Experimental evidence for diel variations of the carbon...


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  • Experimental evidence for diel variations of the carbonisotope composition in leaf, stem and phloem sap organicmatter in Ricinus communis


    1Environmental Biology Group, Research School of Biological Sciences, Australian National University, GPO Box 475,Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia, 2School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of New South Wales,Sydney, New South Wales 2052, Australia and 3Laboratoire d’Ecologie, Systématique et Evolution, Départementd’Ecophysiologie Végétale, CNRS-UMR 8079, IFR 87, Centre scientifique d’Orsay, Bâtiment 362, Université Paris-Sud XI,91405 Orsay, Cedex, France


    Carbon isotope fractionation in metabolic processes follow-ing carboxylation of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) isnot as well described as the discrimination during photo-synthetic CO2 fixation. However, post-carboxylationfractionation can influence the diel variation of d13C ofleaf-exported organic matter and can cause inter-organdifferences in d13C. To obtain a more mechanistic under-standing of post-carboxylation modification of the isotopicsignal as governed by physiological and environmental con-trols, we combined the modelling approach of Tcherkezet al., which describes the isotopic fractionation in primarymetabolism with the experimental determination of d13C inleaf and phloem sap and root carbon pools during a full dielcourse. There was a strong diel variation of leaf water-soluble organic matter and phloem sap sugars with rela-tively 13C depleted carbon produced and exported duringthe day and enriched carbon during the night. The isotopicmodelling approach reproduces the experimentally deter-mined day–night differences in d13C of leaf-exported carbonin Ricinus communis. These findings support the idea thatpatterns of transitory starch accumulation and remobiliza-tion govern the diel rhythm of d13C in organic matterexported by leaves. Integrated over the whole 24 h day,leaf-exported carbon was enriched in 13C as compared withthe primary assimilates. This may contribute to the well-known – yet poorly explained – relative 13C depletion ofautotrophic organs compared with other plant parts. Wethus emphasize the need to consider post-carboxylationfractionations for studies that use d13C for assessing envi-ronmental effects like water availability on ratio of molefractions of CO2 inside and outside the leaf (e.g. tree ring

    studies), or for partitioning of CO2 fluxes at the ecosystemlevel.

    Key-words: isotope modelling; post-carboxylation fraction-ation; starch; transport.


    Whereas carbon isotope discrimination during photosyn-thetic CO2 fixation is a comparatively well-described andunderstood phenomenon (Farquhar, O’Leary & Berry1982; Farquhar, Ehleringer & Hubick 1989), much less isknown about the isotopic fractionation associated with themetabolic processes following carboxylation in leaf tissues(Hobbie & Werner 2004; Badeck et al. 2005; Brandes et al.2006). However, fractionations because of equilibrium,kinetic and fragmentation (Tcherkez et al. 2004) isotopeeffects beyond CO2 diffusion and fixation by ribulose 1·5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) are ofimportance because they result in differences in isotopicsignatures among metabolites and in non-statisticalintramolecular isotope distributions (Schmidt & Gleixner1998; Schmidt 2003; Tcherkez & Farquhar 2005).

    Among the most obvious consequences of these effects isthat the carbon isotope composition of organic matter maydiffer between plant organs depending on the d13C ofexported and non-exported compounds.Badeck et al. (2005)reviewed more than 80 publications for differences in d13Cbetween organs and showed that heterotrophic tissuesare generally enriched in 13C compared wirht autotrophicorgans. As temporal variations in photosynthetic discri-mination were excluded as an explanation of inter-organdifferences, there must be either post-carboxylation frac-tionation in autotrophic tissues and export of 13C-enrichedmetabolites across organ boundaries (Hobbie & Werner2004) or fractionation during heterotrophic metabolism(Helle & Schleser 2004), or both (Brandes et al. 2006).

    Post-carboxylation carbon isotope fractionation mightaccount for diel variations in the isotopic composition ofcarbon exported from the leaves to heterotrophic tissues

    Correspondence: A. Gessler. Fax: +497612038302; e-mail:arthur.gessler@sonne.uni-freiburg.de

    *Both authors contributed equally to this paper.†Present address: Core Facility Metabolomics, Centre for SystemsBiology, University of Freiburg, 79100 Freiburg, Germany.

    Plant, Cell and Environment (2008) 31, 941–953 doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3040.2008.01806.x

    © 2008 The AuthorsJournal compilation © 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 941


  • (Tcherkez et al. 2004; Brandes et al. 2006).Transitory starch,the origin of phloem-loaded sugars during the night, cancarry d13C signatures up to about 4‰ greater than triose-Poriginating directly from the Calvin–Benson cycle(Gleixner et al. 1998).

    The occurrence of diel variations and intra-plant gradi-ents in d13C of organic matter are directly relevant toapproaches that use the isotopic signature of CO2 exchangefluxes at the ecosystem level for the reconstruction of indi-vidual sinks and sources (Yakir & Wang 1996; Bowling,Tans& Monson 2001; Pataki et al. 2003; Badeck et al. 2005) asthe isotopic signature of the organic substrate for respira-tion is imprinted on the respired CO2 (Barbour et al. 2005;Knohl et al. 2005). In addition, the interpretation of d13Cin different plant materials as a time-integrating proxy forenvironmental effects on ratio of mole fractions of CO2inside and outside the leaf (ci/ca) may be complicated bypost-carboxylation changes of d13C (Gessler, Rennenberg &Keitel 2004; Helle & Schleser 2004).

    At the leaf level, the impact of post-carboxylation isotopeeffects has been assessed using the modelling approach ofTcherkez et al. (2004). Those authors examined the originof the non-statistical intramolecular distribution of 13C inhexoses by relating it to the reactions of plant primarycarbon metabolism. The model takes into account C-Cbond-breaking reactions of the Calvin cycle and gives amathematical expression for the isotope ratios in hexoses inthe steady state. While the estimated fractionations associ-ated with transketolase and aldolase enzymes are sensitiveto the flux of starch synthesis parameterized in the model, itis unequivocally predicted that a day–night difference incarbon isotopic composition of leaf-exported carbon shouldoccur, with a 13C enrichment in the dark period when starchis decomposed to give dark sucrose and a 13C depletion inthe light because of the use of 12C-enriched triose phos-phates from the chloroplast to produce day sucrose. If true,this prediction would be significant, because it would con-tribute to explaining the isotopic differences betweenorgans outlined earlier. However, until now, there has beenno direct experimental evidence showing such a diurnaloscillation of the d13C of exported carbon.

