Dicionário Assírio - Volume XI - N Parte 2



Único dicionário do idioma assírio, esta obra é fruto do trabalho e da pesquisa desenvolvida pelo Instituto Oriental da Universidade de Chicago. Foram necessárias décadas para que se pudesse publicá-lo, com a participação de estudiosos de idiomas antigos, arqueólogos e histriadores. A Universidade de Chicago disponibiliza a obra para download gratuito.

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INTERNATIONAL STANDARD BOOK NUMBER ISBN-13: 978-0-918986-17-7 ISBN-10: 0-918986-17-6 (SET: 978-0-918986-05-4, 0-918986-05-2)



The OrientalInstitute of the University of Chicago

Second Printing 1992 Third Printing2008

The preparation of this volume of The Assyrian Dictionary was made possible in part by a grant from the Program for Research Tools and Reference Works of the National Endowment for the Humanities, an independent Federal agency.












Provisional List of Bibliographical AbbreviationsThe following compilation brings up to date the list of abbreviations given in volumes A Parts 1 and 2, B, D, E, G, H, I/J, K, L, M, *, and Z and includes the titles previously cited according to the lists of abbreviations in Archiv fir Orientforschung, W. von Soden, GrundriB der akkadischen Grammatik, and Zeitschrift fur Assyriologie. Complete bibliographical references will be given in a later volume. The list also includes the titles of the lexical series as prepared for publication by B. Landsberger, or under his supervision, or in collaboration with him. lexical series a A = ndqu, pub. MSL 14 A tablets in the collections of the Oriental Institute, University of Chicago lexical text, see MSL 13 10ff. A-tablet AAA Annals of Archaeology and Anthropology AAAS Annales Archdologiques Arabes Syriennes AASF Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae AASOR The Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research AB Assyriologische Bibliothek ABAW Abhandlungen der Bayerisehen Akademie der Wissenschaften AbB Altbabylonische Briefe in Umschrift und tbersetzung Abel-Winckler L. Abel and H. Winckler, Keilschrifttexte zum Gebrauch bei Vorlesungen ABIM A. al-Zeebari, Altbabylonische Briefe des Iraq-Museums ABL R. F. Harper, Assyrian and Babylonian Letters ABoT Ankara Arkeoloji Miizesinde ... Bogazkoy Tabletleri AbS-T field numbers of Pre-Sar. tablets excavated at Tell Abfi Salabikh ACh C. Virolleaud, L'Astrologie chald6enne Acta Or. Acta Orientalia Actes du 8e Actes du 8e Congres International Congres des Orientalistes, Section S6miInternational tique (B) ADD C. H. W. Johns, Assyrian Deeds and Documents AfK Archiv fur Keilschriftforschung AfO Archiv fiir Orientforschung AGM Archiv fiir Geschichte der Medizin AHDO Archives d'histoire du droit oriental AHw. W. von Soden, Akkadisches Handworterbuch



AIPHOSAistleitner Worterbuch AJA AJSL AKA

lexical series ki.KI.KAL.bi.se = ana ittifu, pub. MSL 1 Annuaire de l'Institut de Philologie et d'Histoire Orientales et Slaves (Brussels) J. Aistleitner, Worterbuch der Ugaritischen Sprache American Journal of Archaeology American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures E. A. W. Budge and L. W. King, The Annals of the Kings of

AssyriaF.A.Ali, Sumerian Letters: Two Collections from the Old Babylonian Schools S. Alp, Untersuchungen zu den Beamtennamen im hethitischen Festzeremoniell Altmann, ed., Altmann, ed., Biblical and Other Biblical and Studies (- Philip W. Lown InOther Studies stitute of Advanced Judaic Studies, Brandeis University, Studies and Texts: Vol. 1) AMI Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran AMSUH Abhandlungen aus dem mathematischen Seminar der Universitat Hamburg AMT R. C. Thompson, Assyrian Medical Texts ... An lexical series An = Anum Anatolian Anatolian Studies Presented to Studies Hans Gustav Giiterbock Giuterbock AnBi Analecta Biblica Andrae W. Andrae, Die Festungswerke von Assur (- WVDOG 23) Festungswerke Andrae W. Andrae, Die Stelenreihen in Stelenreihen Assur (- WVDOG 24) ANES Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society of Columbia University F.A. Ali Sumerian Letters Alp Beamtennamen


Provisional List of BibliographicalAbbreviationsepic Angim dimma, cited from MS. of A. Falkenstein Analecta Orientalia AnOr Anatolian Studies AnSt =lexical series antagal aaq4 Antagal tablets in the collections of the AO Musee du Louvre Alter Orient und Altes Testament AOAT Anzeiger der Osterreichischen AkaAOAW demie der Wissenschaften Altorientalische Bibliothek AOB American Oriental Series AOS Altorientalische Texte und UnterAOTU suchungen Abhandlungen der Preullischen APAW Akademie der Wissenschaften Tiirk Tarih, Arkeologya ve EthnoArkeologya grafya Dergisi Dergisi Archives royales de Mari (1-10 ARM TCL 22-31; 14, 18, 19 - Textes cuneiformes de Mari 1-3) Archives royales de Mari (texts in ARMT transliteration and translation) J. Aro, Glossar zu den mittelAro Glossar babylonischen Briefen (= StOr 22) J. Aro, Studien zur mittelbabyAro Gramm. lonischen Grammatik (= StOr 20) J. Aro, Die akkadischen InfinitivAro Infinitiv konstruktionen (- StOr 26) J.Aro, Mittelbabylonische KleiderAro Kleidertexte der Hilprecht-Sammlung texte Jena Archiv Orientalni ArOr J. Kohler and A. Ungnad, AssyARU rische Rechtsurkunden Assyriological Studies (Chicago) AS Abhandlungen der Sachsischen ASAW Akademie der Wissenschaften Abhandlungen der Sachsischen GeASGW sellschaft der Wissenschaften P. Haupt, Akkadische und sumeASKT rische Keilschrifttexte ... Acta Societatis Scientiarum FenASSF nicae field numbers of tablets excavated Assur at Assur J. Augapfel, Babylonische RechtsAugapfel urkunden aus der Regierungszeit Artaxerxes I. und Darius II. J.-M. Aynard, Le Prisme du Louvre Aynard Asb. AO 19.939 Beitrage zur Assyriologie ... BA Babyloniaca Bab. Baghdader Mitteilungen Bagh. Mitt. Balkan Kassit. K.Balkan, Kassitenstudien( AOS 37) Stud. Balkan Letter K. Balkan, Letter of King AnumHirbi of Mama to King Warshama of Kanish Balkan K. Balkan, Observations on the Angim Chronological Problems of the Karum Kanis Balkan K. Balkan, Eine SchenkungsurSchenkungskunde aus der althethitischen urkunde Zeit, gefunden in Inandik 1966 Barton G. A. Barton, Haverford Library Haverford Collection of CuneiformTablets or Documents from the Temple Archives of Telloh Barton MBI G. A. Barton, Miscellaneous Babylonian Inscriptions Barton RISA G. A. Barton, The Royal Inscriptions of Sumer and Akkad BASOR Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research Bauer Asb. T. Bauer, Das Inschriftenwerk Assurbanipals Bauer Lagasch J. Bauer, Altsumerische Wirtschaftstexte aus Lagasch (- Studia Pohl 9) Baumgartner Hebraische Wortforschung, FestAV schrift zum 80. Geburtstag von Walter Baumgartner (= VT Supp. 16) BBK Berliner Beitrage zur Keilschriftforschung BBR H. Zimmern, Beitrage zur Kenntnis der babylonischen Religion BBSt. L. W. King, Babylonian Boundary Stones BE Babylonian Expedition of the University of Pennsylvania, Series A: Cuneiform Texts Belleten Tiirk Tarih Kurumu, Belleten Bergmann E. Bergmann, Lugale (in MS.) Lugale Bezold Cat. C. Bezold, Catalogue of the Cuneiform Tablets in the Kouyunjik Collection of the British Museum Bezold Cat. L. W. King, Catalogue of the Cuneiform Tablets of the British Supp. Museum. Supplement Bezold Glossar C. Bezold, Babylonisch-assyrisches Glossar BHT S. Smith, Babylonian Historical Texts BiAr The Biblical Archaeologist Biblica Bib. Biggs Al-Hiba R. D. Biggs, Inscriptions from AlHiba-Lagash: The First and Second Seasons A,.z.GA: Ancient Biggs 8aziga R. D. Biggs, Mesopotamian Potency Incantations (= TCS 2) E. Bilgig, Die einheimischen AppelBilgic Appellativa der lativa der kappadokischen Texte kapp. Texte ... Babylonian Inscriptions in the ColBIN lection of J. B. Nies BiOr Bibliotheca Orientalis Observations



Provisional List of Bibliographical AbbreviationM. Birot, Tablettes 6conomiques et administratives d'6poque babylonienne ancienne conservees au Musee d'Art et d'Histoire de Geneve BM tablets in the collections of the British Museum BMAH Bulletin des Musbes Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire BMFA Bulletin of the Museum of Fine Arts Bulletin of the Metropolitan MuBMMA seum of Art The British Museum Quarterly BMQ BMS L. W. King, Babylonian Magic and Sorcery Bo. field numbers of tablets excavated at Boghazkeui F. M. T. B6hl, Akkadian ChresBohl Chrestomathy tomathy F. M. T. B6hl, Mededeelingen uit B6hl Leiden de Leidsche Verzameling van Coll. Spijkerschrift-Inscripties Boissier Choix A. Boissier, Choix de textes relatifs a la divination assyro-babylonienne Boissier DA A. Boissier, Documents assyriens relatifs aux presages Bollenriicher J. Bollenriicher, Gebete und HymNergal nen an Nergal (= LSS 1/6) BOR Babylonian and Oriental Record Borger R. Borger, Einleitung in die assyriEinleitung schen Konigsinschriften Borger Esarh. R. Borger, Die Inschriften Asarhaddons, Konigs von Assyrien (= AfO Beiheft 9) Borger HKL R. Borger, Handbuch der Keilschriftliteratur Boson G. Boson, Tavolette cuneiformi Tavolette sumere ... Boghazkoi-Studien BoSt BoTU Die Boghazk6i-Texte in Umschrift ... (- WVDOG 41-42) Boudou Liste A. Boudou, Liste de noms g6ographiques (= Or. 36-38) Boyer Contri- G. Boyer, Contribution a l'histoire bution juridique de la Ir Dynastie babylonienne von Branden- C. G. von Brandenstein, Hethitistein Heth. sche G6tter nach BildbeschreiG6tter bungen in Keilschrifttexten (Birot Tablettes BSAW Berichte der Sachsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften BSGW Berichte der Sachsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften BSL Bulletin de la Societ6 de Linguistique de Paris BSOAS Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies Bu. tablets in the collections of the British Museum CAD The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago Cagni Erra L. Cagni, L'epopea di Erra Camb. J. N. Strassmaier, Inschriften von Cambyses CBM tablets in the collections of the University Museum of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia (= CBS) CBS tablets in the collections of the University Museum of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia CCT Cuneiform Texts from Cappadocian Tablets CH R. F. Harper, The Code of Hammurabi ... Chantre E. Chantre, Recherches arch6ologiques dans l'Asie occidentale. Mission en Cappadoce 1893-94 Chiera STA E. Chiera, Selected Temple Accounts from Telloh, Yokha and Drehem. Cuneiform Tablets in the Library of Princeton University Christian Festschrift fur Prof. Dr. Viktor Festschrift Christian gig-Kizilyay M. ig and H.Kizilyay, NeusumeriNRVN sche Rechts- und Verwaltungsurkunden aus Nippur 9ig-KizilyayM. 9ig, H. Kizilyay (Bozkurt), Kraus Nippur F. R. Kraus, Altbabylonische Rechtsurkunden aus Nippur cig-KizilyayM. Qig, H. Kizilyay, A. Salonen, Salonen Die Puzrig-Dagan-Texte (= AASF Puzri#-Dagan- B 92) Texte Clay PN A. T. Clay, Personal Names from Cuneiform Inscriptions of the Cassite Period (- YOR 1) Cocqerillat D. Cocquerillat, Palmeraies et culPalmeraies tures de l'Eanna d'Uruk (559-520) Coll. de Clercq H. F. X. de Clercq, Collection de Clercq. Catalogue ... Combe Sin E. Combe, Histoire du culte de Sin en Babylonie et en Assyrie Contenau G. Contenau, Contribution a l'hisContribution toire 6conomique d'Umma Contenau G. Contenau, Umma sous la Dynastie d'Ur Umma

MVAG 46/2)Brinkman MSKH Brinkman PKB BRM Brockelmann Lex. Syr.Z J. A. Brinkman, Materials and Studies for Kassite History J. A. Brinkman, A Political History of Post-Kassite Babylonia, 1158-722 B.C. (= AnOr 43) Babylonian Records in the Library of J. Pierpont Morgan C. Brockelmann, Lexicon syriacum, 2nd ed.



