excellence and global competitiveness, and (6) · PDF fileexcellence and global...


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excellence and global competitiveness, and (6) optimizing roles in poverty alleviation and social development.

3. The K to 12 Transition Program was thus established by the Commission through Commission En Banc (CEB) Resolution No. 210-2015, offering a series of grants through which higher education personnel with reduced workloads can receive scholarships and other grants to advance content knowledge, be trained in pedagogical tools, promote research productivity, and build capability through immersive learning engagements in various sectors.

4. The K to 12 Transition Program includes the Instruction, Research and Sectoral Engagement (IRSE) Grants, with three main components, namely (1) Instruction, (2) Research, and (3) Sectoral Engagements, through which the Commission affirms the trifocal role of HEIs to (1) provide instruction, (2) conduct research in order to generate new knowledge, and (3) engage in extension activities in order for communities to benefit from knowledge generated and technology developed in HEIs, creating synergies and supporting the education ecosystem, and contributing to local, regional and national development. Further, these efforts indirectly complement those of other government agencies, the non-profit sector, civil society organizations, and the K to 12 basic education program, among others.

5. The Commission hereby issues the Guidelines for Availing of Instruction, Research and Sectoral Engagement (IRSE) Grants under the K to 12 Transition Program . The guidelines herein set forth shall define the procedures, priorities and regulations of the awarding of the grant, designed to fit the particular needs of each grantee, the strategic directions of respective HEIs, the strengthening of higher education, and its potential to contribute to national development.

Article II Grant Components

There are three main components of the IRSE Grants, detailed as follows:

1. Instruction Grants. These are grants for trainings geared primarily toward improving quality of classroom instruction both in content and pedagogy. This includes training in contemporary shifts in higher education, particularly as the country implements the Revised General Education (GE) Curriculum and the updated Policies, Standards and Guidelines (PSGs) for each program, with a strong emphasis on outcomes-based education and lifelong learning or (2) enable HEIs to detail their faculty members to other HEIs through arrangements that include, but are not limited to, local faculty exchange programs or participation in consortia arrangements in geographical areas that lack sufficient supply of delivering experts.

By the end of the engagement, grantees will be able to: (1) apply learnings and insights to their own institutions and disciplines, and adjust teaching practice accordingly, (2) assess their own institutions’ curriculum or teacher training programs, (3) provide input for the alignment of their own programs to the demands of the changing educational landscape, and (4) contribute their academic expertise to benefit a broader audience and meet the development needs of the regions.


Training programs under this component shall be initiated primarily by the Commission, and shall be offered in semester-long durations by delivering HEIs (DHEIs) or other reputable institutions duly accredited by the Commission. This component shall be rolled out in SY 2017-2018.

2. Research Grants. This component aims to increase research, creative, and technological productivity in view of the indispensable importance of research to inform instruction and generate new knowledge, art and technology to develop extension efforts among HEIs and to deepen ethical moorings and cultural rootedness.

By the end of the engagement, grantees will be able to: (1) produce meaningful research geared toward contributing to the body of knowledge in the discipline, either through the publication of journal articles or works of literature, exhibition of works, production of performances, and other forms of public use, (2) incorporate insights from their research experience into classroom instruction, and (3) apply their research towards the creation and refinement of useful technologies.

Grantees may undertake engagements that aim to boost productivity in research and creative work, through either of the following:

a. Research Training Program. The Research Training Program is, like other training programs to be offered under Instruction Grants, a semester-long engagement in a classroom-type setting that will equip trainees with the basic toolkit needed to conduct research for publication, including qualitative and quantitative research methods, research ethics, research project management, and other related topics. The program will be rolled out in SY 2017-2018.

b. Research Projects. These cover research projects for publication in CHED-accredited journals. Research may be new or ongoing, and undertaken individual or collaborative basis.

c. Creative Projects. These cover grants for faculty who wish to engage in arts research or creative projects for publishing, exhibition, production, or other forms of public use, particularly geared toward advancing Philippine culture. Creative projects may likewise be new or ongoing, and may be undertaken individually, or on a collaborative basis.

d. Technology Projects. These cover grants for faculty who want to develop new applications of scientific research, for the purpose of creating blueprints and prototypes as proof of scientific advancement. The work of technology production may likewise be new or ongoing, and may be undertaken individually, or on a collaborative basis.

3. Sectoral Engagement Grants. The Commission recognizes the necessity of complementing theoretical knowledge with practice and application, and seeks to open avenues for knowledge generated in HEIs to be used to solve local problems and fuel innovation, through close collaboration with partners beyond the higher education sector.

By the end of the engagement, grantees will be able to: (1) update their knowledge and align it to practice in the relevant sector/s; and (2) gain insights from on-the-ground experience to inform classroom instruction, particularly in intentionally preparing and equipping learners with knowledge and skills needed for the workplace. Furthermore,


Sending HEIs (SHEIs) are encouraged to include these engagements as part of their existing performance evaluation systems or qualification framework, subject to their policies.

Grantees may assume a variety of roles and tasks under grants hosted by sectoral partners, based on the grantee’s qualifications and skills, and the particular needs of the sectoral partner. Sectoral Engagement Grants are classified by type of sectoral partner: (a) industry, (b) government, or (c) civil society, from a pool of partnerships established by the Commission, or independently entered into by individual HEIs.

