East griqualand fever 8 aug 2014



East griqualand fever 8 aug 2014

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east griqualand

FEVERYour 24/7 local connection FREE August 8, 2014

www.egfever.co.za @egfever East Griqualand Fever





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Sanitationcrisis atOprah’s school

>> $1.6 million school was to be run by the KZN education department

NTUNTU DWEBA>>ntuntu.dweba@feveron­


PUPILS at the once state-ofthe-art Seven FountainsPrimary School in

Shayamoya are forced torelieve themselves under dis-gusting circumstances.

The once-pristine toiletsare in a shocking conditionand pose a major health haz-ard for users.

The sanitation crisis is as aresult of the malfunctioning

watersystemasthetanksburstinMaylast year.

This ismadeworsebytheirregularwater supply in 4 Shayamoya town-ship.

The$1.6 million school, fundedbyAmerican talk show host and philan-thropist Oprah Winfrey, was openedin 2007 andwas to be run by the KZNDepartment of Education.

The school governing body chair-person, Buyiswa Rheme, said waterproblems surfaced last year.

“We have been reporting thematter to the Sisonke District Depart-mentofEducationsinceJunelastyear,

askingfornewwatertanksastheoneswere old and leaking.

“Wewerepromisedthatthematterwould be sortedout,butuntil nowwehave nowater andnonew tanks havebeen given to the school,” she said.

Rheme said worst of all, the toiletscannot be flushed.

“We have to fill 25-litre containersbefore the water is shut off at 10amevery day so pupils can fill the cisternto flush the toilet, but pupils in lowergrades are unable to lift the 25-litrecontainers to pour water into thetoilet,” she said.>> CONTINUED ON PAGE 2

One of the basins.


chairperson BuyiswaRheme and caretaker

Mr Sinama.



FEVEReast griqualand

We are sendingfour readersto paradiseSail to our competitions page


PHOTOS: NTUNTU DWEBAThe state of one of the lower gradetoilets,


As a result faeces fill the toilets and oftenpupils are unable to sit on them. To add insultto injury theGrade7toiletsareonly fewmetresaway from the kitchenwhere food for pupils iscooked.

Caretaker at the school Mr Sinama said heisextremelyunhappyaboutthesanitationsitu-ation.

“ItgetssobadthatsometimesIhavetoscoopout faeces with my gloved hands so I can pourwater from the containers into the bowl toenable pupils to use the toilets,” he said.

Rheme said some pupils have experiencedstomach problems and she suspects this is asa result of the situation.

“It is a disgrace that such a wonderful gift

giventothecommunity is left todeteriorate likethis,” she said.

Rhemesaidofficials fromtheDepartmentofEducation and themunicipality told them theymust to raise their own funds and buy newtanks because “that is Oprah’s school”.

“We were surprised to get that type of re-sponse.MaybeOprahmadeamistakebybuild-ing that school for our children.

“Wecannotaffordtoreplacefivetankswith-out assistance from the [education] depart-ment,” she said.

The district director at the Department ofEducationinSisonke,DumisaniSibisi, saidtheschool has money that it must use.

“I don’t understand why the school hasn’tbought tanks because money was transferred[to it] a long time ago.”

Kokstad hospitalin crisis

>> ‘Health department has failed the people of Kokstad’

KHAYA MAGENU>>khaya.magenu@feveronline.co.za

THE KwaZulu-Natal Democratic Alliancedeputy leader Francois Rodgers saidthey are shocked to hear about the

current state of East Griqualand & UsherMemorial Hospital in Kokstad.

Thiscomesafterallegationsthatthehospitalhas no blankets, has a shortfall of linen result-ing in patients being asked to take their ownblankets when they are admitted.

Just a year ago theDAexposed the shockingconditions in thehospital,bringingattention tothe fact that it had run out of food for patients.

“It isnowabundantlyclear that thishospitalis slipping fromonecrisis to another asa resultof its lackofcapacityandadysfunctionalhealthdepartment,” said Rodgers.

“It is also alleged that there has been no hotwater in the hospital for the past few days andthat thewaterboilingsystemhascollapsed,”hecontinued.

He said that officials and the health depart-ment are fully aware that thehot-water systemis antiquated and has not been suitable for usefor many years.

“Is this just another case of out of sight outof mind.

“This is unacceptable and theDA calls uponMEC S. Dhlomo to immediately intervene andaddress the conditions experienced at the hos-pital.

“A year ago the MEC gave myself and thecommunity an undertaking he would ensurethat all challenges were addressed — this hasnot happened. The DA is of the opinion thatclearly the Department of Health, under theleadership of Dhlomo, has failed the people ofKokstad in its mandate,” said Rodgers.

The Provincial Department of Health PublicRelationsOfficerDesmondMothadenied thereis a shortage of blankets and a shortfall oflinen, saying that all hospitals place their linenorders at a central store in Pietermaritzburgand EG and Usher Memorial Hospital is doingthe same.

On the issue of collapsing of boiler system,he said they have sent their infrastructuremanager to attend to theproblemandheactedpromptly.

“We have appointed a company to fix theboiler system and it is expected to start on 7August,” said Motha.

PHOTO: NTUNTU DWEBAKZN Health MEC Sibongiseni Dhlomo and DA KZN Deputy Leader Francois Rodgers outside theUsher Memorial Hospital when the hospital faced a food crisis last year.

Family of deadwoman soughtTHE Matatiele SAPS is seeking assist-ance in identifying a dead woman andher family.

Believed to be about 27, she wasfound in Kutloanong Location inMount Fletcher on 16 March, 2013.

Matatiele Police spokespersonLieutenant Raphael Motloung said thewoman was found naked with stabwounds all over her body.

“It was established that she hadbeen raped and one eye and her pri-vate parts had been removed.”

If anyone is missing a family mem-ber or friend from that time, or whomight know her attackers, they mustcontact Constable Moyikwa at the MtFletcher police station on039 257 0242 or 076 502 8519.

— Supplied.

Oprah’s school in dire straits


2August 8, 2014

east griqualand


Urine lies along the drains in the toilets.

August 8, 2014

east griqualand




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Kokstad ‘collapses’>> ‘It used to be a beautiful clean town, now it is dirty and rotten’

KHAYA MAGENU>>khaya.magenu@feveronline.co.za

SERVICESintheGreaterKokstadMunicipality have “completelycollapsed” as the municipality

faces accusations of gross malad-ministration, bankruptcy and poorfinancial management.

The normally clean CBD streetsare strewnwith uncollected rubbish,the roads are full of potholes and anincrease in pick-pocketing were justsomeof the issues thatdominated thearea over the weekend.

However, Greater KokstadMunicipality spokesperson SabeloNcwane said they acknowledge theconcern, but itmust benoted that themunicipality is facing a serious staffshortage.

“We had 100 people employed bya Public Works grant, but theircontract ended in June.However, themunicipality is trying by all means tokeep the town clean.

“Itmust beunderstood that unlikeother towns, Kok-stad has a largenumber of visitors at the end of themonthandthatrequiresmorehumanresources.

“I can confirm that there werepeople whoworked on Saturday andSunday to clean the town.”

A residents who asked the Fever

not to divulge his name on Mondaywhere he saw the rubbish on thestreets, said: “Our town has com-pletely collapsed.

“The beautiful town of Kokstad isdecaying and collapsing. It used tobea beautiful clean town, now it is dirtyand rotten.”

There were allegations that mu-nicipal coffers are empty and somecleanersarerefusingtoworkovertheweekend because they don’t get paidovertime.

Greater Kokstad MunicipalityMayor Nosisa Jojozi recently deniedallegations that the municipality isbankrupt, saying they are experienc-ing a challenge of cash flow, and as aresult they have come upwith a belt-tightening strategy.

Over the weekend, Leon Kotting,Kokstad Chamber of Commercechairman, described the filthy townas “shocking”.

He said the GKM CommunityService executive manager, NyanisoMsiya sent them an e-mail onMondaygivingvariousexcusesaboutthemonth-end period being too busyfor them to cope with cleaning thetown.

“I find these excuses deplorableand I can tell you that it is a clearexample of a municipality in deepfinancial trouble.

“Excuses are currently the orderof the daywith the reality of financialmismanagement and overspendingin the past now taking its toll on serv-ice delivery. Are you aware that thetown only has one tractor to clear theskipsfromallthebusinessesintown,”asked Kotting.

He said the chamber met withsenior management and Cogta morethan two weeks ago to discuss theirconcerns atGKMandwere promisedfeedback and an immediate actionplan into the current shortfalls, butthey are still waiting for both.

