Dell Latitude/Inspiron El Capitan/ Sierra/highSierra ·...


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Dell Latitude/Inspiron El Capitan/Sierra/highSierra Clover Guide

Newest Clover version !!!!! According to the latest Version of the Generic EFI folder in Second Post!!! (4077 as time of writing)

Newest CloverConfigurator

Newest ssdtPRGen

curl -o ~/Library/

unzip -qu ~/Library/ -d ~/Library/mv ~/Library/ ~/Library/ssdtPRGen

rm ~/Library/  


Set to Default, apply, then set SATA Operations to AHCI, set Boot List Option to UEFI

- Turn off Serial & Parallel Port for docking station startup

- 6430: If dedicated NVIDIA Graphics card, enable Optimus

  Remove  "nv_disable=1". That disables the nvidia kext from loading, hence 4MB.

Also do not select Inject Nvidia.

if you want to get graphics going through HD4000, you need to:

1) inject Intel + set layout-id to 0x01660003 for screen resolution up to 1600x900

2) inject Intel + set layout-id to 0x01660004 + set DualLink to 1 for screen resolution above 1600x900

  settings of your Clover Config.plist in Graphics tab of Clover Configurator.


0. Right BIOS (UEFI) Version Flashed

1. A downloaded OS X El Capitan/Sierra/highSierra Application from the Mac App Store

2. USB flash drive (16GB minimum)

3. Clover Configurator 4.24+

4. Clover Loader v3320+


6. A system running OS X to create the USB Installer


0. Check for right bios being installed

1. make stick

Prepare a Bootable USB Drive (8GB minimum)

2. boot from stick

make guid partition named „mac“

Install OS X El Capitan

3. Post Installation

0. Check for right bios being installed:

6430: A12

6430s: A9

or you will get graphics artefacts

! You NEED windows for BIOS replacement !

! You CANNOT directly go from e.g. A17 to A12, You will need to downgrade to A3 (6430) respectively A1 (6430s) first, then upgrade to A12, A9 !


- Look in Bios > Other Version

- Just download & launch the .exe files under Windows, the computer will restart, and flashing will happen automatically.

- After flashing the first Bios (the lowest one, e.g. A3), if windows was installed using UEFI mode (most likely, especially with windows 10), you will need to go to Bios with F2 on startup, and change the default options to

• Sata Operaton -> AHCI• Boot List Option -> UEFI. • Enable Legacy Option Rom• Enable Windows Boot Manager• Apply and Exit

so that Windows will start for flashing the second time. If that does not work, use F12 to choose the hard drive where windows is installed manually. There, the Bios Presents 2 possible methods for starting from the Harddisk, UEFI and Legacy. Almost certainly windows is installed UEFI mode not Legacy Mode, so choose the Harddisk using this mode, boot up and patch the target Bios version (e.g. A12 on a 6430)

1: Prepare Bootable USB Drive with OS X

This step extracts the OS X Installer contents, then installs Clover bootloader to the USB stick.


1. Insert the USB drive on a running OS X system

2. Open /Applications/Utilities/Disk Utility

3. Highlight the USB drive in left column

4. Click on the Partition tab

5. Click Current and choose 1 Partition

6. Click Options...

7. Choose GUID Partition Table

8. Under Name: type USB (You can rename it later)

9. Under Format: choose Mac OS Extended (Journaled)

10. Click Apply then Partition

11. Go to Applications, right click on “Install OS X El Capitan/Sierra/highSierra ”/Show Package Contents/Contents/ SharedSupport

12. Mount InstallESD.dmg

- if you get “Device or resource busy” ->


hdiutil info | grep /dev/disk | grep partition | cut -f 1 | xargs hdiutil detach

in terminal and try again (the freshly downloaded installer automounts this disk image in the background somehow)

13. Launch ShowHiddenFiles and select “Show Special Files” ( app attached at the end of guide)

14. Mount BaseSystem.dmg (hidden) from “OS X Install ESD”, it mounts to “OS X Base System”

15. Use Disk Utility to restore “OS X Base System” to USB (Drag&Drop on DiskUtility up to 10.10, with DiskUtility redesign of 10.11+, Select USB. Then Click Edit>Restore, and Select “OS X Base System” from dropDown menu)

