, oppos ; te-tb'» 5 t. Sicholas Hotel- j ~ ' [l&-ly(so)] £3j|" DR. (JTMMI^SV SERVE. ANODTNF..—Tin-* is the preparation of" the a?e for the tooth, and its lorg •Vam-of sufferer?. It acts like magic, instantly caosirg all pa:n to cease. Th,ose w^u> have tried its power, are most enihusia.'**ic in'their comminutions. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. O F THE JUDSON BANK. ON SATURDAY, the fourteenth d»y of June. IBM- ' ' < d»jrof June, ISM; , , UK30UB0ES 1. Loans and Discount! a. Overdrafts, ; ,-; 3. Due from Banks s'*"' T. Specie ..:..-„. ' .... ',.'.'.'.'." " 8. Uash Items, »li: $riBcfp»iij'checii on other Banks, line* paid, 8. Stocks !7. .7. ID. Bonds arnd Mortgams.*. ,7.7 7 7 ' 7" 7 " 11. Bills of Solvent Sank, i. ,. 7 18. Lost addi UcpeoM Account, ..*t.TT,S0SS8 2,671 »1 .. »,84U 16 1.S64 64 4,rai « .. BT.6O0 00 . ftu,M9 00 . 17.45T 00 l.UT 9» 1319,061 20 ;..,1122,000 00 |10«.24T - 80,204 00 ..; 8,498 08 ., 17,420 26 20,242 91 UAB1L1TU3: 1. Capital ^Circulation Registered , J&sp Notea^on;hanu 8. Profiti ..,.:..-.." : 4. Due'to BankV.../. ; .... 7. DueD-poaitoraon demand ..... _ ' |819,0«1 20 STATE OP NKW YORK, ComiTv OF ST. La^Masc*,:».: —J. D. J ODSQS. President, and D. JODdOji, Oaahier,-of the Judson Bunk, an associated Bank,located and doing bus- i ness at Ogdenabaf gh, in •atdicotmtv, being duty and sev- et-ally airorn, each lor uimself aaith, that the foregoing la, in all respects, a true statement-of the condition of the daiu Bank, before- the transaction of any business on the ruornurg of Saturday the 14th day of June, ISM), in respect to each and every of the items and ^particulars above srtecifieAi according to* the best of bis knowledge and belief; and that the business of the said Bank baa been auji is transacted at tbe location aforesaid. J. D. JUUSON, President. D. JUDsON, Cashier. Severally subscribed and aworn by both deponents, the Sihdayof July, 1858. [88-lw] t. Q. STlLWELIv Justice of "the Peace. QIABTEBLY R (~\V THE OGDENSBtTRGH V. l 2 8. EPOBX BANK, ON SAT- J CRDAY tbe 14th day of June, ISM. Loan* and. Discounts Overdrafts * ,'. Due from Banks 4. J»ue from the Directors of the. 1 6. 1 S. 0. 11. 11. 12. its. 1. S. s. $2*6,922 96 • Bank : (21,021 26 Due from Brokers Keal .Estate .... » Specte , Cash Items, viz,: Checks on otner Banks sincapaid -. Stocks, Promissory footes,.. Botfds and Mortgages Bills of Solvent Banks Bills of Suspended Banks,..'... Loss and Kjcpedse Account, .... LIABILITIES'. Capital Circulation Registered ,\. do. not Registered To.tal Leas Notes on hand Profits :.. ....... ;. 1 L S'JS 08 <s,r»t oi 14,OfJ0 00 11,171 64 4,234 66 4,920 00 18,487 90 £88,948 10 »100.000 00 .»145,740 4,260 .»iao,ooo . 46,764 104,246 00 40.216 94 4. Due to Banks , ,,... 1,644 84 6. Due to Individuals and Corporations, oth-. '.' er thanBan£s dividends, '.,.. -5,066 00 6. Due Treasurer of the Stale of New York, 7. Due Depositor»4on demand 82,074 S2 5. Amount due, not Included under either of the above hefts, . (828,946 10 STATE OF NEW YORK, COITSTT or ST. LawKSxcs, Bs.:> ^-JAMKS AVSBILL, President, and" COLLINS A. BuaaBAM, Cashier; of the Ogdensburgh Bank, an Incorporated Bank, located and doing business at Ogdensbosgh, in said count , being duly afid severally sworn, each for himself *aith, that the foregoing is. In all respects, a true state- ment of the condition of the said- Bank, before the trans- action of any business on the morning of Saturday, the Utb day of June, 1S56, in recpect to each and every of the items and particulars above specified, according to the best of his, knowledge and belief; and that the business of tbe sa;iu 'Bank has been and Is transacted at the location aforesaid.' *- ' JAS. AYERILL, President. 0. A. BURN HAM, Cashier. Severally subscribed and sworn by both deponents, the lltbday of July, lb66. . I. G. SflLWELL, [8S-lw] ' i Justice of the Peace. Look out for the Locomotive While the Bell Rings! Switch-Off at 0GDEWs3UReHi (for One Day Only,} , ' THIHSDAI, July 31sU I83G! CLEAR THE TRACK I—THfc. LAST IS ALWAYS BEST! Location on Hafbrouck's Lot, near Johnson's Hotel. Will On NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. COL. THK John FitEmo.vr'* tirt;. OJUJ COJsjPLCTK AND AUTHORIZED EDITION. TK» \.ijt ahd Pitblia Savtee» of: ChaTlcs Fremont, WITH AH AJCOURATK PORTRAIT Off STEEL. ; Oie neat 12mo. Price 11. | BY . OHN BIG-ELOW, E3Q., & Itor it".. 1". Evening Po*t\ T HE SUBSCRIBERS ASSURE^THE PUBLIC that this vi lume, prepared by a gent.eman, whose resources lor tti ! material and authorities are direct, will be the only t omplete biography of the eminent EXPLORER, i OUOLAR, STATESMAN AND UERO, Whose recent n iminatldn by tbe Republican Party, for the highest offic s in the gift of the people, ha9 awakened a re&ewediriter :st In his wonderful oareer, Muah ma- terial heretofore Inaccessible to the general reader. In- cluding inciden s in his early career, Is Incorporated in,* this volume.. Orders should be addressed to DERBY 4 JACKSON, Publishers, No. 119 Na«sau-st., Niw York. Agents wanu d in every town of .the several States to canvass for the ^bove work. GEO. W. PHltBffOOK. KlMUftG MK1H KINKS. T im MEDICATED LOZENGES ARE THE bestJIedlbtne thatcanbeusea.atthisseason ofths year for 81ok Headache, Lossof ApimHe, Ungijur,Drow- siness; and all other eomplsJnts/whlch are e*perlenced by so many at this time of ytafr. They wtll b» found a certain specific. Prepared and sold only Mr „„„„„„„„ GBW; W. PHILBROOK, Oor. ford and Isabella.sireets. Agcntaln Canton, R/D. BDRDirT and L. E. B. WINS- LOW : MoTrlstown. HOOKER 4 CHAPMAN: Potsdam, 1ITJNT 4'LAWS; Heuvelton.'JOIllN PICKENS; Madrid. A. ROSS 4 CO.; Wadrtlnaton, 8. J. DEWEY. [U-tiJ FLUli), ipAMPHENE, Copies sent by mail postpaid on receipt of price. r88-! •«"], STAlTE OF NEW YOUR. HKAlMiUARTZRS 15TH BRIGADE, I OQDSKSSORQH, July 4th, 1366. f IN PURSUANCE OP THE STAT-. . oie, and by theauthir.ty v sted In me bysM m the.Lafrs of the State of New .York, I dx>hl TO. hereby! order- and direct that a Reglurei tal llL ilt Court Martial be held for tbe trial of all offences, delid- qnenciet and deficiencies to which non-commlssionep Officers, Musician-, and Privates are deolared to* be sub- ject to by the provisions Y>f said Laws. 1 hereby detkil ror and appoint aMUch Courts, In and for the SM Regiment, Major Dan. P Wald, President. Said Court win convene at^the Wanhrngton Hotel, m the village of ugdensburgh, op Tuesday, the 7th day yf October, 1856, [at 1}) o'clock a. m. The Officers of said Regiment willimake their returns for all delinquencies, deficiencies and offences, on. or before the 1st day of October next, lo the President of said Court. I hereby derail for and appoint as such Court In and for the 84th Rijgiment, Lieut. Col. A. W. Cushiuan, Pre- sident. Said Court will convene at the Hotel In West- Constable, Franklin County, on^uesday, the 7th day of October, 1S66J at 10 o'clock a. m. The Officers of said Regiment willimake their returns or all offences, delin- quencies, andideficiencles, on or beftire the 1st, day of October nexr-lo the President of said- Court. The-Comtoaladants of Regiments in the 15tb Brigade will cause thrs order to be read on parade before their .respeoilve c^inmands. By order of SOftCYLER F. 3TJDD, Brlgad er-C.eneral, I Commanding 15th Brigade, N. \. S. M. E. A. DAYTON, Aid-de-Camsi. BURNING ^ Pure Cream of Tartar, Carbonated Soda, Tlemp and Canary Seed, Carta Starch, Farina, Oat Meal, Barley, French Gelatine, True Turkey Rhubarb, Flavoring Esirncta of all kinds. Also, all the Patent Medioines of the day- » Every article 1 warranted pure and unadulterated, and for sale at the lowest cash price, by GEO. W. PHir-BROOK, Druggist, jru t f] Oor. Forjlanrt Isabella streets. H A ' LARGE -LOT JUST RECEIVED BY 8 J\ GEO. W. PHILBROOK, 1 [14-lf] Oorncr Kofd and Isabella-streets. FtJSTH), LOGWOOD, RED. WOOD.EXTRAOT LOG WOOD, QVJBRCITKON, ANNATTO.nll "f stliloh are warxanted of the flrstjiuali- ty. Call and examine, at M AUl'ER. ISPIGO, II [B-tO u W. PHILBROOK'S, Oor.Tordand lsabella-sta. UKOHGE W. PHILBBOOK, ATOTHECARY, W HOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER In Drugs, Medicines, Pilots, Oils. Dye Stuff, all the Patent Medicines of the day, and all kinds of Pure Liquors for Medicinal purponef. Particular attention paid tol'IIYSlCIANS" PREr-OKlPTI. NS. r •MEN'lvirvE FARINA COLOGNE. N LONG AND WICKER COVERED BOT- TLES. For sale by GEORGE W. PHILBROOK. NOTICE T O DEALERS IN PAjINTS, OILS, VAR- NISH, *c. Having made! arrangements with the~ best House in New York, I can tell you the above articles at New Yoik Plices, for Cash. ODnm r GEORGE W. PHILBROOK. Stktn o f N e w York, 1 [ ST. LtwKsscii COBNTV, ( ' P URSUAJKT TO AN ORDER OK JAMES LEDINGTfIN, Surrogate of said County, a'l per- sons having dlaims against the estate of EBKXEZER H. DIMICK, 1st* of Hammond, in said County, deceaned, are requiredsto present the same with the vouchers to the undersigned nt the residence of ANN DIMICK, Exe, cutrlx of thetsaid deceased, In the town of Hammond j in said County, on or berore the-29th day of January next.—Dated, July 7, 1566. [88-«m]" | ANM DIMICK, Exeoqtrix. TOII/ET VINEGAR, (RIJIJIEL'S) TS NOW GENERALLY;ADOPTED BY THE J_ elite of fashion, as preferable to Eau do Cologne. 801,1 b7 GE0JRGE W. PHILBROOK. , IXBIN'S EXITBACTS. ; \ LARGE ASSORTMENT ALWAYS ON J\ Hand at GEORQE W. PHILBROOK'S. "SOAPSI «iOA»»S! S O A P S J T HE CELEBRAfiKD HONEY, OLD BROWN Wlnd«or, Otto of Ro5e.S|iermacetl, Tablet's, Musk- scented Poncine, SaponnceouH Compound. Ao, Ac^at V OBOROE W. PHILBROOK'S. ^rDON-ALD. G. MCDONALD, IT 1 JLv. ' f DR*LKR IS GROCpKJES AI%D PHOVISI01\«, ^BT East End of the Bridpe, ^ ', I OODEN&BUKUH, N, Y. KE'PSCONSTANTLY OX IXASD A CHOICE assortjnent of L Family Urocerice^ At WholeiaSe and Retail. Teait of the be«t qualities, Green and^lack, Extra- Syrup-, Cuffees, SugarH, SpiceV of all kindb. Maccaroni, Tapioca, tr-u-fio. Vermicelli, Qrpund Mace and Ground Nutmeg.", PickleA hy the hun- dred orllarie); 500 Doreo Broonm for sale aalijw as the New York City market. t IST Uftnltd t U O . 0 0 0 pounds of Wool tn ex- change for Moths of best quality. Goods delivered to all parts of the A'ill age Free of Charge. Juiyl,_l$h6. [Sl-ly] CHARLES ASHLEY s II AllOW Altai! CHARLES TO NEttV*>i:s SiFfEStEBH. THK REV.'JOHN' M, DAOSALL'S CKLEBSA- rro F.XTRACT PILt'-S, for Ner^iis Weakness and Gen- eral Servoua Deb'lity, prepared by his dispenser, may uo»be obtained of PRODTY 4 RINDGE, Agents for Ogdensburgh. E^ >bserve a fac-aimile of the signature of JOHS M DAGNAtL, appears on the engraved Label and Wrapper of e^ah Bpx or the Pi'.ft. . [l.Gm6] XW WOLFE'S" ScniEPAM AROMATIC SCHXAPPS. —This (?elebntted medicinal beverage is prescribed I y the Medical Faculty, in casesof dyspepsia, gravel, goo', rheumatism, incipient dropsy, cholic, kidney and bladoVr complaints, and, also, In fever and ague; Put np in quart and" pint bottles,'with the proprietor's name oh the bottle.cork and label.! For eale by all the druggis's and country merchants. . ' >' : TDOLPHO WOLFE, Sole Importer, IS. 20 4 8 2 Beaver Street, New York. The word Schnappi belong' exclusively to my'-article, all o:her3 are counterfeits^ and Impositions on the public [25-3tn} * NEW STORE, sfiw GOQDS^—Y ASKEE NOTJONS- » iarrsDA»cit.^. ALtENDORPH havfng removed'fron) • Seymour's Blocto to 28 Eoru.-Str«et, Mechanics' Row, has Just opened as large a stock of Ya&kee Notions as.can be found North of the city of New-York,'and will be sold at New-York prices to Merchants, Peddlers and the puWir generally in large or small lots, at the optien of the !pur- ohasers. Also, a large stock of BOOKS, ef the mos' standard class, and at prices'_tba£'can't fail to suit thr most fastidious. BLANK BOOKS, CAP XND ..LETTEH PAPER, MEMORANODM AND PASSBOOKS; in fact, all Irinds of STATIONERY can be found In the assort- ment, French and German TOYS of every descrfc tioa; ACCORDEONS, VloluNS, LOOKING-SLAS?S J TRUNKS, VALISES, FLOOR OIL CtOTHS, to., which will be sold at wholesale or retail at lower prices than at any other establishment. Merchants and Peddlers will find it to their advantage to examine his stock. Bent In mlnil, No.2S Ford-StreetTMeflhapics" Row, Qguen* burgh. New-York. ' .* [49-tf) OiilVo FOB NOIitl EVES. TYLERS Tosro EYE WATER, WA«- •„ ajtsren to onre all ease* Of sore! and taflsntad - eyes, when theuiscase la confined to the exter- nal enat or the eye ball and Internal ooaiyif the eye lldj^ Price one dollar. Money riruadeu In cass] ft falls to cortr** after a fair trial. ._ • J.- For sale by Druggists In TJgdensburgb,; Canton, .Pbts^ dam sod Madrid, ' tW-l-y} 0B. J. AUSTIN, DENTIST. OFI*ICK Will be exhibited ss above, at 11 and 7J P.M^, with .SINK of IHKLR 0WH CABS'. Conveyntir iheir People, Horses ami Properties.) *o ci^iislrucled as to be mken daily - Ft "in tin Track to the TV»'-' so MORS SkeU-loii Team Horses! ttlCKKTY WAOOSs! rarnished Truppingi! WORN OVT RING^UOasEs! T1KED PERFORMERS As w;lh ih^Ol'd Fogy \S"a- 51111 "ijii->\vs,fc-aveTiug,'all al^hl over rough rdad.*,.bul Fast Hen! Fast Women! FAST CHILDREN! and T^ST HOKSES l'i» "keep, up with the uines, Willi 'f fKrru,-mers welt Rcate4t «*»«•,' Horst* of Spint: and TRAPPINGS' LUSTROUS! ALL THE WINNERS Jf all the Prizes at the Great 'CIRCUS TOtJRSAlCENT ! At Washington, in which the IVnripal Performers w the' Country met in a x GRAND TRIAL OF SKILL! A N n i NCLtmntG, or couasa, lite Best in the World! ,n every Department of the Circus Business,^tre with the Ne\v(Show. Sec what a bo- witiie'rill'3 ^. * j ARRAY OF GREAT SAMIS ! j JAME.-« R O B I N S 9 S , of, S i C-, who wi>ii the Prize a« the ' Bhl SingUBartbacli Rider.' The LevaterLteTronpe! Mad. LEVATOR I^E. M'Ue AUSCSTA VBK, Mile UOSA LF.E, ' Motis. I.KVATER LEE. f Voimg JOHN LEE, Young STEVE USE, CF LoNnox A3tn PARI 1 ;, Dcrided^lo be the 'Best Pa»?- lomimisfs, S'ostunrs,' Ac.. PUSS HORNBR, ofKy- Oie BatTaJkiniCkncn.' The American Brothers! HERCL'LES LIBBY, Ohio, HENRY OVTAft. Virginia, CHARl.ES NOYES,Texas, J. DAVENPoRT.Tenn.. Pronounced * Best Gauroi . Gymnasts. ~* STEVE LEE, of Ixmdon. ihe 4 B«1 Pantomimt CloymJ LE JEUNE BLTRTE, of Paris, urc 'Best Hur4U Racer* EDWARD KENDALL! ASS Kendall's Brass Band-! Ot New England, wfcowon, the First Prize, as the 'Btit Bugler and Brass Bond,' and who will make a Graud PTomenad* Knaicalt! Every morning, through the nrmcipal'streets, mounted ou £i'l/i"«» Btaurifui Hints Trained expressly for that raj-pose, • _j . JIM BURT, c|f Maryland, as UAKDHA1IE !! ASHLEY, NO, * EJUGLE BLOCK. OCDENSBURGII. N. Y,, » Importer and Dealer, IN EVERY VAKiKTY of SHEIK AND HEAVY UARD.#ARF, L-or Nails,' lilacs, Palme, Uil., .TEC X '„ SADDLER* AND COACH HARDWARE. ' [ Sole A|rtiit for MENEELYrS Church, Factory, and other BELLS, FAIRBANKS A CO.'S Platform, Cnunter, anil Hay SCALESJ WILDER'S Fire Proof Salamander SAFES. Union Belting Company, >• American Puwder Company, Wlnsted Sbythe Company, F. i ' T . Rj Taylor's Fork Factory, 4 c , Ac. Possessing every facility for tbe transaction of ti'c General Hardware Trade, the subscriber s<.|ictu the- pat- ronage of ^he public. CHARLES ASHLEY. OgdensMorgb, June 19th, I8S6. .t' is : rt l_. riRE PROOF SAiFES. •S WORLD RESOWN SALA- ANDER SArES, are offered to the Public tif the best p^tection airain^t fire known. During an ex- perience of fifteen,,years, not a Book nor a Paper !i»r ever beenSost when locked in these J aies. A full assort- ment always on hand, as Agent o- t-.r Manufacture i. Messrs SUearns k Marvin, who are the exclusive Manu facturersbfWUder'tand Rich's comhine.l Patents. ps-tf ] r ' CHARLES ABHLEY. M ENEELY ot SONS, CHURCH. ACADEMY. Stkatnboat and Depot BELLS. For sale by tin- undersigned as Agent for tbe Manufacturers. [28-tf] CHARLES ASHLEY._ ~~ ICE CBEAiTI FHEEZERS. A USTIVS JIAG1C CREAM FREEZERS. M\L£ A new and extraordinary improvement in freez tag Ice Cream and Water Ices. PRODLCl.NO THE RE- SULT PERFECTLY IN SIX MISL'TKS. [23-tf] CHARLES ASHLEY. VXTILtlER'S VVc MANDE1 URDJ CAGES. A LARGE VARIETY OF EFRIGERATORS. A REGULAR ASSORT l\> MjENT of horizontal.and upright Refrigerators. for sale by ^ lis a M J (JHARLES ASHLEY. , telNERY BELTING. LEATHER BEL- LING, Rubber Belting, Belt Rivets, Lace Leather, OnARLES^SHLEY. filTNS, PISTOLS, At. F INE ENGLISH DOUBLE AND-SINGLE Bsjrreled 6TJNS. Colt'iand Allen's Revolving PI8TOLB, Single and Double Barreled Pistols, ' Eley'l Wire Case Cartridges Eley' i Waterproof Central Fire Percussion Caps, Eley' i Chemically Prepared Felt Gun Wadding, Baldl rin's Elastic Indented &un Wadding, GUN LOOKS, Locks in parts. Wad Cutters. Molds Wormers, Shot Pouches, Powder Flasks, and GDN TRISIi TNGS of every variety. The HAZARD POWDER of every grade, including the celebn ted " 8ea8hooting" Powder. CHARLES ASHLEY. Qgde psburgh, June 12th, 1865. [28- tf] IIAYI-VG TOOLS. I OJTPER FOR SALE TO CWNTRY MER- chi mts the largest assortment a-rScythev Snatha Forks, lay and Horse Rakes^c^ohe fdund in this seetion of J 'theBtate mni have made suoh a^-angements with manuf lOturers to'enable me to supply the trade at New York t r Bostott wholesale prices, thereby saving the cost of hel rht a ftie purehaser. 1 CHARLES ASHLEY. B^ F«U THK CriMPI.EXIOJC. ALM OFTnoUSASDiFI.OWERS, SHAND'S Alabaster Tablets, Shand's Chalk Balls, Glena's Kalyder, Ac. For sale by i GEPROE W. PHILBROOK. DEALERS «:* r -HEDICIME pAN HE srn'LiED WITH \ Di<covery, Aye .. .* Pills, R/'irers' TBT and Liverwort, Wislar's Balsam,Osy- iwnaieil Hitters. D.iwn'ii Elilitr, Perry Davis' Pain Killer, M.-illowny'sCel.-bratrtl Kemetlie^,and all the other Patent Medeciues, at the regular Whole-ale Price, at UEOROE W. PHILBROOK'S, Corr.i-r Tu'd and I-ahellaStreets. KENNEDY'S Cherry Pectoral "and Cathartic FI.AVORIJH EVTRAt'TS. >OSE, VANILLA, ALMOND, LEMON, Ac. Y For sale by thciloien or single bottle, at OEbROE VV. PIIILBROOK'S; "I^ARINA. rVRE ARR'lW HOOT. CORN V Plarcli and Broma for InTalids'and Dietetic purposes. *JM by GEORGE W. PlflUJROOK. THOISANDS OF (H11.DRES DIE \ NxfALLY, THAT CilTLIf BE SAVED -;V by a timely use of PHILBROOK'S WORM SYRUP. v {IM: HEAD OF HAIR OAN UK TRorUKEf) BY USING A FEW V Bottle, ol t!,eTONIQl|E DE RESINE. It accelera- cs'its growth, ami g.ves it'll m.ky soft'eness, and is su- perior m any urticle now Id u e. Call and purchase n hollle ut the I>iu< :md Sled-Cine Store of ^ (JKORGE W. PHILBROOK._ I-11'HOVFIl SElOI.IT/. POWDB1W, M A\ff, TWICE THK STRENGTH OK COM- Mf)N S^IDLITZ PU\i"DERS. Prepared and sold Py >7 j . 0F.ORGE W. PHILBROOK. \\l FKES31 fO!\'«B«ES«! tVATEIl, YTHK DOZEN DR SINGLE BOTTLE. h .upp'v alwuys, on hand ut GEORGE W. PHILBROOK'S Medicine ftliore. JlTRAT!, I»*w nAGlEslA. T HIS DELIGHTKl'L SALINE APERIENT wijl We tmntl an excellent substitute lor Epsom vtlis oroiher Puriralive- . itys a. pleasant as a glass Of Soda Water,or Lemonade, Sold by QR-HtOK W.-PH1LBROOK. FRESH COE|> l.IVEIt O I E • A LWAYS f)S HAND, AT GEORGE W. PII1LBR00I£S. _ TO PHi'SlCIAIVS. P HYSICIANS CAN, BE,SUPPLIED WTTO their DTusv Med,'cin(;s and Chemicals, at a smalt ulvance from New York price*, for ea-*h. Every article •warranted of the best qtntli'v and free from adultera- tion. , GEORGE W. PHILBROOK, Corner Ford and Isabella Streets. AIR WtUSIlKS. COMBS, TEETH AND Nail Brushes, Shaving, Hat, and Yulvet Brushes. A large lot for sole by GEORGE W. pntLBROOK. ir SE4f:*]A FIGS. X- "B-EK.V B L E A S A l S T . . ™ ^ - , ^ - rV ual remedy tor Constipation of the Bowels and LAJSD AGENCES. FORWARDING. LESTER *t PETTIBOlVEi OrVTf, tNGINEEBS, SURVEYORS, k LAND AQENTg, WINONA, MINNISrytA. • Will make Investments, locats, Laud Warrants, pay Taxes, tc, and attend to all other business conneotsd with a General Land Agency, In Northern Iowa, Minne- sota, Western and Nprthe.n Wisconsin. a. o. LSSTSK. [*J-8ra J t>. r. J-STTIBOSS. NORTHERN THANSPORTATION C«>MPANTK. 1856. 1856. H. S. HUMPHREY. II. S. HtsWOREV, CHEMIST. AND DRUGGIST, NO. * EAOLE'BLOCK, FORD-8T., 0GD,EN8BUBGH, NKW YORK, H AS CONSTANTLY ON HAND AKD OFFERS for s a l e s LAR0E AND G O M P b m ASSORTMENT of DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, .' 0 O 8 * DYtsTUTIB. ALSO, DAGUERREOTYPE AND » M B I O T T n BTOCJr. A N D INSTRUMENTS, Consisting of CAMERAS, of all sixes, of the best manu- factures; PLATES, of all sixes, comprising H.B. Patent Improved Star, N. and W., and Scale Plate*; Daguerreo- type and Ambrotype Cases or every variety of style arid" nnlsh.Glas. Mats, Preservers, Hyposulphate 8oda,Iodlne, nrotnme. Dry Quick, Collodion, Gotu Pereha Cavettos and Dippers, Sulphate of Iron, Salts or Gold, Chloride of Gold, Rouge, Plate Blocks, Head!Rests, to., to. In furnishing PURE 8PERM WHAHL and LINSEED OIL, he has facilities which defy competition, A LAROB STOCK Dsntal anfl Surgical In.trmmcnts, OS TBS VSJtT SSSI H1XS, Constantly on hand. USD, GOLD FOIL. .,„ SPONGE GOLD,, TEETH AND TIN FOIL. ALSO, MACHINE CARDS, OF EVERT DESCRIPrlON, PERFUMERY, ' HAIR BRUSHES, AND COMBS, CLOTH BRUSHES, TEETH AND NAIL BRUSHES, ' TOILET BOTTLE8.- DRESSING CASES, to., to., to. wo, - Solo Proprietor of tha Celebrated BALM IAKTHOBEA, Which, as a cure for Dlarrhetna, Dysentery and Cholera, stands unrivalled. Read the following certificates:" Certificate from the late Member of Oongress from this DUtriCt ' Ogdensburgh, N. Y., Oct. 26,1855. ' HJOTRT S. nuwrnasr, Esq..: Your medeclne for bowel complaints, called the Balm of Zanthorea, has been ex- tenslvelyused in this village and vicinity during thepast season. I have often beard tt spoken of as a most effective remedy for dlarThcaa,dysentery,and other bowel complaints, and I have had orcaslon to use It and found Immediate relief from It, and believe the medeclne gene- rally has a high reputation among those who have used it. HaTinu Fourteen UPPER CABIN STEAM PROPELLEBS, MAKING A DAILY LINE BETWEEN OGDENfcKCRQH AND CLEVELAND, TOLEDO AND DETROIT, AMD A SEMI-WEEKLY LIN* TURdUUU 10 CHICAGO AND MILWALKIE. T HIS LINE OFf ERS GREAT ADVANTAGES to passengers and Families moving West with their household erfects, horses, wagons,- to., to., as tSey mr» taken through without transhipment, thereby avoiding cartage, wharfage, extra handling and breakage of their property, extra meals while on the route, and many other expensss to which they are liable; while the time by Propeller Is bat little longer than by the other routes, and the rates so much less as to defy competition. ' CRAWFORD * CO. Agents, N. R. Depot. Ogdensburgh, May 1,1856. [M-tf ] 18SU. CRAWFORD Sc CO., 1856. FORWARDERS ft COMMISSION MERCHANTS, "PROPRIETORS OF THE NORTHERN RAIL JL Road Line of Steam Propellers, between Ogdens- burgh, Cleveland, Detroit' and Chicago. Also, dealers in Flour and Grain, Rail Road Depot, Ogdensburgh, New York. ' |3BT* All orders tor purchase and shipment of Flour, Grain and other Western Produce, will be promptly at- tended to by 0HAMBERMN ft CRAWFORD, Cleveland, Ohio; Or MATHER ft CO., [2-t-tf•) Chicago, lUlnols. A. WATROUS. Hardware (or Spring and Summer , Trade. A. V^ATBOUt, OGDENSBURGH, H AS RECEIVED BY LATE ARRIVALS from Europe his SPRING IMPORTATIONS! of Hardware,Ootlery.and Fancy Goods, together with a full assortment of Americas Hardware, direct from tbe manufactures. Also, Sweedes,. English and American Bar Iron; Norway, American Horse nails rods ; Band Hoop; Horse 8hi.es oval and half -round. Iron; Englih, German and American Steel; Smith's Bellows; Anvils. Vices', Stocks; Dies, Ac; Saddlery and Coach Hard- ware; Hsy Forks; Hoeso ShoVela; Spade.; Scythe 8nath's, Rakes and Cradles; English proof Ceil Chain ; Klngland and Rogers Nails; American. Horse Shoe Nails; Brass Kettles; Cistern Pump ; Pump Chain. Agent for Herrings* Bafea; Ransom k Go's Stove Works. Lucases Induced by For sale by a>*te of habitual costlveness. OEO. W. PHILBROOK. JACOBi AARON. on Ford-street, by the St. Lawrene* Ho- ' tel, - All calls promptly attended. Otrtennhw-gh Oof. 9. ISBIJ. fctSrW H T Rrx. JOHN M. DAGSAIA'S; Pitts.