PRINTKD AMD PUBLISHED EVERT VtHgDAY AT 0£nxKsBtmen, ST. LAWSXBG* COCBTT, SV TV, BTIfflTOBCOCK, m&tfcsQB $j STD^EIi, Editors ana Proprietor^, O ffico In KowSton«BaUdingt Isal>ella Street, one door from Ford. r, a. arroscoox—as. w. rnxorsoir—r, G.STn.wxsx, TERMS OP THE REPUBLIOAUt To Mail and OfiiceSuttscribers—One Dollar peran&uxaft al»»y» in advance- JTo Village Subscribers, who ATS a jrved by-0arrier-!Onft DoBar&nd twenty-five cents. •WBMS FO& AB^SMISING: On square,one week, $ 0 3 0 ^ column two monthj,A56b D, do. two do. B TEDo. do. three do, 7 50 *- lOOtDo. do. six do. tSOO lSfflDo, do. ons>year, SO 00 1 1$X Qolumn,oae month, <§ 00 2 ?SDo. do. two do, 900 t 4 00jl>o. do. three do. 18,00. „. SOOjDo. do. six do 25 00 \ column, one month, 2 5UJDo. do. one. year, > 60 00 Oieoolumn, f >r three months, or louger,at thorite per year of $100. Business Cards, of 84ines-or less, Inserted und'eii an, i- S r-nmateaead, with privilege ofchange, at $&pet year, .t/ertiajag under contracts, aaabove, oonuned tq the Atvertiser's own business. Legal advertisements In- serted at the rates established "by law. £gr~ Ail JommanioauonstnQgvbe' postpaid to insure attention. T _.. - 40. X>j. do. three do. D>. do. one month, TJx do. two do. IVi. do. three do. D>. do. six do. Do. do. one year, THOMPSON'S. OPEN! III. OP S P R I ]« UXERV THOMPSON'8 ON BOSSIT ROOMS, FORD S T H. K E T , Wr.D\r>»AV, UAttt-«» 31, IS5S. E THDaPSO.V WOCLD INFORM BIS • Friends and Customers that he wittajlsr through the season a j LARGE AND E L K 3 A N.T STOCK 10 F Wll.r.tKKKY (;iMlD<i, And invites the attention or the LADIES of 0gdena- burgh and vicinity to the same. _ ' I3T" Ladies and OeTrtremens* Straw Hats Bleaebed in t behest mamrer. MILHN8E3 80PPT.1EP AS USUAL. [lS-iq L j BUSINESS" CARDS. H.tRBWARl:, Ac. IHiSSV * A I, I, H N , DEALERS 151 lRO>, STEEL, NAILS, CLAjS, STOVES, HOLLUIV WARE, CCfT- LEKV, F«,pUS, FAltJIEa'SAJfomE- ClIAMl'S TOOLS, BllLnEU'XHA^JD>- WAKE, V.-iD HOlSE-HUMSHlf(G GOODS. Aod M&nufactureraof COPPER, SHEET LEON, AND UN WAJMLi ;'i-t.'J Water St., Ogdensbiirgli, N.,T. -£- UHOi t UIZ.S AJND PROVISIONS! A. L. PBOCTOK & eQ^S^ Wholesale and KcWUncalcttiWOrt- eerie*. Salt, Water Lime, JFtpjt*'J Corn, Pork, etc., Ac, f3F" TERMS, CASH. Oaah paid for Butter, Oheeae, Porx, Beans jPeas, and al 1 Kinds of Country Produce. NO, 1, N.EW UKICK RLOM, WA¥XR-8TRg£*, i. i_ paooroa. OGDENSBDR0H. o. t_ HOWARD. GEORGE WITHEKHEAB, . '/ j f>ealer in Uroceries and ProvlaiO|ss, —ALSO,— i »loaj,Oorn,Meal^Porfe,Fial», Fruit, Wpod»n-Ware,|*o. OdBENSBBSROH. ' ; Water-St^ opposite A. CH-IS«Y A Co'a Hardware Store, f^"Cash paid for Country Prodace, A14 Quoai u vered in the Village free of charge. fS-t; MERCHANTS, HOI XHAXCH£K, COOKE & CO. COMMISSION TOR TH» SALS BITTER, CHEESE, EGGS, 1SB ALL KIJTDS OF COUNTRY PEODUCE SO, 93 BrHBAY STREET, (Between Sreenwich and Washington 8taJ j MAHTIS THATCH2E, I '. i H. f. COuSlE <x- KEFEEBNOKS : Halstead Haines X Co*, city of New York Barstow, J£s<i„ President St Nicholas Bank, N. y! oeirt, Orarlc A Co 20 Warren St_ N. ¥.; Snydamij bert 4 Co 10T, life. WestSt^ N. T. Hon. D, <j:,f,d;. son, Hon. Preaton King, Hon. A. B. James, lion. 01 G. Myers, Oirdensbnroh, N V. Ooo. ^^hn. JL. Bm oThot. V. RusselL Esq. Wm. 0. Cooke. fea__ae, -eoodxiea-* OaW*en; Canton, K. T. l»-M FOK J W T iRD"EItS A»l> frTPORTEl BOBKBT VV. BOSa, QiritaAi. iirmxiD I ' Gomntistiion iflaarcUant, Hour, Wheat, Odm,Port, Pish, Wafer anS Hand «rl4d- . 1 stones, Ac, j - •^OttilBSaWJ UOH*, NEWTffBK'. ; RBrBEfiNCES: o. O. JODSHS, Wgdsnjbttrgh.N. ?.Js. Qmaa^BrgSi. Braver-* Bahlr, 3AA&&Weasax, Preat.^g. densbargbBanl£,JoBs D. J00303,Prost«ladaon Bank.: VOLUME 28. OdDKKSBUI^H,- N. Y. :«WSwtr v : AUGUST B 9 ms. s-ferr TRAYELEE'S GUIDlE. K A 1 E U O A J K JSU 0 N , SPRDiQ aEKAHeEinENT. M*Hi TRAII*. 1 AWD- APTEK MON»AY, BAT felat, 1858, Passenger Traim will run daily, (Bnijdayt excepted) aafotitnras ' Leave lOgde'hsbOrgh at t'hSO A. M.; dine at Jlalone, arrive at Bjontsfa Point at 4:45 P, M., conneoiingjjame evening wfth the Vermont Central R. R., andjLake Ohamplsln Steamers and Montreal, and Ohannlain ftailroad. ACC«LlIiaODATIO» THAEV. Leaves Ogd.enaborgl> at o;00 P. M., arriving at Rouse's Point to lodge, REtrBJVING—WAJI, TRAIN. Will leave Souse's Point at 030 A M., arriving at Ogdenjtmrgh at 11:45 A. ST. JtrCOTfmODATIOlV TRAIW. Will leave Rouse's Point at 1230 ». M„ arriviAg at OffJt'nsburgh at MS P. H. Both Iratos connect at Ogilenjborgh with tho (iraod Trunk Trains and with Steamers for Lake Ontario. Regnlar connections are made at Mooer*s with ijraiiis (or Montreal and Plattsburgh, and at Potsdam with Trains for Waterto«n,Romev BuSisio and the WesL A NIGHT eaSieOT TRAIN will Ie*ve0£dena(>urgh at 0.-00 P. HL, having a Passenger Oar attached! and otmnecttng with Trains of the P. * W. R. R. ' G. V. H O t L E , S t i p t . OmCM NOETHKRN BAILHOAD, 1 Uaunm, May W,1868. AJtlEBlCAN ST£AJHIIOAT C O U PA N Y 1858 LAKE ONTAHIO* ST. LAWIUSNCE RIVER. EXPRESS LINE! TUB, SPLENDJB X.AKK ST£AMB$, SKW VQHK AND NOKTHERftEK, Capt. CHILD, Caps. LEDYARD, \J7TLL FOIUiA DAXLr USB BKTW£EN TT LKWIBTON and 00DEN8BUB&H, connecting with the River Line et Ogdenatrargh forftlontrealiand Quebec, and Northern RaUroad for Boston, anjiatlTor~ onto and Lewiaton with ail Western Railroad and Steamboat Lines, touching upward and downward at Cape-Vincent, Toronto, Niagara Dock, BrockviQe and other River Porta. COMMENCING JDN£ 1ST, Aft S0LLOW8: iPWABll. Leavo Ogdenthurgh l^uqon ; Gape Vincent ?il5 P.M. Toronto 7, A. M^ and arrive atLowlaton 10;80 A. M, DOWNWABD. LeaTe Lcwittoa 2:10 P. M. ; Niagara. Dock t$0 PI M. j i Toronto 0 P. M.; Oape Vincent 4 P. M., and arrite at Ogdenatmrgh at 9 A. at. THE SPLBNOID STEAMER O N T A R I O i , Caj>t,J. B, ESTES, Will make two trips net week between Ogilenjborgh, and RocheaicT Landing, connecting with New Vori Cen- traiBaUroadftr NiagxVa ralia^Bufiaio mdthe West. Leaves Ogdenshurgh, upwarda, Monday and TnprB- day, at6P. JL, ana Rochester Landing Tuesday and Friday at 9:30 P. U., touching at Oswego, Klngstonjand Intermediate Ports. ^e~ The ONTARIO will touch at8acket(s Harbor on hecupsmrd tzJp, and atCape Vincent on she downward, trip. ^ [,8%d»J ttOV&BAJt AJSJU WA'IEBTwItlt KOA4). »AAA. sr^ .-j?. :•: 185S. ' stiTliER AURANQBMENT, I&iS. T RAINS LKAYJLEOTSDAM JUNCTION .AS follows; li:30 A: M., Accomodation Train; to Gourerneur only. 1 6:80 B J t , Express Train, arriving In Waterlowi at 9.-06P.M.: Rome 12:S0,P.it; Albany4:80 A. M.: ijew York 10:20 A. M.; and connecting at Rome with the Telegraph Express line for the West. Connections are- made with this Train troa'UgdenshnTgh, by a Tiiun which loves, at 8:00 P. M- IST* Saturdaynigni Trains go through to AThn^y and Buffalo. 'Er"THBOOaH T10KET8 to Albany, New York, Satiate, Chicago, &c.; also, to tneprindpal stations on the Uncmay be obtained of R. P. TOB2Y,,$sn.*#uth.e Northern RallRoad Ticket Ofltce,Ogdenshurgh. SS0. B.,BHJXP8, HapL Waterto-tni, Majf, 18S8. ' | OTTAWA ASO PM-ESCOTT- KtKUsjvsjr. W1STEB AKBANfiEMElV'r. 0OUMBNO1NS ON MONDAY, NOV. 2ND, 1887. MAIL TBAIN, L BAVES OTTAWA AT 8: SO A M., fr- rjvjnp in Prescott at list IB, A. M., oonnooting [ a t Junction with Trainagoing West^andatPrescottarlth [the Northern^ Raol Road Train* for Boston and New TtbT*. At 1 BelunUng, «J, PsfitMOB Leaves Prescott -the arrival of the- Grand TRAVELER'S GUIJDfK. POfcTRY. POST, OFFICE HOXKB. MAILS Going Bast, close at 9 SO A. M. " : " sV*3«t, » 2 00 P. M. 41 tt £}a y «• It " 'l—BnBalo, " '• u " " Albany, " " " " Rome, ' •' " Watert'n " " " " Canatia, " 1 SO A. M. " " Uaiitou, " 8 SO A.M. ^ Mails for Heuvelton, Oopeyster, Beusaelaor Falls, and Hermou, close at 1 00, P. M. ' For Morridtown, Uamiuou4, and Eomie, atJS o r - clock, A. M. ' Office cloaes at 8, P. M. ppv^, at 7, Ai it. SundajrH, open from 8 to 9, A. M.,—6 to 6, J". Mj. AH tbe principal maila arrive at 6 30 Pi JI., escept Eaatoiu, which arriveii »i 12 SL 1 T.'UACON. Postmaster. Ogdenshorgh, May Win-, 1388. )0pH. IN^EPEIDENT 1858 BEST LIMjE! 1^58 ROUTE T O T H E WUST THE FAST WAWilVO STEAflrsSI*, E U \Y ILL R O P A ! 0APT. II. N. THR00P, COMMENCE HER BEUI'tAR Trips for the Season, on the 1Mb inst. BOttSWABBS. Leave Toronto Monday and Thursday^ 8 " Bochefter " " 10 u Oswego Tuesday and Friday 9 •' Backet's Xtarbor Tuesday and Friday. •* Elhgston, " " " 0l»yt0h, " q " Alexandria, " « " BroOkviDe, " " Arrive at Prescott and Ogdensbargh UPWARDS. Leave Ogd'burgh ft PreSeott Tuesday & Friday .9 ^j«L •• BrockTDto » *• 10. " •* Alexandria " " 11.801'- " Clayton Wednesdays and Batnrdays « ft, M —" Kingston '• " . 9 ' " « Backet's Harbor •' " 111". " Oswego ' •• " .... t P.M. " Rochester " '• ....18dWM Arrive at Toronto Thursday and Sunday mornings) 2JO f.M. 4 " .5 '• . 6:8(1 » ..» 80 " FAS8ENGBK8 GOING WB8T Will find It for their Interest to take this boat, w aich connects at Toronto with fjniiingwood Line and G rest Western * Michigan Oentral R. R. Lines for all p< ints West. r ' r^*THRODGH TTCTSCre can purchued en board for Hamilton,Iletrolt, Chicago, Wsnkfegan K :no- tha, Racine, Milwaukee, Sheboygan, Mastlnaw and Green Bay. The attention of HOVJER8 is partlca arty called to this Route, asiraffords- them the < CHEAPEST PO88FBLI WAT | * For the Transportation of Passengers, Horses, ^ag- aDSvACsFumlture, to theGreat West. 1 For Freight or Passage,apply to ALVOBII Ac. 1»A«E, Osw«CP- June, 1&«3. ' [81-<JsJ PfiOFfifiSIONAL CAEDS, OLD'S ..iflCTUBE QXLLS&ti . PICTURES OF ALL S T T t E S TActfcjBi ON REASOSTABEE TEltHlS, ' fff" Pfbtureimagntneit«tnl colored-in °aH If required. NO. 8, liSLt BLOOKV snutax TBzAstixaioTB SLAOIX, roan sTaKxr, 4>Kden«burelt, x. Y. f ArJoja^jpys Ajrp «boIIJVJJIJJLOR ^ WILT.rAW C. COOKE, Attorney aad Counsellor o-t Loatf, X"ri OANTvN, St 1 . LAWREUOB OOiTNTY, N. . -L R & N. CSART, Attorneys ajttd'tJOunselprs. WA'li'UlD AITD §S»Tr p<rtrsi»jLii Will promptly attend taall Legal business «b , them. UONLV A YtAB." j BY J*BS. STOtT». [From the K. T. loacjrtndont. July 88,] [These leader andhettltlftU line*, from the pen of Hrt. BTOWB, refer, **>' prelmBe, to the raelanqhoUj death b jr aTOtmrnr, abbat yeiti 1 ririce-,of her ^DH» tv ytmng itntfenl orfioO eharaeter «nd promfse. ] One year a^o—» ringing Tolce, A ole^r blue eye, Ana oltraiering- curl* ofstmny hftlr, Too fair to-dfe. Only % $v$X—no voice. no«xnUe T No glabce-o, eje, NoohM{ertBjrcai*l» of(otdes hair,- | .• fair,butts die 1 C/ne year ago—what 1OT*I what solxeuiea Par Into lire I What joyon* trope*, *hat hytVreaoJTca, wVb^t genorom strife I 1 The iflentpicture on the wall. The hartal atone— Q' *U that beanty, life and joy. Remain alone I One year—oatj year—oneUttteyear, ' and «o mnoh gooe t ' And yet the eron flow of lire. Moves calmly on. The grave grow* (rroen,tlw flowen bloom lairK' AXfojie that head f, . , No sorrowing Ub tof leaf or ipray , f Bay ha la dead! ^ "^ j iiC No natue QT hoab of tnorry blrda That |ing above, TelUoa how coldly Bleeps below The form we love. Where bait thoa been this year, belored * What bast thou leen r What Tfiion* lair, what plorioai life. Where thoa hast been I The veil I %* veO f KO thin and strong' i Twixtoirand thee; , Thornyaticv«U I when ihall it fall, That wgiTtay ice * Not dead', not sleeping, not eren gone; But present atfll. { , And waiting for the coming boor 0/ God's »wtet will. Lord of the living and the4ead, Oar Savior dear; We lay In ill coco at thy feet, Thlj tad. sad, year f. i aim>t«K, Jo!y 9. 18158. H.p,8. ., L.«. ItliAUTIfliL PO£TBV. [From t^gend$ and tjfHM% a new volnme jast bub* Usbed in London, by ADKLAIDS Ajnu Paocros (daaniter t BOOK-BtI«SEBV> T H E SUBSCB1BEJB, jlJAJj FITTED ip, In coxinec^on. with his Bookstore, an p-lr) * extenstve Bindery, and placed In it ojis . . . eJ HMtok'a eelebrated BUEEtfi MA- OHIHI8, with an entirely new set of tools. He keebt eonstaxrtiy in charge of the Bindery a workman of supe- rior skUl, and la prepared to do all work in thatline with neatness and despatch. ^ J. 0. 8PRAG, r Ji\j Ogden«burgh, October Sua, iSSff.' * T9-?n ~ BATS, CAPS, AND PURS. . S. W. BENASDJICT, y ^ " t sAxorAoroawk AID DaAUti, SM . t Hats, Caps, Furs and jkobes, , Ladlea"and Sentlemen's Fur Gloves,OoUas>,ytotorln»* Ohlldren'i Fancy Oapa.Sc., * j comprising* general assortmehtof hijowtt aa-dcity manufacture. =. I fW Oaah paid for all kinds of Pttru.WaoiandShetp Pelts, at the old stand, No. 18 Mechanic'sBcw^Ford-ai, , . j- ! T- I Ogdensbnrgh^I. Y. H O T E L S i ST. LAWREM^ia.! IlroefevlIXe, CV- W.» •' •" T HIS HOTEL, SrEGATKB EfT the center <d_Brsjelcviile, close to the GSASD TSCNK RAIIr - WAY, and wrthxn a few mfetnes waf^ of tbe Steamboat if|niHrig«t offers par&rhoQIltfidMtntA.j ges to partieaof boalnesa and of pleasBrs, - , - ' * 1. C IHcCROiryManager. , 1858. ''"l^"! Brook vine, April ! BALDWIN HOURS!, ,? OOSHBB 0# 0ATHAB3NB A WVIBJOH. " Heat the Btean^o4tJLVan.dingfcOJ^I ;.. Trunk Trains from Montreal, and the Northern Rail RoadrTrains tram ijoatonjms New York, arriving In Ot- tawa City at 4: SO P.M. ACCOiTETlOUATMHV TRAIN, Leaves Prescott, at T: 80 A. M., on arrival of train from the WestVsrrivfng in Ottawa City at 11: 80 Leaves Ottatra, At 18:^5 P. M., arrivta* In Prescott at 1: B0 P. M, connecting at Junction with the (iraoii Tmnlt Trains going Sast and West. . B F&XNTyH ^a. Prescott, Oct. 126, 1857. 13-tf j HnperintendeBt A.1JC €OiaMGWQODLIN|: IMPORTANT TO FAMILIES MOVING WEST! FIRST 'CLASS STEAMERS, . In connection with the . , OStTABIO*SSIBleOx3, *> HI7KOK IXV IE., ' TROsl TORONTO TO COXilNGWOOD tbe GeoriUstn Bar, sjalte Uurost. rr\HE POLLOWING NEW, LARGE, FAST, I. A, FIBStCLASS f'aV^VBf 8A60ON SOBBW BTIiBxSB, 878 Ions—Oaut. Nicholson, '• ••'• DIckloD, » « SUU SQfiS, "OflO " .. V WJlltins, , Wfll lormaf^i-DteeWj Une betweaa OOLLINGWOOD, w aHKBOSWAHi tsO, SOI, ' For FweiKlir and-Butetig«Tr, itEEES, WESTBBOOS b EDIGK. A'tanieys slnd Counselors at - B A » y rar^oyxnotiui roan BTB«ET. ft Ogdensborgh^ N^*.- OBAS. Q. MTHE9k CllAS. K- WSSTTIEOOI, BAIIDX£fi.El> Ok- . feWtnl . . * . ~ BKowifoi smoKs, j - , Attorateyk, Counaslors, A c . , ' (5GB8NSBDR&H., N. Z. I ' fafT" OAoe lately ocenpied Tijr James A Brownl r. o.aaows. J.o.araadxav April 18, 1854. 31->f X. MATNXOSAMON, Attwrpe),. tJoHusulox, AC, Qlveshts •nUre»«eaci»pJtt9,the pttcticeof hlsprofej. ston,and solicits patronage. i «jSy-Offlee—Corner'by v»td and Isahena-Streelt J»g- densburgh^New^onc [SS-tq of Buml CoaxWAtx).] A WOMAN'S OOE8TION. Before I trust my Fat* to thee, Or place my band in thin*. Before I let thy Future give Color and form 10 mine, Before I peril all for thee. Question thy soul to-night for me. 1 break all slighter bonds, nor feel A Shadow of regret; a there one link wtthln the Past That holds thy spirit yet? Or is thy faith as dear and tnt As that which I oan pledge to thee t Does there within thy dreams A possible future shine, "Wherein thy lire could henceforth breathe. Untouched, unshared by mine ? U so, at any pais rrepst. Oh, tell mo, before all It lost 1 Look deeper still. If then canst feel, Within thy inmost soul, That thoa hast kept aportion back. While"Thaye staxetTthe whole; Let noTalte pity spare the blow, But In true mercy teilzne so. Is there within thy heart a need That mme cannot fulfill? ' Oseehottv that ttiy other hand Could better stake or:lUll f Speak now, lest at soma future day Our Whole life wither aad" decay. Lives there within thy nature hid T,hedeJnOD-spirit Change, Shedding a passing glory still '' On all things new and-strangef .It may not bothy laultalone— Bnt shield my heart against thy own. •Conld'st thou withdraw thy hand one day And answer to my claim, . TAMFats, and that to-days's mistake, Mat thou—had been to blamo; Some tooths their censctenceitlAir; bnt thou O, surely, thou wilt wars me.now I I I Nay, answer not 1 dare not hear. The words would come too late! Yet, I would spare thee all remorse, go, comfort thee, my Fate l Whatever on my heart n a y (all— . Bemenmer,! tooumuk ifallf MISC1^X4A^Q^ Pw5t?o7WPUai^ WILLIAM T. PORTEA, thefduiiaB^aLfjl/oi'iriiriy j ears the editor of the New ,Lori'^rti'o/Me lima,died suddenly.athls refidBncditilBsiJcker street, N. Y. city, on Monday,the?9th test, tged 52 years. Tbe BpiAtt of the fiiAct gMa tjie id- lowiug brief history of hU jile, «uj[ .gay,*,* Kfuch^ ing tribute to his momDr^^—. ' "P0RT«H«.l)MJ)ir' i The above aitaotmcenieut, Bret- impacted io ils on Honda; morning last, baa caWatgloofnlover the entire city, seetningl*. ' No Where can wf go* I by day Or hightj' •'#itbout , 'tteetlhgi:«oni&iffiend'' whose melancholy -mien at' Bllcte betray* tha fact that he has-beard of- And tametlts Poster's dtoth. Nor ia this to be wdndored aljfoe.»e v^ritSuje to say that tio mail «*er inado fbe acqualjtande of WHIiam-T. Porter *ith0«ftm88h l iog te^ctjlirvaie it, and few indeed there are but will say sfiib uatbat he was one of the moat 'amfable ofgentlemen More like a child intsaKner and feellrig (ban a •ban who spent thirty years Of his life amldthe bustle of a spot ting life; and aubjeci to nlore ithan tbe usual temptations of a sporting edi'loT.' D&- testing eiilte''4attery ant) detraction, W w i l l enr dcavor to give* brief bus lalthful metnojro: Mrl Porter. * William T, Porter was boro-in Vermont, and %hileacqniringa liberal educatlcto^iQ'teridid to qualify him fur one '^jW-rcarrrtd^prOfe&s ons, devoted much of his'leiabre tifae to'tSebfficejof a country newspaper, and thus learned (he lidi- ment* of the printing bosinesSi Becoming ired of study, be came to New York about 182S-0 539, and soon obtained- emptorment as compoeiU