Enlightenment and Revolution



Enlightenment and Revolution. Chapter 22. The Scientific Revolution. Section 1. Nicolaus Copernicus. Studied planetary movements Reasoned that the stars and planets revolve around the sun Idea became known as the heliocentric theory. Johannes Kepler. Brilliant mathematician - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Enlightenment and Revolution

Chapter 22


The Scientific Revolution

Section 1

Nicolaus Copernicus

Johannes Kepler

Galileo Galilei

Francis Bacon

Isaac Newton

Zacharias Janssen

Scientific Revolution

Causes of the

Scientific Revolutio


Nicolaus Copernicus

Studied planetary movements Reasoned that the stars and planets revolve around

the sun Idea became known as the heliocentric theory

Johannes Kepler

Brilliant mathematician Used the data of Tycho Brahe to prove the accuracy

of Copernicus’s ideas about the motion of the planets

Galileo Galilei

Scientific discoveries Proposed the heliocentric theory

Sun-centered theory Law of the pendulum Falling objects accelerate at fixed predictable rates

Francis Bacon

Helped develop the scientific method

Isaac Newton

Great mathematician and physicist Brought together theories and discoveries of

Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo under a single theory of motion called the law of universal gravitation All physical objects are affected equally by the same


Zacharias Janssen

Invented the microscope Made the Anton van Leeuwenhoek’s discoveries


Scientific Revolution

Caused improvements in medicine and scientific instruments

What was so

revolutionary about

the Scientific



The Enlightenment in Europe

Section 2







Cesare Beccaria

Mary Wollstonecraft

Thomas Hobbes

Contradicted the ideas of the U.S. constitution Social contract

Explained the idea of direct democracy

John Locke

Political thinker Felt people are reasonable Supported self-government Argued that the purpose of government is to

protect people’s natural rights If government can’t protect natural rights- people

can overthrow it

What influence did the ideas of John Locke have on the Declaration

of Independenc



Believed in progress for all of society Used reason to address social issues


Fought for tolerance, freedom of religion, and freedom of speech Got him into trouble with the clergy, aristocracy, and

the government of France


Devoted to the study of political liberty Wrote On the Spirit of the Laws

Proposed that separation of powers would keep any individual or group from gaining total control of a government Influenced the Constitution

How? Separation of powers


Had many disagreements with other philosophers Many philosophers believed that reason, science,

and art improved the lives of all people He argued that civilization corrupts people’s natural


Cesare Beccaria

Greatly influenced criminal law reformers Argued against the use of torture and other

common abuses of justice

Mary Wollstonecraft

Wrote A Vindication of the Rights of Women Presented an argument for the education of women Declared that women should have the same political

rights as men

What were some of the most

important effects of the



The Enlightenment Spreads

Chapter 22.3

Fredrick II (Great)

Joseph II

Catherine the Great

Fredrick II (Great)

Ruled Prussia as an enlightenment despot Supported freedom of worship

Joseph II

Ruled Austria as an enlightened despot Abolished serfdom

Catherine the Great

Ruled Russia as an enlightened despot Believed a monarch should have absolute authority* Gave nobility absolute power over the serfs

Brutally crushed a massive uprising of serfs

Why do you think

Catherine the Great was

attracted to the ideas of

the philosophes?


The American Revolution

Section 4

Thomas Jefferson

Constitutional Convention

Articles of Confederation


Bill of Rights

Scientific Revolution

Thomas Jefferson

Wrote the Declaration of Independence

Constitutional Convention

Occurred after the American Revolution

Articles of Confederation

Created the first national government of the 13 individual states in North America


Created by the Articles of Confederation

Bill of Rights

Influences Voltaire John Locke Jean Jacques Rousseau

Scientific Revolution

Influenced the American Revolution How?

Questioned assumptions that led to challenging ideas about government

Enlightenment ideas

U.S. Constitution Bill of Rights