—IP. R Nmv-ocs SCMtkVsss.—Sold by PR0TJTT ft RINDOE, U ford street,0frIew8hargh,S.y, Sole Agents. [1»4IJ Ds, D. P. WAID, sjBROEM! DEN s-ttot, No. TO Ford-StreeS, Ogdenibutrjt r^only RestdMiiDontiitfiexefpt Dr,AT W. Best) who mtnnf-»c,ures H»1T and 'vfttole 8WB Oi^ THSTK. . ' *• -1 la'-Abtwnes from town In WtttM wlH ht dar*ao«e»* lnth»8».tAWitt»os}B;»»tj»uoA*. _J_ ' '" Os^ensbar^b^DeCTmherlwth^tSM. t** w I |3f TOOTH POWDER, WARMSTID -TO OWE utttlkctton, kept constantly on hand at Ko. M.Ford Btr«et.byb».n,"r-itiant. ,. . : .-• ... Ojlwn^teis^M WboIw»»Jw Prlc«»C3taTwnt. KsBortsd sreekly fsnr ths St, LAWatraca Karcsuoaa, St KM.L0OO * BDMTWMi, Waumt.,mud»r «•* Ckwtoat Ho«-»<Oa'd«'a««*v»*s». T. OwonsW tXOTjI.*s«r«». WHsU*. f *««*»».. . 0Ot»J»6»s»liil .... v'**" KYst Jr>ssJ>«l. .. v ..... . o\jm,m*M**..•••••••••• Fylir'a Patent Ruittcr iVorking and -, Labor Saving Churn. i •: -JEW AND VAL-UABLEIMPROVEMENT- r\ lossesslng Importan^.advatitages over all others. Tne st bscrlbersolicits the particular attention of Farm-- ers to thl> new Churn. '] - CHARLES ASHLEY. r :- 'SCYTHE'S, 1856. "I:AVE MADE ARRANGEMENTS WITn M sssra. W. Thayer ft Co. for the sale of their cele- brate I BLACK SNAKE SCYTHES. These Scythes arc ^made after the most approved patterns and of the verj best i{i»teri»ls,-a pftSjiUar process in tempering_producei- lsafpassed by any Scythe ever known CHARLES ASJILEY. PEACE I PEJ|CEII PEACE I I a catting edge unsa the 'Beit Tridf Cloum.' R. WHITE, of Now York, •VJ the < Bisk Hone TVsimrr ami Mottrs cntiCtretw.' JQE HAZLITT, of Hues.. as the ' i'cil Araa-JIfOHaw, 1 with possibly one rival, and Aristookfc Big Thunder OfN.Y.,ulhs'i«it IW* Hotui. ' .Bcsiileslhesibo-r«\Tir>»*rs rf Blithe l ;:•"•"- Irjw-feilbwiiir^ l-etrorawrsmrsssi M U E A H it '• •' 'U-' • « ''' ROBERTATTIITB, JOHN DAVKNTORTj, JAMES ROBtNlON, Musss, ;'"]-'" J. GAYLOR, ;*., * , F. THOMAB, F.J»MB!iV^ , MANAs.:iiUll Osf BsUMIMt^ Dr.O.R eJPALiXNO Or TimOKvisTk*, - ; ,„) XDWARUKENIXAUI; brTsttRiK*, >'&'\h >I1«1MSSWI lilTMThisi'si >' - . ! i-_,-.—-; "j.-sr-: i ,.W ; wnasr' LOOK AT THI^tl VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE j^i CONTAINING JJiL T WENTY A0RBS OF. LAND. SITUATED^ ion. the Plank Ko.d leading ttvDekalb, half a mlle« beyond the village of Helilvelton. tfhero Is on the pre j rni.iei a good Frame House, Barn, Carriage Hon;., wash llonso. Cistern, Wood House, and other out-bulldlnu., and two good wells of water. A good amount of fruii arid a young orchard of grafted, fruit. There Is also a gopdfgarden. Halt It under good cultivation, the real- rfn.4,atture. ^ ""Jdrpartloulan, apply-to CBAB, A. DAVISS, 0g- densourgh, or. to the subscriber, T " J - H. DAVlES. HluTeltoo, July 7,1856. isa-tf] A.FIEICTED HliADI llaniApELElilA l^EDIOAL HO0SE—ES- „T4»bBihtd twenty.iwo yearsngo^bjrDr.KINKELIN, oo(s)sr of Third and Utilou Btrtsta, Pliil»ilel|ilil», penn- cWr-WCT-^wq/tisARB srlsneehu rshdered Dr. K. a most incceisfut prs«J jusrin ths cure ot all diseases of a private nature; ihood's dsWUty,as an Impeillmsnt tt.marriage', her-' C»nd MXMI tnMrnHItti dl««,»e« of tlie ikln.aml 1 arising from abuse of mercury. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. •rs It AD, sTllHsbUsomelitnes Indulged In by boyf. HMUtiidt, ofttn troWiig .up with tlitm to tbanhcud * anfwhloh.lt hotrefcrai.iUn.due time, notoiily b«t(ft» •eljlottsob.taelas to. »airlmonl»l_bsppln*'«s," but ;Rlve» to,* estlss of prottikCtsd, Insidious, and devastating '''(Mtlc ' '• .. , - " ' of t h ^ Who l^»»wly toil's'^ LatcT from. Europe. Peace Concluded. T ILE C0NCLCSI0N~0F PEACE BETWEEN the European Powers has not produced a greater lecltne in Bread-Stuffs, JhanV New Arrival of SPRING AMD SUMMER GOODS Has In the price of Ready Mado Clothing at the ooo NSBCROH CLOTHING EMPORIUM i j. WHON, nas Just com; let»-d repairing his Store, and has fur- nished the same with an! entire new Stock of MEN'S AND BCfYS'-f ^ READY MADE CLOTHING AND GENTLE MENS' FURNI8HING GOODS!,. Walk In, and see if his Shelves are not crowded—his Drawer* all full,- and bis Counters weighed down with he richest and most varied assortment ever before of- ered In this " Burjjh,'* | Confluent that he Is prepared to suit the most fastl- UOUB, J. AAR03 extends an invitation to all who wish to purchase a good article at a low,, living price, to favor Tim with a call at No. *) Ford-Stteet, for It Is the place vherc they will find Ready MadeiClothing to suit bod> •ind mind. Just glvehjmaoall, sjpd without a moment's ielay he will give ypu a fit, cheap for Ready Pay. His • tock comprises every article Irftjie Ready Made Cloth- ing line, to suit purchasers, from the Laboring man to ibe Judge on the'Benahj. ' J. AnJios return* his sincere thanks to his old custo- mers for past favors, ajnd kfndly solicits a continuance »f the same. ^ XST Cohtinual additions wtll be made to the stock as. the season advances. 'Oon't mlstake.the place—King and Avefell's Granite Block, 49 Fnrd-Pt.', Ogdensbnrgb, N. Y. j [19-tf,] Tff EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT TRUNKS, l\r " - " J. AARON'S. !iD INDIA-RUBBER CLO- J. AARON'B. ,rt8bn;»ffl*i|«*sf^ .,JI,*rD?.K.V!^fe!.nflr»fir.l!r«sM«tlon.'» ' . ess, uiitll theyllnd.thclr ner- iVelrahgs and uns*ccount»ble .J»^iWUss^j|)M|JMKsi^^ s,wak*B thrtttstiW»'?f WwhoV^itallarry slUaUd, Respectfully yours, BISHOP PERKINS. Tbe ZANTHOtEA is a medicine valuable in numerous varieties of bowel affections, as I am well convinced from having prescribed It ; and in those obstinate cases. 0('a chronic form, 1 know of no ono thing In w'hlch 1 would place more confidence. 1 8. N, SHERMAN, M. D. Ogdensburgh, July 13,1S55. C^-MEATD THIS. GsoaoxTOWH, California, Jan. 14, IS56. Mr. H. 8. HoMPnaav—Dear 8lr : It is but justice to you that I sta'e a few facts relative to your invaluable BALM OF ZANTHOREA. On'leaving Ogdensburgh I provided myself wilh one small bottle, which, trifling as it was, saved several individuals from death by cholera: The cholera broke out on board the steamer " Uncle Sam," after leaving San Juan del Sud.ln Its most m.te- nant form, and out of 558passen'gers,216died of cholera. The disease was attended with its usual symptoms, diar- rhoea, Ac. The physicians on board seemed to have no power to cheek the dUeas . I first tried the Zanthore* upon J. L. Ro««. of Macon, Georgia—whom the doctor had prescribed for with no beneficial result— and judee ..f my astonishment, when, in an hour or two, the dlar- rheca was stopped, and the patient fast recovering. 1 continued Its use; and with the small quantity I had with me, saved the lives of six individuals, and had I been provided with a sufficient quantity, I have no doubt or hesltajion in saying I could have saved the lives of a, hundred persons. I most cordially recommend its general use; for with t he Babn of Zan thorea, cholera and aiarrhoca are robbed of all their terrors. Yours truly, H. M. FAY. P. S.—The Nicaramia steamer Uncle gam left San •Juan del Bud early in September. 1S5.V VAEl ABJLE SPRING MEDICINE! REXFORD'S Compound CUainoiuilc; Cordial. T HE PECULIAR MEDICAL PROPERTIES of thU preparation demand the attention of all who 1 <bor under INDIGESTION. DYSPEPSIA, WEAKNESS AND .; GENERAL DEBILITY, 4c. i As a tonic and restorative. It stands unrivalled—In- vigorating and renewing the prostrate state of the con- stitution—imparting an energy to the stomach, which fortifies the system against the change of.season-and idlmate, and should" be In tbe possession of all who travel. This Cordial Is most admirably adapted for the ladies ; and Is stronffly and particularly recommended in all those complaints and exigencies peculiar to the female se*r. It has also been f-mnd a sure preventive of AGUE. I'teiiari.u and sold, wholesale and retail, by II S. HUMPHREY, Chemist 4 Druggist, No. 2, Eagle Block Ogdensburgh, New York. '. _\ BRONNERS & KRAFT. lYo.VIE AOAIS ! A T T H E PEDDEER's EXCHANGE. B RONNERS &' KRAFT, HAVE JUST RE- turned from New Yoik and Boston, With an i m \ mense stock of Dry Goods, Yankee Notions, Jewelry^ Paper Hangings, Oarpetinit. Looklng-Glasses, Cornices,* Window Shades, Floor and Table Oilcloths.. 4c, kc. Owing to the number of Stores we have got, and the i—— —«wot.<if business wn.ar. dQinv..w. ar»j.W. to sell goods, and we wriraen them, aTOpef cent, advance from New York and Boston Jobbing prices. The following comprises a part of our stock r' DRESS GOODS. Prerjch Brilliantes, Mouslin de Lalnes, Ohallles. Ging- hams of all grades and colors. French and English- Cambrics, Muslins, an endless variety of figured and plain Lawns, a beautiful lot of India summer Silks, and other new styles of Dress Silks, black Silk, De Rhine, Bishop's,^ Loddies, and other renowned -mauufactures, at all prices and qualities. A choice seleotlon of Cali- coes, from iSi to 12X cents per yard, and all the novel- ties of (he season, which Is worn for. Ladles' Dresses. SHAWLS. 1 A large assortment of itroche long and square 8hawls, the newest style of f tratella. Cashmere, plain and em- broidered Crape, Black 8tlk, and all other styles adap- ted to the season. Together with a splendid line of plain and embroidered Blaok Silk and oolorrd Bilk.Mantillas. A full assortment of Embroideries, commencing with beautiful Collars, from o cents to $4 a piece. Under Sleeves, rnd Under „Handkerohl«fa, Cotton and Linen Edgiwrs, Embroidered Muslin, for Curtains, a good ar- tfclb for one shilling a yard. All Linen Handkerchiefs for 6^ cents a plece,-and every thing else in proportion. MILLINERY GOODS. Silk and Straw Bonnets, of the newest fashion and all prices; Children's Hats, all styles; Ribbons, Flowers, Silks, Blonds, Kashas, Borders, Crown Linings, to., Ac PARASOLS. Molrantlque, with and without Fringe, Brocaded and Plain Silk, from SO cts. to t* a piece, a large lot of them. GLOVES AND HOSIERY. In endless variety. Tweeds, Summer Oleths, of all des- criptions. Broadcloths, Casslmeres and Satinetts, black and oolored. D0MESTI0 GOODS. Bleached and Brown Cotton, stall widths and prices, 4-4 at 5 cents per yard. Linens of all kinds. OARPETINGS. Three Ply, Ingrain and Tapestry, and all other styles, together with a large lot of Floor Oil Cloths of all widths, cheaper than the cheapest. New and beautiful designs of Paper Hangings, Bor- dering and Window Shades, at all prices. A large assortment of Looking Glasses, beautifully glided Cornices, and other styles or Window Trim- mings, Ac., 4o. It would be useless to endeavor to give a full descrip- tion of all the goods we have received, and continue to receive, through all the season. The goods most be wen In order to form a correct Idea of their beauty, quality, and extremely low prices. Country Merchants, Peddlers and Milliners, supplied at New Yortfattd Boston jobblnr prices. %ig- Don't forget the place. No. 8 Eagle Block, Ford street. ' BRONNERS ft KRAFT.. N. B.—B.ft K..will open acholoelotof the best FA- MILY GROCERIES, in their basement, as soon as navi- gation opens, at prices which will insure customers. - A v WATR0US, Successor to A. WATROUS * CO., Importer and Denier In every dencrip- tion of Slielf and Heavy Hardware, ALSO, Agent for 8. 0. Herring's Safes, ItAnsom ft Co.*a Par- Famed. Albany Stoves, New-London Svthe Works. - ifljj-jMY GOODS WILL ALL BE lM|Hpurcha«ed excln«fTely for Cash, thereby IsBlfMgtviog me an. advantage of at least 12; *C* ? p e r cent, over time purchasers. This, to- gether with the extensive acquaintance of the late firm, will give me great facilities for the transaction of the Hardware Busfneu. Ogdensburgh, June 19th, 1855. C^^l PI,Ol<;iIN, PLOIGH81 TUSt FPUR LEFT; EAGLE AND OTHERS, f J which, as I am going out of the Plough trade, 1 wilt sell at 10 per cent below cost. A. WATROrTS. Ogdensburgh, April T, 18ofl. < ^ ^ [19-tf] HOTELS FOR SALE «RENT. E THE •••••KB* BEST CHAJfCE sM*. A siANWBHmQTOiMAKEMON-«a IV can do so by eaUlnf on U»Mi>Nrll>sr,u^ p * fie wWttai to eopvsrt theVFAN HtUVIL"" MANSION HOUSE, talk* village of Hs»Ts4too,-totoa Tavern Stand or Rsfrsehmenlf House, tog«Uwc wisblcn Acres of CULTIVATED LAND attsioa-'W Uw ttau. Situation of the property can't te best, for further In. formation apply to J. N. OiVfgLL. Ogdensburgh. OctoberOTd,1966. [«t-tf] Mfa, FOB SALE O R T O L E T . BUI THE TREHONT HOUSE, IK OGDENS- *»«. BURGH. Apply to D. " '-' OgdensBnrgh, Hay IBth, 1868. . M. OHAPIN. IM1 TAVEBH HOUSE FOR SAEE. THE TAVERN HOUSE AND PREM- lies, .situate on th. Canton road, near ' Ogdensaurgh. f.rmerly occupied by NOR- MAN HALL, known as the. •• Oanton^trest House, ^or particulars, Inquire of . MLLTON j : i N G E . R S 0 L L , of Uocheiter, or, B. H, VARY, Ogdensburgh. [i-tf] WANTSi WHEAT WANTED. T HE UNDERSIGNED WILL PAY AN EX- TRA PRICE, In CASH, for the best of China or White Fall-Wheat, delivered sft the "Conical Mills," Ogdeniburgh. ' X. N.- JA1ECHILD. March 17.185«. [16tf NOTICE. C ASH, THE HIGHEST PRICE, PAID FOR BO0NTY LAUD WAKRANT8, by ! 'BROWN ft SPENCER, Attorneys, *o.,, . Nov. 27,1856. C B *-^1 Ogdensburgh, N. T. W^ LUMBER AND SHINGLES. ANTED—LUMBER AND SHINGLES.— The subscriber wiU purchase from One' to Ten Millions of feet of PINK or SPRUCE LUMBER, and a quantity of SAWED PINE SHINGLES, U be delivered at this place or on the shore of the St. Lawrence river, in the months of April, May and^fcne next. To be de- livered at a good and convenient point for the loading of large vessels. JAJ1E8 E. LYON. Ogdensburgh. March 18,1866. , P6tf] -. CASH. A ND THE HIGHEST PRICE, PAID FOR WHEAT, OATS and BARLEY, by the subscribers at the old stand in Ogeensburgh.* : CHAS. D. CRICHTON, . D. i. CRICHTON. Ogdensbargh, Jan.», IBM. [T-lfl CASH WANTED. 1 fiftfi T0 r ' 600 DOLLARS, ON. BOND JLsivfV/Vr and Mortgageouafirst-Tatetmproved Dai- ry Farm, In thisconhty. . Apply to March IS, I860. [lfitf] ROBERT W. BUSH. G. F.;ffiTO3> 0." W. Q I B B 6, Would insiU your attention to his stock ot N1W DRY, GOODS, comprising a full assortment ef DRESS GOODS, DE LALNE8, 0HALUIEB, ' ^ BERAGES, BRILLIANTES, ' DE BEIGES, PRINTS, GINGHAMS, POPLINS, . ftO., *0. SHAWLS, TALMAS, VISITE8 ; HOUGH'BPATENT HAtit CLOTH, GRASS-CLOTH, AND WHALEBONE SKIRTS Groops J m / .OJWTON. REMOVALS. O PHAKCVAL, HARCOAL WANTED. rmfi A. WATROrS. BOSTON CARDS. EDWARD BROWN, Genoral Commission Merchant, In Luinber, Produce, Provisions, Flour, Grain, Qrat*^- , Seeds, and Pot and Pearl Ashes, No. 89 STATK-STBJPCT, BOSTON, MASSACBOHtrra. REncRiurCES:—Hon. A. 0. Brown, .Ogdenshnrgh i Win 0. Brown, Esq., do.; Messrs. Moses Pond A Co., Boston R. Warner irCo., do.; Charles Leighton, Esq., Surveyor- Oenert.! of Lnmher, do.; J. B. Witherbee, Esq., Cashiei of North BanK do. W-tf No. •J KELLY & SPRING, 1 ^0S0 VTHARr* BOSTOS, MArtOACHUSMTS, Oontinue to give their exclusivje attention to the Prod ace Commission Buslnr&s. And parties consigning property to that market, for sale through them, •will have prompt attention, anJ libe- ral advances when required. Thtflr long experience in the businem and central location, being in-close proxim- ity to the famous "FAaicoiL. MARK-ET," ensnres to thetn the ftill strength of the Trade, particularly hi BUTTER, CHEESE. POTASH AND^PEARLASH, the four great staples of St. Lawrence County, For t> e convenience of their patrons, they Issue a Weekly Cii- cttlar, or Price Current, of the Produce Market, ev^ry Saturday, which will be sent by mail, free of expense, tv those who dejire to receive them; the same giving a prudent and eareta! report of the market value of ait staple articles o f Prpduoe. Correspondents-should l>e particular in making an introduction by letter, to give their address, place of residence and county plainly, to avoid inconvenience or error. We are permitted to EKFIRTO—Messrs. J. M. Beebe, Morgan & Co.,-T \\ Blodgett A Co., Boston ; E. B. Allen &Sons, Jas. Ave- ell, Ksq., Ogdensburgh ; 0. V. Brainard, Cashier, Watertown, I*. Y-; Nevins 4 Co., New-York; a. Jones, Esq., Mon- treal; Z. Chandler, Esq., Detroit; King, Corwm & Co., Cincinnati; Francis Clark, Esq., Chicago. Boston* May, 1553. H. S. HUMPHREY, Agent, .t4-t.ni Oirdensbnru-h BEITIOVAL-ITIEAT MAHKET. TO-DAt, JULY 24TII. the subscriber REMOVES his Meat Market to hti New Build ON ISABEbLA-STREET. 1 ing 29L next door to J. N. Osweirs, where the people of Ogdens- burgh and vicinity will find a good Market and con- stantly supplied with FRESH AND SALT MEATS, VEG- ETABLESi Ao. Thankful-'for past favors, he hopes still to deserve patronage and support. ROBERT BAKER. 05*~ Cash paidf or all kinds of good stock and Veget- ables. Ogdensburgh, July 24th, 185S. [M-tf] PROUTY & RINDGE. Ma?' 4s»p FLACKV "& WHEELER. PROliTV & KISDfiK iPAVE OS HAND WHITE and Bennett Glue, Irish Glue, Up- tot's Thin Glue, Band Pauer, Rose, Pink, American. Vermillion', Chinese Vermillion, Celestial Blue, Prussian Blue, dry and ground In oil. Chrome Green, Chrome Yellow, Marine Green, at wholesale and retail, and at prici-s that defy competition. Call and see. PROUTY ft RINDGE, Ford-Street.Ogde'nsborgh, New- York. November 24, V8«>._ ' [1-tf \ _ OILS! OILS!! ,10 BARRELS B. WHALE OIL, 5 I Barrels Solar Oil, *S Barreta Machinery Oil, • lust received and for. s a l . by * . " PROUTY ft RINDGE. Ogdensburgh, Nov. 24, 1S5S. [1-tf] WBIGlllT'S EXTBACfOR PINGtIIS. W ' ARRANTED TO'REMOVE GREASE AND Oi'l Spots from every species of fabrics without injury. PROUTY ft RINDGE, General Agents, [1-tf] Ogdensburgh, N. Y. BRUSHES, P AINT BRUSHES, VARNISH BRUSHEH. Whitewash Brushes, Wall and Paste Brushes, Art- ists' Brushes, and Tube Paints, kept constantly on hal'.rt and for sale by PROUTY A" RINDGE,-Druggists. Ogdensburgh, Nov. 24, 1855. [1-tf] TO Airns.Tr,. fl^»ARTISTS' BRUSHES, ARTISTS'TUBE RBSMS Paints. Poppy and Nut Oil, Canvas, &c.,'a lar?-: '* ' and full assortment constantly on hand and .for sale.by PROUTY ft RINDGE, Druggists and Apothecaries. Ogdensburgh, Nov. 24,1655. [1-tf] HOSIERY, ' GLOVES, COLLARS, And k toll Assortment of Small Wares, Llatna, Diapers. CRASH, TABLE COVERS, NAPKINS, -i- , OOTTONB, DENIMS, STRIPES, & TICKS, SUMMER STUFFS, "W00LLEN8, OASHMERETTS. G I N T S F . D R N I S H I N G G 0 +0 D S, TALLOR8'TRIMMINGS, * C , 4C, whioh he offers at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, . AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICES. Mechanics 1 Row, Ford-Street, No. •24.' Ogdensburgh, April 8,1SS6. . GooDiJo,. CA^IVSEL; * cq;, NO. «" 0N1ON BLOCK, OASTON, S. Tt., E MBRACE THIS OCCASION TO DEFORM their friendsMd«c«uaJnt»ncestJnitthej havej.er- tuanehtty located.to CantoV, whers ftiw^je constantly ctferlng for sale "a gensafal assortment or Ory Croo&tv ©rocerlsS^ Crssckery, Sec. In this large estabUshznentyclw:.»lw»yi betonndall • the newest and most approvetfstyleswhich c«o °e found . Li market, consisting of M, Mouslin.deJ^ne/Rgi»edandPUtoBer»«ts,Tissues, , 1-opUns, Chambras^ind choloe MOURNING GOODS. Dress and Mantilla SILKS, aM'k large assortment of MANTILLAS and SHAWLS. ! BONNETS and BONNET .TRIMMINGS, Artificial , Tlowers, Lisses, and Velvets of all descriptions. I . DRESS TRIMMINGS; Lace,"MusUn, and Oambrlo < t'ndersleeves; Wrought Collars and Chemisettes;-SUk, ; Usle Thread, and Cotton HOSE, with a Urge assortment of GLOVES. - '•',__«' i Hats, Oaris, OraraU, Shlrjs, and CoUars. 1 SUMMXR i GOODS, for Men and Boy's CLOTHING. Bleached and Brown Shirting and Sheeting, Ticks, and Dental. * • . . Broadcloths, Doe-Skins, Casslmeres, Tweeds, *c. OARPETINGS of all descriptions. Crockery *nd Stone-Ware, Groceries, Oils, Paints, and Dye-Studs, Pails, Brooms, Ac, ftc. In short, a greater collection of Goods Is..offered for tale, than is geneially found at a Retail Store. They would call the attention of the public to theabave facts, und would take, great pleasure In showing their large j. took of Goods, knowing that they will compare favora- bly in quality and prices with any assortment now in St. Lawrence Oountjr.. ,*« Rernember—At GOOBN0, 0ADWKLL ft OO.'S, N'O. 4 UNION BLOCK, CANTON, N. Y. June 26, 1854. •- 80-tf r ~"' NEW AliHlVAL, AT NO. 4 UNION BLOCK; CANTON, N. Y. A NEW ASSORTMENT OF PLAIN, BLACK, £\; and Watered DRESS SLLKB, at . ' . 84-tf ' eOODNO, CADWEU. ft OO.'B. B LACK SILK SHAWLS, SILK FRINGES, and nice Dress Trimmings, can now be seen at 82-tf GjfJODNO, 0ADWELL ft CO.'S. A NEW LOT OF LAWNS AT WHOLESALE prices.- [82-tf] GOODNO, OADWELL ft CO, MILLINERY GOODS, A NEW LOT, *at low prices, at the Store of . GOODNO, OADWELL ft CO. Canton, New-York. <- 82-tf A " CHOICE STYLE OF LONG AND SHORT Sewing Silk Mitts. . Also, Kid, and Silk Gloves, at 82-tf HOODNO,OADWELL k CO.'S. 1fi C\t\(\ POINDS BROWN SUGARS. Lv»Uv\J Also, Crushed, and Coffee Sugars, for nale low by [82-tfY - GOODNO. OADWELLJt CO. A NEW ARRIVAL OF CHOICE FRESH TEAS, at rj82^ttj) GOODNO, CAJWELL A CO.'S. |MASH PAID FOR FLEECE WOOL, AND V^ Cloths exchanged for Wool, by 82-tf , GOODNO, OADWELL ft CO. ' A NEW ARRIVAL «0F PRINTS, FAST Colors, at six, and seven-and a-half cents per yard, [82-tf] GOODNO, CADWELL * CO.'S. REAL ESTATE, &C. . y - •A,J«i»;ftj>».AMT(|sa|A'TPN,, ,, - ^V-l\KtVS(i WAPRR'AKD MOWlrf. B EST COMBINED MACHINE I BEST REAP- ER USED! I , ~ ' l(theftrit)bulH n i.... ,..,„ .' 18l». jfi^s&iB'syv >*v ••• W'' w ,sS "- t«O0w«lldlstitlb»tssl,-: i T.;..,L...^ ..... igEs. 8000 bttlldlng for Harvest of. Lii 18M. G M A T M T IiftlM R SAVE* I GREAMST QsUlM ,if- *» •. A%:f»a';AVii:*i.'.. . •-, - . Strong,Rullable.EitllyMsn^ged! . ^ j . Or"'I»rmiijf» wh Mng^pw»rch»i»vna appl y to JOHN'. jours. oa*At'i i P'»Mo«;Q/-^.,iiy*r»iSniiJ" SOMETHIMG NEW! " BRONNERS ft KRAFT, H AVE JUST RECEIVED IN THEIR BASK- MENT, a large and welt selected stock V the best. FAMILY SROCEBIEK, Which they will sell chstner than ths cheapest. {SsT* Don't forget the pHee—No.8, Eagle Block. ford-St. Oldensbiirgh, Jnnet, lsaf... jUStf.) R. W. BXJSH. ' . .CANTON lFAXit.j|-'Mals'l*. T HK SUBSCRIBEp HAV1N0 A FIRST class Grlsl UII|,»u(liarit.r»t«MII)ir,»rt prsparsd to do as good work. Inthlslm, M tn y nthtr Willi - They Uks this msthodHo Inhrm tfislr (rl*nd*.sv»d .atli- srs tathf vWnUy of 0(rdtn.burgh, who wish tarp»tron- i»the»,th»*th» win do thslr grinding with prompt ntnand dlipstch, and will give them good satlsfMUori,, and will do MtreliantV work alio, ^-x. . . m»wlUtmlvrj««.mfs\«s%««tBrtefiaV'Wn(t In Ogdsnsbargb, and d.Ursr thstr grist at th»sasasplats far ths usual toil. .