r in • printing office, and tEsplayed'Snch a degr< e of tact and steady Industry that h# wag'witbSi few months promoted tbe'rank of foreman and p oof feader. This, bowevei, was altogeibef too slow for she subject oLour Sketch. He-etartede p igprj- cailed the CCTuUUcUiot^ which tailing) 60 pur- chased from Obits. B. Fisber, Eeq.j-BOW the'talent- ed- Mobile correspondent of tbe- Netr Orleans Pi- eAjwn«, one half of The Traveller, And afterwards the remaining half, when be altered theajam a to the Spirit of the Timet; and by the ad»iCe~o : his friends, devoted It to the interests of the Jtaf, Field sports, eta It was ac this time that Mr. Porter displayed his great energy. Determined to succeed, be has often gathered up items dukng tbe day, and firom a few 1 notes " s e t u p " hifll"«>n rfifjr" daring tbe night.; made up bis paper! thu best morning, and with the aid of a-boy;'mailed the sheets to his sub«criber8i''FeDruary('1836, the "SPIRIT" commenced a new series in its Tk-es- ent form, bnt with only eight pages inst)ead of twelve, as cow. The liberal patronage bestowed upon It by tbe leading Turfmen of the couitry (nearly all of whom, who-are alive, being still Sub- scribers) enabled Mr. Porter to devote all his time to bis editorial duties, and he soon arrived Ktitbe zenith of bis popularity, and numbered among) his intimate friends at tbe north such men a^e jthe fetevenscs, Wtn. Griibons. Walter LivingBtoo, jibe present Governor Kibg/'fiobert Tillotabn, Major Jones, Commodore"Blockton, Prescott Hail, kaS hundreds of kindred spirits, besides boats! of staunch friends, South and West, who would have stood by him in adversity as welfoj In pfoe- perity; but bad advisers, and a desira to lelpi lrr- surmountable obstacles, "worked his downfall, anrpl although hisbcstfriena^Bpbkeof'hiaJsaTmggiin^re in sorrow than in anger (for none bellaVed t^et- Arths; Wo should take leap's that would dislocate our.limbe^ and) no longor.taught'by fetigue pat ftevmu^cles needed, repote, we should continue our <[P°rt" t*4 our walking. tourF yjJ.w^rAja^wom out the lfvibe tissue, with the same uncopacipus- •ss^fbat wisbo# Wear oat oat coats' and our Thavery nutriment wbiohtls the support l 0i sjoulfj, .frequently prove our death. , Hirabean said of a, man who ,waa as idje aa })e was coypu- tent, that' hw only use was to show bow faij the •akifj Would "ttrett&hr Witiout' bursting. : Wltjiout pain this*limit would be^ccniBtantly ext*eded,|and s Gold la VsiuiuiiU A wwrjBspondent of the New Tork Oouri^ & Enquirer, writing froutrMontpelier, eays: Some three or four yeatS since, a retnTpedjCal- ifbrnian,-' Bamed 0logstbii|- who originally »ebt frorn fteSe^ar&i'aDd had o^eratecf% about two yfeaM updfrthbT'doa rAVer^ritb gdVe is'uBcessJwaa l e ^ b y a certalb guological' resemblance which be., obserWd'betwe'elf'a portion rf oif trila douuty and' tne goia-pTodncmg re^bn'of^ealifdrnlkjtd go . . . ^^l m ™l^ro8peWintnp8onieortbeBtrearri»hfli'e,'abdbar-' epi^rea, ejjBer.euem^ t'»r. Me ^>f a *^faonlarl#MrtivBran 0 ri? Whidti'i0m$( the^ulcfcski. yould continue tfielr "festivities uu'til they ; mei f with the late or the frog in the fable,, who) was ambitions of emulating tbe size of the 01. I Sir Charles Belt mentions the cose of a pajient «liO-had Tout the sense of heat in bis right hand, and who, unconscious that the cover of ajriarr *Jijpb/hadJ»|laainmliiiiirt> ttas'bnjningibot, took it out, and deliberately returned, it W its place^tothBdeetrnCtiob oftboakin of the palm and Rogers. This) of itself, would be an accineut -of incessant ocoorrence, if tbe monitor were want- ing, which,,makes UB drop such materials more hastily than we piok them up. Fain is the grand preserver of existence, the sleepless sentineljtbat Watches over our safety, and makes us both Mart away from the injury that is present, and gjiard ^ against it carefully in the time to eome.. < - STgtAltig ths Pledge, sjev. John- Abbott, tbe eajloiyreachi the following good story of one of his converts to temperance: ' H>. Johnson, at the close of a coltf-water rec- tors, intimated that be must sign tbe pledge in | his <ywu way, wb icb he did in these words; " I, William Johngou, pledge myseli to drink no more intoxicating drinks lor one year." Some tbought he wouldn't stick three days, others allowed him a week, and a few others gave Jjim.il wo weeks j but tbe landlord knew him best, and said, he waa good stuff, but at the end of the year Is HI would'be a good soaker. Before tbe year was quite gone, Mr. JTobbson was asked try' Mr. Abbott— " Blll rain't you going to resume the pledge?" *W*uyl doutbnow, Jack, but what I wijl.— I nave donopretty well «o far. Will you lei me isign itagam my owuway?" ' " <k yeBc«ny way, eo that you will not drink rum." He writes 1 : *'i, William Johnson, sign this pledge for nine } hundred and ninety-nine years, and if living at •be end of thatiime, I intend to make out a lease for life.' 1 A day or two after, Johnson went to see his old landlord, who eyed him as a hawk does a chicken. "O, landlord! whined Bill, accompanied, by sundry contortions of the body, as if enduring ithe most excruciating torment, "I have such a lump on my- side." "That's because you have stopped drinking; | you won't UVe two years longer at this rate." " i l l commence drinking, will tbe lump go awayf" " k-ee. If yon don't, you'll have a lump on .Jihe other aide." i *>iBo yon think so, landlord t* "-1 know it: you'U have them on your aims, back, breast, end bead ; you will be covered, all ever witb lumps." ; * "-Waits-may be I wBl, 0 said BilL " , "Comei Bill,'' Said- tbe landlord, "letVdrjnk at'the Seme time •pouring-the reii sfuff =n=xr a; NUJpE«-36| i ~3-&- Blair Ortlie Stomp. VARESFtfa The Bill for the Government of North American Colonial, fr. JtTBSON 6 EOWBti, Attoruusa oast Counselors at. Latw, aaDsNSBDBfiH.ST.LAWRtaJOt OO, N ^V. r ie, No. 8 Eagle Block, Ford-Street, npstalrsl S * jolreoji .... ,. .ffT-Hl...-. ,«>BJirow»ij,is>. . '»vo B, H. NICKEfiSWf Attitrssclr'atrri Cottnaeltor, vTaddlnijtnn,flt.LawrencetoqSty.S. Y. pi-if.} .. ... JL Hi BfiNTON,M^B.v> - -^- « At'tlass t :-IiSkWiM>l*e*'ll'siteli-' Osd.u,bara»,sfareh'»il85»/ •"• *->« :!«.*> This bill, introduced by Sir E. Bulwer Lyttim, Secretary for tbe- Colonic*, provides for tbe g >v- ernment, until 1862, of New Caledonia. Ills territory must be roughly described as that p Jr- tion ol Britiah Aoiexica west of the Rocky Mo in- tains and between tat. 49 deg. and 66 deg. no lh including Quern ChnHotte'a and all other su ja- { cent islands. VancoverVlalaudoniy ia except :d, > but with tlie reservation that it may be anuei etj Ha New Galedoniaiif tho. two houses of the lej is- lature of tbe inland in joint address so petition —, It is wort£> notice that the northern boundary is"' two degreesito the souib of tbe old boundary, — It includes, however, tbe whole Frazer rivet # Id (iregioB. Provision is made in the bill for the conStiln- 1 ol a legisla.wwj;'tsy consist oCjt'SrOMtnor 1 . a mcil, obdopqcjl'iAud Aaeembly/ After .Aft 8tofe5 J • • . ^Hl>*T^Oap»iSJlUKSH,Jf. Y. S*lxaiWia^w^Tffo|ittefOT:"~~"— j OarriagemriTI ha tnYOadigiaiat t£»aiilRoadDopo|, andBtffsmhnat IrtindlTig, to convey PatstmgersandBag-} gage to aad (rem toe House, Free of Charge. Tho beat of I Stabling and the largestamount.otStablOTrooropf an* WntaltnOailsnsjRrrirh. ' 4l-tfj Hotel' Bobprt ,xxTp0( |,,. %3T" 'foe guest sof this Hbase are trOTspir^afoan) E rom thetRaU RoadVDepots and Steamboatlandin»W*j of charge. _»g £86-4a-2ia*J ' xiEFaESHJILEMTS, -&C CITY l.T*«ICH. 1;wui 5, ; srsias Horse*, to lay The abovy 8TEAM8B3 sre-CKed up to a style of ele- gance eqoal^st^stay al^st£-2!afi7tnlcr tmequaited tu- dO|gp2e^toi^tie»Auavtng,f^si,t^mg^ , ,,s , ^ :.u^€Hie«J*Ea3C..-.-: > I And^sMst, eon fcvTagmsStrW ^ovsrf«»JailsTsat8,as -** '. Ait GO BYKXPRSSS TBAINS! ' t e a s raoii MbCjmtiEsa TO CHIOAGIV SOA^I ' Cl>^S6«Ii^tffoT-wharfa3o sr handXtng'Baggageby,. > 1.. •---Jisar.qi^aamtixaHi^aAMMa- and Tormito*-OspsWtydfthafee t , 6 0 0 « i l i » jEbjr ForauaforM^on,ilV(u|ghtroi ftusage, wll&TifckeU, General BABSJipIRfl AND ATTORN1ES AT LAW, BradyVfcock,^ ^ ^ ^ r . ^§$£%g '. .new TOSS Presosti: SoaMXT iros ..'..'[8»-tf.J... BBHTAfc OEERataClONB. tion ^ Council, ™ - „ , ^ ...... _. prpobtroation; of;ttjeact, 1C it. L ahaUbecouiei,*»< h, ipJJejr,Cale<JoaiaiSP-«Ct Qf the lorty-tblrd J< sr .c/iGewgealfeiand.anothqr of the aecond y< >f iof. George iV rt cease, to bAve force in New Ca e- doiiia.- Tbose aotstextended the jurisdiction of tbe Canada courts of justice Into Indian or t ie Hudson's B»y Company's tcrrittyieg, both- in ci 'U and crrminsl caaes. It ia also provided in t ie bill that all judgment* in .,»ny civil suit in N' w'l Caledoniashall bo subject to appeal toJtho Que in in Council, just as they are irota the counejof Canada. BaT^ga«s'6itfateq-T)r,'pe|c^tn%B lo |nsuiess'Jtl (Bee hero #U1 J;o e^nsiafiOyioipet?.'' TnanxffflTO?*'. llberalpatronageThavaieceJvta^wooJdQoitrci^iiVt- m^M oppoaite St. tawrtoceBotf l»EirTIJST»V-HKElrIs>VAIi oppoaite St. tawrtocaaotel. "HBnmm? fiCtnrcshalf aad' ehole sets at Teed, and will endeavor 10 give satisfaction laiuUn: toasting Teetti. ,^B»™5PWs..^jB,£-=-., Heaps ooaslanliyc^flSSa^EOWHrSOATOsut for si wainrantedKKOTffiStSa^e^^jIfliout Injury the teeth or gums, than any other preparation extant. Ssfissr 8 VBMti^muitlllt-jgmr >n;i .-•. B . H . L ATS: EXQ d LJL$, . j fa-Tjrodoora South of thEfiv.J^WBi&f!»Bs,OTjjnAi Offlca, Isabella Street, Ogdenaburgh, N. t aA 1 iiEFBi3HAlBKia.—Hot and ffohl Heats at almtrrs! Choice Beer, Champaigne Cider, .Olgara, tauamadoi Soda Water, of all ffavora, cfongrcss, Maxiona, and . JPLantSjreQe&Sprlng t^ateraifflosting;liJata3l|Ae^, Aci '• j. H7A\L&K^C^; ; M^vr-s-ffmnnrgg »vryr,feA*Tt^H TW' STAVEaHEAi« : Ml,0J FBFSH (iROI SD PLASarSSS-, -•! USSRBLS. BPTTE8 TtJBS, 4.O., I •" -Oadcltsi^tga,'jr.'Tf.**'' .' ' i. g : . U. & OoU, tiro o^ota Or tae.sju^rnoiyn andt ^ c Co-., of Bnstrtn. for whom' 'COESf^eoesti? 4r^ -feJ IS ^^,*rr«»«Hft»nfttW«S!! .,'•" SRAsTO T l i n N ^ RAIL; i^MreoxKBAiotiJ. . . , -w.. .w. bgsawPs.i m* - j a w -•- rSTJBGSOlji'.^iplJHW^ DENTIST, . Il|pr«paresUMrformtUopaiaUoiuiHui«pro*SBic laYe,'treatta-lntnotn6sr stecesinW WsASei'.. Abiti( tetm OiBseoaaa pl»oe:of -risU, Mil ssmstlaAa tmiiar th <iax*t»,a»«*a«ti«*S«««w-S^«»f i,_ r ..•-.. ||0-va Tiftairsta'e Bonnet Boos*,) . , .. niany r . years be baa been' sinking;rapidly. Hie great|de- gire was to remain quietlj avhome,'where fbi so many years he bad been happy lb the society of a few select friends, end where he was alw ITS sure to receive that care and attention, in BicaJrjeSs- and health, which, next to a mother and none knew so well bbw to bestow as bis friend, Miss Qilinu. On Tuesday of last week, Mr. Porter, In Com- pany with some friends, started to witness the great base ball matcK A fisbing excursion was Szed for Thursday, «nd| lo, enable all to make! ap» earl? start, they put up on Wednesday nighq at the Carlujb Houae,, where^ efpoeifig'-birnseufti) a draft, be contracted a'heary Colli, aad renuujed confined to his bed ttere untjl'aituraay, ^ 1 - l ~ after his rflpaatedlr-expressed'wistefl to bb homo.he was removed to big own hpuke. The kibd est attention was of course now bestowed ouon bitu. On Sunday, ho rallied for a Urns, out it yas apparent that E10 was last passing away; on' day evening be. became woree^, tod died in pt About 2} o'clock, on Tuesday his reeiainA wj conveyed Iron] No. 51 Bteecker street, the residence of tbe deceased, '9 tbe a^taf of Thomas's Churcb, corner oj Broadway,and I ton street, where thp funeral services,, ^ccp; to tbe rites of the ProtesMnt'TEpiscdb.i took place at S o'clock, ^e' jfgf.l&l the pledge • again.'' 1" You ato'tthobgbl you are a fool I" , " Tea, that old sailor coaxed so-rmni I'coiild not^etoff." •> J v 1 --wish the- old rascat was in Guinea. WWl, bow long do you go this time f "For nine hundred<and ninety-nine years.* V*» Yon won't live a year." I "sWeD, if'I'drink, are you Ante tbe lump (on my side will go away V* I |_-laSss,"- < f Wellj I guess I wonjt &F»\, herejs the lumjj/' bbntibaed-'BiU,- holding np Wmerhin|-wftb a-npu- dred dollars hi it; "and you say I'll have inpre such. lurltpcV'JUut that's what 1 stint-" ' ' Tlte Floral Wtsirrlage. ' [Correspondence of the PaUy Saratogian.] ] 1 ' G&xxa UOOSB, MID-SUUUE^. ', tUll>U. nlUbUJVW^ UU.\/ », IUIMMI i t Mbiitpelier. He found* particles ofgoll.at, Beveraf pbibts bn*tfiis fittft stream, but^S te 1 rent np towaffls ita^obicBjiB traees. of the 'pre< idus ;*m^tal disappeared. He* wtn| satisfled' tfiat the' gold was carri-Jd into tbe btanch by some o ita smaller tributaries, but, thinking it hardly w >ttb while, and being engaged^ too, in other busii ess, be did not prosecute bis Searcii.' Lasf fluin ner, happening one day to be riding past One of t ieBe- little tributaries, called Ministers broofc, w licb comes down bom Worcester mount&int,anc ob- serving a parcel of gravel accumulated .in a posi- tion Buch as, in California, ia favorable to, I de- posit of gold, .he collected a portion of it, ind, on washing, found himself well repaid for hlsj trouble. I \. He soon afterwards experimented on other bof- tions of th&broot, and was so Well satisfied qf its j productiveneaia, thaV" 1 tbe courio of the Winter-, \ he bought.fcounthB ownera.ol the farms tbrdjugh which it passed the exclusive right of working its bed for gold—this right to continue foi the garm of five years. From the mouth ol tbe brooa to its source on the mountain is about four mjes; and his present purpose ia to work tho bed of! the stream, for tbe entire distance. He commenced systematic operations in May, but has been.nfuch Interrupted by heavy rains and high water.' (To- wards tbe mouib he finds the "gold in minute par- ticles, but ol A very pure quality, being wdrtlj El or 22 dollars an ounce. As be advances up; tne gold grows coarser. He has found one nugget Weighing nearly two- ounces, and another weigh- ing over one ounce. He had now three flumes in operation, and several men employed. Tbel ac- tual amount of his daily collections ha does inot divulge, for be is, very anxious to keep off inter- lopers. There is every reason to suppose thdt It does not average less than lout- or five dollars (per day lor each man employed. He himself admits that though bis best days here, thus far, are not equal to bis best in California, yet the average is higher. He expects to find the brook more pro- ductive as be works np towards its source, 1tbe heaviest particles of course being carried |tbe| shorter distance. ' The mountain from which the brook flows $ ol talcose state, plentifully intermixed with qaol-tz. Mr. Clogston declares that, in its general struc- ture, it has a marked resemblance to tbe gpld- producing.huls on the Yuba. They are also work- ing upon the other side of the mountain, in fthe town of 8tow, but With what degree of succetfe I have not been able to learn. It is said that gold has lately been found in Mad river, a stream wbjoh flows from tbe south into the Winooski, a few miles below Montpelier. Bald Mountain, which lies near this stream, baa a resemblance to Wordes- ter Mountain. I Gold has lately been found in Windsor oonrlty, in the town ol PJymoqtb, lying some fifty miles south of Montpelier, and promising " prospects " have been made at various points in that quarter. I do not hexr, however, that any systematic dig- ging has been done. ~ j Enough is now known to settle the fact that gptd exists among tbe Green Mountains in considerable quantifies, and to stimulate systematic search [for it. But it yet remains to be proved that mining operations on an extensive gscaje vfould be War- ranted. There are particular spots, doubtless, which will well repay diligent Working; some, perhaps, wkicb, if known, would afford 'a sr$axt fortune; but it will not yet do to consider Ver- mont another California. , °*-«^j«^f^Far«eeiitea twin. • - •• *Mp*M«-pJ* 5 ****! d i s p a t c h . ^ t l g r M ^ E t e s s o s , four of if>JWl>|gpjrea| amount ylsebeUs-Btreet FOn band, and ,-S -.——tfOSewyer'saad i -w«^^3*# a, '#f 0 » » , •Pamphlet, g*t#ios^|pare|a»fl^^u t | e , ft)r " ^t*G3^0«s»saSia Points at •sws -.^-J^'Sidwith the utmost ^SrlOTSoifiii STTivraj, &, -^fatuaiorSa totake Anv„. us afciha sameratesrequired There is a grandeur, in thi promising course of F. i*. I is new stumping his" District, dfscussib, .tionsofthe- day, side by Bide, with the: and^nq?? Nothing eandid^tes.and. ^»ewei| marches up, to the slavery question is rettesf So'b^BolA' tn 4 aiscuBSin^ the'#63110^ oFei eipafibn id "MiEstmri, ffie other '•day, be sdokel ^the^tes^^.time.^ rjthe nja- by ns. His offices are at ^^^^^^jOourt^ree, North and fsfiaeSir^'u ' Death In the Baih. -7-;---,-- -/I-T— -71 ,--^-;-;s-jr..r— ^r«Ty---i Mumachusetts came in ail k.free 8tate unde; "Cbfiiititnoon.' John Jay hWew t6?E, afd Bi min franklin in Pennsylvania, accdmpusl emancipation,.oi slaves <im thosso9ates on! tbe ground, of interest. 