EWB 1.05


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Victoria University Engineers without Borders, Project Water and Sanitation in Devikulam India.Simon Miller Tristan Baker Amritvir S. Gill Michael Nguyen

ENF1103 Engineering and the Community

Map of India showing location of Devikulam (Google maps, 2011)

Executive summary:The EWB Challenge 2011: Pitchandikulam a region of Tamil Nadu, India has a requirement for infrastructure developments to increase the standard of living. As illustrated in the Innovations Report written by the Pitchandikulam Bio Resource Centre, we understand there are various problems with water and waste management. These problems include but are not limited to water restrictions, plumbing and water catchment/s, one malfunctioned bore, water toxicity levels and contamination of water (human excrete causing disease), plus various other related issues including ecological and geographical. This report seeks to resolve these. This report was written through research from reputable sources including Wateraid, WASH and the International Water Centre. These companies have successfully been tackling this very same problem in similar communities for decades. We have also drawn from group members personal experiences within rural communities throughout the world with similar climates and lifestyles. Furthermore to complete this challenge we also needed to gain an understanding of the social and cultural obstacles that we might face. We conducted interviews and discussions with individuals that have firsthand knowledge of the conditions and cultural complexities commonly encountered in communities similar to Devilulum. Due to their lack of education, government support and poor economic standing. The residents of Devikulam are currently unable to help themselves, and require assistance; this is our solution: Our solution is three fold Protection of water sources - Through creating access for all to toilet facilities to prevent contamination. - Redirection of water-courses and providing adequate drainage. - Widening deepening and lining existing bores. - Fixing all leaking taps and pipes. - Education program demonstrating the importance of water protection and maintenance of implemented systems. Safe assessable water for all - Through filtration of pondage and grey water - Redirection of water courses and drainage back to filter - Providing a solution to power restrictions at the water pumps - Drilling tubewells at strategic locations throughout the community - Collection and storage of rain water Hygiene and sanitation education - Education package teaching safe hygiene and sanitation practices. - To assist in reducing the 535,000 infant deaths each year in India.Due to poor hygiene practices and contaminated water.

The resultWill be that hygiene standards will greatly improve. Through education programs the importance of water protection will be instilled, along with a sense of ownership and community pride. Ensuring secure contaminate free water sources in the Devikulam community for future generations.

Table of ContentsIntroduction: ........................................................................................................................ 5 Protection of water sources: ........................................................................................... 6 Management of Waste:...................................................................................................... 6Research of solutions: ................................................................................................................ 6 Most optimum solution: ............................................................................................................ 7 Media Filtration and Ultraviolet Radiation ........................................................................ 9 Reverse Osmosis and Ultra Violet Radiation ..................................................................... 9

Limitations and Contingency:......................................................................................... 7

Alternative Option: Rain water harvesting system ............................................. 10Design Background: ..................................................................................................................10 Design Summary: .......................................................................................................................10

Recommendations........................................................................................................... 13 Process: ................................................................................................................................... 24

Introduction:Divikulim is a small community town within rural India. They are currently facing several challenges with their infrastructure. The town is working with Engineers Without Borders in effort to better the standard of living and give the community basic infrastructure. The task we have selected is Water and Waste Management as we feel this is paramount to the success of any community. The goal is to activate the Devikulam community enabling it to better use its resources and function without strain on the current resources, such as water. Moreover we seek to provide them the means to be self-sufficient and operate sustainably whilst earning revenues where appropriate. From the outset the main goal is to produce a solution ethically, morally and within the capability the Devikulam community. In order to provide an appropriate solution with a high level of success we needed to consider the following: current low level of education, cultural norms (e.g. respect for cattle) and religious values (community mainly Hindu). One obvious perception is that social pride is not high within India and as a result the local (government owned) systems degrade faster than they should if proper maintenance was being conducted. Therefore we must consider community use and also personal empowerment. Information from an interview with an Indian civil engineer (see appendix 1) taught us that there are two ways of earning a living. The traditional e.g. seeking employment or being entrepreneurial and creating a need for something, this is the more respected option although many western nations might consider these as scams. From the information at hand, this community is proactive in their desire to further their community, hence Engineers Without Boarders involvement. Furthermore there is little information available to suggest that Indian people are anti-waste management. We believe, considering the above details, our solutions are effective in achieving the short and long-term goals. We have produced a holistic solution that will transform the community into a fully sustainable environment, this does require some investment but we foresee revenues to be gained from the bio-digester by selling gas, fertilizer and the locally grown medicinal. The solution we create is to be cheap, appropriate and maintainable by the community. For optimum adoption of the proposed solution we must include the community from the initial outset to planning, development of concept, detailed design, and especially installation and maintenance. Following this process will ensure a high adoption and retention rate due to providing education and empowerment, giving a sense of national pride.