    In the present study, we therefore tested the 13C-cyclicityprediction of Tcherkez et al. (2004) by analysing d13C indifferent organic matter pools in leaves (non-exportable,exportable), stems (total organic matter and phloem saporganic matter) and roots (total organic matter) during alight–dark cycle in greenhouse-grown Ricinus communisplants. To further assess the cause of inter-organ differencesin carbon isotope composition, we compared the d13C ofprimary assimilates with the exportable and the non-exportable carbon from the leaves and with phloem saporganic matter transported along the stem axis to the roots.In addition, we combined the modelling of isotopic fraction-ation in primary metabolism with the experimental determi-nation of d13C in different plant carbon pools.An agreementbetween measured and predicted values has been observed,showing indeed that post-carboxylation fractionations haveoccurred and correlated with the d13C circadian rhythm. Our

    findings may have pervasive implications, namely, for photo-synthetic isotope discrimination models that aim to explainthe d13C value of plant organic matter.


    Plant material

    Seeds of Ricinus communis L. were germinated in vermicu-lite moistened with 0.5 mm CaSO4.After 13–15 d, the plantswere transferred to 5 L pots with substrate consisting ofcommercial potting soil (two parts) (Floradur; FloragardGmbH, Oldenburg Germany) and Perlite (one part)(Perligran; G, Deutsche Perlite GmbH, Dortmund,Germany). Every third day, the pots were irrigated with tapwater, and after 1 month on substrate, the plants were sup-plied with a commercial fertilizer (0.3% Hakaphos Blau;Compo GmbH, Münster, Germany).

    The plants were cultivated for 35–40 d in a greenhouse(26 � 5 °C) with a 16 h photoperiod provided by naturaldaylight plus mercury-vapour lamps (Osram HQL 400;Osram, Munich, Germany) supplying the plant with aminimum of 300–500 mmol photons m-2 s-1.

    Experimental design

    The d13C of phloem sap-transported organic matter wasdetermined at six different positions (a–f, Fig. 1) along theaxis at six time points {four in the light [1030, 1200, 1630,1900 h (�approx. 1 h)] and two in the dark period [2400,0300 h (�approx. 1 h)]} during a diel course according toGessler et al. (2007a). At each time point, three to fourplants were harvested. Phloem sap was sampled by cuttingthe bark with a scalpel as described by Jeschke & Pate(1991).After sampling of the phloem sap, stem sections witha length of ca. 3 cm were collected from the same positions.In addition, all seven fully expanded leaves (L1–L7) andfine roots (diameter < 2 mm) were harvested at each timepoint for the analysis of carbon isotope composition andcarbon content in total bulk, water-soluble organic matter(WSOM) and water-insoluble organic matter (IOM)(Fig. 1).

    Extraction of different carbon compounds

    All tissue samples (leaves, stem sections and roots) werehomogenized in liquid nitrogen. For the extraction ofWSOM and IOM, 1.5 mL of deionized water was added to0.1 g aliquots of freshly frozen plant material. The mixturewas agitated for 1 h at 4 °C, and then the extract was boiledat 100 °C for 1 min to precipitate proteins and was centri-fuged (12 000 g for 5 min at 4 °C). The supernatant wasconsidered to be the water-soluble (exportable) fractionconsisting mainly of sugars but with some amino acids andorganic acids, and the pellet to be the water-insoluble (non-exportable) fraction (Brandes et al. 2006).

    d13C in starch extracts was analysed in leaves L7, L5, L4and L3 harvested at 1600 h and 0300 h. Determination of

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    © 2008 The AuthorsJournal compilation © 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Plant, Cell and Environment, 31, 941–953

  • d13C in starch was performed by modifying the methoddescribed by Wanek, Heintel & Richter (2001) andGöttlicher et al. (2006). One hundred milligrams of oven-dried leaves were incubated at 70 °C for 30 min in 1.5 mL ofa methanol/chloroform/water solution (12:5:3 v : v : v) tocompletely remove soluble carbohydrates. This step wasrepeated three times, and the samples were kept at 60 °Covernight. The pellets were then incubated with 750 mL ofdemineralized water at 100 °C for 15 min to gelatinize thestarch. Starch hydrolysis was performed by adding 250 mL(equivalent to 1200 U mL-1 demineralized water) of asolution of heat-stable a-amylase from Bacillus lichenifor-mis (Sigma Aldrich GmbH, Munich, Germany). Theenzyme solution was cleaned by filtration with a Vivaspin 15

    regenerated cellulose membrane with a 5000 Da molecularweight cut-off (Sartorius, Göttingen Germany) to removestabilizers. After cooling, the solutions were centrifuged(12 000 g for 5 min) and 450 mL of supernatant was filteredwith cleaned centrifugal ultrafilters (Vivaspin 500, regener-ated cellulose membrane, 10 000 Da molecular weight cut-off; Sartorius). The filtered samples were used for stablecarbon isotope analysis. Blanks without addition of plantmaterial were treated in the same way as the samples. Thesamples were corrected for carbon content and d13C of theblanks.

    Determination of phloem sapsugar concentrations

    For the determination of soluble carbohydrates, 5–10 mL ofphloem sap was diluted to 500 mL with demineralized wateraccording to Keitel et al. (2003). One hundred microlitrealiquots were injected into a high-performance liquidchromatography system (Dionex DX 500; Dionex, Idstein,Germany).Separation of sugars was achieved on a CarboPac1 separation column (250 ¥ 4.1 mm, Dionex) with 36 mmNaOH as an eluent at a flow rate of 1 mL min-1. Carbohy-drates were measured by means of a pulsed amperometricdetector equipped with aAu working electrode (Dionex DX500, Dionex). Individual carbohydrates that eluted 8 to16 min after injection were identified and quantified by inter-nal and external standards. Sucrose was the dominant sugarin the phloem and made up >98% of the total phloem sapsugars. Sucrose carbon was related to total C in the phloemdetermined with an elemental analyser coupled to anisotope ratio mass spectrometer (IRMS) (see further) inorder to check if the relative contribution of sucrose Cchanged over the diel course.

    Gas exchange measurements

    For all leaves at all time points, net CO2 exchange (A) andci/ca (ratio of mole fractions of CO2 inside and outsidethe leaf) were determined before harvest using a portableleaf gas exchange measurement system (LCA 4; ADCBioScientific Ltd., Hoddesdon, UK). Air temperature andrelative air humidity varied between approximately 28.5and 31.5 °C and 55 and 95%, respectively, during the dielcourse (Gessler et al. 2007a). During the light period, pho-tosynthetically active radiation at the upper plant canopylevel was between 320 and 600 mmol m-2 s-1.