1 would Jiko-1,0,,, hear pf any^, man in that day denouncing Jaj^d'l^nklii'as Ab^lrioiriBtfl. ' Why be *w6uld bwe/desceided into inlamy. And now, what are tilei resul a of [this policy o( emaneipationi in New. -York and ggmisylvania? N e w j o r k wasabeirind Benfisyl- vanfa. -S- 1 -TirginialraB tbe'fiWt' State in the'lTriidK [But wiieh NfeW To)<k Stripped her fetters 'from! her limbs; isha out-ran her competitors: Who shbuld ( be thaakedfor this? ilr.Jay.or thoseiwho opposed his policy J 1 Had Virginia adopted the advice of Madison, ar, Jefferson, of Geo. Mason, and ol niany J others of her gifted sons; wbat'WouTd have |een ' t h e reanlt i With the finest fields to be found on,] the round ear^b-r-^ith moimta^A3ammfid,fuliof [for a great and prosperous'State^-witbAmildl healthy climate—abounding in natural scenery unsurpassedforits magnigeeflqe, what should be her position ? ' In tbe face of all these facts, shall we be( de- nounced for advocating tbe policy 'of such meji as I have namedfc1 If we believe emancipation will be^conducive to the growth, development ind prosperity of the Stat?, we should labor to ach eve it. I do not believe in sitting still and doing no- thing. Beliovingjt will benefit tbe eonditiei off those wbo, by the* beneficence of.,j>ur laws, are made citizens with us in the enjoyment of .bis princely heritage, "believing something shouii be, done which stall place Missouri on tbe line of prt> gress, and in the work of rapid development, no terror, no threat, no epithet, can deter tne fi om marching right att^ight 10 themark for theacc im- plisbment ol the glory and prosperity of this 8t ite,. which I love, and of this people, who baye so d en- erously supported me. Look at Iowa—tbe other day a -Wilderness —a naked prairie—.now.she almost outstrips Misso iri, and in tbe next Congress will send as many repre- sentatives afi Missouri. Will you furnish me a olue to this prosperity? riority of white labor ov^r forced -labor, and jbe- lieviug this, I sbadjiipt stand here and crj; eut, " tlou't agitate," " Don't agitate." In all kbe States where emancipation has taken effect, itptis been on the after-born. No one hasa vested right in property not in existence. On that- principle we could uever tsmancipute, but w.eiiave t^ie rfebt to say that all born alter 4 certain dale shall [be free, ind besides, we can legislate tliern but ofjthe State, BO that we can have a homogeneous white papulation.. .. Trial of Carbines St West point .. :<SSr| [Correspondence of rhe Springfield Republican.] . WESTPOIST, July 20,1S5!, The trial of breech-loading carbines at bis place commenced on tbe 18th inst., under the di- rection of Maj. Morde«ftix 41**j. hitidly and Ci pt. Rodman, all officers of. the Ordnance corps, i ,nd is now in progress. The arms, presented for I -ial thus far are as follows: Sharp*^ Colftj Burnsid ?'s, Smith's, Maynard's, Morseis, Starr/sy Glbbs's, % er- | riUJs, Symma's and Well^. The arms are first presented to the Board,; ,ud }'examined closely iri weight, dimensions and c m- struction,/together With the ammunition fdr b e Same i they are then lo be retained by tfieBo irB until a report shall be made from tbe exauiiual on and trial, which is as follows; Tbe persons j re- senting the arms are reguireii to fire 40rapids . - My Dear Johh Quill- Glorious nowa! Slug 1 1 the Blue Bells 1 Sound-tbe Trumpet Flowefsl B",|fiwset-Wilii«ai» , and'PoiIy'Antbus were marned yeaterslay' «(tB"rnobiia< Toor O'clock-, lAuoVChl such a host as came to the wedding. ~-Old-E,e in- der and <Motber Wort •borrowed' 'V•enug , Car^ 1 nd set out together; but as they wore passing thl-01 gh Dogwood they upset, and tbe Golt's-foot be ing lamed, llifly -tried to borrow Sorrel of the Wvod Jiamiiy.' Not Succeeding in this, tbey GalHe-a mile on foot, and looked very much wilted wben [From the Halifax (S. S.) Sun, July 12.1 1fe.ll«A i ukw,*al I nik'aelphia'iidyJ and one of ttW^ifofipassehger^^Suned^tbis City by the mis- hap to the steamer GUy of Baltimore, paid a visit to«beB itajesty'eisiearnei: &yx on Friday last^ and demanded tot see- 'the. commander of that now somewhat celebrated eruiser. Tbe story goes that the lady was*very ^blitely received, and ush- ,-ered i^to^e^res^ceofjifife'officer in command, where a long interviejtv took-plaqe, doubtless of . llUgliifBpottlOjihftiQiflreat, ol the two great na- '' ^°fSf^f% e ¥8^TS^ thii •occasion. We nnder- stana tliat, thi*" spirit ol the lady's visit was of a decidedly na&na4 -cbarpcter, .with a view of overhauling the. gallant naval officer for numer- ous ^flagrant-outrages committed on American buntblg. The barticulflr style in which our he- roine' conducted this retributive visit we are not ifiesitivejy .prepared to describe—our reporter not h»vin^tieen-preseiltjunfortunately. -IVmayhave p^^fflftote^%fe'S'li.>he commander had, be fteea-exposed toiii-broadaide from one of Brother ^Jonathan's Steam frigates; or it may have been that'gentle woman's beseeching and persuasive eloquence elicited the promise that he would "nefrerdqsuch naughty things again."— We incline, however, to the latter supposition; bnt, in either Case, with srifch champions as the lady Of our story, Jonathan,, will always be sure «> vanquish Britain's naval"heroes; be will gain more-victories^we think,.witbethe weaker ves- sels 1 than witii •> the stronger. Mrs. McAulay is the widow of the'late Duitgd States Consul at Cairo, m Egypt, and is said to be well known in pokt,ieal£iide» m Washington. Amerioans 1 JRighta at Vaxtcotrver's Island. l,[firom tbe N.Y. Journal of Oommerce.] •\ " "f" t i .• J —- WASHIHOTOH, Friday, July 28. Gov, Steveao of Washington Territory-yester- day Tjresente/Jjto.the Secretary of State, in writ- ing, a protest and argumen't against the assump- tion of Gov. jESjngJjjs of Vancouver's Island, of powers to -mbBlVfji^seCommerce in provisions, &c., and to inipSseVtaSlif twenty one shillings per njoritb, or airy tax at all, upon immigrants from Wby, it is in" tbe vast sdrie- J any -tjuarter, for the privilege of residence. Some time in May last, Gov. Stevens, anticipating the difficulty, had dincted the attention of the gov- ernment to it. Gov. Stevens alleges that there is no positive law under which the Hudson's Bay Company can prevent Americans from importing into the British territory provisions of an&kind, and selling them there. He contends that the charter of the company gives them no monopoly except that Of trade witk the Indians. Tbe President bad yesterday come to a differ- ent conclusion on the queatiojK^a Informed citi- zens of California that this goyefanieot was pow- erless to.afforduuiy redress in thejease. He said thepowers exercised by Gov. Douglas, aa Fac- tor fdr the Hudson's Bay Cdnfriany, whether le- gal or not/ ihad been recognized as legal by tbe British government. Thii wouM-Seeni to put an end to the question. But CahTorniailsbbw here have given information to tbe government that there is imminent danger of a collision betweeut their people and the Brit- ish authorities. This will the more probably 00- CUT, ff adventurers from the United States' should be made to believe that Gov. Douglas' acts are arbitrary ami illegal. _, *4S» Uncle Tom'e-Cabin a OathoHo Novel. Tjncle Turn's Cabin," though written by a Jfew England Calvtbist, has lately receiVed the The French deGgmVtO trythe twritot chjldrin by a kind of riddleA Tor example: A^rriin his a little boat, in which lie must carry,from oieJof FfieK#t)f the river pa the other, * wolf, a ^oat arJd T a cabbage—and must not carry more than one of thesb'«tTJficev Which shall'he lakefirsVWithoilt .the risk that, daring one of but navigationSythe, j Wolf may devour tfio goat'br'tbe gbit'tho- cab- b«ge? Suppose be Carry tbB- Wolf, t h * ^cabtMdfsj is lost—if the cabbage, tbe goat ia'-'devoured-ljf I the J goat, the- ernbartasstnenfr is equal;'for He ~w.ii.wkil. hfe <«Tiatrirbin "cahbaffn on- th»"btb#n sober,AtairLtokisginiBlay tiwMMftayldDtliir« whether ho went forward or Jbsotar*rd4 dttda iiU'aiMQreylaniiji'?- sLTenWbteJ«*lngiAiiin ol tbirtyayesuM-j^rillarAsvl' King otffrtmpe, 1 stalwart looking, bruta, with)* hssdb tivsjtitold greatqbatinacrand an eye-of copieryvand* Mills's VJemmy Mills," »IittlD'fellow,e3 nh! must risk Ms'goat or his -cabuagoon- the-bthin sideoftbeTivcr^ Theunsweris—-bo most tatje,' the goat first; the wolf will cot touch thofcabDritfoj; 'fn m secoulj p^ssb^ He carries tbe cabBagi, MaoringBlmtk'tbe gojft; fothe third bo^b^iuV porta tbe wolf, which may again bo safely"-fell »itfr-ib« cabbage. Bo'cdltr3utfe*wltn Telnrnmb Nferthe goat, ; ' y" ' "' " ' ' T How.FU«*Helpwdoatt»Caus*Ciar|isd can XjibMty. .t.:,..,. sonrtho'fOlIowtog.niiccdnteJaigivcrLast'els^tsd.bV [-Mr. Jefferson: ^ ;<-----' ^ Ji '' yWbJe tt« queston bMrtifJei fore 43on|^ft^ffi^ifarid^ ftUkmtocklnffl, and with handkerchief.lo ' mM»W* D»i J:'A»gTtr,DiirnsT.-OFFiff* onFordr-'sfreet,bVthe»t.l^wre=ce'Eo- *el.:'AtlVs^SF»TOtA^ena>*d."-" ' I (totf;,«fii^^™^. ';;.;:|igUf-^ .neotftjJJy BolksiteJ. and prompt retorag KQar&nlsod htA .^UN^U-RRENT- SIDNEY '"Bo,i"'«iajE -£1,17 WE^ERST AMD HOrtn'BB-V •6ASn3,'by . --_ * '. .V; ,. .'"'!_ COAS. Jj'IJiilSJ'^jpj^.,,.. ,-' ,.i' ,_. ._.- .,.'•-. , ;Y ,• RaU.-ca-4.fcrpot.„ ::- sfxcsa-'xfiKii&iH tvtiiSsi¥v, f 'cftcV .! rfllw'.AEJiASe.EJfSST," -•XtHS-^CXOSBaiGSSlT," '-EiV5S'G : '-- ; r , 0B. „JL cftaswl *!je i>Js^ipnT"«t*rcsWt!s,.-a ^JsjsjBrtjf cedipled by 'Mr. C. A. pArss,aai thorsngBly/epilwn. tif aa.good,'a\^i*^y czx*2'&ren£2bt &n&-*t.aa tfto-,.J^»s' i 3TT 1 * 0 fWimM-Basdsiagiit.'oiStiJfsvWitt-Worms a^"to>lowcsfWfcji , . . _WSt3§fffiat%ji i^»»<lUllr«sa&ve,f, ffi ^^lajaAl^i-'ti- -^,*' : .-i"i.;- ,^ r - : ^^tastr»sfcatta9,o!d D»»CT»» Bsaki. '"sftJTfctSfOJIX,, D. E. _ __ i^OXiaW^xatii'Jrjftfj.,.' '• 1 TfT, M^?.;, •. - . : AHM3aicAft' ''gati^riaEis" A<S» : ^5I53fEy, -Fl^Eiyit^cQSa <DO;, ! ="-''-••'• -fts# '<TRgASTT> a c l H U s s - A i F ^ h e - ^ ^^IW^A^pikSifiB, An3:«lUacaAr,: St.LaerericeHotel Bloci, i iV.^-VAi-i j.' •tlrstosi Hoi taT" OiEcoaJllIr. Wcx-TC?a,coricr of J i ? c=J eiiia ri3»a&i5^iJ'^[i|dX ^t3v&i^,'fjav"e:-Strtlfotbj)' ^Si^ecadfo-f,'BatJ'ftem 1 ^iaclS!riia«4tir^ :i . ,,,--..,, ' •-''- ; -••'---" i -^-^^^f^1'»iOlf>Bj^S«^tne*^'^ i^riofjkingfiybridarnatte: *h^i»pe»Ma«htl Ja t t o n ,ber-BeW green dressi' She thBac^whislcngt^iruila.wdcutog^M, ^ ^ ^ ^ jJLSZ ,_-a.V „._„.._ _t.K.t^jJl. _,* u_. !-r .«.A, T!„4^a m»1l„5,,f'A, a^AjsxfflraBwSto^nWitato^d^^ laid: <•* Tbeamtrie. jnMmJimge^^JSh^m^ «<fu ? Ah«Jkf**^«^hdll^ld with to?—' st^B^,f^d! ^z*nzz T^CTS* v -^l^lB^t^' .near, Baratsg* Bprtess^^BajsTldr fAdlltlci for Moilt, Painting. »ijd Frfnch; "cTSuonts received, at ass tins, awarded toLadlc«,wSarx»43arE ErndrjroCslaloxl' wl^M|c»r,tiaa»i, ; .,,„;/-,.. t.,;-.,-, „,V , : ^ ticol!o, ;i who ecemed to enjof; It v < ^ irfUcB,? ok Woll'dsVtb riws«redlfc«o< tho u^fincotjftio'fllclT Qttivid 1 recollection of too ebvrjrity of eh ettaclt, froia.feblcb the only reuefj^^^ljftpapdr Acd flying from tbd..'E«3na,":i,; ; : , - , St ;;„i. ••• •'$& awfal-dcaxb of^fi^^rf "Eaf^^iMo.ijf Wang Bussion: ladiot wha:-g-irhctTrn«. B'Addcnc' tho; Winters, of , l ^ r i ? ^ b k J ^ ^ ^ J v»|p'I^cd .~ ..-#..#i-li_',.;.-» - A .tifl^ttwn-*rm'rin-w-Rflrnn " •"•'*' ^ " K m l ' t t h i e r i * ^ ^ bocker officiating. The ijoffin was A most' beapti- rt.j_._d_v T^.-n n J A.M ful specimen of L e w c i d a n W ^ t t roRiEB, aiea juiy IM, IBO», ^geu,w yems. JAA etetosy/.etMtibainn^^iuvusullJofj Bis 'corn« he close of the rehgiouswremonics, « i e O f MaiJm&* c^afieili*®ettylwh™ the friends of the deceased,alfrga uuinWof M|ne witt ^totae aoW, these inseparable<* f t ^ r a L T ' w ^ ^ r & ' l ^ * ^ folloX^Ain the corpse after whic^ tbe M m « 4 » ISnawty, who-was too bashful tospfeak to fftdm, 'about half a m^e in lengfi) feft for Greettwopd,, 0 , 4 , , ^ ^ w M - _ h6te uoop 0 , ofa Maid I where the deceased was l a t e r r ^ , . j .laxKhBlcbetor's Bt«tonfl,'who, W say the Ie, looked very blooming, considering their a A IColW BUpe'ta Plttiburg. j . Aod'last of all, with very modest lodk», ™' , "".l'i,i'.^S-' $1 \.'c. I Jbhxmy'Jumpupj and Ms b"ttte'Mueeyfe*Biiil ...„ffrq.Mh«fiiU)b«wt.rr(lwt^uiwJ|t*^ VJoletT - ••• -am . . . . Bslsder.-ifyooitett sii^l^tU.jpioc^rii|iR: , .©W««lkB' Hood perfortnfed^e terekm l^oifiumble omtlro hunentetl llooila.n>s«nptir«jofc sm*tute*w*>drW#%aAr^-*rAs-flmipei' Tl an AssJIace, ym. can form.a ntsriestmiai»ofi«hft ~_ e tom&adtafc Silga> liettVeB,^nd- hb'i enjoymentexperiencedbythosawhoSAW,tiirkm|le- des^inJa^g^^peVefetalfarbnBd'the-UbTri^ race yesterday. Onllnarji language ifaiblio da-c [great dishes of Folferf,' wm*fe>*»ery one cbuuf' acribo the ludicrous scene, and bimQae.be.8een to, ig> bisheart's contebt. 1700 DfrLlbD; who-i»-V<|rv h».»ppreciatadL {fleboll^wiu^(!aJMtb«^ull|jes^ 4bnirjfjwUerj.^towfaitdiatbegot-mfireWitej |^ thaslaud.wxA.teppc^s^ut fiTeo'ck)ck,:and ifsjje thanbtftiidin hisrnouth, and wbenhowlas b e t w e e n . t h e a p p l ^ t ^ o f thOTg, smd st^ fiy* judged to-kiss Ilady Hary flah forfeit;4ie gotilit [From the N. Y. Evening Post.] The public journals chronicle the <iea.th of a ' i<y man at the Ked Sweet Springs in Virginia, on be third instant, while in the act of bathing. In these days of hot weather and aun-stroke, people ire prone to imagine the bath a safe as well as agiW- able resort. But it is a luxury that must be .fen- joyed with caution. "Due regard must be paic to the state of tbe system, the time of tbe day, < nd tbe probabilities of subsequent exposure. The skin eecreteB an oil for the purpose of lubri- cation and, protection from the vicissitudes of weather, which washing n moves, leaving tbe mis exposed till it can have time to renew secretion and poor it out upon the surface, ardent heat of tbe sun at such times will ifiS the skin, sometimesadisorganizing its texture destroying it (yitirelTA but more often producing a disagreeable Bense of feveriahnesa. Aware! ol this liability, the Orientals and South Sea Islanders always anoint themselves after bathing, and thus avert ill consequences. A bath taken at nighfiqr, in the early -morning probably is less liable to Bus onconvenience, T i o n g continuance in,the«?ater reduces tHeionftj Of* the systern^mUeebles. the .organs^ami milife* tbe action of toe heart. Instances are on record of children that have died when no evidence! of disease waa proved Iriif the ilcgenerated vitality occasioned in this way, ft is ee'rfain that a per- son suffers material reduction of strength, is less •disposed to exertion, and less capable of end urmg fjttigue, aftgr taking a bath. The energy of i i e system, ia temporarily impaired. In case of pre- vious'cnro'nib leeDienesa, it is apparent that p a especially required. - A bath taken soon after a meal, par (jmilttriyeiiei 1 ' Abe*.rty di^ner,»iathe Wghestdegre^dajigerok. t She'VeTjf-f»dlgug^t, J l whOj"if i tt'wpB t^Je*sin*;'sJthoagb''he-H'id'no Wise tinfail ffVislKtribhldr-,' whoWie-corimaei^ifl^'esane! iVhimseie l''» -""-' ' A ' —' •"•'"•' H 1 A sji''' irmalFyVWe had''atjgrand danca'to -the tansie; the Canterbury Bell ringers, who are said to-equal tho Swiss. Old Leonder and Mother Woit, woo o i,had gBt very much.uXQitcd drinking tbejuice bi j ,1.^ xrA^a.trt !\r>th0.A»ml.r1nwn rJia.mlddlatallinia-i M'AtaMani; ttasttivAnd a oite,«i ft_l*f fridM-.TttoK^'liyto^.Wtfxttlawn «he,midd)a;all pSpsfabni tU^wnrdi'"iiO|^abe»«Qti«ff!Wellot •• mledflat wMC«n. 9,Ult 1thlaAffi cQmD7iVBe Jt tbeir_»a»t» «Jt4imjyilsW'*smJm^ wdoeitb^wbjpwr^mir ^f^^toduathirrt.,o ; Hurmoijy beiRgrestoKd, Hoy.dMe^tlll ?iS2^«»^*»«PPtaufeaxjf^BW;cojrfifd <. *$m..,B*ad> wish joa.ojnj* bmheeft )$*, q^cU P pe«riu^ ~ > * » w « - M « «?«1 ">' •. J ^ ^ ^ ,sir^p_»u 0 «al«IBM^ yards, 20 rounds at 300 yards, arid BOioundS at 60u yards. Tbcy are then to be, Jborougbly t :st- ed by the officers of the Board, in sucl^mannei as they choose. The time offiring40 rbAuds in e: ich case, as far as triedTta as Jollews : ,• j ^ - " ' Bin. ileo. Sharp's, usfng prfnleri'forfl7 sM'capater18 rouods 8 10 Maynard's, using primers.. « 20 BuroBide's, using caps 5 08 Smitn's, using caps 6" Id Morae'n, witb caps and oartrldge S 4$ Qibbs'e, using caps...! 5 '81 Colt'a, using cans 7 , If Metriil's, using caps 4 ' 2( •senting the arms pas fpr rapidity, and 20 rounds for accuracy at' r io6 f^ed'al approval of the Pope, and has, in Italy, a circulatfou unequalled by any other book. lis Catholicism is found to be more truly Catholic than Papal Catholicism itself. How this result, so unexpected to tbe author, has taken place, will appear in' the following paragraphs from the Ofiristian Register 1 " By late accounts from italy, we learn that a translation has appeared in which, by a single and slight change, tbe work is made more Catho- lic hi the latter bense. The rest of the book be- ing left untouched, indicates its unobjectionable tenor in ultramoBtame Rome itself. Nay, unob- jectionable is a -weak, word here. Tbe book has The shooting by those prei ot yet terminated, and tfie e examination and'tfial will extend into «rext Week.' The'-tltst shoAtjng #<*?» otouned as a .propery Oathoiio book—im. I V I K u n W n n o i i l i u t i l u mill, I h a f 'olhAhn onmtnf onlimnm thus far has been done by Smith's, Maynard's and struclion—Mayiiard&.and Burnside's using metal- lic cartridges, andj&nitft'slndia rnhber. Another Board ol Officers, consisting of Col! J. W. Ripley, iloj. Bansey audi Ikpt. Maynadier^ to deeide upon the best mode of tillering muskeW to breech-loaders, Ts ordered to meet at the ; sulue 'pTat'ce, a n d ' a t e a l r e a d y On their Way hither, " •• . • • • • • i_i •• •. Monumetrt to the fijeinery- of^restdnis. ' Btcjtilrjg.'- *- - I ; bued peculiarly wiih the Catholic spirit.of religion. lS v7e' recollect that Brownson's Review made this Burnside's guns, all differing very much iu cbn-1, "": "*«>"«*"• "'" o-vm,«iu.iu™™ a, MB u,.. .,..,„II„„_M„„...