ProvisionalList of BibliographicalAbbreviationstablets in the collections of the National Museum, Copenhagen E.Porada, Corpus of Ancient Near Corpus of Ancient Near Eastern Seals in North American Eastern Seals Collections CRAI Academie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres. Comptes rendus Astrological-AstroJ. A. Craig, Craig AAT nomical Texts J. A. Craig, Assyrian and BabyloCraig ABRT nian Religious Texts de Cros Tello G.Cros, Mission frangaise Chalde. Nouvelles fouilles de Tello Compte rendu, Rencontre AssyrioCRRA logique Internationale Cuneiform Texts from Babylonian CT Tablets Cuneiform Texts from Nimrud CTN J. N. Strassmaier, Inschriften von Cyr. Cyrus Cahiers de la Ddlegation ArchBoloDAFI gique Frangaise en Iran G. H. Dalman, ... Aramiisch-neuDalman Aram. Wb. hebraisches Worterbuch zu Targum, Talmud und Midrasch J. N. Strassmaier, Inschriften von Dar. Darius R. Feenstra, J. A. Ankum, David AV W. F. Leemans, eds., Symbolae iuridicae et historicae Martino David dedicatae. Tomus alter: lura Orientis antiqui A.Deimel, Die Inschriften von Fara Deimel Fara (= WVDOG 40, 43, 45) L. J. Delaporte, Catalogue des Delaporte Catalogue cylindres orientaux ... de la Bibliotheque Bibliothque Nationale Nationale L. J. Delaporte, Catalogue des Delaporte cylindres ... Musee de Louvre Catalogue Louvre Delitzsch AL 3 F. Delitzsch, Assyrische Lesestiicke, 3rd ed. F. Delitzsch, Assyrisches HandDelitzsch worterbuch HWB M. Dietrich, Die Aramaer SiidDietrich babyloniens in der SargonidenAramaer zeit (- AOAT 7) J. van Dijk, Sumerische Gottervan Dijk lieder G6tterlieder van Dijk J. van Dijk, La Sagesse Sum6roAccadienne La Sagesse Diri lexical series diri DIR 8iaku (w)atru J. Nougayrol, ed., La divination Divination en m6sopotamie ancienne et dans les rSgions voisines Deutsche Literaturzeitung DLZ M. Allotte de la Fuye, Documents DP presargoniques Copenhagen Dream-book A. L. Oppenheim, The Interpretation of Dreams in the Ancient Near East (= Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, Vol. 46/3) G. van Driel, The Cult of AAsur

van Driel Cult of AASur D.T.

tablets in the collections of the British Museum Ea lexical series ea A = ndqu, pub. MSL 14 EA J. A. Knudtzon, Die El-AmarnaTafeln (= VAB 2); EA 359-79: A.F.Rainey, El Amarna Tablets 359-79 (= AOAT 8) Eames Coll. A. L. Oppenheim, Catalogue of the Cuneiform Tablets of the Wilberforce Eames Babylonian Collection in the New York Public Library (= AOS 32) Eames Coltablets in the Wilberforce Eames lection Babylonian Collection in the New York Public Library Ebeling E. Ebeling, Glossar zu den neuGlossar babylonischen Briefen Ebeling E. Ebeling, Die akkadische GeHanderhebung betsserie "Handerhebung" (=

VIO 20)Ebeling KMI Ebeling Neubab. Briefe Ebeling E. Ebeling, Neubabylonische Neubab. Briefe aus Uruk Briefe aus Uruk Ebeling E. Ebeling, Parfumrezepte und Parfiimrez. kultische Texte aus Assur (also pub. in Or. NS 17-19) Ebeling E. Ebeling, Stiftungen und VorStiftungen schriften fur assyrische Tempel (= VIO 23) Ebeling E. Ebeling, Bruchstiicke einer Wagenpferde mittelassyrischen Vorschriftensammlung fur die Akklimatisierung und Trainierung von Wagenpferden (- VIO 7) Edzard Tell D. O. Edzard, Altbabylonische ed-Der Rechts- und Wirtschaftsurkunden aus Tell ed-Der Edzard D. O. Edzard, Die "Zweite ZwiZwischenzeit schenzeit" Babyloniens Eilers W. Eilers, Iranische BeamtenBeamtennamen in der keilschriftlichen namen Otberlieferung (= Abhandlungen fiir die Kunde des Morgenlandes E. Ebeling, Keilschrifttexte medizinischen Inhalts E. Ebeling, Neubabylonische Briefe

25/5)Eilers W. Eilers, Gesellschaftsformen im Gesellschafts- altbabylonischen Recht formen



Provisional List of BibliographicalAbbreviationslexical series dimmer - dingir - ilu, pub. MSL 4 3-44 Enuma elil En. el. lexical series erimuiu - anantu Erimhul Erimhus Bogh. Boghazkeui version of Erimhus Eshnunna Code see Goetze LE B. T. A. Evetts, Inscriptions of ... Evetts App. Evil-Merodach ... Appendix Evetts Ev.-M. B. T. A. Evetts, Inscriptions of ... Evil-Merodach B. T. A. Evetts, Inscriptions of Evetts Lab. ... Laborosoarchod B. T. A. Evetts, Inscriptions of Evetts Ner. ... Neriglissar ExplicitMalku synonym list malku = Aarru, explicit version (Tablets I-II pub. A. D. Kilmer, JAOS 83 421ff.) F. M. Fales, Censimenti e catasti Fales Censidi epoca neo-assira menti A. Falkenstein, Archaische Texte Falkenstein aus Uruk ATU A. Falkenstein, Das Sumerische Falkenstein (= Handbuch der Orientalistik, Das SumeErste Abteilung, Zweiter Band, rische Erster und Zweiter Abschnitt, Lieferung I) A. Falkenstein, Die neusumerischen Falkenstein GerichtsGerichtsurkunden urkunden Falkenstein A.Falkenstein, Sumerische Gotterlieder Gotterlieder A. Falkenstein, Grammatik der Falkenstein Sprache Gudeas von Laga (= Grammatik AnOr 28 and 29) Falkenstein A. Falkenstein, Die Haupttypen der sumerischen Beschworung Haupttypen (= LSS NF 1) Falkenstein A. Falkenstein, Topographie von Uruk Topographie Farber Istar W. Farber, Beschworungsrituale und Dumuzi an Istar und Dumuzi FF Forschungen und Fortschritte H. H. Figulla, Catalogue of the Figulla Cat. Babylonian Tablets in the British Museum Finet A. Finet, L'Accadien des Lettres de L'Accadien Mari Finkelstein Essays on the Ancient Near East Mem. Vol. in Memory of Jacob Joel Finkelstein Fish Catalogue T. Fish, Catalogue of Sumerian Tablets in the John Rylands Library Fish Letters T. Fish, Letters of the First Babylonian Dynasty in the John Rylands Library, Manchester FLP tablets in the collections of the Free Library of Philadelphia S. Frankel, Die aramaischen Frankel Fremdw. Fremdworter im Arabischen Emesal Voc. Frankena Takultu Freydank Wirtschaftstexte Friedrich Festschrift Friedrich Gesetze Friedrich Heth. Wb. Friedrich Staatsvertrage Gadd Early Dynasties Gadd Ideas Gadd Teachers Gandert Festschrift Garelli Gilg. R. Frankena, TAkultu, De sacrale Maaltijd in het assyrische Ritueel H. Freydank, Spitbabylonische Wirtschaftstexte aus Uruk R. von Kienle, ed., Festschrift Johannes Friedrich ... J. Friedrich, Die hethitischen Gesetze (= Documenta et monumenta orientis antiqui 7) J. Friedrich, Hethitisches Worterbuch ... J. Friedrich, Staatsvertrage des Hatti-Reiches in hethitischer Sprache (= MVAG 34/1) C. J. Gadd, The Early Dynasties of Sumer and Akkad C. J. Gadd, Ideas of Divine Rule in the Ancient East C. J. Gadd, Teachers and Students in the Oldest Schools A. von Miiller, ed., Gandert Festschrift (= Berliner Beitrage zur Vor- und Friihgeschichte 2) P. Garelli, Gilgame et sa legende. litudes recueillies par Paul Garelli a l'occasion de la VIIe Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale (Paris, 1958) P. Garelli, Les Assyriens en Cappadoce Occident and Orient (Studies in Honour of M. Gaster) J. E. Gautier, Archives d'une famille de Dilbat ... R. P. Dougherty, Goucher College Cuneiform Inscriptions I. J. Gelb, Old Akkadian Inscriptions in Chicago Natural History Museum H. de Genouillac, Premieres recherches archeologiques a Kich H. de Genouillac, La trouvaille de Drehem W. Gesenius, Hebraisches und aramiaisches Handworterbuch, 17thed. Gottingische Gelehrte Anzeigen M. Gibson and R. D. Biggs, eds., Seals and Sealing in the Ancient Near East GilgameA epic, cited from Thompson Gilg. (M. - Meissner Fragment, OB Version of Tablet X, P. Pennsylvania Tablet, OB Version of Tablet II, Y. - Yale Tablet, OB Version of Tablet III) OB Gilg. fragment from Isbchali pub. by T. Bauer, JNES 16 254ff.

Garelli Les Assyriens Gaster AV Gautier Dilbat GCCI Gelb OAIC

Genouillac Kich Genouillac Trouvaille Gesenius 17

GGA Gibson-Biggs Seals Gilg.

Gilg. O.




ProvisionalList of BibliographicalAbbreviationsGoetze Hattugili Goetze Kizzuwatna Goetze LE Goetze Neue Bruchstiicke A. Goetze, Hattuili. Der Bericht fiber seine Thronbesteigung nebst den Paralleltexten (- MVAG 29/3) A. Goetze, Kizzuwatna and the Problem of Hittite Geography (= YOR 22) A. Goetze, The Laws of Eshnunna (- AASOR 31) A. Goetze, Neue Bruchstiicke zum grolfen Text des Hattusilis (= und den Paralleltexten MVAG 34/2) Gedachtnisschrift Goldziher I sumerischen Literatur (= Studia Pohl 2) Herzfeld API E. Herzfeld, Altpersische Inschriften Hewett AnD. D. Brand and F. E. Harvey, niversary eds., So Live the Works of Men: Vol. Seventieth Anniversary Volume Honoring Edgar Lee Hewett Hg. lexical series HAR.gud = imrd Sballu, pub. MSL 5-11 HG J. Kohler et al., Hammurabi's Gesetz Hh. lexical series HAR.ra = hubullu (Hh. I-IV pub. Landsberger, MSL5;Hh. V-VII pub. Landsberger, MSL 6; Hh. VIII-XII pub. Landsberger, MSL 7; Hh. XIII-XIV, XVIII pub. Landsberger, MSL 8; Hh. XV pub. Landsberger, MSL 9; Hh. XVI,XVII,XIX pub. Landsberger-Reiner, MSL 10; Hh. XX-XXIV pub. LandsbergerReiner, MSL 11) Hilprecht AV Hilprecht Anniversary Volume. Studies in Assyriology and Archaelogy Dedicated to Hermann V. Hilprecht Hilprecht H. V. Hilprecht, The Earliest Deluge Story Version of the Babylonian Deluge Story and the Temple Library of Nippur Hinke Kudurru W. J. Hinke, Selected Babylonian Kudurru Inscriptions, No. 5, pp. 21-27 Hinz AFF W. Hinz, Altiranische Funde und Forschungen Hirsch H. Hirsch, Untersuchungen zur altUnterassyrischen Religion (= AfO Beisuchungen heft 13/14) Hoffner H. A. Hoffner, Alimenta HethaeAlimenta orum (= AOS 55) Holma H. Holma, Kleine Beitrige zum Kl. Beitr. assyrischen Lexikon Holma H. Holma, Die Namen der KorKorperteile perteile im Assyrisch-babylonischen Holma Omen H. Holma, Omen Texts from BabyTexts lonian Tablets in the British Museum ... Holma H. Holma, Die assyrisch-babyloQuttulu nischen Personennamen der Form Quttulu Holma H. Holma, Weitere Beitrige zum Weitere assyrischen Lexikon Beitr. Hrozny F. Hrozny. Code hittite provenant Code Hittite de 1'Asie Mineure Hrozny F. Hrozny, Das Getreide im alten Getreide Babylonien ... Tierbilder

V. S. Goldnischeff, Vingt-quatre tablettes cappadociennes ... Gordon AV Orient and Occident: Essays Presented to Cyrus H. Gordon... (- AOAT 22) Gordon C. H. Gordon, Ugaritic Handbook Handbook (= AnOr 25) Smith College Gordon Smith C. H. Gordon, Tablets ... (= Smith College College Studies in History, Vol. 38) Gordon E. I. Gordon, Sumerian Proverbs Sumerian Proverbs G6ssmann Era F. G6ssmann, Das Era-Epos E. Grant, Babylonian Business Grant Bus. Doc. Documents of the Classical Period E. Grant, Cuneiform Documents in Grant Smith the Smith College Library College Gray Sama C. D. Gray, The Samar Religious Texts ... Grayson A. K. Grayson, Babylonian HistorBHLT ical-Literary Texts (- TSTS 3) Grayson A. K. Grayson, Assyrian and BabyChronicles lonian Chronicles (= TCS 5) Guest Notes E. Guest, Notes on Plants and on Plants Plant Products with their Colloquial Names in (Iraq Guest Notes E. Guest, Notes on Trees and on Trees Shrubs for Lower Iraq H.G. Giiterbock, Siegel aus BoGiterbock Siegel gazkoy (= AfO Beiheft 5 and 7) Hallo Royal W.W. Hallo, Early Mesopotamian Titles Royal Titles (= AOS 43) Hartmann H. Hartmann, Die Musik der sumerischen Kultur Musik P. Haupt, Das babylonische NimHaupt Nimrodepos rodepos Grant, ed., The Haverford Haverford E. Symposium on Archaeology and Symposium the Bible Hecker K. Hecker, Die Keilschrifttexte der Giessen Universitttsbibliothek Giessen Hecker K. Hecker, Grammatik der Kil. Grammatik tepe-Texte (- AnOr 44) Heimpel W. Heimpel, Tierbilder in der

