EBOOK REPORT By Ru Anderson - justcoach.s3.eu-west-2


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By Ru Anderson


01Identify and Design Your System

04Define Your System's Uniqueness

05Identify Target Markets for Your System

07Craft an Enticing Title

08Package and Sell Your System

A great way to leverage your expertise and build your business is to create a signature system and a program for coaching it to your clients.

A signature system is a method for solving a problem your audience faces. It's a method you've used in the past to solve this problem which you can teach/coach to others so they can achieve the same results.

TThis system can earn you income directly, but it can also be used for branding, gaining exposure, building a marketing funnel, and setting up multiple streams of income.

The biggest perk of your signature system is that anyone can do it. All you need to do is figure out what you can teach and how you can teach it.

TThere are five key steps to creating your own unique signature system and putting it into a program to coach your clients.

Your signature system is something you've used in the past that's worked for you. This could be:


How you completed your first marathon in just two months

The short daily exercise routine that keeps you in shape and helps you maintain your weight headache-free

A simple formula for losing excess body fat that makes it painless

Your lifestyle system for high performers that helped you clear your debt and find your dream career

YYour nutrition system that makes eating healthy delicious food easy and e ortless

You may have seen systems like this o ered by big-name online entrepreneurs that guarantee you'll be making millions by this time next year.

However, everyone has a system they can teach. Signature systems are most often o ered by entrepreneurs, trainers, coaches, consultants, small business owners and service-based businesses. But in reality, anyone can turn their experience and knowledge into a teachable system.

SStart by looking at some area of your business or your life where you've solved a problem and seen results. Work your way backwards to see how you did it. You should be able to identify the specific steps you took. Is this something you can teach to others so they can get similar results?

IIf it's hard to think of anything o hand, try asking others. Talk to people you've helped, such as friends and clients. Ask them directly or see what they're saying about you on social media. They can give you some ideas you haven’t considered.

IIt's important to choose just one system to start with. Choose the best or easiest to understand at first. Once your first program is up and running, you can always create new systems in the future for more income and exposure.

It's likely that you have such a system, but you've never thought of it in this way before. You'll need to go through each step and decide how you

Next Steps:

What is something you've learned how to do and gotten results from? Can you turn this into a system you can teach others?

Write out the steps you've used to get results with this system.

can teach others how to do it. You'll also have to provide whatever resources or background information others will need to know.

If you are interested in creating your signature system that helps your clients create incredible body, mind and lifestyle changes, then consider using Justcoach.

WWith justcoach, you can have your signature system created and deployed within minutes. You’ll get instant access to our done-for-you signature coaching system.

Transform your coaching practice using our proven strategies and methodologies - so that you can create more profound transformations for all of your clients.

BBasically, Justcoach removes all of the time and frustrations with creating your own signature system and lets you get back to doing your best work. This means a better experience for your clients, fewer headaches for you.

The true value of your system is that it's unique. Others have solved this problem in a similar way, but no one's system is quite the same as yours, because you came up with yours on your own.

Do you know what makes your process dierent from others? Discovering your system's uniqueness is an important step and it will be crucial in marketing a program that teaches it.

OOne way to do this is to look at your competition. Search online and find similar systems, and then see if you can glean what sets yours apart. Search relevant keywords in Google and on Amazon, where many businesses sell programs such as these.

PPay especially close attention to the benefits these products o er. Somewhere in their marketing materials, they'll mention the specific benefits of their program. You don't need to use the product to find these. Identify the unique benefits your system o ers that theirs don't. These are the unique benefits you can use in your marketing.

AAt justcoach, we want you to make our signature system your own. That’s why every single element of our programs can be fully edited and customized.

You can change every program and resource to any way so that it fits your business. Add your videos, change the text, change the colors or images and claim them as your own.


Next Steps:

Find similar systems that solve the same problem as yours.

Look at the benefits each system o ers and compare with your own to discover your unique benefits.

If you have a good system that gets results, someone else can use it to get the same results as you. The challenge here is to find out exactly who those people are so you can focus your marketing e orts on them.

You may already have an audience that you market to. This market isn't necessarily the right one for your new system. You may need to reach out to a new audience, or you may find that your system is right for a particular segment of your market.

IIf your system is well suited to your current market, this will make it easier to sell. Your existing clients already know and trust you. If you've been doing your marketing well, they're ready to buy from you.

What if you have to look for other markets? This will involve some extra work on your part, but it will expose you to a new audience. This gives you an opportunity to start a whole new business.

TThe key in choosing a market is to consider pain points. You're looking for people who are su ering from the problem your program solves.

