Holy Family · 5/11/2015  · IT WILL RESUME IN SEP-TEMBER. Holy Family Parish 2400 S. Franklin St....


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Holy Family



Led by the spirit and example of the Holy Family, our parish community em-braces as its mission the salvation of all people. Rooted in the celebration of the Eucharist, we go forth to serve, to educate, and to live daily the message of Jesus Christ.

ROSARY is prayed 20 minutes be-fore each daily Mass, except Thurs-day. Come, pray, & stay for Mass.

THE WORD OF GOD IS AVAILABLE 24/7 on Decatur Catholic Radio WDCR FM 88.9/96.5

PRAYER LINE REQUESTS: Rosanna Frey, 429-6657, or Barb Lesyna, 428-0058.


HOLY FAMILY WEBSITE: decaturholyfamily.com

Mass Schedule Weekend Liturgies Saturday 4:30 p.m. Sunday 8:00 a.m. & 10:00 a.m. Weekday Liturgies Monday 7:30 a.m. Tuesday 7:30 a.m. Wednesday 7:30 a.m. Thursday 7:30 a.m., during school year 2:00 p.m. Friday 7:30 a.m. Holy Day Liturgies Masses: 7:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., and during school year 7:00 a.m., 2:00 p.m., and 5:30 p.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday at 3:30 p.m. or by appointment. Communion Calls Please contact the parish office to make arrangements. Sacrament of Baptism Arrangements for Baptisms are made by calling the parish office. Participation at the Baptismal Preparation Class for parents is a requirement for the celebration of the sacrament. Sacrament of Marriage Arrangements for all weddings must be made at least six (6)months in advance. Please call the parish office. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Classes for those interested in joining the Catholic faith begin in the fall of each year and continue through the Easter season. Please call Sr. Janet to inquire about the sessions.


Very Reverend Joseph Molloy………………Pastor Sister Janet Pfile, O.P… …….….Pastoral Associate

Email: janet.pfile@comcast.net Mrs. Joanne Kater............................Parish Secretary

Email: holyfamilychurch1@comcast.net Mrs. Debbie Alexander................................Principal

Email: dalexander@hfcschool.org Ms. Lisa Roddis…………….….....School Secretary Mrs. Patrice Hunt..…….…….……PSR Coordinator Mr. Peter Miller……... Director of Music Ministries Mrs. Ann Carr..…….………...….Business Manager

Rectory………….....423-6223 School……...............423-7049 School Fax................423-0137 Pastoral Associate….423-0240 Convent……….…....429-5931


Holy Family Parish 2400 S. Franklin St. Rd.

Decatur, IL 62521 (217) 423-6223


May is certainly a busy month. I know for me, it is the busiest of any of the months. There are graduations, Mother’s Day, end of the year activities at school, different diocesan celebrations, planning already for next school year, summer maintenance projects, summer vacation planning, ordinations, & other activities. Much is happening. So many events. People coming here & going there. When you think about this month with all its busyness, & then think about our faith, it gives one pause to ask: AM I THAT BUSY IN MY FAITH LIFE? Do I plan to celebrate my faith each weekend as I plan to celebrate other events in my life? We are still in the Easter season. This is the season in which we celebrate the Risen Lord in our life & in our Church & in our world. Have we been busy these last Easter weeks with spreading the compassion, forgiveness, justice, hope, life, & mercy of the Resurrected Lord? Have we been active in deepening our prayer life? Have we grown in the knowledge of the faith by actively reading up on it? Let us be doers in our faith. Look at what Jesus did for us. He rose from the dead. His action of rising enabled us to actively pursue eternal life. May our lives on earth be active responses to the Lord’s Resurrec-tion each day. Finally, with this being the month of May, a month in which we give honor to the Blessed Virgin Mary, please try to pray the Rosary as a family. And try to pray one individually, too. This is such a beautiful & powerful prayer of the Catholic Church. It is prayed before each weekday Mass during the summer here---so join us, won’t you, at 7:10 a.m. each morning, & then stay to celebrate Mass at 7:30 a.m.? What two powerful prayers of our Church. You will see a dif-ference in your life!!! YOUR PASTOR, FATHER JOE ---------------------------------------------------- DON’T FORGET to SIGN UP for a time to have your picture taken for our upcoming Parish Pictorial Directory. We need YOU to be in that book so that others may know who you are as a member of HF. THE FIRST TIMES FOR PICTURE TAKING BEGIN THIS TUESDAY! MARK YOUR CALENDAR NOW for SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6TH!!! This year, 2019, is the 60TH ANNIVERSARY of our parish. The Pastoral Council has decided to have a special celebration after the 10 a.m. Mass that day. More information will be coming as plans are finalized! THANK YOU to Mrs. Alexander, our faculty & our staff, the students & their parents, our benefactors & volunteers, & all who made this past school year at HFCS such a successful & memorable one. How fortunate we are to have our parish grade school. May every parishioner continue to support our school of faith formation & academic excellence. BRAVO again to all the young people from HF who have graduated or will graduate from grade school, high school, or university. We are proud of you! NOTE: Out of the top 10 graduates at St. Teresa H.S., there were 7 Holy Family Catholic Grade School graduates! And out of the 35 St. T grads who were National Honor Society Members, 15 were graduates of HFCS! Our school is preparing our students VERY WELL for high school.

