H:\Chapter 19\Ch 19 Jeopardy


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AffectsTreaty of Versailles

Wilson’s Fourteen Points

People and Agencies

Other Facts

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Compliments of the James Madison Center, JMU

Why was daylight savings initiated?

Answer: to conserve fuel

What gains were made by women during the war?

Answer: New jobs, and increasedSupport for the right to vote

What was the most compellingReason for the U.S. to enter the war?

Answer: American’s response to GermanU-boat attacks

What did the Selective Service Act do?

Answer: Required men to Register with the governmentTo be drafted

What were the four long Term causes of World War I?

Answer: Nationalism, Militarism,Imperialism, and Alliance System

Why did U.S. Senators Oppose the League ofNations?

Answer: They didn’t want toBe involved in European conflicts

The Treaty of VersaillesOverlooked the importance Of What?

Answer: Treating all nations fairlyIncluding the defeated nations.

What nations were involvedIn the “Big Four?”

Answer: Britain, France, U.S., And Italy

What did the Allie PowersThink about the treaty?

Answer: They rejected it

Free 50 Points!!!

What were the “Fourteen Points?”

Answer: Wilson’s peace plan

What was the only partOf the Fourteen PointsThat Wilson would notGive up?

Answer: The League of Nations

Who rejected Wilson’s Fourteen Points?

Answer: The Allied Leaders

What did Wilson do toGain support of his plan?

Answer: 8,000 mile whereHe delivered speeches

What are three of the first Five points in the FourteenPoint plan?

Who is Jane Addams, andWhat did she establish?

Answer: She established theWomen’s Peace Party

What does the WIB stand For, and what was its Purpose?

Answer: War Industries BoardThat regulated the industries andIncreased production 20%

What did the NationalWar Labor Board do?

Answer: Mediate relationsBetween managers and workers, And tried to improve conditions

What are two agencies thatRegulated things duringThe war, and what did they Regulate?

Answer: Food administration,Fuel Administration, and RailroadAdministration

Who made up the Allied Powers?

Answer: Britain, Italy, U.S.,And France

What are the EspionageAnd Sedition Acts?

Answer: Anti-war behavior is A punishable crime

What are two mechanizedWeapons were introduced?

Answer: Tanks and airplanes

What is the Schlieffen Plan? Who was to be Attacked first?

Answer: Russia than France

What is a convoy system?

Answer: A system whereBattleships escort merchant Ship across the ocean

What caused widespread Starvation in Germany?

Answer: The British Blockade