Ch-02 Crafting and Executing Strategy

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  • 7/27/2019 Ch-02 Crafting and Executing Strategy


    McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright 2010 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

    Chapter 2: Leading the

    Process of Crafting and

    Executing Strategy

    Screen graphics created by:Jana F. Kuzmicki, Ph.D.

    Troy University

  • 7/27/2019 Ch-02 Crafting and Executing Strategy



    Chapter Learning Objectives

    1. Grasp why it is critical for company managers to think long and

    hard about where a company needs to head and why.2. Understand the importance of setting both strategic and financial


    3. Recognize that the task of crafting a company strategy draws onthe entrepreneurial talents of managers at all organizationallevels.

    4. Understand why the strategic initiatives taken at variousorganizational levels must be tightly coordinated to achievecompanywide performance targets.

    5. Become aware of what a company must do to achieve operatingexcellence and to execute its strategy proficiently.

    6. Understand why the strategic management process is ongoing,not an every-now-and-then task.

    7. Learn what leadership skills management must exhibit to drivestrategy execution forward.

    8. Become aware of the role and responsibility of a companysboard of directors in overseeing the strategic management


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    Chapter Roadmap

    What Does the Strategy-Making, Strategy-Executingprocess Entail?

    Phase 1: Developing a Strategic Vision

    Phase 2:Setting Objectives

    Phase 3:Crafting a Strategy

    Phase 4:Implementing and Executing the Strategy

    Phase 5: Evaluating Performance and Initiating

    Corrective Adjustments Leading the Strategic Management Process

    Corporate Governance: The Role of the Board of

    Directors in the Strategy-Making, Strategy-Executing


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    Figure 2.1: The Strategy-Making, Strategy-Executing Process


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    Developing a Strategic Vision

    Involves thinking strategically about

    Future direction of company

    Changes in companys

    product/market/customer technology to improve

    Current market position

    Future prospects

    Phase 1

    A strategic vis iondescribes the route a companyintends to take in developing and strengtheningits business. It lays out the companys strategic

    course in preparing for the future.

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    Key Elements of a Strategic Vision

    Delineates managements aspirations for thebusiness

    Provides a panoramic view of where we are going

    Charts a strategic path

    Is dis t inct iveand speci f ictoa particular organization

    Avoids use of generic language thatis dull and boring and that couldapply to most any company

    Captures the emotions ofemployees and steers themin a common direction

    Is challenging and a bit beyond a

    companys immediate reach

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    Role of a Strategic Vision

    A well-conceived, well-communicated visionfunctions as a valuable managerial tool to

    Give the organization a sense of direction, moldorganizational identity, and create a commit tedenterprise

    Illuminate the companys directional path

    Provide managers with a reference point toMake strategic decisions

    Translate the vision into hard-edged

    objectives and strategies Prepare the company for the future

    A strategic vision exists only as words and has noorganizational impact unless and un t i l i twins the commitmentof com pany personneland energizes them to actin ways that

    move the company along the intended strategic path!

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    Table 2.2: Characteristics of an Effectively Worded Vision Statement


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    Table 2.3: Common Shortcomings in Company Vision Statements


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    Strategic Vision vs. Mission

    A strategic vis ionconcerns a firms fu ture

    business path - where

    we are going

    Markets to be pursued

    Future product/market/

    customer/technology focus

    Kind of company

    management istrying to create

    A companys miss ionstatementtypically

    focuses on its present

    business purpose - who

    we are and what we doCurrent product and

    service offerings

    Customer needs and

    customer groups being





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    Characteristics of a Mission Statement

    Identifies boundar iesof a companys currentbusiness and says something about

    Present products and services

    Types of customers served

    Geographic coverage


    Whowe are,

    Whatwe do, and

    Whywe are hereA good mission statement describes a companys business

    makeup and purposein language speci f ic enoug hto give

    the company i tsown ident i tyand dis t inguish i t f rom

    other enterpr isesin the same or other industries!

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    Key Elements of aMission Statement

    A complete mission statement should cover threethings:

    Customer needs being met

    What is being sat isf ied

    Customer groups or markets being served

    Who is being sat isf ied

    What the organization does (in terms of businessapproaches, technologies used, and activitiesperformed) to satisfy the targeted needs of the

    targeted customer groupsHow cus tomer needs are satisf ied

    A companys mission is notto make a profit! Its true

    mission is its answer to What will we do to make a profit?