Goldziher Memorial Volume Gol6nischeff



ProvisionalList of BibliographicalAbbreviationsHrozny Kultepe Hrozny Ta'annek HS HSM HSS HUCA Hunger Kolophone Hunger Uruk Hussey Sumerian Tablets IB IBoT ICK Idu IEJ IF Igituh F.Hrozny, Inscriptions cuneiformes du Kultep6 (- ICK 1) (= Monogr. ArOr 14) F. Hrozny, Die Keilschrifttexte von Ta'annek, in Sellin Ta'annek tablets in the Hilprecht collection, Jena tablets in the collections of the Harvard Semitic Museum Harvard Semitic Series Hebrew Union College Annual H. Hunger, Babylonische und Assyrische Kolophone (= AOAT 2) H. Hunger, Spitbabylonische Texte aus Uruk M. I. Hussey, Sumerian Tablets in the Harvard Semitic Museum (= HSS 3 and 4) tablets in the collections of the Pontificio Istituto Biblico, Rome Istanbul Arkeoloji Miizelerinde Bulunan Bogazkoy Tabletleri Inscriptions cuneiformes du Kullexical series A = idu [tpe Israel Exploration Journal Indogermanische Forschungen lexical series igituh = tamartu. Igituh short version pub. Landsberger-Gurney, AfO 18 81ff. Illustrated London News tablets in the collections of the Iraq Museum, Baghdad see Erimhus Joint Expedition with the Iraq Museum at Nuzi, unpub. JEOL Jaarbericht van het VooraziatischEgyptisch Genootschap "Ex Oriente Lux" JESHO Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient Jestin NTSS R. Jestin, Nouvelles tablettes sum6riennes de Suruppak Jestin R. Jestin, Tablettes sumeriennes de Suruppak uruppak ... JJP Journal of Juristic Papyrology JKF Jahrbuch fiir kleinasiatische For schung JNES Journal of Near Eastern Studies Johns Dooms- C. H. W. Johns, An Assyrian day Book Doomsday Book Jones-Snyder T. B. Jones and J. Snyder, Sumerian Economic Texts from the Third Ur Dynasty JPOS Journal of the Palestine Oriental Society JQR Jewish Quarterly Review JRAS Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society JSOR Journal of the Society of Oriental Research JSS Journal of Semitic Studies JTVI Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute K. tablets in the Kouyunjik collection of the British Museum Kagal lexical series kag al - abullu, pub. Civil, MSL 13 227-261 KAH Keilschrifttexte aus Assur historischen Inhalts KAJ Keilschrifttexte aus Assur juristischen Inhalts S. Kang, Sumerian and Akkadian Kang SACT Cuneiform Texts in the Collection of the World History Museum of the University of Illinois KAR Keilschrifttexte aus Assur religiosen Inhalts KAV Keilschrifttexte aus Assur verschiedenen Inhalts KB Keilinschriftliche Bibliothek KBo Keilschrifttexte aus Boghazkoi Kent Old R. G. Kent, Old Persian ... Persian (= AOS 33) Ker Porter R. Ker Porter, Travels in Georgia, Travels Persia, Armenia, Ancient Babylonia, etc. ... Kh. tablets from Khafadje in the collections of the Oriental Institute, University of Chicago Kienast B. Kienast, Die altassyrischen ATHE Texte des Orientalischeni Seminars der Universitiit Heidelberg und der Sammlung Erlenmeyer JENu

ILN IM Imgidda to Erimhus Istanbul

tablets in the collections of the Archaeological Museum of Istanbul ITT Inventaire des tablettes de Tello Izbu Comm. commentary to the series summa izbu, cited from MS. of B. Landsberger, pub. Leichty Izbu pp. 211-233 Izi lexical series izi = iadtu, pub. Civil, MSL 13 154-226 Izi Bogh. Boghazkeui version of Izi, pub. Civil, MSL 13 132-147 Journal asiatique JA Jacobsen T. Jacobsen, CuneiformTexts in the Copenhagen National Museum, Copenhagen Jankowska N. B. Jankowska, Klinopisnye KTK teksty iz Kjul'-Tepe v sobraniiakh SSSR JAOS Journal of the American Oriental Society Jastrow Dict. M. Jastrow, A Dictionary of the Targumim ... JBL Journal of Biblical Literature JCS Journal of Cuneiform Studies JDA Journal of Egyptian Archaeology JEN Joint Expedition with the Iraq Museum at Nuzi



Provisional List of BibliographicalAbbreviationsB. Kienast, Die altbabylonischen Briefe und Urkunden aus Kisurra L.W. King, Chronicles Concerning Early Babylonian Kings ... King Early L. W. King, A History of Sumer and Akkad: An Account of the History Early Races of Babylonia ... King History L. W. King, A History of Babylon L. W. King, Hittite Texts in the King Hittite Cuneiform Character in the British Texts Museum Kinnier Wilson J. V. Kinnier Wilson, The Nimrud Wine Lists Wine Lists (- CTN 1) Kish tablets excavated at Kish, in the collections of the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford Klauber E. Klauber, Assyrisches BeamtenBeamtentum tum nach Briefen aus der Sargonidenzeit Kleinasiatische Forschungen KlF Knudtzon J. A. Knudtzon, Assyrische Gebete an den Sonnengott ... Gebete F. K6cher, Die babylonisch-assyK6cher BAM rische Medizin in Texten und Untersuchungen F. Kocher, Keilschrifttexte zur K6cher assyrisch-babylonischen DrogenPflanzenkunde und Pflanzenkunde (= VIO 28) Kohler u.Peiser J. Kohler, F. E. Peiser, Aus dem babylonischen Rechtsleben Rechtsleben tablets excavated at Assur, in the Konst. collections of the Archaeological Museum of Istanbul P. Koschaker, Babylonisch-assyKoschaker Biirgschaftsrisches Biirgschaftsrecht recht P. Koschaker, tber einige griechiKoschaker Griech. sche Rechtsurkunden aus den ostlichen Randgebieten des HellenisRechtsurk. mus Koschaker P. Koschaker, Neue keilschriftliche NRUA Rechtsurkunden aus der ElAmarna-Zeit Kramer AV Kramer Anniversary Volume (AOAT 25) Kramer S. N. Kramer, Lamentation over Lamentation the Destruction of Ur (= AS 12) S. N. Kramer, Sumerian Literary Kramer SLTN Texts from Nippur (=AASOR 23) S. N. Kramer, Two Elegies on a Kramer Two Pushkin Museum Tablet Elegies Kraus AbB F.R.Kraus, Altbabylonische Briefe Kraus Edikt F. R. Kraus, Ein Edikt des Konigs Ammi-Saduqa von Babylon (= Studia et documenta ad iura orientis antiqui pertinentia 5) Kraus Texte F. R. Kraus, Texte zur babylonischen Physiognomatik (= AfO Beiheft 3) Kraus ViehF, R. Kraus, Staatliche Viehhal Kienast Kisurra King Chron. haltung tung im altbabylonischen Lande Larsa J. Krecher, Sumerische Kultlyrik

Krecher Kultlyrik KT Blanckertz J. Lewy, Die Kiiltepetexte der Sammlung Blanckertz ... KT Hahn J. Lewy, Die Kultepetexte der Sammlung Hahn ... KTS J. Lewy, Die altassyrischen Texte vom Kiiltepe bei Kaisarije KUB Keilschrifturkunden aus Boghazki Kuchler Beitr. F. Kuichler, Beitrage zur Kenntnis der assyrisch-babylonischen Medizin ... Kiltepe unpublished tablets from Kultepe Kupper Les J.-R. Kupper, Les nomades en Nomades M6sopotamie au temps des rois de Mari Labat R. Labat, L'Akkadien de BoghazL'Akkadien k6i Labat R. Labat, Un calendrier babylonien Calendrier des travaux, des signes et des mois Labat Suse R. Labat, Textes litt6raires de Suse (= MDP 57) Labat TDP R. Labat, Trait6 akkadien de diagnostics et pronostics medicaux Laessee Bit J. Laessoe, Studies on the Assyrian Rimki Ritual bit rimki Lajard Culte J. B. F. Lajard, Recherches sur le de V6nus culte ... de V6nus Lambert BWL W. G. Lambert, Babylonian Wisdom Literature Lambert Love W. G. Lambert, The Problem of Lyrics the Love Lyrics, in Goedicke and Roberts, eds., Unity and Diversity Lambert W. G. Lambert, Marduk's Address Marduk's to the Demons (- AfO 17 310ff.) Address to the Demons LambertW. G. Lambert and A. R. Millard, Millard Atra-hasis: The Babylonian Story Atra-hasis of the Flood Landsberger B. Landsberger, Brief des Bischofs Brief von Esagila an K6nig Asarhaddon Landsberger B. Landsberger, The Date Palm Date Palm and Its By-Products According to the Cuneiform Sources (= AfO Beiheft 17) Landsberger B. Landsberger, Die Fauna des Fauna alten Mesopotamien ... LandsbergerB. Landsberger and T. Jacobsen, Jacobsen Georgica (in MS.) Georgica Landsberger B. Landsberger, Der kultische Kult. Kalender der Babylonier und Kalender Assyrer (= LSS 6/1-2) Language Lang. Langdon BL S. Langdon, Babylonian Liturgies



Provisional List of BibliographicalAbbreviationsLangdon Creation Langdon Menologies Langdon SBP S. Langdon, The Babylonian Epic of Creation S. Langdon, Babylonian Menologies ... S. Langdon, Sumerian and Babylonian Psalms S. Langdon, Tammuz and Ishtar Limet Sceaux Cassites Limet Textes Sum6riens H. Limet, Les l6gendes des sceaux cassites H. Limet, Textes Sum6riens de la IIIe dynastie d'Ur (= Documents du Proche-Orient Ancien des Mus6es Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire, Epigraphie 1) E. Ebeling, Literarische Keilschrifttexte aus Assur A. Falkenstein, LiterarischeKeilschrifttexte aus Uruk O. Loretz, Texte aus Chagar Bazar und Tell Brak (- AOAT 3) I. Low, Die Flora der Juden Leipziger semitistische Studien Die lexikalischen Tafelserien der Babylonier und Assyrer in den Berliner Museen lexical series 16 =F a, pub. Civil, MSL 12 87-147 epic Lugale u melambi nergal, cited from MS. of A. Falkenstein D. G. Lyon, Keilschrifttexte Sargon's ... Materials for the Assyrian Dictionary tablets in the collection of the Mus6e d'Art et d'Histoire,Geneva synonym list malkue i arru (MalkuI pub. A.D. Kilmer, JAOS 83 421ff.; Malku II pub. W. von Soden, ZA 43 235ff.) Mitteilungen der Altorientalischen Gesellschaft G. Meier, Maqli (= AfO Beiheft 2) L. Matous, Inscriptions cun6iformes du Kultpe6, Vol. 2 (-ICK 2) W. Mayer, Untersuchungen zur Formensprache der babylonischen ,,Gebetsbeschworungen" (= Studia Pohl: Series Maior 5) Manchester Cuneiform Studies O. Neugebauer and A. Sachs, Mathematical Cuneiform Texts Mitteilungen der Deutschen OrientGesellschaft M6moires de la D6lgation en Perse B. Meissner, Beitrage zum altbabylonischen Privatrecht B. Meissner, Beitrage zum assyrischen Worterbuch (- AS 1 and 4) B.Meissner, Babylonien u. Assyrien B. Meissner, Supplement zu den assyrischen Worterbiichern B. Meissner and P. Rost, Die Bauinschriften Sanheribs Melanges syriens offerts a M. Ren6 Dussaud Gerardo Meloni, Saggi di filologia semitica

Langdon Tammuz lexical series alam = lanu Lanu J. G. Lautner, Altbabylonische Lautner Personenmiete Personenmiete und Erntearbeitervertrage (- Studia et documenta ad iura orientis antiqui pertinentia 1) A. J. Layard, Inscriptions in the Layard Cuneiform Character ... A. H. Layard, Discoveries among Layard the Ruins of Nineveh and BabyDiscoveries lon tablet numbers in the de Liagre LB Bohl Collection Late Babylonian Astronomical and LBAT Related Texts, copied by T. G. Pinches and J. N. Strassmaier, prepared for publication by A. J. Sachs, with the cooperation of J. Schaumberger P. A. Leander, tYber die sumeriLeander schen Lehnworter im Assyrischen Y. Le Gac, Les Inscriptions d'AsLe Gac Asn. sur-nasir-aplu III Legrain Catal. L. Legrain, Catalogue des cylindres orientaux de la collection Louis Cugnin

LKA LKU Loretz Chagar Bazar L6w Flora LSS LTBA

Lu Lugale Lyon Sar. MAD MAH Malku

MAOG Maqlu Matous Kultepe Mayer Gebetsbeschw6rungen MCS MCT MDOG MDP Meissner BAP Meissner BAW Meissner BuA Meissner Supp. Meissner-Rost Senn. M61. Dussaud Meloni Saggi

CugninLegrain TRU LehmannHaupt CIC Leichty Izbu Lenormant Choix Levine Stelae Lidzbarski Handbuch Lie Sar. LIH Limet Anthroponymie Limet Documents Limet M6tal L. Legrain, Le temps des rois d'Ur F. F. C. Lehmann-Haupt, ed., Corpus inscriptionum chaldicarum E. Leichty, The Omen Series Summa Izbu (- TCS 4) F. Lenormant, Choix de textes cuneiformes indits ou incompletement publics jusqu'a ce jour L. D. Levine, Two Neo-Assyrian Stelae from Iran M. Lidzbarski, Handbuch der nordsemitischen Epigraphik A. G. Lie, The Inscriptions of Sargon II L. W. King, The Letters and Inscriptions of Hammurabi H. Limet, L'anthroponymie sum6rienne dans les documents de la 3e dynastie d'Ur H. Limet, Etude de documents de la periode d'Agad6 appartenant a l'Universite de Liege H. Limet, Le travail du metal au pays de Sumer au temps de la IIIe dynastie d'Ur