Article III General Mechanics

1. The IRSE Grants are particularly designed for faculty and staff who will have reduced work loads at various points in the five-year K to 12 Transition Period. The grant may be taken in those semesters where workload is reduced, and may be spread out over the five-year transition period, as needed.

2. IRSE Grants shall be awarded to individual faculty and qualified non-teaching staff following a process of nomination by their respective sending HEIs (SHEIs), as detailed in Article V.

3. Each grantee may select and combine various components of the grant, provided these are in line with his/her teaching discipline or formal function in the HEI, or the strategic direction of the SHEI, subject to approval of the Commission.

4. The grant may be taken in two possible modes for each semester availed: (1) full-time or (2) part-time . The mode of engagement shall depend on the needs of the grantee and the terms of engagement with the delivering partner.

5. Each grantee may avail of IRSE Grants on a full-time basis for a maximum duration of two (2) cumulative years.

6. A delivering partner shall admit and host grantees under each IRSE Grant component. Among possible delivering partners are:

● Delivering HEIs (DHEIs) or other reputable academic institutions duly recognized by the Commission;

● Government agencies, offices, corporations, and affiliates;● Industry associations, organizations, coalitions, networks, and private

companies; and● Duly accredited non-government organizations (NGOs), civil society

organizations (CSOs), and associations, organizations, coalitions or networks thereof.

7. Under the Sectoral Engagement component, grantees may undertake a range of roles, detailed in Appendix 1: Roles under Sectoral Engagements.

8. The Commission shall endeavor to establish partnerships and shall post a menu of possible engagements specifying possible roles for grantees. The list of postings is not exhaustive and may change and expand throughout the conduct of the program.


9. SHEIs with existing partnerships with sectoral partners may propose to have their nominees avail of the IRSE Grants through delivering partners outside of the menu provided by the Commission, for as long as they can provide proof of existing partnership between their HEI and the delivering partner.

Article IV Eligibility and Justification of Nominations

A. Eligibility of Nominees

SHEIs may nominate their faculty and qualified non-teaching staff for IRSE Grants, provided that the nominee:

1. Is a Filipino citizen;2. If currently serving as faculty, preferably holds a master’s or doctoral degree

relevant to his/her teaching discipline; however, nominees without graduate degrees may also be nominated provided the SHEI provides adequate justification of such nominations;

3. If currently serving as non-teaching staff, must hold at least a bachelor’s degree;

4. Is in good health and of good moral character;5. Demonstrates strong academic record;6. Must not have been convicted of violating any Philippine Law; and7. Will be able to fulfill all the Terms and Conditions of the grant, including a

return service arrangement consistent with the guidelines set by the Commission (See Article VII).

B. Justification for Nomination

Consistent with the principle of academic freedom, the SHEI may nominate faculty and staff for relevant grant components, and may justify such nominations individually and according to one or more of the following:

1. Importance and value to the SHEI , or how the nominee, if he/she were to receive the grant for the particular components so indicated, would enhance the capability of the SHEI to achieve its mission, vision and goals, to serve its particular publics and cohort catchments, or to enrich its offerings, and enrich the quality of instruction in the SHEI; and

2. Importance and value to local, regional, and national development , or how the nominee, if he/she were to receive the grant for the particular components so indicated, would enrich the local community, enhance the capability of the SHEI’s host region and/or the country to achieve stated regional and/or national development goals, particularly in building national competence, and/or national rootedness in history, culture and the arts, especially indigenous Filipino traditions, and/or national morals and ethical values.

3. Importance and value to the discipline or profession , or how the nominee, if he/she were to receive the grants for the particular components so indicated, would enhance the conduct of instruction and/or research in the said discipline through the integration of updated theoretical and applied insights.


Article V Qualifying and Selection Process

1. An SHEI may nominate its faculty or qualified non-teaching staff for IRSE Grants by submitting a batch nomination with all required documents (Refer to Appendix 2: Application Requirements) to the CHED K to 12 Transition Program Management Unit (PMU) by the deadline set by the Commission.

2. A Vetting Panel duly designated by the Commission shall evaluate applications based on the strength of the nomination of the SHEI, how these justifications compare to those of other SHEI nominations, and how these tie in with the academic, professional, and development priorities and needs of the relevant region and of the country. Refer to Appendix 3: Evaluation Criteria.

3. Upon receipt of Notice of Approval, each grantee may apply for an engagement under the component approved for him/her by the Commission, and may select from the menu of possible engagements. Grantees may submit multiple applications, subject to screening by the delivering partner in charge, and subject to the grantee’s confirmation.

4. Upon confirmation of the grantee’s engagement for the semester or academic year, the Commission shall facilitate the disbursal of funds to each individual grantee.

Article VI Grant Modes and Privileges

1. Each engagement under the grant may be undertaken in either full-time or part-time mode in the semester in which it is availed. Full-time engagements shall be equivalent to outputs of 40 person-hours per week, while part-time engagements shall be equivalent to outputs of 20 person-hours per week.

2. Each semester under the grant shall cover a six-month period.

3. Each grantee shall be entitled to financial privileges under the grant, to be released in monthly tranches per semester. However, the Commission shall establish an alternative arrangement for privileges allowed to grantees who hold plantilla positions in State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) in consideration of the annual SUC budget.

4. Grantees undertaking full-time engagements shall receive the full financial benefits of the grant, while grantees with part-time engagements shall receive 50 percent of said benefits. The amount of the grant shall be reviewed and set annually by the Commission. Refer to Appendix 4: Grant Amounts for SY 2016-2017.