“The chamber finds it difficult tounderstandhowseniorpolitical lead-ers andofficials canoperate as if theyhave their heads buried in the sand.”said Kotting.

Ncwane said to perfect the clean-ing of themunicipality it has upped agear anddevelopeda strategy called

“Kokstad GreeningPHOTO: KHAYA MAGENU

Piles of rubbish on the streets of Kokstad.

Most streetsare strewnwith rubbish.PHOTO:KHAYAMAGENU

Children injured after falling off truckTHREEchildrenhavebeen injuredafter fallingoff a moving vehicle in the rural Xhalini areanear Harding, in southern KZN.

Initiallyithadbeenthoughtthatthechildrenhad been hit by a motor vehicle, but the threegirls, aged 10, six and four, told paramedicswho treated them that they had climbed ontothe back of a water tanker (without the driverknowing)andwhen it stoppedand thenmoved

off again, they fell off.Two of the children were critically injured

and the eldest is in a serious condition. Thegirls were treated by paramedics from KZNEMS, including an advanced life support para-medic team before being taken to St AndrewsHospital in Harding.

The exact details ofwhat transpired are be-ing investigated by the police. — Supplied.

NEWS EDITORLynnHitchcock

031 533 7660 /082 3660038


REPORTERNtuntuDweba078619 2174

ADVERTISING, SALESBrittany Pride082 774 3556



Campaign”that will comeup with solu-tionsregardingthe cleanlinessof the town,wastemanage-ment, environ-mental impactand recrea-tional activi-ties.

Are you an aspiring journalist? Write for us and getpublished using the Citizen Journalism tool at



Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulations published in Government Notice R543 inGovernment Gazette No 33306 of 18 June 2010, under Section 24 of the National EnvironmentalManagement Act, 1998 (Act No 107 of 1998) as amended, that Feza FamilyTrust is in the processof lodging an application with the KZN Department of Economic Development, Tourism andEnvironmental Affairs for environmental authorisation.

The proposed project entails the construction of Umzimkhulu Shopping Complex (Mall), withstalls for traders and Umzimkhulu Sasol Service Station and associated infrastructure on Erf152. The activity requires a basic assessment in terms of Section 24 and 24 (D) of the Act, asread with Government Notice R543 (Regulations 22 – 26) and R544. The site is located on Erf152 along P 601, Umzimkhulu, KwaZulu - Natal, site co-ordinates: S = 29º 56. 251’ ; E = 30º 15.562’ .

All interested and affected parties (I & APs) are invited to register with Mondli ConsultingServices as indicated below. All registered I & APs will be informed once the report is available.A public meeting is scheduled for 21 August 2014 at 10.30 am at Clydesdale Community Hall,Umzimkhulu.

Registration and comments or more information can be obtained by phoning, faxing or e-mailing S.Mthembu of Mondli Consulting Services.

Tel/Fax: (031) 572 5647Cell: 0826799841 / 0722626800Email: mondlib@webmail.co.za

Date of this notice:? August 2014


Kunikezwa isaziso ngokomthetho oshicilelwe kwiGazette kaHulumeni unombolo R 543 kwiGazette kaHulumeni ewunombolo 33306 ka 18 June 2010, ngaphansi kwesigaba 24 soMthethoWokongiwa kweMvelo (UmthethoWokongiwa kweMvelo ongunombolo 107 ka 1998), ngokucibiyelwe,ukuthi abakwa Feza Familty Trust sebefake isicelo kuMnyango Wezokuthuthukiswa Kwomnotho,Ezokuvakasha nezeMvelo kwaZulu Natali sokugunyazwa ngokwezemvelo.

Intuthukoehlongozwayo imbandakanyaukwakhiwakwegaraji likaphethiloli nodizili ongafinyelela ku115000 wamalitha, nezakhiwo ezihambisana negalaji laloluhlobo elihambisana nenxanxathela yezitolo,indawo yabadayisi. Intuthuko ehlongozwayo idinga ukugunyazwa ngokwezemvelo ngokwesigaba 24no 24 (D) somthetho, ngokufundwa ngokuhlanganisa nesaziso seGazette kaHulumeni unomboloR543 (imitheshwana 22 – 26) no R544. Intuthuko ehlongozwayo isemgwaqeni u P 601 osedolobhenilaseMzimkhulu kwisiza esiwu Erf 152, Umzimkhulu, KwaZulu - Natal.

Bonke abanentshisekelo nabathintekayo sicela babhalise kwa Mondli Consulting Servicesnjengokwemininingwane engezansi. Bonke ababhalisile bayothintwa uma umbiko sewuphothuliwe.Umhlangano ovulekile womphakathi ngaloludaba uyoba mhlaka 21 August 2014, ngo 10.30 ekuseni,eholo lomphakathi i Clydesdale eMzimkhulu.

Ukubhalisa nemibono noma ulwazi olwengeziwe lungatholakala ngokushayela inombolo engezansiyocingo, nesikhahlamezi ne e-mail kuthintwe u S. Mthembu wakwa Mondli Consulting Services.

Tel/Fax: (031) 572 5647Cell: 0826799841 / 0722626800Email: mondlib@webmail.co.za

Usuku lwesaziso:? August 2014

FEVEReast griqualand


We are sending fourreaders to paradise

Sail to our competitions page

Ezemvelo calls for land agreement retention>> Residents want nature reserve land for housing in Kokstad

NTUNTU DWEBA>>ntuntu.dweba@feveronline.co.za

EZEMVELO KZN Wildlife madea presentation to the GreaterKokstad Municipal Council

regarding thecontroversialaddition-al land for the Mt Currie NatureReserve at a councilmeeting in coun-cil chambers at the Kokstad TownHall last Friday.

The presentation was made afterthe ANC caucus took a vote in Marchto rescind a 20-year agreement be-tweenthemunicipalityandEzemveloto expand the Mt Currie NatureReserve.

The move to rescind the agree-ment was reported to have beenprompted by the shortage of land forhousing in Kokstad.

Residents have protested de-manding land for housing from the

municipality.The memorandum of agreement,

which the Fever is in possession of,was signedbyKZNNatureConserva-tion Board CEO Dr Bandile Mkhizeand formerGKMmunicipalmanagerFelix Nxumalo in March 2012, out-lines that GKM agreed to provide the588 hectares of land to expand MtCurrie Nature Reserve for 20 years.

In their presentation Pat Dowryand Ezemvelo Wildlife SisonkeDistrict ecologist Athol Marchantoutlined a number of reasons whyEzemvelo would like to retain theexisting agreement.

• 50% of the catchment of CrystalDam as it supplies water to Kokstad.

• High livestock stocking rates,housingandagriculturewilldecreasewater quantity and quality.

• Critically endangered BeardedVulture nest (intensification of land

use will threaten nesting).• Management of the land as part

of the nature reserve will create 50part-time jobs.

• Mt Currie is the only nature re-serve in GKM, the only place wherepeoplecanseeoribi,zebra,reedbuck,grey rhebok e.t.c

• It is important for the recreationofinhabitantsofKokstadforactivitiessuch as hiking, picnics and camping.

• MtCurrieNatureReserveimpor-tantforenvironmentaleducationandschool curriculum.

Councillors, themayoranddeputymayor said they would apply theirmind to thepresentation,withothersseeking clarity on the reasons givenby Ezemvelo.

Ward 1 Cllr Phumzile Nocandasaid theywerenotconvincedwith thepresentation given by Ezemvelo.


if Ezemvelo suggested we negotiatethat the nature reserve takes a small-er portionof the land,”Nocanda said.

Deputy mayo)r Bheki Mtolo ques-tioned whether Ezemvelo balanceshuman activity when reserving landfor conservation and other environ-mental activities.

Marchant said they acknowledgethe shortage of land for housing andagriculture.

“There isaneed topurchasealter-native land that is better suited forhousing and agriculture, which willalsobefarlessdetrimentaltoKokstadand to biodiversity,” he said.

Athol Marchant and Pat Lowryfrom Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife.PHOTO: KHAYA MAGENU

Third traffic lane causes confusionNTUNTU DWEBA>>ntuntu.dweba@feveronline.co.za

LAW enforcement officers and members of the Oper­ation Sukuma Sakhe team have intervened in whatthey regard as a “ticking time bomb” on Misty Field,20 kilometres outside Kokstad.

This is after motorists reported that a major acci­dent is looming at new truck stop. A third lane, intend­ed for trucks coming from Kokstad, was added on theN2 at Misty Mount to minimise congestion caused bytrucks on that part of the road.

Now there is confusion for motorists who comefrom Umzimkhulu and Harding as they assume thatthe third lane is for them.

