Ixopo | Paddock | Harding | Kokstad | Cedarville | Matatiele | Swartberg | Maluti | Mount Fletcher | Underberg | Umzimkhulu | Weza | Izingolweni east griqualand FEVER Your 24/7 local connection FREE July 25, 2014 www.egfever.co.za @egfever East Griqualand Fever V.I.P Toilet R72 000.00 (Collect in Pinetown) 5m x10m PVC Tents 7m x 12m PVC Tents JUMPING CASTLES Mobile Chiller 5m x 10m Stretch Tents 5m x 10m PVC Tents + 50 Chairs 7m x 12m PVC Tents + 50 Chairs Delivery can be arranged Tiffany Chairs each Silver/ White Gazibos R1 250 R23 000 R14 000 5m x 10m Stretch Tents 7m x 12m Stretch Tents R6 980 R8 900 R6 600 R8 890 R380 R11 000 R32 500 R11 500 R19 500 7m x 12m 5m x 10m Stretch Tents R14 300 7m x 12m Stretch Tents R21 000 DEAL 1 DEAL 8 DEAL 3 DEAL 5 DEAL 10 DEAL 2 DEAL 6 DEAL 4 DEAL 7 DEAL 9 Royal Tent KOKSTAD: Shop 8, Pick & Pay Centre 084 710 5555 • 039 727 1336 Other Branches: Pinetown, Durban, Pietermaritzburg & Richards bay Cell: 083 786 6263 / 083 786 6335 all hours, countrywide • VISIT: www.royal-tents.co.za From R1550.00 R11 250 R11 250 Canvas Tent Classic Classic Canvas ‘Mandela Week, a great success’ — mayor >> ‘We want to continue with this campaign and take awareness campaigns to high schools’ NTUNTU DWEBA >>[email protected] T HE Greater Kokstad Munici- pality Mayor Nosisa Jojozi and Operation Sukuma Sakhe in Kokstad chairperson said the activi- ties on Mandela Week (Public Service Week) were a great success. At a media briefing at GKM she said the event resulted in many inter- ventions in communities by stake- holders, municipalities, government departments, SAPS and NGOs. She said the march against drugs and crime in Kokstad by the Sukuma Sakhe team last Monday attracted more that 400 young people. “Many young people participated in the march and they then played net- ball and volleyball at Riverview stadi- um. We also warned them about the dangers of drugs and alcohol.” She said on the campaign they dis- covered that drugs are easily availa- ble in Kokstad townships and the central business district. “We found that dagga is sold in town in broad daylight and what is also shocking is that the drug dealers are known, but no action had been taken against them,” she said. Jojozi said the SAPS conducted raids and recovered drugs in some of the hotspots, mainly in Bhongweni and the CBD. “We want to continue with this campaign and take awareness cam- paigns to high schools,” she said. Jojozi said they also heeded the call by President Jacob Zuma to clean up the streets. “We held clean-up campaigns in Wards 1, 5 and 8. We also cleared a number of illegal dumping sites in townships,” she said. Other activities Sukuma Sakhe embarked on during Mandela Week was giving out food parcels and clothes. “We received many donations in theformoffoodandclothesfrombusi- nesses, government departments and foreign nationals,” she said. “We ended Public Service Week on Mandela Day by painting and clean- ing a hall in Kransdraai. We also do- nated books to a library we set up to assist the community, particularly the pupils at Glen Edward High because they did not get good matric results last year,” she said. PHOTO: NTUNTU DWEBA Greater Koks- tad Municipali- ty Mayor and chairperson of Operation Sukuma Sakhe, Nosisa Jojozi. APOLOGY The EG Fever published a letter, “Response to Kwa Sani’s ‘video clip’ ” as no malice was intended in its 27 June issue. It made unsubstantiated allegations about Mr David Adam for which there is absolutely no evidence. We apologise unreservedly for any damage this may have caused to Mr Adam’s good name and reputation. Community services execu- tive manager Nyaniso Msiya, GKM municipal manager Zamo Mkhize at the media briefing. PHOTO: NTUNTU DWEBA

East griqualand fever 25 jul 2014

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East griqualand fever 25 jul 2014

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Ixopo | Paddock | Harding | Kokstad | Cedarville | Matatiele | Swartberg | Maluti | Mount Fletcher | Underberg | Umzimkhulu | Weza | Izingolweni

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FEVERYour 24/7 local connection FREE July 25, 2014

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‘Mandela Week, agreat success’

— mayor>> ‘We want to continue with this campaign and take awareness campaigns to high schools’

NTUNTU DWEBA>>[email protected]

THE Greater Kokstad Munici-pality Mayor Nosisa Jojozi andOperation Sukuma Sakhe in

Kokstad chairperson said the activi-ties onMandelaWeek (Public ServiceWeek) were a great success.

At a media briefing at GKM shesaid the event resulted inmany inter-ventions in communities by stake-holders, municipalities, governmentdepartments, SAPS and NGOs.

She said the march against drugsand crime in Kokstad by the SukumaSakhe team last Monday attractedmore that 400 young people.

“Many young people participatedinthemarchandtheythenplayednet-ball and volleyball at Riverviewstadi-um. We also warned them about the

dangers of drugs and alcohol.”Shesaidonthecampaigntheydis-

covered that drugs are easily availa-ble in Kokstad townships and the

central business district.“We found that dagga is sold in

town in broad daylight and what isalso shocking is that the drug dealersare known, but no action had beentaken against them,” she said.

Jojozi said the SAPS conductedraids and recovered drugs in some ofthe hotspots, mainly in Bhongweniand the CBD.

“We want to continue with thiscampaign and take awareness cam-paigns to high schools,” she said.

Jojozisaidtheyalsoheededthecallby President Jacob Zuma to clean upthe streets.

“We held clean-up campaigns inWards 1, 5 and 8. We also cleared a

number of illegal dumping sites intownships,” she said.

Other activities Sukuma Sakheembarked on during Mandela Weekwas giving out food parcels andclothes.

“We received many donations intheformoffoodandclothesfrombusi-nesses, government departmentsand foreign nationals,” she said.

“WeendedPublic ServiceWeekonMandela Day by painting and clean-ing a hall in Kransdraai. We also do-nated books to a library we set up toassist thecommunity,particularly thepupils at Glen Edward High becausethey did not get good matric resultslast year,” she said.

PHOTO: NTUNTUDWEBAGreater Koks­tad Municipali­ty Mayor andchairperson ofOperationSukumaSakhe,NosisaJojozi.

APOLOGYThe EG Fever published a

letter, “Response to KwaSani’s ‘video clip’ ” as no

malice was intended in its 27June issue. It made

unsubstantiated allegationsabout Mr David Adam for

which there is absolutely noevidence. We apologise

unreservedly for any damagethis may have caused to Mr

Adam’s good name andreputation.

Communityservices execu­tive managerNyaniso Msiya,GKM municipalmanager ZamoMkhize at themedia briefing.PHOTO: NTUNTUDWEBA

Page 2: East griqualand fever 25 jul 2014

Furore over shack demolition requestNTUNTU DWEBA>>[email protected]

CONTROVERSIALHorseshoeWard1councillorPhumzileNocandais in thespotlight once again.

Aresident is accusinghimofbeingabullyandofusinghispoweraswardcouncillor to fight political battles.

This is after Nocanda reportedly

ordered a municipal bulldozer to de-molish a shack inMphela because heis amember of an opposition party inthe area.

Lawrence “Sdumo” Mofokeng(54), a resident of Horseshoe for 13years said on Monday Nocanda or-deredhimtodemolishashackhewasbuilding.

“He angrily told me that he wants

Mofokengsaid thereasonwhyNo-canda is targeting him is because heleft the ANC and joined the EFF.

“Nocanda has been beggingme toreturn to the ANC, but I refused be-cause I knowwhy I left the ANC, thatiswhyhehasagripewithme,”hesaid.

Nocanda dismissed the allega-tions saying EFF members are justplaying cheap politics.

“That structure was demolishedby a municipal building inspector asit is a well known policy that shacksare not allowed,” he said.

Nocanda revealed that Mofokenghas two RDP houses in his yard andhegets rent for twootherRDPhousesso in total he has four RDP houses inHorseshoe.

“Wearestill investigatinghowMo-fokeng got the four houses and as arepresentative of the municipality inHorseshoe I have a right to raise is-sues and take action. The real bullieshere are EFF members who havebeenmisleadingpeoplebyencourag-ing them to build illegal shacks inHorseshoe,” he added.

Msawenkosi Mathe from the EFFsaid Nocanda thinks Horseshoe isowned by the ANC.

“If members of other parties arenot allowed to live in Horseshoe hemust just come out and say it,” hesaid.