Protection of water sources:The prevention of contamination of water sources is more sustainable than the treatment of polluted water, so we therefore are seeking to prevent the problem rather than focus on a Band-Aid fix. According to the Innovations Report done by the Pitchandikulam Bio Resource Centre, water is supplied from two (2) bores and a 30000l storage tank of which one bore has been identified to be saline; therefore its use is only limited to washing, cleaning and flushing, whilst the other bore and the 30000 litre storage tank is used for all purposes including drinking and the tank is linked to the village households, which have a tap system. Concerns have been raised that during monsoon season, contamination will occur due to water run off. Houses outside the village, which is known as the colony by the locals; do not have their own tap system and share common tap for drinking water, which is only accessible for one hour in the morning, and one hour during the evening. There is also a water tank in the colony which links to the common taps, but because of the water quality; it is only used for cleaning and washing.

Management of Waste:The current and escalating problem is disposal. According to EWB 80% of all landfill waste for the community is biodegradable, yet nothing is managed accordingly. Furthermore according to Krussik (see appendices 1), most small villages and even cities lack waste, human and animal excrete disposal and have significant trouble with drainage facilitating the spread of disease.

Research of solutions:Through an evaluation process of appropriate solutions for waste management in western and third world countries we came to a short list, these are as follows: Ecosan/Sambal: waterless toilets as used in a village in Tamil Nadu, India. (See appendices 2). Difficult to raise revenue and also restrictions apply to only organic foods for break down. Pour flush toilets: This system use a small amount of water through a u bend into a sealed concrete pit. This system is used throughout nearby Cambodia. Requires a significant amount of water not appropriate for India, also does not produce a sellable byproduct. Restrictions apply to only organic foods for break down. Fossa alterna: Two pits used in rotation. Once one is filled it is left to decompose then dug out for compost. Requires large-scale extraction. Worm farm waste system: Composting chamber consisting of worms and natural bacteria, that decomposes all organic material including food



scraps, feces and green waste. Creating a rich liquid fertilizer as a byproduct. Does not create another energy source. Compost toilets: Found within many music festivals around the world. These require one scoop of saw dust following each human excrement. Provides compost following a long processing time and also required trees. Bio-digesting toilet (1): Anaerobic decomposition of green waste, food scraps and livestock manure. During this decomposition it produces biogas that can be used for cooking and energy. This system creates a complete cycle of waste management. Bio-digester waterless (2): chemical free design, where waste is deposited into a holding tank that is heated by the sun. As the bacteria breaks down the waste gasses are created and trapped.



Most optimum solution:Bio-digester 1: Produced by entrepreneur Gerry Baron (www.habmigern2003.info) it is possible to make 5 m3 cubed digester for around AUS$500, a 10 m3 unit for about AUS$750. Its operational heat is from 5c to 45c well within the climate of India. The fertilizer will also provide a renewable source of nutrient for the indigenous plant species and medicinal plants. With a greater production of fertilizer the community should be able to increase their production of the medicinal plants for trade, thus increasing the community economy. This is a oxygen-less environment which uses microorganisms to break down biodegradable material, the process reaps the benefits of fertilizer and natural gas which can be instantly used for natural fuel These gasses can be bottled and sold or used as a biogas. With a make up that is 1/3 methane it is very similar to natural gas It can be used to power the water pumps power lanterns or stoves, ovens. As well as creating a rich fertilizer.

