Gruppo Bracchi: una logistica moderna con Kirio For a new logisitic information system with...


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Gruppo Bracchi: una logistica moderna con Kirio

For a new logisitic information system with K-Logistic and

The Bracchi Group has a history, which spans over almost 100 years and is characterised by continuous growth in terms of turnover and market share. In the beginning Bracchi Srl, founded in 1928, was working in the area of transportation with three or four vehicles, while in 1968, under a new ownership change came thanks to the Annoni family and the opening towards the area of logistics. Until the year 1994 Bracchi was a mid-sized company, with an annual turnover of 20 billion Italian Liras, followed by an enormous expansion and a turnover in 2012 of 98 million Euro. The company’s headquarters are in Fara Gera d’Adda, in the province of Bergamo, where they have five warehouses; three branches abroad, in Poland and Slovakia, with vast warehouses. The company has international clients, mainly working in the areas of lifts and escalators, electro-mechanics, paper processing as well as cosmetic-pharmaceutical products.

Bracchi Group: a modern logistics with Kirio

To implement modern logistics, corresponding to the market’s requirements, the Bracchi Group had to act on the interaction between the company’s own logistics system and those of the clients. This meant keeping the procedure’s main moments under control, abstracting transport, shipping, storage from the client and improving the company’s own storage procedures, the preparation of orders as well as shipping: a flow – not anymore unidirectional – implying an adequate informatics system, specialised in controlled management of logistics’ procedures – also the most complex ones – flexible and based on advanced applications, to supply the clients with modern dashboards.

K-Logistic, vertical solution integrated with proposed by Kirio (Microarea Platinum Partner), convinced the Bracchi Group mainly because of its capacity to track every step. How does K-Logistic exactly work? At the same moment the goods arrive, via the informatics system, the respective data is registered to the carrier (especially the hour of arrival) while a mission is assigned to a worker (which goods have to be unloaded, barcode-reading, positioning on the shelves). The same procedure is applied to exiting goods, with assignment on an informatics level of a mission for the worker (which goods to prepare, where taking them, etc.).

Bracchi Group: a modern logistics with Kirio

Every step is monitored and registered. Therefore the Head of Logistics has the possibility to follow every single step. And this is true not just for the Head of Logistics, but also for the client. In particular the client can now control the situation via three alternatives: via a data exchange between K-Logistic and the own informatics system, with access to a preinstalled website, with requesting statistics and reports. But K-Logistic is more: it offers also the possibility to carry out an operation in so-called late configuration.

Bracchi also manages around 20% of packages, which arrive unfinished and have to be prepared in product boxes with different codes. Thus the workers enter the warehouse and thanks to the data provided by K-Logistic are able to quickly and correctly pick up the right pieces on the shelves.

Bracchi Group: a modern logistics with Kirio

The advantages of implementing K-Logistic, perfectly integrated with the ERP system, are very clear: fluid procedures, in-house as well as out-house, traceability of goods by the client at any moment, error reduction and therefore services of improved quality.

“Thanks to this tool we’re able to timely deliver important information to the client. Information, which previously took every worker 2 hours per day to collect, compared to half an hour per month now.We can now calculate the quantity of carbon dioxide emissions of the transport of the client’s goods and supply the client with practical data regarding these data to the clients, who are very interested in this issue, especially in North Europe,” Lorenzo Annoni concludes. Now Bracchi thinks about managing the entire integration between logistics informatics system and the system of the “transport” division, to offer clients a continuously growing capacity of control regarding their goods.

Bracchi Group: a modern logistics with Kirio
