Construction of my final media product


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Construction of my final media product

Font cover construction.

Firstly to start of I had to get my pictures. Once I had taken my pictures I then uploaded them to my computer, once I did this I opened Photoshop and got starting. Here I will now take you through the construction of my final pieces that I designed.

This is the construction of my front cover.

Firstly I had to open up Photoshop and open a blank page.

Once I had Photoshop open I opened the image that I wanted and copied it in.

Once I had the picture to size using the move and resize tool I then got my self a banner in.

The banner that I used I did not like, So I then used the free transform wrap tool to get a curved affect on it.

Once that was done I then added some text to it, I started off with the issue number. I then added the price. I then added the title and web address.

This is what I have so far.

After adding the text I then added a barcode, I took a picture of a barcode off one of the magazine that I purchased.

Once I did this I then added some added a picture of a Polaroid, I took a picture of the Polaroid then uploaded it, after doing this I then added 2 pictures on top of them. But to get the Polariod and picture to the right size I had to use the move and resize tool.

The first image of a male playing the black bass guitar I had to change the back ground image this is because I did not like the original back due to the fact that it was taken I a bed room, So I then got the photo, used the lasso tool cut it out and then took a picture of a brick wall and added it in, lucky the lighting on the day was good so it looks as if it was taken out doors.

This here is the original image.

This here is the image cut out and placed in fornt of the picture of the brick wall

The reason why I used the second image of the guitar neck well some one is playing it is so that when someone has purchased the magazine they can use that image even if they not in to/like the band that the guitarist may be in, so this image has several uses.

After doing this I then added text to show the reader that there are 2 free posters. I also added a black background to it to make it stick out more.

Once I did this I then added some cover stories showing the reader what's with in the magazine with out even opening the magazine. I used 3 different stories. I added a red lining to make the text sick out more.

The final finished product

Contents page construction.

To start off with I opened Photoshop, I then selected my paper size which is A4. Then got started.

To start off with I added I blue background, I then used the eraser tool to add a like rip/burn affect. I also then used the burn tool around the edges.

Once I completed that, I then added a title and a banner to go behind it to make the title stick out.

I then added a horizontal line through the page dividing it up in to 2 sections.

Once this was done I then added page number and headlines to go with them. For this I had to use the resize tool and move tool.

Once this was complete I then added images to this. To get the image into

the current locations I had to use the move and resize tool.

Once I did this I had on 2 things to do, and this was the editors say section, I added on of these to show/tell the reader what they can expect from the magazine. I also used the burn tool as a boarder around the image of the editor. I think that this make the image stand out more than having no boarder at all. On the next slide will be what I have completed.

Contents page Finished.

Double page construction.

First I had to open up Photoshop, the I had to open a new file, once I did this I selected the page setting the page settings that I choose where A3.

Once I did this I then added a light blue background, then I used the eraser tool to create my background, my backgournd is meant to be the album artwork of the band. This make a great background for when people haven't heard of the band and also shows them what to look out for. On the next slide will be what I have at the moment.

Once I did this, I then added a black background, and the added text (Title of the page).

Once I had completed this I then added a image in, this is the main image, I thought that this image would be a great image for the main image due to the fact that it show everyone in the band. On the next slide will be what I put together.

Once I did this I then added a centre line in, this is going help me with placing my text in the right place and not have it cut off.

Once I had done this I then moved on to placing a rectangle box on the bottom left hand side, I put this there cause I know that text will be placed in there.

Once I did this I then placed page numbers on the page, I used a downloaded font from da font. I used this text because I houses the numbers in black and has the number in white making them stick out a lot.

This is what I have so far.

After adding the page numbers in I then added 2 more pictures in, one person (Tom) on bass and on of the crowed, I thought I would show the reader what type of a crowed they attracted and where, This shows the reader that they may be a very good band.

Once I had added all the images I wanted, I then typed out a story, In the left over space. I also typed in the bottom left hand section. This is what it looked like after I was finished.

Double page finished product