Once you choose an audience, you may find yourself tailoring your system to meet their specific needs. For example, you might have a system for healthy eating that you've used for your marketing funnel in your business. You might choose to tailor it to people who are looking to lose weight, like you were when you first started improving your diet.

AAs you start creating your system and researching your market, you might find that these newbies struggle especially with staying consistent to eating right. Because of this discovery, you might change your system to tailor it specifically to sustainable healthy eating for weight loss.

TTesting new markets with justcoach is e ortless, and we’ve done all of the creation for you. With literally dozens of done-for-you programs, it’s simply a case of testing which programs resonate the most with certain markets.


Once you learn which programs work in which market, you can begin to scale your o ers by turning them into unique signature systems.

This means you could create multiple revenue streams from dierent markets using a combination of signature systems that you have created within justcoach.

Even better, they can all be instantly deployed with a click of a button.

Next Steps:

Would your system benefit your current market or a subset of your current market?

Who is facing the problem your system solves?

Identify the target market for your signature system.

Could you change your system in any way to better serve your market?

Naming your signature system is extremely important. It needs to be consistent with your brand or the new brand you hope to create, and it needs to tell people exactly what your system will do for them.

TThe title should be memorable and drive home the benefits the client will receive. Remember that this is what people will hear first, and they’ll decide whether they check out your o er to learn more or not. The title needs to be exciting and motivating. It should be as specific as possible, but also quick and snappy.

IIn addition to the title of your program, the title for each step is also important. When you tell people what's in your program, you can list these steps by title, and this will further motivate people and tell them what benefits they can expect.

BBrainstorm several dierent titles and give each some consideration. Make a big list and narrow it down. Ask other people to help you figure out which is the best. Often, another person will have a dierent perspective as an outsider who didn't create the system.


Next Steps:

Create a list of titles that explain the benefits of your program.

Narrow down your list until you have the best title.

Create titles for your steps that you can use for marketing.

You might have an excellent system in place, but it's not going to generate multiple streams of income unless you know how to package and sell it.

For this step, you'll turn your system into a transformation program. The system is what you used to get success; the program is the container you put your system in so that others can use it and get the same results.

YYour first signature system should be a medium-priced product. It'll be in the middle of your funnel, between lower-priced or free content (like short reports or blog posts) and higher-priced items (like personal coaching).

A signature program can take any one of many dierent formats:

- An eBook with recipes

- A physical book

-- An online program

- A program delivered by app

- A series of videos

- Webinars

- Group coaching programs

- In-person workshops

SStudy your target market and determine the best format for them to digest your information (text, video, webinar, etc.) and the best delivery system (one-on-one, group-based, self-study, a mix, etc.).


This should also depend on the nature of the material you're coaching. If you're showing someone how to eat better, you might o er healthy recipes where they can access a varied database for time saving ideas.

At justcoach we believe nutrition is the foundation to incredible transformations. That's why we've included hundreds of nutritious, quick to prepare meals that can be matched to client’s goals, so that they fuel their body with the right foods at the right time.

OOn the other hand, if you're o ering a group coaching program, you might want to create more of a community by connecting all of your group clients together in one place.

With justcoach, you can talk with clients all in one place, so nothing slips through the cracks. Communicate in private with clients or in a group chat to create more of a community and accountability vibe. It's just you and your clients, happily ever after.

YYou also need to decide how long the program will take and how much you'll o er in terms of materials. Keep in mind that the more materials you o er and more in-depth you get, the more you can a ord to charge for your program.

SSupport materials are especially important. As clients work their way through the program, they'll undoubtedly need some kind of help. These supplemental resources can include anything from calculators, how-to guides, and progress trackers, to live online support and quizzes.

OOur justcoach resources will do all of the heavy lifting for you with no customization required. From built in calculators and trackers, you'll be able to e ortlessly obtain and store vital client data and updates. This means you can give clients the right guidance, support and accountability at the times they need it most.

FFinally, you'll need to determine what marketing channels you'll use to reach your audience. If you've defined your target market well, this shouldn't be hard at all. You should already know where they hang out online and what kinds of content they like.

I hope this report has gotten your head buzzing with great ideas for your signature system.

You’ve just learnt the 5 simple steps to make it happen, and you also discovered how justcoach can save you a ton of creation and research time.

justcoach is your tried and tested signature system.

UUse our proven strategies and methodologies - so that you can create more profound transformations for all of your clients and build multiple streams of income by sharing your expertise with your audience.

Head over here to get started today:


Next Steps:

What format and delivery system will you use to o er your signature program?

What marketing channels will you use? (Remember to emphasize benefits in all your marketing materials)
