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Colegio Bilingüe Richmond

The Global Experience

Presented by: Sara González, María José Albor, Paula Cárdenas

Presented To: Diego Villamizar

Grade: 7°b

I. The West and the World

I. Introduction:Europe wanted to control or change the traditions of America because they wanted to make a General globalization of the world using a form of colonization by stealing from cultures their Own values and traditions.

Concepts and terms: International Exchange: It’s considered as a concept because it has a deep sence, the wordInternational Exchange could be used to define many words that explain the significance of a Paragraph; for example it could be a cultural, economical, or political International Exchange.

Civilization: It’s considered a term because it doesn’t have a deep sence like other words, Civilization is considered as a cultural and religious growth of a society in one era.

Cultural Traditions: It’s a term because it defines the way of how a society could be Represented, or as the word says the “tradition” or tipical things that describe an especific placeThat has some special characterisitic that makes it unique thanks to the CULTURAL TRADITIONS.

Middle East: It is a term because The Middle East is also the historical origin of three of the world’s major religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

II. The West's First Outreach: Maritime Power a.Introduction:European attempts in the global trading system were not successful at first because they didn't have trading routes to Asia, but with the fear that the Ottoman Empire appeared, and the decline of the gold in the west, gave more capacity or courage to find new routes to Asia The colonization of the islands of Africa's Atlantic offered a great encouragement, but the mistake was that the technology didn’t allow more aggressive attempts to cross the open sea.

Concepts and terms:Middle Ages: It is considered a term because Middle Ages was a period of European history Covering roughly a millennium from the 5th century to the 16th century, and it doesn’t have a Deep sence.

World Trade System: It is a term because it doesn’t have a deep sence , we could talk about The world trade system in a political, economical, or cultural way.

Technology: It is considered as a term because it only have one definition; technology isthe advance of tools and crafts and deals on how it affect a species ability.

B. New Technology: A Key to PowerTechnology advance, because the developments made ocean passage possible, new ships Were designed for ocean traffic and also to carry heavier weapons, the compass improved Mapmaking allowed more proficient navigation for long voyages. All the technology for the Trade improve in a numerous way. And also they were more sophisticated civilizations.

C. Portugal and Spain Lead the Pack Many expedition were developed this century Henry the Navigator, initiated the first voyages of discovery along the Atlantic coast; also Vasco da Gama was the first Portuguese captain to successfully reach India in 1498. By 1514,the Portuguese had reached as far as the islands of Indonesia and China. Another expedition reached Japan in 1542.Spanish colonial ventures began with the voyage of the Genoese captain Christopher Columbus in 1492. His early explorations of a direct western route to Asia led to the discovery of the Americas.

Portugal held trade forts in Africa and India, rights in Indonesia, China, and Japan, and Brazil as a result of early explorations. Spain claimed the Philippines and most of the Americas.

Concepts and terms: Commercial Interest: It is a term because it is considered as a benefit in the social, and economic way in some especific area.

D. Northern European Expeditions

European nations became more active in sponsoring voyages of discovery; also they concentrated on lands in the Americas north of the Spanish and Portuguese claims; explorers first reached Canada in 1534 and pressed inland along the system of waterways to the Great Lakes and Mississippi River valley. England, in search of a northwest passage to Asia, instead established colonies along the Atlantic coast of North America.The Dutch rivaled the Portuguese in the Asian trade network, the merchants succeeded; they also establish a small way station on the southern tip of Africa. The Dutch East India Company and the British East India Company received monopolies from their respective governments, but financed their activities from privately raised capital.

Concepts and terms:Colonies: This is considered a term because this word is means just one thing it Has just one definition. Colonies are territories under the immediate political controlOf a sate.

III.Toward a World EconomyIntroduction:Europe created an international exchange of goods, and create a new world-wide economy including the Americas, and paved the way for the establishment of colonies into the Atlantic and Pacific.Concepts and Terms:World- Wide Economy: It is considered as a term because it the economic analysis, economic indicators, and forecasts for the global economy.

A.The "Colombian Exchange" of Disease and FoodDiseases took place in America such as the smallpox and others. The indigenous suffered massive population loss over a period of a century and half On a more positive basis, New World crops particularly corn and potatoes supported population growth in areas as diverse as China and Europe, European and Asian animals were introduced into the Americas which increased the animal population.

C.The West's Commercial Outreach

Internal or regional trade remained in the hands of Asian or Muslim merchants, but transoceanic voyages were the monopoly of Europeans. Dominance at sea was the result of military and technological advances that made European navies more powerful.Europeans did not seize much territory as part of their trading initiative, but limited their incursions to fortified trading posts. European merchants entered local trade networks through the establishment of enclaves in cities. This pattern was evident in the Ottoman Empire.