-. - • •"•" ,-,„-» flour, Shorn, and Bran wnitaniw en hand; for Kn talprl«ii4»l!wrw4«» ; «»li|,itort;";.., " : KtatwiMf Hwi; Soy, t w ^ ' ^ y ^ y ^ q ! * ' . _ __ . •.•a JH-^-T' V--H; . ; REMOVAL-, i/ •«••••• ',«• •Ttf«r~':WSkt:alt\Wt> W«M, 'ttMMMK' w GROCERIES. FLAGG & WHEELER, NO. 4 ALLEN'S BRICK BLOCK, WATER-STREET, 'OGDENSBURGH, NEW-YORK, AVE NOW ON HAND A LARGE AND well-selected stock ol CHOICE GROCKRIES, wliVb they will sell at. prices corresponding with tl e times, and warranted to prove satisfactory. They are constantly .receiving from market fre-h additions to their stock, Which are purchased a't a bargain, and will be sold at a very small advance for Cash. We have now .tore, and offer to the trade orisorth- ».n^A7»w-VnrU antt P.Kn.ll^ In quantities to SUU pur- chasers, the following articles: ^ SUGARS.—Porto-Rico, N.-Orleans, Muscovado, Crushed, Powdered, Coffee Crushed, in hogsheads and barrels. SYRUPS.VStewart'8 Sugar'-Uonse, New-York. Golden, in hogsheads and barrels. Also, New-Orleans MO- LASSES. \ TEAS.—Old Hyson, Hyson Skin,Young Hyson,Twankay, Imperial, Oolong, Souchong. C0FFEE.—WhitsJava, Old Government, Rlo, Lagulra, and a superior article of Ground. TOBACCOS.—DabnVy Harris', Haxall's, Keen's, Stew- art's, Aromatic, Chewing and Smoking. 80APS.—Fancy, Banker Hill, E. J. ft Co.'s Stowe's Chem- ical Evasive, Williams. 4 Thompson's Compound. CANFDLES.- ; -Spenn, Adatnantine, and Mold. OIL Fall and Winter Bleached Whale, Sperm, Patent, and Olive. \ FISH.—8almon, Cod, Pollock\Herring, Mackerel, White- fish, Trout. FRUIT.—Raisins,Prunes, DrleaPlnms,Dried Apples. M1SCELLANR.OUS.—Brooms, P4|is, Tubs, Starch, Rice, Pearl Barley. Sago, Farina, Saleratus, Soda, Oream Tartar, Yeast Powder, Mustard, Pipes, Pickles, Catsup, Peppersauce, Spices, Ao , « ; 0. CORN MEAL AND SHORTS constantly on hand, and In fact almost every -thing In the Produce, Provision, and Grocery line, for sale at the lowesKflgure possible. The Trade are respectfully Invited to give us a call be- fore, purchasing elsewhere, and allow us to*satisfy them of the abo.ve facts. l^P*" Remember tbe Place 1 FLAGG ft WHEELER'S, No. 4 Allen's Brick Block, Water-Street. Ogdensburgh, June 12th, ISoo. [$M] 5 - WHALEBONE SKIRTS. \ T HE. ONLY OBJECT OF A WHALEBOl Skirt is to give a nrop«r, graceful and elegant fc to a lady's dress. Unless this Is accomplished, the arti-\ cle is entirely worthless. The Ladles, hy referring to Frank Leslie's Gazette of Fashions for April, will notice that E. ft 3. HOLMES have from actual experience been successful in producing this most desirable article, and that their*improved 8KA.MI.E8S 8EIRT meets the unanimous approbation of the ladies. They are light, pliable, and easily adjusted, and the only Skirt which Is equally adapted to tbe parlor, the street and the-crowd; are made in one piece or breadth, and in our opinion and in the Opinion of thousands of ladleswho have bought them the most reliable goods of the kind fh the market. We were the first to Introduce a whalebone Skirt, and from our<eaperlence In -the manufacture ahd retail of these goods, we have found that all kinds of cotton cord, and nearly alt kinds of cord, and all starched goods, cannot bo used satinfaotnrily, as they w'U not recover their place when pressed out of shape, We consider all WHALEBONE SKIRTS As worthless, of whatever material made; unless there It something of sufno'ent stiffness and elasticity, and nt the same time yielding and pliable, to keep the drees in proper shape bslow the bones. To accomplish this tve have our cord made under onr own direction, and ex * pretsly for our goods, and fiom the only material that can he used that will recover Its propst place when pressed out of shape, and are so twisted in manufactur- ing that they wM not roll or curl when wet, and war- ranted to wash without injury. The publlo are caution- ed against Ml worthless goods, as the market, since our goods Have become popular and extensively known', has been flooded with goods of all kinds, and put together withoutforra or comeliness or any other objeot but to sell and of course are called Whalebone Skirts. Soma imi- tators, In their efforts to profit by our reputation. Have gone so far as to copy almost exactly our trade park upon their goods; PMMSK Nptiog.—ET.ry genuine artWe.stamped, E. •& 1. 1MLME8'-IHPK0VKD 8KAMMCSB WHALEBONE SKIRT, and "may IM found tn.the trade in many of the. •largest Jobbing H-hsses In New York and Botton.'and »t retail In principal Dry Goods stares. « » . « J. HOLMES, Boston. Junso.lSM. {• ' [st-owl , OWIRK stTON«»V , S««3Bt«ar«<*4»lr^,h«*g«»»4i,v,nsw»*»d«»«d Mtlbsf b.liMtap^^^s^v'h, UlUiM tlon of <ttt»; *h« «ttalltrof Ah ItoM IK tot* KSuiWWsJMK s^»s^4o>UMl>Ar«i^a|fM»^^t4antlS pro4»olng- (ESTABUBIIED IN 1T90.) - ^ " . PBEHIIPM I1UQCOLATE. >' ii.ti *'W«l.o.», : <nmn£nt • « o^** -" I \ A ZttaoiSt* .^RIlNOiT, H03|!ffi0PATm0 ilt,: tod VANHTJA OnQOOI.AW^rtnatjd OOOOA, BROMA, COOOA PA8T1V COCO A BTIOKrt SOLUBLE, JlOMOOrAtlUO; a^d^llSTBMO:; 0000A,: 0OC0A* Thtss mtnufsctuVei, *o which fir »* prsraturai hm b«en, awarded by the ehlef Intlitutss and Tain of the Unlou, artansxotllbtit diet for chlldr«n, Invalids and, psrsons phlA i»r. ,V* sauswaii-.ss^riis.win^- v".,nw-,w,.*ww**, H r s n ^ t - MMig?ja •«?x;^&*.^}?tM*mmxmr \ ffisa > <^ii».iiA-nr'«sa.w'iisf v .sViii'^"'' , * a ''- j -' g ' , '''''--'''- g ' F LORENCE WHITE AND FLORENCE Varnish, White French 7Anc ground In oil, Par;? Green, Paris White, Whiting, Putty, ftc. Call and su- ns before pursbasing elsewhere, as our stockis lary.- and must be sold. GROUTY ft RINDGE, Druggists. Ogdensburgh, Nov. 84,1S&5. ' [l-tf] WHITE LEAD. ' TUNS BROOKLYN WHITE LEAD, 2 Tuns Philadelphia Pure While Lead, 2 Tuns Pure French Zinc in Oil, by -. PROUTY ft RINDGE, Druggists and Apothecaries,Ford-Street.'- Ogdensburgh, Nov. 24,1855. [1-tf] FH7H>. T EN BARRELS BURNING FLUID, JUST received, fresh and good, at PROUTY ft RINDGE'S, Ogdensburgh. Nov. 24,1855. [1-tf] NO; I- FURNITURE VARNISH. 3 BABBELS JUST RECEIVED BY PROUTY ft RltfDGE, - Druggists and Apothecaries. Ogdensbnrgb, Nov. 24.1855. [1-tf] CAIM»HENE. B Y THE BARBELL OR GALLON, AT PROUTY ft RINDGE'S. Ogdensburgh,Nov. 24,1655. [1-tf] VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. m 'pHE WELL-KNOWN "BED-«» JL MILL FARM," situate on the St. Law-wis rence River, seven miles below Ogdensburgh —«*=*. containing about *!>0 acres, about 250 acres improved.- Ttie land Is of a superior quality, well adapted for a Dai- ry Farm, or for the cultivation of Grain. 2d. The " Galloup Island Farm," containing 500 aorce, situate in the St Lawrence Rl»er, directly opposite ti- the •' Red-Mill Farm"—well calculated.fo.r grazing cat tie and sheep, or the cultivation of wheat, oats and corn. The land under cultivation; about 20O acres, is of the Orst quality.. 8rd. The 8tone Grist Mill, recently repaired, situati- on the St. Lawrence River, seven miles below 0gden<-. burgh— together with the Village Lots atGalloupville. 4th. Tbe valuable Wjiter-Power Property in the Villagi of Ogdensburgh, known as the Stone Woollen Factory- well adapted for a Flouring Mill or other Manufacturicc purposes—1st class Water. - * t 5tli. The valuable Water-Power Property in the vil Jaire of Canton, known as tha "Old Grist-Mill" property Oth. The Tavern property well known as the " Fore*-' House," situate On the Ogdensburgh and Hermon Plan'-. Road, about sixteen miles from Ogdensburgh, and nen: the line of tbe Potsdam and Watertown Rail Road, and seven miles from Canton Village, on the Canton, DeKai'-- and Gouverneur Plank Road. For particulars, enquire at the Office br the subscrabi- - a-Ogdensburgh. H . VAN RENSSELAER. WATER POWER AND MILL PRC- PEBTV FOR SALE, f &. A T RENSSELAER FALLS—THEfflB jjl J\. undersigned offers for sale, from one^F •» to forty runs of water, of sufficient capacity to drive any machinery. Also a GRIST MILL, HAW M|I.L,and SHINGLE MACHINE. The above property is situated twelTe mile?,from Ot- denshurgh, and in a healthy, productive and flourishii.fr country. The pronosed branch of Railroad from Ogdens- burgh to'the Forest House, will pass directly through tl.c place. . A rare chance for good bargains is offered. Fur. ther information csn be obtained, by enquiring ofB. 11 . ViRv, Esq., Oedensburgb. 0. VAN WATERS. May 27j 1SS0. [ ? £ " 1 _ ~GOLIs RL'ST IK HEl'VELTON. T O ALL PERSONS WHO INTEND TO erect newTmildtngs, the subscriber offers for sale.in his Quarry, Stone suitable for foundations to cellar walls, ftc, Ac, and as cheap or a little lower than cun be got elsewhere. Apply to B J. N. OSWELL. Ogdensburgh, February 18.1S56. jl2-tf] FOR SALE. T HE SUBSCRIBER WISHES TO SELL FOR Cash, or exchang'e for>other property, a first rat DAG.UERREAN SALOON, running gear, A c , In goo.i order. Any one wishing to purchase can make a grem B ARNSLEY'S DRILLS, A NEW THING, for Men's Summer Wear, at 82-tf - , GOODNO, CADWELL ft CO.'S. 40 ACltVs »I~LA!HD TO LET* m TATITHlN THIS VILLAGE, SUIT V V ABLE for Pasturage and Tillage. Enquire at this office. " Ogdensburgh. April S, 1R56. [19 «"! MISCELLANEOUS. MORRISON'S RIVING, SHAVING AND JOINTING Shinslc Machine ! bargain by calling upon Ogdensburgh, May IS, 1850. E. H. OLDS, At his Daguerrean Rooms.- ' [24-tf] CHANCE F«IR A RAROAIN. 1 THE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE. i JL at a great sacrifice, the entire machinery of n • CARDING and CLOTHING WORKS, consisting of twv Double Carding Machines, Picker, Press, Dye Kettlv, Press Screw, FulllDg Mill, Napping and Shearing Ma- chine. The above is all in complete order, and will b* sold a t a Rreat sacrifice, and on time If desired, by ap- pl.vinir to JOHN PICKENS, [5-tf ] Heuvelton, St. Lawrence Co.,'*. Y. NOTICE. TTTHAT'S THE USE.IN BEING SICK'— VV "Kennedy's Medical Discovery" can he had of PROUTY ft RLNDtfE, Druggists and Apothecaries, Ford-Street, Ogdensburgh, New-York. Nor. 84,1855, . p-W] 500 GALLONS B OILED LINSEED OIL, RECEIVED AND for sale by PROUTY ft RINDGE, Druggists and Apothecaries. Ogdensburgh, Nov, 84,1855. [l-tf] 500 GALLONS OIL, JUST RECEIVED and ror sale by PROUTY ft RINDG*E. - Ogdensburgh, NoVi 84,1865^ [1-tf] R AW LINSEED DEM Alt ANU FLORENCE VARNISH. A LARGE SUPPLY' JUST RECEIVED, and ready to be'sold to the first man that calls. j> PROUTY ft RINDGE. -7" JAPAN. 5 BARRELS JUST RECEIVED BY PROUTY ft RINDGE^ J. H. GUEST. \ J. H.' GUEST TAS NOW RECEIVED. HIS FULL STOCK X of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS which Is one. of tSe largest and best assortments-thai has ever been oficreoln this section.. ^ - ,\ Silks. ~ Rich Stripes, Plaids, Robes, Figured and Plain colors, and a full assortment of Black Foulards and India , Silks, ,\ \ Drcs» Good*. Robe BariegeSf^Tlssues, Ohallles. all wool De Laincs Plain and Figured, Organdies, Lawns, Jaconetts, French an_d English Prints, ftc. v ' \Mnalins. Swiss, Book, Natn 8ook, -Jaconetts, British Cambrics' Plain, Corded-Pl.ld.jdotted and figured Dimities.. Lawns, Brilliants, ftc. Drapery, ,Aj>pHca, and Lace Curtains and Muslins, Embroidcriea, French, Swiss, Saxon, and Scotch Collars, setts of Oam- . brio and- Swiss, Hoidton, valanclennes, Malta and Thread'Collars, Sleeves' and Setts, English Malta, and, French Thread Edgings and Daces, French, Scotch and 'Swiss Bands and Flouncings, Infants; Robes,, Embroidered Skirts, *o, A MUllncrw. \ t Ribbons, Blondes find Seloet, Lawns, Silks, Tarletons' and a full assortment of Straw Hats. Ho*l0TT,»>n<l 'pioTcs, Ladles and.-Obildr.ns, .English and German three arid .4o,»r thr«»M*Hbir«W, al^ili**. In Slik.Bpun 8IIk v TRAPPEnV- . Ooj^>>:anfftif.ad | Ho I Ur». _ \. * *»»«*»•«»'» HM<ke*etil«ta. " \ j Irish ana Irtnch LlMn'CarfbHif and Lawn Handker- chiefs An nUtaHenatlchrttodtmVroW«rsd,»lk,C<iU ton toiUntodo. '' «&,, ., w ,„« . -\ •-.a. •• aXtaiwif*;.%.^.. .-..-• •. * ftWh WnttiuBwwn c -inni; TsWiwhtsJ-IHn.tn BheJtlnis,; "wilnsf OatV lln;iu»f-T|iw*- Wott;»*tji)*lriti DvllT..' tofrtljHuiitaitabW Ooj«|ii*»," ' '-.'• ".' " * " ' i CwrrMotlnf a. r^^wtw IU»BOiXOaA)Ta«rroiaa«Httu;UfMtwldr. ^v$m$&ffiseti.r n»s tarsal vart»W»rsrshaw« la tali s«tlon.. SJlllfeSM' J3 wswuatit* ^*r.»wislt MitJsa* .^AT'+^Bfifts&e.-i* ' «3R«8 ,.VH»-*wJ ;• inaadAaltd, " ' » . > , * & « * * ^jAto** '»*• .-•fi^;^^' r :'"v\S-JIW^!l??fe3?< sV»«aa4wHW.tttiwJ^*4 -.a^ATk^^tfi is^» h.Va. SA-as^teii. i*ssaawss|wrfpsps:-swMW •w^rwssC'i HfcylO, Wtafll, -•iff »•»»», 'lMg£$ " s - r- ^ w? MOds*WHL? » l«NK.warbU.i Am^e^^aTfwto,**-*. - Wtfa«:rr''- ,,,! fi A GOOD OFFER. VILLAGE LOT FOR SALE. T HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE A VILLAGE LOT, containing 60 rods of ground, situated la Morristown, near Stephen Canflelds'. Upon the premises is a cdt-ifortable House, Barn, well of waici, ftc. Price $250 If applied for soon. Apply to JNO. E. TALLMAN. Black Lake, May 19,1856. &>JLL FOR SALE OR TO, LET. - M A TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE,_ nearly new, situated on Washington-street,^ east of the ravine,built by Smith Paige.—' Said house is well finished, in modern style—folding- doors, and a kitchen attached on the same floor, and finished in basement wilh a kitchen and other rooms. A large'briiik cistern, and a spring-well of never-failing water in the cellar. Lot, 46 by 180 teet, very pleasantly situated, about 60 rods from the Rail Road Passenger Depot House. Enquire.of v R. W. BUSH, Agent. March, 1856. . [14-tf] DAIRY FARM' FOR SALE. GOOD CHANCE FOR A GRAND BARGAIN. THE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR^t eale his Farm, -situated in the town of m\U DeKalb, sixteen miles from Ogdens-JSsA. burgh, and seven m|les from Canton. It contains THREK HUNDRED ACRES, about two hundred of which are under good improvement, and well adapted to the Dairy - ing business. There is a good amount of timber upon tbe farm, and a Sugar Orchard of about three hundred trues; The farm is-Well watered with never-failing springs and-running streams ; a fair house upon it, two barns, and convenient out-buildings. Terms: one half down; the balance, if desired, may run eight yeaw Possession given at once, ir desired. JAMES A. STACY. DeKalb, October 2nd, 185-t [44-tf ] ' . FARM •<•• OR SALE OR TO RENT—ONE j hundred and eighty acres $f Land, in' the T»wn of LISBON, on'the " Craig road,"^ one-and-a-half miles from the Lisbon Depot. Possess ion given immediately. Enquire (if ' March 25,1856. ' [lTtf] ~ ••jajt^ lb O. U. BELL. FRUIT! FRUIT!I WB- ARE NOW RECEIVING daily supplies of APPLES, PEARS, AND PEACHES; ORANGES' AND LEMON.% which we are prepared' to sell at Whole- sale or Retail, at the lowest marki-t rater.' * ' . Country Merchants, sending us tbeir orders can* 1- always rely on being promptly supplied, at the.Lowest Market Pfloes, and with a superior article. . JUST RECEIVED: 5 0 Barrels Genesee Apples, l O Baskets Peaches, - 8 5 Boxes Oranges, ,»•-.> 2 S Boxes Lemons. ^^ » - Fresh supplies received |4au5 by Express and Steamboat, Send yaur orders to BHSUuooa , j TUAKY * BR0TOT5R, N.. IS Mechanics' Blook,.Ford-Street, . Ogdensburgh', August 15th, 1855. [ST-tf] HEAD-QUARTERS; THE TJNDER- Stoownrwui »«• tWO B0LXAK8 * :plee« for'good slscil tmsassz ; ralu«nof60c»nUfor;i alldarkdartssxln.,- v . . . .,,,'caathttajhaiowns; ot'Maarl n ,'Jot!rl»«,' V *#fo*iWm? «*'*?* * hft -MdrrTPsbruary, 1856,' and ththt|h«fi>Mk*tprlo* for aU.ta«k.nd.«ff^ : . -- ' ^ ^ 1 M 0 T < .; 0^ar^»yjh,.jD^,»Vjf8liB. ^ „.."-•. ,- : -f.^ ,w J". ' _-*thc*^ *u- iV^vS^S.W B WARE.HOHII;, - No, 8 WataKS»wS*oniM of Devonshire lifts.t, , j W*& u- flBSl,.^^ _^___. •^txj^tr^4t' T HISMACHIXEISNOWKXiUHiTlNG AXD. in operation, at.JOEL H. MACK'S MILL, Lake street, Ogdensburgh, N. Y. H is capable of Rivhjg, fchavinir, and JohitinK from TWENTY-FIVE TO FORTY THOUSAND &HTXGLES PHt DAY. It works EafV and Winding Timber to tbe greatest per- fection, aud with the utmost ease; so simple in con- struction that there is neither belt nor cog-wl-eel in i t ; beinii whofly.conBiructed of iron and suel, its duial.tlity is very great. The jjuwer of'thiee hor&eh%iU work it to ita uiuiosi c*ii»acitv, which can at once be ttpplitd (rem the water-wheel, stram enpvne, or caunnon horse-power, by belt or peering ; can be worked in the woods, mill, or sliops equally well, as it occupies only -two by etpht fe*?. of ground roon-, by »b.*ut twenty-feigh't mc* e? liij»li, te- quires but one man to attend it, and is in fact but a ^uii- ! vile thoufrli vt*ry eubstatitial combination of tin- Prow, I thelMia-ving-Kniie., and Jotriter Irons or the "old Imi-d ! precis," working all such tinberae can be worUU by | band, and a great deal that cannot, and in t>uch style of finish and beauty thatpivts them the pieferti.ee <.f tho \ market over all other Shingles. ! CAPITALISTS, MILLERS, SHINGLE MANUFACTU- .-. , RERS, AND OWNERS OF SHINGLE TIMBER, 1 Are especially directed to this Machine for profitable in- i vestment, 'ihe public are reBptctfully invittd to witness ! its operation at the above named place, nh<;re it w II re- > main under the supmlntendence of R. P. VAUGHN, | one of the Proprietors, who will be most happy to piv« ] any information on tbe subject required, or negotiate i with parties for County Rights, and Machines ready for ! u-e. {3g""AU Communications addressed to Mr. YACGHN, ; , or J.H. MACK,Ogdensburgh,N.Y.brtQR.F. VAUGHN, Rochester, N. Y^, at any time thereafter, will be prou.pt- , ly attended Xo. Opinions of the Press, Ac. '-[From tlte Milwaukie Free Democrat.] The Machine is about six feet in length, and stanc'f. ! upon ii on legs about two feet in height; is very emu pa c -- j ly and strongly put togetlier, and has nuthmg cor - . plicated or unwieldy about-it. It can be duvet/ by tv o horse power, at its full ppeed for ether o«k, pine, et* ar i or chesnut stuff. Tbe timber is prepared inio bolt?,« ke those Used, forehand riving. A bolt is placed upoi. the carriage,.and%^in8t*a strong head, * hen the firbt, or riving knife passes through U and takes ofl( a siiibp'' or any desired thickness; l»be return revolution talker this riving back to second bed-plate and ; agairst a no i.er head, and while the riving knife is tak ng off anotl.i r. is shaved with an even taper, upon the upper side ; the next back, revolution takes the shingle to a third bed- plate and againct another bead, and the thiid revo u- tion, whj«hcut off another from the bolt and shaves the second, also shaves th it first on the under side Ihe shingle passes then between two self-adjusting j- inters that complete the shingle. Thus-there are-four shingles in the machine at a time, and one finished at every ie- volution. The revolutions are perfoimed at the rat*- of 60 per minute, and allowing the average nf the stu2 to be b inches, it will make 7*2,(100 shingleB per day. IFrcm. the Detroit Advertiser.] ' Shingle Machines have long occupied, the attention of inventors, a,mt we are glsd to be able to am.ounce a real improvement. Miinglejrcut out without regard to the grain of the wood, are htnnhu^. This niacin..e is of a different kind. The shingle is riv«?d from ihe block, an'a shaved with an exact taper. No hand-made shingle can *, cotupare wtth it in btanty and fitness for ita purpose, apd we Bhould flunk that a well laid roof of those sningl*6'could not leak;. One of'thefe machines, with a portable steam engine, would be a fortune to a man in the pine woods. WATSRTOWK, April . r Hh, U 5 6 . JL$. YJSCGHAS, Esq., Rochester: L Dear Sir,—I am happy to say the Machine I purchased - from you, patented by E. R. Morr.son for manufacturing rived,shaved and jointed shingles, I have now in opera- tion at'my mill in this town, and on trial, lully answers the recommend. It will work all timber ihot can be worked by hand process, and much that cannot. Wind- ing and eaty timber it works to great perfection and ease^and can,make twenty thousand per day, without Aixtra effort. '' Truly, 4c, . i • M. B00HALL, WATERTOWif, April 7thTlBS6. R. F. VACOHAS, Rochester, N. Y : Dear Sir,—One of the Morrison Shingle Machines hM I been in operation at my place for some time past, and I am-happy to say it is the only machine for niamifar- *nring-riyed, shaved, and jointed shingles that I eier thought practicable. It works winding and eaty timber to great perfection and at a rapid rate, on the si*me principle of the hand-made shingle, but with a perfec- tion that machinery only can execute, and lean sa'eiy recommend it to all »hingle manufacturerso« the Shingle Machine. H. SL0AT. RODMAK, April 3d, 1S56. R. P VAUGHIN, Rrochesler, N. Y,: Dear Sir,—We are happy to say the Shingle Machine for manufacturing rived and shaved Shingles, we have at work.Vnd it fully answ'erathe recommend. We can readily make from two |o tnree thousand shiDgles per hour from any timber that can be worked by hand, and some that cannot, Working winding and eaty timber to great ^parfect-ion, always leaving the lents of uniform, thicknesB .without-cllpplDg the points, which is the case with ihe hand-made. Prom eaty or winding timber, thi* machine fortes more tike a thing'of life than any' 'mach'ine'WereaTesean. The riving proces* works on a „ true principle, giv4ng'the timber more ease In^-ivirg than tlWhand power, and. rives timber that cannot be Ttveh bjf<he Q14 process, with the greatest ease and per- feotlon, alwnyfi-having from butt to point with a true taper, *n<i jointing each shingle as tt passes aio.nglet the width be.what it may, and will say that we have nev^r-Been a piece o|Tin*chinery ta^e apiece of rough bo*i4l*ad *uii$$-toCompletely with one operation. YowvtnUy, , ^ . • ' ^ 8PBAR3 * RALPH. )% *j OswiEQO, M*rch 21st, 1S5B.; '- Sir.^-l h*v» worked one ofyinir Mflrr.tQivBhlnu.e M»- chinei In this town »>ince July un^und Hhait morethttn ,r,ntr,«Ks4 your recommctidjit well M..#iy e^ecutiop*. ^t hat bt$Vi TUitM^w hanflrW ;©f iueni'i.nd n|l nrc-^ itiounce'U the bent inwhinefor;miimifflcturing rlvetl and ^haveajhlnitlM they ,v«ri»ff. I'hnvt often made fifteen hundred?inAftMn minute*, *hd rcnn 00 ,U «tiy time uud*r rAvorableciroumstisnce^amVTiiiitiy enqutriei tTe.raade wher« they c*n he obtjined frnm the C*nnil» Kuoibfrm«ti,'*iireU»i other part*. I h*r«mud*; »hln- f lM from pine, ctd*T,hfroVMk, *p^noev»*h ivpd ehnnut itri&ir with *tjwfl %«^«- Sn l*c^'«uy tlmUtr th»t vlU wilt will WW* tquallywtU.in thif miohiiie, , * :M V.- -• # (•• • •, -Truly, • ' ; ~- m §mi&1&!^:WRmZ. •'?"'g^l*tsf«f^gAifti»esft',' " •>• T HIS "B*KK,HAa' ESfABJaiSHlsf l s %i ^ IK08 DWXiTOIOTas *lrr»r«h'^ «wlfM«h«.safs^ot(moaw«d»^sW£aw carJlaT, and ths psrao^aVllaWll^WP^tn . tot*,«»d MotthftMs^*^ : of ih» a^thiitUrtVrt3*I2M>» tlt »"o n >f «'• Suit* ot r«r* i*^. ®k?v%>.i>^s?^

