Effects of Sugar Consumption on Human Behavior


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  • 8/12/2019 Effects of Sugar Consumption on Human Behavior


    The Psychological Record, 2013, 63, 513524

    Correspondence concerning this paper should be addressed to Stephen Ray Flora, Department ofPsychology Youngstown State University Youngstown OH 44555; E-mail: srflora@ysu edu


    Stephen Ray Flora and Courtney Allyn Polenick

    Youngstown State University

    It is a myth, disconfirmed by numerous studies, that sugar consumption causeshyperactivity or other behavior problems in children or adults. This myth maybe maintained by confirmation bias and social reinforcement. Conversely,numerous studies show that sugar consumption improves athletic, cognitive,and academic performance and may increase self-control and reduceaggressive behavior. These effects may be most apparent shortly after sugarhas been consumed. While the brain utilizes large amounts of glucose, the exactphysiological mechanisms responsible for the performance-enhancing effectsof sugar consumption are still debated. Psychological research and theorizingon the effects of sugar consumption should avoid speculative explanations interms of mind and willpower, and focus on observed behavioral effects.For behavior and academic problems, limiting sugar consumption should notbe a treatment focus and may be counterproductive.Key words: sugar, self-control, hyperactivity, willpower, confirmation bias

    Avoiding tooth decay, diabetes, and obesity are all good reasons to limit consumptionof sugar in the human diet. But sugar consumption, even in high amounts, does notcontribute to hyperactivity, inattention, juvenile delinquency, reductions in cognitiveperformance, or other behavior problems in children or adults. Instead, a high level ofglucose, or sugar, consumption actually improves athletic, academic, and cognitive

    performance, and may enhance self-control. Unless medically prescribed for non-behavioral reasons, dietary restriction of sugar intake is inappropriate and may haveunintended behavioral effects (e.g., Fisher & Birch, 1999), create unnecessary interpersonalconict, and be counterproductive by precluding consideration and implementation ofproven effective interventions for behavioral and performance problems, such as behaviortherapy as treatment for attention-decit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD; e.g., Fabianoet al., 2009).

    The SugarHyperactivity Myth

    The myth that sugar consumption causes behavior problems may be maintained byconfrmation biasand social reinforcement. Conrmation bias, the tendency to look for,and nd, cases that conrm preexisting opinions and biases while ignoring disconrmingevidence, has been shown to aversively affect decision making in a vast range of human

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    endeavors, from racial prejudice to medical diagnoses (e.g., Nickerson, 1998). Of course,the occurrence of conrmation bias itself is a function of more fundamental behavioralprocesses, such as reinforcement history and evaluative conditioning (but beyond thescope of the present argument).

    The belief that sugar consumption has negative behavioral effects is commonworldwide among laypersons and professionals alike (e.g., DiBattista & Shepherd, 1993;

    Dosreis et al., 2003; Ghanizadeh & Zarei, 2010). Thus, following instances that appear toconrm this preexisting belief (e.g., when a parent or teacher perceives that children seemto be more active than usual during a party at which sugar has been consumed), it is highlylikely that other individuals will verbally express agreement. Agreement obtained fromothers, particularly from educational or medical authorities (e.g., teachers or physicians),functions as social reinforcement (e.g., Verplanck, 1955), increasing the likelihood thatindividuals will continue to seek conrming evidence. As a result of this history ofreinforcement for attributing high activity levels to sugar consumption, environmental andsituational factors that may account for the increased activity levels (e.g., the presence offriends, energetic music, gifts, or the behavior of adults during interactions with children)

    are likely to be overlooked, and blame is often placed on sugar consumption. Likewise,when high levels of activity occur without sugar consumption, or when sugar is consumedwithout subsequent high activity levels, individuals are apt to discount this disconrmingevidence of a causal connection between sugar consumption and hyperactive behavior.