However, the middle lane is for vehicles comingfrom Kokstad. Cars coming from Umzimkhulu report­edly overtake on the first bend then continue on thesecond lane where cars coming from Kokstad drivealong.

Operation Sukuma Sakhe co­ordinator in KokstadNyaniso Msiya said the problem was reported by mo­torists and they called in Sanral and law enforcementofficers and the GKM to discuss the issue.

“What is happening there could cause a head­on

collision if it not attended to soon. Drivers who arenot from Kokstad don’t understand that its still a nor­mal national road to be used by cars from differentdirections, the third lane is just for trucks,” he said.

Anotherissuethatwasraisedwasthattruckswerenot using the truck lane.

Veeran Pillay, a Sanral engineer, said they willmake a barrier on the portion of the road where it isunsafe to overtake on and will put up additional signsto indicate that it is a two­way road. He said theywill put pressure on Eskom to supply power for streetlights in the Misty Field area.

“We have already paid Eskom to supply electricitythere and we have installed traffic lights. We willmake sure they do so as soon because it could be dan­gerous driving at night,” he explained.

Msiya and officials from emergency services alsocomplained that there are no alternative routes foremergencies in that area.

Traffic department officials said they willstrengthen enforcement there to ensure that motor­ists are careful when using the road.

Motorists are urged to be careful and alert whendriving in the Misty Field area and urged to read andobey road signs.

Murdersuspects getbail

NTUNTU DWEBA>>ntuntu.dweba@feveronline.co.za

SUSPECTS in the murder ZukileMatandela (48) were granted bail ofR8 000 each at the Maluti Magis-trate’s Court two weeks ago.

The Fever reported early this yearthat business man and principal ofMaluti Senior Secondary, Zukile ofMasakalawasmurderedbyunknownmenonNewYear’sDay.Foursuspectswere arrested in connection with themurder, including his wife,

Nombuyiselo Matandela (36), a localchief, Victor Khaue (63) and his sonNtsu Khaue (23)

Zukile had been selling alcoholwith his wife at their tavern in Masa-kala onNewYear’s eve until the earlyhours of 1 January. It was reportedthat at about 3am the couple closedthe tavern after tear gas was sprayedinside the tavern.

Theydrovehome indifferent cars,but on the way to their Maluti homeNombuyiselo reportedly received acall informing her that her mother

wasverysicksoshehad torush tohermother’s house in Maluti.

Motloung said that shortly afterZukile got home, a group of menstormed into his house.

“We suspect themenhad followedhim from the tavern. They attackedhiminhisbedroomwithwasappearsto be an axe as he hadwounds on hisface and head and all over his body,”he said.

In a dramatic turn of events, a dayafter their first court appearance,Nombuyiselo turned herself in at the

Maluti police station in connection tothemurder of herhusband. In yet an-other twist to the saga, oneof thementurned state witness, which nowleaves three alleged murderers.

The casewas postponed to 28 No-vember. The case will then be heardin the Ramsgate High Court. The ac-cused now have to report to theirnearest police station twice a week.

Victor and Ntsu Khaue will reportin Pietermaritzburg where they live,and Nombuyiselo will report at theKokstad SAPS.


4August 8, 2014

east griqualand



PUBLIC NOTICENotice is hereby given in terms of Section 28 (1) and (3) of the Local Government Systems Act2000 (Act 32 of 2000), that the Council of Matatiele Local Municipality has adopted the IDP/ BudgetProcess Plan for 2015/2016.

The Invitation is further extended to all NGO’s, Organised Community Stakeholders groups (ChurchOrganizations, Social Organizations and interested Individuals) to serve on the IDP RepresentativeForum for the IDP Review 2015/2016. Names of Representatives should be submitted in an Officialletter of the Organization with contact details of the secretariat within 7 days of the advert at 102Main Street Matatiele 4730.

ISAZISOKwaziswa ngokwecandelo 28(1) kunye nelesithathu (3) womthetho olawula oomasipala (Local Gov-ernment Municipal Systems Act 2000, Act 32 of 2000), ukuba ibhunga likaMasipala wase Matatieleliqulungqe umqulu wenkqubo wezophuhliso (IDP/Budget Process Plan) kunye nenkqubo yohlahlolwabiwo mali yonyaka mali ka 2015/2016.

Esi simemo sikhutshelwa yonke imibutho yoluntu ukuzakuthabatha inxaxheba kwintlanganiso yeIDP Representative Forum kwithuba eliqala ngo 2015/2016 ukuze babengamalungu ale-Forumngeenjongo zokwabelana ngolwazi lokugocagoca lomqulu wezophuhliso. Imibutho ezimeleyo(NGO’s) neyezenkonzo, neyasekuhlaleni, icelwa ukuba ithumele amagama abantu abazakumelaloomibutho kule-Forum.

Kucelwa ukuba ileta ezigunyazisa lamalungu zibhalwe kwi-Letterhead yombutho lowo ukhulula um-ntu, zibe nomnxeba kaNobhala wombutho lowo kwaye zithunyelwe zingaphelanga iintsuku ezisix-hengxe kwi dilesi ethi-102 Main Street, Matatiele, 4730.

TSEBISOTsebiso hoyaka molao o laolang bo Masepala eleng Municipal Systems Act 2000(Act 32 of 2000),Karolowana 28 (1) (3), lekgotla la Masepala oa lehae wa Matatiele le amohetse tsamaiso lenanehola IDP ya selemo sa 2015/2016.

Ka hoo, ho mengwa mekgatlo e ikemetseng esita le mekgatlo ya setjhaba jwalo ka Dikereke leemeng, ho ba ditho tsa komiti ya Moralo wa Ntshetso Pele (IDP Representative forum) ho tla she-bana le ho hlahlojoa ha Moralo wa Ntshetso Pele. Mabitso a batho bao etlang ho ba ditho tsa komitiena, a tliswe ka tsela ya lengolo ho tswa mokgatlong oo o amehang, mme ho hlakiswe dinomorotsa mohala tsa modulasetulo kapo mogodi wa mokgatlo.

Mabitso a lejeletswe ho tliswa kantorong ya Masepala wa Matatiele, 102 Main street Matatiele,4730, pele matsatsi a supileng a feeta ho phatlaladitswe sena.

OPENBARE KENNISGEWINGKennis geskied hiermee in terme van Artikel 28 (1) en (3) van die Wet op Plaaslike RegeringSystems 2000 (Wet 32 van 2000), dat die Matatiele Plaaslike Munisipaliteit die GOP Proses Planaanvaar het vir die 2015/2016.

Die uitnodiging word verder uitgebrei word na alle nie-regeringsorganisasies, te GeorganiseerdeGemeenskapdeelhebbers groepe (Kerk Organisasies, Maatskaplike organisasies en belangstel-lende individue) dien op die GOP Verteenwoordigende Forum vir die IDP Review 2015/2016.

Name van Verteenwoordigers ingedien moet word in ‘n amptelike brief van die Organisasie metdie kontakbesonderhede van die sekretariaat binne 7 dae van die advertensie op 102 Main StreetMatatiele 4730.


NPO spreads its wings>> Vision for the organisation is to own a Hospice and a home for orphans

THE Vukuzithathe CommunityHealth and Welfare Develop-ment, run by volunteers and

the Department of Social Develop-ment in Underberg, spread its wingswhen it took a resolution to fund theKwaSani-basednon-profitorganisa-tion and change the lives of KwaSanipeople.

The NPO began in 2002 by awoman who had a passion for com-munity development, NonhlanhlaNgubane.

She said that the Kwa Sani peopleof Kwa Sani must rise and “do it forthemselves” and as the organisation,theyaretheretofacilitatethatjourney

whose destination is a place wherepeople are self-reliant and sustaina-ble.

Theorganisation’s aim is to allevi-atepoverty,controlthetransferofdis-eases, job creation, skills develop-ment, youth development and createan income-generation project thatwill sustain the Kwa Sani communi-ties, among other things.

Another visionof the organisationis to own a Hospice and a home fororphans.

Vukuzithathe uses OperationSukuma Sakhe, the brain child of theformer KwaZulu-Natal Premier DrZweli Mkize, as a tool to fulfil its pur-pose—war rooms—which become


Khuphuka, another NPO isanother with a good story to tell forKwaSani. It isaHIV/Aidscommunitycareandsupportprogrammeservingthe community of Mqatsheni, kwa-Pitela and kwa-Thunzi tribal areasfallingwithin Kwa SaniMunicipality.

It is managed by SkhumbuzoMlibeni Khuphuka, a man who hasbeen a cornerstone for many souls.

South Africa needs more GoodSamaritans to create a way for abrighter tomorrow and as the KwaSani Municipality we salute theseheroes and heroines.