Contingency:If Bio-digester 1 is unsuccessful for example, if the class or cultural systems cause political problems and an individual solution is required it is our recommendation that Bio-digester 2 be considered. Bio-digester 2, a version of the GCH4 finalist of the Buckminister challenge is a simple but cost effective system valued at AUD$50-$60). The GCH4 is a waste disposal method designed by V,S Gardiner in conjunction with Londons Imperial college chemical engineers a cheap biodegradable lining to collect hold and transfer waste. This is a sealed unit and odor free that is wheeled to a biodigester and placed inside without any alteration. The other advantage being the carbon rich lining that doubles the amount of methane created for the biogas. Whilst this is not an optimum solution due to the low, but ongoing cost of the liners. An economic cycle is created and this variant of the waste solution will pay for itself.

Even though this is a very low maintenance solution. There are advantages including employment opportunities or revenues earned by private individuals. For example: Workers could also be employed to empty the compost and clean the facilities. Individual systems can be provided or purchased with waste collection Jobs created and paid for by the sale of biogas. Alternatively households can maintain and dispose themselves with the benefits of biogas and fertilizer. Moreover there are a variety of unknowns within this report due to the lack of time to research, evaluate and calculate. Below is a photo of bio-digesters installed within an Indian community.

Figure 1 - Bio-digesters in India, www.treehuggers.com, viewed 19/05/11

Safe and accessible water for allProblem: To provide drinkable water for the community. Currently saline water has been detected in one of the bores.

Media Filtration and Ultraviolet RadiationOur first proposal was a media filtration system along side ultra violet radiation. The process involves the treatment of storm water being rerouted to a tank. This way of filtration can also be used to treat sewage water. We can adapt the PuraSAF Submerged Aerated Filter by Bordna Mona because it consumes less energy, reduces the amount of ammonia and filters solids. The only disadvantage to whole system of filtration is when the water is further treated under exposure of Ultraviolet Light it requires a great amount of energy and with the limited facilities in the area of Devikulam, it seems highly unlikely to work. Please see appendix 3 for the process of Media Filtration and Ultraviolet Radiation.

Reverse Osmosis and Ultra Violet RadiationOur second proposal was to use reverse osmosis to filter out contaminants and use ultra violet radiation in the end for further treatment. In order for reverse osmosis to occur, a big tank is required which is then divided by a semi-permeable membrane, usually a spiral wound and a hollow-fibre. This barrier has a very dense barrier in the polymer matrix that allows the passage of water only and leaves behind the solute. The whole process starts with highly contaminated water flown to one side of the tank and with high pressure exerted on it, the water is then forced through the membrane and on to the other side while the waste is left behind. This results to the separation of diluted contaminants and highly concentrated contaminants. Just like our first proposal, the clean water that resulted from reverse osmosis is then exposed to Ultra Violet Light for purification. This will then leave no taste and smell on the water. The problems arising from this system of purification are that two to four gallons of water is drained per gallon water treated and that it only makes a few gallons of potable water before the membrane used in the system has to be replaced. Damaged membranes are also hard to detect which may lead to not knowing if the system is running well or not. With regards to the UV light used for purification, it will require more energy which is not available in the area.

There is also a pond situated near the village and the bores, but because it not filtered nor pumped into the village itself, the locals use it for bathing, watering cattle, and general washing.

Alternative Option: Rain water harvesting systemDesign Background:Devikulams geographic location is optimal for the collection of rainwater, and furthermore if rain-water was harvested it could provide enough water for human consumption, washing and other uses. The average rainfall for each month recorded since 2008 is listed in the table below.