16. After restore is complete, USB is now renamed to “OS X Base System”. Go ahead and rename it to “Install OS X El Capitan/Sierra/highSierra” (in DiskUtility, click the new “OS X Base System” Partition contained in the USB stick you restored to, and select File > Rename (or directly click on the name OS X Base System on the right which is written in big letters)

17. Go to “Install OS X El Capitan/Sierra/highSierra”/System/Installation (right click in DiskUtility and select show in Finder) and delete the alias “Packages”.

18. Copy “Packages” from root of “OS X Install ESD” to “Install OS X El Capitan/Sierra/highSierra”/System/Installation

19. Copy BaseSystem.dmg and BaseSystem.chunklist (hidden

files) from “OS X Install ESD” to root of “Install OS X El Capitan/Sierra/highSierra”

20. Launch ShowHiddenFiles and select “Hide Special Files”

21. Download Clover !!!!! According to the latest Version of the Generic EFI folder in Second Post!!!

22. Open Clover package installer

23. Hit Continue, Continue, Change Install Location...

25. Choose “Install OS X El Capitan/Sierra/highSierra”

26. Hit Continue, then hit Customize. Select these items:

• Install for UEFI booting only• Install Clover in the ESP• Drivers64UEFI\OsxAptioFixDrv-64

27. Click Install

28. After installation of Clover, the hidden EFI Partition will appear on the Desktop

29. - Download the Generic EFI folder (for which your clover version must be identical!) and the Bootpack for your model AND OPERATING SYSTEM in post #2

- (optional) If you are using a point release of OS X (not e.g 10.11 but 10.11.6, additional steps might be necessary to circumvent problems. See

Update section in Post #4 & if needed

- open Applications ▸ Install OS X El Capitan/Sierra/ ▸ Contents ▸ info.plist : <key>BuildMachineOSBuild</key> defines OS X version of installer

e.g 15E64 is 10.11.4 (google for it)

- download patches provided in Post #4 and add the

contents into the Generic /EFI/Clover <- folder

e.g. for 10.11.4+ : Replace necessary files VoodooPS2Controller.kext , AppleHDAIDT.kext

- extract the BootGeneric EFI folder. replace the

contents (Boot and Clover Folders) of the Generic EFI folder IN the EFI folder in the root of the “EFI” partition. Replace the existing folders ( Boot and Clover folders - not merge)

- now extract the Bootpack ( contains BOTH 6430 and 6430s settings!!) If you have a highres display (1600x900), rename config-HiRes.plist to config.plist and replace existing config.plist.

30. You are now ready to install OS X El Capitan/Sierra/highSierra


 Note: Make a directory in the USB Installer and copy Tools, Clover package and EFI folder to it for easy access in Step 3 

2: Install OS X El Capitan

1. Turn on the computer with the USB Installer connected

2. Press F2 to configure the BIOS

• Sata Operaton -> AHCI• Secure Boot -> Disabled• Boot List Option ->

• - 6430: If dedicated NVIDIA Graphics card, enable Optimus

• Enable Legacy Option Rom• Apply and Exit

3. Hit F12 during boot, choose <Your USB Installer device> under UEFI Boot:

4. When Clover boot screen appears, choose Install OS X El Capitan

5. The system will then boot into the OS X Installer

6. Choose your language and hit -> to continue

7. For a new installation of OS X, you MUST erase and format the destination drive according to the following steps before continuing.