PLEASE have Holy Family in your will or as a me-morial at the time of a loved one’s death. Also, have our parish as a beneficiary in your insurance policy. Thank you for remembering Holy Family Parish!!

PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS! All the advertisers on the back page sup-port our bulletin’s printing each week. Please support them!

REMINDER: If you go to Mass at an-other parish in the area, you can put your Holy Family collection envelope into the collection basket at that church & they will mail it back to us. Thank you!

EVER THOUGHT OF BEING A PRIEST? God may be calling you right now to serve Him by being a priest for the Diocese of Springfield. Our Catholic Church needs more priests. If you may be interested, call Fr. Joe at 423-6223. Let us con-tinue to pray for more priestly vocations, espe-cially from Holy Family.

Lord of Creation & Salvation, we need you now more than ever. We, the Church, are hurting. In-crease our faith in Your presence in the Church at this time. Heal our hearts; encourage us in our faith; deepen our commitment to You; enliven us with a renewed love for all that is good & holy. Never let any of us depart from You or the Catho-lic Church, our true home. AMEN.

ST. TERESA MEGA RAFFLE tickets are now on sale. Tickets may be purchased online at STTMEGA.com, by calling 875-7950, or at the parish & school offices. For every $100 ticket sold, Holy Family receives $10. MAKE SURE HOLY FAMILY IS CIRCLED AT BOTTOM!


Join the 150,000 Catholics who receive short clips from the most dynamic and trusted figures in the Church today. Discover the impact 1-2 minutes can have on your faith life with this daily email. FORMED: To sign up for FREE, just visit us here: https://decaturholyfamily.formed.org.

HELP NEEDED to sign people in during the pho-tography sessions. If you can help out, please con-tact Carol Holthaus at 864-4288 for dates and times available.

UNPLANNED is a movie based on the memoir Unplanned by Abby Johnson and follows the life of Johnson as clinic director for Planned Parenthood and her subsequent conversion to anti-abortion activism. This movie will be at the Hickory Point Theater on June 5th at 7 p.m. Free tickets will be available in the vestibule after Masses on May 25-26 and June 1-2.


HEARING AIDS are available for use during Mass. See Fr. Joe for details.

PRAY for the repose of the souls of Ron Gillen, father of Dan Gillen; Frances Bretz; Dale Byard, brother of Dan Byard; Kenny Couri, brother of Tony Couri; Margaret Howley, mother of Terry Howley; Malcolm Moomey. May they rest in peace & their families be comforted.

WELCOME to Paul & Maryrose Hagenbach. They have recently joined our parish. We’re glad you are at Holy Family!!

SICK LIST POLICY: Names will be removed after 4 weeks unless resubmitted. New names added each week will be in BOLD for 1 week.

