FRESH WATER Adriana Cerna Claudia Reyes Ebed Payan Jesus Trejo


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Adriana CernaClaudia ReyesEbed PayanJesus Trejo

FRESHWATER• Freshwater ecosystems include lakes, ponds, rivers and streams. Lakes are

large bodies of freshwater. Surrounded by land, while ponds are smaller bodies of water surrounded by land.

• Rivers and streams are moving bodies of freshwater.• Lakes are large bodies of freshwater surrounded by land.

• Most lakes are still and contain diverse plant and animal life. Rivers and streams are moving bodies of freshwater, which usually originate in mountains and come from melting ice or ground water and eventually flow into the ocean.

• The place where fresh and salt-water meet is called an estuary.• A unique place where two habitats come together is called an ecotone.

Freshwater Animals• Groupers are fish of any of a number of genera in the subfamily Epinephelinae of the family Serranidae, in

the order Perciformes Not all serranids are called groupers; the family also includes the sea basses. The common name grouper is usually given to fish in one of two large genera .

• Duck is the common name for a number of species in the Anatidae family of birds.

• Ants are eusocial insects of the family Formicidae and, along with the related families of wasps and bees, belong to the order Hymenoptera.

Freshwater Plants• Water lily is a common name for a small family of aquatic plants. The water lily's scientific family is

Nympheaceae of the order Nymphaeales.


» The family of duckweeds (botanically, the Lemnaceae) are the smallest flowering plants.  These plants grow floating in still or slow-moving fresh water around the globe, except in the coldest regions.

Energy Flow

Cycle Of Matter


Animals Niche• DUCK • One adaptation that this duck has made is that it has webbed feet for swimming. It also has feathers so it can migrate to warmer places

when it becomes too cold. This happens mostly in the winter. It also has camouflage that allows it to blend with the colors of woods. This is because it swims in rivers and it is very woody in the places where it goes.

• ANT• Ants have pinchers, this structure is used to carry and eat food as well as dig.• Ants have 6 legs each with 3 joints for speed and strength; ants can lift up to 20 times their weight. At the end of each leg is a claw that

helps ants climb. Most queens and males have wings for nuptial flight to expand the colony. • Feelers

Ants have 2 eyes, each made up of many smaller eyes. This is known as compound eyes

• SALAMANDERS• One adaptation that salamanders have is that their color helps them camouflage with their surroundings.• If a salamander is being attacked, then its tail falls off. That distracts the predator long enough for the salamander to make a quick

getaway• If the salamander happens to lose any limbs in the process, it can regenerate or re-grow any of its body parts.

Plants Niche• Algoe: Two types with regard to adaption to different light intensities are describes the

chorella type and the cyclotella.

• The chlorella type is mostly found among the green algae, the cyclotella type among the diatoms.

• Duck Wedd: Three general or duck weeds occar in this area, and all ciresmull free floting green planty that from large blankets on the surface or sheltered water.

Competition • Results of a descriptive field starry showed that goldeneyes preferred

lakes without fish. • Changes in the abundance of prey common to fish in goldeneyes and

the use by goldeneyes of lakes after experimentally changed predation pressure from fish were studied.

• Some aquatic insect groups, cloeon larvae, o planate larvae, water bug proved sensitive to predation from fish.

• It is suggested the fish are able to reduced the availability of foods common to the goldeneyes to such and extend the selection by the ducks of feeding localities is affected and that exploitation competition between freshwater fish and goldeneyes may occur.

Predation• There is evidence now that detritivorous species feed on the micro

fungi attached to the left detritus ruther than the detritus itself and that they se are a high quality food.

• The fungi present on leaf detritus in low abundance constitutes many different niche refuges shared among coexisting animal species. The other hand abundance of fungi can be affected by for acing strategy of animals.

• The population niche width depends on the genotype arrangement of generalists and specialists.

• This abundance of micro fungi niche width of detritivores and species packing in freshwater detritus communities are inter depend aspect of a complex ecology system.

Symbiosis• An important pollutant in fresh water,on musses anodonta anatina and

embrryos of european bitterling rhodeus serices amarus.these species are involived in an anusuell symbosis, whit the fish depositing eggs inside the mussel’s gills, where the embryos develop for 3-6 weeks until the larvae leave the mussel.

• high concentrations of phosphate caused a significate increase in the rate of premature expulsion and emergene of bitterling embryos from the mussels with a concomtant increase in fish motality.

• at concentration of 150ugl-1 and higher,mussels reduced their frequency of ventilatio and movements through the subtration.

• these results have implications for understenting the nature of the symbiosis between the fish and their mussels hosts, showing that mussels have control over bitterling developing in their gills.the premature expulsion of bitterling embryost at high phos phate levels is detrimental to the fish that they harbur.

• The freshwater tolerance of starry flounder platichthys stellatus stone flounder kareius bicoloratus and their reciprocal hybrids produced byartificial insemination, were examined in the larval, juvenile and immature phases. the lamella chloride cells of the gills epithelium increased

• in starry flounder and hybrids in freshwater in all periods. these results suggest that low salinity tolerance was well developed in the settlement period in starry flounder and hybrids were also adapted to freshwater sufficiently regardless of the cross type.

Climate• gcms simulating a climate that is based o a doublng of co2

suggest a global mean increase in precipitation and evaporation of between 3 and 15 percent. yet the more useful information, i e the location and timing of these changes is still uncertain.

• the present mid-latitude rain belt would shift northward.• snowmelt and spring runoff would occur earlier than present;• evapotranspiration would be greater as it would start earlier

and continue longer.• the interior continental region in the northem hemisphere will

in general experience drier summers.