    Making a profit is an object iveorin tended outcome!

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    Companies often develop a statement of valuesto guide a

    companys pursuit of its vision and strategy and paint the whitelines for how a companys business is to be conducted

    Company values statements typicallycontain four to eight beliefs, traits, andbehaviors relating to such things as

    Fair treatment, integrity, ethical behavior,innovation, teamwork, product quality, customer satisfaction,social responsibility, community citizenship

    But values statements remain a bunch of nice word s unti lespoused beliefs, traits, and behaviors are

    Incorporated into companys operations and work practices

    Used as benchmarks for job appraisal, promotions, andrewards

    Linking the Visionwith Company Values

    If company personnel are not held accountable

    fordisp lay ing company valuesin doing their jobs, then the

    company values statement is a bunch of empty words!

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    Winning suppor tfor the vision involves Putting where we are going and why in writing

    Distributing the statement organization-wide

    Having executives explain vision to employees

    An engaging , insp irat ionalvision

    Challenges and motivates workforce

    Articulates a compelling case

    for where company is headed

    Evokes positive support and excitement

    Arouses a committed organizational

    effort to move in a common direction

    Communicating the Strategic Vision

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    Recognizing Strategic Inflection Points

    Sometimes an order-of-magnitude change occurs in

    a companys environment that

    Dramatically alters its future prospects

    Mandates radical revision of its strategic course

    Critical decisions have to be made about where togo from here

    A major new directional path may have to be taken

    A major new strategy may be needed

    Responding quickly to unfolding changes in the

    marketplace lessons a companys chances of

    Becoming trapped in a stagnant business or

    Letting attractive new growth opportunities slip away

    O i R i

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    Mobilizing suppor tfor a new vis ionentails

    Reiterating basis for the new direction

    Addressing employee concerns head-on

    Calming fears

    Lifting spirits

    Providing updates and progress

    reports as events unfold

    Overcoming Resistance toa New Strategic Vision

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    Crystal l izesan organizations long-termdirection

    Reduces r iskof rudderless decision-making

    Creates a comm it ted enterpr isewhere organizational members

    enthusiastically pursue efforts to

    make the vision a reality

    Provides a beacon to keep strategy-related

    act ionsof all managers on common path

    Helps an organization prepare for the future

    Payoffs of a Clear Strategic Vision

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    Setting Objectives

    Purposeofsett ing ob ject ives

    Converts vision into specific performance targets

    Creates yardsticks to track performance

    Well-stated ob ject ivesare

    Quanti f iable


    Contain a deadl inefor achievement

    Spell-out how muchofwhat k ind

    of performance by when

    Phase 2

    I t f S tti

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    Importance of SettingStretch Objectives

    Object ivesshould be set at levels thatstretchan organization to

    Perform at its full potential,

    delivering the best possible results

    Push firm to be more inventive

    Exhibit more urgency to improve its business


    Be intentional and focused in its actions

    Theres no better way to avoid ho-hum resul tsthan

    by set ting stretch object ivesand using compensat ion

    incent ivesto motivateorganization members to

    achieve the stretch performance targets!

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    Types of Objectives Required

    Financial Objectives Strategic Objectives

    Outcomes focused

    on improving f inancial

    per formance

    Outcomes focused on

    improving compet i t ive

    strengthand marketstanding


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    Examples: Financial Objectives

    Annual revenue growth of X%

    X % increase in after-tax profits annual

    Earnings per share growth of X% annually

    Annual dividend increases of X%

    Profit margins of X%

    X% return on capital employed (ROCE)

    Annual stock price increases that average X% over


    Strong bond and credit ratings

    Sufficient internal cash flows to fund 100% of new

    capital investment

    Stable earnings during periods of recession

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    Winning an X% market share within 3 years

    Achieving lower overall costs than rivals

    Overtaking key competitors on product performance

    or quality or customer service within 2 years

    Deriving X% of revenues from sale of new productsintroduced in past 5 years

    Being the recognized industry leader in product

    innovation and/or technological know-how

    Having a wider product line than rivals

    Consistently getting new or improved products to

    market ahead of rivals

    Having stronger national or global sales and

    distribution capabilities than rivals

    Examples: Strategic Objectives

    G d St t i P f I th K

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    Achieving goodf inancial performance isnot enough

