Facebook advertising Rethinking the new customer journey with


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Rethinking the new customer journey with Facebook advertisingCurt Maly

Curt MalyCo-Founder Black Box Social Media, LLC

xMy Team And I Have Run Traffic For…

JUNE 2, 2015

[YOU] will not in the future access Facebook’s website(s), services,

Platform, or network for any reason whatsoever;


SOURCE: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/richard-lorenzen/top-6-facebook-marketers-_b_10661018.html

Fully Reinstated Sept 2017!

- Fully Reactivated in late Oct 2017

• We now run a full-service agency running ads for change-makers and visionaries that align with our vision

Fully Reinstated Oct 2017!

I’m asked to speak at many industry events 

In 2019 I was invited to a marketer’s mastermind at Agora


• And I’ve taken it ‘on tour’ across the world

• Everyone asks me to tell them what I shared in that room to win the belt!

I won The Belt!

I will teach you the material that won me the Masters Of Media Buying Belt - what we now refer to as The B.E.L.T. Method

Inside this course:


The Journey Of This CoursePart 1 | SETUP Part 2 | HOW TO Part 3 | APPLY

Lesson 110,000 Ft View

Lesson 2Believe

Lesson 4Lead

Lesson 5Transact

Lesson 6Building The


Lesson 3Engage

Course objectives:

1. Understand the new customer journey so you can properly structure your Facebook ad campaigns for success.

2. Use the BELT Method to build brand awareness and authority, indoctrinate the audience to the problem that your product/service solves, provide them with a logical solution or next step to move forward, and ultimately gets customers to invest in you.

3. Structure a sustainable and scalable Facebook marketing campaign that generates less expensive traffic, leads, and sales while also lowering your risk of an ad account shutdown.

What most people expect from Facebook advertising…

The reality of Facebook advertising!

 "The Rule of 7 is a marketing principle that states that your prospects need to come across your offer at least seven times before they really notice it and start to take action.”

—Old Marketing Adage

The New Customer Journey…



Along the journey we must consider blended attribution

What does Facebook tell us to do?

What does Facebook tell us to do?

What Does Facebook Tell Us To Do?

What Does Facebook Tell Us To Do?




Cold Market - Top of Funnel

Warm Market - Middle of Funnel

Hot Market - Bottom of Funnel

Sales funnel terminology

Our focus will be moving toward bottom of funnel activities vs top of funnel

Top of funnel: Awareness

“I have a problem I am trying to solve… I’m aware of the problem and looking for ways to solve it.”

• The idea behind TOFU is to begin building trust by helping the prospect with questions related to the issue that you can help them solve.

• The content may not talk about the exact problems your product solves—and that’s a good thing!

Top of funnel: Objective

“There are options for solving my problem, so I need to determine my best options for solving the problem.”

Middle of funnel: Consideration

• In the Middle of the funnel your prospects are aware of the solutions to their problem.

• They are more interested than prospects in the TOFU, but need to be nurtured further before making a buying decision.

• Content for the MOFU should be educational and entertaining, and also introduce more information about your brand’s solutions.

Middle of funnel: Objective

“I’ve got enough information to make a decision - which solution fits my needs the best?”

Bottom of funnel: Conversion

• BOFU content is for people who have considered their options and are ready to make a buying decision. At this point people may be choosing between you and another solution.

• Content for BOFU should be encourage clicks to your sales/cart page, or to purchase through ManyChat if you have that functionality set up.

Bottom of funnel: Objective

Facebook has been showing us this concept all along

We use a 4 Step method to transition a person through the Top, Middle,

& Bottom of Funnel to turn strangers into customers with

Facebook Ads.

4 Steps to transitioning a person from stranger to buyer with Facebook Ads.

Help the audience believe that they have

a need and realize that your business

can potentially fulfill that need.

BELIEFHelp the audience to

evaluate why your offer is best

positioned to give them the solution they


ENGAGEHelp the audience to a clear next step by

leading them to your solution or by offering

them something of value.

LEADHelp the audience to do business with you

through offers and retargeting.


The B.E.L.T. Method

The B.E.L.T. Method

1. Belief - Help the audience believe that they have a need and realize that your business can potentially fulfill that need.

2. Engage - Help the audience to evaluate why your offer is best positioned to give them the solution they need.

3. Lead - Help the audience to a clear next step by leading them to your solution or by offering them something of value in exchange for their information.

4. Transact - Help the audience to do business with you through offers and retargeting.

Each step of the BELT strategy serves to move the prospect along the customer journey while also building trust and authority in the product, brand, or service.

Goal is awareness of problem and product


Goal is to nurture and engage with the prospect


Goal is to lead the prospect to your solution (generate traffic & leads)


Goal is to get the prospect to do business with you.


Goals of each stage

Why use The B.E.L.T. Method?

What advantage does the B.E.L.T. Method provide you as an advertiser versus a more traditional ‘Direct Response’ advertising strategy?

Lesson recap:

1. We took a look at the New Customer journey and the reasons for adjusting our Facebook advertising strategy to accommodate this journey and the direction that Facebook is pushing advertisers.

2. We also took a high level view of the B.E.L.T. Method and given you an understanding of how it helps transition prospects through a sales funnel with your ads.

3. In the upcoming lessons we will dive deeper into each stage of the process and identify what types of ads, objectives, and messaging should be used in each stage to move the prospect through their own customer journey.