„IV J „^ B,,„ oirf i' a „„in„ „„.r»i-f ettim lor ic as soon as it was published. What IlWtheKor*ijf<jiireefc4to^ Ihftobeliskvjs a neatlyxlesigij tjer^ouiisa^^ftthere^nejW^diW^r^ ' -~«-~—- -~»»->'«- »>"> -">""•'• »»•! fr""'si [ the indieeste^ foods The brain isunwilling to be toked^fjecause it ianoli receiving MaJIowamjdof blood* and ita^vigor is .called eteewberei, the rois- cles, demand season pf r«t, that, they may i riot J , iUstmnkitbe stomach irom its du^^tmdthovdx,-,! .teeinUiea.ar»flfff1»»alfJ dnririg.tber«%eatree>(p{o-. j jce^-bejsiBsa theyi^eAid«p«Jwd ottvportfan [oTf theinbl,ooj}.. Hha heart Alone wsia(B3oa.thfi «dtf<' istl-l^onAnsejflfUftojtfnajyjtB^vlty,. , . . . , . j , . Tiieb«tb,,takenJBndei;jThatey«f9r^produdes a^hc^k.upsaithe.wbqle^ryous syXtanviJEbe ef- , ItfS. of; thj«,-wherj»,. there is iiwfiffieient.reaatipg fpOMr, ta,^»Jmpgii! djrf^yjaMji^stwtJjrji^sot- tractile power of tiiemuBcles, anil-Jb^ heart fin partiquiiir, wbicbjs'ita.clf.bat.n mnscioj and, if the shock' iaeufflcwnUysevere,^yneo^aanddiiMbtat,, once supervene. ,Jtj» weU.Ltaipwn..th*i a,W0WT struck upon thosUjuwch. shortly .after A full jneial.J lOfJen resiAltei;a^ly^ u .fhftabci^,<tf uhjtthia^a,! bjow^ n otion 8ieieEigiw»4um gbnpjj,,feut«p|)n ' tjie whole sUriitcQ, and,the tendency 4s to p«ralyia the mu^mlar system, and, produce death o,t pncV. .. Tho cold bA ijuijlt^ bQ, t«BAtJ8 wasjtfikBly ••" ik^i«!W*BC9^feosiBq9en(JS,t(,,-, • u ,-m I r.t,l .W^sitbB&WstlitWpla^'esort^.thehatli; ^lief^oirilboj ePI»e|pfB jhojii^t^itsefithijr; M>3Jm0M ffirafei Kiel mw,as> i m$w >d impsBBlr Jlrssafea ftednduJgeBcei to tvhicb th sjs ,;wUlJa,iielJi{ Absy, take: • a j j i m i . n m , 4i#X wqulAM^bfeaurprisedihy^alsy or death.,,.., .| vf it'isSts,' I to tbe memory of our lamented Brooks, whic! now completed, and at tbe marble-yard of Mr-. T. White, of this city; Tblirmonument is of and finished in the most artistic and woriunaultl manner". •' It Sfonrteen feet high from the pej meutj andiflde fees square UUthb bass.- "Near i the uddevout termed its Methodist pietism, waa cajjtid by the reviewer Catholic zeal and fervor. " The change made in the last Italian transla- I tion Will seem an odd one enough to Protestants, and ia one Utile likely to please, or to have ever been anticipated by Mrs. Stowe. The very last and'tabst ufea ^dpal, and therefore least Protes- tau^jqyCat&Qfic .dogmas, that which many good Catholics themselves yet hesitate at receiving in defiance ofVatican ediou, is npw wrought up with [Prom the eharleston Memory, July 14,] j I the fiction pf the zealous Andover professor's Wife. Yesterday We saw a very beautiful monaminirr^fieWin rjfferice ofthe-olrlDegro, and tbe cause ^>f.ali his sufferings, is represented to be hit 'staunch adherence, in despite of Legrefffilash, to tbe lately promulgated dogma of the - JrUmercnlate obelisk form, pUrb.'WarWe, oPthe finest quality,4-Cofitteption'—a most lame- and impotent oonclu Sjsion.', which ^ie authoress will not adopt in her f future editions ip this country." ifrfSoulii « a r i ^ i C eUBoi'atefy by an .artist ttfgrWa.kill: ' B&bi «hia,on-tbe lie' of tb.e-obelisk, isflflivy Wreath, in:holirelifilv fn- cirphpj the/qjlkjnatuj mjorojortate. iqscrip|iQn.; J ' ' BiirnJlyFd E g?i§l^raiigl:%§?,'^t.'lS19. Kleot^dto'UieSttUe LeguUftnrein 1S44^. Elected Captain oTOo. i9palme«o Se^emeot, ih lSiiJ, sjad ^. ,o u.sSrOsldpruig tie*MBxican 5?ar., n '- . •A«d'3lediid'WaslmlBi6n^^.'tt,4Rlf'^^ Ok another sae^AsJrglir^wjeatb, wlU djM| pear the tonoWlnlfi 1 ° 'Sir John Potter, the successor of Mr. Bright for Manchester In the House of Commons, weighs about 45U ponml^, and is. tbe largest member ot tjbat bodv,. In describing his face, the London MudragSittfetM snya:NeveWttoe'theT'fixBt man was created was there {we?affl"^ffl^adedJt;suob a disc on tbe top of hu- majt'Bbbufderi: yTO be comprehended it must be |,aeen.., It remindaiuivwhen we look at it, of Hil- ton's description of Satan's shield, which, with the aUeratiorr < of v a:^ing3e i WoEd, iihui adm&able pic- .. -.<.! JU;I &&6QV&m&GOi*&XtOO.* '. :•& I »j :OJ-&}W« -j'Jt^ti :>]>jniiiiiiiin u»fl ll j'u •.'., Wo encotmtered'ina. 'othtx day a, Udyjjt . iashion.in SLbietrifit atrx^t. . Shu .Was a rara - l&rtliaeBaEOb, as all'tliesa fine feathered - now era or csgbJi to bO£najiug licraselvealn ^EPitJ»c3«'. Eerbsps ^sp wsa it hirtt^RSssagCfe, .^wiRgfor tt& AU«fltiecraaraipgi»i;.At«Jlerei , wccncojmJwcd h£t In^^ flbcatsnt:^tey and {48S-*toii>e.fll5«d.it!'e. ojA-lfcisayiBsjlItilSi-ififio A.^TO^^tI^sll^^f!*ft«S%, ISr^Hro*' 4.bc^Jf5y>^4t;icw!^is&iia,£hat5l^l!xdnajcsi''' , df-MfijPoiia but: a afacrfStto - ( ^ ^ f f t o a o y i j v ,,-..., - *£>*- Oa.3T» |*I^JR;,!q^:'" UiyERfsJOlA PAClXgTS. ^3«»»«rm.*ac<omsAail4U»f«ir,iasieiito i . l I. J^^^WJogjS,-! $1-... - T t«*tff *^ll^if^rrSS, , * ' «*fr"*te«*if»]l!v-4B* 4r*,S^i^*®^ ^OIJW) WWW pm*VMM,mntqmj* -- - -*V ^ » * «!«««*»• rsasasiw-' ., i.\*m-^ tts»sf»s*s»>* #&**I *~ . ,.-. ^. v.-, ,_ - .; ,'. rf r, :, j;,.--:f f r. ,;:•!->- 2i' H .^s^iji^iiBit,/•'-'_' '.•. V, fy •> •- - QMir '-; : ;' MCUW^Att ' sWJtaUtWlB •' niff'tMSm^ -^•sslsssV tW ^JIlsssssk^Z^JsB SAB1H, ft feOBTIS, I?T--WfWMNrstf* «•»»•, *av#«w * ma&oot AJTO NIW Torn sttAir4 JU UaiP I4W, safllat «tf» aHssssa* «ss«; Fwrs from Ssw Tars, •sOjfrom OvarTistsL flit, Salltai ^ . . . . •-iSsw T«A SfwrJ A*i il»«ns*alllfl( I : FAMAa,> tLMTIFIOAT»S4 f a , , » « a s o v . l l w s o n . r - ' .Wfbf, ' ,6tccptog,top,ick.,it:cp^ili^ ..^,, A- , tiiao'.bughtngry, "that oneof^;t^WMjcS't>e|osg-; S W ^XCTfMrTOHKTOV.ti H' , Bg*^-Cis^d''«lsinfiatf« ,^ ^fap^fe'Vtirn!uBr*b li^»*CTle«otJ»«n^sx'«ifrttcr»j .j «iiAVrsb -Hr ' t tTMsfilsnt^f KwafVi!»'s> jSuaHiig, tard-JtrVst,? s'ttaVijs^ ";i»„|-'.aisias i x»jr^s*i*9*l T ^, I ^^rf rc^m-eir0?"b**bltelfied by wealth'orby •'•I' I .ju,' The T^oj; 3 t « a arra:: -Tl» *"6i«*riiakt»s it love allair took pls*# at Cnito Ilall, £Mratot4 - . — , •-•—- 4. w ttWr tk 1 -——-ar- '•l&WlcWftflM...^ s^8if^?tUM^ts5sl%iBfMo&:8tcel- , ffibpasl,. t;abora ,.«34: 'gwtejtl.'dry, mods, '.llto'^jril^JfetibeA^^pJjarj^c - . .^r., ^—•—w ,r^t^ A« *ffWua-rliA^frf>*>t'fKi>.i ^wtjiauisuvuiip, MU.. T to fir6:be<fjr<s 'Ii6¥ffid|b. *«.hA«» the* 'aiiofrtiStUd 61?BbOve tr^o'MeJoJiS'd. niornlnof b y tfib tuao,%ti.a. enptrkteiuicd thb Wen; rbtsed In - *i patVi' Boats tsitp witi, And on tne obverse Bide-to the above, this n- I's^ipfion'WAi'lrB'placBa: ' ' ' ^ ' i " xSBjthtttaaeyer-trulBwed V°ff J neWfo*om a irtier D sj n, s l NorHeave|nifiBn.eB Wither gates to, xecelvaa maul ez^f ' Oh theIrackb^ the n 6b'eiiskla'tbis msbripiio if " Preston S. Brooks wiilio%, long tie reifacmbereiS, ' h Asoneia-whorothe-'yu-aeeicivedtodwell;- Tho' tad to us, oijd dark this duroensatipn, . v>, we-imow©od'B •WIsaom^elSgB^Bs 1 s>«f? , This monument ia a Boris«f '^fea beauty- fc|id qrnameijt, ajfRpJe ^itMbSSdijekpreai^ft jn its ^siwaf Tm¥i,CTfefiB»tv6-j|« ,ta :torr(orib|. jb>»ctejjonioy - crabj to f fasting detViriitaiiof*Uwfcbf~jjf]ot,( ' fc^^a .3 .:,«J^14.X,..^ UAUxaJSH., ... J, J-«H**SS*i^lI*'M^ W M l n s l i *•»«*»«,I»sisiMi*-lia OrasT* **fats,0lfs;l>F»4t«ft^i«d«w*lMf,»atM»rrs»t*|s . -;,*to«k^«ntWsAa*ll«U3ti^n:Mtrsas«tV,Wlasslil -,•->-,- ,.K.. - aadCifSis, . -'• '. -i , -")' atO^J<<,M;>)rtsl^fc!satJt>«^ "" - ;" .." , ''" -'"-©sirt»*#r-**•»'«*".] '"• t ..-\ " :: -'•' •' 'j»EotffY>-.iajm0K ( ' •.'. i nal Itktlr vsrtsuss, »l ttso rws-ISsfs, Wiadow-aiass *«Ia^W»«s t 3»s»»sm,*ll^»«sM-fc»»** [ 8piM|?*AJai«ais»ir»»l»jvt A j f w g i » w « r «r»*u >»# y«rk Jns* ther«« osaWnit yosAtigfUdylrtw th« Mmsi tity. t* wkoss! b« bad been ^•yjojrhil aUenlioM unttt furb»sWe».to 4V> so by kMsSMMta. B M f ^ l « . 0 1 hotel-f>HSJ3ri»»l«s, httsIspotiJbW k„s«s betors bar 1st she partsw, assl MMtiaBdiWs M B ^ lbs quastion. t l ' l i s i s I by Ms Warmth, i s r l h s im^»nts|aj>>ssTisr wbioh »ha isMtpsotssjhr lbs |"»P-W- «»'•• »--•—,, -^,_ ---«ssr -oari, (^ *ho«l l i s * ^^Ws^sfl^jajajto^ tjev^fij qisjei ipr^y:^ricIi,Awom^j^jjhg-,w< f-Wett;*:..':,,,,^ ,.i . ... ... - tJ -v -•:'-• H-i\ - ~ ,.w«-fas>Ts ( pe»j!F,*i word a p r V ^ a i j . ,at. .tioojw.-, -fbefAj^ fmie«l^tv,WB»|WsOj^^-* lyet _ __ CuSora c^rser, V^Mm Mperb^t.-» w ^^, g)H t,M 6B, tho temblo oppression uhis chosthad cH > Wiroad him to cenelnliijing tho Carburatlfd b .dragon, nor, affcw along itngrjle tor lifts, wftu! (ouud hnuM fi»6»d, the jmghdf tysMMt-4, and t»(f»tbsw • * » / twfcr4 • • « , ssptsutg Itsta a saif- -oan, 1^ wbossi t h s * fctsa WerA tsj»st% rsswstd. Tfie-»Wa»*goodd«»i Ofiitortnlni' on tks pari oftaeoWpsopTe.wastJ tfasy faisd os«wb«t hsit l>ass>.oo*«,l.ut ttwjf #mmi*&' W srAswH, afW tbey bad made up t i e u ou»>dsilns* tbsy eoaisl do sobstter. TUs young lady will bAiorfataU |f 4hi<iop»,r»t liv« tt* #^#fitiie| fijBy, tn Ipi^t^s^alwovared to«ytoSsibAnn«d " 1;VIdo^^o*1hInkItJJ«rld^•, ,, , ,.,,, Wilhotit j.byiloal'r^,m(a»cy woitid bsioiimr . •d W j^sriAh, b s f o r t ^ p « r i « r « * « ^ L i ^j^a Jt^t it* 4au|sri. fjord KMM* advlaad narsoti lo cist < th» fidgs«of thssr obikli« "ciAmAArAsJj"w^ tsrin* with tbt a^tteriita biasts Ufot# tb«y eotsMt tfo*f0*T»inijr.5 bntTf «o •BtAfts»^Mi r wl tbs wotAOji, tfcsy wooM out Up tbsir own n M withth.ssAMa^^ i ab«y a .t.»sic^s^bsjr« tbtro ia « eandU v)tVg>« sa-M 4*fI'U that fttf tn*i>t, witi^stptH tho modern system^ srbicb, is a atrictff diplooAt^ n'»U'in,In^lidcd'to CotiWltlraihfr than sthibU \Vt-At grsre do tuev not toad to au otherwisi ™cele-»objeet> fiow they di««Jfjr «fl4 «H Into tli» Mkador of nuasu-iiy, **«n tic vtak,' 'e|t»»>d uoWvely figure of lh« sbapslssM Mill girl I They hslp the observer'* imsajicaiion and supply lbs ditncieticitt* of nsturo ID modstb|t-| (t csrtsin ly *sry>^»Uiul to the eye, - t .1 .-..C..., L»> <u^ (,i. ••n'lil-rnf-t < i: ..)...M JUTJI. [From the Correspondancs of the TJtfca DsilyjIIsrali ' '•A'-h'ne-of 1 grecn',.lo*-for«tbotrayedthecoui' *PthasBA^c*river j ttooUgh* the plaiBi'iiSodefcp is its- ohsrmeT,.and>iothick jg-the foresttha>eki|t« ita-bariks' tbat'I rode within twenty yardgJofit ije-1 for» t-iraugbt &aiiBt'f(ltiaa^>fit^^^ ^ dcsBjibedrJts us -insSpId, tnoddyi crcacheians desolation ttrolral) briny own partial fancy 4ha» tnjtdBtbe Jordan Un8 Its green faaitkn-so beauS- fc)T'butiti^se«t^'in-tb»imnujent-'cfimJfrst^ vslattoa to my longiDg-eycs; tko^pcrfccQoiJ tof [ calm and bp!y lovebiM^,-:IIcb<carfi!y:aaiwide j>^ tho Mo!;swi trtUtir^ bat^to rMM rapid tthd ita- pissloned in it&fiow.,» tofJee^tJloll Jiverai Jjayo .ever seen, ^^oitjin-haa 4hO- Csrccst current. :JiItewa^iAhyaioJaBiii3.c?Lmr,.hM,itMjitt^,. 1 BartMilla,camQ-}'Aautldy." -At tile plaws.sbi I.-Crctr-fiAwit,:fraaition tusigtei tha-bapiisHi oar^tiqur,:rtr^ also tiJorcirnctilQUSi CTOE^icg promised land. Liko a truo pilgrim, 1 bathed itawatera and picked a: | 4 » ' ptblilfjs'fiiiia banks, C3tokcnaolrcrs.£riibrancoof thomoat ons river In the wgri.d,- Three mtjea below spot whcrol cow'nmiiii, tho nobla river—ii tho vcry.:CaAlSM af4ifc--<iiddciily tbrowa ii oa.therictrid-lxiBntaofiiiaDEadaaa, 4 *uS?feApEiiftbi",»| ^enkej M&tmnhm*, ^$it^:pmm: #xi*rA.t0iiiK6S:..sTa «xtaab4hit flA^iiiiMrf«f>iri^''i%^ htickj theysMdltAoj»Hlfl«;b«*rnis.: .Sonworje A«adJ «l4 aaJ4{f>tle«f» irteatetkii ttWeai ••lSafale- tieatedXr. Webster; ^iminspisastef,- Xtfhiiw {a imt>ss>sabltoo PmfatMl,* «tttlUt» Mstsirowii. «r»y«d41** Wfe4 ha*Ji|«s, mltWy wsitcterffiB. SJCSAU. . ;.-- - -•'••-• - - •*-'-• !' fm'ein'orlEC- ft.*i,aH-.«„H -ko^.ttJtol « „ m ^ „m»,rfBt«rT,ra lartre estate, wh this monument whence it %flir tore of the. face off tc ' " •John: ije hroad circumferenoe Stands orifhls shoulders, like the moon, whose orb u H'Huwng^pths^lassj^ieluscanartistvjews." etmanlB, just and beroio; Utagtratbig t ™ i ^ ^ s ^tadoubledunhebasl why, a bird might >y nto (levoiloa to his countryj the sffifuuflaiuflsteatpn that "coign of vantage." The jrtfh his: bereAved lanaiy In debloHni fBToniy mea We<A«CB?eaw ilke Sir John's, and that '.f.-Wai'long.sibce, beloaged ,to at grazier, who .once ' at,th.e Maj^ipjjt country .town, planted himself bnesmoting noTaay m front of Judge Park, where he'aAtpersgfrm'g and wfplng his lace until the fretful Judge could hear the eight no lunger.— ^Thrsiwingsiown his pen, be «a)led out, "Sat man, Ldb jget oj|t # t^ie way;. you mike one hot. to look No Prejndic.es-of Color, . InJ?fciSfiejBt.iitdition speeoh, Lord Brougham' ^.related tbe following anecdote: I . " J^d^^dhurBtgava me a short time since kS^^^^aS^fe^US&a J 1 * 8 J^nsected . . jefieId,whereitlB to' a negrr, pornrietbrIof a large esute, where he , f remain. There wtireBared, we learn, Ihe^railte 3 »wW iWeivlrfWil finau®^ lolpltaiity, and fataHd, ••"» •« ••-< iimi w»- laww lAs-m-ittui itaJnedwb^»w3u^^l ,a ***et',' D ' fl atlored A- -T ^ i ' 5 #• " ; " •'' ' "'' h ^%P*Mjll?tute*' 83 *"fe y$b.ont any jffeju- noml wview, he nadout the hand of feltowahip lioyer. £w;a tj.:s v .^ , ^ received on lOffer otr?iarriage,froin.ari iumin. ug came to her dwelling .decked in aD hisfinsjry ^i!sTTeWsiifieii , 'i^^e^ br»ss ornamentaiandj cbiwsi—and , 'tlirougban' terpreter, announced-to herthatehe niust be wife. H.,wwdir|S4'ibat ! lta osaxmo wife, replied," All the bandJiave as many as tbey Stent, he promised, that eho shonld have thoi Bishopia httlo in fear,»fMe "green-eved .mo *®% o *mi(>^.&^g0rfMM tola »,} fe^npoMlto^i^d^'iJfeainWoa^^at*] :tl RstAilAttoa. Thel«^UtureofTexaa,»t!uls^ssss»>B,|^ass>- IsdAa Sowing Act; ' | tjstc-rio. 1. Be it It ecstctad by th« lefMaturw Ot ths stsis) s f TsxAA, Tisat tkt) takowmtmuat^ 1 ^«(i^,an» got Wlwfa ol^ladiA, ^^fSffijsafghltfg can «mty%e«oi«liictnai3'an onor- jBlurts cost. Tbe hottest day that comes, let tome o|fl.5»bois aipcsrely deijrba? ot nijdgrsjarjding _«,««., ^ r ™™„j.^ __. _. _ ? _ 7 ..,., , , . „ , . » whs* tho dry muds oSflnaui are like, repair to an cortn* of thelodgeyliuMt n y S s s l d ^ a f l a ^ w i t b ^ j ^ i ^ j a ^ &tsms^mf;-et» Iet'ttn?iand i* :*imrwliite_tbjBtiaTi fWWJMj^'^^ffil frx»^riBMr*wIie^ih»fiu€ao9'tJ6l)Tl8"«^^ "*" " -»—• -J^^jjjjgja^^^ioTittJia odorBfiMeujtable' bVjStedtogjfiye?©a, gratjng of a,jtrari4cook ebon, nj «B«oa %js,ji,o will have opt aioor S rr~2i J«II- , ^ u-. i ,ii- - '*^f»»^'«WWlo* '8Andy 1 'Bl^s^«Bvcrer>w3tb'pa- with a banghtj w. Jtext 4ag )ie was ttrunk.fe gp| g ^ ji ^migheain ienE^?loff volumes Butone.qrMiaB^Ws^q|aj (? s f««dt™fe ufo^erWe^»a|j^au#a^K' . and was ignoraWuTR«n csstoma, Ajovfygt ijafe-^tfjifMw»-to : to*lfta;'tAnf3i Sr-tajslbio, litwn witb.ber,.oalle4,ofe > s, Bopi nfditB^heiBif.liiteiji^^ring.; ifeini r -„ T y^fcsri dFpSrtJ_ility, 1 -bia' »?terBAa{tfj{! wapjar.< W.brilria: ••*X^.aito4Uk.mmto f^set-: gi» •to^lefeepj - ^ e i r in '"^elf'tllfi AhdvA;Water, f b * -*KlS»»»-.art*. ftosju-sxvssn^Ptff heeTL^iicr.. eoroe jjtBjer* »tori« ^bjoat -Sia-iBtw |.tmbrnoijg£ tim M"Und~^i!f 'ffappfmli *»•'• •pdnsibl* for the subjotacd.iirj! jokeoatt'wet i Sf^l|sJW|8rii5 nlijuifaiiir^nrltije r,^- #>jrliftg&& a^esgriptinn. It ia eo :tfe.«iMnIitJftiteK' Mag aft^ttSB causBa wjiich : iViaiy%.hAv'*'oeaiiu^*tert iiitSt infenfmSoa 'Sw^iTsb«ltt»s> lloVsAdlfU.; (AH. swmpristss) tor the UM» ami a PtritsOtsUfflWthA ytstss ••••'* %« t| 7 , having p««bMe<i' A«lton«)f moustam daw. for want of • racir* businesw lifcs) label, wroUhb aame upon A common plswing card, which happened tobo the seven ofeEfr*, m m it to th» handle oftht botUs. A WSA- oomlnfbnobsMmd! ^''Ttat.^AwwloareleiSt **U°.!**• ^«»- 5 "*V **•*»•»* tot*.* ur» f'wliyf b»^iii^Acs»vii>iAsmis^oo«e»Wwith U} im »l(bt ofclutJ^taVit? Totn scbiSj the anil standi*andbbTtsd. v" ;• (AlUrswrfljAurtbevai^it^sjii, •wecxildWapratisJrtWotiraAiatwiato tha Ww waksw this furtasr provlaio,:) «jvjr' tftwirtHlM, osour' «<»rU—a to its p«rW«T fff«» g»WMin| jW& JPB»«M 0j> •^ttatsTfss^lMtt, '- (r^ b«i>ss\.a^far(a^<ss- nijTfyrt,mK»iuryviin^4iiuttiiumidtl4* ! ; bj«ff thAt WfuM arusb < .. TyW if' k Korfajk, ttv ti- . ..i BsAre&novMsa at>ssho<ne h)£ia- J i^rssidaiit ra^sore i» at NstfAnt rt«l»tantPli|«lA^Jtw^. _| .retBrrjed f-jth'siUt MBna fjra^es, to^rni^j:ji^/f^^^^4r_^ft..s^ttf^u«obet*ee» yottr^es jgcf with bWj BxplatiBttona at)d .imerff^Awej^gj^sr*^ v ,t,.,;-.-!.. v r j -,n,t, inafc,.i.M-k-,.,—..^-^-^4 f {tasttnwgfi tho tantinary were ehMbp^SJo thick fogyVOd s*»srly itiorniEg asa^evOBing this wjfOr-ofoni^ Hspenilfifj high fn.»Jr, M8BB'l$o..a ,riancIona«iip|^iba.bUi»kie, Whfiritbia dm I i*««t rapidly ia giotipii by a tot wirid, and when the groawtBand, xxsmpomaf winBte fr»grpeBt3 oi tale, scslsa of mioa, and e«rtb, is IrnpeUed in s»CC*gsft* WAt«**«WgritbJ9 htUMim» . .ttessffeot iBQuitesnn4ei«»ttoi»»si# we ,*«s)itIniJi*lon?»«r; Kwy s/tioi» l«y»J<»r*«a, lyourbair, cyeaMd-atB^-iUM fUW*ff 0Tar6d *JthIok «U OTej'thetsstM-fW'."*" .*Bmsj± m Lon, *f*r* :, 2*"»»*j ' 'y's^m*'" ~"~ ''" ' Wsts 3sw^sw»*0h»ng lil^-Tlirwsx. £*^A%*- '-''^ sssaws* ~»^ i #ss. Issw is* wwiixsV My« SIM USXAOQ toi ^»%tr*o/li#3Ssu«on the *!Sl6Stft , ftwt IrrVStt, srpwa mi^mdB^mHi^ fc-s* Ml - -T» r ^ " - - — aaJlMa. sjhUHuti IstilFaWI ' t>f tlsallssa BsstasA^MMsFt- 2K«w«>ty,th«ftftb ttsMHsf ^tftssHM ^sssOMI ject; . ..» " Tl.6 silsiBif MfiwTKidt teiitim tfflgsged aide the levee at «ro,ah«rig*ooat^r>bi«pi liuosf the past weekv towing hooaeii f*apx~ point fa another, ahd jgettlpg drift but «f sown, fbe repoft that she tore part of lier b4t-j totawff byruaskntrrsjr th» top of the Taylor' Houae, 1>w'aiwutIpwrwlatiw)," , . ..,]' .' H»WlW>»^ty./;';:J_ ''• ;' [From tbaAlaany sFfe, JoMssi] . '" ThatGulfPlestqfosrs which Mils Ittftft*" Brit5ab Navy out of water * anMsrs (• sswiJr*M mmM sr^arkabioorkctlon Ot«^ki7W^lW^ •*tf« SMAiDAT- kWtk» d0W» • W t W ^ t s W ' 1, tt|f - J W«Ur WickWn* srsAtssstsl"^^.^ was all settted, Th« « much gra»» and ic •stotporl Kw wmslt ts>bwsjwfcst<tssH»tlTy _ •l(ijt,ls>dlh«slIHIW ' '^WsMMal- ..i/ISauislgi,,^