“What I did with regards toMofokeng’s structure is something Iwould have done even to an ANCmember because I was correctingsomething wrong,” Nocanda said.

HefurtherlashedoutatEFFsayingthey must ask their leader JuliusMalema to take them to a politicalschool as they lack political maturity.

PHOTO: NTUNTU DWEBAHorseshoe councillor Phumzile Nocanda said shacks won't be tolerated inHorseshoe.

PHOTO: NTUNTU DWEBAMofokeng's unfinished shack that was demolished by the municipality.

Veld fire claims more lives

KHAYA MAGENU>>[email protected]

RAGING veld fires killed two peopleat Thabachicha village on the out-skirts of Matatiele and five villagerswere injured inan incident that sawmorethan50housesburnt toashes.

Amongthedeadwas67-year-oldNawe Mathato who was burntbeyond recognition while trying toextinguish fire in her two houses,leaving the family homeless.

In the nearby village of Tuteng a61-year-old man, Boomo Letele,diedof smoke inhalationandburns.

EasternCapeMEC for Co-opera-tiveGovernmentandTraditionalAf-fairs Fikile Xasa, accompanied bythe Alfred Nzo District MunicipalityExecutive Mayor Eunice Diko andMatatiele Local Municipality coun-cillors, cancelled theirMandelaDayactivities to visit the families of thedeceasedandhandover relief itemsto them.

Fire fighters fought veld firesthroughout Thursday night whichbecame uncontrollable, with gale-force winds making the situationworse as it hasn’t rained for fivemonths.

Two fire fighters from the AlfredNzoDistrictMunicipalitywere criti-

cally injured when their responsevehicle was involved in an accidentwhile responding to the fires. Theywereadmittedtothe TaylerBequestHospital.

Other fire victims were trans-ferred to the Mthatha AcademicHospital.

Speakingtothefamiliesofthede-ceased Xasa said they need to bestrong in this trying period, sayingthat the government is here to sup-port them.

The firesmostly affected villagesat the foot of the Drakensbergaround the Mariazell missions —Moreneng,TutengandLititjhereng.

Boomo’s daughter RetshidisisoLetele said she does not know howshe is going to bury him becausenobody at their home has a job.

“The fire caughtmy father in theveld while he was looking afteranimals,” said Letele.

This fire comes after raging veldfires burnt down 15 farms stretch-ing over 15 000 hectares of landwith more than 1000 sheep and200 cattle killed in Matatiele,Kokstad,Cedarville andSwartberg.

Farmers in East Griqualand arealso devastated after a blazing firecompletely destroyed their farmsand some of their livestock.

PHOTO: SUPPLIEDOne of the houses that was burnt.

GKM’s gift to king>> Municipality sent a cow to Ondini Royal Place yesterday (Thursday)as a gift to the royal family on the occasion of the king’s wedding

NTUNTU DWEBA>>[email protected]

THE Greater Kokstad Munici-pality has added its voice tothousands of South Africans in

congratulating the Zulu monarch,King Goodwill Zwelithini, who willtie the knot for the sixth time tomor-row.

Zwelithini will marry his sixthqueen, a Swazi national, 27-year-year-old Zola Mafu at Ondini RoyalPlace inUlundi and 4 000 dignitariesare invited to grace the event.

TheGreaterKokstadMunicipalitysent a cow to Ondini Royal Placeyesterday (Thursday) as a gift to the

royal family.GKMMayorNosisa Jojozi said the

cow was donated by local emergingfarmer and businessman MaxMxabo.

“Weareverygrateful toMrMxaboformaking this kinddonation.This isa good gesture fromourmunicipalityand will go a long way in putting ourtown and municipality on the map.We want to wish the king all the bestonhiswedding,andwelovehim,”shesaid.

She said as the municipality theywere surprised when they visitedMxabo’s farm and discovered howmuch he has grown. “It is pleasant tosee black farmers doing so well in

Kokstad. In the past we only knew ofwhite farmers, but now things havechanged— thoseare the joysof livingin a democratic country,” she said.

Mxabosaidhewasapproachedbythe municipality to donate whateverhe could. “I decided that a cow is fit-ting for the occasion and we knowthat the hand that gives is blessed.”

Mxabosaid it takeshardworkanddetermination to get where he is as afarmer and businessman. He is alsothe owner of a local newspaper.

Ambassadors, senior politicians,members of the judiciary and tradi-tional leaders from inside and out-side South Africa are expected to at-tend the royal wedding.

Max Mxabo, community Services manager Nyaniso Msiya, GKM municipal manager Zamo and GKM mayor NosisaJojozi at Mxabo’s farm.

myshackgonebefore theend of the day.

“I told him I won’t de-stroy my shack becausethere are many shackshere and they are not be-ing demolished so whymust mine alone be de-molished?” he asked.

He said Nocanda toldhim that if he doesn’t de-stroytheshackhewillde-stroy it himself.

“I tried to explain tothe councillor why I wasbuildingtheshack,buthedidn’t want to listen so Itold him to do what hefeels like doing,” he said.

MofokengsaidNocan-dawalked off and startedmakingcallsandminuteslateracarfromtheGreat-er Kokstad Municipalityarrived and he talked tothe municipal employ-ees.

“I told the employeesthat I won’t demolish myshack because I feel I ambeing victimised as I amsurrounded by shacksandtheyarenotbeingde-stroyed,” he said.

Are you an aspiring journalist?Write for us and get published us­ing the Citizen Journalism tool atwww.egfever.co.za


2July 25, 2014

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Page 3: East griqualand fever 25 jul 2014


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public noticeERRATUM: BID NO GKM 02-14/15

ERRATUM: Service providers are hereby notified that the above quoted bid previously advertised as“BID NO.: 02-14/15 “APPOINTMENT OF AN ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR FORTHE ELECTRIFI-CATION OF 220 RDP HOUSES IN SHAYAMOYA” will have a second briefing session on the 30 July2014 at 10h00, 75 Hope Street Kokstad. Closing date will no longer be the 31 July 2014 at 12h00; itwill be 06 August 2014 at 12h00.

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Cemetery gets clean up

ACEMETERYisaplaceof tran-quillity and a resting place.

Last Friday ward commit-tees, various government depart-ment officials, Greater KokstadMunicipality officials, councillorsandelderlypeopletookituponthem-selves to clean the old BhongweniCemetery.

This was part of celebrating thelife and legacy of Nelson Mandela.

“We are cleaning the first Bhong-weni graveyard with the aim ofmarking Mandela Day as he is nolonger with us,” said Greater Kok-stadMunicipalityWard8CllrMondeNondabula.

Handing over food parcels,clothes,andsettingupasoupkitchenfor Bhambayi shack dwellers, com-munities said they wished that thisday would be every day for them.

“We want to make sure we arechangingpeople’s lives for thebetterand we will make sure MandelaMonth is successful and we willmake sure our priorities this year—service delivery to the people — aremet,” said Nondabula.

He said as the Greater KokstadMunicipality they started their pro-gramme last Monday with a marchagainst crime and drugs.

“We want to caution the youth

aboutthedangerofdrugsandcrime.OnTuesdaywe conveneda clean-upcampaignwith theBhongweni com-munity,” said Nondabula. He saidthey will ask the Department of En-vironmental Affairs to help themconduct awareness campaignsabout keeping their areas clean.

“On Thursday we also convenedOperation Mbo at Weisberg wheregovernment departments gave theirservice to the people andwe openeda library at Glen Edward PrimaryandtheGreaterKokstadMunicipali-ty and Department of Arts andCulture provided books for it,” saidNondabula.

PHOTO: KHAYA MAGENUWard committees, government officials, Greater Kokstad Municipality officials, councillors and elderly people cleanthe Bhongweni cemetery.

Mayor handsover new hall

NTUTNU DWEBA>>[email protected]

THEKwaNgxolaWard 2 communityin the Ingwe Municipality agree thatthe government has a “good story totell”.

This comes after the Mwanenicommunity hallwas officially openedby the Ingwe Municipality mayor,Nomagugu Luzulane, and handedover to them last Thursday.

The mayor was assisted by coun-cillor Busisiwe Mncwabe.

At the event Luzulane said eventhough Kwa Ngxola is a remote andrural area its community deservesservices.

“People have to travel longdistancestogetservicesotoday,aswehand over this hall, we call upongovernment departments to rendertheir service to the people.”

Government departments that of-fered their services included HomeAffairs, Sassa and agriculture andhealth departments.

Luzulane said the hall will alsoserve as a place to hold meetings,concerts and other activities.

“This project cost R2,7 million,which includes payment to theengineers and contractors.”

