Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia Neurochirurgia Direttore ... · Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia ....


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Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia Neurochirurgia

Direttore: Prof. Aldo Moraci

Outcome del trattamento neurochirurgico nella patologia degenerativa del rachide

Ciro Parlato

There is insufficient evidence to make a recommendation for or against a correlation between clinical symptoms or function with the presence of anatomic narrowing of the spinal canal on MRI, CTM or CT.

There is insufficient evidence to make a recommendation for or against the use of F wave, H reflex, motor evoked potential (MEP), motor nerve conduction studies, somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEP), dermatomal sensory evoked potentials (DSEP) and lower extremity EMG in the confirmation of lumbar spinal stenosis. These studies may be used to help identify other comorbidities.

There is insufficient evidence to make a recommendation for or against a correlation between clinical symptoms or function with the presence of anatomic narrowing of the spinal canal on MRI, CTM or CT.

Outcome of lumbar intervertebral foraminal stenosis surgery and depression Parlato C, *Iavarone A. Gentile M, Albanese R, Moraci A. Department of Neurosciences, Second University of Naples *Department of Psychology, Second University of Naples

The difference between the three SDS scores was significant (Friedman ANOVA, chi-square=53.171; p<.00001). The Wilcoxon rank test showed significant difference between pre-operative SDS scores as compared with three months follow-up (Z=-6.393; p <.0001) and the last, in turn, as compared with twelve months follow-up (Z=-3.720; p .0002). The comparison between pre-operative and twelve months follow-up also reached significance (Z=-3.285; p .001). About VAS, the difference between the three VAS scores was significant (Friedman ANOVA, chi-square=69.932; p <.00001). The Wilcoxon rank test showed significant difference between pre-operative VAS scores as compared with three months follow-up (Z=-6.567; p <.0001) and the last, in turn, as compared with twelve months follow-up (Z=-3.153; p<.002). The comparison between pre-operative and twelve months was also significance (Z=-5.520; p <.0001). Our results would alert clinicians to accurately consider the real need to treat and to include a careful psychiatric and psychological evaluation of these patients in the diagnosis and follow-up.

“se avessi il dono della profezia e conoscessi tutti i misteri e tutta la scienza, e possedessi la pienezza della fede così da trasportare le montagne, ma non avessi la carità, non sono nulla. La carità è paziente, è benigna la carità; non è invidiosa la carità, non si vanta, non si gonfia, non manca di rispetto, non cerca il suo interesse, non si adira, non tiene conto del male ricevuto, non gode dell'ingiustizia, ma si compiace della verità. Tutto copre, tutto crede, tutto spera, tutto sopporta. La carità non avrà mai fine”. (San Paolo)

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