Article VII Terms and Conditions

A. Responsibilities

1. The Commission shall:● Endeavor to initiate partnerships with delivering partners nationwide

that are responsive to the needs of the faculty and staff, HEIs, and the community;

● Facilitate the processing of applications and grant transactions, particularly through the creation of an online system that will increase access, efficacy, and speed of transactions;

● Endeavor to provide supplementary funding through other CHED grants or by connecting grantees with providers outside of CHED;

● Ensure the timely disbursal of stipends and grant funds; and● Establish a feedback system to ensure smooth implementation of the


2. The grantee shall:● Undertake engagements under the grant as endorsed by the SHEI

and approved by the Commission, and according to mutually agreed-upon terms with the delivering partner;

● Ensure the utmost quality and timely submission of all required deliverables;

● Secure written permission from the SHEI, the Commission, and the delivering partner before making changes in the engagements;

● Seek written clearance from the Commission and the delivering partner, if applicable, at least two (2) weeks before leaving the country while the Grant Contract is still in force; and

● Fulfill all the terms and conditions of the grant as stipulated herein and in the Grant Contract.

3. The SHEI shall:● Assign a point person from their full-time personnel to coordinate with

the Commission and/or the regional office in charge● Prudently nominate personnel for the purpose of ensuring the

strengthening of the institution;● Commit to give each faculty and staff grantee teaching / work loads in

proportion to the mode and duration of his/her approved engagement/s under the IRSE Grant, in order to ensure that the grantee has enough time to satisfactorily perform his/her role under the IRSE Grant;

● Provide all the benefits due to each grantee according to the law and respective Collective Bargaining Agreements, if applicable;

● Assign a Grant Administrator who shall be in charge of overseeing the implementation of the grant, participate in CHED workshops, coordinate closely with the Commission through the PMU, and act as the point person for grant-related concerns;

● Ensure the timely and accurate submission of all deliverables by each of their nominated grantees, as required by the Commission (e.g., monthly accomplishment reports);


● Maintain an up-to-date profile and supply all other information required on the CHED Online Portal, when available; and

● Have the right to recommend termination of the grant for due cause.● Fulfill all the terms and conditions of the grant as stipulated herein and

in the Grant Contract.

4. The delivering partner shall:● Assign a point person from their full-time personnel to coordinate with

the Commission and/or the regional office in charge;● Submit two performance evaluation reports on each grantee per

semester: mid-term and final evaluation;● Have the right to recommend termination of the grant for justifiable

reasons;● Maintain an up-to-date profile and confirm acceptance of grantees for

their engagements on the CHED Online Portal, when available;● Provide certifications and other relevant documentary proof of

completion of CHED grantees admitted; and● Evaluate the implementation of the grant at the end of each academic


B. Additional Funding

1. SHEIs are strongly encouraged to provide additional funding for their grantees to undertake components, particularly in funding attendant costs of the respective components taken, and when the grant amount is below the grantee’s regular income.

2. Delivering partners are likewise strongly encouraged to provide additional allowances and incentives to the grantees according to mutually agreed terms with the grantee and the SHEI.

3. The IRSE Grants may be taken in conjunction with other CHED-awarded grants, including, but not limited to Support for Paper Presentation in International Conferences (SPPIC), Grants-in-Aid (GIA), Thesis and Dissertation Grants and Journal Accreditation Service Grants (JAS) offered by the Office of Planning, Research and Knowledge Management (OPRKM).

C. Return Service

1. Each grantee shall render return service in the semester immediately following completion of the grant. Refer to Appendix 5: Reentry Action Plan Template.

2. Return service shall be rendered at the SHEI, and may be in the form of teaching, research, or extension, based on mutually agreed-upon terms between the grantee and the SHEI.

3. The grantee shall be obliged to render return service according to agreement with the SHEI, provided that it follows a 1:1 ratio, i.e., one semester of service for every semester (full or part time) in which the grant was availed, unless agreed upon by the SHEI and grantee contingent on the provision of additional funding.

4. The SHEI shall be in charge of monitoring the return service of each grantee,


and shall submit annual updates to the Commission. Upon completion, the SHEI shall send the Commission a written notice affirming the grantee’s completion of the obligation, after which the Commission shall issue a Certificate of Completion to the grantee and relieve him/her of all obligations under the grant.

5. For special cases, the Commission may impose rules or regulations pertinent to return service by the grantee, including the case of failure to complete the grant according to the terms of the Grant Contract.

D. Termination of Grant

The Commission has the right to terminate the grant, upon recommendation of the SHEI and/or the delivering partner, under any of the following circumstances:

1. The grantee resigns or transfers from his/her SHEI to another HEI or industry without approval from the SHEI and the Commission;

2. The grantee fails to obtain the approval of the Commission before changing the engagements availed;

3. Other justifiable grounds which prove the inability of the grantee to complete his/her grant (e.g. poor health of grantee as certified by a government physician etc.);

4. Non-availability or exhaustion of funds;5. Any act of immorality, drunkenness, dishonesty, and any other form of

misconduct;6. Conviction of any crime by a court or proper administrative body; and7. Such other acts as may be considered by the Commission as inimical to the

interest of the government of the Republic of the Philippines and those that adversely affect the integrity of the K to 12 Transition Program.

In addition, except for cases of poor health or death of the grantee, he/she will no longer be eligible for further grants from the Commission.

