Comparing Halogen to LED Swimming Pool Lights



Halogen bulbs are used in swimming pools all aroun...

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Comparing Halogen to LED Swimming Pool Lights

In terms of pool lighting, halogen swimming pool lights are the most used types of lighting

available. With that in mind, halogen lamps are no longer the ultimate technology when it

comes down to swimming pool lighting. Numerous years have went by without change in

halogen pool light technology, so the time has finally come where there are better options


LED innovation in swimming pool lighting is quickly catching on. The basis for this is because

LED technological innovation is more modern, more advanced and more highly developed. If

you make the change to LED pool lights, you really are making the most beneficial choice.

LED lights are far more environmentally friendly since they use considerably less energy,

they will last a good deal longer, they never have to be routinely serviced and typically,

they’re more reliable. By far the most impressive feature when comparing halogen to LED

swimming pool lights, is the fact that now you are able to get an individual light that

generates several output colors. What a way to spice up your pool area through the night!

Halogen bulbs are outdated technology, and use plenty of electrical energy. Generally in a

swimming pool light application, they can be from 100W upwards. That’s a lot of electricity,

taking into consideration nowadays light bulbs are typically more economical and use

considerably less energy. LED light bulbs use generally only a quarter of the power halogen

light bulbs use, and yet still offering the same level of light generation. The reason is LED’s

are much more efficient at changing electrical power into light. The primary advantages of

LED advancement could in fact be summarized by the following demonstration.

Envision you have two lights, one is LED and the other is halogen powered. Both of these

provide the same exact amount of illumination. The halogen uses 200W. The LED will use

approximately only around 50W, just about a quarter of what the halogen bulb will use!

Unlike LED technology, halogen bulbs are an ancient technology and the globes tend to

become faulty frequently. Regardless if halogen light bulbs are not all that pricey, placing a

new globe in regularly is generally bothersome. Changing the damaged or old globe isn’t too

difficult a task, but it unquestionably does get you to wonder if there is a better option to

choose from when it comes to putting a light in to your pool.

In a pool system, halogen globes theoretically are meant to last around 3,000 hours or more,

however they seldom do. Fortunately, LED lights are rated to last between 30,000 and

50,000 hours so they offer a considerably longer functional life. When we take into account

how many times we actually use our pool lights, which often times will probably only be for

just a few hours every other day, you are able to understand that LED lights can last a

lifetime in a pool environment.

If you are one of those people who is adamant in doing things right the first time, then LED

lights are the very best selection you can make for your swimming pool. In contrast to

halogen swimming pool lights, LED lights don’t require you to ever replace a globe or any

other part to keep them in operating order. The attractiveness with the newer LED technology

is that once you mount the light, it is going to simply continue on running with virtually no

complications for a very long time.

By working with LED technology, pool light companies are producing completely new designs

which are resistant to water leaks. This is made possible because of LED technology. As we

no longer need to service or have access to the internals of the light, the pool lights can

integrate a design that guarantees they continue to be securely sealed for life by taking away

the ability to open up or disassemble them. Smart swimming pool light manufacturers are

using this fact to their benefit, as sealed or unopenable swimming pool lights eliminate the

risk of a leak presenting itself or developing.

However, the most interesting feature of LED technology is that you can have auto-magically

color changing lights. With LED lights, some manufacturers include various in-built programs

with your light, and all you need to do is flick the pool light off temporarily, and back on. This

cycles right through to the following available program. This particular creativity in pool

lighting technology is probably the most incredible. It provides swimming pool owners with an

opportunity that they’ve never before had.

Go on over to and have a look at their products. We highly

recommend them to everyone who Is wanting to upgrade from halogen lights to LED

swimming pool lights. They are the better option available, as far as we are aware!