Provisional List of BibliographicalAbbreviationsMededelingen en Verhandelingen van het Vooraziatisch-Egyptisch Genootschap "Ex Oriente Lux" Met. Museum tablets in the collections of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, N. Y. MIO Mitteilungen des Instituts fir Orientforschung Museum Journal MJ O. Neugebauer, Mathematische MKT Keilschrifttexte MLC tablets in the collections of the J. Pierpont Morgan Library tablets in the collections of the MM Monserrat Museum Moldenke A. B. Moldenke, Babylonian Con. tract Tablets in the Metropolitan Museum of Art Moore E. W. Moore, Neo-Babylonian Michigan Documents in the University of Coll. Michigan Collection Moran Temple W. L. Moran, Sumero-Akkadian Lists Temple Lists (in MS.) MRS Mission de Ras Shamra MSL Materialien zum sumerischen Lexikon; Materials for the Sumerian Lexicon MSP J. J. M. de Morgan, Mission scientifique en Perse Mullo Weir C. J. Mullo Weir, A Lexicon of Accadian Prayers ... Lexicon MVAG Mitteilungen der VorderasiatischAegyptischen Gesellschaft MVN Materiali per il vocabolario neosumerico N tablets in the collections of the University Museum of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Nabnitu lexical series SIG 7 +ALAM f= nabntu NBC tablets in the Babylonian Collection, Yale University Library NBGT Neobabylonian Grammatical Texts, pub. MSL 4 129-178 Nbk. J. N. Strassmaier, Inschriften von Nabuchodonosor Nbn. J. N. Strassmaier, Inschriften von Nabonidus ND field numbers of tablets excavated at Nimrud (Kalhu) Neugebauer O. Neugebauer, Astronomical CuACT neiform Texts Ni tablets excavated at Nippur, in the collections of the Archaeological Museum of Istanbul Nies UDT J. B. Nies, Ur Dynasty Tablets Nigga lexical series nigga = makkiru, pub. Civil, MSL 13 91-124 Nikolski M. V. Nikolski, Dokumenty khoziaistvennoi otchetnosti ... N6tscher F. N6tscher, Ellil in Sumer und Ellil Akkad MEOL NPN I. J. Gelb, P. M. Purves, and A. A. MacRae, Nuzi Personal Names (= OIP 57) field numbers of tablets excavated at Nippur by the Oriental Institute and other institutions K. Oberhuber, Sumerische und akkadische Keilschriftdenkmaler des Archaologischen Museums zu Florenz K. Oberhuber, Innsbrucker Keilschrifttexte OldBabylonianGrammaticalTexts, pub. MSL 4 47-128 Old Babylonian version of Lu, pub. MSL 12 151-219 S. Dalley, C. B. F. Walker, J. D. Hawkins, Old Babylonian Texts from Tell Rimah Oxford Editions of Cuneiform Texts Oriental Institute Communications Oriental Institute Publications Orientalistische Literaturzeitung L. F. Hartman and A. L. Oppenheim, On Beer and Brewing Techniques in Ancient Mesopotamia


Oberhuber Florenz

Oberhuber IKT OBGT OB Lu OBT Tell Rimah OECT OIC OIP OLZ Oppenheim Beer

...Oppenheim Glass Oppenheim Mietrecht

(= JAOS Supp. 10)

A. L. Oppenheim, Glass and Glassmaking in Ancient Mesopotamia L. Oppenheim, Untersuchungen zum babylonischen Mietrecht (= WZKM Beiheft 2) Oppert-Menant J. Oppert et J. M6nant, Documents Doc. jur. juridiques de l'Assyrie Or. Orientalia Oriental Law Essays on Oriental Laws of Sucof Succession cession (= Studia et documenta ad iura orientis antiqui pertinentia 9) OT Old Testament Otten AV Festschrift Heinrich Otten Pallis Akitu S. A. Pallis, The Babylonian Akitu Festival PAPS Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society Parpola LAS S. Parpola, Letters of Assyrian Scholars (= AOAT 5) Parrot A. Parrot, Documents et MonuDocuments ments (= Mission arch6ologique de Mari II, Le palais, tome 3) PBS Publications of the Babylonian Section, University Museum, University of Pennsylvania PEF Quarterly Statement of the Palestine Exploration Fund Peiser F. E. Peiser, Urkunden aus der Urkunden Zeit der 3. babylonischen Dynastie Peiser F. E. Peiser, Babylonische VerVertrage trage des Berliner Museums ... PE Q Palestine Exploration Quarterly



Provisional List of BibliographicalAbbreviationsPerry Sin Petschow MB Rechtsurkunden Petschow Pfandrecht E. G. Perry, Hymnen und Gebete an Sin H. Petschow, Mittelbabylonische Rechts- und Wirtschaftsurkunden der Hilprecht-Sammlung Jena... H. Petschow, Neubabylonisches Pfandrecht (- ASAW Phil.-Hist. H. Ranke, Early Babylonian Personal Names Revue biblique RB F.Thureau-Dangin, Recherches sur REC l'origine de l'6criture cuneiforme lexical series "Reciprocal Ea," Recip. Ea pub. MSL 14 521-532 Revue d'6gyptologie REg Reiner LipAur E. Reiner, Lipbur-Litanies (JNES 15 129ff.) Litanies Reisner G. A. Reisner, Tempelurkunden aus Telloh Telloh Compte rendu de la seconde Rencontre (troisieme) Rencontre AssyrioloAssyriologique Internationale gique Repertoire geographique des texR6p. geogr. tes cuneiformes Revue des 6tudes semitiques RP S ReschidArchiv F. Reschid, Archiv des Nfirsama des Nuirsamas und andere Darlehensurkunden aus der altbabylonischen Zeit Revue hittite et asianique RHA Revue de l'histoire des religions RHR A. P. Riftin, Staro-Vavilonskie Riftin iuridicheskie i administrativnye dokumenty v sobraniiakh SSSR Reallexikon der Assyriologie RLA Reallexikon der Vorgeschichte RLV Rm. tablets in the collections of the British Museum tablets in the collections of the ROM Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto Romer W. H. Ph. Romer, Frauenbriefe iiber Religion, Politik und PriFrauenbriefe vatleben in Mari (- AOAT 12) W. H. Ph. Romer, Sumerische Romer Konigshymnen 'Konigshymnen' der Isin-Zeit P. Rost, Die Keilschrifttexte TigRost lat-Pilesers III ... Tigl. III field numbers of tablets excavated RS at Ras Shamra Rivista degli studi orientali RSO RT Recueil de travaux relatifs A la philologie et a l'archeologie 6gyptiennes et assyriennes RTC F. Thureau-Dangin, Recueil de tablettes chaldeennes Sa lexical series Syllabary A, pub. MSL 3 3-45 Sa Voc. lexical series Syllabary A Vocabulary, pub. MSL 3 51-87 lexical series Sag Bil. SAI B. Meissner, Seltene assyrische Ideogramme F. Thureau-Dangin, Die sumeriSAKI schen und akkadischen K6nigsinschriften (- VAB 1) Salonen A. Salonen, Agricultura mesopoAgricultura tamica (- AASF 149) Ranke PNxv

Kl. 48/1)Pettinato Un- G. Pettinato, Untersuchungen zur tersuchungen neusumerischen Landwirtschaft field photographs of tablets exPhoto. Ass. cavated at Assur Photo. Konst. field photographs of tablets excavated at Assur Piepkorn Asb. A. C. Piepkorn, Historical Prism Inscriptions of Ashurbanipal (=

AS 5)Pinches Amherst Pinches Berens Coll. Pinches Peek T. G. Pinches, The Amherst Tablets ... T. G. Pinches, The Babylonian Tablets of the Berens Collection T.G.Pinches, Inscribed Babylonian Tablets in the possession of Sir Henry Peek Postgate NA J. N. Postgate, Fifty Neo-Assyrian Leg. Docs. Legal Documents Postgate PalJ. N. Postgate, The Governor's ace Archive Palace Archive (- CTN 2) Postgate J.N. Postgate, Neo-Assyrian Royal Royal Grants Grants and Decrees (= Studia Pohl: Series Maior 1) Postgate J. N. Postgate, Taxation and Taxation Conscription in the Assyrian Empire (= Studia Pohl: Series Maior 3) lexical text, pub. B. Landsberger Practical and 0. Gurney, AfO 18 328ff. Vocabulary

AssurPritchard ANET Proto-Diri Proto-Ea Proto-Izi Proto-Kagal Proto-Lu PRSM PRT PSBA R RA RAcc. J. B. Pritchard, ed., Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament, 2nd and 3rd ed. see Diri see Ea; pub. MSL 2 35-94 lexical series, pub. Civil, MSL 13

7-59lexical series, pub. Civil, MSL 13

63-88lexical series, pub. MSL 12 25-84 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine Politisch-religiose E. Klauber, Texte aus der Sargonidenzeit Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology H. C. Rawlinson, The Cuneiform Inscriptions of Western Asia Revue d'assyriologie et d'archbologie orientale F. Thureau-Dangin, Rituels accadiens


ProvisionalList of BibliographicalAbbreviationsSalonen Fest- Studia Orientalia Armas I. Salonen (= StOr 46) schrift A. Salonen, Die Fischerei im alten Salonen Mesopotamien (=- AASF 166) Fischerei Salonen A. Salonen, Die Fulbekleidung der FuBbekleidung alten Mesopotamier (= AASF 157) E. Salonen, Die GruB- und H6fE. Salonen lichkeitsformeln in babylonischGruBformeln assyrischen Briefen (= StOr 38) A. Salonen, Die Hausgerate der Salonen alten Mesopotamier (- AASF 139 Hausgerate and 144) A. Salonen, Hippologica Accadica Salonen (= AASF 100) Hippologica A. Salonen, Die Landfahrzeuge des Salonen Landfahrzeuge alten Mesopotamien (= AASF 72) A. Salonen, Die Mobel des alten Salonen Mesopotamien (- AASF 127) Mobel Salonen Tiiren A. Salonen, Die Tiiren des alten Mesopotamien (==AASF 124) E. Salonen, Die Waffen der alten E. Salonen Mesopotamier (= StOr 33) Waffen A. Salonen, Die Wasserfahrzeuge Salonen in Babylonien (- StOr 8) Wasserfahrzeuge San NicolbM. San Nicolb and A. Ungnad, Rechts- und Ungnad NRV Neubabylonische Verwaltungsurkunden C. Saporetti, Onomastica MedioSaporetti Assira (= Studia Pohl 6) Onomastica Sitzungsberichte der Akademie der SAWW Wissenschaften, Wien lexical series Syllabary B, pub. Sb MSL 3 96-128 and 132-153 Sitzungsberichte der Bayerischen SBAW Akademie der Wissenschaften G. A. Reisner, Sumerisch-babyloSBH nische Hymnen nach Thontafeln griechischer Zeit Scheil Sippar V. Scheil, Une saison de fouilles A Sippar V. Scheil, Annales de Tukulti Scheil Tn. II Ninip II, roi d'Assyrie 889-884 N. Schneider, Die G6tternamen Schneider G6tternamen von Ur III (- AnOr 19) N. Schneider, Die ZeitbestimmunSchneider Zeitbestimgen der Wirtschaftsurkunden von mungen Ur III (= AnOr 13) A. Schollmeyer, Sumerisch-babyloSchollmeyer nische Hymnen und Gebete an Samar Schramm W. Schramm, Einleitung in die assyrischen Konigsinschriften Einleitung Sellin E. Sellin, Tell Ta'annek ... Ta'annek SEM E. Chiera, Sumerian Epics and Shaffer Sumerian Sources SHAW Shileiko Dokumenty Si Silbenvokabular Sj6berg Mondgott A. Shaffer, Sumerian Sources of Tablet XII of the Epic of Gilgames (unpub. dissertation) Sitzungsberichte der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften V. K. Shilelko, Dokumenty iz Giul-tepe field numbers of tablets excavated at Sippar lexical series

MythsSem. Seux Epith6tes Semitica M.-J.Seux, Epithetes royales akkadiennes et sumeriennes

A. Sj6berg, Der Mondgott NannaSuen in der sumerischen tberlieferung, I. Teil: Texte Sj6berg A. W. Sjoberg and E. Bergmann, Temple The Collection of the Sumerian Hymns Temple Hymns (= TCS 3) SL A. Deimel, Sumerisches Lexikon SLB Studia ad tabulas cuneiformes collectas a F. M. Th. de Liagre B6hl pertinentia SLT E. Chiera, Sumerian Lexical Texts Sm. tablets in the collections of the British Museum S. A. Smith S. A. Smith, Miscellaneous AsMisc. Assyr. syrian Texts of the British Texts Museum Smith College tablets in the collection of Smith College Smith Idrimi S. Smith, The Statue of Idri-mi Smith Senn. S. Smith, The First Campaign of Sennacherib ... SMN tablets excavated at Nuzi, in the Semitic Museum, Harvard University, Cambridge SOAW Sitzungsberichte der Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften von Soden W. von Soden, GrundriB der akkaGAG dischen Grammatik (= AnOr 33) von Soden W. von Soden, Das akkadische Syllabar Syllabar (= AnOr 27; 2nd ed. AnOr 42) Sollberger and E. Sollberger and J.-R. Kupper, Kupper InInscriptions royales sumbriennes et akkadiennes scriptions Royales E. Sollberger, Corpus des inscripSollberger Corpus tions "royales" pr6sargoniques de LagaS Sollberger E. Sollberger, Business and AdCorrespondministrative Correspondence ence under the Kings of Ur (- TCS 1) Sommer F. Sommer, Die AljYijava-Urkunden Abbiijava F. Sommer and A. Falkenstein, Die SommerFalkenstein hethitisch-akkadische Bilingue Bil. des Hattuili I tablets in the collections of the Sp. British Museum



