Coastal Binhai New Area China



This supplied some methods for the serve water condition in Coastal Binhhai New Area China.

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    0001c Tianjin Key Laboratory of Water Resources and Environment, Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin, 300387, China

    a r t i c l e i n f o

    Article history:

    coastal and marine resources supported China's marine industries,

    ll GDP (Gross Do-l special economiconomic rise. TheShenzhen Specialtal zones in Chinae Binhai New Areaent zone that is

    great need water

    , a shallow, semi-enclosed sea, and is a part of Tianjin, a municipality that is theeconomic center of northeast China. However, due to increasinghuman settlements and economic activities, the freshwatershortage for domestic, agricultural, and industrial purposes hasbecome more serious in the coastal zones (Oude Essink, 2001).Moreover, Tianjin has a poor available per capita water resourcevolume of only 1/15 of the national average and 1/50 of the worldaverage. The water resource shortage has become a crucial issue forthe development of the BHNA.

    Abbreviations: BHNA, Binhai New Area; SSEC, Shenzhen Special Economic Zone;GDP, Gross Domestic Product; IWRM, Integrated Water Resources Management;TM, thematic mapper; PDNA, Pudong New Area; WEAP, Water Evaluation andPlanning; WWTP, Wastewater treatment plant.* Corresponding authors.E-mail addresses: (Z.-L. Wang), yqwang@nankai.

    Contents lists availab

    Ocean & Coastal

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    Ocean & Coastal Management 106 (2015) (Y. Wang).1. Introduction

    Coastal zones are attractive areas for human activities, especiallyeconomic activities and residences, due to their productive naturalresources (Xie et al., 2012). China has 3 million km2 of marine areaand 6500 islands under its jurisdiction, and its coastal and marineecosystems have high biogeographic and socio-economic values(Qiu et al., 2009). There are approximately 22,629 recorded speciesin the various marine ecosystems, including mangrove, coral reef,coastal wetlands, and estuaries (SOA, 2011a; Ma et al., 2013). Rich

    which contributed to over 9.7% of China's overamestic Product) in 2010 (SOA, 2011b). The coastazone was the typical approach for China's ecPudong New Area (PDNA) in Shanghai and theEconomic Zone (SSEC) are two successful coasthat rapidly developed over the past 40 years. Th(BHNA) is the third coastal economic developmcurrently in the growing progress and has aresource management.

    The BHNA is located next to the Bohai SeaReceived 7 January 2014Received in revised form19 September 2014Accepted 22 January 2015Available online

    Keywords:Water resource managementWEAP modelWater demand scenariosBinHai New AreaCoastal zone 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.a b s t r a c t

    Coastal zones are attractive areas for economic activities and residence due to their productive naturalresources. The Binhai New Area (BHNA), the third coastal economic development zone in China behindPudong New Area (PDNA, Shanghai) and Shenzhen Special Economic Zone (SSEC, Guangdong), is facingthe challenge of a severe water shortage and sustainable development of the coastal zone. This studyanalyzed the future water situation in the BHNA by setting different scenarios of socio-development andurbanization until 2020. A modeling system named the Water Evaluation and Planning (WEAP) was usedto evaluate the sustainability of limited water resources management strategies in BHNA. The WEAPmodel has advantages for analyzing and simulating different water systems. Three scenarios were set upfor the BHNA based on the developing process of PDNA and SSEC. The three scenarios were urbanization,industrial structure adjustment, and the policy change of water resources allocation. The results illus-trated that the pressure on the BHNA water resources will increase in the future, and several suggestionswere advanced to assist decision makers in planning water management to meet future demands in thisregion.