She said the Ingwe Municipality

prioritises service delivery and theirhardwork is also appreciated at pro-vincial level.

“We are doing well in terms ofservicedelivery,becauseastheIngweMunicipality we won the GovanMbeki Housing Award for the bestrural RDPhouses inKwaZulu-Natal,”she said.

Dumo Zondi from ZiqhenyeConstruction, the contractor, said theconstruction took eight months.

“Due to weather challenges likerain and strikes we took eightmonths instead of six to complete theproject,” he said.

The mayor commended Zondi forshowing kindness by building a localgogo a four-roomed house for free.

“MrZondididararethingbygivingback to the community —may he beblessed andmaybe other contractorswill learn from him,” she said.

The hall includes four outsidetoilets, a kitchen inside, two changerooms, an office and a store room.

Luzulane urged communitymem-bers to take good care of the hall.

Fifteen community people wereemployed during the construction.

Sheconcludedby thankingNelsonMandelaforthecontributionhemadein bettering the lives of the people,particularly the poor.

PHOTO: NTUNTU DWEBAExco member Cllr Sindisiwe Msomi, Mayor Nomagugu Luzulane and Ward 2Cllr Busisiwe Mncwabe.

SAPS do more than ‘arrest people’ on Mandela DayNTUNTU DWEBA>>ntuntu.dweba@feveronline. co.za

THE Kokstad SAPS hav shown thatthey are not the monsters they aresometimes perceived to be, onlyinterested in arresting or shootingpeople.

This was revealed when the SAPSWomen’s Network in Kokstad puttheir firearms and handcuffs aside tovisit the Peter Pearce Orphanage inShayamoya on Mandela Day.

Kokstad SAPS spokesperson Lieu­tenant Dumisani Ncongo said they

decided to spend their 67 minutes bygiving out food parcels to underprivi­leged children.

“We fed children soup and breadat the Marikana informal settlement.We then proceeded to Mphela town­shipwherewedonateditemstoanoldlady,” he said.

Ncongo said the police are alsopart of the community and help outwhen they see the need.

“Our icon Nelson Mandela calledon all of us to help each other for only67 minutes and that is what we did onMandela Day,” he said.

PHOTO: SUPPLIEDMembers of the SAPS Women's Networkwith Gogo Mangqatyana wase Mavundle­ni and the groceries they donated to her.

Two arrested for dagga possessionMATATIELE SAPS spokesperson LieutenantRaphael Motloung has commended the workdone by Warrant Officer Mbele, WarrantOfficer Sigcau and Constable Maphungu inarresting two men for dealing in dagga.

They were patrolling the road betweenMariazell and Matatiele last weekend whenthey came across a Ford Ranger bakkie which

they stopped, searchedand foundeightbagsofdagga in the bakkie bin.

Thetwomen,aged38and42,werearrestedandwillappearattheMalutiMagistrate’sCourtsoon. The bakkie was confiscated.

Motloung warned people not to engage incriminal activities as they will be arrested.

— Supplied.


4July 25, 2014

east griqualand

FEVER>> ‘We will make sure Mandela Month is successful’

Tel: (039) 259 5000/5300Fax: (039) 259 0427


Umzimkhulu Municipality169 Main StreetPrivate Bag 53

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Municipal Manager and Section 57 Managers Performance Plans, Service Deliveryand Budget Implementation Plan and Scorecards for 2014/15 as signed and ap-proved respectively.

Notice is hereby given that in terms of Section 34 Local Government: MunicipalPerfomance Regulations for Municipal Managers and Managers reporting directlyaccountable to the Municipal Managers (2006) that the Umzimkhulu Municipalityhas conducted the signing of performance agreements for the Municipal Managerand Managers directly accountable to him. The respective performance agree-ments will be made available on the website atwww.umzimkhululm.gov.za.

Furthermore in terms of Section 53 (3)(a)(b) of the MFMA the public is futher noti-fied of the adoption of the Organisational Scorecard and the Service Delivery andBudget Implementation Plan of which both documents will also be made availableon our website www.umzimkhululm.gov.za. Enquiries should be directed to theManager: Corporate Services on tel. 039 2595000 or via fax: 039 259 0427 duringoffice hours.


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Communities cleanup on Mandela Day>> The day was inspired by Mandela’s speech on 27 June 2008


PEOPLE around the jurisdiction of Kwa Sani wereencouraged to spend their 67 minutes on MandelaDay, 18 July, doing something positive for their

communities in honour of the 67 years Nelson Mandelaspent fighting for justice and a free, democratic SouthAfrica.

The daywas inspired byMandela’s speech on 27 June2008—his90thbirthdaycelebration—inLondon’sHydePark.Inhisspeechhecalledonleaderstochangetheworldfor the better.

The Kwa Sani community, led by Mayor Mdu Banda,

councillors, management, municipality staff and stake-holders took to the streets of Underberg to clean up.

The Kwa Sani municipality’s aimwas to make a smallcontribution to the day and improve the lives of people.

The streets of Underberg were left spotless and thespirit of Madiba was felt within everyone.

This was the first Mandela Day since Mandela’s deathand it is important to uphold the values and morals thathe stood for.

ThemunicipalmanagersharedMadiba’smessageask-ing for peace among the citizens ofKwa Sani, saying they must makeevery day Mandela Day.

PHOTO: SUPPLIEDThe Kwa Sani community, Mayor Mdu Banda, councillors, management and municipality staff took to the streets ofUnderberg to clean up the area.

Elderly onreceiving endof heatersKHAYA MAGENU>>[email protected]

WITHKokstadbeingoneofthecold-est places in KwaZulu-Natal, aGreaterKokstadMunicipalitycoun-cillor, NtobekoMavuka, has taken astep to ensure that their people staywarm this winter by handing over40paraffinheaterstoelderlypeopleat Thuntulwana Hall on Friday aspart of 67 minutes in celebration of

Mandela Month.On receiving a heater 85-year-

old grannyMaudMakobua said sheis happy to receive it because shewas battling to keep warm.

“This heater will make mewarm because it is not easy to buyheat if I have to use my pensiongrantmoney.EachandeverymonthI use my grant to buy food for mygrandchildren.”

Mavukasaidtheparaffinheaterswere donated by private Kokstadcompanies in celebration ofMandela Month.

MaudMakobuareceives aheaterfrom CllrNtobekoMavuka.PHOTO:KHAYAMAGENU

July 25, 2014

east griqualand




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As numbers are limited REGISTER NOW to avoid disappointment.

Contact ESAYIDI FET College onEnyenyezi Campus:– Boboyi 039 685 5482/3Gamalakhe Campus:– Gamalakhe 039 318 1092Kokstad Campus:- Kokstad 039 727 3062Port Shepstone Campus:– Oslo Beach 039 685 4824/5Umzimkulu Campus – Umzimkulu 074 126 4240

Page 6: East griqualand fever 25 jul 2014


6July 25, 2014

east griqualand




WARM greetings to Kwa Sani Citizens. This isanother week granted to us by the Almightyabove.

Onemustmentionthat ithasbeenaproduc-tiveweekforpublicservice,wherewesawgov-ernment and stakeholders getting together toassist communities of Kwa Sani.

The objective was to honour the wishes ofMadiba and also to do our part as thecommunity of Kwa Sani to bring about changein the lives of our people.

I extend my sincere gratitude, on behalf ofthe municipality, to stakeholders who tookpart in service week, to all members of thecommunity who gave their time to assistduring clean-up day on Friday 18 July.

As the municipality we would like to makeevery day a Mandela Day.

We thank theVukuzithatheNPO for hostinga soup kitchen for theKwaSani community onFriday. Indeed, we are moving South Africa

forward and the work that is being done bynon-profitorganisationsdoesnotgounnoticedas their contribution is recognised by themunicipality and we say, thank you.

Theobjectives ofKwaSaniMunicipality areto provide democratic and accountablegovernment for local communities, to providesustainable services, to promote social andeconomic development, to promote a safeand healthy environment and to encouragethe involvement of communities and commu-nity organisations in matters of local govern-ment.

Kwa Sani residents devoted 67 minutes oftheir time — one minute for every year of MrMandela’s public service life, to make a smallgesture of solidarity with humanity and a steptowards a global movement for a good cause.

Let us all continue to do good in honour ofthe greatest statesman to have ever ived.

Thank you.

THEfact that rape inSouthAfrica is among thehighest in theworld is one of the sad and scaryrealities in our country. The rape of childrenmakes headlines almost daily in the press.

Another sad thing is that even through rapestatistics are high, according to organisers ofthe Silent Protest, many cases continue unre-ported, so it’s good that an initiative like theSilent Protest continues to sensitise communi-tiesabout rapevictimsandshowsolidarityandgive support to them.