Provisional List of Bibliographical AbbreviationsSitzungsberichte der PreuBlischen Akademie der Wissenschaften L. Speleers, Recueil des inscripSpeleers tions de l'Asie ant6rieure des Recueil Musees Royaux du Cinquantenaire & Bruxelles E.Chiera, Sumerian Religious Texts SRT F. X. Kugler, Sternkunde und SSB Sterndienst in Babel J. Schaumberger, Sternkunde und SSB Erg. Sterndienst in Babel, Erganzungen ... J. J. Stamm, Die akkadische Stamm Namengebung Namengebung (= MVAG 44) R. F. S. Starr, Nuzi: Report on the Starr Nuzi Excavations at Yorgan Tepa near Kirkuk, Iraq Studien zu den Bogazkoy-Texten StBoT L.W. King, The Seven Tablets STC of Creation Stephens PNC F. J. Stephens, Personal Names from Cuneiform Inscriptions of Cappadocia Stol On Trees M. Stol, On Trees, Mountains, and Millstones in the Ancient Near East (= MEOL 21) StOr Studia Orientalia (Helsinki) J. N. Strassmaier, Alphabetisches Strassmaier AV Verzeichnis der assyrischen und akkadischen W6rter ... J. N. Strassmaier, Die babyloniStrassmaier schen Inschriften im Museum zu Liverpool Liverpool, Actes du 6e Congres International des Orientalistes, II, Section S6mitique (1) (1885), plates after p. 624 J. N. Strassmaier, Texte altbabyloStrassmaier nischer Vertriige aus Warka, VerWarka handlungen des Fiinften Internationalen Orientalisten-Congresses (1881), Beilage Streck Asb. M.Streck,Assurbanipal...(=VAB 7) STT O. R. Gurney, J. J. Finkelstein, and P. Hulin, The Sultantepe Tablets Studi Rinaldi Studi sull'Oriente e la Bibbia offerti al P. Giovanni Rinaldi... Studia (= Documenta et monumenta Mariana orientis antiqui 4) Studia Orien- Studia orientalia loanni Pedersen talia Pedersen dicata Studien Heidelberger Studien zum Alten Falkenstein Orient, Adam Falkenstein zum 17. September 1966 Studies H. Goedicke, ed., Near Eastern Albright Studies in Honor of William Foxwell Albright Studies Studies in Honor of Benno LandsLandsberger berger on his Seventy-fifth Birthday (- AS 16) SPAW Studies Oppenheim Studies Robinson STVC Sultantepe Studies Presented to A. Leo Oppenheim Studies in Old Testament Prophecy Presented to T. H. Robinson E. Chiera, Sumerian Texts of Varied Contents field numbers of tablets excavated at Sultantepe Sumerological Studies in Honor of Thorkild Jacobsen (- AS 20)

Sumerological Studies Jacobsen Ankara tUniversitesi Dil ve TarihSumeroloji Cografya Falkiiltesi Sumeroloji Araqtirmalari arastirmalari, 1940-41 E. Reiner, Surpu (=AfO Beiheft gurpu 11) Symbolae P. Koschaker dedicatae Symb. (= Studia et documenta ad iura Koschaker orientis antiqui pertinentia 2) Symbolae Bohl Symbolae Biblicae et Mesopotamicae Francisco Mario Theodoro de Liagre Bohl Dedicatae Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung SZ E. Szlechter, Tablettes juridiques Szlechter de la I1 Dynastie de Babylone Tablettes E. Szlechter, Tablettes juridiques Szlechter et administratives de la IIIe TJA r Dynastie d'Ur et de la I Dynastie de Babylone tablets in the collections of the T Staatliche Museen, Berlin Tablet Funck one of several tablets in private possession (mentioned as F. 1, 2, 3, Delitzsch HWB xiii), cited from unpublished copies of Delitzsch Tallqvist APN K. Tallqvist, Assyrian Personal Names (- ASSF 43/1) K. Tallqvist, Akkadische GotterTallqvist epitheta (= StOr 7) G6tterepitheta K. Tallqvist, Die assyrische BeTallqvist Maqlu schworungsserie Maqlu (= ASSF 20/6) Tallqvist NBN K. Tallqvist, Neubabylonisches Namenbuch ... (- ASSF 32/2) TCL Textes cun6iformes du Louvre Texts from Cuneiform Sources TCS tablets excavated at Tell Asmar, in Tell Asmar the collections of the Oriental Institute, University of Chicago Tell Halaf J. Friedrich et al., Die Inschriften vom Tell Halaf (= AfO Beiheft 6) Th. tablets in the collections of the British Museum Thompson AH R. C. Thompson, The Assyrian Herbal Thompson R. C. Thompson, On the Chemistry Chem. of the Ancient Assyrians Thompson R. C. Thompson, A Dictionary of DAB Assyrian Botany



ProvisionalList of BibliographicalAbbreviationsThompson DAC Thompson Esarh. Thompson Gilg. Thompson Rep. ThureauDangin Til-Barsib TIM TLB TMB Tn.-Epic R. C. Thompson, A Dictionary of Assyrian Chemistry and Geology R. C. Thompson, The Prisms of Esarhaddon and ofAshurbanipal... R. C. Thompson, The Epic of Gilgamish R. C. Thompson, The Reports of the Magicians and Astrologers... F. Thureau-Dangin, M. Dunand et al., Til-Barsib Texts in the Iraq Museum Tabulae Cuneiformes a F. M. Th. de Liagre Bohl collectae F. Thureau-Dangin, Textes math6matiques babyloniens Tukulti-Ninurta Epic, pub. AAA 20, pis. 101ff., and Archaeologia79 pl. 49; transliteration in Ebeling, MAOG 12/2, column numbers according to W. G. Lambert, AfO 18 38ff. H. Torczyner, Altbabylonische Tempelrechnungen ... A. Ungnad, Neubabylonische Rechts- und Verwaltungsurkunden. Glossar Uruanna pharmaceutical series uruanna: matakal UVB Vorlaufiger Bericht tiber die ... Ausgrabungen in Uruk-Warka (Berlin 1930-) VAB Vorderasiatische Bibliothek VAS Vorderasiatische Schriftdenkmaler VAT tablets in the collections of the Staatliche Museen, Berlin VBoT A. Gotze, Verstreute BoghazkoiTexte VDI Vestnik Drevnel Istorii Veenhof Old K. R. Veenhof, Aspects of Old Assyrian Assyrian Trade and Its TermiTrade nology VIO Ver6ffentlichungen des Instituts fir Orientforschung, Berlin Virolleaud C. Virolleaud, Comptabilit6 chalComptabilit6 deenne (6poque de la dynastie dite seconde d'Our) Virolleaud C. Virolleaud, La lgende pheniDanel cienne de Danel Virolleaud C. Virolleaud, Fragments de textes Fragments divinatoires assyriens du Mus6e Britannique Voix de A. Finet, ed., La Voix de l'oppol'opposition sition en Mesopotamie. Colloque organise par l'Institut des Hautes de Belgique 19 et 20 mars 1973 VT Vetus Testamentum W. field numbers of tablets excavated at Warka Waetzold Tex- H. Waetzold, Untersuchungen zur tilindustrie neusumerischen Textilindustrie Walther A. Walther, Das altbabylonische Gerichtswesen Gerichtswesen (= LSS 6/4-6) Ward Seals W. H. Ward, The Seal Cylinders of Western Asia Warka field numbers of tablets excavated at Warka Watelin Kish Oxford University Joint Expedition to Mesopotamia, Excavations at Kish: III (1925-1927) by L. C. Watelin Waterman L. Waterman, Business Documents Bus. Doc. of the Hammurapi Period (also pub. in AJSL 29 and 30) Weidner E. Weidner, Handbuch der babyloHandbuch nischen Astronomie Weidner Tn. E. Weidner, Die Inschriften Tukulti-Ninurtas I. (= AfO Beiheft 12) Weissbach F. H. Weissbach, Babylonische Misc. Miscellen (= WVDOG 4) Weitemeyer M.Weitemeyer,SomeAspects of the Hiring of Workers in the Sippar Region at the Time of Hammurabi Ungnad NRV Glossar

Transactions of the Society of Biblical Archaeology TSTS Toronto Semitic Texts and Studies TuL E. Ebeling, Tod und Leben nach den Vorstellungen der Babylonier TuM Texte und Materialien der Frau Professor Hilprecht Collection of Babylonian Antiquities im Eigenturn der Universitat Jena Turner S. M. Katre, ed., Sir Ralph Turner Jubilee Vol. Jubilee Volume UCP University of California Publications in Semitic Philology UE Ur Excavations UET Ur Excavations, Texts UF Ugarit-Forschungen Ugumu lexical series, pub. MSL 9 51-65 Ugumu Bil. lexical series, pub. MSL 9 67-73 UM tablets in the collections of the University Museum of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia UMB University Museum Bulletin Unger Babylon E. Unger, Babylon, die heilige Stadt ... Unger BelE. Unger, Die Stele des Bel-harranharran-belibeli-ussur ussur Unger Mem. In Memoriam Eckhard Unger. BeiVol. trage zu Geschichte, Kultur und Religion des Alten Orients Unger Relief- E. Unger, Reliefstele Adadniraris stele III. aus Saba'a und Semiramis

Torczyner Tempelrechnungen TSBA




ProvisionalList of BibliographicalAbbreviationsWenger AV Festschrift fiir Leopold Wenger, 2. Band, Minchener Beitrage zur Papyrusforschung und Antiken Rechtsgeschichte, 35. Heft A. Westenholz, Old Sumerian and Old Akkadian Texts in Philadelphia Chiefly from Nippur C. Wilcke, Kollationen zu den sumerischen literarischen Texten aus Nippur in der HilprechtSammlung Jena (= ASAW 65/4) C. Wilcke, Das Lugalbandaepos

WZJ WZKM YBC Ylvisaker Grammatik YOR YOS ZA ZAW ZDMG ZDPV ZE Zimmern Fremdw. Zimmern Istar und Saltu Zimmern Neujahrsfest ZK ZS

Westenholz OSP Wilcke Kollationen

Wilcke Lugalbanda Winckler AOF H. Winckler, Altorientalische Forschungen Winckler H. Winckler, Sammlung von KeilSammlung schrifttexten Winckler Sar. H. Winckler, Die Keilschrifttexte Sargons ... Winnett AV J. Wevers and D. Redford, eds., Studies on the Ancient Palestinian World (= TSTS 2) Wiseman D.J.Wiseman, The Alalakh Tablets Alalakh Wiseman D. J. Wiseman, Chronicles of the Chron. ChaldeanKings ... Wiseman D.J.Wiseman, The Vassal Treaties Treaties of Esarhaddon (= Iraq 20 Part 1) WO Die Welt des Orients Carchemish, Report on the ExWoolley Carchemish cavations at Djerabis on behalf of the British Museum WVDOG Wissenschaftliche Veroffentlichungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesell-

Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Friedrich - Schiller - Universitit Jena Wiener Zeitschrift fur die Kunde des Morgenlandes tablets in the Babylonian Collection, Yale University Library S.C.Ylvisaker, Zur babylonischen und assyrischen Grammatik (LSS 5/6) Yale Oriental Series, Researches Yale Oriental Series, Babylonian Texts Zeitschrift fur Assyriologie Zeitschrift fur die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palistina-Vereins Zeitschrift fur Ethnologie H. Zimmern, Akkadische Fremdworter ... , 2nd ed. H. Zimmern, Itar und Saltu, ein altakkadisches Lied (BS GW Phil.hist. Kl. 68/1) H. Zimmern, Zum babylonischen Neujahrsfest (BSGW Phil.-hist. Kl. 58/3); zweiter Beitrag (ibid. 70/5) Zeitschrift fur Keilschriftforschung Zeitschrift fur Semitistik




ther Abbreviationsabbr. ace. Achaem. add. abbreviated, abbreviation accusative Achaemenid addition(al) adjective administrative (texts) Adad-nirari adverb Akkadian

Gilg.Gk. gloss. GN gramm. group voc. Heb. hemer. hist. Hitt. Hurr. IE imp. inc. incl. indecl. inf. inscr.

GilgameA Greek

glossarygeographical name grammatical (texts) group vocabulary Hebrew hemerology historical (texts) Hittite Hurrian Indo-European imperative incantation (texts) including indeclinable infinitive inscription interjection interrogative intransitive inventory Summa izbu lamentation Late Babylonian legal (texts) letter lexical (texts) literally, literary (texts) logogram, logographic Ludlul bel nemeqi loan word Middle Assyrian masculine mathematical (texts) Middle Babylonian medical (texts) meteorology, meteorological

adj.adm. Adn. adv. Akk. Alu apod. app. Aram. Asb. Asn. Ass. astrol. astron. Av. Babyl. bil. Bogh. bus. Camb.

Summa cluapodosis appendix Aramaic Assurbanipal AMur-nAir-apli II Assyrian astrological (texts) astronomical (texts) Avestan Babylonian bilingual (texts) Boghazkeui business Cambyses chemical (texts) chronicle column collation, collated commentary (texts) conjunction corresponding

interj.interr. intrans. inv. Izbu lament. LB leg. let. lex. lit. log. Ludlul Iw. MAmasc.

chem.chron. col. coll. comm. conj. corr. Cyr. Dar. dat. dem. denom. det. diagn. disc. DN doc. dupl. EAecon.

CyrusDarius dative demonstrative denominative determinative diagnostic (texts) discussion divine name document duplicate El-Amarna economic (texts) edition Early Dynastic Elamite Esarhaddon especially Etana myth etymology, etymological extispicy factitive feminine figure fragment(ary) genitive, general geographical XX

math. MB med. meteor. MN mng. n. NA NB Nbk. Nbn. Ner.

(texts)month name meaning note Neo-Assyrian Neo-Babylonian Nebuchadnezzar II Nabonidus Neriglissar Neue Folge nominative New Series, Nova Series numeral Old Assyrian Old Akkadian Old Babylonian obverse occurrence, occurs Old Persian opposite (of) (to)

ed. ED Elam. Esarh. esp. Etana etym. ext. fact. fem.


fig.fragm. gen. geogr.

NS num. OA OAkk. OB obv. occ. Old Pers. opp.


Other Abbreviationsorig.p. Palmyr. part. pharm. phon. original(ly)

page Palmyreneparticiple pharmaceutical (texts) phonetic physiognomic (omens) plural, plate plurale tantum personal name preposition present Pre-Sargonic preterit pronoun, pronominal protasis published reverse reduplicated, reduplication reference religious (texts) ritual (texts) royal name Ras Shamra substantive Sargon II Standard Babylonian Seleucid


pl .

pl. tantum PNprep. pres. Pre-Sar. pret. pron. prot. pub.r.

Senm. Senn. Shalm. sing. Skt. stat. const. str. Sum. supp. syll. syn. Syr.

Semitic Sennacherib Shalmaneser singular Sanskrit status constructus strophe Sumerian supplement syllabically

synonym(ous)Syriac Tiglathpileser Tukulti-Ninurta I transitive translation transliteration Ugaritic uncertain unknown unpublished verb variant written West Semitic number not transliterated illegible sign in Akk. illegible sign in Sum.

Tigl.Tn. trans. translat. translit. Ugar. uncert. unkn. unpub. v. var.wr.

redupl. ref. rel. rit. RN RSs.

WSem.xx x

Sar. SB Sel.