    2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Application of Water Evaluation and Plawater resources management strategy eNew Area, China

    Xue Li a, c, Yue Zhao b, Chunli Shi a, Jian Sha c, Zhona MOE Key Laboratory of Pollution Processes and Environmental Criteria, College of Env300071, Chinab Water Environment Institute, Chinese Academy for Environmental Planning, Beijing, 1ning (WEAP) model forimation in coastal Binhai

    Liang Wang c, *, Yuqiu Wang a, *

    mental Science and Engineering, Nankai University, Tianjin,

    2, China

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  • ManOver the past 30 years, a series of expensive diversion effortswere implemented in Tianjin, including: the Luanhe River Diver-sion Project in 1983e1999; the Yellow River to Tianjin in the 1970sand 1980s; and South-to-North water diversion project from 1990s.These diversion projects not only consumed huge resources butalso lead to a potential risk to the regional ecological environment(Song et al., 2011). Fresh groundwater also suffered from excessiveextraction, which lead to groundwater overdraft that causedextensive salt water intrusion in aquifers, especially in the BHNAdue to its coastal location. The salinization of the groundwatersystem can lead to a severe deterioration of the estuarine zone(Oude Essink, 2001). It is important to address the issue of thewater resource shortage to achieve both economic developmentand sustainability in the BHNA.

    Water managers need to integrate a series of complex anddifcult matters to allocate the limited water resources efcientlyand reduce estuarine deterioration. Traditional policies typicallyonly consider economic and industrial development but ignore theprotection of the environment. These policies have already beenunsuitable for modern environmental management. In recentyears, a new sustainable water management, Integrated WaterResources Management (IWRM), was put forth by the Global WaterPartnership as part of the sustainable development dened by theWorld Commission on Environment and Development as meetingthe needs of the present without compromising the ability of futuregenerations to meet their own needs (Zhang et al., 2008). Thetarget of IWRM is to strive to facilitate the sustainable managementof water resources by fostering information exchange and helpingto match the needs for solutions to water problems with availabletools, assistance, and resources (Mari~no and Simonovic, 2001),which is consistent with China's water management policy. TheIWRM lists numerous models to assist in water allocation andmanagement, among which Water Evaluation and Planning(WEAP) is one of the most useful models that have been applied inmany countries. In this study, the WEAP model was achieved in theTianjin BHNA, the third coastal economic development zone inChina that has a great need for water resource management. Thisstudy focused both on the management of water resources and thesustainability of human activities in coastal zones.

    2. Methodology and data

    2.1. Study area

    The BHNA is located in the northeast of the North China Plain,attributed to Tianjin municipality. With a 153 km length coastlineof Bohai Bay, BHNA covers an area of 2270 km2 (38400Ne39000N,117200E118000E). There is a typical warm temperate semi-humid continental monsoon climate and distinct seasons. Theaverage annual temperature is about 12 C, while January and Julyare the most cold and hot months, respectively. BHNA is quite shortof water resources with a mean annual precipitation about510 mme570 mm. What's more, the evaporation in this area isgreat, about 1469 mm year1 that is 2.4 times as many as precipi-tation (Statistics, 2001). BHNA comprises three administrativedistricts, including Tanggu District, Hangu District and DagangDistrict, and three function zones, including Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Area, Tianjin Port Free Trade Zoneand Tianjin Port, as well as parts of Dongli District and JinnanDistrict. BHNA has a population of 1.72 million in 2007, with anannual growth rate of 4.99% since 2002 (Statistics, 2002). Thehigher population growth rate is especially due to migration andresults in an increased pressure for land and water resources. Thewater resource per capita in Tianjin is 160m3/a, which is only about