Why rape is committed by both men andwomen is not understood, and we don’t haveany answers.What wemust do ismake every-one aware of this vile human act and stand to-gether and try to put a stop to it, or, at the veryleast, educate people about rape.

Weneed to talk about rape and other acts ofsexual violence that takes place every dayagainst men, women and children.

Somuch ink has been spilt in themedia thisweek in Gauteng, and the murder and rape ofchildren has become an ubiquitous topic inmany newsrooms this week.


HARRY GWALA DISTRICT MUNICIPALITYPrivate Bag X 501, IXOPO, 3276 • Tel: 039 834 8700 Fax: 039 834 2259



Bids are hereby invited from qualified and experienced Bidders for the construction of the followingInfrastructure projects within the Harry Gwala District municipality



ii. GREATER 5CEPE 28 July 2014 @ Contract No. HGDM 15 August 2014@SUMMERFIELD 0R 6CE 10h30 Bidders to 396/HGDM/2014 12h00WATER SUPPLY: OR meet at UmzimkhuluCONSTRUCTION OF HIGHER Town Hall-opposite2ML RESERVOIR Umzimkhulu municipality

and then proceed to siteiii. MQATSHENI WATER 6CE OR 29 July 2014 @ Contract No.HGDM 15 August 2014@

SCHEME:CONSTRUCTION HIGHER 10h30 Bidders to meet 417/HGDM/2014 12h00OF RETICULATION AND t KwaSani Municipality,STANDPIPES a32 Arbuckle street,

Himevilleiv. GREATER MBULELWENI 7CE OR 30 July 2014 @ Contract No. HGDM 22 August 2014@

WATER SUPPLY: HIGHER 10h30 Bidders to meet 391/HGDM/2014 12h00CONSTRUCTION OF at Engen Garage inNKWEZELA PUMPSTATION Bulwer then proceed-2ML-MAWULENI 5ML to siteRESERVOIR

v. UFAFA WATER SUPPLY- 7CE OR 01 August 2014 @ Contract No.HGDM 22 August 2014 @PHASE 2: CONSTRUCTION HIGHER 10h30 Municipal 421/HGDM/2014 12h00OF BULK MAIN boardroom and thenCOMPRISING OF STEEL proceed to sitePIPELINES ANDCONSTRUCTION OFPUMPSTATION

vi. CHIBINI WATER SUPPLY: 6CE PE OR 04 August 2014 @ Contract No.SDM 22 August 2014@CONSTRUCTION OF HIGHER 10h30 at Municipal 271/SDM/2010/03 12h00RETICULATION AND Boardroom and thenSTANDPIPES proceed to site

Only Bidders that have the requiredCIDBGrading listed on the table above per project.JointVenturesare also eligible to submit Bids provided that every member of the Joint Venture is registered withthe CIDB and a combined grade of Joint Venture calculated in accordance with the CIDB regulationsis equal to or higher than the specified Contractor grading.

Invalid or non-submission of the following documents will lead to the disqualification.• Original Valid Tax Clearance Certificate from SARS;• Certified Copies of Company or CC Documents together with certified copies of member/s ID;• JV Agreement (if applicable);• A signed MBD4 form must be submitted with all bids ( available on our website or at reception)

The following will apply in all the above bids:

• Price(s) quoted must be firm and must be inclusive of VAT;• A firm delivery period must be indicated;• All tenders must be valid for 90 days after the tender closing date• A Valid B-BBEE status level verification certificate for claiming preference points.• 90/10 Preference point system will be used in Evaluation.


Bid documents may be collected from the 24 July 2014 between 09h00 and 16h00 at Harry GwalaDistrict Municipality Offices, Finance Services Department, situated at Ixopo 40 Main Street, Ixopo3276.Tender documents will be issued upon payment of a non-refundable cash fee of R 500 each.


The closing date for the bids is as per table above. Bids must be enclosed in SEALED ENVELOPESand clearly labelled with the contract number and project name on the outside of the envelopesaddressed to The Municipal Manager.

Bids must be deposited in the Bid Box at the reception area of Harry Gwala District Municipal, 40Main Street, IXOPO before the closing date. Telegraphic, telexed or faxed bids will not be consideredand late bids will not be accepted.

Harry Gwala District Municipality does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any Bid and reservesthe right to accept the whole or any part of the bid.


All bid enquiries and other matters shall be directed to:Executive Director: Infrastructure ServicesMr D B MakwakwaHarry Gwala District Municipality40 Main StreetIXOPO3276Tel.: 039-834 8700Fax: 039 834 2259

Mrs NA. DlaminiMunicipal Manager

109 995 99 995 49 995

2009 Hyundai i20 1.4i2010 TOYOTA AVANZA1.5 VVTI 7 SEATER

109 995109 995


139 995 99 995 159 995



2008 AUDI A4 2.0 TDI

179 995 99 995 79 995


2012 MAZDA 62.0 ACTIVE


99 99599 995


2009 Hyundai i20 1.4i

59 995 59 995 109 995





1997 BMW 528iAUTO

Page 7: East griqualand fever 25 jul 2014

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Ombudsman ofEG Fever

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039 727 4301 and 082 774 3556Khaya Magenu:[email protected]: 039 7274301; Fax: 0397274411Cell: 073 218 3556REGIONAL SALES MANAGER:Bev de Jaager: [email protected]: Shop no 1, Pick n Pay Centre,Groom Street Kokstad 4700PRINTING : Paarl Coldset, PMB.COPYRIGHT:Copyright of all editorial, advertising layout,design and photographs is vested in East Gri­qualand Fever and may not be used withoutthe permission of Media24 News in writing.

DISTRIBUTION:Tom Pearson at 039 682 1010

PHONE: 039 727 4301PUBLISHER: Neil [email protected] EDITOR: Desiree [email protected] EDITOR: Lynn Hitchcock031 533 [email protected]:Khaya Magenu:[email protected] [email protected]: Steph [email protected] & SALES:Brittany [email protected] CO




July 25, 2014

east griqualand




Smile awhile

GREETINGS to the people ofKokstad.Public Service Week update

Last week the world celebrat­ed the birthday of the icon, DrNelson Mandela. As the GreaterKokstad Municipality we dedicat­ed the entire week to Mandela,and what a successful publicservice week we had. All we didthis year was to make sure that wechange the lives of the people likeMandela did. The week started onMonday with the march againstdrugs as we wanted to send a mes­sage that drugs have no place insociety. The same day there weresports activities at the Riverviewstadium. Stakeholders, under theco­ordination of Operation Suku­ma Sakhe, were part of that

historic day. We also heeded thecall by President Jacob Zuma andcleaned the streets of Bhongweniand Ward 1.

On Thursday the people ofWansberg in Ward 2 felt the loveof Mandela when government de­partments visited them to provideservices. All activities took placebetween Monday and Friday andthe week was life­changing.

On Friday 18 July the historicmoment was witnessed by theKraansdraai community when themayor of Greater Kokstad Munici­pality, Cllr Nosisa Jojozi handedover a library to them and helpedin painting the community hall.

The people of Kraansdraaiwere very happy about the librarybecause it will help to improve the

pass rate of local schools as wellas increase the knowledge ofthose in Kraansdraai who use it.

Elderly people of Ward 5 weregiven paraffin heaters to helpthem during the winter months ofKokstad. Those two events willleave a lasting impact in their lives.

We are also prepared tocontinue impacting positively inthe lives of the people of Kokstadthrough service delivery.

We are also pleased to seethat provisional efforts are beingmade to better Hope Street andwe are aware that once all pro­curement processes are finishedby the Department of Transport,Hope Street will be rehabilitatedfully.

Inkosi inibusise.

WARM greetings to all readers ofthis viewpoint.Fires cause major damage inWard 14

Last week some of the Mata­tiele wards were badly affected byheavy winds which led to hugedamage in some areas. At Mariazelarea, Ditithjereng and Moreneng inWard 14, about 50 householdswere burnt by a fire which startedon Thursday 17 July.