    Conrmation bias may be seen in the nding that mothers who stated that theirchildren were behaviorally sugar sensitive rated their childrens behavior as morehyperactive when they had been told that their children had consumed a large dose ofsugar, even though the children had consumed a sugar-free placebo, not sugar. Inaccordance with the conrmation bias, mothers who were falsely told that their sons hadconsumed sugar also criticized, looked at, and talked to their sons more than did mothers

    who had been accurately told their sons had not consumed sugar (Hoover & Milich, 1994).Thus, mothers who held the false belief that sugar caused their sons to be hyperactiveerroneously found conrming instances of sugar causing hyperactivity when the facts ofthe matter were quite the opposite. It is possible that parental behavior (e.g., verbalcriticism) may become associated with sugar consumption and, in turn, discriminateoccasions when child behaviors deemed by parents as hyperactive or inappropriatewill receive contingent reinforcing parental attention. That is, parental reactions whenthey rst observe sugar consumption function as discriminative stimuli for inappropriatechild behaviors. Consequently, child misbehavior may increase following sugarconsumption. But the childs behavior may be a functionunder the stimulus controlof

    inappropriate parental behavior, not the result of any biological effect of sugarconsumption.

    Children whose parents say they are sensitive to sugar simply do not show adversebehavioral effects or decrements in cognitive performance even when consuming largeamounts of sugar. In a double-blind controlled trial over 9 consecutive weeks, the familiesof 25 normal preschool children and 23 school-aged children who were described by theirparents as sugar sensitive followed a diet high in sucrose (sugar) with no artificialsweeteners for 3 weeks, followed a diet low in sugar but high in aspartame (an articialsweeter also falsely said to cause behavior problems) for 3 weeks, and then followed a dietlow in sugar with saccharin as a sweetener for 3 weeks. The children were measured andscored on numerous behavioral and cognitive measures. The researchers found that forthe children described as sugar-sensitive, there were no signicant differences among thethree diets in any of 39 behavioral and cognitive variables (Wolraich et al., 1994, p. 301),leading to the following conclusion:

    The results of this study do not support the hypothesis that a diet high ineither sucrose or aspartame adversely affects the behavior or cognitive

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    children were selected because their parents believed them to be sensitive tosugar and even though the children in both groups ingested substantialamounts of the sweeteners. We conclude from this carefully controllednine week study that neither sucrose nor aspartame produces discerniblecognitive or behavioral effects in normal preschool children or in school-agechildren believed to be sensitive to sugar. (Wolraich et al., 1994, pp.

    305306)Despite such disconrming ndings, and despite the fact that this myth has been

    dismissed in articles in both medical (e.g., Vreeman & Carroll, 2008) and popularpublications (e.g., Epstein, 2005; Fiorello, 2001), parents and professionals continue tobelieve, and researchers continue to suggest (e.g., Johnson et al., 2011), that sugarconsumption causes hyperactivity in children. Dosreis et al. (2003) found that two thirdsof parents believed that sugar and diet affect hyperactivity in their children diagnosed withADHD. Forty percent of primary school teachers believe that there is a causal connectionbetween ADHD and sugar or other food additives (Barbaresi & Olsen, 1998), and more

    than 80% think that sugar consumption contributes to increased activity levels andbehavioral problems in all children (DiBattista & Shepherd, 1993). In a survey of 665general physicians in Iran, more than a third of respondents believed that sugarconsumption is a cause of ADHD (Ghanizadeh & Zarei, 2010). Contrary to these beliefs, ameta-analysis of 23 studies on the relationship between sugar and hyperactivity found noempirical support for the sugarhyperactivity myth. There are no adverse effects of sugarconsumption on the behavior or cognitive performance of children (Wolraich, Wilson, &White, 1995).

    Sugar does not even adversely affect the behavior of boys said to have ADHD orattention-decit disorder (ADD). With boys who had received the diagnosis of ADHD as

    participants, Milich and Pelham (1986) compared the effects of either a sugar drink or anon-caloric, aspartame drink on actual classroom measures of academic productivity,accuracy, and on-task behavior as well as direct observations of social interactions,noncompliance with adult requests, and peer-directed aggression in a play ground setting[and found] no support for the purported association between sugar ingestion and ADD(Milich & Pelham, 1986, p. 717, emphasis added).

    Nor does sugar adversely affect the behavior of children with criminal behaviorpatterns. When juvenile delinquent offenders who were incarcerated in a maximum-security correctional facility were fed either a sugar-lled or a sugar-free breakfast, and40 min later given behavioral assessments lasting approximately 3 hr, with one 15 min

    break, the following was found:

    Stated succinctly, there was no evidence of a negative effect of sucroseingestion on performance. The overall pattern of results, across three subjectsamples and numerous behavioral domains provided no support for thecontention that sucrose ingestion compromises behavior. Moreover thesucrose breakfast was associated with improved, rather than impaired,performance. Contrary to popular lore, those delinquents described bytheir teachers as the most disruptive and behaviorally disturbed demonstratedbetterperformance after the sucrose than after the no-sucrose breakfast.

