
Citation preview

Volume 52, Issue 8

First News First September 2019



Our congregation is in the beginning stages of setting a long range plan for ministry here at First Lutheran Church. Thanks to those who have offered to be on this committee. In our congregation we acknowledge that the work of strategic planning in the church is at the heart about our relationship with God. What does God want us to do and be in this place at this time in history?

We ask ourselves:

In this congregation, in what ways are we becoming more faithful to the life and teachings of Christ?

How well are we making disciples of our members?

In what ways are we good stewards of the gifts and resources available to this congregation?

How is what we are about as a congregation related to Kingdom issues, rather than to keeping an institution alive?

In what ways do we make room for the Spirit continually to revitalize and refocus our congregation?

As we begin to contemplate the answers to these questions, we enter into a discernment process with God. Discernment means to “see” or to “know” or to “acknowledge” what is. It is to see the movement of God. It is to see from God’s perspective. When we do this the discernment process is one of uncovering the decision – not of making it.

The Spirit prays with us “with sighs too deep for words.” As we listen to the Spirit, those prayers begin to surface into our consciousness. They may have been operating subliminally, like popcorn ads that can be flashed too fast for the human eye to detect in a movie theater, but yield a craving for popcorn.

It is my hope that through this process we will focus on core, scripture based values and beliefs. We will listen to one another and to God through prayer. And we will be open to hearing and receiving God’s direction – even if it looks different than it does right now.

May God guide us as we move forward in this process.

Pastor Jane Nicholson



The September Women’s

Fellowship Breakfast

will be on

Wednesday, September 18 at 8:30


at Greenvillage Diner.


We are now collecting layettes. Cloth diapers, baby

socks, hand towels (prefer darker colors), bars of

soap, t-shirts, onesies, and nightgowns without feet

are needed. A collection box will be placed outside

the office. Please contact Jean Reed with any


The Back Pack program will

continue to be supported by

First Lutheran Church. We

are concerned about the

health and well-being of

elementary school children

who are in need of extra

nutrition on weekends. You

are invited to contribute. Many children in the

Chambersburg area benefit from the individual

serving size food items that are distributed to the

children during the school year.

For the month of September, these are the

suggested items: Graham or Animal Crackers,

Light Popcorn , Whole Grain Cereal (Individual

Boxes), Packets of Cereal to be heated, Granola


The Circles of the Women of the ELCA will start up the fall season with the Bible Study

entitled “So Goodbye to Nice.” All women of the church are invited to attend one of the Circles

and share in fellowship and Bible study. The schedule is as follows:

Sister Margaret Circle – Tuesday, September 3, 2019 – 7:00 p.m.

Hostess – Julie Paul

Study Leader – Janet Friend

Afternoon Circle – Monday, September 9, 2019 – 1:30 p.m.

Location – Church Meeting Room

Study Leader – Joyce Ray



Evangelism - working on website and Logo. Meeting each Monday to be finished in October . Mutual Ministry Sabbatical Policy – was approved Property - Installing lights in the back of church.

Gerry Wilson to meet with the police to access the safety of the church . Financial reports - Giving for the first six months is equal to last year same time period.

M & T Bank has declined our request to transfer the Catherine Field’s Trust to F & M and we are exploring the legal options with F & M legal team to move ahead.

Financial Audit – Tom Kriner has ask several people from the congregation if they would be willing to be auditors with no avail. He has called several firms in our area for quotes, and is still awaiting quotes.

Finance Committee - Two candidates will be interviewed on July 23 for Treasurer position. Confirmation Camp - was enjoyed by Alexis and Kathleen. VBS update – (25) children attended on Monday and (50) joined us for dinner. Everything went smoothly.

Theme was “Who is My Neighbor?”. They talked about mercy and global community. Attendees were about 2/3 affiliated with our congregation and the rest are from the neighborhood.