E. Payment of Obligations

The Commission shall impose rules or regulations requiring the grantee to return the total amount of grant privileges awarded to him/her if he/she is proven to have acted in bad faith.

F. Waiver of Accountabilities

Upon successful completion of return service, the grantee shall be relieved of all accountabilities under the grant contract and the K to 12 Transition Program.

Article VIII Separability Clause

If any part of provision of this Memorandum Order shall be held invalid or illegal by competent authority, other provisions thereof, which are not affected thereby, shall continue to be in full force and effect.


CHED Memorandum Order No. 14, series of 2016

Appendix 1: Roles Under Sectoral Engagements


Engagement Type Description Sample Engagement

Immersive Learning Trainee

Faculty can be immersed in tasks normally performed by graduates of their field of teaching, exposing them to business processes and allowing them to work side by side with industry practitioners.

An IT-BPO company can take in Business Management faculty and have them experience computer/ technology-mediated global services.

Technical Services Specialist

Companies may utilize faculty expertise in projects or other technical tasks.

A network of tourism businesses may engage Broadcast Communication faculty to create a communication plan and its corresponding materials (e.g. videos, collaterals) to promote regional tourism.

Commissioned Researcher

Faculty may undertake research as commissioned by external partners from industry.

A faculty member can do HR research for work-life integration program for a major telecommunications firm.


Type Description Sample Engagement

Community Outreach Officer

Faculty may be involved in the whole project management cycle (planning, organizing, implementing, monitoring and evaluation).

An NGO on HIV and AIDS education can organize youth organizations in communities and create Theater for Development performances that can be toured in high-risk communities.

Trainer Faculty may provide training services to help the organization mainstream their advocacies to target sectors and communities.

Education faculty may be deployed to barangays to hold trainings and seminars on new approaches in positive child discipline and creative home-based learning activities.

Materials Development Specialist

Faculty may be tasked to create syllabi/modules and other learning materials for publication to be distributed to the stakeholders of the organization.

An NGO on disaster risk management may ask psychology professors to create modules using “play therapy” as psycho-social intervention for children who are survivors of calamities.

Technology Transfer Specialist

Faculty may circulate, promote, market, and transfer research output/technologies to potential users.

An agriculture professor may be deployed to a local farm community to discuss techniques in hydroponics and provide expertise in developing a market-oriented agri-technology service.

Operations and Processes Specialist

Faculty may provide advisory services and may develop, implement, and transfer systems inclusive of, but not limited to, accounting and bookkeeping, IT management, production, operations, and procurement.

A community cooperative can take in accounting faculty or staff to audit their accounting processes and create systems as necessary.

Commissioned Researcher

Faculty may undertake research as commissioned by external partners from civil society.

A faculty member can create an advocacy research manuscript on the plight of the indigenous peoples of Mindanao.


Engagement Type

Description Sample Engagement

Trainer Faculty may provide training services to help the agency mainstream their advocacies to target sectors and communities.

Human kinetics faculty can be sent to LGUs to conduct training on emergency response movements for calamities.

Materials Development Specialist

Faculty may create syllabi/modules and other learning materials for publication to be distributed to stakeholders.

DSWD can tap Home Economics faculty to create modules for livelihood programs for 4P Beneficiaries.

Operations and Processes Specialist

Faculty may provide advisory services and may develop, implement, and transfer systems inclusive of, but not limited to, accounting and bookkeeping, IT management, production, operations, and procurement.

LGUs can ask accounting professors to audit their bookkeeping systems at the barangay level.

Technical Services Specialist

Government agencies may utilize faculty expertise in projects or other technical tasks.

Industrial Organizational Psychology professors can create citizenship behavior programs for CSC.

Commissioned Researcher

Faculty may undertake research as commissioned by external partners from government.

Faculty members can conduct research on the public transport system of their municipalities.

CHED Memorandum Order No. 14, series of 2016

Appendix 2: Application Requirements

Each SHEI, when nominating its faculty and qualified non-teaching personnel for IRSE Grants, must submit its application consisting of the following documents:

A. SHEI Nomination Form with the following components:a. Brief description of the SHEI’s strategic directionb. List of nominees, indicating the grant component (mode, duration, calendar) that

each intends to avail of,c. Detailed justification for the nominations, in line with evaluation criteria set by the

Commission, and the overall faculty development plan of the SHEI

B. Faculty Requirements:a. Curriculum vitae (CV) of each nominee using the template providedb. Transcript of Recordsc. One-page research topic proposal for each nominee availing of the grants for

research, creative or technology projectsd. Reentry plan and return service arrangements contract mutually agreed by SHEI

and nomineese. Proof of citizenship of each nominee (NSO authenticated birth certificate,

information page of valid passport, or voter’s ID)f. Medical Certificate of each nominee issued by a government physician within the

last six months, supported by medical examinations/laboratory resultsg. One (1) pay slip from the first semester, and one (1) pay slip from the second

semester for the current/ most recent academic year (for each nominee)

C. Completed Faculty and Staff Development Plan following Templates 5 and 6 for SUCsand Templates 8 and 9 of the Strategic Faculty and Staff Development PlanningWorkshop. These can be accessed at: https://chedk12.wordpress.com/irsedownloads/

CHED Memorandum Order No. 14, series of 2016

Appendix 3: Evaluation Criteria for SHEI Nominations

Relevance of the proposed


x The engagement is appropriate to the nominee’s teaching discipline for faculty members. For non-teaching personnel, the said engagement is relevant to the nominee’s tasks within the institution.

x The engagement clearly builds key capacities and competencies in the nominee that will translate into improved classroom instruction or the more effective performance of his/her tasks.

x The engagement is aligned with regional, national, sectoral, and/or institutional development plans, identified priority areas, and/or new areas that are important to local, regional, or national development.

