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Instituto de Educación Superior Tecnológico Privado “San Ignacio de Monterrico”

“Año de la Diversificación Productiva y del Fortalecimiento de la Educación”
















Instituto de Educación Superior Tecnológico Privado “San Ignacio de Monterrico”



Instituto de Educación Superior Tecnológico Privado “San Ignacio de Monterrico”

We would like to dedicate this project to writers who gave us a little of their time and support, with the main goal of this paper. Moreover, we must thank our parents who always sacrifice, in order to reach our goals; this work is dedicated also to our teachers who teach accuracy when the time comes to translate and interpret.


Instituto de Educación Superior Tecnológico Privado “San Ignacio de Monterrico”


Dedicatory .............................................................................3Index .....................................................................................4Introduction .............................................................................6Innovation’s Objectives .............................................................7Chapter I.................................................................................9Chapter II................................................................................11Chapter III...............................................................................13Chapter IV...............................................................................16Conclusions ............................................................................19Glossary ................................................................................22Internet resources....................................................................24


Instituto de Educación Superior Tecnológico Privado “San Ignacio de Monterrico”


Our project has as a primary purpose to talk about Poetry’s translation in Peru in order to achieve our aim, we have investigated previous researches, interviewing poets and writers to gather relevant information, analyzing how hard is translate poetry. Furthermore, we had to translate most of our Spanish data into English, so, we spent time looking up words in many literary environments.

In the first chapter we mentioned a brief and main concept about translation furthermore we analyzed how hard could be translate poetry.

In second and third chapter we show many important people and how they speak on this field, benefactors and detractors, people who are in favor and who do not. Moreover, we show to the readers comparative featuring of them.

Then, we went deeper under the surface of translation and we developed the assignment of cohesion, rhyme and techniques in order to translate poems from English to Spanish. Indeed, we appoint that not anyone could translate poetry these days.

Afterward we explained a shortly figure about linguistic balance and its relevance in poetry speaking. From then on, we sampling mainly all the cases in which we had any troubles.

Today, we mention to the readers, to people who had the opportunity to read this paper that translation is not gambling and every translator has his own style and leave in every translation his own trace.


Instituto de Educación Superior Tecnológico Privado “San Ignacio de Monterrico”

Innovation’s Objectives

First we want to demonstrate how arduous is the action of translate poetry. Second, to emphasize the differences between reading feeling the original

version and the translated version of a poem. Third, to mention in Peru there is not as many poetry translators as other

countries. Finally, to show people advantages and disadvantages to translate poetry.


Instituto de Educación Superior Tecnológico Privado “San Ignacio de Monterrico”

Chapter I:


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What is Translation?The process of turning an original or source text into a text in another

language it is call translation.

Anyone who has ever translated anything, be it prose or poetry, will know that there are two main parts to the process: first a decoding, as the translator teases out the sense of the source language, then repeated revision and polishing to ensure it reads as naturally and pleasingly as it can in the target language. Early on, consciously or sub-consciously, the translator will have noted the register, style, mood and cultural references of the original text; at every stage, they will be trying to stay true to those while re-creating it in a language that may be utterly different from the original one. It said that no one reads more closely than a translator does.

What is poetry’s translation?Poetry Translation is a unique and specialized form of literary translation,

and it is important not only to convey the meaning of the source text, but also to accurately portray the poet’s original intentions as far as rhyme scheme and form goes. Translating poetry brings with it an additional layer of difficulty: the translator will also be noting the form of the poem, comparing it with other poems they have read in English or other languages, and listening to the music of it before they make the many decisions they will need to make. If the original poem has a particular form – a regular metre, for instance, or a rhyme scheme – the translator has to consider: 

Should that form be retained?Could the form be successfully swapped for another – a sonnet, perhaps? – or is free verse the answer?

Is it possible to make a good translation of a rhyming poem without using rhyme?

Teachers will want to point out to their students that in languages such as Spanish, Italian and French rhyming is easier than in English because there are fewer word-endings. If you want to rhyme throughout in English you need to make sure you choose sounds with a lot of rhymes in English. 