    X. Li et al. / Ocean & Coastal987% of the average level in China (Zhang et al., 2008).The BHNA is the gateway to China's vast hinterland and boastsoutstanding geographic advantages, a profound industrial foun-dation, and great potential for growth. The BHNA contains manynatural resources, including wastelands, beaches, oil, natural gas,crude salt, topographical features, and marine resources. Most ofTianjin's key industries, such as petrochemical, metallurgy, elec-tronics, and food processing industries, are all located in the BHNA.The rapid accelerating speed of the economic development andurbanization process sharpens the competition for water and landresources among agriculture, industry and tertiary-industry. Landuse/cover change is an important indicator for evaluating the pro-cess of urbanization. The development of the Earth ObservationSystem and the Global Earth Observation System of Systems hasmade remote sensing a highly effective method for the dynamicmonitoring of the coastal zone and for quickly acquiring this type ofinformation. In this paper, the selected data were TM (thematicmapper) remote sensing images (30 m resolution) from 2001 to2006. The land of the BHNA was classied into six categories usingthe remote sensing software ERDAS 9.1. These six categories werecropland, grassland, water area, urbanized land, barren land andwetland (Fig. 1). The urban sprawl is quite severe in this area due tothe rapid economic development. The proportion of urbanized landhas increased during the last ve years, replacing some barrenlands and wetlands. The industrial land in the BHNA, which isincluded in urbanized land, includes much more than cropland andthis tendency will continue in the future. The development track ofthe BNHA is similar to that of Shanghai and Shenzhen. Shanghai islocated within a vast inland plain of the Changjiang (Yangtze) Riverbasin. It not only has a at and fertile agricultural area, but it alsohas an area where urban growth has rapidly taken place, namelythe PDNA. The rapid industrial process has reduced agriculturalland by 58.16%, while the water area remained at 82.6% during thepast 11 years (Yin et al., 2011). Nevertheless, there is still a portionof agricultural land that is protected from development and isreserved for sustainable development. As another special economiczone in China, the SSEZ has experienced a rapid urbanization pro-cess characterized by a sharp decrease in farm land, of which only2.65% remained in 2000. Urban land increased in urban land from2% in 1980 to 58.7% in 2000 (Shi et al., 2007). This urbanization hascaused serious water shortages, ood hazards, and water pollution.The experience and lessons learned from the PDNA and the SSEZinuenced the building of more grasslands in 2006 than in 2001 toachieve the object of creating a livable environment in the BHNA.This region will not only become a high-tech industrial region, butit will also be an urbanized area with a high population density inthe near future. More attention must be paid to the land cover toensure the conservation of the reserved agricultural land, which isimportant for sustainable development and for utilizing the land inan economic and intensive way.

    Promoting the development and opening-up of the BHNA willbe benecial for strengthening the international competitiveness ofthe BeijingeTianjineHebei region, as well as the circum-Bohai re-gion. Due to its signicant strategic value, the development of theBHNA is supported by the central and local government, and itsscal revenue and expenditure grew at a stable pace in recent years.In May 2006, the State Council issued Related Views on Promotingthe Development and Opening up of Tianjin BHNA. The regionregistered a total scal revenue of 19.83 billion yuan, up by 20.2%than the previous year (Statistics, 2000). Since then, the GDP grewat a steady rate in recent 10 years (as illustrated in Fig. 2). Thesecondary industry maintained rapid growth and played animportant role. The BHNA should gradually build into an eco-cityand an ideal dwelling place featuring an economic boom and so-cial harmony. It is quite important to increase the productive ef-

    agement 106 (2015) 97e109ciency in the next decades due to the high price of energy and raw













  • ManX. Li et al. / Ocean & Coastalmaterials. The objective is to reduce unit energy consumption by20% and increase the percent of industrial water reuse to 90%. Majorindustries, such as electronics and telecommunications, auto,

    Fig. 1. The location and

    Fig. 2. GDP & increasing ratio inagement 106 (2015) 97e109 99machinery manufacturing, biomedicine, chemicals, food andbeverage, aerospace, and new energy and materials are still playingirreplaceable roles in the BHNA. The rate of the high-tech industry

    land use of BHNA.

    BHNA from 1998 to 2010.

  • should reach more than 50% in the future few years. As concernsover the energy shortage and serious environmental problemsgrows, primary industries should lose their output share to cleanerindustries and the tertiary industry, as these industries are growingat a pleasing speed and contributing more fuel to the regionaleconomy.

    Themost important problem faced by the BHNA is how to adjustthe water supply structure and safeguard the supply of the waterresources, as the demand for these resources grows. The BHNAmust effectively deal with various environmental problems tomaintain an eco-balance and develop a circular economy to achieveharmony between human beings and nature and between eco-nomic growth and environmental protection.