l ir - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031401/1856-07... · w . h *uch W'in!e'-f»'. •'fleets as th>s staring thera In the facefr,.ii: every-sMj1, they

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Page 1: l ir - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031401/1856-07... · w . h *uch W'in!e'-f»'. •'fleets as th>s staring thera In the facefr,.ii: every-sMj1, they

lo t 11»

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»*". I I , toll I to at t Inean TUAV llSUilajr*



I'lora >naleri, fUcrelf I'lldini Ibbol |\lai


'C -;

SPKCIAi; NOTICES. ; 5 £ " Koi^s, S O R E E Y E S , H R A D ^ C H S , P A L P I T -

fftion uf the Heart, L*»hv*ation, General Debility, Ner-vouaqe-ii, Asthma, Dyrpepila, S^in- Eruptfora'Peraaie Irreg-iiaruies, l.ronch-icai Affections, 4c^, &r|se from 'he Iuiwumy of tho 3*<wd and a SVul Stomach, Keep hj» b.ood and stssnach pure and healthyv and there can be no chance for* disease. This appears simple enough— and yet th<t<-j» i-t s e v c e t v a f^mihjs in",the ^tate that ha«. n jt in >r« -r .&s-uime<XN try--sk knees. Thjjy say h there Q >i ,i3g ti.<*t w.H cure Joh"lx or restore M«|ry to health ?

k* LAFATRTT*, l»J , Fl-h. 3t , 1854.

J-HS l>. pAastvM. IX—Dear Sir— T-u ktrow my eroa-c.-.'.f.l appearance , fiow T wA6 racked wiih constant j.,a:»s—thai Lcoa.'d not <\eep— h-ad no app^tite-^myfoo'd .iL-Liressin^^me, csujo^rrg frequent voout ins*, anft that I wid in every way aji unstrung and doomed man. t am n j u M to say th*t I>.-. Guy-'Ot-'s Extract and Teltsw r>*c'\ ban raptured rot*:-) perfect heal'h. j'Yoar-jrrateful h ietfcL/ ' SAMUEElPARSONS."

w . h *uch W'in!e'-f»'. •'fleets as th>s staring thera In the facefr,.ii: every-sMj1, they still d6 nothing but take sage-

"u*a. rtni-i wilful*-. thvy are not^ured,. If you are in earn-tfiV,V.a\siU'i Y e ' l ^ D..ck and SarsapanUa' wiR cure *..-! c-ii1. aM c-t a. niirph'.e: (gratis), of Mr. H. 8. Llv"vIP ISKi'.i'H As>mt, at '><rd- n?bttrgh'.

