Editing Evidence


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Editing Evidence

When watching back a couple of the videos, there were a couple of camera shakes. I therefore stabilized the media to try and get rid of the camera shakes. This is something I did throughout editing the whole opening sequence.

The shot were Jack looks back to Natasha and she is not there was missing. To solve this problem I spit the scene were Jack looks over to see what the noise was, copied that part and then reversed so it look like he was looking the other way.

Due to conflict in timing schedules, the only time we could film was early in the morning on one day and late in the afternoon on another. This meant that there were shots that were done in the light and others that were done in the dark. This meant that when they were edited together, it would lack in continuity. To over come this, I put a filter over the videos that were to light to make them look darker. To do this I adjusted the colour curves of the video and then also changed the high tones of the video to a more of a red tone to make it seem like the video was more at sunset then at early morning when it was actually filmed. Saturation and gamma were also change to make it darker. This then allowed for the shots to then transition nicely into each other.



I produced the human groan sound effect in the program Audacity, downloading a human groan and birds flapping sound effect separately. I then merged these together and added an echo effect to make the sound effect feel more creepy.

I was also able to produce a track of music similar to the Lana Del Ray song that we wanted to use but the one I made had a quicker tempo more suitable to the scene.

For the beginning of the opening sequence when the film company name appears I downloaded a thunder sound effect and then made it look like the text was effected by the thunder. To do this, I animated the text by changing the vertical sync of the text and various points to make it look like it was shaking. I then added a flickering effect to make it look like the text was flickering.

This is the final project edited together with all the videos, music, sound effects and video effects added.