    2.2. Model description

    Due to the complexity of water resources management in BHNA,several models could be used to help allocate the available waterresources among the different users in an optimum way, such asAQUATOOL (Andreu et al., 1996), MODSIM (Labadie, 2005), RIB-ASIM (Hydraulics, 2006), WARGI-SIM (Sechi and Sulis, 2009),QUALHYMO (Rowney and MacRae, 1991) and WEAP (Sieber andPurkey, 2007).

    Technically speaking in WEAP, it provides a comprehensive,exible and user-friendly framework for planning and policyanalysis, which is applicable for complex water system. WEAP canrepresent water resource systems incorporating natural inows,precipitation, evaporation, and evapotranspiration as input data.Operational features, which can be specied as steady-state or

    variables and equations to further rene and adapt the analysis tolocal constraints and conditions with possible data exchange withother software such as excel (Sieber et al., 2005).

    WEAP has been used in many countries, such as California,Massachusetts, Georgia, Southern Africa, North Africa and manycountries in Asia. At the beginning of the twentieth century, WEAPwas used for study of the climate effect on water resources and theoptimal allocation among demand sites in a basin in United Statesprincipally (Strzepek et al., 1999). With the spread promotion ofWEAP, many countries in Africa and Asia has linked WEAP toMODFLOW and capacity building to analyze the relationship be-tween groundwater and surface water, relieving the pressure ofagricultural irrigation. BHNA is a special economic zonewith a largeamount of demand sites but limited water resources, as a result acomplicated water supply and demand system is composed, whichmight be estimated by using WEAP.

    2.3. Data preparation

    The WEAP constructed a network consisting of water resourcesand demand sites connected by links that deliver water from theresource node to the demand site. Return ow links, which returnwastewater from the demand site to wastewater treatment plants(WWTPs), are an important part of the WEAP network. Treatedwastewater is then transferred from theWWTPs to the reuse site orto the ultimate disposal water course (Al-Omari et al., 2009). Themajor rivers and reservoirs as well as the demand sites in the BHNAare shown in Fig. 3. The BHNA receives a small amount of precip-itation and its major water resources are reservoirs and non-

    X. Li et al. / Ocean & Coastal Management 106 (2015) 97e109100time-varying, are represented include storage and release of waterby reservoirs, physical discharge controls at reservoirs outlets,water ow in channels, consumptive demands, and hydropowerrelease. Moreover, WEAP allows users to develop their own set ofFig. 3. Water resources andconventional water. These non-conventional water resources areconsidered as potential water resources and include groundwaterrecharge, transfer water, reclaimed waste water and sea water.Groundwater is also an additional water supply for the BHNA, but ademand sites in BHNA.










  • large amount of salt water has intruded into aquifers and lead to asevere deterioration of the estuarine zone. The exploitation ofgroundwater resources is restricted by the local government. Inaddition, the data on the characteristics of the hydraulic connectionbetween the surface water and groundwater is absent, and thiscomponent was not taken into account in the model. The South-to-North water diversion project is another signicant water sourcefor the BHNA. The transfer of water from the south to the north is

    immigration to the BHNA, the domestic consumptionwas a notableamount. The projection of future changes in population, agricultureand industry sectors were included in the WEAP (Savoskul et al.,2003).

    3. Scenario initializations

    With rapid urbanization and economic growth in the study area,the intensive water resources have been a principal limiting factorfor future development. To assess whether the designed watertransfer would satisfy the growing water demands in the BHNA,three main scenarios were simulated in the WEAP. These scenarioswere constructed to reect the effect of future trends on waterdemands as concluded by the BHNA government and to investigatethe impact of important planned goals from the Tianjin BHNAConstruction and Environmental Protection Plan (2007e2020a) forthe year 2020. These scenarios mainly include urbanization, in-dustrial structure adjustment and policy impacts.

    X. Li et al. / Ocean & Coastal Management 106 (2015) 97e109 101essentially the only way to alleviate the water shortage in NorthChina. Waste water must be recycled as new sources are allocatedto their maximum benet. Seawater desalination technology hasbeen rapidly developed in recent years.