— Supplied.

PHOTO: SUPPLIEDKwa Sani municipal manager Nokubonga James, Nokulunga Dlungwane, CllrNgeneleni Mncwabe, Cllr Sihle Mqwambi and Kwa Sani Municipal MayorMdu Banda and Nonhlanhla Ngubane, manager for social development andfounder of Vukuzithathe NPO, demonstrate how its done during the launchof a soup kitchen by Vukuzithathe in Himeville.

August 8, 2014

east griqualand




Men’s forumin discussionAMEN’S forumwas formed with theassistance of Reverend Stuurman, atwhich the IEC conducted a presenta-tion talking about the importance ofvoting and promoting political toler-ance.

The Umzimkhulu Municipality al-so conducted presentations on by-laws, saying it is represented in thedistrict structure. The Department ofHealth was also at the event.

This local forum of Zone 2 thengathered inQondokuhleHall ofWard6 andwaswell attended bymany, in-

cluding the KwaZulu-Natal Commis-sion of Gender Equality, Mr Gwala.

In her opening remarks, CllrBoniswa Cira, portfolio head of aspecial programmes unit standingcommittee in the UmzimkhuluMunicipality, said that “not all malesare men because men are defined bytheir conduct in society”.

reading men will better implementwhat is expected of them.

The Department of Health spokeabout the importanceofmalecircum-cision, saying thatmale circumcisiondoesnotpreventHIVandAids—hav-ing safe and protected sex does.

Gwala made it clear that father-hood is not defined by bank transac-

tionsforhischildren,butbytimefruit-fully spent with them.

Mr Mbona, the men’s forum dis-trict chairperson blamed men fortheir silence about attacks on seniorcitizens, rape and other criminal ac-tivities. He called upon men to gettheir boys legally circumcised atrecognised clinics. — Supplied.

PHOTO: SUPPLIEDCouncillor Boniswa Cira at the men'sgathering in Qondokuhle Hall.

Cira ap-plauded menwho are an in-spiration totheir commu-nity and theirfamily and in-vited them notshy away fromtheir Bible be-cause because


Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 50 of the Minerals and Petroleum ResourceDevelopment Act (MPRDA, Act 28 of 2002), Section 16(4). Kutlwanong Prime Investment(Pty) Ltd is in the process of applying for a Mining Permit for Building Sand (Silica), on aportion of unsurveyed state land known as farm no. 2 near maluti & hardnburg, situated inthe magisterial district of Alfred Nzo, within Matatiele Local Muncipality. The project fallswithin Alfred Nzo District Municipality, Eastern Cape Province. The applicant, KutlwanongPrime Investment (Pty) Ltd has appointed Giant Reef Consulting to undertake the EMP(Environmental Management Plan) and Consultation (Public Participation Meeting) proc-esses for the mining permit.

Description of the proposed activity:

The proposed project entails the application for a Mining Permit for Building Sand (Silica)by Kutlwanong Prime Investment (pty) ltd Farm No. 2 Maluti & Hardnburg, within MatatieleLocal Municipality of Alfred Nzo District Municipality.


P.O. Box 21Polokwane


Contact:Mr. Buyisonto Arthur Cell: 071 326 7620Email: arthurb@giantreefconsultanting.co.za

Mr. Miyambu Oscar Cell: 072 506 4659Fax: 086 602 5442

Email:oscar@giantreefconsulting.co.za / miyambumo@webmail.co.zawww.giantreefconsulting.co.za

In order to ensure that you are identified as an interested and/or affected party (I&AP), orif you have any comments or objections towards the proposed project, please submit yourname, contact information and comments to the details given above within 21 days of theplacement of this site notice.


Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 50 of the Minerals and Petroleum ResourceDevelopment Act (MPRDA, Act 28 of 2002), Section 16(4). Kutlwanong Prime Investment(Pty) Ltd is in the process of applying for a Mining Permit for Building Sand (Silica), on aportion of unsurveyed state land known as farm no. 6 near Lugada, situated in the mag-isterial district of Alfred Nzo, within Matatiele Local Muncipality. The project falls withinAlfred Nzo District Municipality, Eastern Cape Province.The applicant, Kutlwanong PrimeInvestment (Pty) Ltd has appointed Giant Reef Consulting to undertake the EMP (Envi-ronmental Management Plan) and Consultation (Public Participation Meeting) processesfor the mining permit.

Description of the proposed activity:

The proposed project entails the application for a Mining Permit for Building Sand (Silica)by Kutlwanong Prime Investment (pty) ltd Farm No. 6 Lugada, within Matatiele Local Mu-nicipality of Alfred Nzo District Municipality.


P.O. Box 21Polokwane


Contact:Mr. Buyisonto Arthur Cell: 071 326 7620Email: arthurb@giantreefconsultanting.co.za

Mr. Miyambu Oscar Cell: 072 506 4659Fax: 086 602 5442

Email:oscar@giantreefconsulting.co.za / miyambumo@webmail.co.zawww.giantreefconsulting.co.za

In order to ensure that you are identified as an interested and/or affected party (I&AP), orif you have any comments or objections towards the proposed project, please submit yourname, contact information and comments to the details given above within 21 days of theplacement of this site notice.

Cleanliness of the town

WE have received com-plaints about the unfortu-nate state of the town dur-

ing the past weekend. The com-plaints were about the dirtiness ofthe town and the uncollected refusebags in the streets.

Iwish to apologise to the commu-nity and all affected parties. Whathappenedwasnot our intention.Wewish to alert the community thatKokstad has grownand is attractingshoppers from KwaZulu-Natal andtheEasternCape.Thecleaningofthetownrequiresmorehumanresourc-es and we are currently facing aserious staff shortage.

Things got worse when the con-

tract of 100 people, employedthrough the grant from ExpandedWorks Programme, ended. Thatcaught us during the past weekendandgoingforwardwewillmakesurethat it is does not happen again. Theexecutive manager community de-velopment services has come upwith the strategy that will assist inmaking sure our town is cleanwhilewealsosafeguardourbeautifulenvi-ronment. That strategic documentwillbecommunicatedtothecommu-nityandstakeholdersofKokstadbe-cause we want them to assist us inimplementingit.Wehopeitwillsolvemostof thecommunity’s concerns interms of cleanliness of the town.

GKM new-look town hallIt is with pleasure for me to an-

nounce that themunicipal townhallis finished and available for use.

GKMheld its first councilmeetingthere last week. What a beautifulstructure forKokstadpeopleandit iswortheveryrandspentonit. Icanal-so confirm that the rehabilitation ofGroom Street, Brownlee, WyldeRoadandtheHorseshoe taxi route isfinished. The rehabilitation of otherroadsistakingplace.Iamalsohappythat the Department of Transporthasstartedattending toHopeStreet.It has assured us that what is hap-pening now is just a temporarymat-terwhileit finalisesthesupply-chainprocesses. We urge the communityto be patient with us going forwardwe will look at our roads seriously.

Inkosi inibusise

GREETINGS to all Kwa Sani residents. Thisis yet another week granted to us by theAlmighty above.

One must take this opportunity to ex­tend a word of appreciation to Kwa Sanicommunity for the good behaviour thatthey continue to display, as we have notheard any crime­related incidents in awhile. This proves that the people of KwaSani are really living, not just existing.

Service delivery is what we strive forour people, community participation iswhat we encourage from our community.People no longer hear about the govern­ment, but the government knocks on theirdoor through a “vehicle” called SukumaSakhe. Every individual in our communityis encouraged to visit these war rooms intheir wards. The war room is a place wherepeople who have problems of any kind canget together with representatives from the

government who visit these war rooms tolisten to the issue the community has andattend to those issues immediately if it isan issue that requires mediation, but if itis an issue that requires the official to goback and consult he or she does that.

This week we have seen for the firsttime a district task team for Sukuma Sakhesitting at Kwa Sani in unfamiliar territoryat Ward 4, where the venue was atEkhubeni. The aim of this meeting was toenlighten stakeholders about real issues sothat what is being said in reports can beseen by people who can intervene.

The work has just begun and I ask allgovernment officials, stakeholders andcommunity members to rise up and ownservice delivery in order for us to moveSouth Africa forward.

Until next time, have a blessed week­end ahead.




6August 8, 2014

east griqualand







Are you on the pulse of what’s happening in your community? Write for us and get published using theCitizen Journalism tool at www.egfever.co.za

Editorial CommentHumans vs natureTHE issue of land between the GreaterKokstad Municipality and Ezemvelo KZNWildlife has brought up an issue which isoften not talked about — human habita­tion vs nature conservation.