Instituto de Educación Superior Tecnológico Privado “San Ignacio de Monterrico”

Translate poetry is an arduous activity?We have chosen this topic because in Peru, there are not many

translators who want to do this arduous task. For reasons, they must be able to know about everything of Poetry’s world, here is the main question: Is an obligation that the translator should be a poet?

We have searched in base of this question, we contacted a poet and she gave us a face-to-face interview.

As translators, we know that one of the hardest things to translate is poetry. Rhyme, meter, and cadence, and word selection, rhythm: we could spend weeks trying to translate one short poem. A poem emerges from the unique combination of select words and makes use of the music of a specific language.

How then should we face the task of translating poetry?Roman Jakob son affirms that poetry is untranslatable. In such a way,

upon taking on a poem we should forget about translating, and rather bring forth a “creative transposition.” Burton Raffel sustained that poetry in translation, if it is not poetry “reborn,” is nothing.

Nevertheless, another question comes up: How much freedom is too much freedom? Upon assuming that the translation of poetry is impossible and that, as translators, it is in our hands to create a new product.

When we are reading texts that contains only translated poetry, we asked if we are no be cheating “That’s no sound” or “I think this is syntactically wrong” we can say “This word doesn’t belong here” And it could be right or not. We will know if our intuition was correct when we check with the origin text.

The Bilingual text are in advantage, if we know the origin language, at least, we can do three readings in order to compare the first version and the translated version.


Instituto de Educación Superior Tecnológico Privado “San Ignacio de Monterrico”

As an example: The poem “Digging,” by Seamus Heaney, constitutes a clear example of the difficulty of translating poetry. It starts in this manner:

“Between my finger and my thumbthe squat pen rests; as snug as a gun.

Under my window a clean rasping soundWhen the spade sinks into gravelly ground:

My father, digging. I look down […]”

And now we have the version of the translator Ezequiel Zaidenwerg that did it just this initial part the following way:

“Entre mis dedos índice y pulgarcargo la pluma fuente, como un arma.Entra por la ventana, un ruido áspero—la pala que entierra en la gravilla—

Y me asomo: mi padre está cavando”.

As we can observe, Zaidenwerg’s translation contains significant changes. Nonetheless, in a case such as poetry, it is exactly what needed to be done. Personally, I find Zaidenwerg’s translation exceedingly good. By altering even the punctuation marks, he achieves a new version of the poem: as Raffel says, he has created it a new.


Instituto de Educación Superior Tecnológico Privado “San Ignacio de Monterrico”

Chapter II:


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Poetry is what gets lost in translation:RATIONAL ARGUMENT:To find out the poetry writing in other languages. Octavio Paz launches

like an art full of challenges.

“The translation is the art of the analogy, the art of finding out correspondences. An art of shades and echoes...”

Poets like Octavio. Paz o Giuseppe Ungaretti show their translations “identical right” to their own poems. Ezra Pound o Robert Lowell practice the translation of free interpretation, they add and omit ideas to reconstruct a vivacious poetry.

REBELS FACE ORIGINALS:The defenders don’t want that readers looks for a written that hasn’t exist

anymore. Jorge Luis Borges says:

“The original one is unfaithful to the translation”

Well know Peruvian poets and translatorsAs translators, is it necessary to be a poet to translate poetry? Well, we

connect two people, the poet and the reader. Mostly when people do not know about international poetry and we are the bridge in these both cultures, English and Spanish and it is great. When we are translating we cannot really fear of we can change the adjectives because we just want to, we’re making something that is hardly artificial, we are taking something from one language into another we are being very mechanical but what we are hoping is to capture the same spontaneity that we have


Instituto de Educación Superior Tecnológico Privado “San Ignacio de Monterrico”

in a poem written in its native language and that is why our word choice is the matter, we have to be correct or but also we must seem spontaneous at the same time.

Many translators feel it is very important, even necessary for poetry to be translated by a poet. Then many poet to translate from languages that they do not necessarily know in that case they work in collaboration with a translator.

