Donut Recipe


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7/26/2019 Donut Recipe 1/1

Donut Recipe

1 packet yeast

3 tbsp sugar

1 cup water

1 egg beaten

1/3 cup butter, melted

1 tbsp vanilla

½ tbsp salt

4 cups four

In a bowl, mix the yeast, sugar and water !et it sit "or # minutes "or the

yeast to activate $dd the egg, butter, vanilla and salt and mix well

%lowly add in the four until it&s not sticky to the touch 'nead the dough

"or a couple o" minutes !eave the dough to rise "or 3( minutes or more

)oll out the dough to about 1#cm thick and cut out donut shapes *ry in

oil turning once so that both sides cook evenly +rain on paper towel