The central issue is to determine howto provide for human habitation andcommerce while minimising the impact onbiodiversity, water supply, climate, out­door recreation and the overall quality oflife.

With a strong shift in human popula­tion density in Kokstad, it is understanda­

ble that the GKM council would want tokeep land for the habitation of people, asit doesn’t make sense when people areforced to live in shacks, squashed together,when there is land available. However,nature conservation on the other hand isequally as important and will suffer direconsequences if not taken into considera­tion.

As water is a very scarce resource, lessthan two percent of the water on our plan­et is fresh water, this issue needs seriousattention from both ends of the debate.

Justice in the new South AfricaON 9 April the deputy sheriff served a war­rant of execution against property at myresidence. I was shocked to see that judg­ment was obtained from the Port Shep­stone Magistrate’s Court.

Firstly, I was never notified to appearin court, but was served and treated likea criminal. On 24 July my vehicle, a greymetallic Audi A4, NCW 27052, was im­poundedbythedeputysheriff. Iaskedhimfor a receipt, the reply was that the noticethat was given to me on 9 April is enough.I pointed out that this notice was incorrectas it mentioned a blue VW Audi A4 NCW27052, his reply was that’s no problem.The notice of the sale by public auction

was also put in local newspapers with in­correct particulars.

The sale was on 29 July and my sonattended the sale, with four people bid­ding. One person, known to my son, toldmy son not to bid as he knew the car be­longed to me, another person was a staffmember at the sheriff’soffice.Thedeputywas surprised to see my son present andtold him not to worry the car should fetchabout R50 000, this was said before bid­dingstarted.Thecarwassoldtothedepu­ty’s wife for R85 000. Strange that onlytwo members of the public were present.That afternoon, the deputy was at myhouse looking for the registration papers

and I asked him who had bought the caras it was a gift valued at about R220 000,his reply was that it was bought by a col­oured lady from Kokstad and he does notknow her.

Two days later, he arrived at my houseto fetch registration papers and I congrat­ulated him on his car, he was flustered andquickly replied that in his capacity hecould not bid on the car, but his wifebought the car (change to the colouredladythathedidnotknow).Liesanddeceitunreal. Unfortunately, I am unable toobtain legal aid, as this only applies topeople with lots of money.

Joe Hattingh

August 8, 2014

east griqualand



7According to the editorial policy of the East Griqualand Fever, readers areinvited to comment about the newspaper’s contents, and significant er­rors will be corrected as soon as possible. Please send information aboutcorrection of mistakes in the newspaper to the ombudsman of Media24’sCommunity Press, George Claassen, at george.claassen@media24.comor call him at 021 8513232 or 083 543 2471. Readers can also complainabout the contents to the South African Press Ombudsman. In that case,please phone 011 788 4829 of 788 4837, send a fax to 011 788 4990 ore­mail to press­ombudsman@ombudsman.org.zaO





Ombudsman ofEG Fever

January to March 2014: 14913

Integrity, Respect, Accountability, Courage

PHONE: 039 727 4301PUBLISHER: Neil Tapinosneil.tapinos@media24.comGROUP EDITOR: Desiree Erasmusdesiree.erasmus@media24.comNEWS EDITOR: Lynn Hitchcock031 533 7660Lynn.Hitchcock@Media24.comREPORTERS:Khaya Magenu:khaya.magenu@feveronline.co.zaNtuntu DwebaNtuntu.dweba@feveronline.co.zaONLINE: Steph McLennansteph.mcLennan@media24.comADVERTISING & SALES:Brittany Pridebrittany@feveronline.co.za

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DISTRIBUTION:Tom Pearson at 039 682 1010CO





Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 50 of the Minerals and Petroleum ResourceDevelopment Act (MPRDA, Act 28 of 2002), Section 16(4). Kutlwanong Prime Investment(Pty) Ltd is in the process of applying for a Mining Permit for Building Sand (Silica), on aportion of unsurveyed state land near Matolweni, situated in the magisterial district of Al-fred Nzo, within Matatiele Local Muncipality.The project falls within Alfred Nzo District Mu-nicipality, Eastern Cape Province. The applicant, Kutlwanong Prime Investment (Pty) Ltdhas appointed Giant Reef Consulting to undertake the EMP (Environmental ManagementPlan) and Consultation (Public Participation Meeting) processes for the mining permit.

Description of the proposed activity:

The proposed project entails the application for a Mining Permit for Building Sand (Silica)by Kutlwanong Prime Investment (pty) ltd near Matolweni, within Matatiele Local Munici-pality of Alfred Nzo District Municipality.


P.O. Box 21Polokwane


Contact:Mr. Buyisonto Arthur Cell: 071 326 7620Email: arthurb@giantreefconsultanting.co.za

Mr. Miyambu Oscar Cell: 072 506 4659Fax: 086 602 5442

Email:oscar@giantreefconsulting.co.za / miyambumo@webmail.co.zawww.giantreefconsulting.co.za

In order to ensure that you are identified as an interested and/or affected party (I&AP), orif you have any comments or objections towards the proposed project, please submit yourname, contact information and comments to the details given above within 21 days of theplacement of this site notice.

Entries are now closed


for the KZN Premier Spelling Bee 2014

www.kznspellingbee.co.za KZN Spelling Bee @kznspellingbee

Discover more ONLINE!

Thank you to the grade 10 and 11 pupils from rural/previously disadvantagedschools who have submitted their entry forms for theKZN Premier Spelling Bee South Coast regional event,

to be held on 16 August 2014 at Norwegian Settlers Church, Marburg.

We look forward to meeting the #SouthCoastSpellingBees

www.kznspellingbee.co.za KZN Spelling Bee @kznspellingbee

Discover moreDiscover moreKZN Spelling Bee @kznspellingbee

Discover moreDiscover more ONLINE!

Meet the South Coast Spelling Bee judges:Neil Tapinos, Sithembiso Magutshwa, & Vusi Mthalane

Smile awhile

WARM greetings to all read­ers of this viewpoint.Mass funeral for veld

fires victims in Ward 14.Subsequent to the veld­fire

tragedies at Moiketsi Reserve areasin Ward 14, the Eastern Cape govern­ment has lent a helping hand to af­fected families. About 50 house­holds were burnt by fire which start­ed on 17 July. Municipal fire fightersand the Alfred Nzo District Munici­pality Disaster Management Unitdid their best to fight the fire, but itwas out of their control due to heavywinds. This tragedy claimed at leastfour lives and ravaged the area. Twopeople were burnt beyond recogni­tion in the village and five were ad­mitted to Tayler Bequest Hospital in

Matatiele with severe burn wounds.The Alfred Nzo District Munici­

pality, Matatiele Local Municipality,Sassa and the Department of SocialDevelopment provided relief mate­rial to families and covered funeralexpenses. On 2 August the mass fu­neral of these victims was held atDititjhereng Village. We appreciatethe co­operation shown by govern­ment departments in this regard.

Among the five villagers admit­ted to hospital, two were transferredto Frere Hospital in East Londonwhere a week later they died.Among the dead were MathatoRamabitle (68), Boomo Letele (62),Mpho Mosoang (43) and Molele­keng Mmuse (81), all from the samevillage.

The families of the deceased areall disadvantaged hence the gov­ernment held a mass funeral forthem on Saturday.

Faith­based leaders led the fu­neral attended by a member of theEastern Cape Legislature, Ntombo­vuyo Nkopane, who was delegatedby the MEC for Corporate Govern­ance & Traditional affairs, AlfredNzo District Municipality seniormanagers and Matatiele Local Mu­nicipality managers, traditionalleaders and the community.Public notice: IDP/BudgetProcess Plan 2015/2016

Notice is hereby given in terms ofSection 28 (1) and (3) of the LocalGovernment Systems Act 2000 (Act32 of 200), that the Council of Mata­

tiele Local Municipality has adoptedthe IDP/Budget Process Plan for2015/2016. The invitation is furtherextended to all NGOs, communitystakeholder groups (church organi­sations, social organisations and in­terested individuals) to serve on theIDP representative forum for the IDPreview 2015/2016.

Names of representativesshould be submitted on an officialletter of the organization with con­tact details of the secretariat withinseven working days with effect from8 August.

That is all from us for now, tillnext time, stay safe and be blessed.

Thank you sweet people fromsweet Matat, a destination of choiceand excellence.



Concerns of Griqua I READ with interest the notice placed under com­ments by Danella Wildey, “Kok family descendents ofAdam (Muis)” in the Kokstad Advertiser of 13 July.