    Isotope measurements andisotopic calculations

    Carbon isotope signatures and carbon contents of oven-dried bulk plant material and the different extracts weredetermined using a Delta Plus IRMS (ThermoFinnigan,Bremen, Germany) coupled to an elemental analyser(NA 2500; CE Instruments, Milan, Italy) as described indetail by Keitel et al. (2006) and Brandes et al. (2006). Thesamples which were combusted in tin capsules (IVA















    Fine roots

    Figure 1. Scheme of the plants used in the experiments withsampling positions. For the analysis of phloem sap organicmatter, phloem sap was obtained from six positions along thestem (a–f) at six time points during a diel course. From the sameposition, stem sections were harvested after phloem sampling.The cotyledons (Co1 and Co2) were already dropped at the startof the experiments. Net CO2 exchange, ratio of mole fractions ofCO2 inside and outside the leaf and carbon isotope compositionwere determined for all fully developed leaves (L1–L7) at the sixtime points before they were harvested. In addition, at all timepoints, fine root samples were collected. Mean plant height was0.65 m.

    Diel variations of the carbon isotope composition 943

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  • Analysentechnik, Meerbusch, Germany) contained, onaverage, between 200 and 400 mg organic C. Precision of themeasurements of the standard IAEA-CO-8 (InternationalAtom Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria) was 0.11‰ (1 SD,n = 10). Carbon isotope signatures (d13C in ‰) are pre-sented as the ratios of 13C/12C of a sample relative to theVienna Pee Dee belemnite standard.

    Photosynthetic CO2 discrimination (Di) was calculatedfrom ci/ca according to the following equation (Farquharet al. 1982), which describes a two-stage model (diffusionthrough the stomata followed by carboxylation):

    Δ ii


    = + −( )⋅a b a cc


    where a is the fractionation (4.4‰) related to diffusion inair, and b is the net fractionation during CO2 fixation byRubisco. The ordinary b value used to calculate Di is 27‰,which has been obtained through best fits of experimentalDi response curves. Therefore, this value integrates thedrawdown of the CO2 mole fraction from intercellularspaces to carboxylation sites. We thus used b = 27‰ withEqn 1. In an additional approach, we applied the completemodel for photosynthetic carbon isotope discrimination ofFarquhar et al. (1982) according to the following equation:

    Δ =−


    + +( ) − + −


    ac c


    c cc

    e ac c






    ba s


    s i


    i c










    where cs and cc are the mole fractions of CO2 on the leafsurface and in the chloroplast, respectively; ab, es and al arethe fractionation factors associated with diffusion throughthe boundary layer (2.9‰), with dissolution of CO2 (0.7‰)and with diffusion of CO2 in water (1.1‰), respectively. InEqn 2, we used a fractionation factor b of 29.5‰ [pureribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) carboxylation fraction-ation]. The symbols e and f represent the fractionationsassociated with day respiration Rd and with photorespira-tion; k is the carboxylation efficiency, and G* is the CO2compensation point in the absence of day respiration.

    We estimated mesophyll conductance (gi) from its rela-tionship with assimilation rate as shown by von Caemmerer& Evans (1991) for various C3 species, and calculated ccfrom the relation cc = ci - A/gi. In order to account for theuncertainty of such an estimate, we calculated cc not onlyfor the gi computed as described but also for gi values 30%greater and less.Tcherkez (2006) gave a range for f from 7.0to 13.7‰. Fractionation associated with glycine carboxylaseamounts to 20‰, and is thought to roughly equal 2f, so avalue of 10‰ for f seems reasonable, given that G*/ca isapproximately 0.1. The day respiratory fractionation, e, isthought to be less significant because the factor Rd/(kca)is so small (typically 0.02). Dark (as opposed to day) respi-ratory fractionation was shown to vary for several speciesunder non-stressed condition between -8.1 and -0.1‰

    (calculated from data in Duranceau et al. 1999; Ghashghaieet al. 2001).We used the value for dark respiratory fraction-ation in R. communis in Eqn 2, which was -2‰ (Gessleret al., unpublished data) and was thus well within the rangeof the previously observed values.

    We acknowledge that e might strongly change with envi-ronmental conditions and during the day–night cycle, andthe assumption of a fixed value during the day mightintroduce some small error in the calculations of D.However, even if a variation of e between +10 and -10‰is assumed (cf. Ghashghaie et al. 2003), the day respirationterm will only vary between approximately +0.2 and-0.2‰.

    To calculate d13C values of newly produced organicmatter (d13Cp) from photosynthetic discrimination (Di or D),we applied the following equation:

    δ δ1313




    CO i




    d13C of CO2 δ 13 2CCO( ) from the greenhouse air was deter-mined to be -8.0 � 0.3‰ as the mean value during the dielcourse.

    In order to calculate mean canopy d13C values for a giventime point, the carbon isotope compositions of differentcarbon fractions of single leaves were weighted for totalleaf carbon content (mol leaf-1). To calculate mean diurnal(daytime) or diel (day and night) d13C values, carbonisotope composition was weighted according to Cernusak,Farquhar & Pate (2005) by photosynthesis or carboncontent:

    weighted CC

    orC C

    δ δ13

    13 13

    =⋅ ⋅

    ⋅ ⋅



    ∫A dt

    A dt





    where A C⋅∫ δ 13 is the light period and C C dt%⋅ ⋅∫ δ 13 thelight period or diel integral of the product of A and d13C,and C% and d13C, respectively, and A dt⋅∫ and C dt%⋅∫ arethe light period or diel integrals of photosynthesis andcarbon content.

    Isotope model

    The modelling approach of Tcherkez et al. (2004), basedon the fractionating enzymatic reactions of the primarycarbon metabolism, is used here. A general schemedescribing the main steps considered is given in Fig. 2. Thecarbon isotope composition of sucrose produced in thelight or during the night is calculated with the steady-stateequations (forward modelling) given in the Appendix ofTcherkez et al. (2004). Further details on the equationsmay be found in this reference. Briefly, the isotope ratios13C/12C in all the C atom positions of carbohydrate mol-ecules are expressed in the steady-state with mass balanceequations. With a substitution procedure, we obtain linearfunctions of the isotope ratio in C-1 of chloroplastic3-phosphoglyceraldehyde (further denoted as RG). RG is asfollows:

    944 A. Gessler et al.

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  • RR


    a a T aG


    + − ++

    + ′( )⎛⎝⎜⎞⎠⎟ + −( )1




    2 12 2 4Φ ε ε�(5)

    where �aT

    a aT a

    ii i


    =+ −

    + + − + −( )

    1 22 1

    32 1 2




    ′ =+( )

