Eval question 4


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Sony DV video camera to record footageDigital camera to take any photos in general

along each stage

• As of July 2010, facebook has more than 500 million active users; this was a very useful way of making a viral marketing campaign where I made a facebook group for Ward 13 where people posted comments about their general thoughts of the trailer. In just a few weeks of making the group; the page had over 70 fans which really boosted its publicity.

The websites used….The websites used….


My diary; where EVERYTHING was posted and it showed the construction and planning of Ward 13


Our chosen social networking site; most used for publicity of the trailer. We ended up with many comments and ‘likes’


Where we uploaded all of our footage to through my youtube account. It was very easy to post onto blogger as on youtube there is an embed code for all websites such as blogger


Where most pictures were uploaded to. Link provided on blogger to see pictures for proof such as filming.