m^M - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031401/1858-08-03/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · PRINTKD AMD PUBLISHED EVERT VtHgDAY AT 0£nxKsBtmen, ST. LAWSXBG* COCBTT, SV TV,

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BTIfflTOBCOCK, m&tfcsQB $j S T D ^ E I i , Editors ana Proprietor^,

O f f i co In K o w S t o n « B a U d i n g t I s a l > e l l a Stree t , o n e d o o r f r o m F o r d .

r, a. arroscoox—as. w. rnxorsoir—r, G.STn.wxsx,

TERMS OP THE R E P U B L I O A U t To Mail and OfiiceSuttscribers—One Dollar peran&uxaft

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O P S P R I ]« U X E R V

T H O M P S O N ' 8



W r . D \ r > » A V , U A t t t - « » 3 1 , I S 5 S .

E THDaPSO.V WOCLD INFORM BIS • Friends and Customers that he wittajlsr through

the season a j

LARGE A N D E L K 3 A N.T STOCK 10 F W l l . r . t K K K Y (;iMlD<i,

And invites the attention or the LADIES of 0gdena-burgh and vicinity to the same. _ '

I3T" Ladies and OeTrtremens* Straw Hats Bleaebed in t behest mamrer.


BUSINESS" CARDS. H . t R B W A R l : , A c .

I H i S S V * A I, I, H N , DEALERS 151

l R O > , S T E E L , N A I L S , C L A j S , S T O V E S , H O L L U I V W A R E , CCfT-L E K V , F « , p U S , F A l t J I E a ' S A J f o m E -C l I A M l ' S TOOLS, B l l L n E U ' X H A ^ J D > -W A K E , V.-iD H O l S E - H U M S H l f ( G GOODS.


;'i-t.'J W a t e r St . , O g d e n s b i i r g l i , N . , T . -£-


A. L. PBOCTOK & e Q ^ S ^ W h o l e s a l e a n d K c W U n c a l c t t i W O r t -

e e r i e * . S a l t , W a t e r L i m e , JFtpjt*'J C o r n , P o r k , e t c . , A c ,

f3F" TERMS, CASH. Oaah paid for Butter, Oheeae, Porx, Beans jPeas, and al 1 Kinds of Country Produce.

NO, 1, N.EW UKICK RLOM, WA¥XR-8TRg£*, i . i_ paooroa. OGDENSBDR0H. o. t_ HOWARD.

GEORGE WITHEKHEAB, . '/ j f > e a l e r i n U r o c e r i e s a n d P r o v l a i O | s s ,

—ALSO,— i

»loaj,Oorn,Meal^Porfe,Fial», Fruit, Wpod»n-Ware,|*o. OdBENSBBSROH. ' ;

Water-St^ opposite A. CH-IS«Y A Co'a Hardware Store, f ^ " C a s h paid for Country Prodace, A14 Quoai

u vered in the Village free of charge. fS-t;


X H A X C H £ K , C O O K E & CO.



COUNTRY PEODUCE S O , 9 3 B r H B A Y S T R E E T , (Between Sreenwich and Washington 8taJ j


'. i

H. f. COuSlE

<x- • KEFEEBNOKS : Halstead Haines X Co*, city of New York •

Barstow, J£s<i„ President St Nicholas Bank, N. y! oeirt, Orarlc A Co 20 Warren St_ N. ¥.; Snydamij bert 4 Co 10T, life. WestSt^ N. T. Hon. D, <j:,f,d;. son, Hon. Preaton King, Hon. A. B. James, lion. 01 G. Myers, Oirdensbnroh, N V. Ooo. ^^hn. JL. Bm

oThot. V. RusselL Esq. Wm. 0. Cooke. fea__ae, -eoodxiea-* OaW*en; Canton, K. T. l»-M

FOK J W T iRD"EItS A » l > f r T P O R T E l

BOBKBT VV. B O S a , QiritaAi. iirmxiD I '

G o m n t i s t i i o n if laarcUant, Hour, Wheat, Odm,Port, Pish, Wafer anS Hand «rl4d-

. 1 stones, Ac, j - •^OttilBSaWJ UOH*, NEWTffBK'. ;

RBrBEfiNCES: o. O. JODSHS, Wgdsnjbttrgh.N. ?.Js. Qmaa^BrgSi. Braver-* Bahlr, 3AA&& Weasax, Preat.^g. densbargbBanl£,JoBs D. J00303,Prost«ladaon Bank.:

VOLUME 28. OdDKKSBUI^H,- N. Y . : « W S w t r v : AUGUST B9ms. s-ferr


0 N ,

SPRDiQ aEKAHeEinENT. M * H i T R A I I * . 1

AWD- APTEK MON»AY, BAT felat, 1858, Passenger Traim will run daily, (Bnijdayt

excepted) aafotitnras ' Leave lOgde'hsbOrgh at t'hSO A. M.; dine at Jlalone,

arrive at Bjontsfa Point at 4:45 P, M., conneoiingjjame evening wfth the Vermont Central R. R., andjLake Ohamplsln Steamers and Montreal, and Ohannlain ftailroad.

ACC«LlI iaODATIO» T H A E V . Leaves Ogd.enaborgl> at o;00 P. M., arriving at Rouse's

Point to lodge, R E t r B J V I N G — W A J I , T R A I N .

Will leave Souse's Point at 030 A M., arriving at Ogdenjtmrgh at 11:45 A. ST.

JtrCOTfmODATIOlV T R A I W . Will leave Rouse's Point at 1230 ». M„ arriviAg at

OffJt'nsburgh at MS P. H. Both Iratos connect at Ogilenjborgh with tho (iraod

Trunk Trains and with Steamers for Lake Ontario. Regnlar connections are made at Mooer*s with ijraiiis

(or Montreal and Plattsburgh, and at Potsdam with Trains for Waterto«n,Romev BuSisio and the WesL

A NIGHT eaSieOT TRAIN will Ie*ve0£dena(>urgh at 0.-00 P. HL, having a Passenger Oar attached! and otmnecttng with Trains of the P. * W. R. R. '

G. V. H O t L E , St ipt . OmCM NOETHKRN BAILHOAD, 1

Uaunm, May W,1868.

A J t l E B l C A N S T £ A J H I I O A T C O U P A N Y




S K W V Q H K AND N O K T H E R f t E K , Capt. CHILD, Caps. LEDYARD,


with the River Line et Ogdenatrargh for ftlontreali and Quebec, and Northern RaUroad for Boston, anjiatlTor~ onto and Lewiaton with ail Western Railroad and Steamboat Lines, touching upward and downward at Cape-Vincent, Toronto, Niagara Dock, BrockviQe and other River Porta.


Leavo Ogdenthurgh l^uqon ; Gape Vincent ?il5 P.M. Toronto 7, A. M^ and arrive atLowlaton 10;80 A. M,

D O W N W A B D . • LeaTe Lcwittoa 2:10 P. M. ; Niagara. Dock t$0 PI M. j i

Toronto 0 P . M.; Oape Vincent 4 P. M., and arrite at Ogdenatmrgh at 9 A. at.


O N T A R I O i , C a j > t , J . B , E S T E S ,

Will make two trips net week between Ogilenjborgh, and RocheaicT Landing, connecting with New Vori Cen-traiBaUroadftr NiagxVa ralia^Bufiaio mdthe West.

Leaves Ogdenshurgh, upwarda, Monday and TnprB-day, at6P. JL, ana Rochester Landing Tuesday and Friday at 9:30 P. U., touching at Oswego, Klngstonjand Intermediate Ports.

^e~ The ONTARIO will touch at8acket(s Harbor on hecupsmrd tzJp, and atCape Vincent on she downward, trip. ^ [,8%d»J

ttOV&BAJt AJSJU W A ' I E B T w I t l t K O A 4 ) . » A A A .

sr^ — .-j?. — :•: 185S. ' stiTliER AURANQBMENT, I&iS.


li:30 A: M., Accomodation Train; to Gourerneur only. 1

6:80 B J t , Express Train, arriving In Waterlowi at 9.-06P.M.: Rome 12:S0,P.it; Albany4:80 A. M.: ijew York 10:20 A. M.; and connecting at Rome with the Telegraph Express line for the West. Connections are-made with this Train troa'UgdenshnTgh, by a Tiiun which loves, at 8:00 P. M-

IST* Saturdaynigni Trains go through to AThn y and Buffalo. 'Er"THBOOaH T10KET8 to Albany, New York,

Satiate, Chicago, &c.; also, to tneprindpal stations on the Uncmay be obtained of R. P. TOB2Y,,$sn.*#uth.e Northern RallRoad Ticket Ofltce,Ogdenshurgh.

SS0. B.,BHJXP8, HapL Waterto-tni, Majf, 18S8. ' |


W 1 S T E B A K B A N f i E M E l V ' r . 0OUMBNO1NS ON MONDAY, NOV. 2ND, 1887.

M A I L T B A I N ,

LBAVES OTTAWA AT 8 : SO A M., f r -rjvjnp in Prescott at list IB, A. M., oonnooting

[a t Junction with Trainagoing West^andatPrescottarlth [the Northern^ Raol Road Train* for Boston and New


At 1 B e l u n U n g , «J, Ps fitM OB

L e a v e s P r e s c o t t -the arrival of the- Grand


MAILS Going Bast, close at 9 SO A. M. " : " sV*3«t, » 2 00 P. M. 41 tt £}a y «• t« It " ' l—BnBalo , " '• u

" " Albany , " " " " R o m e , ' •' " Watert'n " " "

" Canatia, " 1 SO A. M. " " Uaiitou, " 8 SO A.M. ^

Mails for Heuvelton, Oopeyster, Beusaelaor Falls, and Hermou, close at 1 00, P. M. '

For Morridtown, Uamiuou4, and Eomie, atJS or-clock, A. M. ' Office cloaes at 8, P. M. ppv^, at 7, Ai i t .

SundajrH, open from 8 to 9, A. M.,—6 to 6, J". Mj. AH tbe principal maila arrive at 6 30 Pi JI.,

escept Eaatoiu, which arriveii »i 12 SL 1 T.'UACON. Postmaster.

Ogdenshorgh, May Win-, 1388.

) 0 p H .


1858 B E S T


1^58 R O U T E TO T H E W U S T




R O P A ! 0APT. II. N. THR00P,

COMMENCE HER BEUI'tAR Trips for the Season, on the 1Mb inst.

B O t t S W A B B S . Leave Toronto Monday and Thursday^ 8

" Bochefter " " 10 u Oswego Tuesday and Friday 9 •' Backet's Xtarbor Tuesday and Friday. •* Elhgston, " " " 0l»yt0h, " q

" Alexandria, " « " BroOkviDe, " "

Arrive at Prescott and Ogdensbargh U P W A R D S .

Leave Ogd'burgh ft PreSeott Tuesday & Friday .9 ^j«L •• BrockTDto » *• 10. " •* Alexandria " " 11.801'-" Clayton Wednesdays and Batnrdays « ft, M

—" Kingston '• " . 9 ' " « Backet's Harbor •' " 1 1 1 " . " Oswego ' •• " .... t P.M. " Rochester " '• ....18dWM

Arrive at Toronto Thursday and Sunday mornings)

2JO f.M. 4 " .5 '•

. 6:8(1 »

..» 80 "

F A S 8 E N G B K 8 GOING WB8T Will find It for their Interest to take this boat, w aich

connects at Toronto with fjniiingwood Line and G rest Western * Michigan Oentral R. R. Lines for all p< ints West. r '

r^*THRODGH TTCTSCre can A» purchued en board for Hamilton,Iletrolt, Chicago, Wsnkfegan K :no-tha, Racine, Milwaukee, Sheboygan, Mastlnaw and Green Bay. The attention of HOVJER8 is partlca arty called to this Route, asiraffords- them the <

C H E A P E S T PO88FBLI WAT | * For the Transportation of Passengers, Horses, ag-aDSvACsFumlture, to theGreat West. 1

For Freight or Passage,apply to A L V O B I I Ac. 1 » A « E , O s w « C P -

June, 1&«3. ' [81-<JsJ


P I C T U R E S OF A L L S T T t E S TActfcjBi ON R E A S O S T A B E E T E l t H l S , '

fff" Pfbtureimagntneit«tnl colored-in °aH If required. NO. 8, l i S L t BLOOKV

snutax TBzAstixaioTB SLAOIX, roan sTaKxr, 4>Kden«bure l t , x. Y.

f ArJoja^jpys Ajrp «boIIJVJJIJJLOR ^

WILT.rAW C. COOKE, A t t o r n e y a a d C o u n s e l l o r o-t Loatf,


R & N. CSART, A t t o r n e y s ajt td' tJOunselprs .

WA'l i 'UlD AITD §S»Tr p<rtrsi»jLii

Will promptly attend taall Legal business «b , them.

U O N L V A Y t A B . " j


[From the K. T. loacjrtndont. July 88,] [These leader andhettltlftU line*, from the pen of

Hrt. BTOWB, refer, **>' prelmBe, to the raelanqhoUj death b jr aTOtmrnr, abbat • yeiti1 ririce-, of her DH» tv ytmng itntfenl orfioO eharaeter «nd promfse. ]

One year a^o—» ringing Tolce, A ole^r blue eye,

Ana oltraiering- curl* ofstmny hftlr, Too fair to-dfe.

Only % $v$X—no voice. no«xnUeT No glabce-o, eje,

NoohM{ertBjrcai*l» of(otdes hair,- | .• fair,butts die 1

C/ne year ago—what 1OT*I what solxeuiea Par Into lire I

What joy on* trope*, *hat hytVreaoJTca, wVb t genorom strife I 1

The iflentpicture on the wall. The hartal atone—

Q' *U that beanty, life and joy. Remain alone I

One year—oatj year—oneUttteyear, ' and «o mnoh gooe t '

And yet the eron flow of lire. Moves calmly on.

The grave grow* (rroen,tlw flowen bloom lairK' AXfojie that head f, . ,

No sorrowing Ub tof leaf or ipray , f Bay ha la dead! ^ "^ j iiC

No natue QT hoab of tnorry blrda That |ing above,

TelUoa how coldly Bleeps below The form we love.

Where bait thoa been this year, belored * What bast thou leen r

What Tfiion* lair, what plorioai life. Where thoa hast been I

The veil I %* veO f KO thin and strong' i Twixtoirand thee; ,

Tho rnyatic v«U I when ihall it fall, That wgiTtay ice *

Not dead', not sleeping, not eren gone; But present atfll. {

, And waiting for the coming boor 0/ God's »wtet will.

Lord of the living and the4ead, Oar Savior dear;

We lay In ill coco at thy feet, Thlj tad. sad, year f. i

aim>t«K, Jo!y 9. 18158. H.p,8. ., L.«.

I t l i A U T I f l i L P O £ T B V .

[From t^gend$ and tjfHM% a new volnme jast bub* Usbed in London, by ADKLAIDS Ajnu Paocros (daaniter

t B O O K - B t I « S E B V >

THE SUBSCB1BEJB, jlJAJj FITTED ip, In coxinec^on. with his Bookstore, an


* extenstve Bindery, and placed In it ojis . . . eJ HMtok'a eelebrated BUEEtfi MA-

OHIHI8, with an entirely new set of tools. He keebt eonstaxrtiy in charge of the Bindery a workman of supe­rior skUl, and la prepared to do all work in thatline with neatness and despatch. ^ J. 0. 8PRAG,rJi\j

Ogden«burgh, October Sua, iSSff.' * T9-?n ~

B A T S , C A P S , A N D P U R S . .

S. W. BENASDJICT, y ^ " t sAxorAoroawk AID DaAUti, SM . t

H a t s , C a p s , F u r s a n d j k o b e s , , Ladlea"and Sentlemen's Fur Gloves,OoUas>,ytotorln»*

Ohlldren'i Fancy Oapa.Sc., * j comprising* general assortmehtof hijowtt aa-dcity

manufacture. =. I fW Oaah paid for all kinds of Pttru.WaoiandShetp

Pelts, at the old stand, No. 18 Mechanic'sBcw^Ford-ai, , . j -

! T-


Ogdensbnrgh^I. Y.

H O T E L S i

ST. LAWREM^ia.! I lroefev lIXe , CV- W . » •' •"

THIS HOTEL, SrEGATKB EfT the center <d_Brsjelcviile,

close to the GSASD TSCNK RAIIr - WAY, and wrthxn a few mfetnes waf

of tbe Steamboat if|niHrig«t offers par&rhoQIlt fidMtntA. j ges to partieaof boalnesa and of pleasBrs, - , - ' *

1. C IHcCROiryManager. , 1858. • ' ' " l ^ " ! Brook vine, April !

B A L D W I N HOURS!, ,?

OOSHBB 0# 0ATHAB3NB A WVIBJOH. " Heat the Btean^o4tJLVan.dingfcOJ^I


Trunk Trains from Montreal, and the Northern Rail RoadrTrains tram ijoatonjms New York, arriving In Ot­tawa City at 4: SO P.M.

ACCOiTETlOUATMHV T R A I N , Leaves Prescott, at T: 80 A. M., on arrival of train from the WestVsrrivfng in Ottawa City at 11: 80

L e a v e s O t t a t r a , At 18:^5 P. M., arrivta* In Prescott at 1: B0 P. M, connecting at Junction with the (iraoii Tmnlt Trains going Sast and West. .

B F&XNTyH ^a. Prescott, Oct. 126, 1857. 13-tf j HnperintendeBt




F I R S T ' C L A S S S T E A M E R S ,

. In connection with the . , OStTABIO*SSIBleOx3, *> HI7KOK IXV IE.,

' TROsl TORONTO TO COXilNGWOOD t b e Geor iUstn B a r , s ja l t e U u r o s t .


878 Ions—Oaut. Nicholson, '• ••'• DIckloD, » « SUU

SQfiS, "OflO " .. V WJlltins, , Wfll lormaf^i-DteeWj Une betweaa


w aHKBOSWAHi tsO, SOI, ' F o r FweiKl ir a n d - B u t e t i g « T r ,

i tEEES, WESTBBOOS b EDIGK. A ' t a n i e y s s l n d C o u n s e l o r s a t - B A »y

rar^oyxnotiui roan BTB«ET. ft Ogdensborgh^ N ^ * . -

OBAS. Q. MTHE9k CllAS. K- WSSTTIEOOI, BAIIDX£ fi. El> Ok-. feWtnl . . * .

~ BKowifoi smoKs, j - , A t t o r a t e y k , C o u n a s l o r s , A c . , '

(5GB8NSBDR&H., N. Z. I ' fafT" OAoe lately ocenpied Tijr James A Brownl r. o.aaows. J.o.araadxav April 18, 1854. 31->f


A t t w r p e ) , . t JoHusu lox , A C , Qlveshts •nUre»«eaci»pJtt9,the pttcticeof hlsprofej. ston,and solicits patronage. i

«jSy-Offlee—Corner'by v»td and Isahena-Streelt J»g-densburgh^New^onc [SS-tq

of Buml CoaxWAtx).]

A WOMAN'S OOE8TION. Before I trust my Fat* to thee,

Or place my band in thin*. Before I let thy Future give

Color and form 10 mine, Before I peril all for thee. Question thy soul to-night for me.

1 break all slighter bonds, nor feel A Shadow of regret;

a there one link wtthln the Past That holds thy spirit yet?

Or is thy faith as dear and tnt As that which I oan pledge to thee t

Does there within thy dreams A possible future shine,

"Wherein thy lire could henceforth breathe. Untouched, unshared by mine ?

U so, at any pais rrepst. Oh, tell mo, before all It lost 1

Look deeper still. If then canst feel, Within thy inmost soul,

That thoa hast kept aportion back. While"Thaye staxetTthe whole;

Let noTalte pity spare the blow, But In true mercy teilzne so.

Is there within thy heart a need That mme cannot fulfill? '

Oseehottv that ttiy other hand Could better stake or:lUll f

Speak now, lest at soma future day Our Whole life wither aad" decay.

Lives there within thy nature hid T,hedeJnOD-spirit Change,

Shedding a passing glory still '' On all things new and-strangef .It may not bothy laultalone— Bnt shield my heart against thy own.

•Conld'st thou withdraw thy hand one day And answer to my claim,

. „ TAMFats, and that to-days's mistake, Mat thou—had been to blamo;

Some tooths their censctenceitlAir; bnt thou O, surely, thou wilt wars me.now I


Nay, answer not 1 dare not hear. The words would come too late!

Yet, I would spare thee all remorse, go, comfort thee, my Fate l

Whatever on my heart nay (all— . Bemenmer,! tooumuk ifallf

M I S C 1 ^ X 4 A ^ Q ^ ^¥ Pw5t?o7WPUai^

WILLIAM T. PORTEA, thefduiiaB^aLfjl/oi'iriiriy

j ears the editor of the New , L o r i ' ^ r t i ' o / M e lima,died suddenly.athls refidBncditilBsiJcker street, N. Y. city, on Monday,the?9th test, tged 52 years. Tbe BpiAtt of the fiiAct gMa tjie id-lowiug brief history of hU jile, «uj[ .gay,*,* Kfuch^ ing tribute t o his momDr^^—. '

"P0RT«H«.l)MJ)ir' i The above aitaotmcenieut, Bret- impacted io ils

on Honda; morning last, baa caWatgloofnlover the entire city, seetningl*. ' No Where can wf go* I by day Or hightj' •'#itbout,'tteetlhgi:«oni&iffiend'' whose melancholy -mien at' Bllcte betray* tha fact that he has-beard of- And tametlts Poster's dtoth. Nor ia this to be wdndored aljfoe.»e v ritSuje to say that tio mail «*er inado fbe acqualjtande of WHIiam-T. Porter *ith0«ftm88hliog te^ctjlirvaie it, and few indeed there are but will say sfiib uatbat he was one of the moat 'amfable of gentlemen More like a child intsaKner and feellrig (ban a •ban who spent thirty years Of his life amldthe bustle of a spot ting life; and aubjeci to nlore ithan tbe usual temptations of a sporting edi'loT.' D&-testing eiilte''4attery ant) detraction, W w i l l enr dcavor to g ive* brief bus lalthful metnojro: Mrl Porter. *

William T, Porter was boro-in Vermont, and %hileacqniringa liberal educatlcto^iQ'teridid to qualify him fur one '^jW-rcarrrtd^prOfe&s ons, devoted much of his'leiabre tifae to'tSebfficejof a country newspaper, and thus learned (he lidi-ment* o f the printing bosinesSi Becoming ired of study, be came t o New York about 182S-0 • 539, and soon obtained- emptorment as compoeiU r in • printing office, and tEsplayed'Snch a degr< e of tact and steady Industry that h# wag'witbSi few months promoted tbe'rank of foreman and p oof feader. This, bowevei, was altogeibef too slow for she subject oLour Sketch. He-etartede p igprj-cailed the CCTuUUcUiot^ which tailing) 6 0 pur­chased from Obits. B. Fisber, Eeq.j-BOW the'talent­ed- Mobile correspondent of tbe- Netr Orleans Pi-eAjwn«, one half of The Traveller, And afterwards the remaining half, when be altered theajam a to the Spirit of the Timet; and by the ad»iCe~o: his friends, devoted It to the interests o f the Jtaf, Field sports, eta It was ac this time that Mr. Porter displayed his great energy. Determined to succeed, be has often gathered up items dukng tbe day, and firom a few1 notes "se tup" hifll"«>n rfifjr" daring tbe night.; made up bis paper! thu best morning, and with the aid of a-boy;'mailed the sheets to his sub«criber8i''FeDruary('1836, the "SPIRIT" commenced a new series in its Tk-es-ent form, bnt with only eight pages inst)ead of twelve, as cow. The liberal patronage bestowed upon It by tbe leading Turfmen of the couitry (nearly all of whom, who-are alive, being still Sub­scribers) enabled Mr. Porter to devote all his time to bis editorial duties, and he soon arrived Ktitbe zenith of bis popularity, and numbered among) his intimate friends at tbe north such men a e jthe fetevenscs, Wtn. Griibons. Walter LivingBtoo, jibe present Governor Kibg/'fiobert Tillotabn, Major Jones, Commodore"Blockton, Prescott Hail, kaS hundreds of kindred spirits, besides boats! of staunch friends, South and West, who would have stood by him in adversity as welfoj In pfoe-perity; but bad advisers, and a desira to lelpi lrr-surmountable obstacles, "worked his downfall, anrpl although hisbcstfriena^Bpbkeof'hiaJsaTmggiin^re in sorrow than in anger (for none bellaVed t^et -

Arths; Wo should take leap's that would dislocate our.limbe^ and) no longor.taught'by fetigue p a t ftevmu^cles needed, repote, we should continue our <[P°rt" t*4 our walking. tourF yjJ.w^rAja^wom out the lfvibe tissue, with the same uncopacipus-•ss^fbat wisbo# Wear oat oat coats' and our Thavery nutriment wbiohtls the supportl0i sjoulfj, .frequently prove our death. , Hirabean said of a, man who ,waa as idje aa })e was coypu-tent, that' hw only use was to show bow faij the •akifj Would "ttrett&hr Witiout' bursting.: Wltjiout pain this*limit would be^ccniBtantly ext*eded,|ands

Gold l a VsiuiuiiU

A wwrjBspondent of the New Tork Oouri^ & Enquirer, writing froutrMontpelier, eays:

Some three or four yeatS since, a retnTpedjCal-ifbrnian,-' Bamed 0logstbii|- who originally »ebt frorn fteSe^ar&i'aDd had o^eratecf% about two yfeaM updfrthbT'doa rAVer^ritb gdVe is'uBcessJwaa l e ^ b y a certalb guological' resemblance which be., obserWd'betwe'elf'a portion rfoif trila douuty and' tne goia-pTodncmg re^bn'of^ealifdrnlkjtd go

. . . ^^lm™l^ro8peWintnp8onieortbeBtrearri»hfli'e,'abdbar-' epi^rea, ejjBer.euem^ t ' » r . M e ^ > f a * ^ f a o n l a r l # M r t i v B r a n 0 r i ? Whidti'i0m$( the^ulcfcski. yould continue tfielr "festivities uu'til they ;mei

f with the late or the frog in the fable,, who) was ambitions of emulating tbe size of the 01. I

Sir Charles Belt mentions the cose of a pajient «liO-had Tout the sense of heat in bis right hand, and who, unconscious that the cover of ajriarr *Jijpb/hadJ»|laainmliiiiirt> ttas'bnjningibot, took it out, and deliberately returned, it W its place^tothBdeetrnCtiob oftboakin of the palm and Rogers. This) of itself, would be an accineut -of incessant ocoorrence, if tbe monitor were want­ing, which,,makes UB drop such materials more hastily than we piok them up. Fain is the grand preserver of existence, the sleepless sentineljtbat Watches over our safety, and makes us both Mart away from the injury that is present, and gjiard

^ against it carefully in the time to eome.. < -

STgtAltig t h s P ledge ,

sjev. John- Abbott, tbe eajloiyreachi the following good story of one of his converts to temperance: ' H>. Johnson, at the close of a coltf-water rec­tors, intimated that be must sign tbe pledge in

| his <ywu way, wb icb he did in these words; " I, William Johngou, pledge myseli to drink

no more intoxicating drinks lor one year." Some tbought he wouldn't stick three days,

others allowed him a week, and a few others gave Jjim.il wo weeks j but tbe landlord knew him best, and said, he waa good stuff, but at the end of the year Is HI would'be a good soaker.