Evangelism Meeting - New Logo was revealed and approved. Long Term Planning Committee – Members are volunteering and awaiting the first meeting in

September. Membership – Membership – A series of letters was written to members who had been inactive in both

their financial giving and attending for three or more years (as defined by constitution). It was approved to remove the persons who did not respond to the letters from the membership roll of our church.

Social Missions Committee - Several agencies were approved to receive benevolence money. Personnel—Approved the hiring of Sally Herritt as treasurer beginning October 2019. Following probationary period approved permanent hire of Cheryl Christman. Financial Audit - Smith Elliot, Kearns to perform an audit of our investments and checks. Pastor - Boy Scouts Troup 128 will celebrate 100 years on November 10th , with a reception after


Upcoming Synod Youth Retreats

September 27-29, 2019: ALiVE at Camp Nawakwa Our annual synod-wide middle school youth retreat, ALiVE, is scheduled for September 27-29, 2019, at Camp Nawakwa. The event combines time for faith formation with fun and fellowship. For example, youth will have an opportunity to hear from speakers and live bands in a large group setting and talk with peers under the guidance of a trained small group leader, as they explore the year’s theme, which is “HOPE.” In addition, there are games, campfires, and many activities geared towards building fellowship with new and existing Christian friends. December 7-8, 2019: Winterfest at The Warehouse Hotel & Spooky Nook Sports Complex Our annual synod senior high-school retreat, Winterfest, gathers youth in grades 9-12 to come together for a weekend of faith formation and fun. The theme this year is “HOPE,” and more details will be available soon! Our congregation values the faith formation opportunities available at these events, and wants to help youth attend. Half of the fee for each youth who attends will be paid by the church. Money should never be an obstacle to faith formation. If you need more assistance, please talk with Kathleen or with Pastor Nicholson.






Yes, children at times wiggle, make an amazing amount of noise, and often seem to be enduring rather than participating in the congregation’s worship. Because of this; parents and even whole congregations sometimes decide to keep the children out of the sanctuary “until they are older.” When children, even with all their squirming and disrupting, do not share in the congregation’s worship regularly, they miss out on…

Hearing the Bible stories they hear in church school or at home read in the sanctuary to people of all ages (The stories are no longer kid stories but the shared, loved stories of the whole congregation.)

Praying the Lord’s Prayer, saying the Apostles’ Creed, singing the songs not just with other kids but with people of all ages

Knowing they are part of something bigger than they are and that it is powerful and good. This is enriched if lots of people know them by name or at least smile and talk with them letting the children know that they are glad they are there.

Hearing prayer requests of others and making prayer requests of their own

Beginning to recognize people of all ages who are part of their congregation and to be recognized by them

Being there for baptisms and communions to experience the sacraments

Getting to know the pastor and other church leaders at least by sight (This means they know and are known by the congregation’s leaders which is good on ordinary days and critical when the pastor shows up in a family crisis.)

Sharing a hymn book with a parent to sing songs.

Putting money in the offering plate with everyone else in the whole church and seeing those plates carried to the front with prayer.

Gathering experiences with yearly worship traditions such as advent wreaths, Chrismon trees, changing colors, ashes, palm parades, trumpets at Easter….

Being disciplined for poor behavior because worship is too important to disrespect

Falling asleep on a parent’s shoulder or lap and feeling loved

Carolyn C. Brown, Worshiping with Children

Believing these things to be true and striving to become a more welcoming, inclusive congregation for everyone of every age, we’re trying something new this fall! Keep an eye out for Worship Bags, located at both doors of the sanctuary. They will be filled with items that will help young people engage in worship in an age-appropriate way. Some of these items allow them to mimic what they see in the front of the sanctuary, some allow them to fidget with something that is meaningful, rather than simply distracting, and others allow for participation in ways that augment the worship experience for everyone. All of them, in different ways, add sensory experience to worship. Worship is participatory and should be accessible to everyone, and multi-sensory engagement helps children to connect and to know that they are welcome participants in the worship of God. The goal is not to distract our youngest siblings in Christ or keep them quiet, but rather to give them an opportunity to experience all twelve of those things (and so many more!) they miss out on otherwise.



