High-dose dexamethasone increases P-selectin, vWF levels


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Inpharma 1516 - 3 Dec 2005

■ High-dose dexamethasone increases soluble P-selectin and von Willebrand factor (vWF) levels inhealthy men, according to researchers from Austriaand the UK. Their crossover study involved ninehealthy male volunteers who each received IVdexamethasone 0.04 mg/kg and 1 mg/kg (high dose),and placebo, twice daily for 2 days each. There was a6-day washout period between phases. Theresearchers found that levels of vWF were significantlyincreased from baseline at 24 and 48 hours followingthe administration of high-dose dexamethasone.Plasma levels of sP-selectin only showed significantincreases from baseline 48 hours after theadministration of high-dose dexamethasone. Theresearchers suggest that the probable mechanism forthe increase in vWF levels was dexamethasone-induced up-regulation of vWF-mRNA.Jilma B, et al. High dose dexamethasone increases circulating P-selectin andvon Willebrand factor levels in healthy men. Thrombosis and Haemostasis 94:797-801, No. 4, Oct 2005 801023537


Inpharma 3 Dec 2005 No. 15161173-8324/10/1516-0001/$14.95 Adis © 2010 Springer International Publishing AG. All rights reserved