    Current financial results are lagging indicatorsreflectingresults ofpastdecisions and actions goo d prof i tabil i ty nowdoes not translate into stron ger capabi l i ty for del iver ing evenbetter financ ial results later

    However, setting well-chosen strategicobjectives and achieving them signals

    Growing compet it iveness

    Growing strength in the marketplace

    A company that is growing compet it ively stronger isdeveloping th e capabi l i ty for better f inancial performancein the years ahead

    Good strategic performance is thus aleading indicatorof acompanys capability to deliver improvedfuturefinancial performance

    Good Strategic Performance Is the Keyto Better Financial Performance

    Unless a com panysetsandachieves s tretch strategic ob ject ives

    i t is no t develop ing the com peti t ive muscle todel iver even

    better financial resu ltsin the years ahead!

    A B l d S d A h

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    A balanced sco recardfor measuring

    company performance is optimal; it entails Setting financial andstrategic objectives

    Placing balanced emphasis on achieving

    both types of object ives

    (However, if a companys financial performance is dismal or if its very

    survival is in doubt because of poor financial results, then stressingthe achievement of the financial objectives and temporarily de-emphasizing the strategic objectives may have merit)

    Jus t track ing f inancial perform ance over look s the

    impo r tance of m easur ing whether a company is

    strengthening i ts compet i tiveness and m arket

    pos i t ion

    A Balanced Scorecard ApproachSetting Strategic andFinancial Objectives

    The surest pathto sus tained fut ure prof i tabi l i tyyear afteryear is to relentlessly pursue strategic ou tcomesthat

    strengthen a companys business position and give it a

    growing com peti t ive advantageover rivals!

    Both Short Term and Long Term

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    Both Short-Term and Long-TermObjectives Are Needed

    Short-term ob ject ives Targets to be achieved soon

    Milestones or stair steps for reaching long-range

    performance targets

    Long -term object ives

    Targets to be achieved within

    3 to 5 years

    Calls for actions now that will

    permit reaching targeted

    long-range performance later

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    Concept of Strategic Intent

    A company exhibits strateg ic intentwhen it relent lessly pu rsuesan

    ambit ious strategic object ive,

    concentrating the full force of itsresources and competitive actions on

    achieving that objective!

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    Characteristics of Strategic Intent

    Indicates firmsin tent

    to makingquantum

    gainsin competing against key rivals and to

    establishing itself as a winner in the

    marketplace, often against long odds

    Involves establishing a grandioseperformance targetout of proportion to

    immediate capabilities and market position but

    then devoting the firms full resources and

    energies to achieving the target over time

    Entails sustained, agg ress ive act ion sto take

    market share away from r ivalsand achievea

    much s tronger market posi t ion

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    Objectives Are Needed at All Levels

    1. First, set organizat ion-wideobjectivesand performance targets

    2. Next, set businessandproduct l ineobjectives

    3. Then, establish funct ionaland departmentalobjectives

    4.Indiv idualobjectives are established last

    The ob ject ive-sett ing pro cess is more top-down than bot tom up

    C fti St t

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    Crafting a Strategy

    Strategy-makinginvolves astuteentrepreneurshipActively searching for opportunities

    to do new things

    orActively searching for opportunities to do

    existing things in new or better ways


    Developing timely responses to happeningsin the external environment


    Steering company activities in new directions

    dictated by shifting market conditions

    Phase 3

    Crafting a Good Strategy Requires

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    Crafting a Good Strategy RequiresGood Business Entrepreneurship

    Developing a winning strategy involves

    Diagnosing the direction and force of

    the market changes underway and making

    timely strategic adjustments

    Spotting new or better ways

    to satisfy customer needs

    Figuring out how to outwit and

    outmaneuver competitors Pursuing ways to strengthen the

    firms competitive capabilities

    Proactively trying to out-innovate rivals

    The Role of Astute Entrepreneurship in

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    The Role of Astute Entrepreneurship inCrafting a Companys Strategy

    Masterful strategies come partly (maybemostly) by doing things differently from

    competitors where it counts

    Innovating more creatively

    Being more efficient

    Being more imaginative

    Adapting faster

    Rather than running with the herd!Good strategy -making is therefore

    inseparable from good entrepreneursh ip

    one cannot ex is t wi thou t the other !