    Based on the regional current water situation, the effective andefcient management of limited water resources is quite importantfor the BHNA. How to minimize industrial water use and maximizewastewater reuse among different tenants of this region is a severeproblem and highly interrelated with economic development. TheWEAP was chosen to analyze the complex water net in the BHNA.Within the WEAP, the Current Accounts of the water system werecreated rst, representing the basic denition of the water systemin its current state and the assumed starting year for all scenarios(Yilmaz and Harmancioglu, 2010). The BHNA had a stable devel-opment for more than 10 years and 2006 was the most recent yearfor which comprehensive data were available. Therefore, 2006 wasselected as the current year and the scenario analysis was denedfrom 2007 to 2020. The key assumptions and parameters weredened separately in the database and linked to demand, supplyand infrastructure calculations (Jenkins et al., 2005). The demandand supply data were calculated using the statistical reports from2006 to 2010 of the BHNA government press.

    Water demands were subdivided into the following major sec-tors: agricultural water, industrial water and domestic water. InChina, industries are classied into three types. The Chinese sta-tistical denition of primary industries include farming, forestry,animal husbandry and shery. Secondary industries includeminingand quarrying, manufacturing, production and supply of electricity,water and gas, and construction. Tertiary industries include allother industries not included in the primary or secondary in-dustries, such as transport, post and telecommunications services,etc. (Long et al., 2010). Within the rst, secondary and tertiary in-dustry, limited crop districts and living areas were taken into ac-count as demand sites. The priority of each demand sitewas set at 1to reect the highest priority. The demand sites were distributedevenly in this region, whereas the agricultural sector was ignoredbecause of its small percentage. The area of cultivated land in theBHNA is only 230.0 km2, while the wetland is 318.7 km2, barrenland is 108.6 km2, which are unsuitable for the growth of crops.Therefore, the industrial demands are the most important de-mands. The water supply data for the current year are summarizedin Table 1. The total water demand for the BHNAwas 2.64 108 m3,of which 53% was dominated by the industrial sector. Only 4.7% ofwater resources were used for local agriculture and ecology, andthe residue was used for domestic consumption. The populationand structure (percentage for urban and rural) in the BHNA wereclosely bound with domestic water consumption. With the rapid

    Table 1Water uses in BHNA in 2006 (Unit: million m3/year).

    Water types Total

    Surface water 160.9Groundwater 98.2Others 6.0Sea water 214.1

    Seawater desalination 34.03.1. Scenario I: Urbanization driver for domestic water use

    Urbanization is dened by the United Nations as the movementof people from rural to urban areas with population growthequating to urban migration. An urban area is characterized by ahigher population density and vast human features in comparisonto the surrounding areas surrounding. The construction of theBHNA, which was an ambitious development project, attractedattention and lead to a substantial in-migration. People from ruraland other areas can easily nd work in the BHNA. The BNHA'sbooming industry development and its living environment willlikely bring more people to the area and tremendously impactwater resources at the same time.

    The urban population in the BHNA was only 6.96 105 cap. in1994. The population increased in 2009 to 9.22 105 cap. Thepercentage of the urban population also increased year by year,from 69.7% to 77.79% during 15 years. Table 2 shows the variety ofthe population and its composition from 1994 to 2009. The popu-lation is expected to exceed 3.0 106 cap. by 2020, of which2.9 106 cap. will be the urban population, and urbanization willreach 97% (Tianjin Urban Master Plan (2005e2020)). The domesticconsumption may not meet in the near future if effective water usemeasures are not implemented.

    Urban areas in the BHNA concentrated in the core area of TangguDistrict, Hangu District, Dagang District and Sino-Singapore Tianjin

    Table 2Population in urban compared with rural in Tianjin city from 1994 to 2009.

