DNY Class Activity March 23, 2016


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In-Class Group ActivityMarch 23, 2016

Discover New York

Special Investigation

You and the members of your group are members of the Special Commission investigating the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire of March 25, 1911

Your Group’s Recommendations

Based on the evidence presented in the video today, what recommendations would your group make to ensure increased worker safety and the overall working conditions to improve the lives of the workers in the garment factories in New York City in the early 20th Century?


Would you extend benefits to the mostly young immigrant women who are working in these “sweatshops?”

What Benefits?

If so, what benefits?

What Rights?

What rights would you guarantee for these garment workers?

Should Sweatshops Be Illegal?

Should Sweatshops be declared illegal? How would you enforce it?

Child Labor?

Should laws be put in place abolishing child labor outright?Why?

The Victims

Remember the 175 Victims, mostly teenage immigrant women who lost their lives on this day


Did the victims die in vain, or are real reforms possible?

Can these reforms make a difference?


Present in class!

Each group will present their findings/conclusions at the end of our class!

Triangle Building Today in 2016