PRAY FOR OUR SICK: Lucy Barthelemy, Catherine Bauer, Donna Benting, Troy Bollinger, Alice Bowman, Jamie Brown, AnnMarie Bruah, Dave Bruah, Susie Chris-topher, Cindy Crawford, John & Marie Davis, Carol & Joe Despres, Fred Dixon, Terry Ellis, Basil French, Jim Grant, Floyd Grove, Rick Harmon, Angie Hill, Becca Hogan, Jack Hogan, Judy Hogan, Eleanor Jackson, Harry Kracht, Joey Kretsinger, Kathy Kunz, Sarah Lidy, Perry Marchisello, Margot Maurer, Mike Moran, Jim Murray, Sandi Peters, Gretchen Peters-Hantel, Sr. M. Bride Quinn, OP, Steve Reeter, Margaret Schram, Terri Schram, An-nette Schroeder, Jim Tomlinson, Barb Whitsel, Michael Whitsel, Ed Zachman, David Zachman

INTERESTED IN BECOMING A CANTOR? Please contact Peter Miller at 412-4532 for details.

CONTEMPORARY GROUP will sing on Sat, June 1, 4:30 p.m. Mass. PARISH CHOIR will sing on Sat., May 25, 4:30 p.m. Mass.


VBS: Vacation Bible School will be held here from June 3-7. Registration forms are available on the adoration table in the vestibule. Please turn in by dropping off in the parish or school office before May 22nd.. If you have any questions, please contact Joanne Kater at 423-6223 or email holyfamily-church1@comcast.net.


NEW PICTORIAL DIRECTORY We will have a new style of Pictorial Directory start-ing this year with new, updated books every year. Once you have your photo taken, you will receive a new book each year as long as you get a new photo taken at least every 4 years. This is depend-ent upon at least 15 families getting photos taken each year. This will be a great tool for helping us put names with faces and connecting our families to one another. We will update phone numbers and ad-dresses yearly too! You will be invited to have pho-tos taken any year you wish to update your photo. This is an easy way to have photos taken for the spe-cial times in your life---for example, graduations, anniversaries, new babies, & special birthdays. Photos will be taken by Lifetouch on May 21-25, June 11-15 & 18. Go to the church website at www.decaturholyfamily.com and click on “Photo Directory” at the top for more details and to sched-ule your appointment online. If you have questions or need help scheduling your session, contact Carol Holthaus at 864-4288 or Teresa Steil at 201-7013.

SPECIAL OFFER-Lifetouch will take $5 off your photo order if you bring a donation of food to your sitting. This food will then be donated to Catholic Charities.


Remember to bring the coupons that were in the bul-letin a few weeks ago with you in order to take ad-vantage of the discounts. If you were unable to find a time slot that worked for you, please try again. We have added more time slots on June 18th from 2 p.m. -9 p.m. All photos will be taken in the Parish Center.

BRAVO to HF’s Caleb, Carson, & Cameron Kernaghan who won medals at the IESA track finals last weekend. We’re proud of you all!

DON’T FORGET to invite someone you know back to Mass!

MONDAY, May 20 7:30 a.m. Graham Bradley (Family) TUESDAY, May 21 7:30 a.m. Deceased members of Elam/Holthaus Families (Family) WEDNESDAY, May 22 7:30 a.m. Evelyn Genenbacher (Gary & Kim Genenbacher) THURSDAY, May 23-Note Mass time 7:30 a.m. Lena Daughtery (Leeann Grossman) FRIDAY, May 24 7:30 a.m. Chris Olson (Mr. & Mrs. Keith Martin) SATURDAY, May 25 4:30 p.m. Leroy Blakeman (Pat Davis) SUNDAY, May 26 8:00 a.m. Dorothy Godin (Amy Tapscott & Jerry Cox) 10:00 a.m. Holy Family Parishioners

Mass Ministers May 25 & 26, 2019

Thank you for your generosity!

Weekend of May 11 & 12, 2019

Envelopes…………………….$16,235.00 Sister Parish……………….….$ 132.00 Building Fund………………...$ 144.00 Children……………………….$ 14.00

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Acts 14:5-18; Jn 14:21-26 Tuesday: Acts 14:19-28; Jn 14:27-31a Wednesday: Acts 15:1-6; Jn 15:1-8 Thursday: Acts 15:7-21; Jn 15:9-11 Friday: Acts 15:22-31; Jn 15:12-17 Saturday: Acts 16:1-10; Jn 15:18-21 Sunday: Acts 15:1-2, 22-29; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8; Rv 21:10-14, 22-23; Jn 14:23-29
