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Planned Parenthood Quick Facts:

Undercover journalists with the Center for MedicalProgress released 8 shocking investigative videosin July and August showing morally repulsive and horriic behavior by Planned Parenthood executivestowards unborn children and their mothers.

It is imperative to stay informed of this barbaric scandal. scandal. To do so visit:

14 state and national investigations have been launched into Planned Parenthood as a result of the horrifying videos of their executives. Three states have already removed state funding for Planned Parenthood. Stay informed on the scandal.YYour tax money funds this corrupt corporation.


Planned Parenthood performs over 300,000 abortions a year. No Illinois Planned Parenthood has a license from the state. No Illinois Planned Parenthood has received a health inspection since 1999. The Illinois government gave $45 million to Planned Parenthood in the past ive years.

670 health clinics that do not perform abortions are alternatives to Planned Parenthood in Illinois.

If someone you know has been hurt by abortion there is free, conidential, loving support availiable.Call Project Rachel at 312-337-1962 or Illinois Right to Life at 312-422-9300

There are 17 Planned Parenthood clinics in Illinois.