Dangerous Goods By Air Marking & Labeling Course Version 1.0 Jan 2010 Instructor Chad Martin


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Dangerous Goods By Air Marking & Labeling Course

Version 1.0 Jan 2010

Instructor Chad Martin

• Course Objective – Following this training you should be able to identify and label a properly packed and documented hazardous shipments including the following:

• Identify package specification requirements • Hazard Placard labeling • Label Shipper and consignee address• Label Directional arrows• Label Proper Shipper Name, Net Qty, and UN / ID #s • Label Over-packs and Limited QTY

• Course Limitations – Following the successful completion of this course you will only be certified to label hazardous material. You will not be certified to handle any other aspect of dangerous goods including:

• Classification of DG • Physically Packing DG • Identifying DG • Documenting DG

Shipper Labeling Responsibilities Shipper is responsible for properly marking and labeling each package of DG

Each package must be appropriate sized to accommodate all required labeling

Ensure all irrelevant marking is obliterated

Ensure appropriate labels are durable and placed in correct location

Types of Marking Package Specification 7.1.2.

• Package design and specification markings must be visible and legible as outlined in section 6 of the IATA DG book (this requirement does not apply to limited qty shipments)

• Package markings will be formatted similar to the following example

• UN / 4G/ Y / 30 /S / 09 / USA / MM2234

• The letters UN must precede all package specification requirements

• The sequence as listed above must be adhered to

Package specification markings continued

• Definition of markings

• UN / 4G/ Y / 30 /S / 09 / USA / MM2234

• UN – United Nations packing symbol

• 4 - Code number listing type of packaging

• 1- Drum, 2-Reserved, 3-Jerrican, 4-Box,5-Bag, 6-Composite

• G – Packing Material code

• A – Steel, B-Aluminum, C-Natural Wood, D-Plywood, F-Reconstituted wood, G-Fibreboard, H-Plastic , L – Textile, M-Paper, N-Metal, P-Glass

Package specification markings continued

• Definition of markings

• UN / 4G/ Y / 30 /S / 09 / USA / MM2234

• Y - Packing group designation, can be either X,Y,or Z • X- PG I, PGII, or PGIII• Y- PGII or PGIII• Z- PG III only

• 30 – Weight or relative density limit • For single packing containing liquids it will be a decimal i.e. 1.2

(maximum density 1.2)• For packages with solids or inner packs it will be a whole number in

kilos i.e.30 (maximum weight 30kg)

Package specification markings continued

• Definition of markings

• UN / 4G/ Y / 30 /S / 09 / USA / MM2234• S - Letter designation for what package contains • For packages intended to contain solids or inner packing the letter “S”

will be designated • For single packages intended to contain liquids test pressure number

will be designated

• 09 - Designates year the packaging was made

• USA - Designates country of manufacture, i.e. USA , NL, DE

• MM2234 – Manufacturer or identifier of supplier that made the packaging

Package specification markings continued

• Definition of markings

• UN / 4G/ Y / 30 /S / 09 / USA / MM2234• S - Letter designation for what package contains • For packages intended to contain solids or inner packing the letter “S”

will be designated • For single packages intended to contain liquids test pressure number

will be designated

• 09 - Designates year the packaging was made

• USA - Designates country of manufacture, i.e. USA , NL, DE

• MM2234 – Manufacturer or identifier of supplier that made the packaging

Package specification markings continued

Examples of markings on packages

Package specification markings continued• Where to verify packing specification information on the hazardous dec

• UN / 4G/ Y / 30 /S / 09 / USA / MM2234

Shipper and Consignee Address labels

• Every DG package must be labeled with a shipper and consignee address label that contains full shipper name and address.

• Every Label must be legible and match the hazardous declaration EXACTLY to the letter.

• If possible Shipper and consignee address labeled should be placed on the same side as the UN marking and DG labels. If there is not sufficient room these labels must be placed on an adjacent side preferably the top of the package.

Shipper and Consignee Address labels

• Where to find shipper and consignee address on Hazardous declaration

Shipper and Consignee Address labels

• Where to place this on package

Shipper and Consignee Address labels

• Where to place if there is not room on the same side

Labeling UN# Proper Shipping Name, and

QTY information • Every package must be labeled with the Proper Shipping name, UN

# and Qty information

• This label MUST be on the same side of the package as the hazardous diamond label identifier

• This information must match EXACTLY with the information on the

hazardous declaration to the letter

Labeling UN# Proper Shipping Name, and QTY information• Where to find this information on the haz


Proper Shipping Name

UN #

Labeling UN# Proper Shipping Name, and QTY information

• Where to place UN and Proper shipping name

Flammable Liquid Toxic N.O.S.(Contains Acetone)


Labeling UN# Proper Shipping Name, and QTY information•Where to find this information on the haz dec


Labeling UN# Proper Shipping Name, and QTY information

• Where to place on Package

Net QTY .00021 LFlammable Liquid Toxic N.O.S.

(Contains Acetone)UN1992

Hazard labels specifications and placement

• Hazard labels specify class and danger

• All Hazard labels must be diamond in shape and be 4” x 4”

• Hazard labels must be place on same side of package as proper shipping name

• Hazard label cannot overlap another side of the package must be all on the same face

• Hazard label cannot be placed square

• No part of the hazard label can be obscured

Hazard labels specifications and placement

• Examples of hazard labels

Hazard labels specifications and placement

• Where to find label type on haz dec

Hazard labels specifications and placement

Flammable Liquid Toxic N.O.S.(Contains Acetone)

UN1992Net QTY .00021 L

Where to place Hazard placards on package