    + − +( )( )ε

    � �� �

    t a at a a

    1 3 3

    2 2 2

    3 23 1 2 1 3



    t Tti



    1 33

    for i = 1, 2 or 3, and ε = a a3 3� ,

    where F is the oxygenation-to-carboxylation ratio vo/vc, gthe isotope fractionation associated with CO2 productionfrom glycine (glycine decarboxylation), and T the relativeflux of starch synthesis.The isotope ratio of the carbon input

    (R*) is calculated with the ci/ca values obtained at differenttimes (1000, 1200, 1600, 1900 h) weighted with assimilationof the leaves placed above the phloem sap collecting point.The use of the simplified model for photosynthetic carbonisotope discrimination seems justified as the applicationof the more complex approach (Eqn 2) did not result indifferent values for the isotopic composition of primaryassimilates (see RESULTS section). The photorespirationrelative rate F is calculated with the ci value, assuming aRubisco specificity factor of 90 and a CO2 compensationpoint in the absence of dark respiration (G*) of 40 mmolmol-1 (ci). This rate is within the range 0.46–0.61. The starchsynthesis rate (T) is obtained, for each measurement time,using the rate of increase in leaf IOM during the day(source data not shown). The value obtained (in moles ofhexoses directed to starch per moles of net fixed CO2) isnear 0.05. The inverse isotope effects associated with the

    (a) (b)







    Export to peroxisomes and mitochondria



    FBP Starch

    Regeneration ofRuBP





    Water–soluble OM








    n o/n






    T ª 0.05 –25.1‰Other compounds


    E ª 0.12–0.16 E/3





    No equilibratio

    n of chloropla


    and cytosolic t


    No fractionationduring export per se




    Bold values: measured delta valuesValues in italics: modelled delta values



    Respiratory CO2

    Averaged c /c

    F value

    Day increase in insoluble material

    T value

    Δ value

    R* value

    RG value

    Rchl and Rcyt values

    G * a, b

    ai, ti, g

    ai, ti

    = Rtransitory starch = Rday sucrose

    Averaged c /ca


    Day increase in insoluble material

    T value

    Δ value

    R* value

    R value

    R and R values


    Averaged c /c


    Day increase in insoluble material

    T value

    Δ value

    R* value

    R value

    R and R values

    Averaged ci/c


    Day increase in insoluble material

    T value

    Δ value

    R* value

    R value

    R and R values


    = R = R

    Figure 2. Main steps and assumptions considered in the isotopic model of Tcherkez et al. (2004) used in the present paper. (a) shows abrief scheme of the steps of calculations leading to the modelled isotopic ratio R of transitory starch and day sucrose. The model takesinto account the fractionations of the chemical reactions that are involved in modifying C-C bonds: ribulose 1·5-bisphosphatecarboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco), (trans)aldolase, transketolase and glycine decarboxylase. (b) shows the main carbon fluxes consideredin the model and gives a comparison between measured (bold) and modelled (italics) isotopic values. The starch synthesis flux (in molesof hexoses per mole of CO2 fixed) is T. Its average value is approximately 0.05 and has been determined from the rate of increase in leafwater-insoluble organic matter (IOM) during the day. Export from the chloroplast represents a flux E, from which E/3 is directed toglycolysis and E/3 to hexose synthesis. E ranges between approximately 0.12 and 0.16 (in moles of dihydroxyacetone phosphate per moleof CO2 fixed) and is calculated from no/nc (= F) and T as follows (see Tcherkez et al. 2004 for details): E = 1/3 - F/6 - 2T. In thecytoplasm, 2E/3 is consumed for sucrose synthesis and E/3 for the production of other carbon compounds and for respiration. The fluxesdenoted with solid arrows are day fluxes; those denoted with dotted arrows are night fluxes. Typical observed and calculated d13C valuesfor ratio of mole fractions of CO2 inside and outside the leaf (ci/ca) = 0.7 are given in bold and italic, respectively. RuBP,ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate; G3P, 3-phosphoglyceraldehyde; DHAP, dihydroxyacetone phosphate; FBP, fructose bisphosphate; vo/vc,oxygenation-to-carboxylation ratio; G*, CO2 compensation point in the absence of dark respiration; D, photosynthetic carbon isotopediscrimination; R*, isotope ratio of the carbon input; ai, isotope effects associated with the aldolase reaction; ti, isotope effects of thetransketolase reaction; g, carbon isotope fractionation associated with photorespiratory glycine decarboxylation; RG, isotope ratio in C-1of chloroplastic 3-phosphoglyceraldehyde; Rchl and Rcyt, isotope ratios of chloroplastic and cytoplasmatic hexoses, respectively; OM,organic matter.

    Diel variations of the carbon isotope composition 945

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  • aldolase (a2, a3, a4) and the tranketolase (t1, t2) reactions arethose found by Tcherkez et al. (2004) using the isotoperatios found in glucose in typical conditions (by reversemodelling): a2 = 1.0012, a3 = 1.0058, a4 = 1.0161, t1 = 0.9924,t2 = 1.0008. The isotope effect associated with glycine decar-boxylation was set to 1.020 as indicated by the latter authorsand Tcherkez (2006). In such a framework, the average(whole molecule) isotope ratios are

    Ra a t


    a Rchl G= ′ +⎛⎝⎞⎠ + +


    ⎞⎠ +




    1 22 2 22


    14ε ε

    � � �(6)

    in chloroplastic hexoses and transitory starch, and





    Rcyt G= ++( )

    +′ +







    23 1









    ε ε ��


    in cytoplasmic hexoses (and thus in day sucrose).

    Statistical approaches

    All statistical analyses were performed using NCSS 2004(Number Cruncher Statistical Software, Kaysville, UT,USA). Differences in d13C between time points and/ordifferent positions were determined using analysis of vari-ance (anova) (general linear model anova). For varianceanalysis, the position was nested within a time point.Assimilation-weighted daily averages of d13C in primaryassimilates were compared with other carbon pools byapplying the two-sided Student’s t-test.