*If you are upgrading from Lion, Mountain Lion, Mavericks, or Yosemite and you want to keep your files and apps, skip steps a-i.

a. From the menu bar, click Utilities -> Choose Disk Utility

b. Highlight your target hard drive for the El Capitan installation in left column.

c. Click Erase tab

d. Under Scheme: GUID Partition Map

e. Under Name: type Macintosh SSD (You can rename it later)

f. Under Format: choose Mac OS Extended (Journaled)

g. Click Erase

h. Click on Partition Tab to add more partition if you prefer

i. Close Disk Utility

8. Click Continue, Continue, Agree

9. Select Macintosh SSD, or name of your existing drive, where you want to install El Capitan and click Continue

If you get "Fix the time and date before installing" :

Utilities > Terminal

Fix the date and time, e.g., date 101407002015 (i.e., Oct 14, 07:00 2015), restart

10. Upon completion, system will restart .

11. Press the F12 to choose boot device

12. Choose <Your USB Installer device> under UEFI Boot:

13. When Clover boot screen appears, choose Macintosh SSD or name of your existing drive

The system will boot into the new drive, and complete the installation…

14. Launch the terminal and enter the following command

     diskutil list

     Note: If you see     /dev/disk1 (internal, virtual):

then follow steps :

Core Storage1) From terminal, enter diskutil list. Note the virtual drive in red.  diskutil list[/size]  /dev/disk0 (internal, physical):     #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER     0:      GUID_partition_scheme                        *256.1 GB   disk0     1:                        EFI EFI                     209.7 MB   disk0s1     2:          Apple_CoreStorage Macintosh SSD           63.5 GB    disk0s2     3:                 Apple_Boot Recovery HD             650.0 MB   disk0s3  /dev/disk1 (internal, virtual):     #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER     0:                  Apple_HFS Macintosh SSD          +63.1 GB    disk1                                   Logical Volume on disk0s2                                   75DADC16-4B7F-4C7D-9660-10A1C2A9FC02                                   Unencrypted 2) From terminal, run diskutil cs revert /dev/disk1 <-Note the disk# when running diskutil3) Reboot with USB Installer and select the Installed drive4) Continue with 3. POST-INSTALLATION 

3: Post-Installation

Install Clover loader to Macintosh SSD

0. Go to System Preferences

• Allow apps downloaded from: Anywhere for Security & Privacy

• Sierra/High Sierra: sudo spctl --master-disable. To bring that option op

1. Open Clover package installer

2. Hit Continue, Continue, Change Install Location...

3. Choose “Macintosh SSD”

4. Hit Continue, then hit Customize. Select these items:

• Install for UEFI booting only• Install Clover in the ESP• Drivers64UEFI\OsxAptioFixDrv-64• Install RC scripts on target volume• Install Clover Preference Pane • Note: For non UEFI BIOS, see Note1 of post #2

5. Launch EFI-Mounter v3, select the disk you have OS X installed on (i.e. disk0s1, check with diskutil list)

6. Copy the EFI folder from the USB installer to EFI partition of Macintosh SSD (replace not merge)

7. Copy kexts from /EFI/Clover/Kexts/Other/LE to

SYSTEM/Library/Extensions of Macintosh


Note: Ignore warning/error messages and click OK, then run commands below.

8. Repair permission and rebuild cache. Run command from terminal

sudo chmod -Rf 755 /L*/E* sudo chown -Rf 0:0 /L*/E* sudo touch -f /L*/E*

sudo chmod -Rf 755 /S*/L*/E* sudo chown -Rf 0:0 /S*/L*/E* sudo touch -f /S*/L*/E* sudo kextcache -Boot -U / 

9. Go to System Preferences

• Disable Sleep of Laptop in Power Settings until further!!!!

• Enable Clicking for Trackpad• bedienungshilfen anzeige Kontrast erhöhen

10. Generate own SMBios and SSDT

• Launch /EFI/Clover/Config.plist with Clover Configurator (Included in Tools attached below)

• On the left, click on SMBIOS• Click on the magic Wand on the right• Select the model most suited for your system or

use same model included in bootpack, generate a new serial (Macbook pro 9.2 ivy bridge i5)

• Close Clover Config and save the file.• Execute from terminal (NEEDS

INTERNET! )Included in Tools attached below)•• Place generated SSDT.aml in /EFI/Clover/

ACPI/Patched• cp /Users/gubisch/Library/ssdtPRGen/ssdt.aml /Volumes/


11. Make sure to disable hibernation as it's a prerequisite to get sleep & wake to work Ok on a Hackintosh:

• sudo pmset hibernatemode 0• sudo rm -f /var/vm/sleepimage• sudo touch /var/vm/sleepimage• sudo chflags uchg /var/vm/sleepimage

Background info:

pmset -gThis terminal command will list all the current power settings/device settings.