    (Bachorowski et al., 1990, pp. 249250, emphasis added)

    Sugar Consumption Improves Athletic, Cognitive,and Academic Performance

    As the Bachorowski et al. (1990) study with juvenile delinquent participants found,rather than causing hyperactivity or problematic behavior sugar consumption actually

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    fact that sugar consumption improves performance. Compared to consuming water orother non-caloric beverages, dozens of studies have shown beyond any scientic doubtthat drinking sugar-containing beverages during athletic events enhances concentrationand improves performance. Sugar (along with sodium) is the common, critical, ingredientin all effective sports beverages (see Flora, 2011, for a review). For example, Dougherty,Baker, Chow, and Kenney (2006) found that elite male adolescent basketball players

    sprint times and shooting percentages were signicantly better when the athletes werehydrated with a sugarsodium sport drink than when they were hydrated with water ordehydrated. Dougherty et al. concluded, This degree of improvement [achieved bydrinking a sugar- and sodium-containing sports drink] is important in a sport wheresubtle changes in skill performance could be the difference between winning and losing(Dougherty et al., 2006, p. 1657).

    In addition to improving athletic performance, sugar consumption improvesnonathletic performance, concentration, self-control, and academic work. Citing studiesshowing sugar consumption improved reaction times, visual information processing,various cognitive and memory tasks, driving simulator performance, serial subtractions,

    face recognition, and kinaesthetic memory, Scholey, Harper, and Kennedy (2001)concluded, There is a wealth of evidence documenting the benecial effects of a glucosedrink on cognitive performance in healthy young adults (p. 585). These researchersconducted a placebo-controlled, double-blind, balanced crossover study that compared theeffects of cognitive demand on blood glucose levels and the effects of glucoseconsumption on cognitive performance. Their results showed that high cognitive demandlowered blood glucose levels, suggesting increased neural energy expenditure (p. 585).But most important for the present argument, compared to placebo, glucose consumptionproduced a trend for enhanced performance in verbal uency, and glucose consumptionsignicantly improved performance in the demanding serial sevens task (Scholey et al.,

    2001, p. 585), in which participants are given a number to start (e.g., 300) and are told tosubtract by sevens (e.g., 300, 293, 286, 279, 272, 265). In a recent review of the effects ofsugar ingestion on memory performance, Smith, Riby, Van Eekelen, and Foster (2011)found that numerous studies suggest improvements in verbal episodic memory in healthyyoung adults following sugar ingestion when memory materials are studied under dividedattention conditions (e.g., studying a word list while concurrently performing a sequenceof hand movements). These ndings indicate that consuming sugar prior to engaging in ademanding task may improve memory performance.

    Some effects of sugar consumption maybe dose dependent, with greater consumptionresulting in better performance. Compared to consumption of a non-sugar fruit-avored

    beverage or administration of 25 grams of sugar in a drink sweetened with glucose syrup,consumption of 60 grams of sugar signicantly improved word recall and face recognitionin undergraduate student participants (Owen, Finnegan, Hu, Scholey, & Sunram-Lea,2010). During a double-blind, placebo-controlled, six-way crossover study, the sameresearchers found that 60 grams of sugar increased working memory performance after anovernight fast period, while 25 grams of sugar resulted in improved working memoryfollowing a 2-hr fast. These results suggest that optimal sugar dosage may be affected byfasting intervals (Owen, Scholey, Finnegan, Hu, & Sunram-Lea, 2012).

    Demonstrating that the performance-enhancing effects of sugar consumption occurwith children in addition to healthy young adults, Benton and Stevens (2008) found that,compared to the effects of drinking a sugar-free drink, consuming a beverage containing25 grams of sugar improved the memory and time on task of 9- to 10-year-old Britishschool children. Sugar consumption may be more important for the academic achievementof children than is it for adults because of the high metabolic demands of the childs brain,as Benton and Stevens argued:

    The brain is the most metabolically active organ in the body. Yet when

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    adults. In addition a given weight of brain tissue from a child uses moreglucose than if it came from an adult (Kalhan & Kilic, 1999). From birth to 4years the rate of glucose utilization by brain tissue increases markedly, to theextent that by 4 years, per unit weight of brain, it is twice that of an adult(Chugani, 1998). This high rate of glucose utilization remains until 910 years.The cerebral metabolic rate then declines to reach adult values by 1618 years

    of age. [Thus] children may be particularly responsive to the provision ofglucose, the major fuel of the brain. (Benton & Stevens, 2008, p. 242)