Consistency and clarity of strategic

direction and justification

x The SHEI clearly and completely articulates its own institutional development plan and its faculty and staff development plans.

x The SHEI will be strengthened in measurable ways and be able to offer a) improved quality of instruction, b) increased capacity for research, creative production and extension, and/or c) improved operational efficiency in their processes as through the selected engagements for which it has nominated its personnel.

Quality of nominees

x The nominee demonstrates strong orientation toward professional development.

x The nominee possesses the appropriate technical qualifications to carry out and complete the grant under the proposed engagement.

x The SHEI is able to ensure compliance of the nominees to the Terms and Conditions of the grant.

x The nominee’s Reentry Action Plan demonstrates strong potential to provide maximum learning from the grant and benefit the rest of the SHEI community and/or the local community.

CHED Memorandum Order No. 14, series of 2016

Appendix 4: Grant Amounts for SY 2016-2017

Mode Grant Amount

Full-time P20,000/month or the equivalent of the grantee’s net monthly salary, whichever is lower


P10,000/month, or the equivalent of half of the grantee’s net monthly salary, whichever is lower

Important note: The above terms shall not necessarily apply to grantees who hold plantilla positions in State Universities and Colleges (SUCs). The Commission shall establish an alternative arrangement for privileges allowed to said grantees in consideration of the annual SUC budget.

CHED Memorandum Order No. 14, series of 2016

Appendix 5

CHED K to 12 Transition Program Instruction, Research, and Sectoral Engagement (IRSE) Grants

Re-entry Action Plan Template

NAME OF APPLICANT Click here to enter text.

Designation in Sending Higher Education Institution (SHEI)

☐Faculty ☐Non-teaching Staff

Name and Address of SHEI HEI where applicant is currently employed where return service will be rendered

Click here to enter text.

Type of Grant Applied For ☐ Instruction ☐Research ☐Sectoral Engagement

Preferred Duration of the Grant ☐ 1 Semester (6 months)☐ 2 Semesters (1 year)☐ 3 Semesters (1 year and 6 months)☐ 4 Semesters (2 years)

Preferred Mode of Engagement ☐ Part-time ☐ Full-time

Timeframe When is your expected reentry into the SHEI following completion of the IRSE grant?

Click here to enter text.

Context x What are the current

needs, gaps, challenges and opportunities in your SHEI / discipline / region / country that you will be able to help address by engaging in the IRSE grant?

x What information andinsights will you be able to contribute to your SHEI as a result of the grant, and by what means (i.e. echo seminars, training, workshops, etc.)?

Click here to enter text.

Objectives Give three (3) objectives you intend to accomplish as a result of the IRSE grant, in terms of contribution to your SHEI / discipline / region / country.

Objectives must be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound (SMART).

Click here to enter text.

Click here to enter text.

Click here to enter text.

Outcomes What outcomes do you expect to observe within the given timeframe in terms of your contribution to your SHEI / discipline / region / country?

Note that said outcomes must be measurable.

Click here to enter text.

__________________________ __________________________ Signature of Nominee Date

I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct, and that___(Name of University)___ has committed to the above reentry plan for

____ (Name of Applicant)_______.

____________________________ ____________________________ Name and Signature of Dean Name of School/College in SHEI

CHED Memorandum Order No. 14, series of 2016

Appendix 6: SHEI Nomination Form

Office of the President of the PhilippinesCOMMISSION ON HIGHER EDUCATION

HEDC Bldg. C.P. Garcia Avenue, UP Campus, Diliman, Quezon City K to 12 Transition Program Management Unit


I. Sending Higher Education Institute (SHEI) Information

SHEI Name Enter complete name here

Campus Choose an item.

Region Choose an item.

Address Enter complete address here

Contact Number (e.g. (02) 555-4321 or 0987 65 43 210)

Email Address Enter email address here

Contact Person Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial

Designation Click here to enter text.

Office Number Click here to enter text.

Mobile Number Click here to enter text.

E-mail Click here to enter text.

Total Number of Nominations

Click here to enter text.

SHEI’s Strategic Direction (Briefly describe your institution’s strategic direction and institutional plans, considering the following criteria: A. Relevance of the


B. Consistency andclarity of strategicdirection andjustification

C. Quality ofnominees

See Appendix 3 of CMO 14 s. 2016 for Evaluation Criteria)

Click here to enter text.

Instructions: Encode all answers in this form and submit accomplished proposal to irsegrants.ched@gmail.com with this subject: Sectoral Engagement Nominations – Name of School (e.g. Sectoral Engagement Nominations – University of the Philippines). The actual digital form to be used can be downloaded at http://bit.ly/irsegrants. It is advised to use the latest versions of Microsoft Word (MS 2010 onwards) as some features of this file may not function using the earlier versions.

II. List of Nominated Faculty (Add rows as necessary)Name of Faculty

(Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial)

Teaching Discipline

Highest Educational

Degree Obtained

Discipline of Highest

Educational Degree Obtained

Sectoral Engagement

Component being nominated for

Employment Status

(Full/Part Time)

Tenure (Permanent/


Length of Engagement Applied for

Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial

Enter teaching discipline here

Choose an item. Click here to enter text. <Select One> Full Time <Select one> Choose an item.

Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial

Enter teaching discipline here

Choose an item. Click here to enter text.

<Select One> Part Time <Select one> Choose an item.

Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial

Enter teaching discipline here

Choose an item. Click here to enter text.

<Select One> <Select one> <Select one> Choose an item.

Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial

Enter teaching discipline here

Choose an item. Click here to enter text.

<Select One> <Select one> <Select one> Choose an item.

Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial

Enter teaching discipline here

Choose an item. Click here to enter text.

<Select One> <Select one> <Select one> Choose an item.

Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial

Enter teaching discipline here

Choose an item. Click here to enter text.

<Select One> <Select one> <Select one> Choose an item.

Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial

Enter teaching discipline here

Choose an item. Click here to enter text.

<Select One> <Select one> <Select one> Choose an item.

Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial

Enter teaching discipline here

Choose an item. Click here to enter text.

<Select One> <Select one> <Select one> Choose an item.

Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial

Enter teaching discipline here

Choose an item. Click here to enter text.

<Select One> <Select one> <Select one> Choose an item.

Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial

Enter teaching discipline here

Choose an item. Click here to enter text.

<Select One> <Select one> <Select one> Choose an item.

Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial

Enter teaching discipline here

Choose an item. Click here to enter text.

<Select One> <Select one> <Select one> Choose an item.

Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial

Enter teaching discipline here

Choose an item. Click here to enter text.

<Select One> <Select one> <Select one> Choose an item.

Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial

Enter teaching discipline here

Choose an item. Click here to enter text.

<Select One> <Select one> <Select one> Choose an item.

Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial

Enter teaching discipline here

Choose an item. Click here to enter text.

<Select One> <Select one> <Select one> Choose an item.

Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial

Enter teaching discipline here

Choose an item. Click here to enter text.

<Select One> <Select one> <Select one> Choose an item.

Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial

Enter teaching discipline here

Choose an item. Click here to enter text.

<Select One> <Select one> <Select one> Choose an item.

Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial

Enter teaching discipline here

Choose an item. Click here to enter text.

<Select One> <Select one> <Select one> Choose an item.

Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial

Enter teaching discipline here

Choose an item. Click here to enter text.

<Select One> <Select one> <Select one> Choose an item.

Name of Faculty (Last Name, First Name,

Middle Initial) Teaching Discipline

Highest Educational

Degree Obtained

Discipline of Highest

Educational Degree Obtained

Sectoral Engagement

Component being nominated for

Employment Status

(Full/Part Time)

Tenure (Permanent/


Length of Engagement Applied for

Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial

Enter teaching discipline here

Choose an item. Click here to enter text.

<Select One> <Select one> <Select one> Choose an item.

Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial

Enter teaching discipline here

Choose an item. Click here to enter text.

<Select One> <Select one> <Select one> Choose an item.

Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial

Enter teaching discipline here

Choose an item. Click here to enter text.

<Select One> <Select one> <Select one> Choose an item.

Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial

Enter teaching discipline here

Choose an item. Click here to enter text.

<Select One> <Select one> <Select one> Choose an item.

Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial

Enter teaching discipline here

Choose an item. Click here to enter text.

<Select One> <Select one> <Select one> Choose an item.

Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial

Enter teaching discipline here

Choose an item. Click here to enter text.

<Select One> <Select one> <Select one> Choose an item.

Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial

Enter teaching discipline here

Choose an item. Click here to enter text.

<Select One> <Select one> <Select one> Choose an item.

I certify that the information provided herein, and in the enclosed documents, is true and correct.

First Name, Middle Initial, Last NameName and Signature of HEI President

III. Individual Justification (This section is to be accomplished for EACH nominated faculty.Please reproduce as necessary.)

A. Faculty Profile (Please provide complete information on the faculty.)

Name of Faculty First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name Age Enter age here Highest Degree Attained (e.g. Master in Development

Economics) Date Graduated


Teaching Discipline Enter teaching discipline here Engagement Type Nominated for (FirstChoice)

Choose an item

Engagement Type Nominated for (SecondChoice)

Choose an item

Preferred Mode/ Nature of Engagement

Choose an item.

Preferred Duration of Engagement

Choose an item.

Region preferred for the Engagement Choose an item.

Employment Status <Select one>Average Net Monthly Salary

Click here to enter text.

B. Justification (Concisely justify your nomination of the faculty.)

Guide Questions: 1. How long has the applicant been with your department?2. How has the applicant performed as a faculty member in your department?3. How will the nominee’s immersion and engagement plan contribute to (1) importance and

value to SHEI, (2) importance and value to regional and national development, and (3)importance and value to the discipline or profession?