Before tbe year was quite gone, Mr. JTobbson was asked try' Mr. Abbott—

" Blllrain't you going to resume the pledge?" * W * u y l doutbnow, Jack, but what I wijl.—

I nave donopretty well «o far. Will you lei me isign itagam my owuway?" • '

" <k yeBc«ny way, eo that you will not drink rum."

He writes1: *'i, William Johnson, sign this pledge for nine

} hundred and ninety-nine years, and if living at •be end of thatiime, I intend to make out a lease for life.'1

A day or two after, Johnson went to see his old landlord, who eyed him as a hawk does a chicken.

"O, landlord! whined Bill, accompanied, by sundry contortions of the body, as if enduring ithe most excruciating torment, "I have such a lump on my- side."

"That's because you have stopped drinking; | you won't UVe two years longer at this rate."

" i l l commence drinking, will tbe lump go awayf"

" k-ee. If yon don't, you'll have a lump on .Jihe other aide."

i *>iBo yon think so, landlord t* "-1 know it: you'U have them on your aims,

back, breast, end bead ; you will be covered, all ever witb lumps." ; *

"-Waits-may be I wBl,0 said BilL " , "Comei Bill,'' Said- tbe landlord, "letVdrjnk

at'the Seme time •pouring-the reii sfuff

=n=xr a ;

NUJpE«-36| i ~3-&-

Blair O r t l i e Stomp.

VARESFtfa T h e B i l l for the G o v e r n m e n t of

N o r t h Amer ican Colonial , fr.

JtTBSON 6 E O W B t i , A t t o r u u s a o a s t C o u n s e l o r s a t . L a t w ,

aaDsNSBDBfiH.ST.LAWRtaJOt OO, N ^V. rie, No. 8 Eagle Block, Ford-Street, npstalrsl S * jolreoji....,. .ffT-Hl...-. ,«>BJirow»ij,is>.

. '»vo B, H. NICKEf iSWf Attitrssclr'atrri C o t t n a e l t o r ,

vTaddlnijtnn, flt. LawrencetoqSty.S. Y. p i - i f . }

.. ... JL Hi BfiNTON,M^B.v> - -^- « At ' t la s s 8«t:-IiSkWiM>l*e*'ll'siteli-'

Osd.u,bara»,sfareh'»il85»/ •"• *->« :!«.*>

This bill, introduced by Sir E. Bulwer Lyttim, Secretary for tbe- Colonic*, provides for tbe g >v-ernment, until 1862, of New Caledonia. I l l s territory must be roughly described as that p Jr-tion ol Britiah Aoiexica west of the Rocky Mo in-tains and between tat. 49 deg. and 66 deg. no lh including Quern ChnHotte'a and all other su ja- { cent islands. VancoverVlalaudoniy ia except :d, > but with tlie reservation that it may be anuei etj Ha New Galedoniaiif tho. two houses of the lej is-lature of tbe inland in joint address so petition —, It is wort£> notice that the northern boundary is"' two degreesito the souib of tbe old boundary, — It includes, however, tbe whole Frazer rivet # Id

(iregioB. Provision is made in the bill for the conStiln-

1 ol a legisla.wwj;'tsy consist oCjt'SrOMtnor1. a mcil, obdopqcjl'iAud Aaeembly/ After .Aft

8tofe5J • • • . ^ H l > * T ^ O a p » i S J l U K S H , J f . Y .

S*lxaiWia^w^Tffo|ittefOT:"~~"— j OarriagemriTI ha tnYOadigiaiat t£»aiilRoadDopo|,

andBtffsmhnat IrtindlTig, to convey PatstmgersandBag-} gage to aad (rem toe House, Free of Charge. Tho beat of I Stabling and the largestamount.otStablOTrooropf an* WntaltnOailsnsjRrrirh. ' 4l-tfj Hotel'

B o b p r t ,xxTp0(|,,.

%3T" 'foe guest sof this Hbase are trOTspir^a fo an) E rom thetRaU RoadVDepots and Steamboatlandin»W*j of charge. _»g £86-4a-2ia*J '

x i E F a E S H J I L E M T S , -&C

C I T Y l.T*«ICH.

1;wui5,; srsias

Horse*, to lay

The abovy 8TEAM8B3 sre-CKed up to a style of ele­gance eqoal^st^stay al^st£-2!afi7tnlcr tmequaited tu-dO|gp2e^toi^tie»Auavtng,f^si,t^mg^ , ,,s ,

^ :.u^€Hie«J*Ea3C..-.-: > I And^sMst, eon fcvTagmsStrW „ ^ovsrf«»JailsTsat8,as


' t e a s raoii M b C j m t i E s a TO CHIOAGIV S O A ^ I ' Cl>^S6«Ii^tffoT-wharfa3o s r handXtng'Baggageby,.

> 1.. •---Jisar.qi^aamtixaHi^aAMMa-

and Tormito*-OspsWtydfthafee t , 6 0 0 « i l i » jEbjr

ForauaforM^on,ilV(u|ghtroi ftusage, wll&TifckeU,



BradyVfcock,^ ^ ^ ^ r . ^ § $ £ % g

'. . n e w TOSS Presosti:

SoaMXT i r o s ..'..'[8»-tf.J...

B B H T A f c OEERataClONB.



Council, ™ - „ , ^ . . . . . . _ . prpobtroation; of;ttjeact, 1C it.LahaUbecouiei,*»< h, ipJJejr,Cale<JoaiaiSP-«Ct Qf the lorty-tblrd J< sr

.c/iGewgealfeiand.anothqr of the aecond y< >f iof. George iV r t cease, to bAve force in New Ca e-doiiia.- Tbose aotstextended the jurisdiction of tbe Canada courts of justice Into Indian or t ie Hudson's B»y Company's tcrrittyieg, both- in ci 'U and crrminsl caaes. It ia also provided in t ie bill that all judgment* in .,»ny civil suit in N' w'l Caledoniashall bo subject to appeal toJtho Que in in Council, just as they are irota the counejof Canada.

BaT^ga«s'6itfateq-T)r,'pe|c^tn%B lo |nsuiess'Jtl (Bee hero #U1 J;o e^nsiafiOyioipet?.'' TnanxffflTO?*'.



oppoaite St. tawrtoceBotf


oppoaite St. tawrtocaaotel. "HBnmm? fiCtnrcshalf aad' ehole sets at Teed, and will endeavor 10 give satisfaction laiuUn: toasting Teetti. ,^B»™5PWs..^jB,£-=-., „

Heaps ooaslanliyc^flSSa^EOWHrSOATOsut for si wainrantedKKOTffiStSa^e^^jIfliout Injury the teeth or gums, than any other preparation extant.

S s f i s s r 8 VBMti^muitlllt-jgmr >n;i .-•.

B . H . L ATS: E X Q d LJL$, . j

fa-Tjrodoora South of thEfiv.J^WBi&f!»Bs,OTjjnAi Offlca, Isabella Street, Ogdenaburgh, N. t aA 1

iiEFBi3HAlBKia.—Hot and ffohl Heats at almtrrs! Choice Beer, Champaigne Cider, .Olgara, tauamadoi Soda Water, of all ffavora, cfongrcss, Maxiona, and . JPLantSjreQe&Sprlng t^aterai fflosting;liJata3l| Ae , Aci '•

j . H 7 A \ L & K ^ C ^ ; ; M ^ v r - s - f f m n n r g g »vryr,feA*Tt^H TW'

STAVEaHEAi«:Ml,0J F B F S H ( i R O I S D PLASarSSS-, -•!

U S S R B L S . B P T T E 8 TtJBS, 4.O., I •" -Oadc l t s i^ tga , ' j r . 'Tf .** ' ' .'

' i. g:. U. & OoU, tiro o^ota Or tae.sju^rnoiyn andt

^ c Co-., of Bnstrtn. for whom' 'COESf eoesti? 4r^ -feJ


^^,*rr«»«Hft»nfttW«S!! .,'•"


i^MreoxKBAiot iJ .

. . , -w.. .w. bgsawPs.i m* -jaw -•-


. Il|pr«paresUMrformtUopaiaUoiuiHui«pro*SBic

laYe,'treatta-lntnotn6sr stecesinW WsASei'.. Abiti( tetm OiBseoaaa pl»oe:of -risU, Mil ssmstlaAa tmiiar th <iax*t»,a»«*a«ti«*S«««w-S^«»f i,_ r . . • - . .

||0-va Tiftairsta'e Bonnet Boos*,) . , ..

niany r . years be baa been' sinking;rapidly. Hie great|de-gire was to remain quietlj avhome,'where fbi so many years he bad been happy lb the society of a few select friends, end where he was alw ITS sure to receive that care and attention, in BicaJrjeSs-and health, which, next to a mother and none knew so well bbw to bestow as bis friend, Miss Qilinu.

On Tuesday of last week, Mr. Porter, In Com­pany with some friends, started to witness the great base ball matcK A fisbing excursion was Szed for Thursday, «nd| lo, enable all to make! ap» earl? start, they put up on Wednesday nighq at the Carlujb Houae,, where^ efpoeifig'-birnseufti) a draft, be contracted a'heary Colli, aad renuujed confined to his bed ttere untjl'aituraay, ^1- l~ after his rflpaatedlr-expressed'wistefl to bb homo.he was removed to big own hpuke. The kibd est attention was of course now bestowed ouon bitu. On Sunday, ho rallied for a Urns, out it yas apparent that E10 was last passing away; on ' day evening be. became woree , tod died in pt

About 2 } o'clock, on Tuesday his reeiainA wj conveyed Iron] No. 51 Bteecker street, the residence of tbe deceased, '9 tbe a taf of Thomas's Churcb, corner oj Broadway,and I ton street, where thp funeral services,, ^ccp; to tbe rites of the ProtesMnt'TEpiscdb.i took place at S o'clock, ^e' jfgf.l&l

the pledge • again.'' 1" You ato'tthobgbl you are a fool I" , " Tea, that old sailor coaxed so-rmni I'coiild

not^etoff." •> • J v 1 --wish the- old rascat was in Guinea. WWl,

bow long do you go this time f "For nine hundred<and ninety-nine years.*

V*» Yon won't live a year." I "sWeD, if'I'drink, are you Ante tbe lump (on my side will go away V* • • • I

|_-laSss,"-< f Wellj I guess I wonjt &F»\, herejs the lumjj/'

bbntibaed-'BiU,- holding np Wmerhin|-wftb a-npu-dred dollars hi it; "and you say I'll have inpre such. lurltpcV'JUut that's what 1 stint-"

' ' Tlte F l o r a l Wtsirrlage. '

[Correspondence of the PaUy Saratogian.] ] 1 ' G&xxa UOOSB, MID-SUUUE^.

', t U l l > U . n l U b U J V W ^ UU.\/ » , I U I M M I

i t Mbiitpelier. He found* particles o f g o l l . a t , Beveraf pbibts bn*tfiis fittft stream, but^S te 1 rent np towaffls ita^obicBjiB traees. of the 'pre< idus

;*m tal disappeared. He* wtn| satisfled' tfiat the' gold was carri-Jd into tbe btanch by some o ita smaller tributaries, but, thinking it hardly w >ttb while, and being engaged^ too, in other busii ess, be did not prosecute bis Searcii.' Lasf fluin ner, happening one day to be riding past One of t ieBe-little tributaries, called Ministers broofc, w licb comes down bom Worcester mount&int,anc ob­serving a parcel of gravel accumulated .in a posi­tion Buch as, in California, ia favorable to, I de­posit of gold, .he collected a portion of it, ind, on washing, found himself well repaid for hlsj trouble. I \.

He soon afterwards experimented on other bof-tions of th&broot, and was so Well satisfied qf its

j productiveneaia, tha V"1 tbe courio of the Winter-, \ he bought.fcounthB ownera.ol the farms tbrdjugh which it passed the exclusive right of working its bed for gold—this right to continue foi the garm of five years. From the mouth ol tbe brooa to its source on the mountain is about four mjes; and his present purpose ia to work tho bed of! the stream, for tbe entire distance. He commenced systematic operations in May, but has been.nfuch Interrupted by heavy rains and high water.' (To­wards tbe mouib he finds the "gold in minute par­ticles, but ol A very pure quality, being wdrtlj El or 22 dollars an ounce. As be advances up; tne gold grows coarser. He has found one nugget Weighing nearly two- ounces, and another weigh­ing over one ounce. He had now three flumes in operation, and several men employed. Tbel ac­tual amount of his daily collections ha does inot divulge, for be is, very anxious to keep off inter­lopers. There is every reason to suppose thdt It does not average less than lout- or five dollars (per day lor each man employed. He himself admits that though bis best days here, thus far, are not equal to bis best in California, yet the average is higher. He expects to find the brook more pro­ductive as be works np towards its source, 1 tbe heaviest particles of course being carried | t b e | shorter distance. '

The mountain from which the brook flows $ ol talcose state, plentifully intermixed with qaol-tz. Mr. Clogston declares that, in its general struc­ture, it has a marked resemblance to tbe gpld-producing.huls on the Yuba. They are also work­ing upon the other side of the mountain, in fthe town of 8tow, but With what degree of succetfe I have not been able to learn. It is said that gold has lately been found in Mad river, a stream wbjoh flows from tbe south into the Winooski, a few miles below Montpelier. Bald Mountain, which lies near this stream, baa a resemblance to Wordes-ter Mountain. I

Gold has lately been found in Windsor oonrlty, in the town ol PJymoqtb, lying some fifty miles south of Montpelier, and promising " prospects " have been made at various points in that quarter. I do not hexr, however, that any systematic dig­ging has been done. ~ j

Enough is now known to settle the fact that gptd exists among tbe Green Mountains in considerable quantifies, and to stimulate systematic search [for it. But it yet remains to be proved that mining operations on an extensive gscaje vfould be War­ranted. There are particular spots, doubtless, which will well repay diligent Working; some, perhaps, wkicb, if known, would afford 'a sr$axt fortune; but it will not yet do to consider Ver­mont another California. ,

° * - « ^ j « ^ f ^ F a r « e e i i t e a t w i n . • - •• *Mp*M«-pJ*5****! d i s p a t c h .

^ t l g r M ^ E t e s s o s , four of i f > J W l > | g p j r e a | amount

ylsebeUs-Btreet FOn band, and

,-S -.——tfOSewyer'saad i - w « ^ ^ 3 * # a , ' # f 0 » » , •Pamphlet, g * t # i o s ^ | p a r e | a » f l ^ ^ u t | e , f t ) r

" ^t*G3^0«s»saSia Points at •sws -.^-J^'Sid with the utmost

^SrlOTSoifiii STTivraj,

&, -^fatuaiorSa totake Anv„ . us afciha sameratesrequired

There is a grandeur, in thi promising course of F. i*. I is new stumping his" District, dfscussib, .tionsofthe- day, side by Bide, with the: and^nq?? Nothing eandid^tes.and. ^»ewei| marches up, to the slavery question is rettesf So'b^BolA' tn4aiscuBSin^ the'#63110^ o F e i eipafibn id "MiEstmri, ffie other '•day, be sdokel

^ t h e ^ t e s ^ ^ . t i m e . ^ rjthe


by ns. His offices are at

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ j O o u r t ^ r e e ,

North and fsfiaeSir^'u '

D e a t h In the Ba ih .

- 7 - ; - - - , - - - / I - T — -71 , - - ^ - ; - ; s - j r . . r — ^r«Ty---i Mumachusetts came in ail k.free 8tate unde; "Cbfiiititnoon.' John Jay hWew t6?E, afd Bi min franklin in Pennsylvania, accdmpusl emancipation,.oi slaves <im thosso9ates on! tbe ground, of interest. 1 would Jiko-1,0,,, hear pf any , man in that day denouncing J a j ^ d ' l ^ n k l i i ' a s Ab^lrioiriBtfl. ' Why be *w6uld bwe/desceided into inlamy. And now, what are tilei resul a of

[this policy o( emaneipationi in New. -York and ggmisylvania? N e w j o r k wasabeirind Benfisyl-vanfa. -S- 1 -TirginialraB tbe'fiWt' State in the'lTriidK [But

wiieh NfeW To)<k Stripped her fetters 'from! her limbs; isha out-ran her competitors: Who shbuld ( be thaakedfor this? ilr.Jay.or thoseiwho opposed his policy J1 Had Virginia adopted the advice of Madison, ar, Jefferson, of Geo. Mason, and ol niany J others of her gifted sons; wbat'WouTd have |een ' the reanlt i With the finest fields to be found on,] the round ear^b-r-^ith moimta^A3ammfid,fuliof

[for a great and prosperous'State^-witbAmildl healthy climate—abounding in natural scenery unsurpassed for its magnigeeflqe, what should be her position ? '

In tbe face of all these facts, shall we be( de­nounced for advocating tbe policy 'of such meji as I have named fc 1 If we believe emancipation will be^conducive to the growth, development ind prosperity of the Stat?, we should labor to ach eve it. I do not believe in sitting still and doing no­thing. Beliovingjt will benefit tbe eonditiei o f f those wbo, by the* beneficence of.,j>ur laws, are made citizens with us in the enjoyment of .bis princely heritage, "believing something shouii be, done which stall place Missouri on tbe line of prt> gress, and in the work of rapid development, no terror, no threat, no epithet, can deter tne fi om marching right att^ight 10 themark for theacc im-plisbment ol the glory and prosperity of this 8t ite,. which I love, and of this people, who baye so d en-erously supported me.

Look at Iowa—tbe other day a -Wilderness —a naked prairie—.now.she almost outstrips Misso iri, and in tbe next Congress will send as many repre­sentatives afi Missouri. Will you furnish me a olue to this prosperity? riority of white labor ov^r forced -labor, and jbe-lieviug this, I sbadjiipt stand here and crj; eut, " tlou't agitate," " Don't agitate." In all kbe States where emancipation has taken effect, itptis been on the after-born. No one hasa vested right in property not in existence. On that- principle we could uever tsmancipute, but w.eiiave t^ie rfebt to say that all born alter 4 certain dale shall [be free, ind besides, we can legislate tliern but of jthe State, BO that we can have a homogeneous white papulation.. . .

Trial of Carbines St W e s t p o i n t .. :<SSr|

[Correspondence of rhe Springfield Republican.] . WESTPOIST, July 20,1S5!,

The trial of breech-loading carbines at bis place commenced on tbe 18th inst., under the di­rection of Maj. Morde«ftix 41**j. hitidly and Ci pt. Rodman, all officers of. the Ordnance corps, i ,nd is now in progress. The arms, presented for I -ial thus far are as follows: Sharp*^ Colftj Burnsid ?'s, Smith's, Maynard's, Morseis, Starr/sy Glbbs's, % er- | riUJs, Symma's and Well^.

The arms are first presented to the Board,; ,ud }'examined closely iri weight, dimensions and c m-

struction,/together With the ammunition fdr be Same i they are then lo be retained by tfieBo irB until a report shall be made from tbe exauiiual on and trial, which is as follows; Tbe persons j re­senting the arms are reguireii to fire 40 rap ids

. - My Dear Johh Quill- Glorious nowa! Slug 1 1 the Blue Bells 1 Sound-tbe Trumpet Flowefsl

B",|fiwset-Wilii«ai»,and'PoiIy'Antbus were marned yeaterslay' «(tB"rnobiia< Toor O'clock-, • lAuoVChl such a host as came to the wedding. ~-Old-E,e in-der and <Motber Wort •borrowed' 'V•enug, Car 1 nd set out together; but as they wore passing thl-01 gh Dogwood they upset, and tbe Golt's-foot be ing lamed, llifly -tried to borrow Sorrel of the Wvod

Jiamiiy.' • Not Succeeding in this, tbey GalHe-a mile on foot, and looked very much wilted wben

[From the Halifax (S. S.) Sun, July 12.1 1fe.ll«A iukw,*alInik'aelphia'iidyJ and one of

ttW^ifofipassehger^^Suned^tbis City by the mis­hap to the steamer GUy of Baltimore, paid a visit to«beB itajesty'eisiearnei: &yx on Friday last^ and demanded tot see- 'the. commander of that now somewhat celebrated eruiser. Tbe story goes that the lady was*very blitely received, and ush-

,-ered i^to^e^res^ceofjifife'officer in command, where a long interviejtv took-plaqe, doubtless of

. llUgliifBpottlOjihftiQiflreat, ol the two great na-'' ^° fS f^f% e ¥8^TS^ t h i i •occasion. We nnder-

stana tliat, thi*" spirit ol the lady's visit was of a decidedly na&na4 -cbarpcter, .with a view of overhauling the. gallant naval officer for numer­ous ^flagrant-outrages committed on American buntblg. The barticulflr style in which our he­roine' conducted this retributive visit we are not

ifiesitivejy .prepared to describe—our reporter not h»vin^tieen-preseiltjunfortunately. -IVmayhave p ^ ^ f f l f t o t e ^ % f e ' S ' l i . > h e commander had, be fteea-exposed toiii-broadaide from one of Brother ^Jonathan's Steam frigates; or it may have been that'gentle woman's beseeching and persuasive eloquence elicited the promise that he would "nefrerdqsuch naughty things again."— We incline, however, to the latter supposition; bnt, in either Case, with srifch champions as the lady Of our story, Jonathan,, will always be sure «> vanquish Britain's naval"heroes; be will gain more-victories^we think,.witbethe weaker ves-sels1 than witii •> the stronger. Mrs. McAulay is the widow of the'late Duitgd States Consul at Cairo, m Egypt, and is said to be well known in pokt,ieal£iide» m Washington.