    Diel courses of net photosynthesis and ci/ca

    Net CO2 exchange rate was not different among leavesL3–L7 (L7: youngest leaf at the top) during the whole dielcourse but was significantly lower during the day in theoldest leaves L1 and L2 at the bottom of the canopy (Fig. 3).In the light, net assimilation of the upper five leaves (L3–L7) was between 6.2 and 10.6 mmol CO2 m-2 s-1 withmaxima during midday and during the late afternoon.Respiratory CO2 emission in the dark ranged between 1.4and 2.8 mmol CO2 m-2 s-1. ci/ca did not differ significantlyamong leaves L3–L7. Leaf area-weighted mean values ofci/ca increased from 0.58 to 0.78 between 1030 and 1630 hand decreased again until 1900 h.

    d13C in different organic carbon pools ofthe leaves

    In the WSOM (exportable) fraction, there were only slightdifferences in d13C among leaves between 1030 and 1630 h(Fig. 4a). In the evening and during the dark period,however, a stronger gradient was observed within thecanopy. The difference in d13C between the leaves of theupper canopy and L1/L2 was up to 2.2‰. During the dielcourse, weighted mean canopy d13C decreased from -26.1‰

    at 1030 h to ca. -26.6‰ at 1200 h. Between 1630 and 1900 h,d13C increased by 1‰, and nocturnal values were between-24.8 and -25.0‰.

    A significant increase in d13C from the lower to the upperpart of the canopy was observed in IOM (non-exportable)of leaves during the whole diel course (Fig. 4b). Maximumdifferences between L1 and L7 observed at 1630 h were4.2‰. The diel pattern was inverted compared with WSOMwith maxima between 1200 and 1630 h and minima duringthe night.

    The d13C values in the starch extracts were not signifi-cantly different among leaves L3, L4, L5 and L7 (rangingfrom -24.9 to -25.3‰, Table 1) and this is consistent withtheir similar ci/ca values (Fig. 3). The d13C values of starchwere similar in the light (mean value of leaves L3, L4, L5and L7 at 1600 h: -25.0 � 0.6‰) and in darkness (at 0300 h:-25.2 � 0.7‰), and were comparable with mean canopyleaf WSOM in the night (Figs 2 & 4).

    d13C in organic carbon pools along the stemaxis and in the roots

    Within the canopy, d13C of total organic matter (Fig. 5a) instem sections decreased from the top (f) to the lower part(c). This gradient was most pronounced during the lightperiod. In contrast, d13C did not differ significantly among







    A (



    –2 s


    L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7

    Time of the day



















    c i/ c


    Figure 3. Net photosynthesis A and ratio of mole fractions ofCO2 inside and outside the leaf (ci/ca) of all seven leaves (L1–L7)of the examined Ricinus communis plants during the diel course.Data shown are mean values (n = 3 - 4). The line refers to theleaf area-weighted mean values (�SD as error bars). The greyfields denote the dark period. L1 and L2 are the oldest leaves atthe base of the canopy; L7 is the youngest leaf at the top (cf.Fig. 1 in Materials and Methods).

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  • stem sections below the leaves (a–c). Total organic carbonof fine roots was, however, enriched in 13C by up to 1.6‰ ascompared with the lowermost stem section. There was adistinct diel pattern in d13C values of stem sections and rootswith a minimum at 1900 h and a maximum during the nightand a mean peak-to-peak variation of 0.6‰.

    The diel amplitude was higher for d13C in phloem saporganic matter (Fig. 5b). Minimum d13C values between-28.3 and -29.9‰ were observed at midday, whereas lowest13C depletion occurred during the night resulting in d13Cvalues of -23.7 to -24.9‰. In contrast to total organicmatter in stem sections, there was no difference in d13C ofphloem sap organic matter among different sampling posi-tions. There were slight variations in sucrose carbon andtotal carbon concentrations during the diel course, but the

    relative contribution of sucrose carbon was always around90% (Table 2).

    Comparison of d13C of leaf and leaf-exportedcarbon pools

    There was a highly significant negative regression relationbetween mean canopy-weighted d13C of leaf IOM and(1) leaf WSOM [d13C leaf WSOM (‰) = -1.97 ¥ d13C leafIOM (‰) - 80.3 (‰), R2 = 0.94, P = 0.0012] and (2) phloemsap organic matter [d13C phloem (‰) = -4.39 ¥ d13C leafIOM (‰) - 147.6 (‰), R2 = 0.84, P = 0.01, for phloem sapcollected at position d directly below the canopy] during thewhole diel course. This finding shows the close couplingbetween the water-insoluble and the two soluble pools, thatis, any 13C enrichment in insoluble C is compensated by a13C depletion in soluble C, and vice versa. In addition, thed13C of mean canopy-weighted leaf WSOM was significantlycorrelated with phloem sap organic matter (at position d)[d13C phloem (‰) = 1.97 ¥ d13C leaf WSOM (‰) + 24.6(‰), R2 = 0.84, P = 0.01]. The nocturnal d13C values in leafWSOM and phloem sap organic matter were comparable tod13C in starch (cf. Fig. 2) indicating this carbon pool to bethe source for sugars exported from the leaves to thephloem in the dark.

    Photosynthesis-weighted mean daily d13C value forprimary assimilates (calculated from ci/ca according toEqns 1, 3 & 4) was -26.3‰ (Fig. 6). When taking intoaccount fractionation associated with photorespiration andday respiration as well as estimated mesophyll conductanceand cc for calculating photosynthetic discrimination, thed13C for primary assimilates amounted to -25.9‰ and thusdid not strongly differ from the ci/ca derived value. The greybar in Fig. 6 shows the range for gi values being 30% higherand lower than the one calculated according to vonCaemmerer & Evans (1991).The value calculated from ci/cadid not differ significantly from the d13C of the leaf WSOMand the phloem sap carbon pool averaged over the light






















    L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7

    Water–insoluble organic matter (ISOM)


    Time of the day

    Water–solubleorganic matter (WSOM)

    Time P < 0.001 Position P < 0.001

    Time P < 0.001 Position P < 0.001


    d13 C



    Figure 4. d13C in (a) water-soluble organic natter (WSOM) and(b) non-exportable water-insoluble organic matter (IOM), in allseven leaves (L1–L7) of Ricinus communis during the dielcourse. Data shown are mean values (n = 3 - 4). In addition, thecanopy weighted mean values (bold line + SD as error bars) aredisplayed. To calculate canopy weighted mean values, the d13Cof single leaves was weighted for total leaf carbon content (molleaf-1). The effects of position and time as calculated with thegeneral linear model anova procedure are given. The grey fieldsdenote the dark period.

    Table 1. Carbon isotope composition of starch extracted fromdifferent leaves at two time points

    1600 h (day) 0300 h (night)

    L7 -24.9 � 0.3 a A -25.1 � 0.5 a AL5 -24.9 � 0.3 a A -25.2 � 0.4 a AL4 -25.0 � 1.0 a A -25.2 � 0.9 a AL3 -25.1 � 0.9 a A -25.3 � 0.8 a AMean -25.0 � 0.6 A -25.2 � 0.7 A

    The position of leaves L3, L4, L5 and L7 is given in Fig. 1. Datashown are mean values (�SD) in parts ‰ (n = 4). The mean valueper time point is weighted for leaf area. Different leaves at a giventime point that share the common lower case letter ‘a’ are notsignificantly different [one-way analysis of variance (anova) withTukey–Kramer post hoc test, P < 0.05] in d13C. Leaves from thesame position (and mean values) that share the common uppercase letter ‘A’ are not different between the two different timepoints (Student’s t-test, P < 0.05).