Chapter III:


Instituto de Educación Superior Tecnológico Privado “San Ignacio de Monterrico”

Poetry and Translation

Types of Poetry Ballad: a short narrative poem with stanzas of two or four lines and

usually a refrain. The story of a ballad can originate from a wide range of subject matter but most frequently deals with folk-lore or popular legends. They are written in straight-forward verse, seldom with detail, but always with graphic simplicity and force. Most ballads are suitable for singing and, while sometimes varied in practice, are generally written in ballad meter.

Cinquain: a cinquain or quintain is a five line stanza, varied in rhyme and line, usually with the rhyme scheme ababb.

Elegy: Was originally used for a type of poetic metre (Elegiac metre), but is also used for a poem of mourning, from the Greek elegos, a reflection on the death of someone or on a sorrow generally. In addition, an elegy (sometimes spelled elegíe) may be a type of musical work, usually in a sad and somber attitude.

Epic: An Epic is a long narrative poem celebrating the adventures and achievements of a hero. Epics typically deal with the traditions, mythical or historical of a nation.

Free Verse: A term describing various styles of poetry that are not written using strict meter or rhyme, but that still are recognizable as 'poetry' by virtue of complex patterns of one sort or another that readers can perceive to be part of a coherent whole.


Instituto de Educación Superior Tecnológico Privado “San Ignacio de Monterrico”

Haiku: It is an unrhymed Japanese verse consisting of three unrhymed lines of five, seven, and five syllables (5, 7, 5) or 17 syllables in all. Haiku is usually written in the present tense and focuses on nature (seasons).

Limerick: A Limerick is a rhymed humorous or nonsense poem of five lines which originated in Limerick, Ireland. The Limerick has a set rhyme scheme of:

A-a-b-b-a with a syllable structure of: 9-9-6-6-9.

The rhythm of the poem should go as follows:

Lines 1, 2, 5: weak, weak, STRONG, weak, weak, STRONG, weak, weak, STRONG,

Lines 3, 4: weak, weak, STRONG, weak, weak, STRONG, weak, weak

This is the most commonly heard first line of a limerick: "There once was a man from”

Lyric: is a form of poetry that does not attempt to tell a story, as do epic poetry and dramatic poetry, but is of a more personal nature instead. Rather than portraying characters and actions, the lyric poet addresses the reader directly, portraying his or her own feelings, states of mind, and perceptions.

Narrative: It is poetry that tells a story. In its broadest sense, it includes epic poetry; some would reserve the name narrative poetry for works on a smaller scale and generally with more direct appeal to human interest than the epic.

Quatrain: A Quatrain is a poem consisting of four lines of verse with a specific few examples of a quatrain rhyming scheme are as follows:

aaba, bbcb, ccdc, dddd -- chain rhyme

Sonnet: The term sonnet is derived from the Provençal word sonet and the Italian word sonetto, both meaning little song. By the thirteenth century, it had come to signify a poem of fourteen lines following a strict rhyme scheme and logical structure. The conventions associated with the sonnet have changed during its


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history. Traditionally, English poets usually use iambic pentameter when writing sonnets. In the Romance languages, hendecasyllable and Alexandrines are the most widely used. Examples of a rhyming scheme:

Line 1: abab cdcd efef gg

Line 2: abba cddc effe gg

Line 3: abba abba cdcd cd

Chapter IV:


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Linguistic Balanced

As students of English language, we know that the grammar of English is almost same as our native language, Spanish. Except for words such as: In Spanish nouns are before adjectives but in English it totally chances of position, adjectives are before nouns and even in order of general opinion, size, shape, age, color, nationality, material and purpose.

The next difference between both languages is morphology, exist inflectional morphology that chances the words according to the context, for example: “rojo- roja” but in English the adjective does not chance, it still be “red”.

Now more specific in poems, there are many literary figures or figures of speech, in Spanish as in English like: Alliteration, Assonance, caricature, epiphany, hyperbole, imagery, irony, metaphor, onomatopoeia, personification and fifteen more. In any case if we try to translate a poem we maybe notice that it has these figures mentioned and What if it found meter? We must totally chance the order of the verse


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in order to obtain the same quantity of syllables and in both English and Spanish poems and in addition we have kept in mind the words and the morphology.