Month Avg rainfall (mm)

Jan 32.3

Feb 24.3

Mar 39.1

Apr 103.7

May 270.8

Jun 615.9

Jul 516.1

Aug 330.5

Sep 283.8

Oct 422.1

Nov 135

Dec 40.4

Design Summary:Since not all houses have the roofs needed to provide an efficient guttering system for the collection and there is not a central building, only selected houses would have the guttering system. The rain water collected from the guttering system would then run a filtration system before going to a central location where 5 water tanks are located. Guttering: Both galvanized steel and aluminium guttering will be used. Since the cost of galvanized steel is high, it would only be used where trees and other objects may become a hazard to the guttering system. Aluminium guttering is used for the rest, where it is seem safe to do so. Both guttering materials have a high tolerance to all weather conditions, and are therefore perfect for the area.Galvanized steel and Aluminium gutter

Filtration: An in-ground diverter will be used for the first initial stage of filtration to get rid of all the larger debris such as sediment, bird droppings, leaves and insects and prevent them from entering the rain water tanks. This also protects the water pumps in the rain water tanks. The in-ground diverter is used over other diverters because of the sloping terrain. After passing through the in-ground diverter, the water now has to pass through a slow sand filtration system, which is chosen over other filtration systems because it is easily maintained, and requires little to no chemicals and mechanical parts.In-ground Diverter

Slow Sand Filter

Water tanks: For the central 5 tanks, polyethylene tanks will be used because it is easily maintained, and requires just a sand or soil to be laid on; therefore cutting out the need for a concrete foundation.

Polyethylene water tank

Evaluation of rain water harvesting system: When considering this option, it was weighted on its sustainability, maintenance, cost, cultural impact, social impact and the impact on the environment. Even though the rain harvesting system would have provided enough water easily for all households, both in the village and colony, the complexity of its design and implication outweighed its benefits. The high cost, and the lack of local material was also a deterrent. Another reason why this option was not chosen is because of its impact to the local environment; the ground would have been excavated for the pipes running from the gutters to the water tanks, and the large concrete water tank. There is also an unwanted responsibility to maintain the water tanks, guttering, pumps and filters. The locals would also have to be educated on how to do so, seeing that they do not currently have a rain harvesting system.

RecommendationsBore. Deepened and widened, check lined and sealed protected from contamination. Use manual labour and earthmoving equipment (where necessary) to redirect the natural flow of rainwater to collect into the most appropriate bore. Remove contaminates in the path of water flow (can this be done? Check cattle, travel routes, can land be sectioned off?) and redirect compromised flow away. Considerations, is the water table falling? Community needs to keep records of water depth observing seasonal change. What will the future hold and does further action need to be taken? Tube wells are to be dug in strategic locations throughout community enabling closer assess to safe drinking water. Tube wells are smaller diameter augured holes that are safer and simpler to dig also are deeper into water table, water is purer to drink. The terrain does not limit this method. Tube wells can be drilled in rock or soft ground The only limitation is the volume of water able to be pumped. This is due to the small diameter of the wells. Tube wells are not as a single solution but will assist the households furthest from bores. Hand pumps are to be installed at these locations. Being that they are robust, reliable, easy to maintain and cost effective, spare parts are easily assessable and can be locally made.

Hygiene and sanitation educationHygiene education must be made a priority!Approximately 1/5th of all infant deaths in India are due to poor hygiene. Thats 535,000, children under 5 each year. Pathogens are carried in fecal matter that are introduced through contaminated water, soil due to lack of toilet facilities, flies and fingers due to poor hygiene education. An estimated 55% of Indias population do not have access to any kind of toilet facilities. Thats approximately 600 million people. An education action plan needs to be designed and implemented.