    Year Population (103 capita) Population composition(%)

    Urban Rural Urban Rural

    1994 695.7 302.5 69.70 30.301995 702.8 299.6 70.25 29.751996 723.1 284.8 71.90 28.101997 731.5 279.3 72.52 27.481998 749.4 277.6 72.97 27.031999 768.6 270.0 74.01 25.992000 780.3 265.6 74.61 25.392001 789.9 263.6 74.98 25.022002 802.7 261.2 75.45 24.552003 810.5 260.0 75.71 24.292004 820.3 261.0 75.86 24.142005 833.8 260.1 76.22 23.782006 862.8 261.1 76.77 23.232007 881.7 262.4 77.07 22.932008 897.0 265.4 77.17 22.83

    2009 922.4 263.3 77.79 22.21

















  • Eco-city. This scenario foresees the increase of the population in theBHNA with respect to water availability and water demand. Thepopulation was 1.71 105 in Hangu District, 3.69 105 in DagangDistrict, 5.01 105 in Tanggu District and 8.20 104 in Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-city. The BHNA is in a rising developmentstatus, with a small population and enough materials, houses, fuelsas well as opportunities in the region. If the population beforegrowth was slight, then, in view of the assumption of exponentialgrowth and based on the interspecic competition method, it willtend to resemble that the population in the BHNA will growexponentially in the following decade (Marjoram and Donnelly,1994) (see Fig. 4).

    The changes in population, population distribution and densitywere key factors inuencing the domestic demand for water re-sources. The annual water use rate also played an important role.The mean annual water use rate in the BHNAwas 42.60 m3/person(41.80 m3/person in Hangu District, 40.60 m3/person in DagangDistrict, 43.00 m3/person in Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-city and45.00 m3/person in Tanggu District). The urbanization water useforecasted in the model must depend on both the population

    which is known as the Eleventh Five Year in China. The industrial

    includes electronics and telecommunications, auto, machinerymanufacturing, biomedicine, chemicals, food and beverage, aero-space, and new energy and material. These eight major industries,

    Table 3Economic indicators in BHNA in contrast to Tianjin (data sources: Tianjin BHNAstatistical yearbook of 2010).

    Year GDP ofBHNA(billionyuan RMB)

    GDP ofTianjin(billionyuan RMB)

    Growthrate ofBHNA (%)

    Growthrate ofTianjin (%)

    Ratio ofBHNA toTianjin (%)

    2001 68.5 191.9 17.80 12.00 35.702002 86.3 215.1 20.10 12.50 40.102003 104.6 257.8 20.40 14.80 40.602004 132.3 311.1 20.10 15.80 42.502005 163.4 390.6 19.80 14.70 41.802006 198.4 446.3 20.20 14.50 44.402007 241.4 525.3 20.50 15.20 46.002008 335.0 671.9 23.10 16.50 49.902009 381.1 752.2 23.50 16.50 50.70

    X. Li et al. / Ocean & Coastal Management 106 (2015) 97e109102structure of secondary industry-tertiary industry-primary in-dustry has been adopted in the BHNA, in which the processingindustry, with its capital-intensive and technology-intensive fea-tures, plays the dominant role (Wei, 2008). The processing industrygrowth and the change in the annual water use rate. In addition, theratio of inow water consumption is essential. The WEAP cananalyze the inuence of these factors on the domestic waterconsumption.

    3.2. Scenario II: Gross Domestic Product (GDP) driver for industrialwater use

    Tianjin is known as China's third largest city and the biggestindustrial center in the north. The area has convenient trans-portation, abundantmaterials, a superior geographical position andthe biggest port in the north. The economy in Tianjin developedrapidly during recent 20 years, and the BHNA is an especiallydeveloped region. With its ports, low-tax and tariff-free zones,many foreign and state-owned enterprises reside in the BHNA. Ithas taken a large share of Tianjin's GDP in the past few years, whichis shown in Table 3.

