Healthy Eating Week 2021 presentation...2Q DYHUDJH ZDWHU PDNHV XS PRUH WKDQ KDOI RI RXU ERG\ ZHLJKW...


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© British Nutrition Foundation 2021 |

BNF Healthy Eating Week 2021Find your healthier you

© British Nutrition Foundation 2021 |

Five themes across the week

BNF Healthy Eating Week is an annual event which focuses on healthy eating and getting active.

This year there is a focus on 5 key themes, to support the overall aim of finding your healthier you!

1. Know the facts

2. Make a healthier choice

3. Plan for success

4. Be the chef

5. Keep moving

© British Nutrition Foundation 2021 |

1. Know the facts

© British Nutrition Foundation 2021 |

1. Know the facts

We’re focusing on the basics of healthy eating, busting the myths and giving practical advice.

It’s all based on the latest evidence, to help you make a difference.

It is important to know the facts for:

• choosing a wide range of healthier foods in the right proportions;

• having at least 5 A DAY and increase your wholegrains;

• having 6-8 healthy drinks a day.

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Healthy eating recommendations

Top tips for healthy eating

• Get your 5 A DAY – at least!

• Go for wholegrains.

• Try to have two portions of fish each week, one of which should be oily.

• Eat more beans and lentils and other plant-based proteins.

• Use unsaturated oils and spreads.

• Keep foods high in fat, salt or sugar to small portions and have them less often.

• Drink at least 6-8 cups/glasses of fluid a day.

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Have more wholegrains

Wholegrains are a great way to increase our fibre intake, which is important for our health. In the UK, many of us are not getting enough fibre in our diet.

Wholegrains provide some essential vitamins and minerals that have a wide range of important functions in our body.

Wholegrain foods include wholemeal breads, wholewheat pasta, brown rice, wholegrain breakfast cereals, porridge oats and grains, such as bulgur wheat or quinoa.

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Have 5 A DAY

Fruit and vegetables provide a range of different vitamins and minerals needed for health.

They also provide fibre, which is important for the digestive system and can help reduce the risk of developing heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and bowel cancer in adulthood.

We should include a wide variety of different fruit and vegetables in our diet as they provide different amounts and types of vitamins and minerals.

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Drink plenty

On average, water makes up more than half of our body weight and we need fluid for our body to work properly.

Water is constantly lost through sweating, breathing and using the toilet, so it is important to drink throughout the day to keep hydrated. Being dehydrated can make it difficult to concentrate and may cause headaches and tiredness.

Water is essential for life and it is important to get the right amount of fluid to be healthy.

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Put it into practice

Follow the principles set out in the Eatwell Guide.

Have plenty of fruit or vegetables with breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks.

Go for healthier choices that provide fibre, vitamins and minerals at every meal occasion.

Choose lower fat, salt and sugar options, and use labels to make healthier choices.

Have at least 6-8 drinks a day.

Make a pledge to learn something new this week. Find a topic that you don’t know about and learn more.

© British Nutrition Foundation 2021 |

2. Make a healthier choice

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2. Make a healthier choice

Tips and tools are shared to help you make better choices.

From reading food labels and getting to grips with portion sizes, there’s a range of handy pointers to help you on your journey.

We can make healthier choices by:

• comparing labels to make healthy choices;

• selecting the right portion sizes for you;

• making super swaps.

© British Nutrition Foundation 2021 |

Read the label

You can read and compare food labels to make healthier choices.

Traffic light labeling shows whether a product is high (red), medium (amber) or low (green) in fat, saturates, sugars and salt.

Colour coding can be a useful tool to help choose between products - try and go for more greens and ambers, and fewer reds!

You can also find nutrition claims on pack, which suggest that a food or drink has a particular nutritional benefit (e.g. source of fibre).

© British Nutrition Foundation 2021 |

Get portion wise

Managing your portion sizes is a great way to manage how much you are eating, as eating larger portions increases the amount of calories you are having.

The BNF get portion wise guidance shows examples of using your hands to manage portions, for example:

• 2 handfuls of dried pasta shapes or rice (75g);

• A baked potato the size of your fist (220g);

• About 3 handfuls of breakfast cereal (40g).

© British Nutrition Foundation 2021 |

Make super swaps

One way to make healthier choices is to make healthier swaps.

This could include:

• swapping different foods into recipes – you can increase the amount of veg or bulk out meals with beans and pulses;

• changing your snacking options, by reducing the portion size of foods high in fat, salt or sugar or keeping fruit with you to snack on;

• making swaps for different types of the same food, such as switching to wholemeal or higher fibre options within meals.

© British Nutrition Foundation 2021 |

Put it into practice

Compare front of pack labels – go for more green and amber and less red!

Manage your portion sizes using the BNF Find your balance guide.

Have veg (or fruit) as a side for each of your meals this Week.

Look for nutrition labels to help you choose healthier products.

Plan some healthier snacking options.

Swap to wholegrain or higher fibre options, or leave the skin on potatoes.

© British Nutrition Foundation 2021 |

3. Plan for success

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3. Plan for success

Making a plan and keeping track of what you do can all help in changing your behaviour for the better.

Small changes can result in big gains too when planning meals and snacks, and eating out – and perhaps also save the pennies.