NPART TWOnasiau (nadAhu) v.; 1. to remove fromri-i I = na-sa-huA II/7 i 10'; ku-ud TAR = na-sa-hu Idu II 286; za-al NI - na-sa(?)-[hu] Idu II 205; gi.gi = na.sa-[hu] VAT 10275:5 (unidentified voc.), gaz - na-sa-[hu] ibid. 7, gum.gum = na-sa-[hu] (all preceded by lapdtu) ibid. 9. bu-ur BtRB = na-sa-hu sd sur-rum to split off, (said) of obsidian A VIII/2:173, also A VIII/2 Comm. r. 15; [bu-ur] BtOR = na-sa-hu sdAar-ti to pull out (said) of hair K.11807:4' (text similar to Idu); [di-ri] [sI.A] = na-[s]a-husd GIG Diri I 31; ga-argar, gA.gA, PA.LUGAL.ta.SiR.a = na-sa-hu Ad ter-ti, u.suh.u.da = MIN Ad ki-is lib-bi, gub MIN a a-mu-ti, sur - MIN d MIN CT 18 49 i 25ff.; A VIII/1:139; du-u GAB = na-8a-hu Ad IGI GABdU-u-dU-uGAB = n[a-sa]-hu Aa IGI Antagal C 113, cf. ldi.igi.dd.dd = sa i-na-u na-ds-ha OB Lu B iv 48; bu.i = na-sa-[hu sa ... ] Nabnitu XXXII iii' 20'; uzu.bal.bal.a = [8a x]-ta na-as-hu Hh. XV 253. ze.z6 -= BU.BUr = nu-su-hu Emesal Voc. III 114; [BA] = [nu]-si-hu MSL 9 135:568 (Proto-Aa); la-al-la-ah DU.DU = nu-us.B--[hu] Diri Bogh. II 35b; iu.suh.[su]h = nu-us-s[ut-hu-um] Nigga Bil. B 131; [ma-a] [kA] = Su-si-hu A IV/4:64. zi (var. zi.zi) gA.ga.te (var. ga.ga) dInanna z a.a.kam : na-sa-hu-um u sakanum kumma Istar it is in your power, I tar, to remove and put in place TIM 9 21: 10f. and dupl., see Sjoberg, ZA 65 190:119; dUtu .a.na MI.MI.ga he.im.mi.in.zi : Sama ina agiSu da'ummassu[li-is]-suh-ma urpu p. 52:28f.; [dug 4 .g]a dEn.ki.kex(KID) a.ra ga.ra.ab.zi : ina qibZt Ea a-na-as(!)-sah-ka I expel you at the command of Ea PBS 12/1 6 r.4f.; [nam.ib]ila.a.ni.ta ib.ta.an.zi : ana apliitidu is-8s-uh-su he removed him from his status as son and heir Ai. III iv 16; in. zi : is-su-uh Ai. I iii 52; m4t.ni ia.bi i.um.ta.e.zi : uri.a Aa libbasu ta-as-su-hu CT 17 11:82 and 84. a..zi.ga.ginx(GIM) : kima 9a libbaAu na-as-hu like one bereft of reason CT 17 19 i 19f.; [uru].a en.na [ba].ra.an.zi.ga.en.na.as : adi ina ali la ta-as-su-hu as long as you have not gone out of the city JTVI 26 155 iv 6, see Lackenbacher, RA 65 127; gir.zu zi.ga.ab : d-su-uh epka KAR 31 r. 5f.; a.la hul zi.ga.zu.ge : al4 lemnu anana-sa-hi-ka to expel you, evil ald demon CT 16 28:54f. [kin].ni.9e mu.un.zi.ga : ina terti i-na-sah KAR 8 r. 8; 9u.du8 .a.ne.ne ib.zi.ge.eg : MIN (- qa-as-su-nu) is-su-hu Ai. III ii 54.

office, to expel, reject a child, to extirpate progeny, enemies, to deport people, todepopulate a region, to remove a garment,

a load, a structure, etc., to withdraw anobject from its case or location, to remove

mud from a canal, rubble from ruinedbuildings (p. 2), 2. to tear out parts of the

body, of the exta, to pull out hair, to pull out plants or their parts, (in transferred mng., with isdu or sursu) to uproot, eradicate, to pull, tear out objects (stelas, poles, doors, etc.) (p. 5), 3. to expel evil, demons, 4. to transfer cattle, to sickness (p. 7),remove persons from a specific task, to

transfer persons subtract (p. 9),

5. to deduct, (p. 8), 6. to excerpt a tablet

(p. 9), 7. to move on, to displace oneself (p. 10), 8. to pass, said of time (p. 10),

9. in idiomatic phrases (p. 11), 10. nussuhu (same mngs. as nasahu) (p. 13), 11. 1/2 tobe removed (p. 13), 12. nussuhu to remove

mud (from a canal), to pull out (parts of the body), to remove, expel, to transfer somebody(p. 13), 13. III/2 (uncert. mng.) (p. 14),

14. nansuhu (passive to mngs. 1, 2, 3, and 7) (p. 14); from OAkk. on; I issuh - inassahnasih, imp. usuh, 1/2, II, 11/2, III, III/2,

IV, IV/2; wr. syll. and zt; cf. nashu, nasihu, ndsihu, nashitu, nassihu, nishu A, nisihtu, nusashtu, nusahut.mar = gar - na-sa-hu Antagal G 149; garMIN(= [ga-a]r) - na-sa-hu Emesal Voc. III 80. su-uh suH - n[a]-sa-hu Sb I 20; su-uh suH = na-sa-hu A VIII/1: 167; su-uh KU - na-sa-hu Ea I 152; [bu]-ful nU = na-sa-hu A VI/1:192; b [...] [BU] = [n]a-.d-hu S I 120b; bur BU = nasa-h[u] A VI/1:195; bu-6 KU - na-sa-hu Ea I 155. zi-i z[I] - na-s[a-hu] A II/1:146; [su].z[i.z]i - na-sd-hu-um Nigga Bil. B 222; [di-ri] sI.A na-sd-hu-um Proto-Diri 10; z4, bu, zi, rzal-alzal, na-sa-h[u] BM 35574:1ff. diri, [glu-ubDU, suh (Nabnitu); [au-ub] [RU] - [n]a-sa-hu A VI/4: 141;


nasahusahar i.zi.zi sahar i.gA.gA : baqqa i-na-assah tamld umalli Lugale II 40; a.ba zi.zi a.ba zi.ge.ei : mannu i-na-as-sah mannu uSatba who expels, who removes? CT 17 23 iii 162; A.shg kalam.ma zi.zi : asakku Aa mata i-na-as-sa-hu-asakku demon who causes upheaval in the country CT 16 14 iii 39f.; bul.gAl ... he.i[b].ta.an.zi. zi : lemniti ... li-is-suh-ma ibid. 46:160f., cf. su.bar.ra.zu.ta ... he.im.ma.ra.an.zi.zi : ina zumrika ... li-is-suh4-u CT 17 33: 38f., he.ni.fb.zi.zi(var. adds .e).de : li-is-su-hu-d CT 17 36:82f., var. from KAR 46:15; get.gAl. la.bi bf.ib.zi.zi : MIN (= rugummuiu) i-na-sah Ai. VI ii 16, gu.ghl.la.bi ba.ab.zi.zi : MIN it-ta-sah ibid. 17. in.si-idaB - is-su-uh Ai. I iii 53; amaL.a e.z4.bi.ta ba.da.an.bu : supuiru ina geniu is-su-uh he scattered the fold of (lit. with its) sheep and goats SBH p. 73:15f., cf. u 4 ama bu.ra : uimu supiiri i-na-sah ibid. p. 95 r. 21f., also amag in.ga.bu.re : supuri i-na-sah ibid. 25f., 6.tdr nam.bu.re(var. .ra) : [tarb]aaa la ta-na-as-sah S. A. Smith Misc. Assyr. Texts p. 24:31 and (Sum. only) VAS 2 79, see ZA 31 116, amas in.ga.bu. [...] : supura i-na-sa-a[h] BA 5 617 No. la:3f.; ama bu.bu.ra.bi : supiri i-na-as.-ah SBH p. 9:102f.; u.kur.gi.rin.na ur.bi u.me.ni.bu : ilidkurkan ui-suh-ma 4R 26 No. 7:42f., cf. u.me. ni.bu : u-suh-ma CT 17 28:50f., also 19:40; libil.a.ni u.me.ni.[bu] : libbadu uc-suh-ma ibid. 11:77f.; gii.mes.ginx in.bu.re : klma metu i-na-sa-ah he pulls (him) out like a mesu tree SBH p. 55 r. 13f.; [an.ki.bi.ta m]u.un.bu.re. e. : u erseti is-shu-huma they tore out heaven and earth CT 16 43:62f.; dUtu ... u.[ni] bu.ra. Bm : SamaJ ... qdssu li.is-suh ibid. 23:354f.; nig.bul ba.ab.bu.ra : 9a ... mimma lemnu i-na-as-sa-hu ibid. 24 i 26ff., cf. ba.ab.bu. re : i-na-as-sa-hu CT 17 10:39f.; dNIN.DA mA. laht. .gal MA.MUG.b u.ra. kex : na-si-ih dar-kul-lu CT 24 10:5 (list of gods). ba.an.zal : is-suh Hh. I 10; [...] x zal = is-su-fuh?1 BM 35574:10 (Nabnitu); ud.30.kam. ma.ta ba.zal.a.ta : UD.30.KAM ina na-sa-a-hi Ai. IV iii 42; [...].kam iti.7.kam zal.la.an : [...] 7 ITI na-sa-hu KAR 147:1f., cf. [...] iti du, 7 ud.mel zal.la.an : [...] ITI DU, 7 UD.ME na-sa-hu ibid. 3f. gita libig diri.ga.e (earlier version: gig. gita libii diri.ga.kex) : kakku na-si-ih libbi Lugale V 22; GI.sAR harax.diri(!).ga : klma kirE Ja hara na-as-hu (see hara B) CT 17 26:44f.; al.ma.ma.an al.ma.ma.[an] : a-na-as-sa-ah agakkan SBH p. 155 No. 56:6f.; dus.du, kur nu.se.ga : na-si-ih mat la magirl OECT 6 pl. 8 K.5001: 4f. gil.si.mar.an.na.bi bi.bu.bu.r[e] : digas rIga tu-na-as-si-i[h] BA 5 632 No. 6:20f., dupl. BA 10/1 113:14f.; gil.erenax(ggxA.NA) mu.

nasahu 1[dSa].zu suh [x er]im.ma : daA.zu [m]u-nasih napharajabi LKA 77 i 53 (coll. W. G. Lambert), restored from dupl. K.7602, cf. d a.zu dingir sub [...] : dAMAR.UTU ilu mu-na-[si-ih ... ] STC 1 180 K.5233:10f. gd.gl.la.bi ib.ta.an.zi : rugummii~ tu-asi-ih he rejected his claim Ai. VI ii 15. sag.gig ... ki.a A mu.un.da.ab.zi : di'u ... ina erpeti in-na-as-sa-ah the headache is expelled from the nether world CT 17 22 ii 148f.; everything evil that is in my body bar.bi.ta he.en.zi : ina ahdti li-in-na-si-ih let it be expelled 4R 28 No. 1 r. 11ff., see OECT 6 54; [udug].hul zi.ga.ab : utukku lemnu na-an-si-ih CT 16 29:78f.; t.NE.Zi hul KAxBAD : na-an-sih lemnu Hunger Uruk 14:2f.; ba.ab.zi. ge.ne : MIN (= qa-as-su-nu)in-na-ds-hu Ai. III ii 55. sag.gig ... h.im.ma.ra.an.zi.zi : murus qaqqadi ... li-in-na-si-ih CT 17 20 i 47f., cf. hu.mu.ra.ab.zi.zi : li-in-na-si-ih ibid. 11:94f., sag.ga.na hd.ib.ta.an.zi.zi.e.ne : inare4iu li-in-na-as-hu CT 16 35:42f., dupl. BIN 2 22:124f., seeAAA22 86; nam.tag.ga.bi he.zi.zi : arandu li-in-na-si-ih 4R 17:57ff., see OECT 6 48; kur. igi.nim.ta h6.mu.e.zi.zi.ne : itu nmati eliti li-in-na-[si-ih] Lugale XI 9; e[n.hul].mu h6.zi.zi : EN HUL-ia li-na-si-ih Peiser Urkunden 92:4 and r. 4. e.ne.ne.ne hul.a.meg h6.im.ma.an.bu. re.eS.hm : unu lemnfiti li-in-na-as-hu they, the evil ones, should be expelled CT 16 3:84f., see pl. 50; giL.A.AM ur.ra ba.ab.bu.ra.mu : (ildaq: qu) 6a idanu in-na-ds-hu 4R 27 No. 1: 10f. u.iu[bx(NUMUN2 ) .ginx mu.e.sig.ge.en.z6]. en (earlier version: mu.e.sig.ge.[en.zd.en]) : kima Juppati tan-na-as-ha-a-ni Lugale XIII 8. 6.duru Bu.u ki -u = AB.ZI na-si-ih A tam-tu Hg. B V iv 19, in MSL 11 39; zt : na-saa-hu RA 13 137 r. 6 (unidentified comm.); fzil I na-sa-hu (comm. on na-si-ih naphar ajabi) AfO 17 133:32 (late comm. on the name Esagila); dziMIN 5 i = na-si-ih 4d-bu-ti (cf. En. el. VII 41) STC 2 pl. 62 ii 30; MA = na-sa[hu] STC 2 pl. 54 K.4406 r. i 3 (comm. on En. el. VII 82); bu na-sa-hu RA 17 169 K.11169 ii 4 (comm. on En. el. VII 91); [GAR] /I MIN (= na-sa-hu) id ter-ti UET 4 208:1 (Nabnitu Comm.), [BsR] // MIN Sa ar-ti ibid. 3; sfa BtR // MIN d Jar-ti // bu-uiBtjR / na-sa-hi ibid. 4; [u.su]H..DA // MIN d UZU.HAR. BAD ibid. 9; unR // na-sa-hi ibid. 11; [NAM. E]RIM.BOR.RU.DA NAM.ERM.MA(?) i-na-8a-a[h] Hunger Uruk 27:9'; is-suh - in-na-sah-ma CT 41 29 r. 13 (Alu Comm.); bu-u4 -bu-fliml BU na-sahu UD ti-mu BU-LIM EJ-ta-as-su-hu (see bubbulu lex. section) Bab. 6 pi. 2 r. 15f. ru-ub-bu, ne-zu-u, za-qu - na-sa-hu Malku IV 239ff.9u.dug.a.ne.ne




bu.bu.ra.bi : guri a nu-us-su-hu SBHp.9:104f.