    Diel variations of the carbon isotope composition 947

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  • period, but was significantly 13C enriched compared withdaytime total organic matter and IOM. During the night,both phloem sap and leaf WSOM were significantly 13Cenriched compared with daytime primary assimilates calcu-lated from ci/ca. Integrated over the whole diel course, thenon-exportable carbon was significantly depleted in 13Ccompared with the newly assimilated organic carbon,

    whereas the leaf exportable and the phloem sap fractionwere slightly albeit not significantly enriched.

    Comparison of the d13C values withthe predicted day/night oscillations

    The d13C values of the organic matter transported in thephloem may be predicted, assuming that (1) during the lightperiod, phloem sap organic matter essentially containssucrose produced in the light through triose phosphatesaldolization and sucrose synthesis, and (2) during the night,phloem sap organic matter comes from the degradation oftransitory starch into sucrose (cf. Fig. 2). Using ci/ca valuesto obtain the isotopic composition of photosynthetic CO2input, the d13C values of both day and night sucrose werecalculated (see Materials and Methods). The results areshown as a function of time in Fig. 7a. The predicted valuesare very similar for all the a, d, e and f levels, and Fig. 7ashows the calculated time course associated with stem posi-tion f only. The model predicts a large oscillation of thephloem d13C value, and this is more or less consistent withthe observed values.

    Figure 7, inset in panel b gathers all the data points asso-ciated with the four different levels, a, d, e and f, into dayand night values, and predicted values are plotted againstthe observed ones. It can be seen that the relationship iswithin the 1:1 neighbourhood. A linear regression analysisyielded an R2 of 0.25 (P = 0.017). The remaining variabilityvirtually disappears when average day and night values areused (Fig. 7b, R2 = 0.95, P < 0.001). This indicates that themodel satisfactorily accounts for the diel 13C oscillations,but this may be better demonstrated with average values,simply because phloem sap organic matter integrates thecarbon input from leaves rather slowly (see DISCUSSIONsection).

    Comparison between d13C of carbon poolsalong the axis

    Mean diel d13C did not differ in the phloem sap organicmatter among sampling positions but decreased in totalorganic carbon of stem sections in the basipetal directionalong the stem (Table 3). These patterns resulted in totalcarbon of stem sections being significantly 13C depleted ascompared with phloem sap organic matter at the stem base(axis position a). The mean diel d13C in total carbon in fine





































    a b c d e f


    d13 C


    l (‰


    Time P < 0.001Position n.s.



    em (


    Time of the day

    a b c d e f Roots

    Time P < 0.05Position P < 0.001


    Figure 5. d13C in total organic matter in stem sections and fineroots (a) and in phloem sap organic matter (b) along the axis (a–f)of Ricinus communis during the diel course. Position a denotes thesampling position at the stem base; f is the uppermost stem posi-tion harvested (cf. Fig. 1; Materials and Methods). Data shown aremean values (n = 3-4). The average standard errors of the meanvalues for all tissues sections and time points are given as errorbars. In addition, effects of position along the axis and time ond13C as calculated with the general linear model anova procedureare given. n.s., not significant.

    Table 2. Sucrose carbon and total carbonconcentration and relative contributionof sucrose carbon to total carbon in thephloem sap of Ricinus communis during thediel course

    Time of the daySucrose Cconcentration (M) Total C concentration (M) Sucrose C: total C

    1030 h 3.46 � 0.28 3.79 � 0.45 0.91 � 0.121200 h 3.66 � 0.22 4.02 � 0.33 0.91 � 0.081630 h 3.58 � 0.25 3.95 � 0.43 0.91 � 0.121900 h 3.59 � 0.18 4.03 � 0.39 0.89 � 0.102400 h 3.46 � 0.23 3.77 � 0.25 0.92 � 0.080300 h 3.30 � 0.20 3.74 � 0.32 0.88 � 0.09

    Data shown are mean values � SE from phloem sampling position C (see Fig. 1). n = 3–4.

    948 A. Gessler et al.

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  • roots was more positive compared with total carbon at thestem base and was slightly – albeit not significantly – 13Cenriched as compared with phloem sap organic matter.


    In the present study, we aimed at characterizing post-carboxylation carbon isotope fractionation in leaves duringthe diel course and its effect on d13C of carbon pools withinand exported from leaves. For this purpose, we measuredthe carbon isotope composition of exportable and non-exportable leaf and phloem sap organic matter and com-pared the values with the ones calculated with a model,taking into account the carbon isotope fractionations in thereactions of the primary carbon metabolism (Tcherkez et al.2004, Materials and Methods and Fig. 2). In order to assesspotential fractionation in heterotrophic tissues, we charac-terized the d13C of phloem sap organic matter along the axisand compared it with total organic matter in stem segmentsand fine roots of R. communis.

    The circadian rhythm of d13C values inphloem organics

    Clearly, the present study shows that there is a circadianrhythm of the 13C abundance in leaf WSOM and in phloem

    sap, that is, in organic molecules exported by leaves (Figs 4b& 5b). This phenomenon was predicted by Tcherkez et al.(2004) on a metabolic basis. Briefly, during the light period,the production of sucrose in the cytoplasm involves 13C-depleted triose phosphates exported from the chloroplast.The 13C depletion is a consequence of transitory starchsynthesis, which favours 13C during intra-chloroplastic fruc-tose production by aldolase (Gleixner & Schmidt 1997).During the night, sucrose synthesis involves starch degra-dation and, so, uses 13C-enriched carbon. As a result, anoscillation between light- and dark-exported sucrose isexpected (Fig. 2).