FilesAll changes made through pmset are saved in a persistent preferences file (per-system, not per-user) at/Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/ Preferences Energy Saver modifies the same file

Scheduled power on/off events are stored separately in/Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/

hibernatemode = 0 (binary 0000) by default on supported desktops. The system will not back memory up to persistent storage. The system must wake from the contents of memory; the system will lose context on power loss. This is, historically, plain old sleep.hibernatemode = 3 (binary 0011) by default on supported portables. The system will store a copy of memory to persistent storage (the disk), and will power memory during sleep. The system will wake from memory, unless a power loss forces it to restore from disk image.hibernatemode = 25 (binary 0001 1001) is only settable via pmset. The system will store a copy of memory to persistent storage (the disk), and will remove power to memory. The system will restore from disk image. If you want "hibernation" - slower sleeps, slower wakes, and better battery life, you should use this setting.

If pmset -g shows: autopoweroff**1, disable this automatic hibernation mode (happens even if hibernation mode is set to 0 on the new Mac mini 2012 and iMac)sudo pmset -a autopoweroff 04. set the safe sleep timer (standbydelay) to 20 hours, default is 4200 (1.67 hr)sudo pmset -a standbydelay 720005. sudo pmset -a standby 0

While researching this, I noticed that bit 3 of hibernatemode encourages the dynamic pager to page out inactive pages prior to hibernation. So this appears to be why I have swap used after sleeping (even though my hibernatemode is 0, so bit 3 is off). I disabled this new, possibly buggy behaviour by switching off standby: sudo pmset -a standby 0View the sleep image size:ls -lh /private/var/vm/sleepimage

12. check if SIP is disabled:

normally already disabled.

13. DisableEncryptedSwap

sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ DisableEncryptedSwap -boolean yes

Needed for hackintosh.The advantage should be just a slightly less overhead on the page in & out process. Personally I disabled it because I am having massive page outs just running safari, and I want to test if the situation improves. Maybe disabling the secure memory bypasses some bugs. Still it is here for reference.

to test:

sysctl vm.swapusage

to activate sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ DisableEncryptedSwap -boolean no

14. If SSD: enable Trim (REQUIRES REBOOT!!!)

Apple added a new command named “trimforce” from OS X 10.10.4 and OS X 10.11 (El Capitan). To run trimforce type the following command into the terminal window :

sudo trimforce enable

sudo reboot

15. mount disk noatime

Create plist file:

sudo vim /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.noatime.plistThen paste this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""><plist version="1.0"><dict><key>Label</key><string>com.noatime</string><key>ProgramArguments</key><array><string>mount</string><string>-uwo</string><string>noatime</string><string>/</string></array><key>RunAtLoad</key><true/></dict></plist>

17. run Monolingual (warning, requires always version taylored to specific macOS)remove other languages!!

18. performance fixes

disable Message Centerlaunchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchAgents/

turn off as many as possible:Spotlight

Erweiterungendock° minimisierung° linearnatural scrolling deactivate

Accessibility”Choose ‘Display’ (it’s usually the default panel to open) and check the box for “Reduce Transparency”System Preferences go to “Extensions”Click on “Today” from the left side menu and uncheck all options you don’t need or care about – Weather, Stocks, Social, Reminders, etc

Spotlight alles ausser ^programme Systemeinstellungen Dokumente Ordner abwählen

System Preferences > Sound and uncheck the ‘Play user interface sound effects box.’System Preferences > Extensions > Today and uncheck all the unwanted Extensions.System Preferences > Accessibility > Display and then check the Reduce Transparency box to turn it off.

Open System Preferences > Dock then select Scale effect under ‘Minimize windows using’ setting.