Limitations:This report was limited to the time allowed for research and development, as a result intense investigations could not be conducted. We are also unfamiliar with the actual layout of the community, as we have had no direct contact with this village. We do however have various personal experiences in India and can discuss these. The Bio-digester has not been fully tested for quality of drinkable water. There is a current inquest within Queensland, Australia to discern if this is possible and what levels they can return black water to treated water (Queensland Government, 2011). The main limitation for this solution is the community adoption. The bio-digester requires correct use. That means items non-biodegradable items DO NOT find their way into the system.

Conclusion:Taking into consideration the cultural and social needs of the community we have come to a solution that we believe to be the most optimum. This is a high priority as currently the community does not have a contingency and it running low on water and health is lower than average. Our three-fold solution is as follows: Protection of water sources - Through creating access for all to toilet facilities to prevent contamination. - Redirection of water-courses and providing adequate drainage. - Widening deepening and lining existing bores. - Fixing all leaking taps and pipes. - Education program demonstrating the importance of water protection and maintenance of implemented systems. Safe assessable water for all - Through filtration of pondage and grey water - Redirection of water courses and drainage back to filter - Providing a solution to power restrictions at the water pumps - Drilling tubewells at strategic locations throughout the community - Collection and storage of rain water Hygiene and sanitation education - Education package teaching safe hygiene and sanitation practices. - To assist in reducing the 535,000 infant deaths each year in India.Due to poor hygiene practices and contaminated water. The considerations for success are national pride and education. We will set up a process of involvement whilst the project is underway and prepare future education for personal hygiene to ensure they understand the necessity for water and waste management. With consideration of the points raised within this report and above we find that the Bio-digester is an appropriate solution for the short-long term. The biodigester has multiple advantages and benefits and will gain revenue for the community. In the long term they will be able to harness the energy of gas for a fuel and be able to use machinery, for lighting and generators, if desired. Furthermore we find that the solution of the bio-digester is the most optimum as it achieves the goals we set out to accomplish. A solution that is cheap, effective, manageable and able to be maintained by the community. It is also completely sustainable and reusable benefitting the whole community, ridding them of disease and reliance on water whiles providing a fertilizer potentially utilizing more land for the production of their medicinal plantation. Water treatment will ensure that water is always drinkable, reducing the risk of diseases and illness, for example reducing the potential of diahorrea (known for killing thousands a day).

Bores? The above mentioned solutions all synergies together to become the corner stone of infrastructure to build upon to better their standard of living.

The Devilikum Community can greatly benefit.. This report is not an entire solution it is limited by Feasibility studies need to be undertaken with further costings and swot analysis ..enlist help of organisation and approach government for funding Im tired and need to sleep plan for hygene and sanitation package one system alone should not be relied upon but an amalgamation of systems working in harmony to create an economicaly and environmentally self sustaining solution.

To be done.. Change Michaels to be a solution? I do like the cut of his jib Sort references Finish writing Include amrits bore 1+2 pics (cant get them compatable) Have we adequately covered all that is in the exec summary Appendix stuff Does it flow? Spell check Drink beer!

Figure 2http://www.yourhome.gov.au/technical/fs74.html

Large-scale solution:

References:Baron, G, 2003, Habmigern, A Small-Scale Biodigester Designed and Built in the Philippines, viewed 19/05/11, MeoWeather, Devikulum weather history, viewed 25th May 2011 Agua Solutions, Fundamentals of rainwater harvesting, viewed 25th May 2011 Oasis Design, Rainwater harvesting, viewed 25th May 2011 Rain Harvesting, In-ground diverters, viewed 25th May 2011 Oasis Design, Slow sand filtration, viewed 25th May 2011 Enviro-Friendly, Water tanks, viewed 25th May 2011 Rain guttering, Which guttering is best for your home, viewed 25 th May 2011

Appendices:Appendix 1: Interview with Krussik (20/05/11). Krussik, Employee at Coffey. Question: What drainage does the area in question use and how does the drainage function within rural India. Answer: There is no effective system for drainage currently, there are some channels but the main problem is also sanitation.