    In addition to children and young adults, research suggests that sugar consumptionmay improve the performance of older adults on cognitive tasks. Relative to a saccharinplacebo, sugar ingestion has been found to improve performance on tasks requiring verbalepisodic memory (e.g., immediate recall of items on a word list) in older individuals withand without Alzheimers disease and on tasks using visual memory, verbal uency, andattention in healthy older adults (Korol & Gold, 1998; Smith et al., 2011). In a studyexamining 44 adults ages 60 to 80 years, Gagnon, Greenwood, and Bherer (2010) found

    that, compared to participants who ingested a saccharin placebo beverage, participantswho consumed a sugar-containing beverage following a 12-hr fasting period hadsignicantly faster reaction times on measures of attention and task switching (TrailMaking Test and a modied Stroop task) and showed a smaller dual-task cost (i.e.,difference in response times between a single-task trial and a dual-task trial) during acomputerized divided-attention task that assessed the participants performance on twoconcurrent tasks. These results indicate that sugar consumption may momentarily enhanceperformance on tasks that require memory and attention in older adults, domains that areoften negatively affected by the aging process.

    In addition to improving performance on cognitive tasks, researchers (e.g., Gailliot

    et al., 2007; Gailliot, Peruche, Plant, & Baumeister, 2009) have hypothesized that evenself-control, aggression, and prejudice are all greatly impacted by the brains glucose levelsand, most important for the present argument, performance improvements in thesedomains occur after consuming sugar.

    Sugar Consumption Improves Self-Control

    When blood and brain levels of glucose are high, self-control is more likely. Whensugar levels are low, self-control suffers. For example, in a series of experiments withundergraduate student participants, Gailliot et al. (2007) found that blood glucosesignicantly decreased following tasks that required self-restraint or self-control (e.g., theStroop task, emotional regulation, attention control). But on a second task, compared toparticipants who consumed Splenda-sweetened lemonade between tasks, participants whoconsumed sugar-sweetened lemonade between tasks made fewer errors on the Stroop taskand were more persistent in solving word fragment problems. In the Stroop task,participants are shown words that are printed in a different color than the color that theword references (e.g., the word redmay be printed in green ink). The participants task is tostate the color of the ink, not the word (e.g., green, not red). Because people have astrong history of reinforcement for reading words rather than stating the color ink that theword is printed in, stating the color of the words rather than reading the words rapidly and

    without error is difcult and is said to require self-control. Galliot et al. found thatparticipants who consumed sugar performed much better on the Stroop task than didparticipants who did not consume sugar. Improved performance on the Stroop task hasalso been observed in older adults following sugar consumption, as Gagnon et al. (2010)found that older adults who ingested sugar had signicantly faster execution times duringa modied version of this task relative to older adults who ingested a saccharin placebo.

    Gailliot et al. (2007) hypothesized that sugar consumption may even increase helpingb h i Wh id i h h i l i d d i i h

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    consumed sugar were more likely to indicate that they were willing help strangers thanwere participants who did not consume sugar. Because helping behavior often requireseffort, Galliot et al. contended that it necessitates some degree of self-control.

    Sugar Consumption May Reduce Aggression

    Just as Bachorowski et al. (1990) observed improved behavior of juvenile delinquents

    after they consumed a sugar-lled breakfast, research suggests that sugar consumptionmay reduce aggressive behavior in adults, as well as in children. Benton and Owens (1993)found that, compared to undergraduate participants who consumed a placebo non-sugarbeverage, participants who consumed a sugar beverage were less likely to show aggression,use profanity, or bang on the computer while playing a frustrating and intentionallyimpossible computer game. More recently, Denson, Von Hippel, Kemp, and Teo (2010)found that drinking a sugar-containing beverage 15 min prior to provocation reducedaggression (administering a blast of white noise to a ctitious participant). Amongparticipants scoring high on a measure of trait aggression, sugar consumption reducedaggressive behavior to a level comparable to those who scored low on trait aggression.Likewise, DeWall, Deckman, Gailliot, and Bushman (2011) conducted a study where

    Basically, within the ethical limits of the laboratory, participants [62 collegestudents] controlled a weapon that could be used to blast their partner withloud noise. As expected, participants who drank the lemonade sweetenedwith sugar behaved less aggressively than did participants who drank thelemonade sweetened with a sugar substitute. (DeWall et al., 2011, p. 75)