Concepts and terms:Trading Initiative: It is considered as a concept because it is the idea of progress referring to Trade, the way to progress or start a “business”.

D. Imbalances in World Trade

Spain and Portugal, declined in the face of later competition from England, France, and Holland. These nations exported manufactured goods in return for raw materials to expand their profit margins. Outside of the core region of Europe lay areas that were economically dependent on the world trade system. These regions produced commercial things. The construction of core and dependent areas was critical the formation of the world trade system.   

Some of the areas of the Americas and Africa managed to remain outside the global trading system for centuries. In the Americas, the economy of Latin America, the Caribbean and the southern British colonies was based on the importation of African slaves. Also in Latin America, many indigenous people were taken to a farm system that was able to extract work.

Concepts and terms:Coercive Labor Systems: it is a concept because it is understood as the illegal work of a person meaning s forced to work.

F. How Much World in the World Economy? East Asia largely remained outside the world trade system. China simply ignored European trade in favor of continuation of its traditional reliance on an internal system of exchange. Japan initially showed some interest in trade with Europe, but quickly reversed course. The Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal Empires within the Islamic world similarly limited European merchants to enclaves within their cities. Russia's trade was oriented toward central Asia. Much of Africa, remained outside the orbit of European trade.

E. A System of International Inequality

G. The Expansionist Trend The world trade system expanded, some areas of South Africa and India were brought into the system on a more complete basis in the eighteenth century. Both the British and French East India Companies regarded India as suitable for incorporation as a dependent region and a producer of cotton. In this fashion India was slowly introduced to the world trade system as a supplier of raw materials for the looms. In return, Western manufactured goods began to infiltrate Eastern Europe. IV.Colonial ExpansionIntroduction:The Control of the seas permitted Europeans to achieve dominance over a variety of cultures, some colonies were immediately reduced to dependent status within the world trade system. Western leaders fostered colonialism as a means of creating controlled markets.

Concepts and terms:Dependent Status: This is considered as a term because it refers that The State start to Depend from another state or colony because they had a political, cultural Or in more cases economical problems.

B. The Americas: Loosely Controlled Colonies.

Colonization in the Americas, where Europeans enjoyed enormous technological advantages.The Spanish seizure of lands in the New World began with the Caribbean islands, Central American mainland in 1509. In South America, the Spaniards defeated the Incas. Agricultural settlements were made. France, Britain, and Holland established colonies in North America after the foundation of settlements in Central and South America.

Concepts and terms:

Administrative Structures: Is a concept that explain the “new rules” to construct or advanceIn a technologial way.

C. British and French North America: Backwater Colonies European nations remained largely disinterested in the Atlantic colonies, because they supplied less valuable raw materials than plantation colonies. British colonies were closer to European models of government, religion, and political theory. The Atlantic colonies produced their own merchant class and engaged in international trade. Atlantic colonists remained abreast of European intellectual movements. European immigration produced a corresponding Indian emigration to the plains. Colonists did not intermarry extensively with indigenous groups, as had occurred in Latin America.

D. North America and Western Civilization

North America reproduced most of the patterns of Western culture but as the frontiers moved westward, household formation and family patterns more closely approximated the European norms. Even in rebellion, colonists after 1776 couched their resistance in European political theories. Canada was originally founded as a French but the region was ceded to the British. The Thirteen American developed representative institutions; Economic equality was greater in the colonies than in Europe, and there was no formal aristocracy.

E. Africa and Asia: Coastal Trading Stations

Dutch settlers fanning out from the trade station created the Cape Colony. Their expansion brought them into conflict with indigenous peoples such as the Bantus. The Spanish colonized the Philippines and the Dutch controlled the islands of Indonesia. France began to contest control of the potentially valuable trade with India. Following the decline of the Mughal rulers, the French and British East India Companies were able to construct trade forts along the coasts of the subcontinent. Economically, India was drawn into the world trade system. Latin America drew more settlers from Spain and Portugal, who often intermarried with the local population, but Europeans remained a small minority of the total population.

Concepts and terms:

War: This is a term because war is A condition of belligerency to be maintained by physical force

F. Impact on Western Europe

European nations fought many wars over colonial possessions. In Africa and Asia, Western colonial penetration affected civilizations. Western colonialism had a more dramatic effect on Latin America, but even there indigenous cultures survived.

V. Conclusion: The Impact of a New World OrderThe domination of the economical part by the West was the greatest impact in history. Most of the continents were drawn into a system that condemned them to an inferior, dependent status. Global economy created new and more extensive links among civilizations.

Concepts and terms:Global Economy: Is considered as a term because is the general economy of the world.