Enter text here

C. Requirements Submission (Kindly tick the box of the requirement already submitted alongwith this form.)

☐ Curriculum Vitae (accomplish attached CV template)☐ Transcript of Records (certified true copy)☐ Research Topic Proposal (One-pager; for those availing of grants for Research, Creative or

Technology projects) ☐ Proof of Citizenship (photocopy of any of the following: NSO authenticated birth certificate,

information page of valid passport, or voter’s ID) ☐ Medical Certificate (issued or certified by a government physician within the last six months)☐ Re-entry Plan and Return Service Contract mutually agreed upon by SHEI and Faculty ☐ One (1) pay slip from the first semester, and one (1) pay slip from the second semester for the

current/ most recent academic year ☐ For SUCs: Completed Templates 5 and 6 of the Strategic Faculty and Staff Development Planning

Workshop to be downloaded from: http://kto12transitionplanning.weebly.com/

For Private HEIs: Completed Templates 8 and 9 of the Strategic Faculty and Staff Development Planning Workshop to be downloaded from: http://fsdpworkshop.weebly.com/

IV. List of Nominated Non-Teaching Staff (Add rows as necessary)Name of Staff

(Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial)

Designation / Position

Highest Educational

Degree Obtained

Discipline of Highest

Educational Degree Obtained

Sectoral Engagement

Component being nominated for

Employment Status

(Full/Part Time)

Tenure (Permanent/


Length of Engagement Applied for

Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial

Click here to enter text.

Choose an item. Click here to enter text. <Select One> Full Time <Select one> Choose an item.

Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial

Click here to enter text.

Choose an item. Click here to enter text.

<Select One> Part Time <Select one> Choose an item.

Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial

Click here to enter text.

Choose an item. Click here to enter text.

<Select One> <Select one> <Select one> Choose an item.

Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial

Click here to enter text.

Choose an item. Click here to enter text.

<Select One> <Select one> <Select one> Choose an item.

Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial

Click here to enter text.

Choose an item. Click here to enter text.

<Select One> <Select one> <Select one> Choose an item.

Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial

Click here to enter text.

Choose an item. Click here to enter text.

<Select One> <Select one> <Select one> Choose an item.

Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial

Click here to enter text.

Choose an item. Click here to enter text.

<Select One> <Select one> <Select one> Choose an item.

Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial

Click here to enter text.

Choose an item. Click here to enter text.

<Select One> <Select one> <Select one> Choose an item.

Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial

Click here to enter text.

Choose an item. Click here to enter text.

<Select One> <Select one> <Select one> Choose an item.

Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial

Click here to enter text.

Choose an item. Click here to enter text.

<Select One> <Select one> <Select one> Choose an item.

Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial

Click here to enter text.

Choose an item. Click here to enter text.

<Select One> <Select one> <Select one> Choose an item.

Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial

Click here to enter text.

Choose an item. Click here to enter text.

<Select One> <Select one> <Select one> Choose an item.

Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial

Click here to enter text.

Choose an item. Click here to enter text.

<Select One> <Select one> <Select one> Choose an item.

Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial

Click here to enter text.

Choose an item. Click here to enter text.

<Select One> <Select one> <Select one> Choose an item.

Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial

Click here to enter text.

Choose an item. Click here to enter text.

<Select One> <Select one> <Select one> Choose an item.

Name of Staff (Last Name, First Name,

Middle Initial) Designation /


Highest Educational

Degree Obtained

Discipline of Highest

Educational Degree Obtained

Sectoral Engagement

Component being nominated for

Employment Status

(Full/Part Time)

Tenure (Permanent/


Length of Engagement Applied for

Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial

Click here to enter text.

Choose an item. Click here to enter text.

<Select One> <Select one> <Select one> Choose an item.

Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial

Click here to enter text.

Choose an item. Click here to enter text.

<Select One> <Select one> <Select one> Choose an item.

Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial

Click here to enter text.

Choose an item. Click here to enter text.

<Select One> <Select one> <Select one> Choose an item.

Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial

Click here to enter text.

Choose an item. Click here to enter text.

<Select One> <Select one> <Select one> Choose an item.

Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial

Click here to enter text.

Choose an item. Click here to enter text.

<Select One> <Select one> <Select one> Choose an item.

I certify that the information provided herein, and in the enclosed documents, is true and correct.

First Name, Middle Initial, Last NameName and Signature of HEI President

V. Individual Justification (This section is to be accomplished for EACH nominated non-teaching staff. Please reproduce as necessary.)

A. Non-teaching Staff Profile (Please provide complete information on the faculty.)

Name of Staff First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name Age Enter age here Highest Degree Attained (e.g. Master in Development

Economics) Date Graduated


Designation / Position Click here to enter text. Engagement Type Nominated for (FirstChoice)

Choose an item

Engagement Type Nominated for (SecondChoice)

Choose an item

Preferred Mode/ Nature of Engagement

Choose an item.

Preferred Duration of Engagement

Choose an item.

Region preferred for the Engagement Choose an item.

Employment Status <Select one>Average Net Monthly Salary

Click here to enter text.

B. Justification (Concisely justify your nomination of the non-teaching staff.)

Guide Questions: 1. How long has the nominee been with your institution?2. How has the nominee performed as a non-teaching staff in your HEI?3. How will the nominee’s immersion and engagement plan contribute to (1) importance and value

to SHEI, (2) importance and value to regional and national development, and (3) importanceand value to the discipline or profession?

