Crafting Strategy MBA


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Talent management is Socialization refers to a process of learning to become a member or a

part of a group. Schools and colleges are two prime institutions where individuals learn to

socialize and adhere to the rules and norms of groups. The following paper will discuss the

process of socialization with the support of a real life example. Further, it will describe the

process as well as my experiences through which I was socialized into college. The paper will

also describe how the process of socializing, with respect to how socializing in a college

environment differs from socializing in an organization.

Social interaction is the basic function of an individual, but learning to become a part of a

group not only involves social interaction but also involves learning of the various norms,

routines, rules and rituals of the group. The process of learning various norms and routines of a

group and adhering to them refers to the process of socialization (McAlpine, 2008). The process

takes place in three different stages: the anticipatory socialization stage, which includes

preparation for entering into the college, accommodation stage, in which one realizes the

differences between the perceived environment and the actual environment and tries to adjust

according to the changes, and lastly, the role management stage, in which one adjusts according

to the new changes and tries to master them (Andersen & Taylor, 2010). It also includes,

adjusting to the new environment and beginning to inculcate the feeling of an insider.

For example, my experience of socialization is mainly constituted of the time of my life that

I spent in college. Before entering the college, I was extremely excited about going to college

and spent days in preparing for the first day. I bought new clothes, new books, etc. and expected

that the first day of college would be full of fun as I would be meeting many other students who

for the first time were experiencing life independent of their parents and making new friends. I

thought college would be a place with new rules and regulations, and where I would be freer to

make my decisions. This was the first stage of the process of socialization (McAlpine, 2008).

After entering the college, I found some of the lessons to be quite interesting; professors

handed out the yearly syllabi, including the various rules, practices and policies for every class.

The school also had separate rules and guidelines with respect to discipline, attendance and

maintaining academic integrity (Andersen & Taylor, 2010). Some of the professors laid

emphasis on addressing them by their first name, while others would get angry on the same.

Some of the professors were flexile with respect to their schedule of classes, while the others

were extremely strict. I had to share my room with a roommate who belonged to some other

culture and had a different nature. This can be mentioned as the second stage of socialization, in

which one identifies the differences between the expectations and reality (McAlpine, 2008).

On identifying the various differences, my first reaction was that I cannot do this. However,

with time, I learnt to adjust with my roommate, the rules and regulations of the college and the

norms of the different groups of students in class, along with having fun with them (Andersen &

Taylor, 2010). It is the last stage, in which one learns the way to adjust, or in other words

socializes with the environment.

The process of socialization in college is however, different from the process of

socialization in a new organization. This is because, the first stage of socialization for a person

entering an organization is more formal and defined, and it includes training and formal

preparation according to the requirements of the new organization (Andersen & Taylor, 2010).

In contrast, no such formal training occurs in the life of a student, entering into a college. The

socialization process concerning a student, entering a college fundamentally comes from the

interaction with peers, staff and faculty, while the socialization process in a new organization

comes from the interaction with colleagues, seniors and juniors (Andersen & Taylor, 2010).

Reference List

What Is the Socialization Process!. (2010, November 17). In ProQuest Editorial Website G.

Retrieved from

Andersen, M. L. & Taylor, H. F. (2010). Sociology: The Essentials. Cengage Learning.

Ivancevich, J.M., Konopaske, R., & Matteson, M.T. (2008). Organizational Behavior and

Management, 9th edition. New York, NY. McGraw-Hill.

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McAlpine, T. (2008). College Students and Career: An Exploration of Vocational Anticipatory

Socialization. ProQuest.