S ' ^ n i tfv-'v v-Mw^e, city, town, parrHh and hamlet :h-<»u^hAjt l r - r o u m r y . ,

•.*>-4w] BUtVR^ A P \RK, i n Broadway, N.. Y.

£ l f ~ T ° NSKVOCS ?l"KFERER3.~'& R K T I R F D C*e-eyraan was restored to health in a few days, alter ma':y years of great suffering, hy the use of Rev, John M. i>v.xnall*§ Pills.—They can be bad at PROUTY A RINDGE'S. - . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ D9-tf}

T O T H K L A I ) ! K S . ' M R I F A W C K T T HAS jrST RfeCRlYRp TJ1V

'atest" Ea'l Fashions for Ladles'and Chihiren's ..•>res.*e£. Cape-, Cloaks, M-vntillas, A c , &c, a-l her

Room?, No.-2^ Vec^anics,Row, Ford-stree.6.

"Mr*. P , wiL-'i ^^r aist^^antfs^ U prepared to "Cut and Ba--t«." and if denired *'Make" I^dtea* and Childrtri's Dre-ae^, Ac , on ih.e shortest notice, irarrantingsattafac-iion in ail eases .

RjeiIrf^-5 MECHANICS' ROW, UP STAIRS. *.[«-tn

E r O S O . f l V S H u t V £ A L T H i J ^ " I H A V K CON^lt;>'Kn TO- UK, AS THK OSI.V

Aeent i a St Lawrence County, a quantity of BLOT>QETT *• 3\YEET*S IMTENT GALVANISED IRON.BA&iNG 0VF.N3, tnixable'fur private Families or Hotels of the Ur*e*£ class. \

T^ey -ms the most perfect rhtngerftr invented,and for frc-wr^iy '31 'ye!, and perfection in doing'theii work, s^t eT-ry thing at deaance. \ . _

Dr. 3 N. S H K R M A N , C. O. MYE|L?/. Esq., St. 'La^-

rence Hotel, and JOUX.HcCARTY'^ InternationalCof-'ee House. "S. 3. BLftt>0ETT, ' V

Agent for Patentees. Oyden^argh.JnlTSftrd.TyW 0 * - t f ]

C A V C E K S A * f i K t ' l ' R K D A V I T B I O I T X T J 1 K K M 3 r X * -

* ^ " W « . X. L Y N C H , C A S C R R D O C T O R , (SON

ar.i jttud-ut "f Dr. W. B. Lynch, of Anburn,' X. Y., i o h i .'y and ju*f'y renowned as a s^cce8^ful practitioner fr. t'-.e care- '»f Cancer?.i^ice -», Tumors^ Ac.,1 has settled s : C " pep3 Fail?, town of Dekalb^ and as he doe*! n:-t i r iwi 'or ha*>.e*s, he, may be cftnsul'ed at all t imes! ) th^ee a:1?, e e l byTancer*, ic.*, and also wijafc or diseasi 1 ey^ . f t^er personally or by letter. R:;fereDcies given if re>!'i^ted. '

Letie-s » 11«e*sed tn WM. N^ LYNCR^Defealb^St.Law-. rerfi-e C.1 , N. Y., promptly attended t~6. ,fJU'6in] •

DR. LA<RMON"T? P a r i s a.n<t L o n d o n »

T I E H I C A I ^ A l > V ! s r . s i a H i l T l A R U U C i :

v;"th Ed':if>n nea-'v AM pn. indJtjiO.Etectrotyped Pictu1*-Kr*p-e-.iiiit-i4iiun-«. Cluth. -

^ ^ " AlIONil !T> **<>NrF.STS IS THE ASATOVY f the j e r e r a u v e " r ; ^ ^ ? of the male and fetnale-^Ri'!- '

neri R i l ! . T , 8e'Oin!'e^»>aii f jbes, their number a r 1 lenzt'-, r-.p it-noe .and sterel ' ty of B>rd?t Boar, R:r , Be-t^er. Caiorl. Hor>e, Ba'.l Rrtic, C-»at, 'Guinea P . . L: . i . Elephant, P;inlher Cat, Doe and Fish —Prostra*?-Glanii, Puberty, the changes i*- produces in the^yate i r - -Irw: T:C'.. d ff-ren^e he 'ween Ma*n and A rutin Is, Won ; , Pre,- ancy and P-.irtm itlnn. Ovum. Ovaries, Process • ' 1:.ip"esrr at -n, F t f a l Crcu^ i in.n. Puberty, D y f t t i o i V r t piiwt-r, liupot^ncy and Kmissttins, ? terehty , Cau.- -a-> I ( V i . R t r r -nn - s s , Causes of "If^rultful Marr ia^ . - , L. e". i.sTC. ^c f .i'lu^e, IWJW to tell the sex ofT*t}iMt-be'ore h-.r^h^ P'-evcniion o ' OtT-pnng, Deaths m Purtui ".."l. Causes of Senvn*! Disea^e^ and Debl i ty , Bf-D -ie jif retAiii'rjg Se\ ' :a : Vijor to old aee , Childrei d.-tea^eil hy nurses, Ch.M Ke innzj Fruitful months , Co! -of H a - E p i ' c ^ v , Temper. Total Abstemiousness, Choir •A a P-irtr^r, Cousi*5 of <l,tTerence of the Sexr-R Til Farailir". Per^itn-' and ^I(l(^lro^ans, Marrying Aj: Bitv^-i.-rs and O'd Miids, H.-nnaH-'trof Fce-u=, Re<p" b!*r,ce .n t ' p O^prinir oS the Pa rents ^Quackery a1: Quacks. ?i>ec ftc*. M -<t >ry of Venereal d'^'O^es, Yirnler. ar>J ri'in-V;ru',ent, Weakness pecujtaij to Females, NWi

0 ^e- n rt*-*t'jtWnsj M^n^truit ion, Pyp'i'i-s, Pr imary an C >iitt::oti-.L.ai P.^boe-:, G.norrh.Ta. Gleef, Retention -CTr7*»7 Svccori^r ions. Innocent an.l Cnf^rsf^en Affectioy.- . • S'."- c a r ^ , il.f -• eympt'im-", Inf tinT,jir;on, of ^he Neck *- \%

B;.i.Uv, VH -.,-! cvXv. tly-lroceif. &'. , with t i o t i l a s t ra f . J Ca<tj-',an.l cer'.jfii-ates of the most unparalefled cures ev--perfT-med - I

?. ;d NV >t"tn?er k Town*end,*2'22 Broadway, and ma-- j -tl ' T ^1, and ^hiee s;arap-*, free of pr^affe, clnse^ ', ?*-H"e<i, to any address, by fbe author", M. LARMOV, ', Pfiy*n*ian and Surgeon, No 42 Reide street, corner ' ' ;

29"> B-oadway, New Yo-k, t formerly from Parfs and Lon- i 1 *n i Ad.lre-3 a"l fett^r^ Bix/X«» SW, Pnst Office, New | Y-irk. T'\e a itSor car-*-* all 'h J d^eaa 'S treated on in | n>t w->-k. at h n old office. No 4'2 "Reade street, comer of 29-* Broadway, f n m 10 K. M. till 9 evening.' [

EttrACls^frorn 'EiUtorial Notices of a number" of N e v i - I papers.—" We concur with the other papers in reocm- | ruendins? Dr. Larmont and his work."'—Courrier dea I Euts-Cu.is, Gernia.n;, the Die, Reform, Sunday Dig-pa1'h j §:aat9 Zeitiintr, National D-m >crat. Day Book, Et sex j 9-andard, Railway Advo<$at*» _mp:re City,Pol ice Ga- j ziu*. New York Pick, New Bruhswick Times, &c. \'

> \ B —On the first of- May, Dr'Larmont will move to j the corner of Spring and M**-cer streets, adjoining the Prescott House, oppos;te-tb'» 5 t . Sicholas Hotel- j

~ ' [l&-ly(so)]

£3j |" D R . ( J T M M I ^ S V S E R V E . A N O D T N F . . — T i n - *

is the preparation of" the a?e for the tooth, and its lorg •Vam-of sufferer?. It acts like magic, instantly caosirg all pa:n to cease. Th,ose w u> have tried its power, are most enihusia.'**ic in'their comminut ions .


OF THE JUDSON BANK. ON SATURDAY, the fourteenth d»y of June. I B M - ' ' < d»jrof June, ISM;

, , UK30UB0ES 1. Loans and Discount! a. Overdrafts, ; ,-; 3. Due from Banks s '*"' T. Specie ..:..-„.'....',.'.'.'.'." " 8. Uash Items, » l i : $riBcfp»iij 'checi i on

other Banks, l ine* paid, 8. Stocks „ !7. . 7 .

ID. Bonds arnd Mortgams.*. , 7 . 7 7 7 ' 7 " 7 " 11. Bills of Solvent S a n k , i. , . 7 18. Lost addi UcpeoM Account,

..*t.TT,S0SS8 2,671 »1

. . »,84U 16 1.S64 64

4,rai « .. BT.6O0 00 . ftu,M9 00 . 17.45T 00

l .UT 9» 1319,061 20

;..,1122,000 00 |10«.24T

- 80,204 00 ..; 8,498 08 ., 17,420 26

20,242 91

UAB1L1TU3: 1. Capital ^Circulat ion Registered

, J&sp Notea^on;hanu

8. Profiti . . , . : . . - . ." : 4. Due'to BankV.../. ; . . . . 7. DueD-poaitoraon d e m a n d . . . . .

• _ ' |819,0«1 20 STATE OP NKW YORK, ComiTv OF ST. La^Masc*,:».:

—J. D. J ODSQS. President, and D. JODdOji, Oaahier,-of the Judson Bunk, an associated Bank,located and doing bus-i ness at Ogdenabaf gh, in •atdicotmtv, being duty and sev-et-ally airorn, each lor uimself aaith, that the foregoing la, in all respects, a true statement-of the condition of the daiu Bank, before- the transaction of any business on the ruornurg of Saturday the 14th day of June, ISM), in respect to each and every of the items and ^particulars above srtecifieAi according to* the best of bis knowledge and belief; and that the business of the said Bank baa been auji is transacted at tbe location aforesaid.

J. D. JUUSON, President. D. JUDsON, Cashier.

Severally subscribed and aworn by both deponents, the S i h d a y o f July, 1858.

[88-lw] t. Q. STlLWELIv

Justice of "the Peace.




BANK, ON SAT-J CRDAY tbe 14th day of June, ISM.

Loan* and. Discounts Overdrafts * ,'. Due from Banks

4. J»ue from the Directors of the.

1 6. 1 S.

0. 11. 11. 12. its.

1. S.


$2*6,922 96

• Bank : (21,021 26 Due from Brokers Keal .Estate....» Specte , Cash Items, viz,: Checks on otner Banks

sincapaid -. Stocks, Promissory footes,.. Botfds and Mortgages Bills of Solvent Banks Bills of Suspended Banks, . . ' . . . Loss and Kjcpedse Account , . . . .

LIABILITIES'. Capital Circulation Registered , \ .

do. not Registered

To.tal Leas Notes on hand





L S'JS 08 <s,r»t oi

14,OfJ0 00 11,171 64

4,234 66

4,920 00 18,487 90

£88,948 10

»100.000 00 .»145,740


.»iao,ooo . 46,764

104,246 00 40.216 94

4. Due to Banks , , , . . . 1,644 84 6. Due to Individuals and Corporations, o th - . '.'

er thanBan£s dividends, ' . , . . -5,066 00 6. Due Treasurer of the Stale of New York, 7. Due Depositor»4on demand 82,074 S2 5. Amount due, not Included under either of

the above h e f t s , —

. (828,946 10 STATE OF NEW YORK, COITSTT or ST. LawKSxcs, Bs.:>

^-JAMKS AVSBILL, President, and" COLLINS A. BuaaBAM, Cashier; of the Ogdensburgh Bank, an Incorporated Bank, located and doing business at Ogdensbosgh, in said count , being duly afid severally sworn, each for himself *aith, that the foregoing is. In all respects, a true state­ment of the condition of the said- Bank, before the trans­action of any business on the morning of Saturday, the U t b day of June, 1S56, in recpect to each and every of the items and particulars above specified, according to the best of his, knowledge and belief; and that the business of tbe sa;iu 'Bank has been and Is transacted at the location aforesaid.' *-

' JAS. AYERILL, President. 0 . A. BURN HAM, Cashier.

Severally subscribed and sworn by both deponents, the l l t b d a y of July, lb66. .

I. G. SflLWELL, [8S-lw] ' i Justice of the Peace.

Look out for the Locomotive While the Bell Rings!

Switch-Off at 0GDEWs3UReHi (for One Day Only,} , • '

T H I H S D A I , J u l y 3 1 s U I 8 3 G !


Location on Hafbrouck's Lot, near Johnson's Hotel.


O n



J o h n


TK» \.ijt ahd Pitblia Savtee» of: C h a T l c s F r e m o n t ,

WITH AH AJCOURATK PORTRAIT Off STEEL. ; O i e neat 12mo. Price 11. |

BY . OHN BIG-ELOW, E3Q., & Itor it".. 1". Evening Po*t\

THE SUBSCRIBERS ASSURE^THE PUBLIC that this vi lume, prepared by a gent.eman, whose

resources lor tti ! material and authorities are direct, will be the only t omplete biography of the eminent

EXPLORER, i OUOLAR, STATESMAN AND UERO, Whose recent n iminatldn by tbe Republican Party, for the highest offic s in the gift of the people, ha9 awakened a re&ewediriter :st In his wonderful oareer, Muah ma­terial heretofore Inaccessible to the general reader. In­cluding inciden s in his early career, Is Incorporated in,* this volume..

Orders should be addressed to DERBY 4 JACKSON,

Publishers, No. 119 Na«sau-st., Niw York. Agents wanu d in every town of .the several States to

canvass for the ^bove work.


T im MEDICATED LOZENGES ARE THE bestJIedlbtne thatcanbeusea .at th isseason o f ths

year for 81ok Headache, Lossof ApimHe, Ungijur,Drow­siness; and all other eomplsJnts/whlch are e*perlenced by so many at this time of ytafr. They wtll b» found a certain specific.

Prepared and sold only Mr „ „ „ „ „ „ „ „ GBW; W. PHILBROOK,

Oor. ford and Isabella.sireets. Agcntaln Canton, R/D. BDRDirT and L. E. B. WINS-

LOW : MoTrlstown. HOOKER 4 CHAPMAN: Potsdam, 1ITJNT 4'LAWS; Heuvelton.'JOIllN PICKENS; Madrid. A. ROSS 4 CO.; Wadrtlnaton, 8. J. DEWEY. [U-t iJ

F L U l i ) , i p A M P H E N E ,

Copies sent by mail postpaid on receipt of price. r88-! • « " ] ,


OQDSKSSORQH, July 4th, 1366. f

IN PURSUANCE OP THE STAT-. . oie, and by theauthir . ty v sted In me bysM m the.Lafrs of the State of New .York, I dx>hl TO. hereby! order- and direct that a Reglurei tal llL i l t

Court Martial be held for tbe trial of all offences, delid-qnenciet and deficiencies to which non-commlssionep Officers, Musician-, and Privates are deolared to* be sub­ject to by the provisions Y>f said Laws.

1 hereby detkil ror and appoint aMUch Courts, In and for the SM Regiment, Major • Dan. P Wald, President. Said Court win convene at^the Wanhrngton Hotel, m the village of ugdensburgh, op Tuesday, the 7th day yf October, 1856, [at 1}) o'clock a. m. The Officers of said Regiment willimake their returns for all delinquencies, deficiencies and offences, on. or before the 1st day of October next, lo the President of said Court.

I hereby derail for and appoint as such Court In and for the 84th Rijgiment, Lieut. Col. A. W. Cushiuan, Pre­sident. Said Court will convene at the Hotel In West-Constable, Franklin County, on^uesday, the 7th day of October, 1S66J at 10 o'clock a. m. The Officers of said Regiment willimake their returns or all offences, delin­quencies, andideficiencles, on or beftire the 1st, day of October nexr-lo the President of said- Court.

The-Comtoaladants of Regiments in the 15tb Brigade will cause thrs order to be read on parade before their

.respeoilve c^inmands. By order of

SOftCYLER F. 3TJDD, Brlgad er-C.eneral, I Commanding 15th Brigade, N. \ . S. M.

E. A. DAYTON, Aid-de-Camsi.

B U R N I N G ^ Pure Cream of Tartar, Carbonated Soda, Tlemp and Canary Seed, Carta Starch, Farina, Oat Meal, Barley, French Gelatine,

True Turkey Rhubarb, Flavoring Esirncta of all kinds. Also, all the Patent Medioines of the day- »

Every article1 warranted pure and unadulterated, and for sale at the lowest cash price, by

GEO. W. PHir-BROOK, Druggist, jru t f ] Oor. Forjlanrt Isabella streets.

H A ' LARGE -LOT JUST RECEIVED BY 8 J \ GEO. W. PHILBROOK, 1 [14-lf] Oorncr Kofd and Isabella-streets.


ANNATTO.nll "f stliloh are warxanted of the flrstjiuali-ty. Call and examine, at

MA U l ' E R . I S P I G O , II


Oor.Tordand lsabella-sta.


WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER In Drugs, Medicines, Pi lots , Oils. Dye Stuff, all

the Patent Medicines of the day, and all kinds of Pure Liquors for Medicinal purponef. Particular attention paid tol'IIYSlCIANS" PREr-OKlPTI. NS.

r •MEN' lv irvE F A R I N A C O L O G N E .

N LONG A N D W I C K E R C O V E R E D B O T ­TLES. For sale by



TO D E A L E R S I N PAjINTS, OILS, V A R ­NISH, *c . Having made! arrangements with the~

best House in New York, I can tell you the above articles at New Yoik Plices, for Cash. O D n m r


Stktn o f N e w Y o r k , 1 [ ST. LtwKsscii COBNTV, ( '

PURSUAJKT TO AN ORDER OK JAMES LEDINGTfIN, Surrogate of said County, a'l per­

sons having dlaims against the estate of EBKXEZER H. DIMICK, 1st* of Hammond, in said County, deceaned, are requiredsto present the same with the vouchers to the undersigned nt the residence of ANN DIMICK, Exe, cutrlx of thetsaid deceased, In the town of Hammond j in said County, on or berore the-29th day of January next.—Dated, July 7, 1566.

[88-«m]" | ANM DIMICK, Exeoqtrix.

T O I I / E T V I N E G A R , ( R I J I J I E L ' S )

TS NOW GENERALLY;ADOPTED BY THE J_ elite of fashion, as preferable to Eau do Cologne. 8 0 1 , 1 b 7 GE0JRGE W. PHILBROOK. ,

I X B I N ' S E X I T B A C T S .



" S O A P S I « i O A » » S ! S O A P S J

THE CELEBRAfiKD HONEY, OLD BROWN Wlnd«or, Otto of Ro5e.S|iermacetl, Tablet's, Musk-

scented Poncine, SaponnceouH Compound. Ao , Ac^at V OBOROE W. PHILBROOK'S.


IT 1 JLv.

' f DR*LKR IS G R O C p K J E S AI%D P H O V I S I 0 1 \ « ,

^ B T East End of the Bridpe, „ ^ ', I OODEN&BUKUH, N, Y.


L F a m i l y U r o c e r i c e ^ At WholeiaSe and Retail. Teait of the be«t qualities, Green and^lack, Extra- Syrup-, Cuffees, SugarH, SpiceV of all kindb. Maccaroni, Tapioca, tr-u-fio. Vermicelli, Qrpund Mace and Ground Nutmeg.", PickleA hy the hun­dred or l lar ie) ; 5 0 0 Doreo Broonm for sale aalijw as the New York City market. t

IST U f t n l t d t U O . 0 0 0 pounds of W o o l tn ex­change for Moths of best quality.

Goods delivered to all parts of the A'ill age Free of Charge.

Juiyl ,_l$h6. [Sl - ly]

CHARLES ASHLEY s I I A l l O W A l t a i !


TO N E t t V * > i : s S i F f E S t E B H . THK REV.'JOHN' M, DAOSALL'S CKLEBSA-

rro F.XTRACT PILt'-S, for Ner^i i s Weakness and Gen­eral Servoua Deb'lity, prepared by his dispenser, may uo»be obtained of PRODTY 4 RINDGE, Agents for Ogdensburgh.

E ^ >bserve a fac-aimile of the signature of JOHS M DAGNAtL, appears on the engraved Label and Wrapper of e^ah Bpx or the Pi'.ft. . [l.Gm6]

XW W O L F E ' S " ScniEPAM A R O M A T I C S C H X A P P S .

—This (?elebntted medicinal beverage is prescribed I y the Medical Faculty, in casesof dyspepsia, gravel, goo' , rheumatism, incipient dropsy, cholic, kidney and bladoVr complaints, and, also, In fever and ague; Put np in quart and" pint bottles,'with the proprietor's name oh the bottle.cork and label.! For eale by all the druggis's and country merchants. . ' >'

: TDOLPHO WOLFE, Sole Importer, IS. 20 4 8 2 Beaver Street, New York.

The word Schnappi belong' exclusively to my'-article, all o:her3 are counterfeits^ and Impositions on the public


* N E W S T O R E , s f i w GOQDS^—Y A S K E E NOTJONS-

» iarrsDA»cit.^. ALtENDORPH havfng removed'fron) • Seymour's Blocto to 28 Eoru.-Str«et, Mechanics' Row, has

Just opened as large a stock of Ya&kee Notions as.can be found North of the city of New-York,'and will be sold at New-York prices to Merchants, Peddlers and the puWir generally in large or small lots, a t the optien of the !pur-ohasers. Also, a large stock of BOOKS, ef the mos' standard class, and at prices'_tba£'can't fail to suit thr most fastidious. BLANK BOOKS, CAP XND ..LETTEH PAPER, MEMORANODM AND PASSBOOKS; in fact, all Irinds of STATIONERY can be found In the assort­ment, French and German TOYS of every descrfc t ioa; ACCORDEONS, Vlo luNS, LOOKING-SLAS?SJ

TRUNKS, VALISES, FLOOR OIL CtOTHS, t o . , which will be sold at wholesale or retail at lower prices than at any other establishment. Merchants and Peddlers wi l l find i t to their advantage to examine his stock. Bent In mlnil, No.2S Ford-StreetTMeflhapics" Row, Qguen* burgh. New-York. ' .* [49-tf)

O i i l V o F O B N O I i t l E V E S .

