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English Questionnaire For The Evaluation1) What Is Active Voice? Is When The Subject Does , Realices Or Perfoms The Ackon 2) What Is Passive Voice? Is When The Subject Receives The Action

3) How Do We Form Sentences With The Present Passive? We Have To Use: Verb To Be +Verb In Particle

4) Write These Sentences Is Present Passive

Active Voice Passive VoiceJohn Points a Picture for the Mon

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In Switzerland Makes Amazing Watches

Brazilian Speak Portuguese

Write These Verbs in Particicle (Irregular) Find-Found Swim-Swum Write-Written Drink-Drunk Drive-Drived Dream-Dreamt Sleep-Slept See-Seen Read-Read Put-Put

Write 10 Regular Verbs in Participle Copy-Copied Study-studied Love-loved Paint-painted Cook-cooked Prepare-prepared Chase-chased Compare-compared Allow-allowed Download-downloaded