FAITH ….”If you ask me, ‘Is God Real?’ I first have to ask, ‘Which God are we talking about?’”

With these words Brian McLaren gives voice to a common struggle among people of faith – who

exactly is this God we worship?

Is God a mighty fortress, solid and unchanging?

Is God a mystical, unknowable force that floats around us like a vapor?

How can we speak of faith if we can’t even speak of God with any certainty?

How can we chart a course through the often murky waters of Christian tradition and find

our way to God?

Embark on a journey of faith with the help of gifted and unique 21st century theologians (via

videos). The topics for our conversation on faith will include: God, Religion, Jesus, Salvation,

Cross, Bible, and Church. You don’t need to have lots of knowledge to have faith – come and

grow/share yours! Sundays at 9:30 beginning September 8 in Meeting Room 2. Facilitator:

Pastor Nicholson.



Getting back to the basics is nothing new for

Christians. That is why centuries ago they

invented the idea of catechism. A catechism

is a guide for people in need of instruction –

novices and veterans, the old and the young

alike – in the fundamentals of Christian

faith. Luther often said that no one outgrows

the need to study the catechism. With this in

mind, please join us on Sunday mornings at

9:30 in the Parlor beginning September 8.

Taught by Tim Gotwald

In June, Lexie Rankin (along with Kathleen and Pastor Nicholson) got the chance to be a part of Harrisburg Area Confirmation Camp, where youth from congregations around our synod gathered to worship, play, and learn about their baptism and what it means for them as they continue to grow in faith.

The best part of Confirmation Camp, for me, was the people I met. Making new friends and

sharing God’s love in small groups was awesome. Thanks so much to my congregation for giving me the opportunity to go. - Lexie

BOOK STUDY GROUP The discussion

group for Inspired: Slaying Giants,

Walking on Water, and Loving the Bible

Again by Rachel Held Evans will begin

meeting on Monday, September 16, at

2:00 p.m. If you would like to join us,

please contact Joyce Ray or Nancy

Fricke. We will discuss one chapter each

week for eight weeks. Check with Nancy

if you need a copy of the book.




Remembering the words Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give than to

receive.” Acts 20:35

Ever had an honest conversation with yourself about giving? Why do I

struggle with giving? Why do I feel a nagging resistance to let go of my

stuff? When it comes to giving back to God, why is my natural

inclination toward getting, keeping, hoarding?

Our inner battles with releasing our resources might cease if something

else were first given to God – our very selves. We tend to forget that

even the very air we breathe is a gift from our loving Creator. God does not want our stuff. He

already owns it all. He wants us. Why? Because it is only when God fully has us that we can

fully have God.

So the next time you feel an inner allergic reaction to giving, try this: Remind yourself it all

belongs to God anyway. It is always easier to give someone else’s money and stuff away. You

may find yourself willing to give it all. Then how blessed you will be!

It’s a myth that if I get more, I will be more important. Self-worth and

net worth are not the same. Your value is not determined by your

valuables, and God says the most valuable things

in life are not things!


If you are a Thrivent member and would like to take advantage of

extra giving to First Lutheran through the Thrivent “Choice Dol-

lars” program, here are some items you should note.

Thrivent does not regularly inform you that you have a certain

dollar amount available to contribute to the church. You should

check the Thrivent website periodically to learn if you have funds

to designate. If you are not comfortable doing this task on your

own, check with Marlin Maclay, Financial Advisor, for help in ac-

cessing the website and designating the dollar amount.

