CWL SACRED HEART Newsletter - Health and Education … SACRED...


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CWL SACRED HEART HEALTH & EDUCATION NEWSLETTER – MARCH National theme: One Heart, One Voice, One Mission

Palliative & Hospice Care Provincial theme: Joyfully Serving the Lord

"None of us is alone in this world. Each of us is a vital piece of the great mosaic of humanity as a

whole" by St. John Paul 2nd. BURSARIES: Here is a summary of CWL bursaries available at the various levels. -Diocesan Bursary The Victoria CWL Diocesan Bursary in Memory of Freda Smith. Freda Smith was a life member of the CWL. She served in many capacities at the Parish and Diocesan Level, was Provincial Secretary and was a great promoter of education. The $500 bursary is given annually to a graduating catholic student within the Diocese of Victoria who is proceeding to higher education. The Bursary is awarded based on financial need, academic performance and community and church involvement. Thanks to each of you who have provided copies of the bursary applications to the schools in your area. Please promote our bursary within your parishes. Speak to your graduating students. Put the information in your bulletins every week until the due date. Share the information at your general meetings. I am again including application e-copies which can be shared and given directly to graduating students in your parishes. Deadline: April 15. -Provincial Bursaries Criteria and Applications available at 1. BC & Yukon Life Members Art and Culture Bursary is an initiative of the provincial life members. All funds come from their membership and the bursary eligibility and selection is administered by the life members. The bursary of $500 is available to any Catholic son and/or grandson or daughter and /or granddaughter of a Catholic Women's League member who is involved in and/or entering the field of arts and culture. Deadline March 31. -Molly Boucher Bursary Molly Boucher was a mother of eight children and worked for the Archdiocese of Vancouver as secretary for Archbishop Carney. She was a dedicated CWL member whose work, especially in the field of education is an inspiration for all Catholic women. This bursary of $500 was established to provide financial aid to a member of the Catholic Women's League in BC and Yukon who wishes to further her education. Deadline: March 31 -National Bursaries The National Bursary Fund was set up in 1988 through donations, to provide financial assistance to members wishing to pursue studies, courses, seminars, workshops and diploma or degree programs in spiritual growth, faith formation, youth ministry, ministry to palliative care or shut -ins, parliamentary procedure, or literacy tutoring. Members who have received a League bursary to support their pursuit of personal goals and have been an asset to their parish, parish council and community in general. It is now being offered twice a year - Application Deadline: May 31 and November 30. March for Life is in fact on May 11, 2017

Palliative care Fran Lucas, National First Vice-President and Chair of Education and Health and Linda McClinton our BC & Yukon Provincial Education and Health Chair remind us that Canada is at a turning point when it comes to Palliative Care. We need a national strategy so that everyone can access timely, quality care in the last phase of their life. Letters make a difference. Linda McClinton asks that we encourage our members to write letters to their members of parliament. Linda has shared a letter written by Theresa Duncan of Calgary on November 23, 2016 addressed to regarding Bill C-277 Framework on Palliative Care in Canada Act and Bill C-268 Protection of Freedom of Conscience Act. We have been given permission by National to share and use Theresa’s letter as a guideline in writing our own letters to members of Parliament. I have included a copy as an attachment to this communique and have added for your information updates and reference links to more information on the two bills. 12 Hours of Prayer for Palliative Care 2017 “Let us not underestimate the power of so many voices united

in prayer.” – Pope Francis


“12 Hours of Prayer for Palliative Care” for 2017 has been launched by National and is set for May 4, 2017. The date was chosen as a lead in to the National Hospice Palliative Care Week of May 7 to 13, 2017, (organized by the Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association) as a profound witness to the sanctity of human life. Please give thought to how your members can support this day of prayer, either on May 4th, or on a day during the week of May 7 to 13, which ever day works best. A link to a comprehensive “care-kit” of information with excellent resource material for planning and promotion and a petition is on our national homepage February - Heart and Stroke Month. As February draws to a close it is worth reflecting on the fact that heart disease and strokes are leading causes of death among women in Canada. Common heart attack signs and symptoms include: Pressure, tightness, pain, or a squeezing or aching sensation in your chest or arms that may spread to your neck, jaw or back. Nausea, indigestion, heartburn or abdominal pain. Shortness of breath. Cold sweat. Fatigue. Lightheadedness or sudden dizziness. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms call 9-1-1 or call your local emergency number immediately. Learn more at Did you know that 8 in 10 cases of premature heart disease and stroke are preventable through healthy lifestyle behaviors? The Heart and Stroke Foundation has created a good heart disease prevention ebook – 100 Healthy Things You Can Do In Minutes. It tells you how you can eat better, get active, live better and take care of yourself. Education and Health includes many topics and issues. Which ones will be a focus for your council members in 2017? In the Winter 2016 Issue of The Canadian League magazine, our National Chair of Education and Health, Fran Lucas issues a challenge to members - A Call To Action. She asks that we choose a topic that speaks to the heart and find out more about it. Take up the challenge individually or with a friend. In her article, Fran offers several possible areas of interest. Your members no doubt have others. Fran’s challenge is not only to learn, but to take a further step and to act on what has been learned. Share what has been learned at a meeting and encourage others to experience similar learning opportunities. Read more in your paper copy of the magazine or online at

"Prayer Requests": Daphne Dalsin, Tillie Wilson, Therese Woychuk, Georgina Short, Vincenza Cameron.






BURSARIES: - The Catholic Health Association of

BC (CHABC) is making available two bursaries to students graduating in 2017. To apply for these bursaries, we invite students to submit an essay on the topic, The Significance of Spirituality in Health Care. Please see bulletin board for details.

***General Meetings – Pope John Hall 11:00 am to 1:00 pm *** Saturday March 25 Saturday April 22 Saturday May 27 *Summer Luncheon** June 24 (Location TBD)

*** Coffee schedule*** The CWL are on for March 19th. Helpers needed please contact Angela Spencer:

More events!

May 6, 2017 Save the date!! The 2nd Annual Bishop’s Gala will be held at Our Lady of

Fatima Hall. We sold out last year, so be sure to mark your calendar, and stay tuned for more information!

2017 Conventions:

Diocesan Spring Interim: March 6 St. Peter's, Nanaimo

Diocesan: May 2-4 Church of Ascension, Parksville

Provincial: June 14-18 Immaculate Conception / Capri Hotel, Kelowna

National: August 6-9, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island


03-Mar Muna Haddad

08-Mar Maureen Dietrich

15-Mar Tillie Wilson

23-Mar Therese Woychuk

26-Mar Angelina Moodie

CWL Sacred Heart – Health, Education and Communications Chair- : Carolina Solano at 250-896-9785 or

“May our Lady of Good Counsel keep inspiring and guiding us all in our CWL work, sharing Blessing and Hope to all”…