1. to remove from office, to expel, reject a child, to extirpate progeny, enemies, to


nasahu la

nasahu lb

deport people, to depopulate a region, to i-na-sd-ah-Su CT 8 20a r. 17, and see Ai. III iv remove a garment, a load, a structure, etc., 16, in lex. section, see also apltu mnngs. lb and Ic, ahhltu mng. 2a-l', mdrutu mng. lb-2' (all to withdraw an object from its case or location, to remove mud from a canal, rubble OB) and lb-6' (MB Alalakh); na-s-ih duppur from ruined buildings - a) to remove fromt (see duppuru mng. 2a) MDP 24 379:18, also, office, to expel, reject a child, to extirpate wr. na-zi-ih ibid. 375a r. 2 and 4; apla kunna progeny, enemies - 1' to remove a person it-ta-sah urpu II 44; note sa bel simdtija ana from office: Sarrum bel parsim i-na-as-sa-ah- mdmitim iraddiu na-si'-ih u hubullam dStma ma bel parsim i.akkan the king will remove iSaqqal whoever makes my heirs take an oath and install officials YOS 10 46 ii 17 (OB ext.), is disinherited, moreover he has to pay (my) cf. ajamma i-na-sh-ah-ma ... saniam iSakkan debts ICK 1 12 B:36 (OA).ibid. 33 v 47, and see TIM 9 21:10f., SBH p. 105:6f., in lex. section; Sarrum sukkal: YOS 10 31 ii 37; mahhaSu i-na-as-sh-ahLUGAL

3' to extirpate progeny: (the gods) SumSuzerasu u piri'su li-is-su-hu MDP 4 pl. 16 ii 10, cf. pirihSu li-is-su-x BBSt. No. 8 iii 29.

Sibut dlisu i-na-sa-hu-Su the elders of his own city will remove the king RA 27re-i-Sa i-na-s-ah the 149:25; matu igarrurma

country will be in panic, it will expel its shepherd YOS 10 45:54 (all OB ext.); PN awilam

4' to eradicate, extirpate, drive out enemies: ina mdtiSu raggam u senam li-su-uih may he eradicate the wicked and evildoersfrom his country CH xli 92 (epilogue), cf. nakcr elid u SapliS as-si-iuh CH xl 31; awilam lam

edamdm ina bit Sin i-na-as-sa-ah (see edamz)YOS 2 1:30 (OB let.); my lord should write to

PN li-is-si-uh-,u-ma that he should remove him ARM 2 31 r. 8'; na-sa-ah GAL MAR.T[U] awatum rabet it is a big affair to remove thechief of the Amurru from office ARM 5 18:12;

nam isserijaus-hi deliver me from (lit. eradicate from me) that evil man HUCA 40-41 5829-588:10 (OA); li-su-uh-Su-ma may (Bunene) eradicate him MDP 2 115:7 (MB kudurru); issu mat AMur [nil-na-sah-hu weL

Sarru belsu ultu qereb ekalliSu itti amat lemutti u Sumu la damqu i-na-sah-4s the king, his lord, will throw him out of his palace with badwords and a bad reputation AAA 20 pl. 99 No. 105 r. 12 (Adn. III); PN adi kimtisu as-su-[ha] Lie Sar. 103, of. RN iStu qereb GN dl SarrutiSu

(Ihtar of Nineveh and IStar of Arbela) willeradicate him from Assyria ABL 58 r. 8 (NA), see Parpola LAS No. 213, cf. li-is-suh-an-na-am2i ABL 1105 r. 14 (NB treaty); eliS ina baltus

as-sub-ma ... astakkana aknuti I removed RN from GN, his royal city, and appointedWinckler Sar. pl. 26 governors everywhere No. 56: 10, also pl. 38 iv 26, etc.; Tarqg ultu qereb

tim li-is-si-iih-su here above may he (Samar) remove him from among the living CH xliii 36; [ra]gga u sena i-na-as-sa-hu STT 340:17; dSUH.RIM ... na-si-ih ajabi gimirSunu ina kakku En. el. VII 43, of. na-si-ih ajibiibid. 48; DN li(var. adds -is)-suh-8?t-nu-ti

mat Musur i-na-sah-u-ma if they removed even Tirhaka from Egypt (how can we remainin office?)Streck Asb. 12 i 122.

Maqlu VII 15; nakarSu elis u saplis as-su-uhma libba mdti utib VAB 4 174 ix 30 (Nbk.); see also AfO 17 133:32, in lex. section.

2' to expel, reject a child: PN mar PN, mdrijaaEhh abisu la i-na-as-sa-hu-u PN is the son of PN,, my son, his father's brothers must not expel him PBS 5 100 iv 5, cf. ana la na-sahi-,u ibid.; if a man intends ana mdriSu na-sa-hi-im to expel his son CH 168:10, cf. mdri a-na-sa-ah ibid. 14, also if a man intends ana tarbitim na-sa-hli-im to reject an adopted son CH 191: 83; ina aplitida i-na-sh-ah-Au CT 8 49b:19, also ina apltilu

b) to deport people, to depopulate a region - 1' to deport people: Sarrum wdsib dl pdtim i-na-as-s-a the king will deport theresidents of a border town YOS 10 26 ii 29 (OB ext.); mar PN Turukki Sa ana Bdbili na-ds-hu ARM 4 5:6, cf. [....] na-sa-ha-amile'i ARM 2 67 r. 13'; adum na-sa-ah dldn concerning

the deporting of the exiles

ARM 6 71:4;

ERiN.MEi--nu is-su-ha BRM 4 49:20 (Arikden-ili); 8 AR sdbe ... itu eberti Purattias-


nasahu lbsu-ha-ma ana libbi mdtija urd I deported

nasaihu Ic alanisunuat-tas-haKAH 2 83 r. 3 (Adn. II); GN u GN 2 ana pat gimrisunu as-su- (a>-amma Rost Tigl. III vol. 2 pl. 21:12; na-si-ih

28,800 inhabitants (of Hatti) from beyond the Euphrates and brought (them) into mycountry Weidner Tn. 26 No. 16:30, 30 No. 17:24;

Kasku gimir Tabali u Hilakku

Winckler Sar.

4000 Saliassunu is-su-ha ana mat GN userid he deported 4,000 prisoners of war and brought them down to Assyria AKA 129 ii 2, also it-ta-sah AKA 134 iii 11, etc., note alqdas-su-ha ana nise mdtija amnu AfO 18 350:21 (all Tigl. I); ina mesuma RN ... GI.GIGIR. MES-si rakissu 500 ERIN.HI.A.MES-s4 uI a-su-

pl. 38 IV 35, also pl. 48:8 and passim in Sar.,

cf. as-su-uh-ma KUR Kasku KUR Tabalu KURHilakku atrud RNibid. pl. 27 No. 57:3;


forgave that country42:258;

usabtila na-sa-ah-~fd1ibid. pl. 20 No.

and stopped depopulating it

na-si-ih [mat] nakiri mu'abbit dad:


he who depopulates the enemy'swho destroys their settlementsGN GN2 GN 3 obscure:

ha ana matija Assur ubla at that time I deported RN (the ruler of GN), his equipped chariotry, 500 of his soldiers, and brought (them) to my country Assyria AKA 358 iii 43, cf. sitatisunu as-su-ha ana GN ubla AKA380 iii 113, and passim in Asn. with abdlu, also a-su-ha ina GN uSasbit AKA 362 iii 54; PN adi

OIP 2 144:5 (Senn.);

ki-si-tu sa KUR Subre istu mat Assur na-sa-hi(see kisitu A) KAH 2 84:35 (Adn. II); fornasahuwith matu see CT 16 14 iii 39f., OECT 6 8 K.5001:4f., in lex. section; for nasahu

ilaniSu narkabdtisu siseiu 22 lim ERIN.HI.Asu a-su-ha-Su ana dlija Assur ubla WO 2 30 ii5, and passim in Shalm. III, also a-su-ha ana nise mdtija amntsu Iraq 25 52:28, WO 2 410 ii 3 (Shahn. Ill); ultu asrisunu a-su-hasinu-ti Rost Tigl. III p. 44:13; x nise ... as-su-

said of supiru and tarbasu see the bil. passages cited in lex. section.c) to remove a garment, a load, a struc-

ture, etc.: i-na-sah u inandi damqiti sa pa[... ] he removes and puts away the good(garments) of [...] Gilg. VIII ii 22; Sa kaq

ha-am-ma [... ] ina mat atti useSib Lie Sar. 22, cf. ultu aSribunu as-sub- c-nu-ti i[na mat] Hatti uSesibsuniti ibid. 67, and passim in this phrase in Sar., also as-su-ha-da-sd-nu-ti-ma ana qereb GN urassuncti ibid. 77; ilani bitabisu Sdsu asSassu mdresu maratesu ahheSu

T1f .HI.A-si-na li-su-uh-hu-ma ARM 1 8:32; agdm ssram simat belitim ul qadisina uul i-na-as-sh-ah(text -')-ma ana sarri ... inaddin KAR 19 r.(!) 9, see Ebeling, Or. NS 23 211; dA.GIL.MA = saq na-si-ih a-ge-e En. el. VII 82; the king who shattered the creatures

zer bit abisu as-su-ha(var. adds -am)-ma anamat Arur urassu GN ...OIP 2 30 ii 64, also 69:21,

of Tiamat

u-suh-ma suma suknanniu-suh 4 -ma

na-si-hu kakkesa

ibid. 91;


take away myin

cf. as-suh nagab Ahlame ibid. 77:13; nutiRN


burden, give me fame Bab. 12 pl. 6 r. 16, wr.KAR 170 VAT 10529:4 (Etana);

as-su-ha-am-ma tupSikku uasdisu

ibid. 95:71 and parallel (Senn.); na-si-ih Lyon Sar. 3:18, 14:26, etc.; sabe mdditu

personal names:

U-suh-bil-ti-Marduk BE 15

ina libbi nit-tas(!)-ha ABL 1437:8, of. ABL 893 r. 4 and 6 (both NB); ina muhhi na-sa-hiSa bit abija ABL 1042:2, cf. issu GN at-tasa-ah-1i ibid. r. 1 (both NA).

168:7, of. Sin-u-su-uh-bil-ti BE 14 19:11, ibid. 10:14 and BE 15 39:6, wr. Sin-LA-bil-ti

Sin-u-suh4-bil-ti BE 14 151:22 (all MB);banna ina egli na-sa-hu


Surpu III 40; diuru

2' to depopulate a region: when he stoodup against GN, GN 2 , and GN 3 u ji-is-si-uhsi-ni IIja-[a]n-[n]a-ki-en-n[i] u jisbatmi GN,

subassu as-suh-ma qereb tdmti addima I removed its wall and foundation (i.e., those of Sidon) and threw (them) into the sea uBorger Esarh. 48 ii 69; sa kisalli Sapli samessu

is-suh-ma YOS 1 38 i 36 (Sar.); uncert.: ta-assi-uh bi-ti-u SEM 117 ii 17; sa igdri isissu lu-sub-ma (var. liibutma) Cagni Erra IV 126;

he depopulated them and seized GN 4


250:45; ina Sattimma sidti ina ITI.KI.MIN-ma GN Sa GN 2 it-tas-ha in the very same year

dumma E is-suh sa libbi biti 4-Bap-BRM 4 24:28 (iqqur ipu comm.); usrassu ittas-hu BHT pi. 10 vi 21 (Nbn. Verse Account);

and month he depopulated (the town of) GNwhich is in GN, AKA 135 iii 15 (Tigl. I), of. 3



nasahu ldGIB su-up-Sd-a-te it-ta-sa-ah ABL 951:8 (NA);

nasaihu 2asa-hu (see kalakku A mng. la) ARM 3 5:33f., also kalakkam madam a-na-as-sa-ah ibid. 79:10; epere GN as-su-ha-am-ma ina bit akiti ... ugarrin I removed the rubble from Babylon and piled it up in the Akitu houseOIP 2 138:47, cf. epere mala ba:l as-suh-ma

lu-us-su-ha (var. lu-us-suh) simassu (parallelluShut) Cagni Erra IV 120; one hundred talents

of silver as-su-ha-am-ma a[na mat Assur ... ubla] Iraq 18 126 r. 13 (Tigl. III); KI.NE is-suh4KAR 177 iii 6 (iqqur ipuS); note in idiomatic use

with (h)ippu: hippi sa kiCsd Purattim as-sii h-ma I removed the hippu structures(?) from along the banks of the Euphrates RA33 50 i 23 (Jahdunlim), cf. ip-pa-am sa panija

ana iD Arahti addi ibid. 84:52, also qaqqarsu as-suh-ma ina Purattu ana tdmti usabilibid. 137:38 (all Senn.); (a whirlwind arose)

lu-us-su-[uh], hi-ip-pa-am sa panika i-na-shah (unpub. Mari, cited Dossin, ARMT 10 252), of. ARM 10 1:8.