Amerioans1 JRighta at Vaxtcotrver's Island. l,[firom tbe N.Y. Journal of Oommerce.]

•\ • " "f" t i .• J —-WASHIHOTOH, Friday, July 28.

Gov , S t e v e a o o f Washington Territory-yester­day Tjresente/Jjto.the Secretary of S ta te , in writ­ing , a protest a n d argumen't against the assump­tion o f Gov. jESjngJjjs of Vancouver's Island, o f powers to -mbBlVfji^seCommerce in provisions, &c., and to inipSseVtaSlif twenty one shillings per njoritb, or airy tax at all , upon immigrants from

W b y , it i s in" tbe vast sdrie- J any -tjuarter, for the privi lege o f residence. S o m e time in May last, Gov. S tevens , anticipating the difficulty, had d i n c t e d the attention of the gov­ernment to it. Gov . Stevens al leges that there is no pos i t ive law under which t h e Hudson's Bay Company can prevent Americans from importing into the British territory provisions of an&kind, and selling them there. H e contends that the charter o f the company g ives them no monopoly except that Of trade witk the Indians.

T b e Pres ident bad yesterday come to a differ­ent conclusion on the q u e a t i o j K ^ a Informed citi­zens o f California that this g o y e f a n i e o t was pow­erless to.afforduuiy redress in thejease. H e said t h e p o w e r s exerc i sed by Gov. Douglas, aa Fac­tor fdr t h e Hudson's Bay Cdnfriany, whether le­gal or not / ihad been recognized as legal by tbe British government .

Thi i wouM-Seeni to put an e n d to the question. But CahTorniailsbbw here have g iven information to tbe government that there i s imminent danger of a collision betweeut their people and the Brit­ish authorities. This will the more probably 00-CUT, ff adventurers from t h e United States' should be m a d e to be l ieve that Gov. D o u g l a s ' acts are arbitrary ami illegal.

_, *4S» —

Uncle Tom'e-Cabin a OathoHo Nove l .

Tjnc le Turn's Cabin," though written by a Jfew England Calvtbist, has lately receiVed the

The French deGgmVtO trythe twritot chjldrin by a kind of riddleA Tor example: A^rriin h is

• a little boat, in which lie must carry,from o i e J o f FfieK#t)f the river pa the other, * wolf, a ^oat arJdT —

a cabbage—and must not carry more than one of thesb'«tTJficev Which shall'he lakefirsVWithoilt

. the risk that, daring one of but navigationSythe, j Wolf may devour tfio goat'br'tbe gbit 'tho- cab-

b«ge? Suppose be Carry tbB- Wolf, th* ^cabtMdfsj is lost—if the cabbage, tbe goat ia'-'devoured-ljf I the Jgoat, the- ernbartasstnenfr is equal;'for He ~w.ii.wkil. hfe <«Tiat rir bin "cahbaffn on- th»"btb#n

sober, AtairLtokisginiBlay tiwMMftayldDtliir« whether ho went forward or Jbsotar*rd4 dttda iiU'aiMQreylaniiji'?- sLTenWbteJ«*lngiAiiin o l tbirtyayesuM-j^rillarAsvl' King otffrtmpe,1

stalwart looking, bruta, with)* hssdb tivsjtitold greatqbatinacrand an eye-of copieryvand* Mills's VJemmy Mills," »IittlD'fellow,e3 nh!

must risk Ms'goat or his -cabuagoon- the-bthin sideoftbeTivcr^ Theunsweris—-bo most tatje,' the goat first; the wolf will cot touch thofcabDritfoj; 'fn m secoulj p^ssb^ He carries tbe cabBagi, MaoringBlmtk'tbe gojft; fothe third bo^b^iuV porta tbe wolf, which may again bo safely"-fell »itfr-ib« cabbage. Bo'cdltr3utfe*wltn Telnrnmb Nferthe goat, ; ' y" ' "' " ' ' T

H o w . F U « * H e l p w d o a t t » C a u s * C i a r | i s d c a n XjibMty. .t.:,..,.

sonrtho'fOlIowtog.niiccdnteJaigivcrLast'els^tsd.bV [-Mr. Jefferson: ^ ;<-----' ^ J i ' '

yWbJe tt« queston bMrtifJei fore 43on|^ft^ffi^ifarid^ ftUkmtocklnffl, and with handkerchief .lo

' mM»W* D»i J:'A»gTtr,DiirnsT.-OFFiff*

onFordr-'sfreet,bVthe»t.l^wre=ce'Eo-*el.:'AtlVs^SF»TOtA^ena>*d."-" ' I

( t o t f ; , « f i i ^ ^ ™ ^ . ';;.;:|igUf-^

.neotftjJJy Bo lks i t e J . a n d p r o m p t r e t o r a g K Q a r & n l s o d htA



-£1,17 WE^ERST AMD HOrtn'BB-V •6ASn3,'by .

--_ * '. .V; • ,. .'"'!_ C O A S . Jj'IJiilSJ'^jpj^., , . . ,-' ,.i' ,_. ._.- .,.'•-. , ;Y ,• RaU.-ca-4.fcrpot.„

::- sfxcsa-'xfiKii&iH tvtiiSsi¥v, f 'cftcV

.! rfllw'.AEJiASe.EJfSST,"

-•XtHS-^CXOSBaiGSSlT," '-EiV5S'G :'-- ;r ,0B. „JL cftaswl *!je i>Js^ipnT"«t*rcsWt!s,.-a ^JsjsjBrtjf cedipled by 'Mr. C. A. pArss,aai thorsngBly/epilwn.

tif aa.good,'a\^i*^y czx*2'&ren£2bt &n&-*t.aa tfto-,.J^»s'

i 3TT 1 * 0 fWimM-Basdsiagiit.'oiStiJfsvWitt-Worms

a^"to>lowcsfWfcji , . . _WSt3§fffiat%ji i^»»<lUllr«sa&ve,f, ffi ^ ^ l a j a A l ^ i - ' t i - -^,*':.-i"i.;- , ^ r -

: ^ ^ t a s t r » s f c a t t a 9 , o ! d D » » C T » » Bsaki.


D. E . _ __ i^OXiaW^xati i 'Jrjf t f j . , . ' '• 1


M^?.;, •. - . : AHM3aicAf t ' ''gati^riaEis" A<S» :^5I53fEy, -F l^Eiy i t^cQSa

< D O ; , ! ="-''-••'•

-fts# '<TRgASTT> a c l H U s s - A i F ^ h e - ^ ^ ^ I W ^ A ^ p i k S i f i B , An3:«lUacaAr,:

St.LaerericeHotel Bloci , i i V . ^ - V A i - i j . '

•tlrstosi Hoi

taT" OiEcoaJllIr. Wcx-TC?a,coricr of J i ? c=J eiiia


^ t 3 v & i ^ , ' f j a v " e : - S t r t l f o t b j ) '

^Si^ecadfo-f, 'BatJ'ftem1^iaclS!riia«4tir^ : i . , , , -- . . , , ' •-''- ; - • • ' - - - " i - ^ - ^ ^ ^ f ^ 1 ' » i O l f > B j ^ S « ^ t n e * ^ ' ^

i^riofjkingfiybridarnatte: *h^i»pe»Ma«ht l J a t t o n ,ber-BeW green dressi' She t h B a c ^ w h i s l c n g t ^ i r u i l a . w d c u t o g ^ M , ^ ^ ^ ^ jJLSZ

, _ - a . V „ . _ „ . . _ _ t . K . t ^ j J l . _,* u _ . ! - r . « . A , T ! „ 4 ^ a m » 1 l „ 5 , , f ' A , a ^ A j s x f f l r a B w S t o ^ n W i t a t o ^ d ^ ^ laid: <•* Tbeamtrie. jnMmJimge^^JSh^m^ « < f u ? A h « J k f * * ^ « ^ h d l l ^ l d with to?—'

st^B^,f^d! ^z*nzz T^CTS*

v - ^ l ^ l B ^ t ^ '

.near, Baratsg* Bprtess^^BajsTldr fAdlltlci for Moilt, Painting. »ijd Frfnch; "cTSuonts received, at ass tins,

awarded toLadlc«,wSarx»43arE ErndrjroCslaloxl' wl^M|c»r,t iaa»i , ; .,,„;/-,.. t.,;-.,-, „,V , : ^

ticol!o,;iwho ecemed to enjof; It v < ^ irfUcB,? ok Woll'dsVtb riws«redlfc«o< tho u^fincotjft io'f l lclT

Qttivid1 recollection o f too ebvrjrity of eh ettaclt, froia.feblcb the only r e u e f j ^ ^ ^ l j f t p a p d r Acd flying from tbd..'E«3na,":i,; ; : , - , S t ; ; „ i . •••

•'$& awfal-dcaxb o f ^ f i ^ ^ r f " E a f ^ ^ i M o . i j f

Wang Bussion: ladiot wha:-g-irhctTrn«. B'Addcnc' tho; Winters, of , l ^ r i ? ^ b k J ^ ^ ^ J v » | p ' I ^ c d

.~ ..-#..#i-li_',.;.-» - A .tifl^ttwn-*rm'rin-w-Rflrnn

" •"•'*' ^ " K m l ' t t h i e r i * ^ ^

bocker officiating. The ijoffin was A most' beapti- rt.j_._d_v T ^ . - n n J A.M ful specimen of L e w c i d a n W ^ t t

roRiEB, aiea juiy IM, IBO», ^geu ,w yems. JAA etetosy/.etMtibainn^^iuvusullJofj Bis 'corn« he close of the rehgiouswremonics, « i e O f •MaiJm&* c ^ a f i e i l i * ® e t t y l w h ™

the friends of the deceased,alfrga u u i n W o f M | n e w i t t ^totae aoW, these inseparable<*

f t ^ r a L T ' w ^ ^ r & ' l ^ * ^ f o l l o X ^ A i n the corpse after whic^ tbe M m « 4 » ISnawty, who-was too bashful tospfeak to fftdm, 'about half a m^e in lengfi) feft for Greettwopd,, 0 , 4 , , ^ ^ w M - _ h 6 t e uoop 0 , ofa Maid I where the deceased was l a t e r r ^ , . j .laxKhBlcbetor's Bt«tonfl,'who, W say the Ie,

looked very blooming, considering their a A IColW BUpe'ta P l t t iburg . j . Aod'last of all, with very modest lodk»,

™ ' , " " . l ' i , i ' . ^ S - ' $1 \.'c. I Jbhxmy'Jumpupj and Ms b"ttte'Mueeyfe*Biiil ...„ffrq.Mh«fiiU)b«wt.rr(lwt^uiwJ|t*^ VJoletT - ••• -am . . . .

Bslsder.-ifyooitett s i i ^ l ^ t U . j p i o c ^ r i i | i R : , .©W««lkB' Hood perfortnfed^e terekm l^oifiumble omtlro hunentetl llooila.n>s«nptir«jofc sm*tute*w*>drW#%aAr^-*rAs-flmipei' Tl an AssJIace, ym. can form.a ntsriestmiai»ofi«hft ~ _ e tom&adtafc Silga> liettVeB,^nd- hb'i enjoymentexperiencedbythosawhoSAW,tiirkm|le- des^inJa^g^^peVefetalfarbnBd'the-UbTri^ race yesterday. Onllnarji language ifaiblio da-c [great dishes of Folferf,' wm*fe>*»ery one cbuuf' acribo the ludicrous scene, and bimQae.be.8een to, ig> bisheart's contebt. 1700 DfrLlbD; who-i»-V<|r v h».»ppreciatadL {fleboll^wiu^(!aJMtb«^ull|jes^ 4bnirjfjwUerj.^towfaitdiatbegot-mfireWitej

| ^ thaslaud.wxA.teppc^s^ut fiTeo'ck)ck,:and ifsjje thanbtftiidin hisrnouth, and wbenhowlas b e t w e e n . t h e a p p l ^ t ^ o f thOTg, smd s t ^ fiy* judged to-kiss Ilady Hary flah forfeit;4ie gotilit

[From the N. Y. Evening Post.] The public journals chronicle the <iea.th of a ' i<y

man at the Ked Sweet Springs in Virginia, on be third instant, while in the act of bathing. In these days of hot weather and aun-stroke, people ire prone to imagine the bath a safe as well as agiW-able resort. But it is a luxury that must be .fen-joyed with caution. "Due regard must be paic to the state of tbe system, the time of tbe day, < nd tbe probabilities of subsequent exposure.

The skin eecreteB an oil for the purpose of lubri­cation and, protection from the vicissitudes of weather, which washing n moves, leaving tbe mis exposed till it can have time to renew secretion and poor it out upon the surface, ardent heat of tbe sun at such times will ifiS the skin, sometimesadisorganizing its texture destroying it (yitirelTA but more often producing a disagreeable Bense of feveriahnesa. Aware! ol this liability, the Orientals and South Sea Islanders always anoint themselves after bathing, and thus avert ill consequences. A bath taken at nighfiqr, in the early -morning probably is less liable to Bus

onconvenience, T i o n g continuance in,the«?ater reduces tHeionftj

Of* the systern^mUeebles. the .organs^ami milife* tbe action of toe heart. Instances are on record of children that have died when no evidence! of disease waa proved Iriif the ilcgenerated vitality occasioned in this way, ft is ee'rfain that a per­son suffers material reduction of strength, is less •disposed to exertion, and less capable of end urmg fjttigue, aftgr taking a bath. The energy of i i e system, ia temporarily impaired. In case of pre-vious'cnro'nib leeDienesa, it is apparent that

p a especially required. • -A bath taken soon after a meal, par (jmilttriyeiiei1'

Abe*.rty di^ner,»iathe Wghestdegre^dajigerok. t

She'VeTjf-f»dlgug^t, J l whOj"if i t t 'wpB

t^Je*s in* ; ' sJ thoagb ' 'he -H' id 'no Wise tinfail ffVislKtribhldr-,' whoWie-corimaei^ifl^'esane! iVhimseie l''» - " " - ' ' A' —' •"•'"•' H1

A sji''' irmalFyVWe had''atjgrand danca'to -the tansie; the Canterbury Bell ringers, who are said to-equal tho Swiss. Old Leonder and Mother Woit, woo

o i,had gBt very much.uXQitcd drinking tbejuice bi j ,1.^ xrA^a.trt !\r>th0.A»ml.r1nwn rJia.mlddlatallinia-i M'AtaMani; ttasttivAnd aoite,«i ft_l*f f r i d M - . T t t o K ^ ' l i y t o ^ . W t f x t t l a w n «he,midd)a;all

pSpsfabni tU^wnrdi'"iiO|^abe»«Qti«ff!Wellot •• mledflat wMC«n.9,Ult1thlaA f f icQmD7iVBe

Jt tbeir_»a»t» «Jt4imjyilsW'*smJm^ w d o e i t b ^ w b j p w r ^ m i r ^f^^toduathirrt. ,o ; Hurmoijy beiRgrestoKd, Hoy .dMe^t l l l

? i S 2 ^ « » ^ * » « P P t a u f e a x j f ^ B W ; c o j r f i f d <. *$m..,B*ad> wish j o a . o j n j * b m h e e f t )$*,

q ^ c U P p e « r i u ^ ~ > * » w « - M « «?«1 ">' •. J ^ ^ ^ , s i r ^ p _ » u 0 « a l « I B M ^

yards, 20 rounds at 300 yards, arid BOioundS at 60u yards. Tbcy are then to be, Jborougbly t :st-ed by the officers of the Board, in sucl^mannei as they choose. The time of firing 40 rbAuds in e: ich case, as far as triedTta as Jollews : ,• j

^ - " ' Bin. ileo. Sharp's, usfng prfnleri'forfl7 sM'capa ter 18

rouods 8 10 Maynard's, using primers.. « 20 BuroBide's, using caps 5 08 Smitn's, using caps 6" Id Morae'n, witb caps and oartrldge S 4$ Qibbs'e, using caps...! 5 '81 Colt'a, using cans 7 , If Metriil's, using caps 4 ' 2(

•senting the arms pas

fpr rapidity, and 20 rounds for accuracy at'rio6 f^ed 'a l approval of the Pope, and has, in Italy, a circulatfou unequalled by any other book. l is Catholicism is found to be more truly Catholic than Papal Catholicism itself. How this result, so unexpected to tbe author, has taken place, will appear in' the following paragraphs from the Ofiristian Register 1

" By late accounts from italy, we learn that a translation has appeared in which, by a single and slight change, tbe work is made more Catho­lic hi the latter bense. The rest of the book be­ing left untouched, indicates its unobjectionable tenor in ultramoBtame Rome itself. Nay, unob­

jectionable is a -weak, word here. Tbe book has The shooting by those prei ot yet terminated, and tfie e examination and'tfial

will extend into «rext Week.' The'-tltst shoAtjng #<*?» otouned as a .propery Oathoiio book—im. I V I K u n W n n o i i l i u t i l u m i l l , I h a f ' o l h A h n o n m t n f o n l i m n m

thus far has been d o n e by Smith's , Maynard's and

struclion—Mayiiard&.and Burnside's using metal­lic cartridges, andj&nitft 's lndia rnhber.

Another Board ol Officers, consist ing of Col! J . W . Ripley , i l o j . Bansey audi I k p t . Maynadier^ to dee ide upon the best mode of tillering muskeW to breech-loaders, Ts ordered to meet at the ;sulue

'pTat'ce, a n d ' a t e already On their Way hither, " • • . • • • • • • i _ i • • • • .

Monumetrt to the fijeinery- o f ^ r e s t d n i s . • ' Btcjtilrjg.'- * - - I

; bued peculiarly wiih the Catholic spirit.of religion. lSv7e' recollect that Brownson's Review made this Burnside's guns, all differing very much iu cbn-1, "": "*«>"«*"• " ' " o -vm,« iu . iu™™ a, M B u,..

. , . . , „ I I „ „ _ M „ „ . . . „ I V J „ ^ B,,„o i r f i 'a „„ in„ „„.r»i-f ettim lor ic as soon as it was published. What

I l W t h e K o r * i j f < j i i r e e f c 4 t o ^ Ihftobeliskvjs a neatlyxlesigij t j e r ^ o u i i s a ^ ^ f t t h e r e ^ n e j W ^ d i W ^ r ^ ' - ~ « - ~ — - -~»»->'«- *« »>"> -">""•'• »»•! fr""'si

[ the indieeste^ foods The brain isunwilling to be toked^fjecause it ianoli receiving MaJIowamjdof blood* and ita^vigor is .called eteewberei, the rois-cles, demand • season pf r « t , that, they may i riot J

, iUstmnkitbe stomach irom its du^^tmdthovdx,-,! .teeinUiea.ar»flfff1»»alfJ dnririg.tber«%eatree>(p{o-. j jce^-bejsiBsa theyi^eAid«p«Jwd ottvportfan [oTf theinbl,ooj}.. Hha heart Alone wsia(B3oa.thfi «dtf<'

istl-l^onAnsejflfUftojtfnajyjtB^vlty,. , . . . , . j , . Tiieb«tb,,takenJBndei;jThatey«f9r^produdes

a^hc^k.upsaithe.wbqle^ryous syXtanviJEbe ef-, ItfS. of; thj«,-wherj»,. there is iiwfiffieient.reaatipg fpOMr, ta,^»Jmpgii! djrf^yjaMji^stwtJjrji^sot-

tractile power of tiiemuBcles, anil-Jb^ heart fin partiquiiir, wbicbjs'ita.clf.bat.n mnscioj and, if the shock' iaeufflcwnUysevere,^yneo^aanddiiMbtat,, once supervene. ,Jtj» weU.Ltaipwn..th*i a,W0WT struck upon thosUjuwch. shortly .after A full jneial.J lOfJen resiAltei;a^ly^u.fhftabci^,<tf uhj t th ia^a , ! bjow^ n o t i o n 8ieieEigiw»4um gbnpjj,,feut«p|)n ' tjie whole sUriitcQ, and,the tendency 4s to p«ralyia the mu^mlar system, and, produce death o,t pncV.

.. Tho cold b A ijuijlt^ bQ, t«BAtJ8 wasjtfikBly ••" ik^i«!W*BC9^feosiBq9en(JS,t(,,-, • u ,-m I r.t,l

.W^sitbB&WstlitWpla^'esort^.thehatli; ^ l ie f^oir i lboj ePI»e|pfB jhojii^t^itsefithijr;

M>3Jm0M ffirafei Kiel mw,as>im$w >d impsBBlr Jlrssafea ftednduJgeBcei to tvhicb th sjs ,;wUlJa,iielJi{ Absy, take: • a j j i m i . n m , 4 i # X wqulAM^bfeaurprisedihy^alsy or death.,,..,

.| vf it'isSts,' I

to tbe memory of our lamented Brooks, whic! now completed, and at tbe marble-yard of Mr-. T. White, of this city; Tblirmonument is of

and finished in the most artistic and woriunaultl manner". •' It Sfonrteen feet high from the pej meutj andiflde fees square UUthb bass.- "Near i

the uddevout termed its Methodist pietism, waa cajjtid by the reviewer Catholic zeal and fervor.

" The change made in the last Italian transla-

I tion Will seem an odd one enough to Protestants, and ia one Utile likely to please, or to have ever been anticipated by Mrs. Stowe. The very last and'tabst ufea ^dpal, and therefore least Protes-tau^jqyCat&Qfic .dogmas, that which many good Catholics themselves yet hesitate at receiving in defiance ofVatican ediou, is npw wrought up with

[Prom the eharleston Memory, July 14,] j I the fiction pf the zealous Andover professor's Wife. Yesterday We saw a very beautiful monaminirr^fieWin rjfferice ofthe-olrlDegro, and tbe cause

^>f.ali his sufferings, is represented to be hit 'staunch adherence, in despite of Legrefffilash, to tbe lately promulgated dogma of the- JrUmercnlate

obelisk form, pUrb.'WarWe, oPthe finest quality,4-Cofitteption'—a most lame- and impotent oonclu Sjsion.', which ^ie authoress will not adopt in her f future editions ip this country."

ifrfSoulii « a r i ^ i C eUBoi'atefy by an .artist ttfgrWa.kill: ' B&bi «hia,on-tbe lie' of tb.e-obelisk, is flfl ivy Wreath, in:holirelifilv fn-cirphpj the/qjlkjnatuj mjorojortate. iqscrip|iQn.; J

' ' BiirnJlyFdEg?i§l^raiigl:%§?,'^t.'lS19. Kleot d to'Uie SttUe LeguUf tnrein 1S44 .