There are different ways you can use planning to ensure you make healthier choices, including:

• planning ahead;

• tracking you progress;

• changing your normal.

© British Nutrition Foundation 2021 |

Plan ahead

Make a plan of your meals and stick to it through the week.

Planning ahead can help you make healthier choices. It could help you identify the foods you could swap in and out to make healthier choices.

By making a shopping list and planning your meals, you can also save time and money, and make sure you don’t buy food you don’t need.

© British Nutrition Foundation 2021 |

Track you progress

Setting a goal and keeping track of what you eat can be a great way to support making healthier choices.

Track your progress by keeping a note of how much physical activity you are doing, how many fruit and veg you are eating or what drinks you are having.

This can help you identify progress, but also can give you the opportunity to reward yourself and celebrate when you hit your goals, helping with motivation.

© British Nutrition Foundation 2021 |

Change your normal

Small changes can help you achieve big gains!

One way to do this, is to change your environment or ‘change your normal’. Making small, everyday changes can make a big difference!

Why not start walking to work/school? Or make sure you have healthy snacks with you throughout the day? Or carry a water bottle rather than buying drinks when you are out? How ever you can change your normal, can help you achieve your goals.

© British Nutrition Foundation 2021 |

Put it into practice

Plan your weekly diet plan.

Plan out how you will meet the physical activity recommendations.

Put a bowl of fruit on the kitchen table or next to your computer.

Keep a water bottle or unsweetened drink with you throughout the day.

Plan ahead, by making a shopping list of healthier options!

Plan some active travel – such as walking and cycling to work/school.

© British Nutrition Foundation 2021 |

4. Be the chef

© British Nutrition Foundation 2021 |

4. Be the chef

Pulling together healthy eating know-how with practical cooking tips can help you make tasty, healthier dishes and meals.

There are different ways you can be the chef this Week, including:

• getting cooking;

• making healthier meals;

• getting inspired and sharing recipes.

© British Nutrition Foundation 2021 |

Get cooking

Encourage a love of cooking by getting family or friends involved.

You can involve kids of all ages in planning, shopping for and preparing meals. These are important life skills that can help us eat well.

Children new to the kitchen can take on different tasks to those with more cooking experience. Whatever level children are at, it is great to get them involved.

For children, cooking is a great time to teach about food safety and hygiene. Be a good role model!

© British Nutrition Foundation 2021 |

Cook healthier

Make healthier meals by changing ingredients and the way you cook.

Changing the way you cook can include:

• changing the ingredients, such as adding vegetables or swapping to wholegrains;

• changing the way you cook, such as grilling rather than frying;

• managing your portion size.

© British Nutrition Foundation 2021 |

Be inspired

Use recipes and tips from friends, and share your success.

Be inspired and inspire other this Week, by sharing and swapping recipes.

Whether it is a family favourite, or a new recipe you have just discovered, you can encourage a love of cooking for yourself and others by trying new recipes.

© British Nutrition Foundation 2021 |

Put it into practice

Rather than going for the tried and tested, challenge yourself and try something new!

Share and swap recipes with friends and families.

Make healthier swaps to recipes, by changing the cooking method.

Make super swaps to your favourite recipes, to increase the veg or fibre.

Plan to cook from scratch this week.

Learn some new skills in the kitchen.

© British Nutrition Foundation 2021 |

5. Keep moving

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5. Keep moving

It’s not just about what you eat and drink. Moving more, by being active, has many benefits for health and is an important part of a healthier lifestyle.

There are different ways you can keep moving this Week, including:

• getting active;

• following the recommendations;

• keep it fresh and try something new.

© British Nutrition Foundation 2021 |

Get active

Physical activity is beneficial because it can:

• help to manage the balance between energy in and energy out, to maintain a healthy weight;

• improve heart health and strengthen muscles and bones;

• improve sleep, relieve stress and lift mood.

As well as being physically active, it is also important that we reduce the amount of time we spend sitting. Over time, sedentary behaviour can lead to weight gain and obesity.

© British Nutrition Foundation 2021 |

Keep on track and follow the recommendations

Children and young people (aged 5 -18 years)

• Be active for at least 60 minutes every day (ranging from moderate-to-vigorous intensity).

• Engage in a variety of types and intensities of physical activity across the week, to develop movement skills, muscular fitness and bone strength.

Adults (19 - 64 years)

• Be active for at least 150 minutes each week (moderate intensity), or have 75 minutes of vigorous activity a week.

• Do muscle strengthening activities on two days or more each week.

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Keep it fresh

Try a new sport or activity this Week – and get active with others.

Being active together has a number of additional benefits, such as helping us:

• develop social skills or work as a team;

• learn a new activity or sport;

• enjoy new experiences and establish active habits;

• look after our mental health;

• encourage behaviour change through setting targets.

© British Nutrition Foundation 2021 |

Put it into practice

Taking the stairs instead of the elevator.

Try and cycle, walk or run on your commute rather than taking public transport.

Going for a lunchtime walk, run with a friend or joining a running club.

As well as being active, it is also important to sit less. Get up once an hour for a stretch and a short walk.

Have standing or walking meetings or see if your employer could provide a standing desk.

Getting involved in a cycle to work scheme – this encourages employees to cycle to work.

© British Nutrition Foundation 2021 |

Have a great week!

© British Nutrition Foundation 2021 |