I want to advise the Griqua to refrain from claimingtitles. The National Traditional Act has not yet beenpassed. Only when this happens will anyone from theFirst Nation (Griqua included) as a traditional com­munity apply, then certain positions and titles be al­

lowed, with verification.To make this clear, I will, with the permission of

the editor, publish in the next few weeks, informationabout Adam Kok 111 and how he governed his peoplein East Griqualand and who the successor should be.This will avoid friction and unnecessary law suits.

Cyril George GangerdineEG land claim representative

Letters to the Editor must be received by no later than Monday 4pm.Letters and e-mails should be addressed to The Editor and e-mailed to Lynn.Hitchcock@Media24.com faxed to

031 533 7972 or posted to Box 20162, Durban North, 4016. Letters should not be longer than 350 words. Whilepseudonyms are allowed, writers must include full names and contact details (which will not be published) or let-

ters will not be printed. The Editor reserves the right to not run letters or to alter letters so they are legible.


Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 50 of the Minerals and Petroleum ResourceDevelopment Act (MPRDA, Act 28 of 2002), Section 16(4). Kutlwanong Prime Investment(Pty) Ltd is in the process of applying for a Mining Permit to mine Dolomite, on a portionof unsurveyed state land near Matolweni, situated in the magisterial district of Alfred Nzo,within Matatiele Local Muncipality. The project falls within Alfred Nzo District Municipality,Eastern Cape Province. The applicant, Kutlwanong Prime Investment (Pty) Ltd has ap-pointed Giant Reef Consulting to undertake the EMP (Environmental Management Plan)and Consultation (Public Participation Meeting) processes for the mining permit.

Description of the proposed activity:

The proposed project entails the application for a Mining Permit to mine Dolomite by Kut-lwanong Prime Investment (pty) ltd near Matolweni, within Matatiele Local Municipality ofAlfred Nzo District Municipality.


P.O. Box 21Polokwane


Contact:Mr. Buyisonto Arthur Cell: 071 326 7620Email: arthurb@giantreefconsultanting.co.za

Mr. Miyambu Oscar Cell: 072 506 4659Fax: 086 602 5442

Email:oscar@giantreefconsulting.co.za / miyambumo@webmail.co.zawww.giantreefconsulting.co.za

In order to ensure that you are identified as an interested and/or affected party (I&AP), orif you have any comments or objections towards the proposed project, please submit yourname, contact information and comments to the details given above within 21 days of theplacement of this site notice.


Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 50 of the Minerals and Petroleum ResourceDevelopment Act (MPRDA, Act 28 of 2002), Section 16(4). Kutlwanong Prime Investment(Pty) Ltd is in the process of applying for a Mining Permit to mine Glass Sand, on a portionof unsurveyed state land near Farm no 3 Malubelube, situated in the magisterial district ofAlfred Nzo, within Matatiele Local Muncipality. The project falls within Alfred Nzo DistrictMunicipality, Eastern Cape Province. The applicant, Kutlwanong Prime Investment (Pty)Ltd has appointed Giant Reef Consulting to undertake the EMP (Environmental Man-agement Plan) and Consultation (Public Participation Meeting) processes for the miningpermit.

Description of the proposed activity:

The proposed project entails the application for a Mining Permit to mine Glass Sand byKutlwanong Prime Investment (pty) ltd near farm no 3 Malubelube, within Matatiele LocalMunicipality of Alfred Nzo District Municipality.


P.O. Box 21Polokwane


Contact:Mr. Buyisonto Arthur Cell: 071 326 7620Email: arthurb@giantreefconsultanting.co.za

Mr. Miyambu Oscar Cell: 072 506 4659Fax: 086 602 5442

Email:oscar@giantreefconsulting.co.za / miyambumo@webmail.co.zawww.giantreefconsulting.co.za

In order to ensure that you are identified as an interested and/or affected party (I&AP), orif you have any comments or objections towards the proposed project, please submit yourname, contact information and comments to the details given above within 21 days of theplacement of this site notice.


8August 8, 2014

east griqualand


Tholang William Tsabo


Opening a bank account and registering for tax purposesOpening business bank account

INthepreviousissue,wediscussedhow you to register your company.Now, once your company is regis-tered, the next step is to open a bankaccount so you keep your personalfunds separate from your businessfunds.

Themainthingtorememberwhenopeningabusinessaccount is that thebankwillrequireproofthatyourbusi-

ness is registered, a company regis-tration document.

Moreover, banksnormally requireidentificationdocuments,proofofad-dressofmembersandthebusinessaswell asa small amount toopen theac-count.

Thisamountcanvary,soinquireatthe bank about this. Choose an ac-count thatwill allowyoupayminimalbank charges.

Registering as a taxpayerFor tax registration purposes

these are required:• Identification documents.• Proof of company registration

documents.• Proofofaddressofmembersand

business (this can be a rates, utilities,or phone bills, bank statements orproof of residence from councillor).

Once you have registered for tax,

youwill receivea taxnumber thatyouwilluseasreferencewhensubmittingreturns or making any payments.

After receiving your tax number,youcannowapply fora tax-clearancecertificate.

If youarenotvery familiarwith taxissues, it is advisable to seekprofessional help for registration orsubmission of any outstanding taxreturns.

Youth set up community foundationIN many cases, when someone is

jobless, lonely and has nothing todo, the first thing that comes to

their mind is how to make fast cash,anditdoesn’tmattertothemhowtheydo this.

However, the youth of Jolivet, inthe rural areas of Ixopo began think-ing about what they could do to helpthese people and formed the JolivetFoundation.

“We started this in 2011 whilesitting under a tree one day, trying tofigure out what could we do for ourcommunity,” said the foundation sec-retary, Njabulo Vezi.

Hesaid they thoughtofhelping thepoor by organising food parcels andidentifying destitute families whowouldexperienceadarkChristmasinDecember.

“We had been working togetherwith local businesses until we cameacross one child-headed home of theDuma family, who all lived in onethatched rondavel. So we arrangedbuildingmaterial to build a house for

the family.”One of the children said their

parents had died a long time ago andthey were very poor.

“We were living in a terriblerondavel thatcouldanytimefallonusduring heavy rain,” she said.

She thanked the Jolivet Founda-tionandthemunicipalitiesandstake-holders who assisted them.

Inkosi ZamokuhleMkhize and theUbuhlebezwe Local Municipalitymayor, Zamo Nxumalo encouragedmore youth to get involved inprogressive governmental pro-grammes.

“This is a lesson for you to learn ina democratic South Africa — youdon’thave towait fora job,youcandosomething on your own.”

He added they were delighted tolearn that the youth of the JolivetFoundation didn’t wait for thegovernment to build a house for thisfamily, they stood up to build it them-selves.


Jolivet Foundation members, stakeholders and the Duma family in front of their new house.

>> ‘We started this in 2011, while sitting under a tree one day, trying to figure out what could we do for our community’

August 8, 2014 East Griqualand Fever Page 9


Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 50 of the Minerals and Petroleum ResourceDevelopment Act (MPRDA, Act 28 of 2002), Section 16(4). Kutlwanong Prime Investment(Pty) Ltd is in the process of applying for a Mining Permit to mine Coal, on a portion ofunsurveyed state land near Farm no 5 Matatiele, situated in the magisterial district of Al-fred Nzo, within Matatiele Local Muncipality.The project falls within Alfred Nzo District Mu-nicipality, Eastern Cape Province. The applicant, Kutlwanong Prime Investment (Pty) Ltdhas appointed Giant Reef Consulting to undertake the EMP (Environmental ManagementPlan) and Consultation (Public Participation Meeting) processes for the mining permit.

Description of the proposed activity:

The proposed project entails the application for a Mining Permit to mine Coal by Kutl-wanong Prime Investment (pty) ltd near farm no 5 Matatiele, within Matatiele Local Mu-nicipality of Alfred Nzo District Municipality.


P.O. Box 21Polokwane


Contact:Mr. Buyisonto Arthur Cell: 071 326 7620Email: arthurb@giantreefconsultanting.co.za

Mr. Miyambu Oscar Cell: 072 506 4659Fax: 086 602 5442

Email:oscar@giantreefconsulting.co.za / miyambumo@webmail.co.zawww.giantreefconsulting.co.za

In order to ensure that you are identified as an interested and/or affected party (I&AP), orif you have any comments or objections towards the proposed project, please submit yourname, contact information and comments to the details given above within 21 days of theplacement of this site notice.


Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 50 of the Minerals and Petroleum ResourceDevelopment Act (MPRDA, Act 28 of 2002), Section 16(4). Kutlwanong Prime Investment(Pty) Ltd is in the process of applying for a Mining Permit to mine Coal, on a portion ofunsurveyed state land near Farm no 4 Masakala, situated in the magisterial district of Al-fred Nzo, within Matatiele Local Muncipality.The project falls within Alfred Nzo District Mu-nicipality, Eastern Cape Province. The applicant, Kutlwanong Prime Investment (Pty) Ltdhas appointed Giant Reef Consulting to undertake the EMP (Environmental ManagementPlan) and Consultation (Public Participation Meeting) processes for the mining permit.

Description of the proposed activity:

The proposed project entails the application for a Mining Permit to mine Coal by Kutl-wanong Prime Investment (pty) ltd near farm no 4 Masakala, within Matatiele Local Mu-nicipality of Alfred Nzo District Municipality.


P.O. Box 21Polokwane


Contact:Mr. Buyisonto Arthur Cell: 071 326 7620Email: arthurb@giantreefconsultanting.co.za

Mr. Miyambu Oscar Cell: 072 506 4659Fax: 086 602 5442

Email:oscar@giantreefconsulting.co.za / miyambumo@webmail.co.zawww.giantreefconsulting.co.za

In order to ensure that you are identified as an interested and/or affected party (I&AP), orif you have any comments or objections towards the proposed project, please submit yourname, contact information and comments to the details given above within 21 days of theplacement of this site notice.

COMMUNITY FEVERTLC Hospice staffrewarded for hard work>> Major concern for TLC management is ‘care of the carer’

TLCstaffworkunder very tryingconditions, dealing with diffi-cult situations every day.

One major concern for TLCmanagement is “care of the carer”,which we always keep in mind andwhich is at the forefront as we thinkof our care givers who have to walkthe freezing streets of Shayamoyaand Horseshoe in winter. With fundsraised from our recent Ludwig Tea,and with Encounter EG that held atthe end of June we raised enoughfunds to enable us to buy each caregiver a winter jacket.

Thank you to Brett at Co-Ordina-tions for thegreat service.Wehad thejacketsembroideredwithagreat logoby Wendy Bird and the care giverswear their jackets with pride.

There were three lucky drawsfrom the tickets sold at the LudwigTea, which took place during our an-nual general meeting. We are alsohappytoannouncethatwehavethreelucky winners — Barbara Osbornwon some lovely “shepherd’s crook’plant holders and Michelle van Vu-urenwon a beautiful obelisk for their

gardens.These beautiful metal work goods

were kindly donated by Cheryl andSteve Joubertwhomake theseamaz-ing wrought-iron garden structures.

Thank you so much for theseamazingprizes. The thirdprizewentto Sue Pooler from Highflats (Sue is

Gilly Miller’s mother, so we are keep-ing it in the East Griqualand family).

Sue has won a beautiful book onroses, was donated by LudwigTaschner.

Thank you to all the ladieswho at-tended the lunch and who made itsuch a success. — Supplied.

PHOTO: SUPPLIEDTLC staff with new jackets to ward off winter chills.

‘Biggest weight losers’ awardedKHAYA MAGENU>>khaya.magenu@feveronline.co.za

IT was all smiles when the “biggestweight losers” were awarded withtrophies and hampers at aceremony at Ebhongweni Depart-ment of Correctional Services C-Max Prison Hall on Thursdayevening.

East Griqualand and UsherMemorial Hospital dieticianHesmari Wijnmaales said that it isimportant to eat properly andhealthily.

“Yourchoiceof foodandhowyouliveyour life cancomeback tohauntyou.Correcteatingandexercisingisthe only way to live a long andhealthy life.”

Dolly Buhl, GKM occupationaland wellness practitioner echoedWijnmaaless sentiments andshared tips about healthy eating.

“People are taking leave againand again because they are sick atwork. Exercising can improve a lotof things in your body and we en-courage everyone to participate inour training,” she said.

Correctional Services manage-mentactingareacommissionerVeliMsibi said gym helps with mentalfitness. He assured the team that C-Max is fully behind the gym.

Aerobics class trainerNkululekoMthimkhulu urged everyone to jointhe gym.

“The reason to start the clubwastopromotehealth livingasStatisticsSouth Africa reports that manywoman and men are obese,” saidMthikhulu.

The biggest winner of the eventwas Thandeka Kwababa fromGreater Kokstad Municipality, whowalked away with a trophy and aweekend away.

Young peopleentertainguests withdance duringbiggest weightloses awards.PHOTO: SUP-PLIED

east griqualand


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Tlotliso Khauoe, aboy, born 18/07/2014was left in Matatielein December 2013.His father and motherneed to contact socialworkerYolande Heynsat Matatiele ChildWelfare Tel 0397373365regarding permanencyplanning.

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Ruling partychairperson toretain positionFEVER REPORTER

MLULEKI Ndobe, the Harry GwalaANC regional chairperson is likely toretainhispositionasforceswithinthepartyhaveputforwardhisnametobeleader.

Ndobe, also a mayor of the HarryGwala District Municipality, is well-respected within the region.

His leadership style is acknowl-edgedbyANCnationalandprovincialexecutive committees despite nega-tive reports labelled as propagandaintendedtocreatebadbloodbetweenhim and President Jacob Zuma.

The Harry Gwala region was saidtobeamong thosewhowereworkingto oust Zuma, but reports remainedunproven.

Ndobe is likely to retain his posi-tion uncontested as there is no onewho can replace him as the leader ofthe region.

The African National CongressWomen’s League (ANCWL) and theANCYouth League in the region havedeclaredthatNdobewillretainhispo-sition in the build-up to the regionalconference expected to be held in theregion in October.

The only position expected to befilled by a new member is that of theregional secretary which was left va-cantafter the formersecretary,AmonZondi became a member of Parlia-ment.

ThecurrentANCWLchairwoman,SindiswaMsomi is set to takeover thereins as the ANC regional secretary.Greater Kokstad Municipality mayorNosisa Jojozi is the current acting re-gional secretary since deputisingZondi.

Harry Gwala ANCWL secretary,Ntuseng Duma echoed sentiments ofthe ANCYL saying they are behindNdobe’s leadership.

“We are saying this based on a

numberofgoodthingsdoneunderhisleadership such as restoring politicalstability, improving the state of ourmunicipalitiesandhonouringourpo-litical icons by changing this munici-pality’s name from Sisonke to HarryGwala,” Duma said.

ShesaidunderNdobe’s leadershipthe region’s economy has improvedandtheirisanimprovementineduca-tion. Creating job opportunities andfighting crime are some of the chal-lenges that he prioritised.

She said Ndobe won over wardsthatwereunder thecontrolofopposi-tion parties and further recruitedmembers to join the ANC.

Duma agreed with the idea ofputtingMsomi’s name up for the sec-retary position saying: “It will be thefirst time for the region to have a fe-male ANC secretary.”

However, ANCYL spokespersonZwakele Mngonyama warned thosepretending tobeANCmemberswhilehaving interests of opposition partieslikeEFFatheart, tobackoffbeforese-rious action is taken against them.

“Weareawarethatthereisagroupled by Sindiso Magaqa, the formerANCYL general secretary, which in-tends to destabilise the upcomingconference as they are earmarkingpositions in our municipalities. I cansafely tell you that Magaqa doesn’thaveANCmembership,”saidMngon-yama.

Magaqa refused to commentpromising to take the matter to theruling party leadership.

Ndobesaidhis fatedependson thebranches of the ANC in the region.

PHOTO: NTUNTU DWEBAANC Chairperson in the Harry GwalaRegion and Harry Gwala Districtmayor, Mluleki Ndobe.

‘NO’ to rape>> Over 700 people ‘lay down’ in Durban and said no to rape


THROUGHOUT KwaZulu-Natal, on 1 August, thebeginning of Women’s

Month, change came about inthe form of the Silent Protest inDurban and as Friday morningdawned for me with anticipationand hope, I was not disappoint-ed.

More 700 men and womenmarched from the city hall, andthrough the streets of Durbanwith the words “Sexual Violence= SILENCE” displayed acrosstheir chest, with many protest-ers choosing to tape up theirmouths and go without food,water, or talking for the day, in ashow of solidarity with rape sur-vivors who are often silenced byvictim-blaming.

On that day 700 voices de-manded the right to theirbodies, the right to post-expo-sure prophylaxis, the right toshare their stories without fearof victim blaming or being letdown by the justice system.

Over 700 people “laid down”and said no to rape.

Thanks go to LarissaKlazinga and the Aids Health-care Foundation who workedtirelessly to make this day asuccess.

