Eval Question 2




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How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Cover artist- I wanted the styling of this artist peony Nebraska to be very similar to the minimal tic style that Lana Del Rey often uses, the mine en scene is very similar, plain background, natural makeup with heavy eyes, monochromatic and simple styling and natural looking curly hair. The social group that follows Lana deal Rey include mainstream and younger generation of magazine readers. She has a very complex style and her music genre is fairly modern. I think that female markets are generally more interested in her music and genre as the lyrics and styling of many of her songs/music videos are more appropriate for females also the fact that she is a solo female artist generally makes her more appealing to women. The social group could be interested in more vintage and retro artists styles such as the black and white 1950’s style that I tried to recreate through the hair and makeup of my artist on the front cover. With these reasons I think that The social group that is associated with this style of artist is very similar to the social group that would be interested in ‘prevalent’ in terms of gender, age, interests, style and genre.

I also used Lana deal Rey as the inspiration for the artist alexis Spencer on the contents page. Although the inspirational artist Lana Del Rey is the same, her style changes a lot throughout her songs and magazine appearances so I based my artist around this other more edgy style. It appeals to similar social groups as the front cover picture however the style is slightly different, instead of appealing to a social group that like retro style it appeals to a more current style of audience through he use of fairly heavy hair and makeup and a modern looking leather jacket- similar to the outfit of Lana in this photo.The overall layout and theme of the magazine, as a whole, appeal again to a more modern audience, people that are interested in music and styling and are conscious about fitting in with the ‘popular’ trends. The layout and style is classy and simple which appeals the both genders who like this minimalistic theme.

Overall I think that I stayed with general conventions of appealing to a certain type of social group that is popular with many other magazines such as clash as this magazine uses minimalistic style in many of its issues including artists that are popular and appeal to a younger audience. The pictures below show some of the artists that clash have included in their issues, these examples are popular chart music artists that are shown in a simplistic way and all appeal to a similar target audience as my magazine.