TYLERS Tosro EYE WATER, WA«-•„ ajtsren to onre all ease* Of sore! and taflsntad - eyes, when theuiscase la confined to the exter­

nal enat or the eye ball and Internal ooaiyif the eye lldj^ Price one dollar. Money riruadeu In cass] ft falls to cortr** after a fair trial. ._ • J.-

For sale by Druggists In TJgdensburgb,; Canton, .Pbts^ dam s o d Madrid, ' • • tW-l-y}


Will be exhibited s s above, at 11 and 7J P.M^, with .SINK of IHKLR 0WH CABS'. Conveyntir iheir People, Horses ami Properties.) *o ci^iislrucled as to be mken daily -

Ft "in tin Track to the TV»'-' s o MORS

SkeU-loii T e a m Horses! ttlCKKTY WAOOSs!

rarnished Truppingi! WORN OVT RING^UOasEs!

T1KED PERFORMERS As w;lh ih^Ol'd Fogy \S"a-51111 "ijii->\vs, fc-aveTiug,' all al^hl over rough rdad.*,.bul

Fast H e n ! F a s t W o m e n ! FAST CHILDREN! a n d

T ^ S T H O K S E S l'i» "keep, up with the uines, Willi 'f fKrru,-mers w e l t R c a t e 4 t «*»«•,' Horst* of Spint: and TRAPPINGS' LUSTROUS!

ALL THE WINNERS J f all the Prizes at the Great 'CIRCUS TOtJRSAlCENT ! At Washington, in which the IVnripal Performers w the' Country met in a

x GRAND TRIAL OF SKILL! A N n i NCLtmntG, or couasa, lite Best in the World! ,n every Department of the Circus Business, tre with the Ne\v(Show. Sec what a bo-witiie'rill'3 ^. *

j ARRAY OF GREAT SAMIS ! j JAME.-« R O B I N S 9 S , of, S i C-, who wi>ii the Prize a« the ' Bhl SingUBartbacli Rider.'

The LevaterLteTronpe! Mad. LEVATOR I ^ E . M'Ue A U S C S T A VBK, Mile UOSA LF.E,

' Motis. I .KVATER L E E . f Voimg JOHN LEE, Young S T E V E U S E ,

CF LoNnox A3tn PARI1;, Dcrided^lo be the 'Best Pa»?-lomimisfs, S'ostunrs,' A c . . PUSS HORNBR, o fKy- Oie BatTaJkiniCkncn.' The

American Brothers! HERCL'LES LIBBY, Ohio, H E N R Y OVTAft. Virginia, CHARl.ES NOYES,Texas, J. DAVENPoRT.Tenn. .

Pronounced * Best Gauroi . Gymnasts. ~* STEVE L E E , of Ixmdon. ihe 4B«1 Pantomimt CloymJ L E J E U N E BLTRTE, of Paris, urc 'Best Hur4U Racer*


Kendall's Brass Band-! Ot N e w England, wfcowon, the First Prize, as the 'Btit Bugler and Brass Bond,' and who will make a Graud

PTomenad* Knaicalt! Every morning, through the nrmcipal'streets, mounted ou £i'l/i"«» Btaurifui Hints Trained expressly for that raj-pose, • _j . JIM BURT, c|f Maryland, as

U A K D H A 1 I E ! ! ASHLEY,

NO, * EJUGLE BLOCK. OCDENSBURGII. N. Y,, » Importer and Dealer,

IN EVERY VAKiKTY of SHEIK AND HEAVY U A R D . # A R F , L-or Nails,' lilacs, Palme, Uil., .TEC X '„


MENEELYrS Church, Factory, and other BELLS, FAIRBANKS A CO.'S Platform, Cnunter, anil Hay

SCALESJ WILDER'S Fire Proof Salamander SAFES. Union Belting Company, >• American Puwder Company, Wlnsted Sbythe Company, F. i ' T . Rj Taylor's Fork Factory, 4 c , Ac.

Possessing every facility for tbe transaction of ti'c General Hardware Trade, the subscriber s<.|ictu the- pat­ronage of ^he public. CHARLES ASHLEY.

OgdensMorgb, June 19th, I8S6. . t ' i s : r t l _ .


ANDER SArES, are offered to the Public tif the best p^tect ion airain^t fire known. During an ex­perience of fifteen,,years, not a Book nor a Paper !i»r ever beenSost when locked in these Jaies . A full assort­ment always on hand, as Agent o- t-.r Manufacture i. Messrs SUearns k Marvin, who are the exclusive Manu facturersbfWUder'tand Rich's comhine.l Patents.

p s - t f ] r ' CHARLES ABHLEY.

MENEELY ot SONS, CHURCH. ACADEMY. Stkatnboat and Depot BELLS. For sale by tin-

undersigned as Agent for tbe Manufacturers. [28-tf] CHARLES ASHLEY._

~ ~ I C E C B E A i T I F H E E Z E R S .

A USTIVS JIAG1C CREAM FREEZERS. M\L£ A new and extraordinary improvement in freez tag Ice Cream and Water Ices. PRODLCl.NO THE RE­SULT PERFECTLY IN SIX MISL'TKS.




EFRIGERATORS. A REGULAR ASSORT l \ > MjENT of horizontal.and upright Refrigerators.

for sale by ^ lis a


telNERY B E L T I N G . L E A T H E R B E L ­LING, Rubber Belting, Belt Rivets, Lace Leather,


fi lTNS, P I S T O L S , A t .


Colt' iand Allen's Revolving PI8TOLB, Single and Double Barreled Pistols,

' Eley'l Wire Case Cartridges Eley' i Waterproof Central Fire Percussion Caps, Eley' i Chemically Prepared Felt Gun Wadding, Baldl rin's Elastic Indented &un Wadding, GUN LOOKS, Locks in parts. Wad Cutters. Molds

Wormers, Shot Pouches, Powder Flasks, and GDN TRISIi TNGS of every variety.

The HAZARD POWDER of every grade, including the ce lebn ted " 8ea8hooting" Powder.

CHARLES ASHLEY. Qgde psburgh, June 12th, 1865. [28- t f ]

I I A Y I - V G T O O L S .

I OJTPER FOR SALE TO CWNTRY MER-chi mts the largest assortment a-rScythev Snatha

Forks, l a y and Horse Rakes^c^ohe fdund in this seetion ofJ'theBtate mni have made suoh a^-angements with manuf lOturers to'enable me to supply the trade at New York t r Bostott wholesale prices, thereby saving the cost of h e l rht a ftie purehaser.



ALM OFTnoUSASDiFI.OWERS, SHAND'S Alabaster Tablets, Shand's Chalk Balls, Glena's

Kalyder, Ac. For sale by i GEPROE W. PHILBROOK.

D E A L E R S « :* r - H E D I C I M E

p A N HE srn'LiED WITH \ Di<covery, Aye .. .* Pills, R/'irers' TBT and Liverwort, Wislar's Balsam,Osy-iwnaieil Hitters. D.iwn'ii Elilitr, Perry Davis' Pain Killer, M.-illowny'sCel.-bratrtl Kemetlie^,and all the other Patent Medeciues, at the regular Whole-ale Price, at

UEOROE W. PHILBROOK'S, Corr.i-r Tu'd and I-ahellaStreets.

KENNEDY'S Cherry Pectoral "and Cathartic

F I . A V O R I J H E V T R A t ' T S . >OSE, VANILLA, ALMOND, LEMON, Ac. Y For sale by thciloien or single bottle, at


"I^ARINA. rVRE ARR'lW HOOT. CORN V Plarcli and Broma for InTalids'and Dietetic purposes.


T H O I S A N D S O F ( H 1 1 . D R E S D I E \ NxfALLY, THAT CilTLIf BE SAVED

- ; V by a timely use of PHILBROOK'S WORM SYRUP.

v { I M : H E A D O F H A I R O A N UK TRorUKEf) BY USING A FEW V • Bottle, ol t!,eTONIQl|E DE RESINE. It accelera-cs'its growth, ami g.ves it'll m.ky soft'eness, and is su­

perior m any urticle now Id u e. Call and purchase n hollle ut the I>iu< :md Sled-Cine Store of ^


I - 1 1 ' H O V F I l S E l O I . I T / . P O W D B 1 W ,


P y > 7 j . 0F.ORGE W. PHILBROOK.

\\l F K E S 3 1 f O ! \ ' « B « E S « ! t V A T E I l ,

YTHK DOZEN DR SINGLE BOTTLE. h .upp'v alwuys, on hand ut GEORGE W.

PHILBROOK'S Medicine ftliore.

J l T R A T ! , I»*w n A G l E s l A .

THIS DELIGHTKl'L SALINE APERIENT wijl We tmntl an excellent substitute lor Epsom

vtlis oroiher Puriralive- . itys a . pleasant as a glass Of Soda Water,or Lemonade, Sold by


F R E S H COE|> l . I V E I t O I E •


T O P H i ' S l C I A I V S .

PHYSICIANS CAN, BE,SUPPLIED WTTO their DTusv Med,'cin(;s and Chemicals, at a smalt

ulvance from New York price*, for ea-*h. Every article •warranted of the best qtntli'v and free from adultera­tion. , GEORGE W. PHILBROOK,

Corner Ford and Isabella Streets.

AIR WtUSIlKS. COMBS, TEETH AND Nail Brushes, Shaving, Hat, and Yulvet Brushes.

A large lot for sole by GEORGE W. pntLBROOK.

ir S E 4 f : * ] A F I G S .

X- "B-EK.V B L E A S A l S T . . ™ ^ - , ^ -r V ual remedy tor Constipation of the Bowels and



Will make Investments, locats, Laud Warrants, pay Taxes, t c , and attend to all other business conneotsd with a General Land Agency, In Northern Iowa, Minne­sota, Western and Nprthe.n Wisconsin.

a. o. LSSTSK. [*J-8ra J t>. r. J-STTIBOSS.

N O R T H E R N T H A N S P O R T A T I O N C « > M P A N T K .

1856. 1856.

H. S. HUMPHREY. II. S. H t s W O R E V ,






.' 0 O 8 * DYtsTUTIB. ALSO,


Consisting of CAMERAS, of all sixes, of the best manu­factures; PLATES, of all sixes, comprising H.B . Patent Improved Star, N. and W., and Scale Plate*; Daguerreo­type and Ambrotype Cases or every variety of style arid" nnlsh.Glas. Mats, Preservers, Hyposulphate 8oda,Iodlne, • nrotnme. Dry Quick, Collodion, G o t u Pereha Cavettos and Dippers, Sulphate of Iron, Salts or Gold, Chloride of Gold, Rouge, Plate Blocks, Head!Rests, to., to.

In furnishing PURE 8PERM WHAHL and LINSEED OIL, he has facilities which defy competition,

A LAROB STOCK 0 » D s n t a l anfl Surgica l In . trmmcnts ,

OS TBS VSJtT SSSI H1XS, Constantly on hand.








DRESSING CASES, to., to., to.

wo , - Solo Proprietor of tha Celebrated

B A L M I A K T H O B E A ,

Which, as a cure for Dlarrhetna, Dysentery and Cholera, stands unrivalled. Read the following certificates:"

Certificate from the late Member of Oongress from this D U t r i C t ' Ogdensburgh, N. Y., Oct. 26,1855. ' HJOTRT S. nuwrnasr, Esq..: Your medeclne for bowel complaints, called the Balm of Zanthorea, has been ex-tenslvelyused in this village and vicinity during thepast season. I have often beard tt spoken of as a most effective remedy for dlarThcaa,dysentery,and other bowel complaints, and I have had orcaslon to use It and found Immediate relief from It, and believe the medeclne gene­rally has a high reputation among those who have used it.





THIS LINE OFf ERS GREAT ADVANTAGES to passengers and Families moving West with their

household erfects, horses, wagons,- to., to., as tSey mr» taken through without transhipment, thereby avoiding cartage, wharfage, extra handling and breakage of their property, extra meals while on the route, and many other expensss to which they are liable; while the time by Propeller Is bat little longer than by the other routes, and the rates so much less as to defy competition.

' CRAWFORD * CO. Agents, N. R. Depot.

Ogdensburgh, May 1,1856. • [M-tf ]


"PROPRIETORS OF THE NORTHERN RAIL JL Road Line of Steam Propellers, between Ogdens­burgh, Cleveland, Detroit' and Chicago. Also, dealers in Flour and Grain, Rail Road Depot, Ogdensburgh, New York. '

|3BT* All orders tor purchase and shipment of Flour, Grain and other Western Produce, will be promptly at­tended to by

0HAMBERMN ft CRAWFORD, Cleveland, Ohio;

Or MATHER ft CO., [2-t-tf •) Chicago, lUlnols.

A. WATROUS. H a r d w a r e ( o r S p r i n g a n d S u m m e r

, T r a d e . A . V ^ A T B O U t ,



Hardware,Ootlery.and Fancy Goods, together with a full assortment of Americas Hardware, direct from tbe manufactures. Also, Sweedes,. English and American Bar Iron; Norway, American Horse nails rods ; Band Hoop; Horse 8hi.es oval and half -round. Iron; Englih, German and American Steel; Smith's Bellows; Anvils. Vices', Stocks; Dies, A c ; Saddlery and Coach Hard­ware; Hsy Forks; Hoeso ShoVela; Spade.; Scythe 8nath's, Rakes and Cradles; English proof Ceil Chain ; Klngland and Rogers Nails; American. Horse Shoe Nails; Brass Kettles; Cistern Pump ; Pump Chain.

Agent for Herrings* Bafea; Ransom k Go's Stove Works.

Lucases Induced by For sale by

a>*te of habitual costlveness.



on Ford-street, b y the St. Lawrene* Ho-' te l , - A l l calls promptly attended.

Otrtennhw-gh Oof. 9. ISBIJ. fctSrW

H T Rrx. JOHN M. DAGSAIA'S; Pitts.—IP. R Nmv-ocs SCMtkVsss.—Sold by PR0TJTT ft RINDOE, U ford street,0frIew8hargh,S.y, Sole Agents. [1»4IJ

Ds, D. P. WAID, sjBROEM! DEN s-ttot, No. TO Ford-StreeS, Ogdenibutrjt r ^ o n l y RestdMiiDontiitfiexefpt Dr,AT

W. Best) who mtnnf-»c,ures H»1T and 'vfttole 8WB Oi THSTK. . ' *• -1

la'-Abtwnes from town In WtttM wlH ht dar*ao«e»* lnth»8».tAWitt»os}B;»»tj»uoA*. _J_ ' '"

Os ensbar b DeCTmherlwth tSM. t**wI | 3 f TOOTH POWDER, WARMSTID -TO OWE

utttlkctton, kept constantly on hand at Ko. M.Ford Btr«et.byb».n,"r-itiant. ,. . : .-• ...

Ojlwn^teis^M WboIw»»Jw Prlc«»C3taTwnt.

KsBortsd sreekly fsnr ths St, LAWatraca Karcsuoaa, St KM.L0OO * BDMTWMi,

Waumt.,mud»r «•* Ckwtoat Ho«-»<Oa'd«'a««*v»*s». T. OwonsW

tXOTjI.*s«r«». WHsU*. f *««*»».. . 0Ot»J»6»s»liil....v'**" KYst Jr>ssJ>«l... v , « . . . . . .


F y l i r ' a P a t e n t Rui t t cr i V o r k i n g a n d -, L a b o r S a v i n g C h u r n . i •: -JEW AND VAL-UABLEIMPROVEMENT-

r \ lossesslng Importan^.advatitages over all others. Tne st bscrlbersolicits the particular attention of Farm--ers to thl> new Churn.

'] - CHARLES ASHLEY. r :- ' S C Y T H E ' S , 1 8 5 6 .

"I:AVE MADE ARRANGEMENTS WITn M sssra. W. Thayer ft Co. for the sale of their cele­

b r a t e I BLACK SNAKE SCYTHES. These Scythes arc ^made after the most approved patterns and of the verj best i{i»teri»ls,-a pftSjiUar process in tempering_producei-

lsafpassed by any Scythe ever known CHARLES ASJILEY.

P E A C E I P E J | C E I I P E A C E I I

a catting edge unsa

the 'Beit Tridf Cloum.' R. W H I T E , of Now York, •VJ the < Bisk Hone TVsimrr ami Mottrs cntiCtretw.' JQE HAZLITT, of Hues.. as the ' i'cil Araa-JIfOHaw,1

with possibly one rival, and

Aristookfc Big Thunder OfN.Y.,ulhs'i«it IW* Hotui.

' .Bcsiileslhesibo-r«\Tir>»*rs rf Blithe l ;:•"•"-

Irjw-feilbwiiir l-etrorawrsmrsssi MUE A H i t '• •' 'U-' • « '''


• Musss, ;'"]-'" J. GAYLOR, ;*., * , F. THOMAB, •

F.J»MB!iV^ , MANAs.:iiUll


Or TimOKvisTk*, - ; ,„) XDWARUKENIXAUI;

brTsttRiK*, >'&'\h

>I1«1MSSWI lilTMThisi'si >'

- . ! i - _ , - .—-; "j.-sr-: i , . W ; w n a s r '



TWENTY A0RBS OF. LAND. SITUATED^ ion. the Plank Ko.d leading ttvDekalb, half a mlle«

beyond the village of Helilvelton. t f h e r o Is on the pre j rni.iei a good Frame House, Barn, Carriage Hon;. , wash llonso. Cistern, Wood House, and other out-bulldlnu., and two good wells of water. A good amount of fruii arid a young orchard of grafted, fruit. There Is also a gopdfgarden. Halt It under good cultivation, the real-rfn.4,atture. ^

""Jdrpartloulan, apply-to CBAB, A. DAVISS, 0g-densourgh, or. to the subscriber, •

T "J- H. DAVlES. HluTeltoo, July 7,1856. isa-tf]


„T4»bBihtd twenty.iwo yearsngo bjrDr.KINKELIN, oo(s)sr of Third and Utilou Btrtsta, Pliil»ilel|ilil», penn-

cWr-WCT- wq/tisARB s r l s n e e h u rshdered Dr. K. a most incceisfut prs«J j u s r i n ths cure ot all diseases of a private nature; ihood's dsWUty,as an Impeillmsnt tt.marriage', her-' C » n d M X M I tnMrnHItti dl««,»e« of tlie ik ln .aml

1 arising from abuse of mercury. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE.

• r s It AD, sTllHsbUsomelitnes Indulged In by boyf. HMUti idt , ofttn troWiig .up with tlitm to tbanhcud * a n f w h l o h . l t hotrefcrai . iUn.due time, notoii ly b«t(ft» •eljlottsob.taelas to . »airlmonl»l_bsppln*'«s," but ;Rlve»

to ,* estlss of prottikCtsd, Insidious, and devastating ' ' ' ( M t l c ' '• . . , - " '

of t h ^ Who l^»»wly toil's'^

L a t c T f r o m . E u r o p e . P e a c e C o n c l u d e d .

TILE C0NCLCSI0N~0F PEACE BETWEEN the European Powers has not produced a greater

lecltne in Bread-Stuffs, JhanV New Arrival of SPRING AMD SUMMER GOODS

Has In the price of Ready Mado Clothing at the


j . W H O N , nas Just com; let»-d repairing his Store, and has fur­nished the same with an! entire new Stock of



Walk In, and see if his Shelves are not crowded—his Drawer* all full,- and bis Counters weighed down with he richest and most varied assortment ever before of-ered In this " Burjjh,'* |

Confluent that he Is prepared to suit the most fastl-UOUB, J. AAR03 extends an invitation to all who wish to purchase a good article at a low,, living price, to favor Tim with a call at No. *) Ford-Stteet, for It Is the place vherc they will find Ready MadeiClothing to suit bod> •ind mind. Just glvehjmaoall , sjpd without a moment's ielay he will give ypu a fit, cheap for Ready Pay. His • tock comprises every article Irftjie Ready Made Cloth­ing line, to suit purchasers, from the Laboring man to ibe Judge on the'Benahj. ' J. AnJios return* his sincere thanks to his old custo­

mers for past favors, ajnd kfndly solicits a continuance »f the same.^ XST Cohtinual additions wtll be made to the stock as. the season advances. 'Oon't mlstake.the place—King and Avefell's Granite Block, 49 Fnrd-Pt.', Ogdensbnrgb, N. Y. j [19-tf,]


l\r " - " J. AARON'S.


,rt8bn;»ffl*i |«*sf^ .,JI,*rD?.K.V!^fe!.nflr»fir.l!r«sM«tlon.'» '

. ess, uiitll theyllnd.thclr ner-iVelrahgs and uns*ccount»ble

.J»^ iWUss^ j | )M|JMKsi^^ s,wak*B thrtttstiW»'?f WwhoV^itallarry slUaUd,

Respectfully yours, BISHOP PERKINS.

Tbe ZANTHOtEA is a medicine valuable in numerous varieties of bowel affections, as I am well convinced from having prescribed It ; and in those obstinate cases. 0('a chronic form, 1 know of no ono thing In w'hlch 1 would place more confidence. 1 8. N, SHERMAN, M. D.

Ogdensburgh, July 13,1S55.

C^-MEATD THIS. GsoaoxTOWH, California, Jan. 14, IS56.

Mr. H. 8. HoMPnaav—Dear 8lr : It is but justice to you that I sta'e a few facts relative to your invaluable BALM OF ZANTHOREA. On'leaving Ogdensburgh I provided myself wilh one small bottle, which, trifling as it was, saved several individuals from death by cholera:

The cholera broke out on board the steamer " Uncle Sam," after leaving San Juan del Sud.ln Its most m . t e ­nant form, and out of 558passen'gers,216died of cholera. The disease was attended with its usual symptoms, diar­rhoea, Ac. The physicians on board seemed to have no power to cheek the dUeas . I first tried the Zanthore* upon J. L. Ro««. of Macon, Georgia—whom the doctor had prescribed for with no beneficial result— and judee ..f my astonishment, when, in an hour or two, the dlar-rheca was stopped, and the patient fast recovering.

1 continued Its use; and with the small quantity I had with me, saved the lives of six individuals, and had I been provided with a sufficient quantity, I have no doubt or hesltajion in saying I could have saved the lives of a, hundred persons.

I most cordially recommend its general use; for with t he Babn of Zan thorea, cholera and aiarrhoca are robbed of all their terrors.

Yours truly, H. M. FAY.

P. S.—The Nicaramia steamer Uncle gam left San •Juan del Bud early in September. 1S5.V

V A E l ABJLE S P R I N G M E D I C I N E ! R E X F O R D ' S

C o m p o u n d C U a i n o i u i l c ; C o r d i a l .