Also, if you wish to have your “Choice Dollars” designated for a certain fund or program at

First, Thrivent does not recognize these designations. All such funds are remitted to First,

and deposited in the General Fund. You must provide a written statement to the Financial

Secretary, Carol McCoy, if you wish to have your “Choice Dollars” added to a specific fund,

and also the dollar amount. Thank you for your attention to this detail.



The Special Offering for the month of September is designated

for Lutheran Disaster Relief. The news media is full of stories

of hurricanes, tornados, fires, and flooding, and there is no end

of emergency need all over the world. Some disasters are

domestic (United States) and others are world-wide, but all are

destructive to lives and living conditions. Please be as

generous as you are able to help those in need.




works in partnership with many agencies in Chambersburg to

help persons in need. As a congregation we strive to carry out

God’s commission of feeding the hungry, clothing the naked,

visiting those in prison, and helping all in need. When we help

the least of these, we are helping Jesus, himself. In 2019 we are

generously and joyfully giving from the financial gifts that the

members of our congregation entrusted to the congregation.

At the August Council meeting it was approved to distribute a

sum of $17,500 to our fellow partners in ministry: NETwork

Ministries, Emergency Clearing House, Chambersburg Hispanic

American Center, Young Adults in Global Mission,

Chambersburg Cold Weather Shelter, Women in Need, Maranatha Food Pantry, SCCAP (meal

program), She’s Somebody’s Daughter (abused women), BOPIC (children’s summer

enrichment program), Gracie’s Place (women’s recovery from addiction program), Noah’s House

(men’s recovery from addiction program), Conference storage shed (for used furniture to

distribute), United Churches of Chambersburg Area (annual dues), and the Pastor’s

Discretionary Fund.

COMMUNITY AGENCY FORUM The pastors of Trinity Lutheran, Central Presbyterian,

and First Lutheran are working together to invite representatives from social service

organizations as well as other church leaders in our community to a forum designed to make

each other aware of the work that is being done through agencies in our community. The hope

is to understand to whom we could direct people when assistance is needed. We will meet on

Tuesday, September 17 from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church. If you have an

interest in attending, please talk with Pastor Nicholson.


The bright red box out front is a distribution for

personal care items for our neighbors.

When you are out shopping please remember to

purchase a few items to share with our neighbors.

Helpful items include: shampoo, deodorant,

toothpaste and brushes, toilet paper, tissues, soap,

dish detergent, laundry detergent, Band-Aids, etc.

As soon as the box is filled, it is soon emptied. It

seems that our neighbors depend on this

assistance from us. Thank you for being a part of

sharing with our neighbors.

The Give and Take Box


The Neighborhood Task

Team would welcome any

ideas that you may have of

ways that we can connect

with and serve our neighbors. Please join us

for any of our events. You do not have to be a

member of the Task Team to volunteer at an


Come and get to know our neighbors!


Mary Gotwald or Nancy Fricke.

LAUNDRY DAY EVENTS are postponed for now due to the devastating fire at Nana’s Wash

House. The Neighborhood Task Team will attempt to connect with our neighbors to determine

where they are now doing their laundry. Please pray for the owner, manager, tenants, and our

neighbors who frequented the facility for their laundry needs. More information will be



Sharing God’s love in our community

The Annual Mega Event is scheduled for Saturday, November 9, 2019 The Mega Event is a way that First Lutheran helps our neighbors with clothing needs. We are collecting boots, shoes, socks, coats/jackets and hats, scarves and mittens for children, men and women. These items may be new or gently used. Last November our neighbors were delighted with the items they were able to find to keep them warm for the winter. So as we are looking toward fall, remember that someone else could use an item that you no longer need. Think Mega Event.