    The comparison of the observed values of phloem saporganic matter to d13C calculated using the model ofTcherkez et al. (2004) is shown in Fig. 7. While the modelreproduces well the range in which day and night values vary,there are some discrepancies along the time course (Fig. 7a).As a result, there is some noise around the 1:1 relationshipbetween observed and predicted values (Fig. 7b, inset). Nev-ertheless, we note that this is almost eliminated when dayand night average values are used. This reflects the fact thatthe predicted values calculated with instantaneous ci/ca mea-sured values (photosynthesis weighted for several leaves)cannot fully account for the phloem sap organic matter 13Ccontent. This effect might originate from (1) a lag phase



















    organic matter



    Integrated light period Integrated night period Integrated day–night cycle




    Figure 6. Mean daytime d13C of primary assimilates compared with mean d13C of foliar water-soluble organic matter (WSOM), total andwater-insoluble organic matter (IOM) as well as to phloem sap organic matter during the light and dark period and during the fullday–night cycle. The d13C of primary assimilates was calculated according to Eqns 1 and 3 and was weighted for the assimilation rate(Eqn 4). The star shows the calculated mean daytime d13C value of primary assimilates taking into account the chloroplastic CO2concentration (cc) as well as fractionation because of photorespiration and day respiration (Eqn 2). cc was estimated with a gi value ascalculated according to von Caemmerer & Evans (1991). The grey bar covers the range of calculated daytime mean d13C when gi values30% higher and lower than the value calculated according to von Caemmerer & Evans (1991) were assumed. The d13C of the differentother fractions in leaves were weighted for carbon content (cf. Eqn 4). The d13C of the phloem sap organic matter sampled below thecanopy (position c cf. Fig. 1, Materials and Methods) was weighted for time and phloem sap carbon content. Data shown are mean values�SD from three to four plants. * indicates significant differences from primary assimilates calculated according to Eqn 1 (Student’s t-test,P < 0.05).

    Diel variations of the carbon isotope composition 949

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  • between the instantaneous production of photosynthatesand phloem accumulation in the stem because of a turnovertime of leaf sugars in Ricinus amounting to approximately2 h (Gessler et al. 2007a) plus the time needed to transfernewly assimilated photosynthates from the leaf to the

    phloem cells (as observed by Barbour et al. 2000 and Keitelet al. 2003 with isotopic techniques), which the model doesnot account for, and (2) the probable heterogeneous exportefficiency of the different leaves (Jeschke & Pate 1991).Theprevalence of a given leaf in exported phloem materialaffects the overall 13C abundance, if its ci/ca value is not veryclose to the average ci/ca value. Another reason for ourobservation might be (3) the complexity of the phloemnetwork,which may introduce carbon from leaves below thephloem collecting points (Turgeon 2006). As sucrose madeup approximately 90% of the carbon transported in thephloem as also observed previously by Peuke et al. (2001)and the sucrose proportion did not change over the dielcourse, there is no reason to assume that changes in thechemical composition of the phloem sap are responsible forthe variations observed in d13C.

    The relationship with leaf carbohydrates

    There is also a (modest) circadian rhythm of the d13C valueof leaf IOM (Fig. 4b). This is likely the result of starchaccumulation (increase of d13C in the morning) and remo-bilization (slight decrease of d13C at night). The inversecorrelation between d13C in leaf IOM and leaf WSOM orphloem sap organic matter (see Results) indeed reflects theinfluence of diel starch dynamics on 13C enrichment ordepletion in phloem-transported sugars. This is consistentwith the fact that the carbon isotope composition of phloemsap organic matter equals that of starch in the night-time(cf. Fig. 2). The present diel cycle of d13C in phloem organicmatter and its correlation with starch dynamics is in strongagreement with previous observations. In sunflower, Ghash-ghaie et al. (2001) determined differences in the d13C offoliar sucrose between light and dark periods of ca. 1‰,with d13C values at night being close to those of starch.Brandes et al. (2006) report day–night differences in thed13C of phloem exudates of >1‰ with Pinus sylvestris. Theauthors showed that the increase in the d13C of phloem-transported organic matter during the night was associatedwith starch breakdown. Gessler et al. (2007b) observed thatthe d13C signatures of phloem sap organic matter in Euca-lyptus delegatensis followed the carbon isotope compositionof carbon released from starch in the dark period.

    Unsurprisingly, we note that the diel oscillation in d13Cwas more pronounced in phloem sap than in leaf WSOM(Figs 4 & 5); this effect is simply the consequence of differ-ent compositions of the carbon pools: phloem-transportedorganic matter of many plant species including R. commu-nis (Pate et al. 1998; Peuke et al. 2001; Keitel et al. 2003)mainly consists of sucrose (Table 2), while WSOM is moreheterogeneous and contains various carbohydrates, organicacids, amino acids with potentially various turnover times(Brandes et al. 2006).

    12C/13C distribution within the plant

    The diel rhythm of carbon accumulation in the light andremobilization in the dark period has a consequence for the


































    –28 –27 –26 –25 –24







    d13 C



    Time of the day

    a d e f Model

    –32 –30 –28 –26 –24 –22









    ed d





    Day values Night values

    1:1 line


    Observed d13C values (‰)

    Figure 7. Comparison of observed d13C values of phloem sapsugars collected in the present study with the values predictedusing the model of Tcherkez et al. (2004) for day sucrose (dayvalues) and transitory starch (night values). (a) Time courseof both observed (stem positions a, d, e and f; the thin linedenotes the mean value for the four positions) and predictedvalues (stars). The day values take into account thephotosynthesis-weighted average of ratio of mole fractions ofCO2 inside and outside the leaf of leaves above the phloemcollecting point. The night values take into account the lag phaseassociated with the degradation of the most recent starch first,because of the lamellar structure of leaf transitory starch. Forfurther details, see the section Materials and Methods. Tofacilitate the readability of the graph, the predicted values areshown for level f only. The other predicted values are very similar(within � 0.15‰). The grey fields denote the dark period.(b) Relationship between observed and predicted values byplotting them against each other, using the average day (opensymbols) and night (closed symbols) values obtained at thedifferent plant levels. Inset: relationship between observed andpredicted values by plotting them against each other using datafrom single time points instead of day and night averages. As in(b), open symbols denote day, and closed symbols denote nightvalues. The straight lines show the 1:1 relationship.

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  • d13C value of the different leaf carbon pools, and, by inte-gration over time, for the isotopic composition of leafmaterial compared with the exported material. The meandiurnal, nocturnal and diel d13C values of different carbonpools calculated according to Eqn 4 are shown in Fig. 6.Whereas during the light period d13C of exportable (leafWSOM) and exported organic carbon (in the phloem sap)did not differ significantly from ‘primary assimilates’ (i.e.net assimilated carbon, calculated with ci/ca), both export-able and phloem sap fractions were slightly isotopicallyheavier than net assimilated carbon when night values wereincluded. On a mass balance basis, it means that, integratedover the whole day, an amount of lighter carbon remains inthe leaves (IOM in Fig. 6). Taking into account photorespi-ration and day respiration as well as the drawdown of theCO2 concentration between the leaf intercellular spacesand the chloroplast for calculating photosynthetic fraction-ation did not change this picture (Fig. 6, left-hand side) asthe simplified model used a lesser value for the effectivefractionation by Rubisco.