Enter text here

C. Requirements Submission (Kindly tick the box of the requirement already submitted alongwith this form.)

☐ Curriculum Vitae (accomplish attached CV template)☐ Transcript of Records (certified true copy)☐ Research Topic Proposal (One-pager; for those availing of grants for Research, Creative or

Technology projects)☐ Proof of Citizenship (photocopy of any of the following: NSO authenticated birth certificate,

information page of valid passport, or voter’s ID) ☐ Medical Certificate (issued or certified by a government physician within the last six months)☐ Re-entry Plan and Return Service Contract mutually agreed upon by SHEI and Faculty ☐ One (1) pay slip from the first semester, and one (1) pay slip from the second semester for the

current/ most recent academic year ☐ For SUCs: Completed Templates 5 and 6 of the Strategic Faculty and Staff Development Planning

Workshop to be downloaded from: http://kto12transitionplanning.weebly.com/

For Private HEIs: Completed Templates 8 and 9 of the Strategic Faculty and Staff Development Planning Workshop to be downloaded from: http://fsdpworkshop.weebly.com/

CHED Memorandum Order No. 14, series of 2016

Appendix 7: Grantee CV Template

K to 12 Transition Program Management Unit CURRICULUM VITAE TEMPLATE

I. Personal Information

Last Name Click here to enter text.

First Name Click here to enter text.

Middle Name Click here to enter text.

Mailing Address Click here to enter text.

Telephone No. Click here to enter text.

Mobile No. Click here to enter text.

Email Address Click here to enter text.

Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy) Click here to enter text.

II. Educational Attainment (add rows if necessary)

Degree Obtained (Master’s Degree / Doctoral Degree) Choose an item.

Course / Degree Click here to enter text.

Field of Specialization Click here to enter text.

Date Graduated (mm/yyyy) Click here to enter text.

School / Institution Click here to enter text.

III. Work Experience (add rows if necessary; start from the most recent post occupied)

Position Click here to enter text.

Company Click here to enter text.

Period Covered Click here to enter text.

General Job Description Click here to enter text.

Position Click here to enter text.

Company Click here to enter text.

Period Covered Click here to enter text.

General Job Description Click here to enter text.

IV. Publications (add rows if necessary; start from the most recent publication)

Publication Type (Book, Journal, Commissioned

Report) Click here to enter text.

Name of Publication Click here to enter text.

Title Click here to enter text.

Short Description of Work Click here to enter text.

Date Published Click here to enter text.

V. Academic Paper Presentations(add rows if necessary; start from the most recent presentation)

Title Click here to enter text.

Short Description of Paper Click here to enter text.

Name of Conference Click here to enter text.

Date of Presentation Click here to enter text.

VI. Social and Extracurricular Engagements(add rows if necessary; start from the most recent engagement)

Institutional Affiliation Click here to enter text.

Position Held Click here to enter text.

Brief Description of Position Click here to enter text.

Period Covered Click here to enter text.

VII. Training Programs Attended(add rows if necessary, start from the most recent engagement)

Title of Training Click here to enter text.

Inclusive Dates of Attendance Click here to enter text.

Number of Hours Click here to enter text.

Conducted / Sponsored by Click here to enter text.

VIII. Professional Licenses and Certification

License Type (e.g. Professional Teacher,

Registered Nurse) Click here to enter text.

Date of First Issuance (mm/yyyy) Click here to enter text.

Expiry Date Click here to enter text.

Notes Click here to enter text.

IX. Other Information

Special Skills / Hobbies Click here to enter text.

Non-Academic Distinctions / Recognition (write in full) Click here to enter text.

Membership in Association / Organization (write in full) Click here to enter text.

I certify that the information provided herein is true and correct.

________________________ ________________________ Name and Signature Date

CHED Memorandum Order No. 14, series of 2016

Appendix 8: Research Proposal Template

Research Proposal Template

Name of Requesting Grantee (LAST NAME, First Name, M.I.)Current HEI Employer (The Institution you are employed by)Department (Your affiliate department within your institution)Research Interest/s (Research concerns you have worked with, or want to work with. List at least 3.)Proposed Field of Study (Topic of your current proposal)Title of Proposed Study (Title of Study)

ABSTRACT – In 100 words, describe your study Discuss the following: a) research issue, b) research question/hypothesis, c) planned methodology, and d) potential implications of research findings, in one page. You may attach a separate sheet.

Work Plan – Outline your expected tasks, and target milestone deadlines. You may attach a separate sheet.

Tasks Key Deliverable Expected Date of Completion

CHED Memorandum Order No. 14, series of 2016

Appendix 9: Creative Proposal Template

Creative Grants Proposal Template

Name of Requesting Grantee (LAST NAME, First Name, M.I.) Current HEI Employer (The Institution you are employed by) Department (Your affiliate department within your institution) Research Interest/s (Research concerns you have worked with, or want to work with. List at least 3.) Proposed Field of Study (Topic of your current proposal) Title of Proposed Study (Title of Study)

ABSTRACT – In 100 words, describe your study In 100 words, describe your work and your creative objectives

Work Plan – Outline your expected tasks, and target milestone deadlines. You may attach a separate sheet.

Tasks Key Deliverable Expected Date of Completion

CHED Memorandum Order No. 14, series of 2016

Appendix 10: Technology Proposal Template

Technology Proposal Template

Name of Requesting Grantee (LAST NAME, First Name, M.I.) Current HEI Employer (The Institution you are employed in)

Department (Your departmental affiliation within your institution) Research Interest/s (Concerns and Topics you have pursued, or want to pursue. List at least 3.) Proposed Project Plan (Field of proposed project) Title of Proposed Project (Title of proposed project )

ABSTRACT – In 100 words, describe your proposed project. Discuss the following: a) research question, b) hypothesis, c) methodology, and d) significance of the study, in one page. You may attach a separate sheet.

Work & Financial Plan – Outline your expected tasks, and target milestone deadlines. You may attach a separate sheet.

Tasks Key Deliverables Expected Date of Completion