If you are donating clothing items please wash them and mark your bag or box “clean”. Your donations may be placed in Memorial Hall. Please label your donations for NTT (Neighborhood Task Team). If you have donations but you are unable to bring them to church, I would be glad to pick them up for you. I remember two specific people who attended our Mega Event last November. One woman was just delighted with a pair of boots that she found, holding them up and saying, ”Look at these boots” and another woman who found a beautiful coat and put it on immediately and never took it off. I also vividly remember our Task Team members offering assistance and engaging our neighbors in conversation. We are meeting a need, sharing our resources and sharing God’s love. Thank you!! Come out on November 9th and share-clothing items and


SpiriTrust Lutheran

The church is removing 2 pianos from our building. If you

have an interest in acquiring one, please talk with Freda Dorand.




We are seeking pianists and musicians

of all types to entertain residents at the

new skilled care center at The Village

at Luther Ridge. If you have musical

talent and would like to enrich the

lives of others, please call Linda

Beaver at 717-264-0737 or email at

Dinner at the Ridge will be held at 12:00pm

at the Fleck Center at SpiriTrust Lutheran,

The Village at Luther Ridge, on Wednesday,

September 11th. The cost is $7.50. The

menu for September is Creamed Lettuce,

Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes with Gravy,

Vegetable Medley, Roll, Assorted Desserts

and Beverages. Please call 717-264-3212 to

make your reservation. Deadline for

reservations is noon on Friday, September

6th. Please call Shirley Leister at

717-263-6957 for any additional


Auxiliary Discount Cards Now only $2.00

The SpiriTrust Lutheran Chambersburg

Auxiliary has reduced the price on their

remaining discount cards which feature

discounts from local merchants. To

receive the discount shown on the card,

simply present the card when making

your purchase. Card expires 1/31/2020.

To purchase cards, please see the

Auxiliary Key Person in your

congregation or contact Linda Beaver at

717-264-0737 or


SpiriTrust Lutheran

CELEBRATION DAY will be Saturday, September 28, 2019 at

The Village of Luther Ridge .

Please come and join us for some entertainment and

lunch. Stop by anytime between 8:00 AM and 2:00 PM.

Bring your family and friends.

First Lutheran has been supporting the Auxiliary for many years and

we hope to continue. One of the ways we help is by having a yard sale

table with items given by members of our congregation. If you have

small items that are no longer wanted at your home – maybe someone

else would enjoy them for while. You may bring flea market items

and put them on the stage in Fellowship Hall in the church starting

September 1 until Thursday, Sept. 26. If you have any questions

about flea market items, please contact Janet Friend (263-9517) or

Jean Reed (263-8361).

They also can use pies, cakes, cookies, fudge and other sweet treats for

the food stands on Celebration Day. Food donations can be dropped off

at The Village at Luther Ridge on Celebration Day.

Volunteers are needed to help with many different activities

on Celebration Day. Please let Tudy Gates (264-6312) know if

you would be able to help with setting up, serving food, helping

in the kitchen, working as a cashier or with cleaning up at the

end of the day.

Flea Market, craft, and party vendors are needed to

participate in the 30th annual Celebration Day at The Village at

Luther Ridge on Saturday, September 28, 2019. Outdoor

spaces are available at $10.00. To reserve your place, please

contact Anna Nelson at 762-6621 or

Celebration Day is sponsored by the SpiriTrust Lutheran

Chambersburg Auxiliary.


Thank You A huge thank you to all those who have knitted

and crocheted prayer shawls for the new skilled

care center at The Village at Luther Ridge.

Because of your generous response we currently

have a large supply and are no longer in need of

them at this time. Your response to this project

has been amazing!

Dear Friends at First Evangelical Lutheran Church:

Thank you so much for your thoughtful gift from your Lenten offerings in the

amount of $810.00 to support SCCAP’s Franklin County Food Pantry. Your gifts

enable us to help more than 13,000 local families!

Our recent Housing Summit in Adams and Reentry Summit in Franklin both had

opportunities for local families to share their stories. The struggle to build a

stable life and the difference it makes when folks have appropriate support. Their

lives are forever changed which strengthens our communities.

You make those things happen!

Thank you so much for helping us do little things that impact families in a big

way! We really couldn’t do it without you!