    The BHNA maintained its rapid growth from 2006 to 2010,Fig. 4. Prediction of population in BHNwhich are mostly secondary industries, generated 93.2% of the re-gion's GDP. The secondary industry is generally dened as takingthe output of the primary sector andmanufacturing nished goods,exporting goods to other businesses, or selling goods to domesticconsumers. This sector consumes large quantities of energy andrequires factories and machinery to convert the raw materials intogoods and products. It also produces waste materials and wasteheat that may pose environmental problems or cause pollution. Inthe initial development period of the BHNA, the secondary industrycould not avoid being the most important contributor to theeconomy. However, with the limited amount of resources and ca-pacity of the environment, the secondary industry must rene itsrole and be cleaner andmore energy saving. The tertiary industry ismore environmentally friendly and should have a larger share inthe market.

    The forecast of industrial water use in the model was driven bythe growth of GDP. With limited water resources, the upper limit ofindustrial development was predicted in this scenario. Over thepast decade, the GDP in the BHNA increased sharply, while thewater use was stable and even decreased slightly (see Fig. 5). Basedon the limited data, a method which has a relatively weak datarequirement was used for a case study in this area (Strzepek et al.,1999). First, the total BHNA industrial water use data for the baseyear was obtained. Next, the primary, secondary and tertiaryA during urbanization until 2020.










  • dustrial water use per sector increased in proportion to the growth

    tal w

    X. Li et al. / Ocean & Coastal Management 106 (2015) 97e109 103in GDP by adjusting the industrial structure. The industrial wateruse coefcient was adjusted for technological change to yieldalternative forecasts. With this method, the increase of industrialwater use in each water sector could be forecasted by a GDP driver.

    3.3. Scenario III: Economic development goals driver for watersupply demand

    Though the economy in the BHNA can rapidly develop usingconstant water resources, economic development should beindustrial data obtained from the base year and an industrial wateruse coefcient (as measured by GDP (10 thousand yuan RMB)) wascalculated for the base year. The industrial water use in each watersector was estimated by the industrial water use per GDP. The sameprocess was used for the reference years (2007e2020). The in-

    Fig. 5. Relationship between GDP and toproperly controlled. By forecasting the BHNA development from2006 to 2010, the total economic output in 2020 should reach 1000

    Fig. 6. The model forecasted the changebillion RMB, in which the ratio of secondary industry and tertiaryindustry is close to 7:3.

    This scenario was constructed to reect the effect of the eco-nomic plan for water demands. Because of the small proportion ofthe primary industry, the upper limit of the GDP was set to 700billion and 300 billion for the secondary and tertiary industries,respectively. The variable curve of GDP forecasted in the model isshown in Fig. 6. This scenario was based on the secondary scenario,in other words, the water use coefcient was the same as in sce-nario 2. The purpose of running this scenario was to determine theminimum amount of water consumption needed to simultaneouslyachieve the economic goals of 2020. The developing trend of theBHNAwas set similar to the SSEZ and the PDNA, which is shown inFig. 7 and Fig. 8. The SSEC was developed from a small village andthe industrial origin was nearly zero. The PDNA was part ofShanghai and the industrial base is relatively stronger than the

    ater consumption in BHNA (diamonds).SSEZ, which is closer to that in the BHNA. From the experience ofthese two economic zones, the rapid increase in secondary and

    of GDP in BHNA from 2006 to 2020.









  • Management 106 (2015) 97e109X. Li et al. / Ocean & Coastal104tertiary industrial is inevitable, which has signicant characteristicsduring economic development in China.

    4. Results and discussion

    The three scenarios were estimated based on current waterdemands and were assessed for the time period from 2007 to 2020.The main function of the WEAP performance was to allocate waterresources reasonably to various user types. The model optimizeswater distribution according to the given objectives and itsknowledge of water availability in the entire modeled time period(Schlter et al., 2005).

    The scenarios are dened as a set of alternative assumptionswhich can take a global view of operating policies, demand man-agement strategies and supply sources. Changes in these

    Fig. 7. The GDP in SSEZ during 1980s and 1990s.

    Fig. 8. The GDP in PDNA during 1980s and 1990s.

    Table 4Population and per capita annual water use rate.