epere qerbisu is-su-uh-ma and removed the dust (accumulated) therein (and the outlinesbecame visible) VAB 4 96 i 21 (Nbk.); epere YOS 1 45 i 43, cf. CT 34 karmisu as-su-uh 35:53, epere qerbisu as-su-uh-ma VAB 4 264 i 30, also 248 iii 32 (all Nbn.); (from the

d) to withdraw an object from its case or location: ana surinnim sa amas ana -i-im sa GN is-su-hu-?t-ma PBS 7 108:14; iStu GN ina GN2 ni-is-si -hu[...] ana mat [...] is-su-haJCS 18 63:5; am-ma ARM 10 31 r. 2'; see also JTVI 26153ff. iv 6, in lex. section.le'u ana ta,-lim-da ZI.ME-niIraq 26 15:23, see Hunger Kolophone No. 164:1, ana amari naas-ha CT 33 11 r. 12, see Hunger Kolophone No. 308:1, anatahsistizamar zi-ha Laessoe Bit Rimki p. 36 K.9235 r. 9, see Hunger Kolophone No. 336:1, ana tubbidu zi-ha KAR 104 r. 34 and 321 r. 16, see Hunger Kolophone No. 289:1, of. ana tu-ub zi-hi SBH 151 No. 24 r. 28, and 53 No. 26 edge 1, see also epeu mng. Ic-l',c) in astron.: for zI "to move, to have avelocity" see Neugebauer ACT p. 496 f. s.v. z i, AfO 16 pl. 18 r. 15, JCS 21 cf. also, wr. zI-hi 202 r. 14.d) other occs.: sd adi reseSu ... TA qerebGN is-su-ha-am-ma ana GN 2 erumma adirisuSib he moved away from GN with his alliesand, entering GN,, stayed (there) out of fearWiseman Chron. is-suh-ma Lie Sar. 370; 60:52, see Grayson Chronicles No. 3:52, cf. ibid. 74.muiepig~tu mng. 2, tdmartu, zamaru A mng. Id, dulluti, hantiS, and zamar mng. Ib,for other refs. see index s.v. nasahu. Hunger Kolophone p. 169c) in the formula lu nasha (or nussuha) lu bera, etc.: see beru A v. mng. Ic.7. to move on, to displace oneself a) in8.to pass, said of time -a)in OB:OA: ina tuppim Sa Alim ta-na-sa-ah-ma ina Alim atta u PN tdtawwua you are to move on according to the written order of the City so that you and PN can negotiate in the City (parallel: ammala tuppim a Alim ana Alimsiama line 13) BIN 4 114:8 (= MVAG 35/3 No. 326), also ammalatuppim a Alim 4-sgi-uh-maana bil awdtika ina Alim a-wa-ta-ka dinVAT 9215:12 (= MVAG 35/3 No. 325); ammaUD.10.KAM kima na-sa-hi-im BIN 7 192:2, see Kraus, JCS 3 51 n. 6; TD.4.KAM i-su-uh-ma BE 6/2 81 r. 2, UD.X.KAM na(!)-si-ih-ma Gordon Smith College 54:1, of. Friedrich, BA 5 523 No. 66:8; UD.20.KAM BA.ZAL-ma TCL 18 78:10, and passim with BA.ZAL, note UD.1. KAM BA.ZAL.LA RA 12 71:8, wr. BA.ZAL.AM Jean Tell Sifr 1:6; MN UD.27.KAM i-su-uh-ma Zrub MN 2 UD.26.KAM i-na-sa-ah-ma i-s8-i CT 48 111 r. 3 and 6, cf. MN UD.25.KAM irub MN 2 UD.25.KAM i-na-s4-ah-ma ussi PBS 8/2 213:13;he did not come here quickly but tarried MN UD.10.[KAM] li-is-s4-uh-[ma] ... alkam there TCL 4 35:14, of. iSti PN PN, li-si-ha-am lzpusunim let them come on the tenth of MN kam PN li-s4-ha-am let him transfer PNBIN 6 32:14. TCL 17 64:9; exceptionally referring to years:10oi.uchicago.edunasahu 8bMU ... BA.ZAL YOS 5 208 i 5, MU.3.AM BA.nasahu 9matter CCT 2 30:16 (OA); adi a-wa-at naditimZAL.LA RA 26 111 No. 6:10; see also Ai. IV iii 42, Hh. I 10, in lex. section.ta-na-sa-hu until you settle the affair concerning the naditu woman CT 6 8:16, cf. awd:tim sitdl nu-us-si-ih-ma CT 6 28b :21, see Frankena, AbB 2 112 (both OB); note in a differentb)in Mari:the day I dispatched thisITI.1.KAM UD.3.KAM iS-Sc-Uhletter of minethree days of the new month had passed(in GN) ARMT 13 29:8, cf. UD.12.KAM is-8Uuh-ma PN ana GN iksudam ARM 5 83:5, also ARM 2 78:15; MN UD.3.KAM i-na-sa-ah ana belija [a]kagSa[dam] ibid. 41 and 7; UD.X. KAM BA.ZAL-ma [ina] kinsikim ARM 1 67:18, of. ARM 1 5:46, and passim.sirnuance: the ruler of Eshnunna wrote me about taking the oath a-wa-tum mimma sa ina tuppi ni ill as-si-hu ibasima ana GN aSpur there was some matter in the treaty which I had arranged(?) and so I sent a message to Eshnunna (but the ruler of Eshnunna isobstinate) dubbubtu ARM 1 37:24. to reject a complaint: dubbubsin OB Alalakh: c) Wiseman Alalakh 27:7.UD.6.KAM BA.ZALtar ana ramanika la ta-n[a-a]s-sa-ah you must not reject the complaint on your owninitiative YOS 2 27:19 (OB let., coll. M. Stol).d)in Elam:MN UD.21.KAM is-sic-u-maMDP 23 326:12, also MDP 22 165:24, DAFI 6 98 2:8, 3:6. e) in Nuzi: adi MN [...] 15 UD-mi i-na-as-sa-ah until 15 days of the month of MN have passed JEN 554:8; ana 11 UD-mi MN nasa-hi HSS 16 38:10, of. ina 10 uD-mi-ti nasa-hi MN HSS 19 118:9 and 12; MN igammar u MN 2 10-su i-na-sa-ah ... utdr he returnslibbu to derange the mind: (you do not send me news about your well-being) a.ser ana iSriu halqdkunima u li-bi4 -i na-as-hu even if I were lost ten times and out of my ICK 1 mind (lit. my mind were torn out) 17:10 (OA); aggis ina uzziu li-ib-ba-su li-issu-~h may (the god) in his great anger takeaway his senses RA 11 92 ii 21 (Kudur-Mabuk);49 and 51:8 (Woidner Chron.), see Grayson Chronicles No. 19; [UD.ME] ina zI-hi (var. na-sa-hi) ... [MU.ME] ina aldki CT 13 44 i 7, var. from STT 30 i 7, see AnSt 5 98 (Cuthean Legend);(the horse) when the month of MN is com- (the ghost who) dries out the palate na-sA-ih pletely over and ten (days) of the month of lib-bi muStemidu kalatesu deranges the mind, MN 2 have passed HSS 14 32:8, cf. the tablet squeezes the kidney region ZA 45 206 iv 11 is written in the month of Kiniinu of Zizza cf. na-si-ih lib-bi mustemidu kaldte (Bogh.), u egu 3-Su i-na-as-sa-ah Summa (uppu satir Maqlu VI 143, see AfO 21 78; ultu DN SA-si when three (days) had passed (after) the new zi-ha ever since Sama deranged his mind (moon) then the tablet was written HSS 19 ABL 290:8 (NB); see also CT 17 11:77 f., 19:19f., 119:19. in lex. section. f) in SB: 8 uD-me ina na-sa-hi ZA 42 niqe to perform a sacrifice (NA): niqeKAR 146 r.(!) i 9 and (with i-na-sa-ah added pan Ahdur) obv.(!) ii 15, see Or. NS 21 143f., also KAR 215 i 9, 18, see Or. NS 20 401f., also Ebeling Parfiimrez. pl. 16 r. 5, van Driel Cult of Asiur 136: 2f., 18, 88 vi 26, and, wr. zI-ah ibid. 126 ii 9, 136: 20, Speleers Recueil 308:6; niqu Sa MN MN 2 TA niqe na-sa-hu la tab TA niq Sa nubatti a TA salqu i-na-sa-hu-u-niilu ina addriduMI is-sub the moon, during whose eclipse night ended ACh Supp.27:15, also AfO 17 pl. 1:17; difficult: [... .] IT 18 ITI zI-ha iballut AMT 92,8:7, see also KAR 147: 1ff., in lex section.9. (in idiomatic phrases, arranged alphabetically according to direct objects): amatu to settle an affair, a matter: a-wa-tdm ispsrija i-sz--h-ma rid me of that 11i-na-sub it is not good to perform the sacrifice of MN (and) MN, with the (regular?) sacrifices, they should perform (them) with the evening sacrifice that they perform for(?) cooked meatvan Driel Cult of Assur 92 vii 45 and 47, cf. 94 viii 31, 35, and 38 (all rits. from Assur); ultu anaoi.uchicago.edunasaulu 9 na-sahniqg e e after I went up (to the temple)to perform the sacrifice Streck Asb. 82 x 24; paAiSrate raksa niqe it-ta-as-hu ABL 1360:8, cf. niqe i-na-sah ABL 864:9. pu to reject a request: si-u2h ARM 5 74:12. qatu -nashiu 9Der 30:10, YOS 13 374:9, etc.; qd-ti PN u PN2 na-ds-ha-a-ma CT 4 31b:8; note PN qd-ta-at PN2 is-si-uh-ma YOS 12 376:8, qd-ta-at PN u PN2 na-ds-ha-at-ma PBS 8/2 245:9, YOS 13 45:5, also (with u.DUs.A) ibid. 364:7, but Sr. DU.A.N.[I] PN [na-d]s-ha-ma ibid. 311:8, CT 48 40:8; note in 111/2: qd-ta-at PN u-ta-suha-ma CT 48 43:17, cf. jdim x A.SA anage'im tu-u,-ta-na-as-sd-ah Dalley Edinburgh 17:26 (all OB).[p]i-su-nu ni-is-a) to keep (someone) away -1' in gen.:i-na-as-sah svII-ki ina zumurserri ... anne he will keep you away from this child 4R 58 i 9 and 26 (Lamastu II); [us]hi qa-ti-sa ummidi ina muhhija En. el. II 85;b) to be finished with: ina didsim qd-tam ni-na-sh-ah we will be done with thethreshing TLB 4 54:13, f. urram ina na-hafli-iml qd-ti-i a-na-sd-[ah] TCL 1 17:10 (OB);ana minim qd-at-ka ina zumrija ta-as-szi-ih why did you refuse me help? RA 45 2:5; qd-ti bit abini ina puhri it-ta-ds-hu they kept our family away from the assembly CT 4 2 r.14;ina tibnim ... qd-ti kalima it-ta-sa-ah henote possibly a similar idiomatic use in NA with ahu: ahi issu muhhi ana ullue isitdtia-ta-ds-ha Iraq 17 127 No. 12: 36, see Postgate Taxation 392.kept me completely away from the strawTLB 4 52:14, cf. qd-ti it-ta-sa-ah TCL 18 120:21, ana 5 SE.GUR ekallim apalim qd-tamta-as-si-uh-ma you have refused to pay thefive gur of barley of the palace TCL 17 33:8.rugummu to reject a complaint: ru-gumu-sa ina bit amas na-ds-hu her complaint was rejected in the temple of Sama Waterman Bus. Doc. 31:12, cf. CT 45 1:6; baqriuunuu ru-gu-mu-su-nu na( !)-ds-hu-u ibid. 3:20; ru-2' referring to a claim: qa-ti PN mutiSa na-ds-ha-at-ma PN, her husband, being keptaway MCS 2 38 No. 2:7, p. 40 No. 8:7,No. 9:5, p. 41No. 12:5, p. 43 No. 14:4, also p. 30 No. 8:7 (= Szlechter TJA 112ff.), YOS 13 327:8 (all payments to be made by kezertu women);gu-me-su is-su-uh CT 2 43:28, cf. baqrisunu TCL 1 u ru-gu-ma-ni-su-nu ... is-su-ha74:18, a-ru-gi(text -zi)-ma-nu-sana-as-hu-maYOS 14 347:19, but ba-aq-ri-sui ru-gu-me-sn na-ds-hu ibid. 163:20 (all OB); see also Ai. VImahriam u warkiam qd-tam is-su-hu they gave up their claim to (the x barley), the earlier as well as the later (deliveries) CT 8 38c:23; um hadidnim sa PN kanikam sizubu idsassiamma qd-ti DUMU.SAL LUGAL i-na-sd-hu when, on the day which PN specified in his sealed promissory note, (the debt) is called in, they (the borrowers) will keep away the claim ofthe king's daughter (from PN) CT 48 108 r. 7; ana dabab ibbasd4 PN ana PN2 ... qd-tam i-na-as-sh-ah CT 48 45:15; qd-tam 2-su-uh Sumer 14 45 No. 21:15; (a third person) x ... qd-ti PN i-szi- h has kept away the claimii 15ff., in lex. section; note without rugun:mdl: ula iraggamu na-ds-hu CT 6 47a:14 (OB).supru to repulse: ina sab ramanijagi-puur LU Esnunna ina libbi halsija a-na-as-sh-ah with my own men I will repulse (lit. tear out the talon of) the ruler of Eshnunna from mydistrict OBT Tell Rimah 2:17.SipruKAMto terminate(?) a task: (uncert. mng.):ina UD.5.si-ip-ra-am stu lu-si-uh ARM 3 3:26.ina na-sa-ah sepgspiki sukni follow closelySE5pusa kass pija ...of PN (the creditor) on the barley VAS 9 173:8, cf. (the judges) qd-ti PN is-si-hu-maRA 14 95:14; qd-ti PN (the creditor) KI PN2the steps of my sorcerer (lit. put your feet where my sorcerer has lifted(?) his feet)Maqlu V 24; psu la zI-ah he cannot lift his feet Labat TDP 108 iv 24 and 236:50; sec also KAR 31 r. 5f., in lex. section.(the guarantor) u PN3 (the debtor) na-ah-sa-at (for naskat) PBS 8/2 207:13, cf. qd-ti PN na-is-ha-atibid. 216:6, also CT 8 33a: 13(!), VAS 7 98:7 and 138:9, TIM 5 63:7,