Remove Mission Control: copy/paste the following lines into Terminal's command-line one at a time and hit the Enter key after each one:

defaults write mcx-expose-disabled -bool TRUE [Enter]

killall Dock [Enter]

Remove Dashboard: copy/paste the following lines into Terminal's

command-line one at a time and hit the Enter key after each one:

defaults write mcx-disabled -boolean YES [Enter]

killall Dock [Enter]

login items itunes helper weg

add finder quit dialog


<key>TB Size Mode</key><integer>1</integer>



<key>Neuer Ordner</key>


<key>Neues Fenster</key>



Xtra finder: dlete/entfernen taste löscht

@ Command (Apple) CMD

~ Option OPT

$ Shift SHIFT

^ Control CTRL

defaults write QuitMenuItem 1 [Enter]

killall Finder [Enter]

19. install apps


sudo ln -s /usr/libexec/locate.updatedb /usr/bin/updatedb

Prevent Creative Cloud from loading at startup [Mac]It gets loaded from here:/Library/LaunchAgents/com.adobe.AdobeCreativeCloud.plistRun this in Terminal to disable it for your user:launchctl unload -w /Library/LaunchAgents/com.adobe.AdobeCreativeCloud.plistIf you find you miss it, bring it back thusly:launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchAgents/com.adobe.AdobeCreativeCloud.plist

little snitch or handoff

programs drag&Drop ordner in Programme droppen, (preferences files kopieren:

Cyberduck (/install/Preferences/cyberduck select all, drag&drop into cyberdock bookmarks window, SCHLÜSSELBUND IMPORTIEREN!!)darktable

Preferences and application support files locationPreferences are saved in ~/Library/Preferences/ch.sudo.cyberduck.plist.Bookmarks, history, profiles and workspace information is saved in the application support directory. These settings are

shared with Cyberduck CLI and Mountain Duck.~/Library/Group Containers/ Support/duck/Navigate to the Library folder using ⌘⇧-L or use Go → Go to Folder… in Finder.

Thunderbird (cp -R /install/Preferences/Thunderbird /Users/gubisch/Library/)

Firefox (cp -R /install/Preferences/Firefox /Users/gubisch/Library/ApplicationSupport/)

Keka (1x öffnen und „als Standard Komprimierer/Entpacker festlegen“) SuperDuper!BBEDIT EasyFindFind Any File

Separat zu installieren

Little snitch (blocken mit Littlesnitch!) needs reeboot.XtraFinder (preferences XtraFinderGubisch von /Install/Preferences importieren)Tuxera NFTS Mac 2015 RC (blocken mit Littlesnitch!) needs reboot.graphicconverterphotomechanic (späta mal preferences sichern!)photoshop (method2. blocken mit Littlesnitch!)

mp2100 duckertreiber, scannertrieber & navigator (MP Navigator EX umbenennen Canon MP Navigator - Scanner Utility canon utilities Ordner in applications löschen,

alles mit littlesnitch sperren und config saven.

 Display 2 external monitors

Do not press Fn-F8 under OS X, it will indeed screw up your display both on external and built-in screens. However, if you do, you can recover by putting computer to sleep, then wake it. The patched SNB framebuffer normally support auto-detection of VGA output. If required, click on the "Detect displays" button in the

display PrefPane (requires you to press [Alt] or [Win] key 1st) or put laptop to sleep, then wake it.

all you need to do is copy the patched FB kext to /L/E, repair permissions and rebuild the cache. Increase the patched kext's version and it will take preference over the vanilla kext in /S/L/E.





/Library/Application\ Support/Adobe/AAMUpdaterInventory/1.0/AdobeUpdaterAdminPrefs.dat

if you have trial active or expired after patching an app nothing will change in Creative Cloud interface but the program will start without any issues.