    The Hows That Define

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    The Hows That Definea Firm's Strategy

    Howto grow the business Howto please customers

    Howto outcompete rivals

    Howto respond to changing marketconditions

    Howto manage each functional

    piece of the business (R&D, production,marketing, HR, finance, and so on)

    Howto achieve targeted levels of


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    Who Is Involved in Strategy Making?

    CEO (ch ief execu t ive off ic er)

    Has ultimate responsibility for leading

    the strategy-making process

    Functions as strategic visionary and

    chief architect of strategy

    Senio r execu t ives

    Typically have influential roles in fashioning those strategy

    components involving their areas of responsibility

    Managers o f subsid iar ies, div is ions, geograph ic

    regions, plants, and other important operat ing u ni ts(and, often, key employees with specialized expertise)

    Some pieces of the strategy are best orchestrated by on-

    the-scene company personnel with detailed familiarity of

    the piece of the business they are in charge of running

    Why Is Strategy Making Nearly Always

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    Why Is Strategy-Making Nearly Alwaysa Collaborative Process?

    The job is often way too big for one person or a

    small executive groupmany strategic issues are

    complex or cut across multiple areas of expertise

    The more a companys operations cut across

    different products, industries and geographic areas,

    the more that headquarters executives

    must delegate strategy-making authority

    to down-the-line managers in charge

    of particular functions and

    operating units

    In todays companies every manager typ ical ly

    has a strategy-making ro leranging from

    major to m inorfor th e area he or she heads!

    Figure 2 2: A Companys Strategy-Making Hierarchy

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    Figure 2.2: A Company s Strategy Making Hierarchy


    Uniting the Companys

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    Uniting the Company sStrategy-Making Effort

    A firms strategy is a co l lect ion of in i t iat ives

    undertaken by managers at all levels in the

    organizational hierarchy

    Pieces ofstrategyshould f i t

    together like the pieces of a puzzle Key approaches used to unify

    all strategic initiatives into a

    cohesive, company-wide act ion plan

    Effect ively commun icatecompanys vision,objectives, and major strategies to all personnel

    Dil igent ly reviewlow er-level st rategiesfor

    consistency and support of higher-level

    strategiesrevise as needed

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    What Is a Strategic Plan?

    Itsstrategic v is ionand bus iness miss ion


    Itsstrategicandf inanc ial ob ject ives



    Strategic Plan

    Consists of


    Implementing and Executing Strategy

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    Implementing and Executing Strategy

    Operations-orientedactivity aimed atperforming core business activities in a

    strategy-supportive manner

    Tougherand more t ime-consum ingthan craf t ing strategy

    Key tasksinclude

    Improving the efficiency with whichthe strategy is being executed

    Showing measurable progress in achieving

    both operating excellence and targeted results

    Phase 4

    What Does Implementing and Executing

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    Building a capable org anizat ion

    Al locat ing resourcesto strategy-critical activities

    Establishing strategy-support ive po l ic ies

    Instituting best pract icesand programs

    forcont inuous improvement Installing in format ion, communication,

    and operat ing systems

    Motivat ingpeople to pursue the target objectives

    Tying rewardsto achievement ofresul ts

    Creating a strategy-support ive corporate cu l ture

    Exerting the leadershipnecessary to drive the

    process forward and keep improving

    What Does Implementing and Executingthe Strategy Involve?

    Evaluating Performance and

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    Crafting and implementing a strategy is no taone-t ime exercise

    Customer needs and competitive conditions change

    New opportunities appear; technology

    advances; any number of otheroutside developments occur

    One or more aspects of executing the

    strategy may not be going well

    New managers with different ideas take over

    Organizational learning occurs

    All these trigger a need forco rrect ive act ion s

    and adjustmentson an as-needed basis

    Evaluating Performance andMaking Corrective Adjustments

    Phase 5

    Monitoring Evaluating and

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    Taking act ion sto

    adjustto the march ofevents tends to result in one or more of the


    Altering long-term direction and/orredefining the mission/vision

    Raising, lowering, or changing

    performance objectives

    Modifying the strategy

    Improving strategy execution

    Monitoring, Evaluating, andAdjusting as Needed

    Leading the Strategic

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    Leading the StrategicManagement Process