    Breakfast, Snacks, Sugar, and Performance

    The experimental studies convincingly show that consuming sugar improvesperformance across a wide spectrum of challenging tasks from the athletic to the academic.The performance-improving effects of sugar consumption are a likely reason whybreakfast consumption is strongly related to school performance, and why school breakfastprograms are one of the most effective interventions to improve school performance inimpoverished areas. In the United States, the Child Nutrition Act of 1966 created theSchool Breakfast Program (SBP) to provide breakfast to children in poor areas. A reviewof the program found that participation in the SBP significantly improved schoolperformance and reduced tardiness and absenteeism (Kennedy & Davis, 1998). Studies in

    Jamaica and Peru also found that providing poor children breakfast improved academicperformance (see Pollitt, 1995). A review of 47 studies concluded that breakfastconsumption improves cognitive function, test grades, and school performance in childrenand adolescents. Many of these breakfasts included ready-to-eat cereals that are high insugar (Rampersaud, Pereira, Girard, Adams, & Metzl, 2005).

    In addition to breakfast, sugar-lled afternoon snacks also improve performance inadults, as well as in children. Mahoney, Taylor, and Kanarek (2007) examined the effectsof an afternoon confectionary (sugar) snack on a variety of cognitive processes essentialfor learning. The researchers found that as a mid-day snack, dietary sugar intake appearsto improve cognitive performance on measures of attention and spatial memory (p. 350)

    of adults (Experiment 1) and children (Experiment 2).

    Rejoinder and Theoretical Overreach:Beyond Behavior and Brain to the Mystical Mind

    While the brain consumes far more glucose than any other organ in the body, atpresent it is an overreach, if not an error, to assert that the performance-enhancing effects

    f i d f li f h b i h l d f

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    recharging of hypothetical explanatory ctions, be they the mind, will, or ego.However, this fantastical theorizing is exactly what many of the researchers who haveinvestigated the effects of sugar consumption have done. An accumulating body ofresearch suggests that self-control relies on some sort of limited resource or energy, thusreviving the folk notion of willpower, noted Gailliot and Baumeister in the article ThePhysiology of Willpower: Linking Blood Glucose to Self-Control (Gailliot & Baumeister,

    2007, p. 304). Terms and phrases such as ego depletion in homage to Freud are offeredto explain away experimental ndings. In doing so, rather than increasing understandingof how sugar consumption affects human behavior, researchers have engaged in anexhausting digression.

    It is scientically implausible that a glucose recharging of the brain is solelyresponsible for performance improvements, but it is fantastical to claim that glucose isthe fuel for mystical, nonphysical human inventions of mind, ego, and will. It istheoretically burdensome and scientifically impossible that a natural physicalsubstanceglucoserecharges a mystical, nonphysical entitythe mind, will,or egoand that this nonphysical entity then goes on to power and control natural,

    physical activity, that is, behavior. But claims of the natural controlling the mystical andthen the mystical controlling the natural are exactly the claims and theorizing that haveoccurred with regard to glucose and human behavior. Noting that most interest in themind-body interface has focused on the brain in a study on the effects of a glucosedrink on an experimental impression-formation task, Masicampo and Baumeister(2008) set out to elucidate the interplay of the mind and body in decision making (p.259). Masicampo and Baumeister claimed that their results show one way in which thebody (blood glucose) interacts with the mind (p. 255), but no such thing was shown oroccurred. What the results showed is that an independent variable, an environmentalstimulus (sugar consumption), had a statistical on-average group effect on a dependent

    variable (behavior, a decision task). Group differences were observed. Never was anindividuals brain or brain function observed or measured. There was no evidence forany mystical mind, and certainly there was no measure of some mystical interactionbetween mind and body.