For aesthetic reasons you may perform trial reset by running these two commands in terminal:

sudo killall ACCFinderSync "Core Sync" AdobeCRDaemon "Adobe Creative" AdobeIPCBroker node "Adobe Desktop Service" "Adobe Crash Reporter"sudo rm -rf "/Library/Application Support/Adobe/SLCache/" "/Library/Application Support/Adobe/SLStore/" "/Library/Caches/."* "/private/

tmp/zx"* "~/Library/Preferences/Adobe/."*

launchctl unload -w /Library/LaunchAgents/com.adobe.AdobeCreativeCloud.plist

Camera Raw 9.1 disables hardware support for Intel HD 4000 on MacOS 10.10

Adobe id

• Note that the GPU options in Photoshop’s Preferences and Bridge’s Preferences have no effect on Camera Raw.

• Camera Raw’s GPU implementation is used only to accelerate the drawing of the main preview image within the Camera Raw dialog. It is not used for other tasks, such as saving images to disk, or opening images into Photoshop.

Nikon D750: works with Adobe Camera Raw 8.7+

Workaround: replace the "Camera Raw.plugin" (v.9.1) in /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Plug-Ins/CC/ File Formats with the "old" Camera Raw.plugin.


The most convenient way to work with multiple camera raw images is to use the Filmstrip view in Camera Raw. Filmstrip view opens by default when you open multiple images in Camera Raw from Adobe Bridge.

Workflow: Bridge photos auswaeheln cmd + a für alle im Folder. Cmd + R in Camera Raw öffnen mit filmstrip. Bearbeiten, und löschen im strip mit delete/entf .. dann Filmstrip anschicken, cmd + a alle Bilder speichern, im popup Fenster speichern. Dann auf fertig klicken, Bilder Werden im Hintergrund gespeichert und du kannst im Bridge schon den nächsten Ordner anfangen mit cmd + a

Images can have three states in the Filmstrip pane: deselected, selected (but not active), and active (also selected). In general, adjustments are applied to all selected images.You can also synchronize settings to apply settings from the active image to all selected images. You can quickly apply a set of adjustments to an entire set of images—such as all shots taken under the same conditions—and then fine-tune the individual shots later, after you’ve determined which you’ll use for your final output. You can synchronize both global and local adjustment settings.

• To select an image, click its thumbnail. To select a range of images, Shift-click two thumbnails. To add an image to a selection, Ctrl-click (Windows) or Command-click (Mac OS) its thumbnail.

• To change which image is active without changing which images are selected, click a navigation arrow nav_arrow.png ¬ at the bottom of the preview pane.

• To apply settings from the active image to all selected images, click the Synchronize button at the top of the Filmstrip pane and choose which settings to synchronize.

• To apply a star rating, click a rating under the image thumbnail.

• To mark selected images for deletion, click Mark For Deletion P_Delete_Sm_N.png ¬.A red X appears in the thumbnail of an image marked for deletion. The file is sent to the Recycle Bin (Windows) or Trash (Mac OS) when you close the Camera Raw dialog box. (If you decide to keep an image you marked for deletion, select it in the Filmstrip pane and click Mark For Deletion again, before you close the Camera Raw dialog box.)

For a tutorial on synchronizing edits across multiple Camera Raw photos, see Synchronizing edits in Adobe Camera Raw by Dan Moughamian.

Die Antwort auf die richtige SSD stellt sich weniger über die Performance, sondern eher über den Preis und damit die Kapazität. Moderne SSDs von Crucial, Plextor, OCZ, Intel und Samsung, die Sie auch in unserem Einkaufsführer finden, eignen sich allesamt zur Photoshop-Beschleunigung. Perfektionisten halten dabei Photoshop-Cache (hier genügt eine SSD mit 64 GiB), Arbeitsdaten (ebenfalls 64 GiB) und Windows (256 GiB oder mehr) auf getrennten Datenträgern vor, um das SATA-Nadelöhr zu umgehen.

Bridge zeigt, dass Camera Raw-Bearbeitung nicht aktiviert ist

LösungUm Camera Raw-Bearbeitung in Bridge zu aktivieren, müssen Sie die folgenden Schritte nur einmal ausführen.

1 Adobe Photoshop starten.2 Schließen Sie Adobe Bridge.3 Starten Sie Adobe Bridge neu.

Camera Raw-Bearbeitung ist jetzt in Adobe Bridge aktiviert.