    Diverse leadership challengesinclude

    Exerting take-charge leadership

    Being a spark plug for change and action

    Ramrodding things through

    Achieving results

    Leadingthe strategic managementprocess can involve var iou s s ty les

    and approaches

    Being a hard-nosed authoritarian

    Being a perceptive listener

    Being a compromising decision maker

    Delegating authority to people closest to the action

    Being a coach

    Assuming a highly visible role in guiding the process

    Making brief ceremonial appearances

    Things a Chief Strategy Implementer

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    1. Stay on top of whats happening

    2. Make sure company has agood strategic plan

    3. Put constructive pressure oncompany to achieve good results

    4. Push corrective actions to improve overallstrategic performance

    5. Lead development of stronger corecompetencies and competitive capabilities

    6. Display ethical integrity and lead social

    responsibility initiatives

    Things a Chief Strategy ImplementerMust Do to Be Successful

    Role #1: Stay on Top

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    Develop a broad network of formal

    and informal sources of information

    Talk with many people at all levels

    Be an avid practitioner of MBWA

    Observe situation firsthand

    Monitor operating results regularly

    Get feedback from customers

    Watch competitive reactions of rivals

    Role #1: Stay on Topof Whats Happening

    Role #2: Make Sure Company

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    Role #2: Make Sure CompanyHas a Good Strategic Plan

    Two key respons ibi l it iesof CEO and top-

    level executives

    Effectively communicate companys vision,

    objectives, and major strategy components to

    down-the-line managers and key personnel

    Exercise due diligence in reviewing lower-level

    strategies for consistency and support of higher-

    level strategies

    Effect ive leadersh ipminimizes

    potential for conflict between

    different levels in the strategy hierarchy

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    Role #4: Push Corrective Actions to Improve

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    Role #4: Push Corrective Actions to ImproveStrategy-Making and Strategy-Execution

    Requires deciding

    Whenadjustments are needed

    Whatadjustments to make


    Adjusting long-term direction, objectives, and

    strategy on an as-needed basis in response to

    unfolding events and changing circumstances

    Promoting fresh initiatives to bring internalactivities and behavior into better alignment with


    Making changes to pick up the pace when

    results fall short of performance targets

    Role #5: Promote Stronger Core

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    Top management intervention is

    required to establish better or new

    Resource strengths and competencies

    Competitive capabilities

    Senior managers must

    lead the effort because

    Competencies reside in combined

    efforts of different work groups anddepartments, thus requiring

    cross-functional collaboration

    Stronger competencies and capabilities

    can lead to a competitive edge over rivals

    Role #5: Promote Stronger CoreCompetencies and Capabilities

    Role #6: Display Ethics Leadership and

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    Role #6: Display Ethics Leadership andLead Social Responsibility Initiatives

    Set an excellent example in

    Displaying ethical behaviors

    Demonstrating character and

    personal integrity in actions and decisions

    Declare unequivocal support for high ethical

    standards and expect all employees to

    conduct themselves in an ethical fashion

    Encourage compliance and establish tough

    consequences for unethical behavior

    Our ethics

    code is . . .

    Corporate Governance:

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    Exercise s t rong overs ightto ensure fivetasks of strategic management are executed

    to benefi t

    Shareholders or


    Make sure execu t ive act ion sare not only

    properbut also al ignedwith in terests o f


    Corporate Governance:Strategic Role of a Board of Directors

    Obligations of a Board of Directors

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    Obligations of a Board of Directors

    Be inqui r ing cr i t icsand overseers

    Evaluate caliberofsenior executives

    strategy-making and strategy-executing

    ski l ls

    Inst i tutea compensat ion planfortop executives rewarding them for

    results that serve interests of

    Stakeholders and


    Overseea companys

    f inancial account ing

    and report ing p ract ices

    Key Responsibilities of Board

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    Key Responsibilities of BoardMembers

    Be well informed about a companys performance

    Guide and judge CEO and other top executives

    Exhibit courage to curb inappropriate or unduly

    risky management actions

    Confirm that CEO is doing whatboard expects

    Provide insight and advice to management

    Be intensely involved in debating pros and cons

    of key actions and decisions

    Board members have a very important oversight rolein

    the strategy-making, strategy-executing process!