With great appreciation,

Megan Shreve

Chief Executive Officer at South Central Community Action Programs

To the VBS Staff & Church,

We wanted to say thank you for hosting such a nice VBS for

our community kids! My kids have attended the last few

years and look forward to it! Your staff & volunteers were

very friendly and welcoming to my children and us as

parents. We felt safe knowing they were in good hands. We

have a home church we attend and love, but appreciate you

spreading God’s love to our local kiddos! We pray through

this program you’ve touched lives and introduced Christ to

those who may not have otherwise heard of his love. Your

meals were delicious and appreciated (as a working Mom of

3). Please say a huge thanks to all those who put in many

hours of their time to make this successful!

God Bless,

The Leveilles

Lillian, Gavin, Braxton & Parents

Thank you to the

congregation for

your support

with everything

received to fill

the book bags.

Jean Reed



If someone you know from our church

is hospitalized please

contact Pastor Nicholson

to let her know by calling

717-264-2015 ext.4 or email If this is an

emergency—feel free to

contact Pastor Nicholson at home



Our church provides transportation

to church on Sundays! We don’t want

to miss anyone who would like to join

us! Please call if you need a ride.

Church office: 717-264-2015



May we include you

in our prayers? Do you have

a prayer need that we can

help you with? If so, please

call our prayer–chain group

leader: Marcia Hunt @


Names are kept on the

prayer chain for 1 month.

After that month, please

contact the office again if you

would like to have a name on

for another month.

Thank You Dear Pastor, Council, & Friends,

Guess this is our final contact with Chambersburg.

We surely are going to miss you all.

Thank you for all the help and friendships during

the past 16-17 years.

God Bless,

Bill & Colleen Koslick

P.S. 1st Lutheran will always be our home.




President Tom Kriner

Vice President Tim Gotwald

Treasurer Bonnie McKenrick

Pastor Jane Nicholson

Aloma Dawkins

Barb Evans

Dorothy Hammer

Robert Hammer

Warren Heintzelman

Gertrude Kampmeyer

Mary Beth McGraw-Warne

Financial Secretary Carol McCoy


Carol Horn 9/1 Bryce Buffington 9/15

Ann Kmiecik 9/1 Clyde Williams Jr. 9/15

Charles Caskey 9/2 Leonard Carbaugh 9/16

Gabriel Dubs 9/2 Patti Plasterer 9/17

Timothy Gotwald 9/3 Charles Kampmeyer 9/18

Dwight Decker Jr. 9/4 Sandra Drake 9/19

James Warne 9/5 Bill DeHass 9/21

Nicholas Buselli 9/6 Brian McKenrick 9/21

Amy Boyer 9/9 Victor Wheelock 9/21

Benjamin Yaukey 9/9 Abigail Wilkes 9/21

Diane Curfman 9/10 Paige Massimilla 9/24

Kenneth Shearer 9/11 Gerald Wilson 9/25

Angela Cody 9/12 Aria Lensbower 9/26

Kathy Shoop 9/12 Sandra Curfman 9/27

Strauss Vinson 9/12 Bonnie Huber 9/28

William Huber 9/13 Gertrude Kampmeyer 9/28

Wanda Forrester 9/14 Shirley Shaner 9/28

Jane Love 9/14 Carol McCoy 9/30

September 15









Church Office Hours Monday-Thursday

9 a.m.-1 p.m.

CHURCH OFFICE 717-264-2015

Parish Administrator ext. 1

Children, Youth, & Family ext. 2

Director of Music ext. 3

Pastor ext. 4


43 W. Washington Street Chambersburg, PA 17202 E-mail: Website:




Starting Sunday September 8 at 9:30 a.m.

Preschool - 1st Grade Second Floor First Classroom

2nd - 5th Grades Second Floor Second Classroom

Adult - Catechism First Floor Parlor

Adult - Faith First Floor Meeting Room 2