THE PECULIAR MEDICAL PROPERTIES of thU preparation demand the attention of all


.; GENERAL DEBILITY, 4c. i As a tonic and restorative. It stands unrivalled—In­

vigorating and renewing the prostrate state of the con­stitution—imparting an energy to the stomach, which fortifies the system against the change of.season-and idlmate, and should" be In tbe possession of all who travel.

This Cordial Is most admirably adapted for the ladies ; and Is stronffly and particularly recommended in all those complaints and exigencies peculiar to the female se*r.

It has also been f-mnd a sure preventive of AGUE. I'teiiari.u and sold, wholesale and retail, by

II S. HUMPHREY, Chemist 4 Druggist, No. 2, Eagle Block Ogdensburgh,

New York. • '. _ \


E X C H A N G E .

BRONNERS &' KRAFT, HAVE JUST RE-turned from New Yoik and Boston, With an i m \

mense stock of Dry Goods, Yankee Notions, Jewelry^ Paper Hangings, Oarpetinit. Looklng-Glasses, Cornices,* Window Shades, Floor and Table Oilcloths.. 4 c , kc.

Owing to the number of Stores we have got, and the i—— —«wot.<if business w n . a r . dQinv..w. ar»j.W. to sell goods, and we wriraen them, aTOpef cent, advance from New York and Boston Jobbing prices.

The following comprises a part of our stock r' DRESS GOODS.

Prerjch Brilliantes, Mouslin de Lalnes, Ohallles. Ging­hams of all grades and colors. French and English-Cambrics, Muslins, an endless variety of figured and plain Lawns, a beautiful lot of India summer Silks, and other new styles of Dress Silks, black Silk, De Rhine, Bishop's,^ Loddies, and other renowned -mauufactures, at all prices and qualities. A choice seleotlon of Cali­coes, from iSi to 12X cents per yard, and all the novel­ties of (he season, which Is worn for. Ladles' Dresses.

SHAWLS. 1 A large assortment of itroche long and square 8hawls,

the newest style of f tratella. Cashmere, plain and em­broidered Crape, Black 8tlk, and all other styles adap­ted to the season.

Together with a splendid line of plain and embroidered Blaok Silk and oolorrd Bilk.Mantillas.

A full assortment of Embroideries, commencing with beautiful Collars, from o cents to $4 a piece. Under Sleeves, rnd Under „Handkerohl«fa, Cotton and Linen Edgiwrs, Embroidered Muslin, for Curtains, a good ar-tfclb for one shilling a yard. All Linen Handkerchiefs for 6 ^ cents a plece,-and every thing else in proportion.

MILLINERY GOODS. Silk and Straw Bonnets, of the newest fashion and all

prices; Children's Hats, all styles; Ribbons, Flowers, Silks, Blonds, Kashas, Borders, Crown Linings, to., Ac

PARASOLS. Molrantlque, with and without Fringe, Brocaded and

Plain Silk, from SO cts. to t* a piece, a large lot of them. GLOVES AND HOSIERY.

In endless variety. Tweeds, Summer Oleths, of all des­criptions. Broadcloths, Casslmeres and Satinetts, black and oolored.

D0MESTI0 GOODS. Bleached and Brown Cotton, s t a l l widths and prices,

4-4 at 5 cents per yard. Linens of all kinds. OARPETINGS.

Three Ply, Ingrain and Tapestry, and al l other styles, together with a large lot of Floor Oil Cloths of all widths, cheaper than the cheapest.

New and beautiful designs of Paper Hangings, Bor­dering and Window Shades, at all prices.

A large assortment of Looking Glasses, beautifully glided Cornices, and other styles or Window Trim­mings, Ac., 4o.

It would be useless to endeavor to give a full descrip­tion of all the goods we have received, and continue to receive, through all the season. The goods most be wen In order to form a correct Idea of their beauty, quality, and extremely low prices.

Country Merchants, Peddlers and Milliners, supplied at New Yortfattd Boston jobblnr prices.

%ig- Don't forget the place. No. 8 Eagle Block, Ford street. ' BRONNERS ft KRAFT..

N. B.—B.ft K..will open acho loe lo to f the best FA­MILY GROCERIES, in their basement, as soon a s navi­gation opens, at prices which will insure customers. -

AvWATR0US, Successor to

A. WATROUS * CO., Importer a n d Denier In every dencrip-

t ion of Slielf a n d H e a v y H a r d w a r e , ALSO,

Agent for 8. 0 . Herring's Safes, ItAnsom ft Co.*a Par-Famed. Albany Stoves, New-London Svthe Works. -

ifljj-jMY GOODS WILL ALL BE l M | H p u r c h a « e d excln«fTely for Cash, thereby IsBlfMgtviog me an. advantage of at least 12; * C * ? p e r cent, over time purchasers. This, to­

gether with the extensive acquaintance of the late firm, will give me great facilities for the transaction of the Hardware Busfneu.

Ogdensburgh, June 19th, 1855. C ^ ^ l P I , O l < ; i I N , P L O I G H 8 1

T U S t FPUR LEFT; EAGLE AND OTHERS, f J which, as I am going out of the Plough trade, 1 wilt sell at 10 per cent below cost.

A. WATROrTS. Ogdensburgh, April T, 18ofl. < ^ ^ [19-tf]



• • • • • K B * B E S T C H A J f C E s M * .

A siANWBHmQTOiMAKEMON-«a IV can do so by eaUlnf on U»Mi>Nrll>sr,u^p* fie wWttai to eopvsrt theVFAN HtUVIL""

MANSION HOUSE, talk* village of Hs»Ts4too,-totoa Tavern Stand or Rsfrsehmenlf House, tog«Uwc wisblcn Acres of CULTIVATED LAND attsioa-'W Uw ttau. Situation of the property can't t e best, for further In. formation apply to J. N. OiVfgLL.

Ogdensburgh. October OTd, 1966. [«t-tf]


* » « . BURGH. Apply to D. " '-' OgdensBnrgh, Hay IBth, 1868.


IM1 T A V E B H H O U S E F O R S A E E .

THE TAVERN HOUSE AND PREM-l ies , .situate on t h . Canton road, near

' Ogdensaurgh. f.rmerly occupied by NOR­MAN HALL, known as the. •• Oanton^trest House,

^or particulars, Inquire of . MLLTON j:iNGE.RS0LL, of Uocheiter,

or, B. H, VARY, Ogdensburgh. [ i - t f ]



White Fall-Wheat, delivered sft the "Conical Mills," Ogdeniburgh. ' X. N.- JA1ECHILD.

March 17.185«. [16tf

N O T I C E .


'BROWN ft SPENCER, Attorneys, * o . , , . Nov. 27,1856. CB*-^1 Ogdensburgh, N. T.

W^ L U M B E R AND SHINGLES. ANTED—LUMBER AND SHINGLES.— The subscriber wiU purchase from One' to Ten

Millions of feet of PINK or SPRUCE LUMBER, and a quantity of SAWED PINE SHINGLES, U be delivered at this place or on the shore of the St. Lawrence river, in the months of April, May and^fcne next. To be de­livered at a good and convenient point for the loading of large vessels. JAJ1E8 E. LYON.

Ogdensburgh. March 18,1866. , P6tf] -.



at the old stand in Ogeensburgh.*:


Ogdensbargh, Jan.», IBM. [T-lfl C A S H W A N T E D .

1 fiftfi T 0 r ' 6 0 0 DOLLARS, ON. BOND JLsivfV/Vr and Mortgageouafirst-Tatetmproved Dai­ry Farm, In thisconhty. . Apply to

March IS, I860. [ lf itf] ROBERT W. BUSH.

G. F.;ffiTO3>

0 . " W. Q I B B 6, Would i n s i U your attention to his stock ot N 1 W DRY,

GOODS, comprising a full assortment ef









POPLINS, . ftO.,


Groops J m / .OJWTON.


O P H A K C V A L ,



G e n o r a l C o m m i s s i o n M e r c h a n t , In Luinber, Produce, Provisions, Flour, Grain, Qrat* -

, Seeds, and Pot and Pearl Ashes, No. 89 STATK-STBJPCT, BOSTON, MASSACBOHtrra.

REncRiurCES:—Hon. A. 0. Brown, .Ogdenshnrgh i Win 0. Brown, Esq., do. ; Messrs. Moses Pond A Co., Boston R. Warner irCo., do. ; Charles Leighton, Esq., Surveyor-Oenert.! of Lnmher, do. ; J. B. Witherbee, Esq., Cashiei of North BanK do. W-tf

No. •J K E L L Y & S P R I N G ,

1 ^0S0 VTHARr* BOSTOS, MArtOACHUSMTS, Oontinue to give their exclusivje attention to the

P r o d a c e C o m m i s s i o n B u s l n r & s . And par t i e s consigning property to that market , for

sale through them, •will have prompt attention, anJ libe­ral advances when required. Thtflr long experience in the businem and central location, being in-close proxim­ity to the famous "FAaicoiL. MARK-ET," ensnres to thetn the ftill strength of the Trade, particularly hi

BUTTER, CHEESE. POTASH AND^PEARLASH, the four great staples of St. Lawrence County, For t> e convenience of their patrons, they Issue a Weekly Cii-cttlar, or Price Current, of the Produce Market, ev^ry Saturday, which will be sent by mail, free of expense, tv those who dejire to receive them; the same giving a prudent and eareta! report of the market value of ait staple articles o f Prpduoe. Correspondents-should l>e particular in making an introduction by letter, to give their address, place of residence and county plainly, to avoid inconvenience or error. We are permitted to

EKFIRTO—Messrs. J. M. Beebe, Morgan & Co.,-T \\ Blodgett A Co., Boston ; E. B. Allen &Sons, Jas. Ave- ell, Ksq., Ogdensburgh ; 0 . V. Brainard, Cashier, Watertown, I*. Y-; Nevins 4 Co., New-York; a. Jones, Esq., Mon­treal; Z. Chandler, Esq., Detroit; King, Corwm & Co., Cincinnati; Francis Clark, Esq., Chicago.

Boston* May, 1553. H. S. HUMPHREY, Agent, .t4-t.ni Oirdensbnru-h

B E I T I O V A L - I T I E A T M A H K E T .

TO-DAt, JULY 24TII. the subscriber REMOVES his Meat Market to hti New Build

ON ISABEbLA-STREET.1 ing 29L next door to J. N. Osweirs, where the people of Ogdens­burgh and vicinity will find a good Market and con­stantly supplied with FRESH AND SALT MEATS, VEG-ETABLESi Ao. Thankful-'for past favors, he hopes still to deserve patronage and support.

ROBERT BAKER. 05*~ Cash paidf or all kinds of good stock and Veget­

ables. Ogdensburgh, July 24th, 185S. [M-tf]


Ma?' 4 s » p


P R O l i T V & K I S D f i K

iPAVE OS HAND WHITE and Bennett Glue, Irish Glue, Up-tot's Thin Glue, Band Pauer, Rose, Pink, American. Vermillion', Chinese

Vermillion, Celestial Blue, Prussian Blue, dry and ground In oil. Chrome Green, Chrome Yellow, Marine Green, at wholesale and retail, and at prici-s that defy competition. Call and see.

PROUTY ft RINDGE, Ford-Street.Ogde'nsborgh, New- York.

November 24, V8«>._ ' [1-tf \ _

O I L S ! O I L S ! !

,10 BARRELS B. WHALE OIL, 5 I Barrels Solar Oil, *S Barreta Machinery Oil, • lust received and for. sal . by *

. " PROUTY ft RINDGE. Ogdensburgh, Nov. 24, 1S5S. [1-tf]

W B I G l l l T ' S E X T B A C f O R P I N G t I I S .

W' ARRANTED TO'REMOVE GREASE AND Oi'l Spots from every species of fabrics without

injury. PROUTY ft RINDGE, General Agents,

[1-tf] Ogdensburgh, N. Y.

B R U S H E S ,

PAINT BRUSHES, VARNISH BRUSHEH. Whitewash Brushes, Wall and Paste Brushes, Art­

ists' Brushes, and Tube Paints, kept constantly on hal'.rt and for sale by PROUTY A" RINDGE,-Druggists.

Ogdensburgh, Nov. 24, 1855. [1-tf]

T O Airns .Tr, . fl^»ARTISTS' BRUSHES, ARTISTS'TUBE R B S M S Paints. Poppy and Nut Oil, Canvas, &c.,'a lar?-: ™ ' * ' and full assortment constantly on hand and .for sa le .by PROUTY ft RINDGE,

Druggists and Apothecaries. Ogdensburgh, Nov. 24,1655. [1-tf]



And k toll Assortment of Small Wares, Llatna, Diapers.







F . D R N I S H I N G

G 0 +0 D S,

TALLOR8'TRIMMINGS, * C , 4 C , whioh he offers at




A T T H E L O W E S T C A S H P R I C E S .

Mechanics1 Row,



• 2 4 . ' Ogdensburgh, April 8,1SS6.

. GooDiJo,. CA^IVSEL; * cq;, NO. «" 0N1ON BLOCK, OASTON, S . Tt.,

EMBRACE THIS OCCASION TO DEFORM their friendsMd«c«uaJnt»ncestJnitthej havej.er-

tuanehtty located.to CantoV, whers ftiw^je constantly ctferlng for sale "a gensafal assortment or O r y Croo&tv © r o c e r l s S ^ C r s s c k e r y , Sec.

In this large estabUshznentyclw:.»lw»yi be tonnd all • the newest and most approvetfstyleswhich c«o °e found . Li market, consisting of M,

Mouslin.deJ^ne/Rgi»edandPUtoBer»«ts,Tissues, , 1-opUns, Chambras^ind choloe MOURNING GOODS.

Dress and Mantilla SILKS, aM'k large assortment of MANTILLAS and SHAWLS. !

BONNETS and BONNET .TRIMMINGS, Artificial , Tlowers, Lisses, and Velvets of all descriptions. I . DRESS TRIMMINGS; Lace,"MusUn, and Oambrlo < t'ndersleeves; Wrought Collars and Chemisettes;-SUk, ; Usle Thread, and Cotton HOSE, with a Urge assortment

of GLOVES. - ' • ' , _ _ « ' i Hats, Oaris, OraraU, Shlrjs, and CoUars.1 SUMMXR i GOODS, for Men and Boy's CLOTHING.

Bleached and Brown Shirting and Sheeting, Ticks, and Dental. * • . .

Broadcloths, Doe-Skins, Casslmeres, Tweeds, *c. OARPETINGS of all descriptions. Crockery *nd Stone-Ware, Groceries, Oils, Paints, and

Dye-Studs, Pails, Brooms, Ac, ftc. In short, a greater collection of Goods Is..offered for

tale, than is geneially found at a Retail Store. They would call the attention of the public to theabave facts, und would take, great pleasure In showing their large j. took of Goods, knowing that they will compare favora­bly in quality and prices with any assortment now in St. Lawrence Oountjr.. •

,*« Rernember—At GOOBN0, 0ADWKLL ft OO.'S, N'O. 4 UNION BLOCK, CANTON, N. Y.

June 26, 1854. •- • 80-tf r~"' N E W A l i H l V A L ,


£\; and Watered DRESS SLLKB, at . ' . 84-tf ' eOODNO, CADWEU. ft OO.'B.

BLACK SILK SHAWLS, SILK FRINGES, and nice Dress Trimmings, can now be seen at

82-tf GjfJODNO, 0ADWELL ft CO.'S.


MILLINERY GOODS, A NEW LOT, *at low prices, at the Store of . GOODNO, OADWELL ft CO.

Canton, New-York. <- 82-tf

A" CHOICE STYLE OF LONG AND SHORT Sewing Silk Mitts. . Also, Kid, and Silk Gloves, a t


1 f i C\t\(\ POINDS BROWN SUGARS. L v » U v \ J Also, Crushed, and Coffee Sugars, for

nale low by [82-tfY - GOODNO. OADWELLJt CO.


|MASH PAID FOR FLEECE WOOL, AND V ^ Cloths exchanged for Wool, by

82-tf , GOODNO, OADWELL ft CO. '

A NEW ARRIVAL «0F PRINTS, FAST Colors, at six, and seven-and a-half cents per yard,

[82-tf] GOODNO, CADWELL * CO.'S.


. y- •A,J«i»;ftj>».AMT(|sa|A'TPN,, ,,

- ^V-l\KtVS(i W A P R R ' A K D MOWlrf.


l(theftrit)bulH n i....,..,„ .' 18l».

jfi^s&iB'sy w«v >*v ••• W ' ' • w ,sS"-t«O0w«l ldls t i t lb»tss l , - : i T.; . . ,L . . .^ . . . . . igEs. 8000 bttlldlng for Harvest of. L i i 18M.

G M A T M T IiftlM R SAVE* I GREAMST QsUlM , i f- *» •. A%:f»a';AVii:*i.'.. . •-, - .

Strong,Rullable.EitllyMsn^ged! . ^ j . Or"'I»rmiijf» wh Mng p w»rch»i»vna apply to JOHN'.

jours. oa*At'iiP'»Mo«;Q/-^.,iiy*r»iSniiJ"

S O M E T H I M G N E W !


HAVE JUST RECEIVED IN THEIR BASK-MENT, a large and welt selected stock V the best.

F A M I L Y S R O C E B I E K , Which they will sell chstner than ths cheapest. {SsT* Don't forget the pHee—No.8, Eagle Block. ford-St.

Oldensbiirgh, Jnnet, lsaf... jUStf.)

R. W. BXJSH. ' . .CANTON lFAXit.j|-'Mals'l*.

THK SUBSCRIBEp HAV1N0 A FIRST class Grlsl UII|,»u(liarit.r»t«MII)ir,»rt prsparsd

to do as good work. Inthlslm, M t ny nthtr Willi -They Uks this msthodHo Inhrm tfislr (rl*nd*.sv»d .atli-

srs tathf vWnUy of 0(rdtn.burgh, who wish tarp»tron-i»the»,th»*th» win do thslr grinding with prompt ntnand dlipstch, and will give them good satlsfMUori,, and will do MtreliantV work alio, ^-x. .

. m»wlUtmlvrj««.mfs\«s%««tBrtefiaV'Wn(t In Ogdsnsbargb, and d.Ursr thstr grist at th»sasasplats far ths usual toil. .-. - • •"•" , - , „ - » flour, Shorn, and Bran wnitaniw en hand; for Kn

talprl«ii4»l!wrw4«»;«»li|,itort;";.., " : KtatwiMf Hwi; Soy, t w ^ ' ^ y ^ y ^ q ! * ' .

_ _ _ . •.•a J H - ^ - T '

V--H; . ; REMOVAL- , i / •«••••• ' , « • •Ttf«r~':WSkt:alt\Wt> W«M, 'ttMMMK'


G R O C E R I E S .



A V E N O W O N H A N D A L A R G E A N D well-selected stock ol CHOICE GROCKRIES, wliVb

they will sell at. prices corresponding with tl e times, and warranted to prove satisfactory. They are constantly .receiving from market fre-h additions to their stock, Which are purchased a't a bargain, and will be sold at a very small advance for Cash.

We have now i» .tore, and offer to the trade orisorth-».n^A7»w-VnrU antt P.Kn.ll^ In quant i t ies to SUU pur-chasers, the following articles: ^ SUGARS.—Porto-Rico, N.-Orleans, Muscovado, Crushed,

Powdered, Coffee Crushed, in hogsheads and barrels. SYRUPS.VStewart'8 Sugar'-Uonse, New-York. Golden,

in hogsheads and barrels. Also, New-Orleans MO­LASSES. \

TEAS.—Old Hyson, Hyson Skin,Young Hyson,Twankay, Imperial, Oolong, Souchong.

C0FFEE.—WhitsJava, Old Government, Rlo, Lagulra, and a superior article of Ground.

TOBACCOS.—DabnVy Harris', Haxall's, Keen's, Stew­art's, Aromatic, Chewing and Smoking.

80APS.—Fancy, Banker Hill, E. J. ft Co.'s Stowe's Chem­ical Evasive, Williams. 4 Thompson's Compound.

CANFDLES.-;-Spenn, Adatnantine, and Mold. OIL Fall and Winter Bleached Whale, Sperm, Patent,

and Olive. \ FISH.—8almon, Cod, Pollock\Herring, Mackerel, White-

fish, Trout. FRUIT.—Raisins,Prunes, DrleaPlnms,Dried Apples. M1SCELLANR.OUS.—Brooms, P4|is, Tubs, Starch, Rice,

Pearl Barley. Sago, Farina, Saleratus, Soda, Oream Tartar, Yeast Powder, Mustard, Pipes, Pickles, Catsup, Peppersauce, Spices, Ao , «;0.

CORN MEAL AND SHORTS constantly on hand, and In fact almost every -thing In the Produce, Provision, and Grocery line, for sale at the lowesKflgure possible. The Trade are respectfully Invited to give us a call be­

fore, purchasing elsewhere, and allow us to*satisfy them of the abo.ve facts. l^P*" Remember tbe Place 1

FLAGG ft WHEELER'S, No. 4 Allen's Brick Block, Water-Street.

Ogdensburgh, June 12th, ISoo. [$M]


- W H A L E B O N E S K I R T S . \

THE. ONLY OBJECT OF A WHALEBOl Skirt is to give a nrop«r, graceful and elegant fc

to a lady's dress. Unless this Is accomplished, the arti-\ cle is entirely worthless. The Ladles, hy referring to Frank Leslie's Gazette of Fashions for April, will notice that E. ft 3. HOLMES have from actual experience been successful in producing this most desirable article, and that their*improved 8KA.MI.E8S 8EIRT meets the unanimous approbation of the ladies. They are light, pliable, and easily adjusted, and the only Skirt which Is equally adapted to tbe parlor, the street and the-crowd; are made in one piece or breadth, and in our opinion and in the Opinion of thousands of ladleswho have bought them the most reliable goods of the kind fh the market. We were the first to Introduce a whalebone Skirt, and from our<eaperlence In -the manufacture ahd retail of these goods, we have found that all kinds of cotton cord, and nearly alt kinds of cord, and all starched goods, cannot bo used satinfaotnrily, as they w'U not recover their place when pressed out of shape, We consider all

WHALEBONE SKIRTS As worthless, of whatever material made; unless there It something of sufno'ent stiffness and elasticity, and nt the same time yielding and pliable, to keep the drees in proper shape bslow the bones. To accomplish this tve have our cord made under onr own direction, and ex * pretsly for our goods, and fiom the only material that can he used that will recover Its propst place when pressed out of shape, and are so twisted in manufactur­ing that they wM not roll or curl when wet, and war­ranted to wash without injury. The publlo are caution­ed against Ml worthless goods, as the market, since our goods Have become popular and extensively known', has been flooded with goods of all kinds, and put together withoutforra or comeliness or any other objeot but to sell and of course are called Whalebone Skirts. Soma imi­tators, In their efforts to profit by our reputation. Have gone so far as to copy almost exactly our trade park upon their goods;

PMMSK Nptiog.—ET.ry genuine artWe.stamped, E. •& 1. 1MLME8'-IHPK0VKD 8KAMMCSB WHALEBONE SKIRT, and "may IM found tn.the trade in many of the. •largest Jobbing H-hsses In New York and Botton.'and » t retail In principal Dry Goods stares.