For some of us accustomed to read in more than one language, the translated version of our favorite books, texts or poetry might be a little bit complicated. But sometimes we are in mandatory to read in translated version, because more of them are not available in the original version. For instance, we can read “Aves sin nido” in Spanish and then we have the translated version and don’t feel the same as we are usual feel.

Other problem of translate from English to Spanish is that most of the countries that speak this last language have same words that sounds and understand different; there is a lot of variations.

Peruvian Writers

The term Peruvian literature not only refers to literature produced in the independent Republic of Peru, but also to literature produced in the Viceroyalty of Peru during the country's colonial period, and to oral artistic forms created by diverse ethnic groups that existed in the area during the prehispanic period, such as the Quechua, the Aymara and the Chanka indigenous groups.

In this paragraph we wrote about a these days poet Alessadra Tenorio.

Alessandra Tenorio (Lima, 1982) studied literature at the National University Federico Villarreal and Creative Writing (in poetry) at the National University of San Marcos. He has published the poetry collection Portrait (Gules, 2005). Her poems have appeared in different magazines and web pages of Peru, Mexico, Spain and Chile and in Peru anthologies Poetry


Instituto de Educación Superior Tecnológico Privado “San Ignacio de Monterrico”

(University of Guadalajara, 2005) and Pan (published in Catalan). She won first prize in the Floral Games poetry Washington Delgado organized by the Faculty of Humanities at the university. She is currently head of the Office of Institutional Image of San Marcos Cultural Center and serves as editor of the cultural section at the newspaper La Primera.


Instituto de Educación Superior Tecnológico Privado “San Ignacio de Monterrico”



Instituto de Educación Superior Tecnológico Privado “San Ignacio de Monterrico”

As a conclusion, it has been shown that we tried to demonstrate the lack of translation poetry in Peru. On the other hand, we emphasized translation poetry is an arduous task and as a

students, we are preparing for achieved that level in a near future.

Direct and indirect beneficiaries

The Poetry’s translation has many difficulties and challenges, in relation with other literary texts, poetry is fanciful because of its words and no matters how many dictionaries we able to use, several of these words tend to invent new meanings and uses, determinate by the context. If we decided to create a workshop about poetry translation, inside our study curriculum map or perhaps as an additional course out of study hours, we should have professionals handy sharing their knowledge relative to this art.

The principal receivers of our workshop may be our classmates, students from translation and interpretation and teachers of this career.


Instituto de Educación Superior Tecnológico Privado “San Ignacio de Monterrico”

Our indirect receivers may will be students from tourism guide, in any case when someone of them work at an X museum and talk about an international poet who made history, how can they know about his or her job? Or poetry? Well, there is the work of a translator, and the translator worked hard in order to bring his/her poetry into the guide’s language.


Instituto de Educación Superior Tecnológico Privado “San Ignacio de Monterrico”


TERM DEFINITIONAccurate Without error, precise; meticulousArduous Require great energy or exertionVersion A particular variant of somethingPoem A piece of writing in versePoetry The art of craft or writing verseSource The point or place where something originatesProse Spoken or writing as ordinary usagePolishing To make something complete, perfect, elegantPleasingly Giving pleasure, likeable or gratifyingTarget A goal to be reachedNaturally In a natural or normal way


Instituto de Educación Superior Tecnológico Privado “San Ignacio de Monterrico”

Rhythm the arrangement of the relative durations of and accents on the notes of a melody

Teases To irritate, bother or anger somebodyEnsure To make secure or safeMood A temporary state of mind or temperUtterly To emit or give out (cries, notes, etc.) with the voiceConvey To take, carry, or transport from one place to anotherPortray To make a verbal picture of; depict in wordsLayer A thickness of some homogeneous substance, such as a

stratum or a coating on a surfacePoet A person who writes poetryMeter The arrangement of words in poetic rhymes.Swapped Something that is exchangedSonnet A poem written in 14 lines, with rhymes arranged in a fixed

schemeFewer Not many but more than oneCadence The beat or measure of something rhythmicUntranslatable Something that cannot be translateReborn Given renewed existence, activity, or growthAssuming expecting too much; presumptuous; arrogantMandatory Having the nature or powers of a mandate


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Internet resources


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