Question: What influences on sanitation is the lack of plumbing having on the infrastructure. Answer: I would not call it infrastructure as such. The problem is social pride, Indian people poo anywhere they like and then there are large rains that wash the human poo into houses and the community causing serious disease, especially diahorrea.

Question: Most people from India seem to be very happy, what is do you think the problem with social pride is? Answer: Ill put it this way Indian people have two ways of making money. One is get a job, the other is be inventive or smart as they say and think of something then convince people to adopt it. In India this is known as a smarter way and is respected. National pride suffers because people do not have a good education and do not understand about hygiene but also they are not strongly ethically bound like many Australians.

Question: We are considering a solution to fix street poo and increase sanitation within India. We have discovered an inventive solution called a bio-digester. The bio-digester intakes poo, food scraps, urine, and other organic materials and processes them into fertilizer and also natural gasses for cooking. The toilet or waste facility has a low maintenance but requires emptying and correct use. Do you see this as a viable solution. Answer: Yes I can see that working. My concern is general public, e.g. the poor, as opposed to the rich. As I said National pride is low but personal pride is high so leveraging this is appropriate.

Question: O.k. If we were to sell/ install these biodigesters in peoples houses and enable them to sell the gas/ carbon would hey look after it? And also if we were to install a community centre for the poor to use possibly including a bathing area do you think people would adapt this?

Answer: yes I believe thatll serve well. I agree with separating the community and private use toilets as this will grow the poors values but also ensure that the people who have money and less national pride will adapt. Thank you for your time Krussik End. Appendices 2: Ecosan/Sambal waterless toilets as used in another village in Tamil Nadu, India. Where a waterless system has been implemented due to the low local water table. After user has deposited into a chamber, ash is used to cover feces. This action removes all moisture and increases alkalinity killing all residing pathogens, and removes odor. Creating a rich, safe fertilizer. Appendices 3: Media Filtration and Ultraviolet Radiation

Process:Within the tank storm water is then brought to the top by a header which evenly distributes the water, and the media (filter) would have fine sand at the top down to coarser sand at the bottom, thus resulting to layers of sand formed in the tank. The fine sand will then eradicate particles from the water with the support of the consequent layers resulting to efficient drainage. The processes are as follows: -The sewage water flows into the base of the tank -It then flows through slots in the inlet pipe and through buoyant media. -Media from manufactured from recycled plastic provides an ideal medium for biological attached growth -The tank which is equipped with two low maintenance course bubble aerated grids and will have the air bubbles travel through a packed media providing excellent oxygen transfer rates. -The wastewater is then treated as it flows through the media and is discharged over screened weirs within the tank, which are connected to outlet pipes, where treated water flows by gravity for further treatment or discharge. The filter media requires periodic, typically daily cleaning to remove excess biomass and accumulated solids. This can be done by increasing the air rate into the reactor using a scour grid, which results in a fluidization and scouring of the media bed. During the cleaning cycle excess solids in the form of sludge are drained from the base of the tank via an actuated dislodge valve. Once the scour air is switched off, the buoyant media in the filter bed reforms and biological treatment recommences immediately.

For better purification, we let the water coming from the two tanks pass through a clear chamber, exposing it to UV light. The result of this process will remove organic contaminants and will leave no bad odor or taste to the water.

Appendix 2: Design Overview: Philippine BioDigesterby: Gerardo P. Baron, December 2004, (Tarlac City, Philippines)

Design Highlights:

1. Flexible: May be used alternately for continuous flow (valve 1 open) or plug flow digestion (valve 2 open as needed.) 2. Small, Compact & Inexpensive: Separate digester allows full use of its contents for digestion; results in high gas yield versus digester volume; and, costs less. 3. Clean & Sanitary: Exposed digester liquids are kept at minimum compared to digesters with telescoping compartments. 4. Versatile: By raising the top section of the bladder, a suction (vacuum) effect may be created to extract gas. Conversely, by pressing down or applying weight on the top of the bladder, gas pressure is increased or adjusted. 5. Simple & Functional: Containers like 55-gallon metal or plastic drums can be easily made into digesters with just minor modifications. Bladder (under test) is made of inexpensive tarpaulin which is tougher, more durable and safer than PE used for TPED or PBD. It is sealed and shaped like an inflatable pillow. Moisture Traps are maintenance free (i.e. overflow when full.) A check valve using a ping-pong ball is being designed. The pillow shaped (oval cross-section) tarpaulin has also been used effectively as a 2 m3biodigester tank. Same concept was also used to make two 10 m3 digesters and one 10 m3 bladder using 1.5 mm HDPE material. For more information: Email Gerardo P. Baron at and Call or SMS +63-927-407-1142.

Appendix 3:

This short article reports on commercial composting slurry now available in India. The slurry culture containing active decomposer bacteria and enzymes is spread on the surface of the garbage and inside the heaps in windrows constructed at waste dump sites. The microbes produce hydrolysing enzymes to break down the long chain complexes of the organic substrates. About 1 kg of slurry culture in the colloidal emulsion form mixed with 20 litres of water is sprayed on about 3 m of solid waste. For one tonne of waste 200 litres of slurry water are needed. The waste heaps are turned once in 7 to 10 days for proper aeration and the inoculant slurry is sprayed at each turning to enhance decomposition and to maintain the proper moisture level which is usually 4555 percent. The process is exothermic and the windrows reach a temperature of 7075C within 2436 hours, killing many harmful pathogens and repelling all birds, stray animals, flies and mosquitos from the dump site. The entire process is completed within 46 weeks and as the decomposition is completed the temperature falls to normal. About 4045 percent of the undecomposed matter is of recyclable materials, and of the rest about 2530 percent requires safe disposal in adjacent land-fill sites. The problem of emission from tip gases and of leachate and discharge of effluents is greatly reduced. The foul odor of the tip also disappears within 23 days of sanitization. The compost produced is rich in sodium, potassium and phosphorous as well as certain trace elements, and contains active nitrogen fixing and phosphate solubulising bacteria.


Appendix 4:

Bio-Digesters in India: Nothing Wasted, A Lot More GainedbyKimberley Mok, Montreal, Canada on 06.26.07 BUSINESS & POLITICS (news)

Tweet 0 Share http://www.treehugger.com/files/2007/06/biodigesters_in. php on Twitter The URL http://www.treehugger.com/files/2007/06/biodigesters_in. php has been shared 0 times.View these Tweets.

In the tropical green south Indian state of Kerala, there is a fresh strategy of dealing with an old problem of waste: specially designed, efficient organic 'digesters' that turn solid waste into energy. Beginning in 1994, a local NGO called Bio-tech pioneered the development of their integrated waste recycling plant, where large amounts of organic waste generated by the markets, slaughter houses, and restaurant kitchens are treated and converted into methane (cooking gas) and fertilizer. Saji Das, the man behind Bio-tech, then chose town of Kadakkal in Kollam district (which fortuitously had the largest dump in the state) as the location for the first integrated recycling plant. Today, the plant is capable of digesting daily one tonne of waste producing three kilowatts of energy enough to power 120 street lamps. The conversion process begins with the manual segregation of wet waste, dry biodegradable waste and recyclable solids like glass, metal and plastic. The plant utilizes five technologies in order to complete the transformation of waste to energy in the form of biogas, namely biomethanization, biocineration, leach beds, waste water treatment and vermicomposting. Wet waste including blood and other waste matter from the slaughter house is critical in producing biogas and is actually run through a pre-digester in order to boost the bacterial action that will break the waste down further. Once the process is complete, it generates biogas that can be used as fuel, in addition to electricity used for lighting and organic NPK (NitrogenPhosphorus-Potash mix) fertilizer. No waste is left behind, as the different components of the Bio-tech integrated