Municipal fire fighters and theAlfred Nzo District MunicipalityDisaster Management Unit didtheir best to fight the fire, but itwas out of their control due toheavy winds. The fire claimed atleast two lives. The MEC for Co­op­erate Governance and TraditionalAffairs, MEC Fikile Xasa, the mayorCllr Eunice Diko, district speakerCllr Sandile Sello and MatatieleLocal Municipality acting mayor ofthe day, Cllr Nomasomi Mshuqwa­na and councillors visited families

of those affected and providedfood parcels, mattresses andsponges. Sassa and the Depart­ment of Social Development arebusy with assessments. Commu­nities were urged to make firebreaks and cut down big trees neartheir houses. They were also en­couraged not to start a fire onwindydays. Themunicipalitysym­pathises with households ownersand those who lost loved ones.May their souls rest in peace.Two-day workshop:capacity-building forMatatiele councillors andtraditional leaders

The office of the municipalmanager IDP/M&E unit conducteda two­day workshop on a ward­based plans and performancemanagement system (PMS) forcouncils and traditional leaders incouncil. Emphasis was on the im­portance of performance man­agement and systems and how

they affect service delivery.The Eastern Cape Department

of Co­operate Governance andTraditional Affairs appointedTshani Consulting CC to assist inthe development of the credibleward­based plans in line with theoutcomes­based approach. Thefirst phase of this was conductedin March which compromised acomprehensive assessment ofdata and information about thecommunity with the focus ondemographics and growth rates,which is population and house­hold and the literacy rate.Accurate baseline wards’ informa­tion in respect of the servicesareas, ie. municipal roads, refuseremoval and solid waste, is availa­ble.

That is all from us for now, tillnext time, stay safe and be bless­ed. Thank you sweet people fromsweet Matat, a destination ofchoice and excellence.








HARRY GWALA DISTRICT MUNICIPALITYPrivate Bag X 501, IXOPO, 3276 • Tel: 039 834 8700 Fax: 039 834 2259



Bids are hereby invited from qualified and experienced Bidders for the construction of the followingInfrastructure projects within the Harry Gwala District municipality


i. MNQUMENI 5CEPE 31 July 2014 Contract No. SDM 15 August 2014WATER SUPPLY: 0R 6CE @ 10h30 243/SDM/2009/3 @ 12h00CONSTRUCTION OR Bidders bidders B/1OF BULK HIGHER are to meet atINFRASTRUCTURE Port Shepstone

side entrance ofHarding alongthe N2 and thenproceed to site

ii. IXOPO – 5CE PE 01 August 2014 Contract No. SDM/ 15 August 2014MARIATHAL @ 10h30 Municipal 208/SDM/2010/04 @ 12h00WATER SUPPLY: boardroom andCONSTRUCTION then proceed toOF A 3.4KM UPVC siteAND 1KM STEELWATER PIPELINE

Only Bidders that have the requiredCIDBGrading listed on the table above per project.JointVenturesare also eligible to submit Bids provided that every member of the Joint Venture is registered withthe CIDB and a combined grade of Joint Venture calculated in accordance with the CIDB regulationsis equal to or higher than the specified Contractor grading.

Invalid or non-submission of the following documents will lead to the disqualification.• Original Valid Tax Clearance Certificate from SARS;• Certified Copies of Company or CC Documents together with certified copies of member/s ID;• JV Agreement (if applicable);• A signed MBD4 form must be submitted with all bids ( available on our website or at reception)

The following will apply in all the above bids:

• Price(s) quoted must be firm and must be inclusive of VAT;• A firm delivery period must be indicated;• All tenders must be valid for 90 days after the tender closing date• A Valid B-BBEE status level verification certificate for claiming preference points.• 90/10 Preference point system will be used in Evaluation.


Bid documents may be collected from the 24 July 2014 between 09h00 and 16h00 at Harry GwalaDistrict Municipality Offices, Finance Services Department, situated at Ixopo 40 Main Street, Ixopo3276.Tender documents will be issued upon payment of a non-refundable cash fee of R 500 each.


The closing date for the bids is as per table above. Bids must be enclosed in SEALED ENVELOPESand clearly labelled with the contract number and project name on the outside of the envelopesaddressed to The Municipal Manager.

Bids must be deposited in the Bid Box at the reception area of Harry Gwala District Municipal, 40Main Street, IXOPO before the closing date. Telegraphic, telexed or faxed bids will not be consideredand late bids will not be accepted.

Harry Gwala District Municipality does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any Bid and reservesthe right to accept the whole or any part of the bid.


All bid enquiries and other matters shall be directed to:Executive Director: Infrastructure ServicesMr D B MakwakwaHarry Gwala District Municipality40 Main StreetIXOPO3276Tel.: 039-834 8700Fax: 039 834 2259

Mrs NA. DlaminiMunicipal Manager

Page 8: East griqualand fever 25 jul 2014

102 Main Street,


P.O. Box 35,

Matatiele, 4730

Tel: 039 737 3135

Fax: 039 737 3611


I, D.C.T. Nakin, the Municipal Manager, as directed by the Speaker, Cllr. K. J. Bosman-Magangana,hereby give Notice that in terms of Section 19(b) of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act2000 (Act No. 32 of 2000) that the next Ordinary Council Meeting of the Matatiele Local Municipal-ity will be held on Thursday, 31 July 2014 at 11h00 in the Matatiele Town Hall. The purpose of themeeting will be the Adoption of the 2015/2016 Integrated Development Planning (IDP) and BudgetProcess Plan. In terms of Section 20 of the quoted Act, members of the public, media and inter-ested parties may attend the meeting as observers.


Mna, D.C.T. Nakin, Umphathi ka Masipala, ngokomyalelo kaSomlomo, uCeba K. J. Bosman-Magangana , ndazisa, ngokwe Candelo 19(b) loMthetho woHlobo lokuSebenza kooMasipalabaseMakhaya (uMthetho 32 ka 2000) ukuba intlanganiso yeBhunga kaMasipala iyakubanjwangoLwesine, umhla we 31 kweyeKhala 2014 ngentsimbi yeshumi elinanye eMatatiele Town Hallukuyokwethula umqulu wenkqubo wezophuhliso kunye nekqubo yohlahlo lwabiwo mali lonyaka2015/2016. Ngokwe Candelo 20 loMthetho woMasipala uLuntu ngokubanzi, iintatheli kwakunyenamanye amaqela anomdla ayamenywa ukuba abe yi nxalenye yale ntlanganiso.


Nna, D.C.T. Nakin, Motshwari wa Masepala, wa lehae wa Matatiele, ka ho laelwa ke Sebui, Mole-kgotla K.J. Bosman-Magangana, ke tsebisa hore tlasa karolwana ya 19(b) wa molao wa tsamaisoya bo Masepala ba mahaeng (Act 32 of 2000) hore lekgotla la Masepala le tla tshwara kopano ka laBohlano, mohla la 31 Phupu 2014 ka hora ya leshome le motso o mong Holong ya Matatiele. Mor-alo wa ntshetso-pele le moralo wa ditjhelete tsa 2015/2016 wa Matatiele le ho pasiswa kopanongena. Ka hoya ka karolwana 20 ya molao wa puso yabo Masepala, setjhaba ka kakaretso, baqolotsiba ditaba le mekgatlo emeng enang le thahasello eya mengwa ho nka karolo kopanong ena.


Ek, D.C.T. Nakin die Munisipale Bestuurder, aan gewys deur die Spreker, rdl. KJ Bosman Magan-gana, gee hiermee kennis in terme van Artikel 19 (b) van die Wet op Plaaslike Regering: MunisipaleStelsels, 2000 (Wet 32 van 2000) dat die volgende gewone Raadsvergadering van die MatatielePlaaslike Munisipaliteit sal Donderdag, 31 Julie 2014 om 11h00 in die Matatiele Stadsaal gehouword. Die doel van die vergadering is om die aanvaaring van die 2015/2016 Geïntegreerde On-twikkelings (GOP) en Begroting Proses Plan aan te neem. In terme van Artikel 20 van die Wetaangehaal, kan lede van die publiek, die media en belangstellendes die vergadering as waarnem-ers bywoon.


Notice No: 2014/2015-10 CUSTOMER CARE 039 797 6600 | FIRE 039 727 5733 | PROTECTION SERVICES 039 797 6657


municipalityprovince of kwazulu-natal



BID NO.: GKM 03-14/15

The Greater Kokstad Municipality hereby invites reputable service providers for the Supply and De-livery of Protective Clothing for EPWP beneficiaries.

The scope of work, bid requirements and evaluation criteria are stipulated in the bid document.

The Greater Kokstad Municipality Supply Chain Policy and new preferential point scoring system of80/20 shall apply. 80 for Price and 20 for BBBEE Contribution Status Level.

Only locally produced goods or locally manufactured goods with 100% minimum threshold for localcontent will be considered. Bidders who fail to reach the minimum threshold for local production andcontent will not be considered further for price scoring.

A NON REFUNDABLE Bid document fee of R300.00 is payable in cash at the Municipality’s Cus-tomer Care Centre. The Bid document must be physically collected from the Customer Care Centre,75 Hope Street, Kokstad, during normal working hours from 08H00 – 16H00.