Protesters lie in front of theDurban City Hall last Friday.PHOTO: BRITTANY PRIDE


10August 8, 2014

east griqualand

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August 8, 2014

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Strong interest for Hino South Africa>> Hino has a long history of involvementwith the South African farming community

HINO South Africa is enjoyingstrong interest in its prod-ucts, which were exhibited at

a recent agricultural show.“We used the show topreviewour

new 500-series 2626 long-wheel-base freight carrier, as well as pro-mote Hino’s winning achievementsin the comparative tests betweenfour major brands of medium com-mercial vehicles (MCV) conducted bya local transport magazine earlierthis year,” explained Hino SA vice-president Ernie Trautmann.

The Hino 2626 6x2 is an idealvehicle for versatile transport re-quirements of large agricultural op-erations. It boasts excellent load-carrying capacity and an economicalpower train.

The Hino 300-series, which hasbeen a leader in the localMCVmar-ket since its introduction to themarket as the Toyota Dyna in 1965,fared well in the MCV comparisontestrun. The run involved two drivesbetweenHartebeespoortandBelfast,

once laden and once empty. Therewas also a test session at the Gerotekfacility.

The overall winner of the com-parisonruntestwas theHino300-se-ries 915, which competed in theeight-nine-ton gross vehicle mass(GVM) class. It emerged as the mostfuel-efficient truck in its class, andalso as the overall winner in boththe payload and productivity catego-ries. The 915 truck on show atNampo was suitably adorned with ahugeredrosette–thesignofawinner.

TheHino300-series714, compet-ing in the6/7-tonGVMcategory, alsofared well in the comparison test,coming out best in class in terms ofboth payload and productivity.

“Hino has a long history of in-volvement with the South Africanfarming community and its parentcompany, Toyota South Africa, wasbuilt on the back of introducing com-mercial vehicles to this country be-fore adding passenger vehicles tothe range,” added Trautmann.

PHOTO: SUPPLIEDThe 915 truck on show at Nampo was adorned with a huge red rosette.

Avoidance and handling of a hijackingIN recent weeks hijacking has beenmore prominent in the news, asSouth Africans waited anxiously fornews of the safe return of MongeziPhike, and mourned for four-year-old Taegrin Morris, who was mur-dered by a hijacker.

Vehicle tracking and stolen vehi-cle recovery specialist Cartrack, re-ports that it has taken many callsfrom concerned parents for guid-ance on how to deal with hijacking,particularly when children are in

the car.The company advises that while

the idea of such a situation isfrightening, parents should discussthe possibility of this eventualitywith children who are old enoughto understand, and talk about howto respond appropriately and re-main calm.

Cartrack has also offered somepractical pointers:>> Be aware of what is happeningaround you on the road at all times.

>> Statistically, you are more likelyto be hijacked between 4pm and8pm, especially on a Friday, andmost hijackings occur in the vic-tim’s driveway.>> Prepare yourself mentally andphysically for a hijack situation byrole-playing a possible scenariowith your family.

Treat it as a game, so that yourchildren will react appropriately ifthe role play ever becomes a reality.>> It is important to realise that

there is often nothing you can doother than co-operate with the hi-jackers.>> As difficult as it may sound, tryto remain calm, as the hijacker willrespond according to your reaction.>> Acknowledge the hijacker’spresence. Don’t make eye contactand keep your hands visible.>> Before leaving home, positionyour child’s car seat on the passen-ger side of the vehicle so that youcan reach back, undo your child’ssafety belt and bring them out withyou in the event of a hijacking.>> If you have been hijacked, avoidgetting out of the car first and then

opening the back doors to get yourchild out. If this is unavoidable andyou are forced to exit your vehiclewhile a small child is still strappedto a baby seat, take the car keyswith you as a “bargaining” tool.>> If your children are old enough,take the child-lock off your vehicleand teach them how to undo theirsafety belt, exit the car and move tosafety upon your instruction,with no questions asked and nohesitation.>> At all times, let the hijackersknow what you are doing and don’tmake any sudden moves.

— Wheels 24.

SPORTeast griqualand FEVERAugust 8, 2014 PAGE 12


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Kokstad Junior newsKZN netball

CONGRATULATIONS to Bianca HeynekewhowasawardedherKZNcolours fornetball.During the holidays Bianca participated in theprovincialnetballtournamentinMargate.Thisis a fine achievement, especially consideringthe number of participants at each level of thetrials. Well done, Bianca.Staff wear purple and slippers

TheKJSstaffallworetheirslippersandpur-ple T-shirts to school on Friday. The childrencriedwithlaughterasthestaffarrivedatschoolwith slippers in all colours, shapes forms andsizes.Theslipperswereworn insupportofna-tionalSlipperDay— all funds raisedgo tohelpchildren with life-threatening diseases. Thepurple T-shirtswereworn in support of the Si-lent Protest in Durban, a protest against vio-lence in any form. — Supplied.

PHOTO: SUPPORTBianca Heyneke in action at the provincialnetball tournament.

Sisonke hockey news

Sisonke boys’ hockey teams vs AmajubaDistrict

On3AugustSisonkeU14,U16andU18boys’hockeyteams travelled to Pietermaritzburg to play againstAmajuba District teams on the Maritzburg College ar­tificial surface.

The Sisonke boys displayed great skill and sports­manship with the Sisonke U14 team outplaying theircounterparts Amajuba 4­2. The U16 team were un­lucky to go down 1­2 despite being the stronger of thetwo teams. They dominated throughout the match,but just could not find the net.

The Amajuba goalkeeper won the match for theirteam saving countless attempts to score by the Sis­

onke boys. The U16 boys’ team played the U18 Amaju­ba team in a cross­pool play­off, beating the U18 side1­0.

Sisonke U18 boys’ team match was fast and ac­tion­packed. Eagerness saw the lads either hitting thepost or their shots going just wide of the goals. AfterAmajuba scored the first goal, the Sisonke team werenot going to allow them any further entry into theircircle.

Working as a team, Sisonke slotted in three goalsto win the match 3­1. The U18 then played a cross­poolgame against the U16 Amajuba team beating them2­0. A most successful morning of hockey for all threeSisonke hockey teams. — Supplied.

Sisonke U18hockey boys.PHOTO:SUPPLIED

KEHS newsKEHS boys hit hockey balls hard at the St Patrick’sCollege Hockey Festival

LAST Saturday St Patrick’s College held a boys’hockey festival and King Edward’s boys fared well inthe tournament.

The scores were as follows:The U7 played four games, of which they won

three and drew one. These were the first games ofthe season and they played very well.

The U8 also played four games, without success.We are sure their games will pick up as the seasonprogresses.

Both the U9 A and B teams played three gameseach, of which they both won one and lost two.

The U10 played four games — they won two andlost two.

The U11 A team played five games — they won two,lost two and drew one.

The U13 A team won both games and the B teamwon one and lost one game.

Well done to all the hockey players and a big thankyou to St Pat’s for hosting the festival.

Evening of the StarsThe Evening of the Stars for the senior primary pu­

pils at King Edward High School, is a smaller version

of the matric farewell. Suited and kitted out, big andsmall enjoyed an evening of dance, pizza and fun.

A Mr and Miss Evening of the Stars were selectedforeachgrade.Thewinners wereKiandréJacquireandBusa Ntshobane (Grade 4), Shaneece Fernandez andThaboKhoathane(Grade5),EmihleDlepuandNjingaMnukwa(Grade 6), and Thatohatsi Lehopa andFranko Wiggill (Grade 7). — Supplied.

St Monica’s news

Astro quizONFriday, 1 August, the StMonica’s Dioce-

san School Astro Quiz team competed in thesecond round of the SAASTA Astronomy Quizin Mount Frere.

The teamplacedsecond,beatenbyonlyonepoint by Mt Frere Community School.

St. Monica’s will now proceed to the thirdroundinGrahamstownon29August.Theteamlooks forward to the next round and expects todowell in the next roundof the competition.—

Mr S. Rae.St. Patrick’s boys’ hockey festivalOn Saturday 2 August our U11 and U13

hockey boys travelled to Kokstad to play at theSt Patricks College Hockey Festival.

TheU11boysplayed fourmatches inwhichthey lost one and drew three. The U13 hockeyboys played three matches, managing a win,loss and a draw. Thank you to St. Patrick’sCollege for hosting this enjoyable event.

— Ms C. Boltman and Mr W. Conradie.

PHOTO: SUPPLIEDU11 boys’ players Philesande Jonas (left) and Ngawo Sidaza. More photos www.egfever.co.za

PHOTO: SUPPLIEDMr and Miss Evening of the Stars in Grade 5,Shaneece Fernandez and Thabo Khoathane.Seemore photos on www.egfever.co.za

Business buzzsee page 8

Chairperson to retainposition see page 10