    In their experimental work on the effects of glucose on human behavior, Galliot et al.(2007) proclaimed in the title that Willpower Is More Than a Metaphor. But as Skinneraccused cognitive scientists, the psychologists researching the effects of glucoseconsumption on human behavior but claiming to be investigating willpower, ego, andthe mind are guilty

    of claiming to explore the depths of human behavior, of inventingexplanatory systems that are admired for a profundity more properly calledinaccessibility [and] of relaxing standards of definition and logical thinkingand releasing a flood of speculation characteristic of metaphysics, literature,and daily intercourse, speculation perhaps suitable enough in such arenas butinimical to science. (Skinner, 1987, p. 111)

    Understanding the effects of energy (sugar) and nutrition intake on human behavior iscomplex enough on its own. It is counterproductive to make the task impossible by positingexplanatory ctions to explain away observed effects. Organisms from slugs and jellysh

    to bacteria all rely on glucose as their primary, if not sole, source of energy. Many of theorganisms that rely on glucose do not have neurons, much less a brain. How, then, does theglucose interact with the minds, egos, and wills of these organisms? Perhaps a jellyshdoes not have a mind, will, or ego. Perhaps glucose as a natural substance interacts withthe physical and behavioral activity of a jellysh in a natural way. If we are willing togrant jellysh a place in the natural universe that functions in a natural way, why arepsychologists denying the possibility that humans are natural organisms functioning in a

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    phenomenain the natural universe, not dependent on some mystical, unnatural inventionsthat would take the study of human behavior and human physiology out of the realm ofscientic inquiry?

    As Skinner noted, given the natural impossibility of an unnatural, mystical mindsomewhere inside the organism that controls human behavior, many in psychology havesimply substituted the brain for the mind and continued on with metaphysical

    speculation to explain away human behavior:It has been possible to avoid the problems of dualism in substituting brainfor mind. The brain is the place where thinking is said to take place. Boththe mind and the brain are not far from the ancient notion of a homunculusan inner person who behaves in precisely the ways necessary to explain thebehavior of the outer person in whom he dwells. A much simpler solution isto identify the mind with the person. Human thought is human behavior.(Skinner, 1974, p. 117)

    Instead of recognizing that thinking is behavior, modern psychology has invented a

    modern homunculus, the central executive, and reassigned thinking to executivefunctions. To the current point, rather than acknowledge that thinking is behavior andbehavior is activity that uses energy (e.g., glucose, sugar), thinking or willpower is saidto be an executive function, that requires glucose:

    At a theoretical level, we think the selfs executive function, also known asself as agent is generally expensive in terms of energy and thus glucose. Theself is the controller of controlled processes, the self-regulator, the decisionmaker, and the initiator. (Gailliot & Baumeister, 2007, p. 304)

    Fueling the brain per se, much less the mind, may not be what accounts for sugarsperformance-enhancing effects at all. The stimulating effects of glucose or the use ofglucose by other physiological systems in the organism, such as glucose receptors in theliver, vagus nerve stimulation, hormonal activity, glucocorticoid secretion, pancreaticfunction, or any number of other biological systems, could also par tial ly, or wholly,account for the performance-enhancing effects of sugar consumption. Many researchershave concluded that performance changes are unlikely to be due to increased brain glucoseuptake (see Kurzban, 2010, for review and analysis). In short, a recharging of the brain isat most responsible for very little (possibly not any) of glucoses performance-enhancingeffects.


    Thinking, cognitive performance, acts of self-control, recognition and recallmemory, and the like are popularly referred to as cognitive activitiesor brain functions, butultimately they are behaviors, or worse, hypothetical constructs (e.g., explanatory ctions)that are only inferred from overt behaviors. Furthermore, while science can, withincreasing specicity, inform us of how, when, and how much various organs utilizeglucose, sugar consumptionis an overt behavior, and the resulting increased glucose in thebiological organism functions as an independent variable affecting a wide range of

    activities of the entire human organism. Glucose does not singularly affect the brain.While it is difcult to identify the natural line of fracture between environment and

    organism with regard to sugar consumption (e.g., when does sugar go from being anenvironmental stimulus to being part of the organism? When its in the mouth? In theblood? When the glucose is nally converted to ATP molecules to be used as energy? Or atsome other point?), the effects of sugar consumption on human behavior will not changewith increased knowledge of the physiological effects and action of sugar in the human

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    The practice of looking inside the organism for an explanation of behaviorhas tended to obscure the variables which are immediately available for ascientific analysis. In [any] case we have causal chain consisting of threelinks: (1) an operation performed upon the organism from without [forexample, sugar consumption]; (2) an inner condition [for example, blood andbrain glucose levels]; and (3) a kind of behavior [for example, performance

    on a Stroop task or on an academic assignment]. The second link is uselessin the controlof behavior unless we can manipulate it. The objection toinner states is not that they do not exist, but that they are not relevant to afunctional analysis. We cannot account for the behavior of any system whilestaying wholly inside it. If we must always go back beyond the secondlink for prediction and control, we may avoid many tiresome and exhaustingdigressions by examining the third link as a function of the first. Validinformation about the second link may throw light upon this relationship butin no way alter it. (Skinner, 1953, pp. 3135, first emphasis in original,second emphasis added)