« » . « J . HOLMES, Boston. J u n s o . l S M . {• • ' [st-owl

, OWIRK stTON«»V ,

S««3Bt«ar«<*4»lr ,h«*g«»»4i,v,nsw»*»d«»«d Mtlbsf b . l i M t a p ^ ^ ^ s ^ v ' h , UlUiMtlon of <ttt»;

*h« «ttalltrof A h ItoM IK tot* KSuiWWsJMK

s^»s^4o>UMl>Ar«i^a|fM»^^t4antlS pro4»olng-


>' ii.ti *'W«l.o.»,: <nmn£nt • « o^** -" • I \ A ZttaoiSt* . RIlNOiT, H03|!ffi0PATm0


JlOMOOrAtlUO; a ^ d ^ l l S T B M O : ; 0 0 0 0 A , : 0OC0A*

Thtss mtnufsctuVei, *o which fir »* prsraturai h m b«en, awarded by the ehlef Intlitutss and Tain of the Unlou, artansxotllbtit diet for chlldr«n, Invalids and, psrsons

phlA i»r.

,V* sauswaii-.ss^riis.win^- v".,nw-,w,.*ww**, H r s n ^ t -

MMig?ja •«?x;^&*.^}?tM*mmxmr \ ffisa


FLORENCE WHITE AND FLORENCE Varnish, White French 7Anc ground In oil, Par;?

Green, Paris White, Whiting, Putty, ftc. Call and su­ns before pursbasing elsewhere, as our s t o c k i s lary.-and must be sold. GROUTY ft RINDGE, Druggists.

Ogdensburgh, Nov. 84,1S&5. ' [ l - t f ]

W H I T E L E A D . '

TUNS BROOKLYN WHITE LEAD, 2 Tuns Philadelphia Pure While Lead, 2 Tuns Pure

French Zinc in Oil, by -. PROUTY ft RINDGE, Druggists and Apothecaries,Ford-Street.'-

Ogdensburgh, Nov. 24,1855. [1-tf]


TEN BARRELS BURNING FLUID, JUST received, fresh and good, at

PROUTY ft RINDGE'S, Ogdensburgh. Nov. 24,1855. [1-tf]

N O ; I- F U R N I T U R E V A R N I S H .


Druggists and Apothecaries. Ogdensbnrgb, Nov. 24.1855. [1-tf]

C A I M » H E N E .


Ogdensburgh,Nov. 24,1655. [1-tf]


m' p H E WELL-KNOWN " B E D - « » JL MILL FARM," situate on the St. L a w - w i s

rence River, seven miles below Ogdensburgh —«*=*. containing about *!>0 acres, about 250 acres improved.-Ttie land Is of a superior quality, well adapted for a Dai­ry Farm, or for the cultivation of Grain.

2d. The " Galloup Island Farm," containing 500 aorce, situate in the St Lawrence Rl»er, directly opposite ti­the •' Red-Mill Farm"—well calculated.fo.r grazing cat tie and sheep, or the cultivation of wheat, oats and corn. The land under cultivation; about 20O acres, is of the Orst quality..

8rd. The 8tone Grist Mill, recently repaired, situati­on the St. Lawrence River, seven miles below 0gden<-. burgh— together with the Village Lots atGalloupville.

4th. Tbe valuable Wjiter-Power Property in the Villagi of Ogdensburgh, known as the Stone Woollen Factory-well adapted for a Flouring Mill or other Manufacturicc purposes—1st class Water. - * t

5tli. The valuable Water-Power Property in the vil Jaire of Canton, known as tha "Old Grist-Mill" property

Oth. The Tavern property well known as the " Fore*-' House," situate On the Ogdensburgh and Hermon Plan'-. Road, about sixteen miles from Ogdensburgh, and nen: the line of tbe Potsdam and Watertown Rail Road, and seven miles from Canton Village, on the Canton, DeKai'--and Gouverneur Plank Road.

For particulars, enquire at the Office br the subscrabi- -

a-Ogdensburgh. H . VAN RENSSELAER.

W A T E R P O W E R A N D M I L L P R C -P E B T V F O R S A L E ,

f&. A T RENSSELAER FALLS—THEfflB jjl J \ . undersigned offers for sale, from o n e ^ F •» to forty runs of water, of sufficient capacity

to drive any machinery. Also a GRIST MILL, HAW M|I.L,and SHINGLE MACHINE.

The above property is situated twelTe mile?,from Ot-denshurgh, and in a healthy, productive and flourishii.fr country. The pronosed branch of Railroad from Ogdens­burgh to'the Forest House, will pass directly through tl.c place. . A rare chance for good bargains is offered. Fur. ther information csn be obtained, by enquiring ofB. 11

. ViRv, Esq., Oedensburgb. 0 . VAN WATERS. May 27j 1SS0. [ ? £ " 1 _

~ G O L I s R L ' S T I K H E l ' V E L T O N .

TO ALL PERSONS WHO INTEND TO erect newTmildtngs, the subscriber offers for sale.in

his Quarry, Stone suitable for foundations to cellar walls, ftc, A c , and as cheap or a little lower than cun be got elsewhere. Apply to

B J . N. OSWELL. Ogdensburgh, February 18.1S56. jl2-tf]

F O R S A L E .

THE SUBSCRIBER WISHES TO SELL FOR Cash, or exchang'e for>other property, a first rat

D A G . U E R R E A N SALOON, running gear, A c , In goo.i order. Any one wishing to purchase can make a grem

BARNSLEY'S DRILLS, A NEW THING, for Men's Summer Wear, at

82-tf - , GOODNO, CADWELL ft CO.'S. 4 0 A C l t V s » I ~ L A ! H D T O L E T * mT A T I T H l N THIS VILLAGE, SUIT

V V ABLE for Pasturage and Tillage. Enquire at this office.

" Ogdensburgh. April S, 1R56. [19 «"!


RIVING, SHAVING AND JOINTING S h i n s l c Mach ine !

bargain by calling upon

Ogdensburgh, May IS, 1850.

E. H. OLDS, At his Daguerrean Rooms.-

' [24-tf]

• C H A N C E F « I R A R A R O A I N . 1 T H E SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE. i JL at a great sacrifice, the entire machinery of n • CARDING and CLOTHING WORKS, consisting of twv

Double Carding Machines, Picker, Press, Dye Kettlv, Press Screw, FulllDg Mill, Napping and Shearing Ma­chine. The above is all in complete order, and will b* sold at a Rreat sacrifice, and on time If desired, by ap-pl.vinir to JOHN PICKENS,

[5-tf ] Heuvelton, St. Lawrence Co., '*. Y.

N O T I C E . TTTHAT'S THE USE.IN BEING SICK'— VV "Kennedy's Medical Discovery" can he had of

PROUTY ft RLNDtfE, Druggists and Apothecaries, Ford-Street, Ogdensburgh, New-York.

Nor. 84,1855, . p -W] 5 0 0 G A L L O N S


Druggists and Apothecaries. Ogdensburgh, Nov, 84,1855. [l-tf]


and ror sale by PROUTY ft RINDG*E. -Ogdensburgh, NoVi 84,1865^ [1-tf]


D E M A l t A N U F L O R E N C E V A R N I S H .

A LARGE SUPPLY' JUST RECEIVED, and ready to be'sold to the first man that calls.


-7" J A P A N .


J . H. GUEST. \ J . H . ' G U E S T


of tSe largest and best assortments-thai has ever been oficreoln this section.. ^

- , \ S i l k s . ~ Rich Stripes, Plaids, Robes, Figured and Plain colors,

and a full assortment of Black Foulards and India , Silks, , \

\ • D r c s » G o o d * . Robe BariegeSf^Tlssues, Ohallles. all wool De Laincs

Plain and Figured, Organdies, Lawns, Jaconetts, French an_d English Prints, ftc.

v ' \Mnal ins . Swiss, Book, Natn 8ook, -Jaconetts, British Cambrics'

Plain, Corded-Pl.ld.jdotted and figured Dimities.. Lawns, Brilliants, ftc. Drapery, ,Aj>pHca, and Lace Curtains and Muslins,

Embroidcriea, French, Swiss, Saxon, and Scotch Collars, setts of Oam-. brio and- Swiss, Hoidton, valanclennes, Malta and

Thread'Collars, Sleeves' and Setts, English Malta, and, French Thread Edgings and Daces, French, Scotch and 'Swiss Bands and Flouncings, Infants; Robes,, Embroidered Skirts, *o, A

• M U l l n c r w . \ t

Ribbons, Blondes find Seloet, Lawns, Silks, Tarletons' and a full assortment of Straw Hats.

Ho*l0TT,»>n<l 'pioTcs, Ladles and.-Obildr.ns, .English and German three arid .4o,»r thr«»M*Hbir«W, al^ili**. In Slik.Bpun 8IIkv • T R A P P E n V -. Ooj >>:anfftif.ad|HoIUr». _ \. * *»»«*»•«» '»

HM<ke*etil«ta. " \ j Irish ana Irtnch LlMn'CarfbHif and Lawn Handker-• chiefs An nUtaHenatlchrt tod tmVroW«rsd,»lk,C<iU

ton toiUntodo. ' ' « & , , .,w,„« . - \ •-.a. •• aXtaiwif*;.%.^.. .-..-• •. *

ftWh WnttiuBwwnc-inni; TsWiwhtsJ-IHn.tn BheJtlnis,; "wilnsf OatV lln;iu»f-T|iw*- Wott;»*tji)*lriti DvllT..'

tofrtljHuiitaitabW Ooj«|ii*»," ' '-.'• ".' " * " ' i CwrrMotlnf a. r^^wtw


^v$m$&ffiseti.r n»s tarsal vart»W»rsrshaw« la tali s«tlon..

SJlllfeSM' J3 • wswuatit* ^*r.»wislt MitJsa* l»

.^AT'+^Bfifts&e.-i* '

«3R«8 ,.VH»-*wJ ;•

inaadAaltd, " ' • » . > , * & « * * •


'»*• .-•fi^;^^'r:'"v\S-JIW^!l??fe3?< sV»«aa4wHW.tttiwJ^*4

-.a^ATk^ tfi is^» h.Va. SA-as^teii. i*ssaawss|wrfpsps:-swMW •w^rwssC'i

HfcylO, Wtafll, -•iff »•»»», 'lMg£$ "s-

r- ^


MOds*WHL? » l«NK.warbU.i A m ^ e ^ ^ a T f w t o , * * - * . -

Wtfa«:rr ' ' - , , , ! fi

A G O O D O F F E R .


THE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE A VILLAGE LOT, containing 60 rods of ground,

situated la Morristown, near Stephen Canflelds'. Upon the premises is a cdt-ifortable House, Barn, well of waici, ftc. Price $250 If applied for soon. Apply to

JNO. E. TALLMAN. Black Lake, May 19,1856. &>JLL


MA TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE,_ nearly new, situated on Washington-street,^ east of the ravine,built by Smith Paige.—'

Said house is well finished, in modern style—folding-doors, and a kitchen attached on the same floor, and finished in basement wilh a kitchen and other rooms. A large'briiik cistern, and a spring-well of never-failing water in the cellar. Lot, 46 by 180 teet, very pleasantly situated, about 60 rods from the Rail Road Passenger Depot House. Enquire.of

v R. W. BUSH, Agent. March, 1856. . [14-tf]


THE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS F O R ^ t eale his Farm, -situated in the town of m\U DeKalb, sixteen miles from Ogdens-JSsA.

burgh, and seven m|les from Canton. It contains THREK HUNDRED ACRES, about two hundred of which are under good improvement, and well adapted to the Dairy -ing business. There is a good amount of timber upon tbe farm, and a Sugar Orchard of about three hundred trues; The farm is-Well watered with never-failing springs and-running streams ; a fair house upon it, two barns, and convenient out-buildings. Terms: one half down; the balance, if desired, may run eight y e a w Possession given at once, ir desired.

JAMES A. STACY. DeKalb, October 2nd, 185-t [44-tf ] '

. F A R M •<•• OR SALE OR TO RENT—ONE j hundred and eighty acres $f Land, i n '

the T»wn of LISBON, on'the " Craig road,"^ one-and-a-half miles from the Lisbon Depot. Possess ion given immediately. Enquire (if '

March 25,1856. ' [ lTtf] ~ ••jajt^ lb O. U. BELL.

F R U I T ! F R U I T ! I

WB- ARE NOW RECEIVING daily supplies of APPLES, PEARS, AND PEACHES; ORANGES' AND LEMON.% which we are prepared' to sell a t Whole­sale or Retail, a t the lowest marki-t

rater.' • * • ' . • Country Merchants, sending us tbeir orders c a n * 1-

always rely on being promptly supplied, a t the.Lowest Market Pfloes, and with a superior article.

• . JUST RECEIVED: • 5 0 Barrels Genesee Apples, l O Baskets Peaches, -8 5 Boxes Oranges, ,»•- .> 2 S Boxes Lemons. ^ ^

» - Fresh supplies received | 4au5 by Express and Steamboat, Send yaur orders to BHSUuooa , j TUAKY * BR0TOT5R,

N . . IS Mechanics' Blook,.Ford-Street, . Ogdensburgh', August 15th, 1855. [ST-tf]


Stoownrwui »«• tWO B0LXAK8 *

:plee« for'good slscil

tmsassz ;ralu«nof60c»nUfor;i alldarkdartssxln.,-

v . . . .,,,'caathttajhaiowns; ot'Maarln,'Jot!rl»«,' V *#fo*iWm? «*'*?* *hft

-MdrrTPsbruary, 1856,' and ththt|h«fi>Mk*tprlo* for aU.ta«k.nd.«ff^ :. -- ' ^ ^ 1 M 0 T < . ;

0^ar^»yjh,.jD ,»Vjf8liB. ^ „. ."-•. ,- :-f.^,wJ". '

_-*thc*^ *u- iV^vS^S.W


No, 8 WataKS»wS*oniM of Devonshire lifts.t, , j

W*& u- flBSl,.^^ _ ___. •^txj^tr^4t'


street, Ogdensburgh, N. Y. H is capable of Rivhjg, fchavinir, and JohitinK from


It works EafV and Winding Timber to tbe greatest per­fection, aud with the utmost ease; so simple in con­struction that there is neither belt nor cog-wl-eel in i t ; beinii whofly.conBiructed of iron and sue l , its duial.tlity is very great. The jjuwer of'thiee hor&eh%iU work it to ita uiuiosi c*ii»acitv, which can at once be ttpplitd (rem the water-wheel, stram enpvne, or caunnon horse-power, by belt or peering ; can be worked in the woods, mill, or sliops equally well, as it occupies only -two by etpht fe*?. of ground roon-, by »b.*ut twenty-feigh't mc* e? liij»li, te-quires but one man to attend it, and is in fact but a ^uii-

! vile thoufrli vt*ry eubstatitial combination of tin- Prow, I thelMia-ving-Kniie., and Jotriter Irons or the "old Imi-d ! p r e c i s , " working all such t inberae can be worUU by | band, and a great deal that cannot, and in t>uch style of

finish and beauty thatpivts them the pieferti.ee <.f tho \ market over all other Shingles. ! CAPITALISTS, MILLERS, SHINGLE MANUFACTU- .-. , RERS, AND OWNERS OF SHINGLE TIMBER, 1 Are especially directed to this Machine for profitable in-i vestment, 'ihe public are reBptctfully invittd to witness ! its operation at the above named place, nh<;re it w II re-> main under the supmlntendence of R. P. VAUGHN, | one of the Proprietors, who will be most happy to piv« ] any information on tbe subject required, or negotiate i with parties for County Rights, and Machines ready for ! u-e.

{3g""AU Communications addressed to Mr. YACGHN, ;

, or J . H . MACK,Ogdensburgh,N.Y.brtQR.F. VAUGHN, Rochester, N. Y , at any time thereafter, will be prou.pt-

, ly attended Xo.

O p i n i o n s o f t h e P r e s s , A c .

'-[From tlte Milwaukie Free Democrat.] The Machine is about six feet in length, and stanc'f.

! upon ii on legs about two feet in height; is very emu pa c - -j ly and strongly put togetlier, and has nuthmg cor -. plicated or unwieldy about-it. It can be duvet/ by tv o

horse power, at its full ppeed for ether o«k, pine, et* ar i or chesnut stuff. Tbe timber is prepared inio bolt?,« ke

those Used, forehand riving. A bolt is placed upoi. the carr iage, .and%^in8t*a strong head, * hen the firbt, or riving knife passes through U and takes ofl( a siiibp'' or any desired thickness; l»be return revolution talker this riving back to second bed-plate and; agairst a no i.er head, and while the riving knife is tak ng off anotl.i r. is shaved with an even taper, upon the upper side ; the next back, revolution takes the shingle to a third bed­plate and againct another bead, and the thiid revo u-tion, whj«hcut off another from the bolt and shaves the second, also shaves th it first on the under side I h e shingle passes then between two self-adjusting j - inters that complete the shingle. Thus-there are-four shingles in the machine at a time, and one finished at every ie-volution. The revolutions are perfoimed at the rat*- of 60 per minute, and allowing the average nf the stu2 to be b inches, it will make 7*2,(100 shingleB per day.

IFrcm. the Detroit Advertiser.] ' Shingle Machines have long occupied, the attention of inventors, a,mt we are glsd to be able to am.ounce a real improvement. Miinglejrcut out without regard to the grain of the wood, are htnnhu^. This niacin..e is of a different kind. The shingle is riv«?d from ihe block, an'a shaved with an exact taper. No hand-made shingle can *, cotupare wtth it in btanty and fitness for ita purpose, apd we Bhould flunk that a well laid roof of those sningl*6'could not leak;. One of'thefe machines, with a portable steam engine, would be a fortune to a man in the pine woods.

WATSRTOWK, April .rHh, U56 . JL$. YJSCGHAS, Esq., Rochester: L

Dear Sir,—I am happy to say the Machine I purchased -from you, patented by E. R. Morr.son for manufacturing rived,shaved and jointed shingles, I have now in opera­tion at'my mill in this town, and on trial, lully answers the recommend. It will work all timber ihot can be worked by hand process, and much that cannot. Wind­ing and eaty t imber it works to great perfection and ease^and can,make twenty thousand per day, without Aixtra effort. '' Truly, 4 c , .

i • M. B00HALL,

WATERTOWif, April 7thTlBS6. R. F. VACOHAS, Rochester, N. Y :

Dear Sir,—One of the Morrison Shingle Machines hM I been in operation at my place for some time past, and I am-happy to say it is the only machine for niamifar-*nring-riyed, shaved, and jointed shingles that I e ier • thought practicable. It works winding and eaty timber to great perfection and at a rapid rate, on the si*me principle of the hand-made shingle, but with a perfec­tion that machinery only can execute, and l e a n sa'eiy recommend it to all »hingle manufacturerso« the Shingle Machine. H. SL0AT.

RODMAK, April 3d, 1S56. R. P VAUGHIN, Rrochesler, N. Y , :

Dear Sir,—We are happy to say the Shingle Machine for manufacturing rived and shaved Shingles, we have at work.Vnd it fully answ'erathe recommend. We can readily make from two | o tnree thousand shiDgles per hour from any timber that can be worked by hand, and some that cannot, Working winding and eaty timber to great ^parfect-ion, a lways leaving the lents of uniform, thicknesB .without-cllpplDg the points, which is the case with ihe hand-made. Prom eaty or winding timber, thi* machine fortes more tike a thing'of life than any'

'mach'ine'WereaTesean. The riving proces* works on a „ true principle, giv4ng'the timber more ease In^-ivirg than tlWhand power, and. rives timber that cannot be

Ttveh bjf<he Q14 process, with the greatest ease and per-feotlon, alwnyfi-having from butt to point with a true taper, *n<i jointing each shingle as tt passes aio.nglet the width be.what it may, and wi l l say that we have nev^r-Been a piece o|Tin*chinery ta^e a p i e c e of rough bo*i4l*ad *uii$$-toCompletely with one operation.

YowvtnUy, , ^ . • ' ^ 8PBAR3 * RALPH.

) % *j OswiEQO, M*rch 21st, 1S5B.;

'- Sir.^-l h*v» worked one ofyinir Mflrr.tQivBhlnu.e M»-chinei In this town »>ince July u n ^ u n d Hhait morethttn

,r,ntr,«Ks4 your recommctidjit well M..#iy e ^ e c u t i o p * . ^ t hat bt$Vi T U i t M ^ w hanflrW ;©f iueni'i.nd n|l nrc-^ itiounce'U the bent inwhinefor;miimifflcturing rlvetl and ^haveajhlnit lM they , v « r i » f f . I 'hnvt often made fifteen hundred?inAftMn minute*, *hd rcnn 00 ,U «tiy time uud*r rAvorableciroumstisnce^amVTiiiitiy enqutriei tTe.raade wher« they c*n he obtjined frnm the C*nnil» Kuoibf rm«ti,'*iireU»i other part*. I h*r«mud*; »hln-

f lM from pine, ctd*T,hfroVMk, *p^noev»*h ivpd e h n n u t itri&ir with *tjwfl % « ^ « - Sn l*c^'«uy tlmUtr th»t v lU

w i l t will WW* tquallywtU.in thif miohiiie, , * :M V. - -• # (•• • •, -Truly, • ';~-


§mi&1&!^:WRmZ. •'?"'g^l*tsf«f^gAifti»esft',' " •>•

THIS "B*KK,HAa' ESfABJaiSHlsf l s % i ^ IK08 DWXiTOIOTas *lrr»r«h'^

«wlfM«h«.safs^ot(moaw«d»^sW£aw carJlaT, and ths psrao^aVllaWll^WP^tn . tot*,«»d MotthftMs^*^ : of ih» a^thiitUrtVrt3*I2M>»tlt»"on>f «'• Suit* ot

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