A compulsory briefing session will take place at No. 75 Hope Street, Kokstad on the 01 August 2014at 10H00.

Sealed bids marked “Bid No.: GKM 03-14/15””SUPPLY & DELIVERY OF PROTECTIVE CLOTH-ING FOR EPWP” must be deposited in the Bid Box located at the Reception Area, 75 Hope StreetKokstad no later than 08 August 2014 at 12H00, where after, bids will be opened in public.

Bids submitted late will not be considered.

NB: Service Providers must be registered on the Greater Kokstad Municipality’s database systembefore submitting bid documents. Forms are available from the website www.kokstad.gov.za andfrom the SCM Unit Office.

Technical Enquiries: Mr N. Sobuce, Tel: 039 797 6600, Email: [email protected] Chain Management Enquiries: Ms A. Mahlaka, Tel: 039 797 6600,Email: [email protected]

Greater Kokstad Municipality does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any bid and reserves theright to accept the Bid in whole or part, at the rates quoted.


Call for youthparticipationAS we commemorate the hardship and sacri-fices made by Nelson Mandela the youth ofSouthAfrica shall strive to engage in useful ac-tivities tomove our country forward. As youngpeople full of vigour, we are in the bloom of lifeand the future is firmly in our hands.

It isonlythroughaunitedeffortofourgener-ation,workingwith ourhands canour countrybe strong and prosperous.

Governmentdepartmentsandstakeholdershave opened the road leading to a nationaldemocratic society and economic freedom inourlifetime,buttotranslatethisidealintoreali-ty needs hard work.

InKokstad, theDepartment of SocialDevel-opmenthasopenedadoorforallyouthco-oper-atives to come forward and seek funding andassistance, but only a fewhaveutilised this op-portunity. The ruling party has also rolled outaplatformforyoungpeopletocapacitatethem-selves intellectually through the provision ofcomprehensivebursaries inFETsandotherin-stitutionsof higher learning.What ourgenera-tion does best is to stand in the peripherywait-

ing and complaining instead of exhausting theopportunities presented to us.

As Mandela once stated: “Instead of dwell-inghelplessly in thegloryofadispensation thatwasmateriallyandpoliticallydifferentfromthecurrent, wemust engage in critical analysis tofind what becomes a relevant way forward.”

TofullyactualiseTataMadiba’sdreamastheyouthwemust seize themoment and steer ourcollective efforts towards the goals of the na-tionaldemocratic revolutionwhich implies thecomprehensive transformationof our country.

In this piece of writing I make a clarion calltoallenergeticyoungpeopleandupcomingen-trepreneurs to take the bull by the horns, andensure that emptypromisesbecomehistory asthe poverty of our people cannot be postponedany longer.

We ought to be a revolutionary forcewillingto achieve the aspirations of our fallen heroesand also reap from the seeds of freedom.

A luta continua.Zolani Siqwayi

Bhongweni Location (Ward 8)

Rabies vaccinations

>>DUEtothehighrabiesriskin East Griqualand, local vetsare running a vaccination cam-paign.

The campaign starts on 28July and runs until 27 August.Please note only rabies vaccina-tionswillbedoneatacostofR50per animal, no consultation.

Pleasemakeuse of this once-off offer and get your pets vacci-natedandprotectthemandyourfamily.

EastGriqualandvet services:039 727 3292.

Kokstad Veterinary Clinic:039 7272 1899

Doctor M. Galliers:083 444 3292. — Supplied.


Launch of coaches’association>> COACHES are invited toattend the launch of acoaches’ association on 26July at the Umzimkhuluartificial field (UmzimkhuluFET College) from 10am to4pm.

Cost is R70 — R50 foraffiliation and R20 is forgetting a coach card, includ-ing the licence.

From 1 August no coachwill be allowed to coach aclub or squad without alicence issued by the coachassociation.

If you don’t attend thelaunch it means you won’tbe a recognised coach bythe association.

Coaches are also remind-ed to take R60 for a T-shirton the day.

— Supplied.


8July 25, 2014

east griqualand


Letters to the Editor must be received by no later than Monday 4pm.Letters and e­mails should be addressed to The Editor and e­mailed [email protected] faxed to 031 533 7972 or posted to Box 20162,Durban North, 4016. Letters should not be longer than 350 words. Whilepseudonyms are allowed, writers must include full names and contact details(which will not be published) or letters will not be printed. The Editor re­serves the right to not run letters or to alter letters so they are legible.

Page 9: East griqualand fever 25 jul 2014

July 25, 2014

east griqualand




BEFORE funders decide to fund you,they look at previous company finan­cial reports to establish whether yourbusiness has been a making profit. Thisenables them decide if your companywill be able to repay the loan request­ed, based on those reports.

Your bookkeeper and/or account­ant should prepare these reports foryou. It’s important to keep good trackof financial reports in business so thatyou can decide whether the companyis making profit or loss and whether it’sstill worth it to pursue the same typeof business in the long run.

Contributions and securityMost funders require you to contrib­

ute a certain percentage towards theamount requested for funding and cur­rent security against such amount.Own contribution normally ranges be­tweentwopercentto10%whilesecuri­ty is between 40% and 60% of the to­tal amount requested for funding. Inthe instance where you cannot affordthis amount, you can use assets ownedby you or held by company and the to­talvalueof thoseassetsmustbeequiv­alent to the percentage required.

Credit ratingThis is another crucial element. Be­

fore a financial institution grants youa loan it checks your credit rating withthe credit bureau. Negative credit sta­tus reduces the chance of getting fund­ing as you will considered a risky cus­tomer. You need to check your creditrating before you apply for a loan, thenyou must arrange with your lawyer toclear your name and then proceed withthe loan application.

Reach for a Dream ‘Slipper Day’REACHForADreamwillbeactivatingthe annual Reach For Your Slipperscampaign also known as “SlipperDay” on 1 August.

The campaigncalls oneveryone to“reachfor theirslippers”,andtowearthem towork or school to help a childfight a life-threatening illness.

The “right” to wear your slipperson that Friday in a show of supportand solidarity for the Reach For A

Dream foundation will be grantedwhen you buy a “Slipper Sticker” foronly R10, available at all Wimpy out-lets country wide until 1 August.

And if you visit a Wimpy on 1 Au-gust wearing your slippers and yoursticker(ortobuyyoursticker),youwillreceive a free regular Wimpy coffee.

Stickers can also be bought at anyone of the seven Reach for a Dreambranches countrywide.

You canhelp a child’s dreamcometrue. Buy your R10 sticker from aWimpy near you before or on 1 Au-gust. For more information visitwww.reachforadream.org.za anduse #SlipperDay to interact with@ReachForADream and@wimpy_sa.

PHOTO: SUPPLIEDRyan and Georgi will be taking partin ‘Slipper Day’.

Stand togetheragainst bullies

CANDYCE KRISHNA>>[email protected]

CARISHMA Basday says she was avictim of bullying, resulting in herchoice to be an ambassador to the

Jag Foundation’s Bully Proof programme.Basday, born and bred in Port Shep-

stone, is an actress, model and dancer.ShehasnowsettledinCapeTownwhere

she is pursuing her career in acting.With National Bullying Awareness Day

on Friday 25 July, Basday is calling oneveryone to take a stand against bullying.

“Many are ignorant about the effects ofbullying so we need to create awarenessbecause when we know better we can dobetter. I was a victim of bullying, but I wasluckytobeblessedwithastrongwill,deter-mination and a great support systemwhich helpedme forma shield against theonslaught of bullying. Most are not solucky,” she said.

The Jag Foundation launched its BullyProofprogrammefiveyearsago,andsincethen more than 11 000 children havepassed through the programme and be-come “bully proof”.

This unique programme uses ballgames to teach children important mes-sages about how to stand up to bullies. Itis taught in the life orientation classes tochildren in grades 4-7. The unique idea ofthis programme empowers the victim andtakesawaythefocusandattentionfromthebully, where most anti-bullying pro-grammes merely punish the victim.

“By being an ambassador and sharingmy story I hope to inspire and encourageothers to do the same,” she said.

“I am actively involved in campaignsandspendtimewhenIcangoingtoschools

to sharemy story and encourage others tostand up and not stand by,” she said.

The Jag Foundation hasmade this pro-gramme free to download inmanual formfor schools and institutions, to runand im-plement as a school initiative free ofcharge.

Companies, schools and the public canshow their support for the programme bybuying purple wristbands for R20.

All funds generatedwill go towards thecontinuedexpansionoftheBullyProofpro-gramme with children in underprivilegedcommunities.

Formoreinformationortoregistervisitthe Jag Foundation website www.jagfoundation.org.za or contact Sammy on021 702 7880.