    To this point, what is knownabout the effects of sugar consumption on humanbehavior and performance is that sugar consumption, even in high amounts, does notcontribute to hyperactivity, inattention, juvenile delinquency, reductions in cognitiveperformance, or other behavior problems in children or adults. Instead, a high level ofglucose, or sugar, consumption actually improves athletic, academic, and cognitiveperformance, and may enhance self-control. Sugar consumption may reduce aggressivebehavior, and sugar consumed during breakfast and in afternoon snacks improvesperformance during a wide range of activities. Of course, it is possible, but highly unlikely,that factors other than sugar consumption may have affected outcomes in the previously

    discussed studies. Across a variety of participants, settings, and tasks, all these studiesfound performance-enhancing effects of sugar consumption, thus providing evidence thatsugar consumption improves behavioral and performance outcome measures independentof other variables.

    As sugar consumption may improve behavior and performance, and as there is noempirical evidence that sugar consumption has detrimental effects on human behavior orperformance, dietary restriction or elimination of sugar is not a scientically valid focus oftreatment or prevention efforts in the behavioral domains of childhood activity levels,aggression prevention, self-control, and academic or work performance. Behavioraltreatments that directly address environmental and functional factors of problematic

    behavior (e.g., aggressive responses) or performance decits (e.g., off-task behaviorsduring academic assignments) are most appropriate for such challenges and hold the mostpromise for lasting behavioral improvements (e.g., Flora, 2004). For instance, a functionalanalysis may reveal that a childs aggressive behavior is maintained at school by an escapefrom demands that results when his teacher removes him from the classroom, and thismost likely has nothing to do with any sugar consumed prior to the aggressive act.Likewise, a college student may have difculty completing assignments not because shefrequently consumes sugar-containing beverages but because she has competing sourcesof reinforcement in her immediate environment (e.g., her laptop to check e-mail and chatonline with friends) when she attempts to do her work.

    Although it is safe and arguably best for ones health to consume sugar in moderation,erroneously attributing sugar as a cause of hyperactivity, inattention, and other behavioralor performance problems may be harmful by leading individuals to ignore the actualcausal factors of performance decits. As a result, scientically proven behavioraltreatments may be delayed or never implemented, thus potentially decreasing thelikelihood that meaningful functional improvements will occur. Moreover, restriction orelimination of sugar from the diet may be unintentionally counterproductive, decreasing

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    Furthermore, compared with children who are not on a restrictive diet, children withparental dietar restrictions ma displa excessive intake of restricted foods when givenfree access to these foods (Birch & Fisher, 2000), and restricting access to visible palatablefoods may increase childrens preference and intake of such foods (Fisher & Birch, 1999).Therefore, it is plausible that restriction of sugar-containing foods and beverages mayparadoxicall increase sgar consmption, reslting in an increased risk of obesit from

    excessive caloric consmption.In addition to dispelling the myth that sugar ingestion causes behavioral andperformance problems, it is important to consider the benecial role that sgar ma pla inthe hman diet. As indicated b the experimental stdies previosl reviewed, sgarconsumption may be essential for optimal brain function in both children and adults.

    For individuals of all ages, research has demonstrated that sugar consumption hasnmeros benecial effects on hman behavior and performance. These effects ma be mostapparent when sugar is consumed shortly before engaging in athletic, academic, or cognitiveactivities. While ftre stdies will frther expand or knowledge of these performancebenets, the crrent literatre sggests that sgar consmption can pla an important role in

    the sccessfl exection of a wide variet of effortfl and demanding tasks.


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    C o p y r i g h t o f P s y c h o l o g i c a l R e c o r d i s t h e p r o p e r t y o f P s y c h o l o g i c a l R e c o r d a n d i t s c o n t e n t

    m a y n o t b e c o p i e d o r e m a i l e d t o m u l t i p l e s i t e s o r p o s t e d t o a l i s t s e r v w i t h o u t t h e c o p y r i g h t

    h o l d e r ' s e x p r e s s w r i t t e n p e r m i s s i o n . H o w e v e r , u s e r s m a y p r i n t , d o w n l o a d , o r e m a i l a r t i c l e s f o r

    i n d i v i d u a l u s e .
