Go-Up Brief - November 2016


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Understand your team faster, better & improve motivation in real time

The damage can be severeManagers often don’t know what they don’t know. They spend time worrying trying to guess what is not being said. They have no hard data about their staff to back decisions and claims. Employee frustration builds up quickly leading to absenteeism, turnover, lower performance and customer satisfaction, etc.

Our Solution: a Platform to Listen Better & Improve Engagement in Real-TimeGo-Up allows Mangers to understand their people faster and better and gather their insights about the workplace and work processes continuously. It is designed to make your manager life easier - and help HR and executives understand their company better.

How do I get started?Contact us and we will set up your free trial account :

olivier@go-up.work / wit@go-up.work

Problem #1: As a manager, you need constant quality information about peopleManagers have a lot to do: lead, anticipate, decide, inform, monitor, resolve… Understanding their people is critical. What they think, feel and face right now.

Data collection is anonymous & easyGo-Up asks employees 4 questions per week - or 8 every two weeks. The results are 100% anonymous. No individual data can be ever shown. Only data

Why Go-Up is different?• Continuous: Unlike consultants and other survey

platforms, we offer real-time data.• Quick: Less than 1 minute per week for your team

members.• Actionable: We make data easy to understand

and we offer precise insights supported by people’ written feedback.

Problem #2: Good Information is Scarce

Managers do not have always enough TIME to listen to each person.

During meetings, staff members do not often feel SAFE to talk.

Personalities, team size, age, hierarchy create DISTANCE.

Differences in CULTURE and ways of thinking also interfere powerfully.

Sense in Real Time What’s Going OnGet insights about how people feel now. Find out what causes lower performance, frustrates teams and prevents them from performing at their best.

Improve Work Relations Managing a team is hard. Go-Up provides you with timely information to sustain motivation and remove unnecessary frustrations and tensions in your team.

Keep your Best PeopleFind out what makes your employees engaged, in every team. Prevent unwanted turnover.

Data to back decisions and claims Go-Up gives you precise insights on what makes your team strong and what also requires attention or new resources. Now you have data to back your suggestions.

Identify Problems EarlyConstant firefighting is tiring. Go-Up helps you know what to do before problems become too big.

Managers benefit


Go-Up is ready to improve. We are committed to improve your Go-Up experience continuously. Please take a moment to tell us and press our floating « purple button » anytime to tell us how we can improve.

Any question about Go-Up Feel free to drop us an email at support@go-up.work.

We will reply fast. You may also visit our website at go-up.work

Understand Your Teams Better With Real-Time People Data

A Dashboard and different tools track the engagement level and drivers of your team. You will get precise details about 52 different issues.

Self-improvementGo-Up will also help you see how you are doing in terms of empowering your people, strengthening their trust and supporting them.

Quick, Easy and FunAnswer 4 questions a week. It only takes 1 minute. Your answer is guaranteed 100% anonymous. You can also answer on mobile.

Give feedback to help improve thingsYou can share more thoughts on specific issues and on how to improve by clicking “I have something to say”. This feedback will be of course anonymous (unless you actively decide not to be anonymous for this one and only feedback).

Answer when it is convenientEmployees have a private space where they can answer the « weekly voice » - 4 questions. They can access it through go-up.work and answer at their convenience including mobile. If you are busy this week, you may answer next week.

How do I get started?Simply confirm your account when you receive an invitation email from Go-Up. You will then be invited to answer the first 4 questions. That’s it.

Will I get a reminder?Every week you will get a link delivered by email to kindly remind you that your 4 weekly questions are ready. Click the link to start the survey right away. Alternatively, you can go to go-up.work and log into your account anytime.

How do I answer the survey?You just need to rate 4 statements every week using a scale of 1 to 5. Animated pictures are here to make the experience light and fun. There are also negatively phrased sentences, to avoid bias.


Help your Employees be better heard at work in 1 min a week

A new way for employees to express their feelings, thoughts or suggestions about their workplace.

Get your voice heardExpress your feelings, thoughts and suggestions about your workplace.

Is Go-Up anonymous?Definitely ! Go-Up is 100% confidential & anonymous. No individual data is ever shown to anybody, not even to your manager. Only anonymized collective data can be analyzed.

• Get better heard • Managers and leaders are listening• 100% anonymous• Share your thoughts any time

Go-Up is 100% Confidential & Anonymous. Guaranteed.