PHOTO: SUPPLIEDCarishma Basday sports her purple BullyProof T­shirt. Purple, being the colour ofa bruise, is the colour associated withthe fight against bullying.

What’s the point ofcomplaining?THE Consumer Protection Acthas given SA consumersmanyrights andmore powers whenit comes to taking on suppliersover poor services or defectivegoods.Butwhen is itworthac-tually pursuing a complaintand is it better than going tocourt?

Consumer Goods andServices Ombudsman, Advo-cate Neville Melville explains.

“The new cellphone you’vejust bought stops working andthecompanyrefusestoreplaceit or the furniture you paid forwas never delivered. In thepast youwouldneeded to go tocourttogetjustice,buttheCon-sumer Goods and ServicesOmbud(CGSO)nowprovidesaforum to resolve complaintsquickly and affordably.

“Dissatisfied customerscanapproachtheCGSO,whichwill investigate further and tryto mediate a solution betweenall the parties involved. If noagreement can be reached, aformal mediation takes place,wherethepartiesareinvitedtoput forward their cases and amediator tries to facilitate amutually acceptable settle-ment,” says Melville.

He says the size of financiallosses is not the only decidingfactor that drives people totake a complaint further.

“We’ve had claims for mil-lions of rands, but also com-plaints about something assmall as a litre of milk.”

Thebenefitsofseekingaso-lution through an ombud ver-sus through the courts, is thatconsumers are likely to getfaster resolution. The averageageofcasesclosedbytheCGSOis 16 days, while the average

ered relevant during media-tion include how many othercomplaints the company haslisted against them.”

The findings of the CGSOarenotbindingoneitherparty,but if the issue is not resolvedby the ombudsman, partiesare informed of their right toapproach the National Con-sumer Commission. The ma-jority of complaints, however,are resolved at the ombud lev-el.

“While we cannot awarddamages, we can persuade asupplier to do so, but if a cool-drink bottle explodes and in-jures someone,ashasbeenre-portedelsewhere in theworld,and they want R1 million, wesuggest they go to court.”

Thebenefitsofresolvingtheissue outside of court, howev-er, are obvious.

“Mediation is free and lessintimidating than a court oflaw, you do not require legalrepresentation, and you’re farmore likely to come out with awin-win solution.”

— Supplied.

age of open cases is74 days.

“The best resultwe had was from aclothingretailerwhoagreed to a settle-ment within twohours.”

Melville says evi-dence lies at theheart of resolution.

“The type of evi-dence you wouldneed to build yourcasewould include atill slip or proof ofpurchase,ahighdef-inition photo of thealleged defect orcopy of the brochurethat the special wasadvertised in, for ex-ample.”

In another case, ajeweller was con-sulted to determinethe cause of damag-es to a necklace andin other cases, itemscan be sent off to theSouth African Bu-reau of Standards tocheck whethergoods are up tostandard.

“Factors thatwouldnot be consid-

>> National Bullying Awareness Day is on FridayTholang William Tsabo


Financial reports



Page 10: East griqualand fever 25 jul 2014


10July 25, 2014

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FEVER CLASSIFIEDSTo advertise in the East Griqualand classifieds

contact: Brittany Pride on 082 774 3556

autofeverCOMBINING the rugged good

looks of an SUV with the fluentdrive, fuel efficiency and ma-

noeuvre-ability of a hatch, the newToyota Etios Cross is ready to writeanother chapter in this budget-beat-er’s success story.

Speaking at the launch, GlennCrompton, vice president of market-ing, said: “The Etios delivers exactlywhat customers want – car-like effi-ciency and typical crossover stylingtraits at an affordable price. It marksour entry into yet another category inthe diverse and fast growing sub-Bsegment of the car market.”

The Etios Cross allows buyers totap into the tough image of an SUV

without incurring the cost. With thefocus firmly on practicality and effi-ciency, the Cross is user-friendly,while possessing the added robustappeal of a crossover.

LikeitsbrothersintheEtiosfamily,the Cross has a 1,5-litre, quad-valve,four-cylinder, 66kW engine pushingout132Nmof torqueanda five-speedmanual gearbox. Key standard fea-tures of the Etios range include elec-tric power steering, air conditioning,power windows, a Double Din audiosystemwithUSBandAUXports,ABS,EBD, dual front airbags and animmobiliser.

In the Cross model, the interiorboasts a sleekdashboardwithpiano-

black metallic finishes and chromedetailing around the air vents.

The masculine face of the EtiosCross is a result of the new grille de-

sign that extends all the way into thebumpers,mimicking theappearanceof bumper overriders.

The chunky front bumper is fur-therenhancedbyoversizedfoglampswith integrated turn indicators and aribbed front scuff plate. Completingthe front end is a revised headlightcluster which blends in with the newgrille.

Bringinguptherear, thebackdoorgetsastylishgarnishstripandamatteblack bumper, coupled with promi-nent“puzzlepiece”reverselight lens-es.

Two new colours are exclusive tothe Etios Cross - inferno metallic (avivid orange) and jet grey metallic.

PHOTOS: SUPPLIEDThe Etios Cross adds the robust appeal of a crossover to the marque.

Etios crosses over to the wild side>> Etios delivers exactly what customers want – car­like efficiency at an affordable price’

AS part of its expanding footprint inSouth Africa, Mitsubishi Motors isgearingupforthedebutoftheall-newMitsubishi Mirage in August 2014.Poised to take the fight tocompetitorsin the budget- and youth-focused A-segment, this stylish entry-level 5-door Japanese hatchback prides it-self on providing fuel efficient, enjoy-able motoring coupled with youthfulappeal.

The Mirage range will consist ofthree models, all with compact pro-portions hiding a surprisingly spa-cious vehicle which is an ideal every-

day run-around.“Mitsubishi is renowned all over

the world as one of Japan’s foremostautomotive brands and we are on aresurgence in theSouthAfricanmar-ket,” commented Wynand Pretorius,general manager at Mitsubishi Mo-tors South Africa.

“TheMirageisafunlittlecarwhichreceived an extremely positive re-sponse when it was exhibited at lastyear’s Johannesburg InternationalMotor Show. In these ever-increas-ingly difficult economic times, itmakesall the sense in theworld to in-

troduce our new supermini, whichwill be very competitively priced.”

TheMirage is targetedat amarketinwhichpurchaseprice, fuelefficien-cy and cost of ownership play vitalroles in thedecision-makingprocess.

All newMirage derivatives will bepowered by Mitsubishi’s 1.2-litre, 3-cylinderMIVECDOHC petrol engine,mated to a five-speed manual trans-mission. “The vehiclewill easily keepup with the hustle and bustle of busycity streets as well as the open roadsso characteristic of SouthAfrica,” ex-plainedPretorius.“TheMirageisalso

exceptionally fuel efficient thanks toMIVEC–MitsubishiInnovativeValve-timing Electronic Control.”

Average fuel economy on thecombined cycle is just 4.9-litresper100km,allowingtheMiragetopunchabove itsweighton thefuel efficiency front. In fact, it isacclaimed as the most fuel-effi-cient non-hybrid petrol vehicleavailable in the United States.

Impressive too is that the Mirageis fitted with creature comforts likekeyless entry and a full complementof safety equipment including ABS,EBD and dual airbags as standard.

All this packaged in a funky-look-ing body designed around Mitsubi-shi’s RISE (Reinforced Impact Safety

Evolution) impact-absorbing chassisstructure.

ThenewMitsubishiMiragewill bebacked byMitsubishiMotors’s com-prehensive 3-year/ 100 000 kmwarranty.

Stylish newcomer from Mitsubishi



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Page 11: East griqualand fever 25 jul 2014

July 25, 2014 East Griqualand Fever Page 11

exhibitorsto advertize in our Ingeli Fever feature,

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COMMUNITY FEVERTLC Hospice news>> TLC continues with HIV counselling and testing drive

What counts in life is not the mere fact thatwe have lived. It is what difference we havemade to the lives of others that will deter­

mine the significance of the life we lead. – NelsonMandela

NELSON Mandela International Day was launched inrecognition of Nelson Mandela’s birthday on 18 July,in 2009 via a decision of the UN General Assembly.

This initiative was inspired by a call Mandela madea year earlier, asking the next generation to take onthe burden of leadership in addressing the world’s so­cial injustices when he said that “it is in your handsnow”.

The significance of the day is great as it is a globalmovement to honour his life’s work and act to changethe world for the better. It is more than a celebrationof Madiba’s life and legacy. People the world over areencouraged to spend 67 minutes of their day on 18July doing something to make a difference to the livesof others. We would like to think that TLC supportersand staff embrace the principles of Mandela Day eve­ry day.