    In different plant species, post-carboxylation carbonisotope fractionation was also postulated to take place inthe stem (Terwilliger et al. 2001; Helle & Schleser 2004).Weobserved a tendency for total carbon along the plant axis tobe increasingly 13C depleted as compared with the respec-tive carbon source (phloem sap organic matter) in thebasipetal direction (Table 3). As lignification is more pro-nounced at the stem base because of secondary thickening,a more intensive allocation of phloem-released carbon tothis generally 13C depleted pool (Hobbie & Werner 2004)might explain the observed pattern.

    Phloem sap organic matter, however, did not showchanges in d13C as it was transported in the basipetal direc-tion, which is in contrast to the observations in variouswoody species of 13C enrichment of phloem-transportedsugars from the twigs to the trunk base (Gessler et al. 2004;Brandes et al. 2007). Our results point to the fact that thecontinuous phloem unloading and partial retrieval of sugarsalong the transport path, which is postulated to be a majorcharacteristic of assimilate transport in the sieve tubes

    (Minchin & Thorpe 1987; Van Bel 2003), does not result in13C enrichment in the stem of R. communis. It remains to beclarified if these differences among species are due to dif-ferent transport distances, differences in metabolic pro-cesses in the stems/trunks and/or differences in phloemloading/unloading mechanisms.

    In contrast to the lower stem sections, the d13C of roottotal organic carbon was not significantly different in d13Cfrom the carbon source (i.e. phloem sap organic matter atthe lowermost stem position, Table 3). The differencebetween mean diel d13C of leaf (-27.2‰) and root totalorganic matter (-25.7‰), which is in agreement with theliterature results compiled by Badeck et al. (2005), may, inour case, be due to fractionation processes during carbonexport from the leaves with isotopically lighter carbonremaining in the autotrophic tissues (Fig. 6). When weassume that phloem carbon is transferred to the roots uni-directionally with no recycling of carbon from the roots tothe shoots (with other potential fractionation steps), d13C ofthe root sink tissue should be the same as d13C of the sourcefor organic carbon. However, there are recent indicationsthat carbohydrates are also transported from the roots inthe acropetal direction (Heizmann et al. 2001). We also rec-ognize that other processes such as the production of 13C-depleted respired CO2 (associated with CO2 re-fixation byphosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase) in roots may contributeto this effect (Badeck et al. 2005; Klumpp et al. 2005;Bathellier et al. 2008).

    Consequences for isotope ecology

    The present study provides experimental evidence that themodelling approach developed by Tcherkez et al. (2004),which takes into account isotope fractionation of enzymaticreactions of the primary carbon metabolism, satisfactorilypredicts the day–night differences in d13C of leaf-exportedcarbon in R. communis. We have tested the modellingapproach with one species, but there is evidence that com-parable day–night variations related to the transitory starchmetabolism occur with other species (e.g. Tcherkez et al.

    Table 3. Mean diel d13C of phloem saporganic matter compared with total organicmatter of stems and roots


    d13C (‰) phloemsap organic matter

    d13C (‰) totalorganic matter

    Differencebetween pools

    Stem f -25.8 � 0.6 a -25.8 � 0.5 abStem c -25.8 � 0.7 a -26.4 � 0.4 bcStem a -26.0 � 0.5 a -26.7 � 0.4 c *Roots -26.0 � 0.5a -25.7 � 0.3 a

    ad13C of phloem sap organic matter at stem position a.Phloem sap and stem total organic matter are compared at three positions along the stem (cf.Fig. 1, Materials and Methods). Position f is within the canopy, c directly below the canopyand a at the stem base. d13C of fine root total carbon is compared with the isotope compo-sition of phloem sap organic matter at position a. d13C has been weighted for carbon contentand time (Eqn 4). Greek letters indicate homogenous groups for phloem sap organic matterand total organic matter among different sample positions (general linear model anova witha Tukey–Kramer post hoc test, P < 0.05). The asterisk in column four indicates significantdifferences (Student’s t-test, P < 0.05) between phloem sap and stem total organic matter ata given position.

    Diel variations of the carbon isotope composition 951

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  • 2004; Gessler et al. 2007b) Under the assumption that thecyclic nature is a general pattern in plants, it has importantramifications in isotopic ecophysiology.

    Firstly, if such diel patterns were to occur in trees, theinterpretation of tree ring isotope data would have to takepost-carboxylation events into account (for a quantitativeanalysis, see Tcherkez, Ghashghaie & Griffiths 2007). Forexample, because phloem-transported sugars are the mainC source for organic matter production in trunks, diel varia-tions in d13C may also affect the carbon isotope compositionof whole wood or cellulose in tree rings.We know that thereare indeed diel variations in the expression of key enzymesof lignin biosynthesis in herbaceous plants (Rogers et al.2005). Even though uncertainty remains about such a circa-dian regulation of cellulose and lignin synthesis in trees,the cycling of ring deposition with phloem sap d13C oscilla-tions would affect the carbon isotope composition of treerings and cause deviations from the values calculatedfrom ci/ca.

    Secondly, diel variations in d13C of phloem-transportedorganic matter, which serves as potential substrate for res-piration in heterotrophic plant parts, may also have impli-cations for the partitioning of ecosystem CO2 fluxes usingisoflux approaches (Bowling et al. 2001). These approachesoften assume d13C of ecosystem-emitted CO2 to be constantover day–night cycles. Only recently, this prerequisite hasbeen shown not always to be valid (Werner et al. 2006). Amechanistic understanding of variations in d13C of assimi-lates as affected by post-carboxylation fractionation pro-cesses might at least partially help to explain temporaldynamics in the d13C of respired CO2 and thus might help toimprove measurement and sampling strategies for isofluxapproaches.

    Studies are thus needed to further specify carbontransport/flux pathways within different plant speciesincluding trees in order to build mechanistic models thatare better representations of the carbon metabolism ofthese organisms.


    We would like to thank Kristine Haberer for critical readingof the manuscript and Cristiane Loyola Eisfeld for technicalassistance. A.G. acknowledges financial support by aresearch fellowship from the Deutsche Forschungsgemein-schaft (DFG) under contract number GE 1090/4-1 and by aDFG research grant (GE 1090/5-1). G.D.F. acknowledgesthe Australian Research Council for its support.


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    Received 28 February 2008; accepted for publication 3 March 2008

    Diel variations of the carbon isotope composition 953

    © 2008 The AuthorsJournal compilation © 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Plant, Cell and Environment, 31, 941–953