recycling plant are designed to address specific types of waste, which distinguishes them from traditional, less-efficient treatment plants. For instance, the biocinerator unit is designed to handle wastes that degrade slowly, such as paper, dry leaves and plants, while the biomethanization unit processes all organic waste. The leach beds dispense with vegetable matter. Anaerobic waste treatment takes place in another separate unit and the final process incorporates earthworm action in a vermicompost unit. Back at Kadakkal, this thorough efficiency is reflected in the reuse of water that is extracted and recycled so that it can be sent back to flush out abattoirs. Electricity produced by the plant is used to run all the equipment, while the incinerator runs only on the biogas produced by the methanization unit. Das has now set up ten such integrated plants all over Kerala. In towns such as Kumbalangi, environmentalism and tourism have joined forces in transforming it into a model tourism village where, with government support, 140 Biotech domestic units have been designed to run on human waste from lavatories, in addition to 800 units that convert biogas from other wastes. Other municipalities, such as the tourist-friendly Kovalam, are following suit as well. In the larger scheme of things, these integrated recycling plants make conventional, centralized garbage disposal systems look like, well, junk. There is no need to address the challenges of collection and transportation and all maintenance happens on-site. The units themselves can be tailored to suit the requirements of the customer and the domestic version only needs one square metre of space and manages both solid and liquid waste at the same time. Costs to imported Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) for cooking are saved. In a state where its Annual Economic Review published by the government shows that only 50 per cent of the 2,500 tonnes of waste created per day in Kerala is collected for disposal and where the tourism industry generates additionally one tonne of waste daily the bio-waste digesters are looking like an ecologically-effective and versatile way around the looming spectre of the waste problem in India and beyond.::InterPress Service ::The Hindu


Appendix 5:

Eco-friendly Bio-toilet Ready To Go On Indian Railways

Aug 2, 2010

By Anantha Krishnan M. Bengaluru

A newly developed eco-friendly bio-toilet is all set to go commercial on Indian Railways coaches. The human waste disposal system, called a bio-digester, was developed by the Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDOs) Gwalior-based Defense Research and Development Establishment (DRDE). According to DRDO sources, DRDE was approached in 2003 by the Lucknow-based Research Design and Standard Organization (RDSO) to work on the project for Indian Railways. The DRDE laboratory began developing a microbial consortium for biodegradation in a wide range of temperatures (5-45C), as well as the selection of a suitable immobilization

matrix for efficiency improvement and optimization of waste/hydraulic retention time (HRT). Based on laboratory findings and the space available underneath a railway coach, a digester was designed and fabricated that underwent trials at DRDE in Gwalior. The digester was tested by 40-50 soldiers simulating conditions on a stationary Indian Railways coach. Encouraged with the results of these trials, suitable modifications were incorporated before two types of digesters were enacted in an Indian Railway coach for final trial, a source said. The digester is made of stainless steel and is of rectangle shape for underslung operation. The digester has two basic chambers, one for biological and the other for chemical treatment. The combination of these two treatments results in odorless effluent for safe discharge. The digester contains a PVC-based immobilization matrix on the partition and side walls for entrapping the bacteria to cope with sudden washouts by accidental pouring of large amounts of water in the toilet. It also takes care of the occasional adverse conditions created by the accidental use of chemicals like detergents and antiseptics. Trials are currently underway in two trains the Saraighat Express and Azimabad Express. Based on the performance of these bio-digesters, an agreement has been signed between DRDO and Indian Railways. A few bio-digesters are currently being fabricated at Rail Coach Factory, Kapurthala, for technology absorption. After that, around 500 bio-digesters will be built for Indian Railways. A final meeting between DRDO and Indian Railways is set in August to discuss the commercial production of the digesters, which cost Rs 70,000 per unit.

Bio-toilet photo: DRDO

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potential income for Indian community: http://www.treehugger.com/files/2007/09/small_steps_bag_india.php