Mac OS X: Benutzerordner auf anderes Volume verschieben

Getting DW1550 / DW1560 to work on Sierra

<dict><key>Comment</key><string>AirPortBrcm4360 - fcvo</string><key>Disabled</key><false/><key>Find</key><data>gflSqgAAdSk=</data><key>Name</key><string>AirPortBrcm4360</string><key>Replace</key>


* Install kexts from from Rehabman:

FakePCIID.kext FacePCIID_Broadcom_WiFi.kext

( via )

BrcmPatchRam2.kext BrcmFirmwareRepo.kext

( via )

to /System/Library/Extensions

sudo chmod -Rf 755 /L*/E*sudo chown -Rf 0:0 /L*/E*sudo chmod -Rf 755 /S*/L*/E*sudo chown -Rf 0:0 /S*/L*/E*sudo touch -f /L*/E*sudo touch -f /S*/L*/E*sudo kextcache -Boot -U /

Und bei Fehler mehrmals machen. Immer nachschauen obs die files nach dem reboot im Ordner noch gibt!!!!

Tastatur gehört auf deutsch gestellt.

Adobe bridge version!!!da delete shortcut auf Backspace nicht geht in spaeterer version.evtl.

/Users/gubisch/Library/Application\ Support/Adobe/XMP/Metadata\ Templates/©\ gubisch.xmp

droplet geht nicht ist photoshop problemraw probleme ist photoshop problem

Wenn apple crash report high CPU verursacht:

launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchAgents/ launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/

launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchAgents/ launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/

Activity Monitor Crashactivity monitor crash, cannot load it anymore, unless I delete ~/Library/Preferences/

Adobe unnecessary startup items:Aber du kannst du dateien/Library/LaunchAgents/com.adobe.AdobeCreativeCloud.plist/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.adobe.agsservice.plistja mal auf den desktop ziehen und den rechner neu starten...

Dann sollte es vermutlich weg sein.

com.adobe.AAM.Updater-1.0.plist ist auch nicht zwingend notwendig - das programm sucht nur nach updates.

Adobe Photoshop: cephhtml engine problem (Stand: Mai 2017: unresolved in default installation of CC2015.5 u. CC2017.ActivityMonitor.plist.


Adobe Bridge error Cache at startup: ~library/caches/Adobe/Bridge and in there should be 2 files: Adobe Bridge Plug-in Cache and the folder called Cache.In there should be 4 folders called '254', '1024', 'data' and 'full'Delete them all.

Also go in same user library to the folder Preferences and look for the file called "com.adobe.bridge5.plist" Drag this file to the trash. Finally hold down option key (alt) while starting Bridge to get the option to reset the preferences.

Quit Adobe Bridge Hold down Command + Option + Shift While holding down the keys, open Bridge Tick the first two boxes (the third will be grayed out) Click “Ok”*

That’s it. You will be on your way to a happy relationship with Adobe Bridge once again.

The good news is that Bridge should be back to normal. Unfortunately, you will probably have to do this every couple months when Bridge starts acting up. I would rather the Application work right and have to reset my settings a few times a year than deal with it not working.

for months now Bridge has been working okay but minibridge in both Indesign and Photoshop just shows grey boxes instead of the pictures.This fixed it immediately. I tried holding the keys down (on a PC) and launching Bridge as suggested and it didn’t work. I did find on an Adobe forum (I think) of trying the reverse. That is launching Bridge and then IMMEDIATELY holding the 3-key sequence and voila! Thanks again!*NOTE: this will erase all your Adobe Bridge settings.

All removed files will refresh itself with new and empty ones after you have restarted Bridge.

Again hold down option key to restart Bridge and choose reset preferences

Now you have a fresh almost out of the box Bridge with factory default settings and empty cache. You need to set your custom wishes in prefs again and also custom UI colors. Your custom work spaces are also still there but might to be reset.

Now you need to recache the lot to rebuild the thumbs and previews, you can do so overnight and if you want all your images cached just pick the main folder and in menu view use 'show items from subfolders' and let it run for a while.