ENGL012 Questionaire


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  • 8/20/2019 ENGL012 Questionaire


    Dear respondent:We, ENGL012 students, are conducting a research on The Resource Preference of ENGL012 DO1 Students in Making Assignents and Pro!ects. In this regard, we would like to ask ou to answer the !uestionnaire. "lease answerhonestl. We pro#ise that this in$or#ation will %e treated con$identiall and will onl %e used $or research purposes.&hank ou.'incerel ours,(esearchers

    Age: )))))) Gender: )))))) Program & Year: _______ Instructions: Check the choice that best answers the question:

    1. What resource #aterials do ou use when ougather in$or#ation $or our assign#ents and pro*ects+-ou #a answer #ore than one )Internet )/ooks )ournals )againes )Encclopedias )others pls. speci$ ))))))))))))))))

    2. 3ow o$ten do ou 4isit the college li%rar+ )e4er da )e4er other da

     )once a week )ne4er

    5. What ser4ices o$ the 6I&78 li%rar do ou use+ )/ook %orrowing ) Internet 6a$9 ) D'& '&;(/ (ecreation )Literature )3istor> Geograph ) ?ilipiniana )others pls. speci$ )))))))))))))))

    @. 3ow o$ten do ou use the internet in #akingassign#ents and pro*ects+

     )e4er da )e4er other da )once a week )ne4er

    A. What we%sites do ou o$ten 4isit to gatherin$or#ation+ )Wikipedia )nline Encclopedia ) nline Data%ase e.g. e%scohost, eric, springerlink ) 8ni4ersit We%sites ) ;n we%sites gi4en % search engines Google,?ire$oB, 'a$ari etc. )others pls. speci$ )))))))))))))))

    C. Do ou check the relia%ilit o$ the we%site ingathering in$or#ation+ )-es

     )No ) 'o#eti#es

    . What do ou use #ore o$ten in #aking assign#entsand pro*ects+ )Internet )/ooks and other resources in the 6I&78 Li%rar

    . What are the reasons in choosing our answer innu#%er . 6heck all that appl. ) ;$$orda%ilit ) ;4aila%ilit ) (elia%ilit )others pls. speci$ )))))))))))))))

    10. n each set o$ choices, what are the outco#es onour pro*ects and assign#ents in choosing ouranswer in nu#%er . ) Good ratings ) /ad ratings

     ) Less errors ) ?re!uent errors

     )?ast co#prehension on class discussion )6on$usion during class discussion

     )others pls. speci$ )))))))))))))))