TLC embraces the national Department of Healthethos of “care and support” of our patients and theirfamily members. We look at the whole of the patientand their needs.

Firstly we care for the patient who is ill. We thenensure that the family members are cared for and are

well, those who surround the patient. We make surethat the patient is cared for holistically. We care forphysical as well as psychological and emotionalneeds. Patients who we care for receive food parcelsin order for them to be able to take medication.

As we have to enter their homes to care for themour care givers are able to see exactly what their needsare and we try by all means to see that these needsare met. All donations of clothes and blankets are dis­tributed to patients with needs like this.

In honour of Mandela Day on Friday we took do­nated clothes and scarves and gave them to patientsin Shayamoya. As always we developed quite a fol­lowing and some children cut through the streets tofollow us and run next to the cars. Despite the desper­ate situations which we sometimes encountered thegifts always brought a smile to the recipient’s faces.Thank you to the kind donations which we received.It is always a great pleasure to uplift someone’s lifewith a small gesture. These donations ensure thatTLC can make every day a Mandela Day.

TLC is continuing with our HIV counselling andtesting drive. Our staff have been visiting farms andbusinesses testing staff for HIV as well as for TB andSTIs.

Please contact our office on 039 727 4078, if youwould like TLC staff to visit your business or farm toempower your staff by counselling and testing them.

— Supplied.

PHOTO: SUP-PLIEDTLC staff whocounselled anddid testing inKokstad.

‘Silent Protest’ against sexual violence, rape

IN a country where sexual violence and rape rateamongthehighestintheworld. It isfittingforcommu­nity­based organisations to raise their voice againstthe on­going sexual violence against women at thebeginning of Women’s Month — August.

Next Friday, thousands of volunteers will partici­pate in the eighth annual Silent Protest. The protest,organised for the first time in Durban by the AidsHealthcare Foundation (AFH) in association with StMichael’s Lutheran Church, aims to highlight rape sur­vivors’ right to post­exposure prophylaxis (PEP) in or­der to prevent sero­conversion.

Central to the protest is the public act of showingsolidarity with rape survivors who are often silenced

by sexual violence. Among other purposes of theSilent Protest is to raise awareness around theepidemic of rape in South Africa, highlighting thesilence around sexual violence and the state’s inabilityor unwillingness to support rape survivors, provideadequate health care, including HIV services, and ac­cess to justice. The protest is also to demonstrate theconnection between HIV and gender­based violence,creating a space where people can talk about theirexperiences of sexual violence, HIV and the stigmaand challenge the currently problematic implemen­tation of the Sexual Offences Amendment Act as itrelates to access to PEP.

For the past eight years, activists have staged theSilent Protest to draw public attention to rape. Gov­ernment crime statistics reveal that 66 000 sexualassaults were reported in SA last year. Of these, only6.5% are successfully prosecuted and fewer than halfof one percent of perpetrators will serve any jail time.

Studies agree that the majority of rape victimsnever report the crime to the police and there aremany statistics available focusing on the ratio of re­porting to non­reporting of rape survivors: the mostconservative estimate comes from Rape Crisis (onein four) and the most shocking comes from the SAPS(one in 25). These statistics demonstrate the cultureof impunity in South Africa, where rape is common­place because there is an understanding that no pun­ishment will result. When rape is reported, the rateof conviction is low — court cases last on average threeyears and intimidation and victimisation are com­mon. — Aids Healthcare Foundation.

PHOTO: SUPPLIEDCentral to the protest is the public act ofshowing solidarity with rape survivors whoare often silenced by sexual violence.

Recycling makesgreat ‘cents’DID you know that South Africa ranks among the topsix countries worldwide in terms of recycling rates forcans.

Harry the Hominid, Maropeng’s spokeshominid,says that today the can is the most successfully recy­cled primary packaging in South Africa with beveragecans now only contributing less than one percent oflitter.

Recycling makes great “cents” says Harry. Not onlyis it a great way of saving raw materials but it alsoreduces the need for landfill. Did you know for exam­ple that the volume of all cans recovered during thepast 10 years (this means the space these saved canstake up) equals the volume of major landfill sites de­signed to accommodate all the rubbish of a major cityover a 15­year period.

Harry says that recycling also creates much­need­ed jobs for many unemployed and underemployedentrepreneurs who operate as collectors. Of the40 000 people earning or supplementing their in­come by collecting, about 80% have no other formalmeans of employment.

Collect­a­Can is the company responsible for thecollection of cans and tins for recycling in South Africa.

It urges all parents to teach their children:• to recycle both food and beverage tins;• to encourage everyone in the family to do this,

including friends; and• start a collection point at a local school, shop­

ping centre or community hall.“Remember every can recycled not only helps the

environment, but also helps alleviate poverty,” saysHarry.

For more information visit www.collectacan.co.za— Supplied.

PHOTO: SUPPLIEDHarry the Hominid, Maropeng’s spokeshomin­id.

Page 12: East griqualand fever 25 jul 2014

SPORTeast griqualand FEVER

July 25, 2014 PAGE 12

Enduro championshipsthis weekend>> Dylan Barker from Kokstad will aim for even more victories

AFTER a break of four months,the Liquorland NationalEnduro Championship will

regain momentum with theLiquorland National Enduro @Lydenburg, the fourth round of theseries that will take place this week-end, Saturday 26 July in the Lyden-burg area in Mpumalanga.

Dylan Barker (Pa Ma RacingYamaha), from Kokstad, has made aclean sweep in the Silver ClassChallenge andwill aim for evenmorevictories.

Find all the information about therace on www.dirtracing.co.za

Hashtag to follow on @DirtRacingSA : #LydenburgEnduro—Supplied.

Teenager Dylan Barker (Pa MaRacing Yamaha) scored a hat­trickof victories in the Silver ClassChallenge and will aim for hisfourth victory. He is from Kokstad inthe Eastern Cape.PHOTO: WWW.DIRTRACING.CO.ZA

Kokstad Rugby Club newsLASTweekendproved tough for theKokstadboyswhotravelledtoIxopoin the hopes of making a comebackafter their loss toMaClear theweek-end before.

Unfortunately, Kokstad lost toIxopo, with the final score 45-15.Well done to Ixopo.

Kokstad will be taking onMaClear on Saturday 26 August inKokstad. This will probably be themost important gameof the season,asnotonlydoesKokstadremainun-

beaten for two seasons running onhomeground,but thisgamewill de-terminewhether wewill be hostingthe semi-final here in Kokstad.

Pleasegoandenjoyanafternoonat the club. To our boys, we are be-hind you all the way.

— Supplied.

Kokstad rugby boys ready to de­fend their unbeaten title on home


Kokstad Junior newsInland hockeyAT the beginning of the school holi-days Emma van Zyl, NathanielNapier, Joshua Lubbe and GerhardBotha attended the U13 Inter-provincial Hockey Festival inPretoria. Emma, Gerhard andNathaniel represented the U13 Cside while Joshua represented theU13 B side.

AhmeadynClaasenattended theU13 Inter-provincial Festival inBloemfontein as part of the KZN

Inland A side. Thank you to Mr. Fo-ley, who accompanied the KZN In-land A side to Bloemfontein. Thisopportunity was well deserved andsaw these players achieve theirMidlands colours.


the end of last term. Thank you toMrs Nichols, Mrs Van Zyl and MrsMiller who accompanied them andto the SPCA and staff for a most in-formative talk. — Supplied.

LEFT: Pupils(from left)Gerhard Botha,Emma van Zyl,AhmeadynClaasen, NathanielNapier,Joshua LubbeEmma van Zyl,Nathaniel Napier,Joshua Lubbe whorepresent Midlandshockey.PHOTO: SUPPLIED

Ingeli Forest MTB

THEIngeliForestLodge isonceagainhosting its MTB Trails on Sunday 27July.

Thedaywill includea45km,30kmand eight-kilometre walk-ridethrough the Ingeli Forests.

For those of you who prefer solidground beneath your feet, there arefood stalls, a jumping castle for thechildren, coffee and log fires at thelodge’s restaurant deck.

The day promises to be a greatfamily day out, so please join us.

— Supplied.

PHOTO: SUPPLIEDCyclists at the start last year.

PHOTO: SUPPLIEDCyclists take on challenging inclinesin the last ride.

Harry Gwala sportstournament

PHOTO: SUPPLIEDSoccer captain Xolani Phungula with Fezeka.

PHOTO: SUPPLIEDHarry Gwala District Municipality teams won the soccer and netballtournament.

LEFT: U13Inter­provincialhockey team.PHOTO:SUPPLIED

AhmeadynClaasen at thetournament inBloemfontein.PHOTO:SUPPLIED