Elected Captain oTOo. i9palme«o Se^emeot, ih lSiiJ, sjad ^. ,o u.sSrOsldpruig tie*MBxican 5?ar., n '-

. •A«d'3lediid'WaslmlBi6n^^.'tt,4Rlf'^^ Ok another sae^AsJrg l i r^wjeatb , wlU djM|

pear the tonoWlnlfi1 °

'Sir John Potter, the successor of Mr. Bright for Manchester In the House of Commons, weighs about 45U ponml^, and is. tbe largest member ot tjbat bodv,. In describing his face, the London MudragSittfetM snya:—

NeveWttoe'theT'fixBt man was created was there {we?affl"^ffl^adedJt;suob a disc on tbe top of hu-majt'Bbbufderi: yTO be comprehended it must be

|,aeen.., It remindaiuivwhen we look at it, of Hil­ton's description of Satan's shield, which, with the aUeratiorr<ofva:^ing3eiWoEd, iihui adm&able pic-

.. -.<.! JU;I &&6QV&m&GOi*&XtOO.* '. :•& I »j :OJ-&}W« -j'Jt^ti :>]>jniiiiiiiin u»fl l l j'u

•.'., W o encotmtered'ina. 'othtx day a, Udyjjt . iashion.in SLbietrifit atrx^t. . Shu .Was a rara -l&rtliaeBaEOb, as all'tliesa fine feathered -

now era or csgbJi to bO£najiug licraselvealn ^EPitJ»c3«'. Eerbsps ^sp wsa it hirtt^RSssagCfe,

.^wiRgfor tt& AU«fltiecraaraipgi»i;.At«Jlerei , wccncojmJwcd h£t In^ flbcatsnt:^tey and {48S-*toii>e.fll5«d.it!'e. ojA-lfcisayiBsjlItilSi-ififio

A . ^ T O ^ ^ t I ^ s l l ^ ^ f ! * f t « S % , ISr^Hro*' 4.bc^Jf5y>^4t;icw!^is&iia,£hat5l^l!xdnajcsi''',

df-MfijPoiia but: a afacrfStto - ( ^ ^ f f t o a o y i j v , , - . . . , -


| * I^JR; , !q^: '" U i y E R f s J O l A P A C l X g T S .

^3«»»«rm.*ac<omsAail4U»f«ir,iasieiito i

. l I.

J^^^WJogjS , - ! $1-... -T t«*tff

* ^ l l ^ i f ^ r r S S , , * ' «* fr"*te«* i f» ] l !v -4B* 4 r * , S ^ i ^ * ® ^ ^OIJW) WWW pm*VMM,mntqmj*

- - - - * V ^ » * «!«««*»• rsasas iw- ' ., i.\*m-^ tts»sf»s*s»>* #&**I

*~ . , .-. ^.v.-, ,_ - .; ,'.rf r, :,j;,.--:ff r. ,;:•!->- 2i' H

.^s^ij i^i iBi t , / • ' - '_ ' '.•. V, • fy •> •- - QMir

'-;:;' MCUW^Att ' sWJtaUtWlB •' niff'tMSm^ -^•sslsssV tW ^JIlsssssk^Z^JsB

SAB1H, ft feOBTIS, I?T- -WfWMNrst f * «•»»•, *av#«w

* ma&oot AJTO NIW Torn sttAir4 JU UaiP I4W, safllat « t f » aHssssa* «ss«; Fwrs

from Ssw Tars, •sOjfrom OvarTistsL flit, Salltai ^ . . . . • • — •-iSsw T«A SfwrJ A*i

il»«ns*alllfl( I : FAMAa,> tLMTIFIOAT»S4 fa,,»«asov. l l w s o n .r-'

.Wfbf, ' ,6tccptog,top,ick.,it:cp^ili^ . . ^ , , A- , tiiao'.bughtngry, "that oneof^;t^WMjcS't>e|osg-; S W ^XCTfMrTOHKTOV.ti H ' , B g * ^ - C i s ^ d ' ' « l s i n f i a t f «

, ^ fap^fe 'Vt irn!uBr*b li^»*CTle«otJ»«n^sx'«ifrttcr»j . j

« i i A V r s b -Hr '

t tTMsfilsnt^f KwafVi!»'s> jSuaHiig, tard-JtrVst,?

s ' ttaVijs^ " ; i » „ | - ' . a i s i a s i x » j r ^ s * i * 9 * l T ^ , I ^rf rc^m-eir0?"b**bltelfied by wealth'orby •'•I' I

.ju,' The T^oj; 3 t « a arra:: - T l » *"6i«*riiakt»s it love allair took pls*# at Cnito Ilall, £Mratot4

- . — , •-•—- 4. w t t W r tk 1 -——-ar -

'•l&WlcWftflM...^ s^8if^?tUM^ts5sl%iBfMo&:8tcel-

, ffibpasl,. t;abora ,.«34: 'gwtejtl.'dry, mods,

' . l lto'^jril^JfetibeA^^pJjarj^c -

. .^ r . , ^—•—w , r^t^ A « *ffWua-rliA^frf>*>t'fKi>.i

^ w t j i a u i s u v u i i p , MU..T

to fir6:be<fjr<s 'Ii6¥ffid|b. *«.hA«» the* 'aiiofrtiStUd 61?BbOve tr^o'MeJoJiS'd. niornlnof by tfib tuao,%ti.a. enptrkteiuicd thb

W e n ; rbtsed In

- * i patVi' Boats tsitp witi,

And on tne obverse Bide-to the above, this n-I's^ipfion'WAi'lrB'placBa: ' ' ' ^ ' i " xSBjthtttaaeyer-trulBwed V°ffJneWfo*om a irtierDsj n , s l NorHeave|nifiBn.eB W i t h e r gates to, xece lvaa maul ez^f

' Oh t h e I r a c k b ^ then6b'ei iskla'tbis msbripiio i f " Preston S. Brooks wi i l io%, long tie reifacmbereiS, '

h Asoneia-whorothe-'yu-aeeicivedtodwell;-Tho' tad to us, oijd dark this duroensatipn, .

v>, we-imow©od'B •WIsaom^elSgB^Bs1s>«f? ,

This monument ia a Boris«f '^fea beauty- fc|id qrnameijt, ajfRpJe ^itMbSSdijekpreai^ft jn its

^ s i w a f Tm¥i,CTfefiB»tv6-j|«

,ta :torr(orib|. jb>»ctejjonioy

- crabj to f fasting detViriitaiiof *Uwfcbf~jjf]ot,( ' f c ^ ^ a

.3 .: ,«J^14.X,..^ UAUxaJSH., . . . J , J - « H * * S S * i ^ l I * ' M ^

W M l n s l i * • » « * » « , I » s i s i M i * - l i a OrasT*

**fats,0lfs;l>F»4t«ft^i«d«w*lMf,»atM»rrs»t*|s . -;,*to«k^«ntWsAa*ll«U3ti^n:Mtrsas«tV,Wlasslil -,•->-,- ,.K.. - aadCifSis, . -'• ' . -i , -") ' atO^J<<,M;>)rtsl^fc!satJt>«^ "" - ;" ..",''" -'"-©sirt»*#r-**•»'«*".] '"• t..-\

"::-'•' •' ' j » E o t f f Y > - . i a j m 0 K ( ' •.'.

i nal Itktlr vsrtsuss, » l ttso rws-ISsfs, Wiadow-aiass *«Ia^W»«s t 3»s»»sm,* l l^»«sM-fc»»** [

8piM|?*AJai«ais»ir»»l»jvt A j f w g i»w«r «r»*u > » # y«rk Jns* ther«« osaWnit yosAtigfUdylrtw th« Mmsi tity. t* wkoss! b« bad been ^•yjojrhil aUenlioM unttt furb»sWe».to 4V> so by kMsSMMta. B M f ^ l « . 0 1 hotel-f>HSJ3ri»»l«s, httsIspotiJbW k„s«s betors bar 1st she partsw, assl MMtiaBdiWs M B ^ lbs quastion. t l ' l i s i s I by Ms Warmth,

i s r l h s im^»nts|aj>>ssTisr wbioh »ha isMtpsotssjhr

lbs | " »P-W- « » ' • • »--•—,, - ^ , _ ---«ssr

-oari, (^ *ho«l l i s * ^ ^ W s ^ s f l ^ j a j a j t o ^




f - W e t t ; * : . . ' : , , , , ^ , . i . ... ... - t J -v -•:'-• H-i\ - ~ ,.w«-fas>Ts (pe»j!F,*i word a p r V ^ a i j . ,at.

.tioojw.-, -fbefAj^ fmie«l^tv,WB»|WsOj^^-*

lyet _ __ CuSora c^rser,V^Mm Mperb^t . -» w ^^, g ) H t ,M 6B, tho temblo oppression u h i s chosthad c H > Wiroad him t o cenelnliijing tho Carburatlfd b .dragon, nor, affcw along itngrjle tor lifts, wftu!

(ouud hnuM fi»6»d, the jmghdf tysMMt-4, and t»(f»tbsw •*»/ twfcr4 • •« , ssptsutg Itsta a saif-

-oan, 1^ wbossi t h s * fctsa WerA tsj»st% rsswstd. Tfie-»Wa»*goodd«»i Ofiitortnlni' on tks pari oftaeoWpsopTe.wastJ tfasy faisd os«wb«t hsit l>ass>.oo*«,l.ut ttwjf #mmi*&' W srAswH, afW tbey bad made up t i e u ou»>dsilns* tbsy eoaisl do sobstter. TUs young lady will bAiorfataU | f 4hi<iop»,r»t liv« tt* #^#fi t i ie | fijBy,

tn I p i ^ t ^ s ^ a l w o v a r e d to«ytoSsibAnn«d " 1;VIdo^^o*1hInkItJJ«rld^•,,, , , . , , ,

Wilhotit j .byiloal'r^,m(a»cy woitid bsioiimr . •d W j^sriAh, b s f o r t ^ p « r i « r « * « ^ L i ^ j ^ a J t ^ t it* 4au|sri . fjord K M M * advlaad narsoti lo cist < th» fidgs«of thssr obikl i« "ciAmAArAsJj"w^

tsrin* with tb t a^tteriita biasts Ufot# tb«y eotsMt tfo*f0*T»inijr .5 bntTf «o • B t A f t s » ^ M i r w l tbs wotAOji, tfcsy wooM out Up tbsir own n M w i t h t h . s s A M a ^ ^ i a b « y a . t . » s i c ^ s ^ b s j r « tbtro ia « eandU v)tVg>« sa-M 4*fI'U that fttf

tn*i>t, witi^stptH

tho modern system^ srbicb, is a atrictff diplooAt^ n'»U'in,In^lidcd'to CotiWltlraihfr than sthibU \Vt-At grsre do tuev not toad to au otherwisi ™cele-»objeet> fiow they di««Jfjr «fl4 «H Into tli» Mkador of nuasu-iiy, **«n t i c v t a k , ' 'e|t»»>d uoWvely figure of lh« sbapslssM Mill girl I They hslp the observer'* imsajicaiion and supply lbs ditncieticitt* of nsturo ID • modstb|t-| (t csrtsin ly *sry>^»Uiul t o the eye, - t .1

.-..C..., L»> <u^ (,i. ••n'lil-rnf-t < i: ..)...M JUTJI. [From the Correspondancs of the TJtfca DsilyjIIsrali ' '•A'-h'ne-of1grecn',.lo*-for«tbotrayedthecoui' *PthasBA^c*riverjttooUgh* the plaiBi'iiSodefcp is its- ohsrmeT,.and>iothick jg-the foresttha>eki|t« ita-bariks' tbat'I rode within twenty yardgJofit ije-1 for» t-iraugbt &aiiBt'f(ltiaa^>fit^^^ ^ dcsBjibedrJts us -insSpId, tnoddyi crcacheians

desolation ttrolral) briny own partial fancy 4ha» tnjtdBtbe Jordan Un8 Its green faaitkn-so beauS-fc)T'butiti^se«t^'in-tb»imnujent-'cfimJfrst^ vslattoa to my longiDg-eycs; tko^pcrfccQoiJ tof

[ calm and bp!y lovebiM^,-:IIcb<carfi!y:aaiwide j>^ tho Mo!;swi trtUtir^ bat^to rMM rapid tthd ita-pissloned in it&fiow.,» tofJee^tJloll Jiverai Jjayo

. ever seen, ^ o i t j i n - h a a 4hO- Csrccst current. :JiItewa^iAhyaioJaBiii3.c?Lmr,.hM,itMjitt^,. 1 BartMilla,camQ-}'Aautldy." -At tile plaws.sbi

I.-Crctr-fiAwit,:fraaition tusigtei tha-bapiisHi oar^tiqur,:rtr^ also tiJorcirnctilQUSi CTOE icg

promised land. Liko a truo pilgrim, 1 bathed itawatera and picked a: | 4 » ' ptblilfjs'fiiiia banks, C3tokcnaolrcrs.£riibrancoof thomoat ons river In the wgri.d,- Three mtjea below spot whcro l cow'nmiiii, tho nobla river—ii tho vcry.:CaAlSM af4ifc--<iiddciily tbrowa ii oa.therictrid-lxiBntaofiiiaDEadaaa, 4

*uS?feApEiiftbi",»| ^enkej E® M&tmnhm*, ^$it^:pmm: #xi*rA.t0iiiK6S:..sTa «xtaab4hit


htickj theysMdltAoj»Hlfl«;b«*rnis.: .Sonworje

A«adJ « l 4 aaJ4{f>tle«f» irteatetkii ttWeai ••lSafale-

tieatedXr. Webster; ^iminspisastef,- Xtfhiiw {a imt>ss>sabltoo PmfatMl,* «tttlUt» Mstsirowii. «r»y«d41** Wfe4 h a * J i | « s , mltWy wsitcterffiB. SJCSAU. . ;.-- - -•'••-• - - •*-'-• ! '


ft.*i,aH-.«„H - k o ^ . t t J t o l « „ m ^ „m»,rfBt«rT,ra lartre estate, wh this monument whence it %flir

tore of the. face off tc ' "

•John: ije hroad circumferenoe

Stands orifhls shoulders, like the moon, whose orb u H'Huwng^pths^lassj^ieluscanartistvjews."

etmanlB, just and beroio; Utagtratbig t ™ i ^ ^ s ^ t a d o u b l e d u n h e b a s l why, a bird might >y nto (levoiloa to his countryj the sffifuuflaiuflsteatpn that "coign of vantage." The jrtfh his: bereAved lanaiy In debloHni fBToniy mea We<A«CB?eaw ilke Sir John's, and that

'.f.-Wai'long.sibce, beloaged ,to at grazier, who .once ' at,th.e Maj^ipjjt country .town, planted himself

bnesmoting noTaay m front of Judge Park, where he'aAtpersgfrm'g and wfplng his lace until the fretful Judge could hear the eight no lunger.—

^Thrsiwingsiown his pen, be «a)led out, "Sat man, Ldb jget oj|t # t ie way;. you mike one hot. to look

N o Prejndic.es-of Color,

. InJ?fciSfiejBt.iitdition speeoh, Lord Brougham' ^.related tbe following anecdote: I . " J ^ d ^ ^ d h u r B t g a v a me a short time since k S ^ ^ ^ ^ a S ^ f e ^ U S & a J1*8 J^nsected

. „ . jefieId,whereitlB to' a negrr, pornrietbr Iof a large esute, where he , f remain. There wtireBared, we learn, Ihe^railte3 »wW iWeiv lr fWil finau®^ lolpltaiity, and

fataHd, ••"» •« ••-< iimi w»- l a w w lAs-m-ittui i t a J n e d w b ^ » w 3 u ^ ^ l , a * * * e t ' , ' D ' f l atlored A- -T i ' 5 #• " ;" •'' ' "'' h ^%P*Mjl l? tute* ' 8 3 *"fe y$b.ont any jffeju-

noml wview, he nadout the hand of feltowahip

l i o y e r . £w;a tj.:s v . ^ , ^

received on lOffer otr?iarriage,froin.ari iumin. u g came to her dwelling .decked i n aD hisfinsjry ^ i ! s T T e W s i i f i e i i , ' i ^ ^ e ^ br»ss ornamentaiandj cbiwsi—and,'tlirougban' terpreter, announced-to herthatehe niust be wife. H.,wwdir|S4'ibat !lta osaxmo wife, replied," All the band Jiave as many as tbey

Stent, he promised, that eho shonld have thoi

Bishopia httlo in fear,»fMe "green-eved .mo

*®%o*mi(>^.&^g0rfMM tola »,} f e ^ n p o M l t o ^ i ^ d ^ ' i J f e a i n W o a ^ ^ a t * ]



Thel«^UtureofTexaa,»t!uls^ssss»>B,|^ass>-IsdAa S o w i n g Act; ' |

tjstc-rio. 1. Be it It ecstctad by th« lefMaturw Ot ths stsis) s f TsxAA, Tisat tkt) takowmtmuat^1

^ « ( i ^ , a n » g o t Wlwfa ol ladiA,

^^fSffijsafghltfg can «mty%e«oi«liictnai3'an onor-jBlurts cost. Tbe hottest day that comes, let tome

o|fl.5»bois aipcsrely deijrba? o t nijdgrsjarjding _«,««., ^ r ™ ™ „ j . ^ _ _ . _ . _ ? _ 7 ..,., , , . „ , . » whs* tho dry muds oSflnaui are like, repair to an cortn* of thelodgeyliuMt n y S s s l d ^ a f l a ^ w i t b ^ j ^ i ^ j a ^ &tsms^mf;-et» Iet'ttn?iand i*

:*imrwliite_tbjBtiaTi fWWJMj^'^^ffil frx»^riBMr*wIie^ih»fiu€ao9'tJ6l)Tl8"«^^ "*" " - » — • - J ^ ^ j j j j g j a ^ ^ ^ i o T i t t J i a odorBfiMeujtable'

bVjStedtogjfiye?©a, gratjng of a,jtrari4cook ebon, nj « B « o a %js,j i ,o will have opt a ioor

S r r ~ 2 i J«II- , ^ u - . i ,ii- - '*^f»»^'«WWlo* '8Andy1'Bl^s^«Bvcrer>w3tb'pa-

with a banghtj w. J t e x t 4ag ) ie was ttrunk.fe g p | g ^ ji ^ m i g h e a i n ienE^?loff volumes B u t o n e . q r M i a B ^ W s ^ q | a j ( ? s f « « d t ™ f e u f o ^ e r W e ^ » a | j ^ a u # a ^ K ' .

and was i g n o r a W u T R « n csstoma, Ajovfygt ijafe-^tfjifMw»-to :to*lfta;'tAnf3i Sr-tajslbio, litwn witb.ber,.oalle4,ofe>s, Bopi

nfditB^heiBif.liiteiji^^ring.; i f e in i r -„ T y ^ f c s r i dFpSrtJ_ility,1-bia' »?terBAa{tfj{!

wapjar .< W.brilria:

••*X^.aito4Uk.mmto f ^ s e t - :

gi» •to^lefeepj -^eir in '"^elf'tllfi

AhdvA;Water, f b * -*KlS»»»-.art*. ftosju-sxvssn^Ptff heeTL^iicr.. eoroe jjtBjer* »tori« ^bjoat -Sia-iBtw

|.tmbrnoijg£ tim M"Und~^i!f 'ffappfmli *»•'• •pdnsibl* for the subjotacd.iirj! jokeoatt'wet i

Sf^l|sJW|8rii5 nlijuifaiiir^nrltije r , ^ - #>jrliftg&& a^esgriptinn. It ia eo :tfe.«iMnIitJftiteK' Mag aft^ttSB causBa wjiich :iViaiy%.hAv'*'oeaiiu^*tert iiitSt in f en fmSoa

' S w ^ i T s b « l t t » s > l l o V s A d l f U . ; (AH.

swmpristss) tor the UM» ami a PtritsOtsUfflWthA ytstss

••• • ' * % « t | 7 , % » having p««bMe<i' A«lton«)f moustam daw. for want of • racir* businesw lifcs) label, w r o U h b aame upon A common plswing card, which happened tobo the seven ofeEfr*, m m it to th» handle oftht botUs. A WSA-oomlnfbnobsMmd! ^''Ttat.^AwwloareleiSt **U°.!**• ^«»-5 " * V **•*»•»* tot*.*

ur» f'wliyf b» iii Acs»vii>iAsmis^oo«e»Wwith U} im »l(bt ofclutJ^taVit? Totn scbiSj the anil standi*andbbTtsd. v " ;•

(AlUrswrfljAurtbevai^it^sjii, •wecxildWapratisJrtWotiraAiatwiato tha Ww waksw this furtasr provlaio,:) «jvjr' tftwirtHlM, osour' «<»rU—a to its p«rW«T fff«» g»WMin| jW& JPB»«M 0j> • ^ t t a t s T f s s ^ l M t t ,

'- (r^ b«i>ss\.a^far(a^<ss- nijTfyrt,mK»iuryviin^4iiuttiiumidtl4* ! ; bj«ff thAt WfuM arusb <

.. TyW if' k Korfajk, t t v ti-. ..i BsAre&novMsa at>ssho<ne h ) £ i a -

Ji^rssidaiit ra^sore i» at NstfAnt rt«l»tantPli|«lA^Jtw^. _|

.retBrrjed f-jth'siUt MBna fjra^es, to^rni^j:ji^/f^^^^4r_^ft..s^ttf^u«obet*ee» yottr^es jgcf with bWj BxplatiBttona at)d . i m e r f f ^ A w e j ^ g j ^ s r * ^

v ,t, . ,;-.-!.. v r j -,n,t, inafc,.i.M-k-,.,—..^-^-^4 f {tasttnwgfi tho tantinary were e h M b p ^ S J o thick fogyVOd s*»srly itiorniEg asa^evOBing this wjfOr-ofoni^ Hspenilfifj high fn.»Jr, M8BB'l$o..a

,r iancIona«iip|^iba.bUi»kie, Whfiritbia d m I i*««t rapidly ia giotipii by a tot wirid, and when

the groawtBand, xxsmpomaf winBte fr»grpeBt3 oi tale, scslsa of mioa, and e«rtb, is IrnpeUed in

s»CC*gsft* WAt«**«WgritbJ9 htUMim» . .ttessffeot iBQuitesnn4ei«»ttoi»»si# w e

,*«s)itIniJi*lon?»«r; Kwy s/tioi» l«y»J<»r*«a, lyourbair, cyeaMd-atB^-iUM fUW*ff • 0 T a r 6 d

*JthIok «U OTej'thetsstM-fW'."*" .*Bmsj± m Lon,

*f*r*:,2*"»»*j ' 'y's^m*'" ~"~ ''" ' Wsts 3sw^sw»*0h»ng l i l^-Tl irwsx .

£*^A%*- '-''^ • • sssaws* ~ » ^ i # s s . Issw i s * wwiixsV My« SIM USXAOQ

t o i ^ » % t r * o / l i # 3 S s u « o n the

*!Sl6Stft,ftwt IrrVStt, srpwa mi^mdB^mHi^ fc-s* Ml - -T» r ^ " - - — aaJlMa. sjhUHuti IstilFaWI

' t>f tlsallssa BsstasA^MMsFt-2K«w«>ty,th«ftftb

ttsMHsf ^tftssHM sssOMI

ject; . ..» " Tl.6 silsiBif MfiwTKidt teiitim tfflgsged

aide the levee at « r o , a h « r i g * o o a t ^ r > b i « p i l iuosf the past weekv towing hooaeii f*apx~ point fa another, ahd jgettlpg drift but «f sown, f b e repoft that she tore part of lier b4t-j totawff byruaskntrrsjr th» top of the Taylor' Houae, 1>w'aiwutIpwrwlatiw)," , . . . , ] '

.' H»WlW>»^ty./;';:J_ ''• ;' [From tbaAlaany sFfe, JoMssi] . • • '"

ThatGulfPlestqfosrs which M i l s Ittftft*" Brit5ab Navy out of water * anMsrs (• s s w i J r * M mmM

s r ^ a r k a b i o o r k c t l o n O t « ^ k i 7 W ^ l W ^ •*tf« SMAiDAT- kWtk» d0W» • W t W ^ t s W ' 1 , t t | f - J

W«Ur WickWn* s r s A t s s s t s l " ^ ^ . ^ was all settted, Th« « much gra»» and ic •s totpor l Kw w m s l t ts>bwsjwfcst<tssH»tlTy _


' '^WsMMal- ..i/ISauislgi,,^