    Domestic site Population(thousand capita)a

    Per capita waterconsumption (m3/capita/a)b

    2006 2015 2020

    Hangu District 170.8 41.90 40.80 38.30Danggang District 369.7 40.60 41.30 37.70Sino-Singapore

    Tianjin Eco-city80.0 43.00 42.90 38.90

    Tanggu District 501.4 45.00 41.90 39.10Total 1121.9 e e e

    a Data source: Tianjin BHNA statistical yearbook of 2006.b Data source: The standard of water quantity for city's residential use (GB/T





  • X. Li et al. / Ocean & Coastal Manassumptions could either grow or decline at a varying rate over theplanning horizon. The scenario projections established in this studywere based on economic, urbanization and technological trends.For example, it was observed that increasing the population couldcause a signicant increase in water demand (Mutiga et al., 2010).Similarly, economic development and technological improvementalso resulted in an increase in water demand and, consequently, anincrease in the unmet demand. During the planning horizon

    Fig. 9. The prediction of water us

    Fig. 10. Comparison of population gr

    Table 5Annual water use rate in different sectors.

    Industrial type Water use rate (m3/yuan RMB)

    2006 2010 2015 2020

    Primary industry 0.4245 0.4177 0.4092 0.4009Secondary industry 0.0105 0.0061 0.0033 0.0018Tertiary industry 0.0088 0.0052 0.0028 0.0015agement 106 (2015) 97e109 105(2007e2020), there were three different scenarios developed toreect alternative paths for future water resources management inthe BHNA.

    4.1. Scenario I: Urbanization driver for domestic water use

    In this scenario, the populationwould grow rapidly according toeleventh-ve-year plan from 2006 to 2010, while water con-sumption for irrigation and industry was assumed to be constantduring these years. With the reinforcement of people's environ-ment awareness and the popularization of water efcient equip-ment, the annual water use rate would gradually reduce (seeTable 4). In addition, the water consumption rate was considered tobe higher in the future, except for the reason referenced above, andincreasing the suitable water price suitable would be a good idea.The water distribution system could be protected and maintainedat short intervals, and the losswould be reduced to a certain degree.

    e in urbanization since 2006.

    owth between PDNA and SSEZ.








  • ate

    X. Li et al. / Ocean & Coastal Man106The water reuse rate would also increase year by year, with theperfection of municipal sewage treatment systems. All of thesefactors were integrated to predict the water use, as shown in Fig. 9.The projected total water demands for the four sites increased from51.31 million m3 in 2006, which is the date of beginning of ourstudy, to 60.70million m3 for the end of the scenario (year 2020).The years from 2007 to 2012 were calibrated years, and the averageR2 between the statistical data and the predicted data was 0.90.Tanggu, Hangu and Dagang were stable because they have nearlyreached their maximum capacity. These three districts cannotaccept many more immigrating individuals. It is very similar to thedevelopment process of the PDNA, which is shown in Fig. 10. Theyhave all grown from a part of a developed urban area where theenvironmental capacity is nearly saturated, so that the amount ofimmigration is quite limited.

    The Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-city is a building region and fewpeople currently live there. The Eco-city Project was used toshowcase the latest green technologies adopted in buildings to

    Fig. 11. Three industries sector wreduce the adverse effects of global warming, inefcient energyuse, carbon emissions and climate change. For this purpose, at,marshy tracts of underdeveloped land in the desolate north-eastern corner of the BHNA will be transformed over the nexttwo decades into a 30 km2 Eco-city using the latest green tech-nologies, such as state-of-the-art water recycling and waste treat-ment systems (Low et al., 2009). It will house a community of300,000 people living and working in energy-efcient buildingsbased on the report in Tianjin BHNA Economic and Social Devel-opment Eleventh-Five-Year Plan (2005). Though the annual wateruse rate was not higher in this region than other three districts, theamount of water use will increase rapidly due to populationgrowth. The developing trend of this region and the SSEZ are quitealike. Since the 1980s, Shenzhen has grown from a poor village to alarge city, which was the rst special economic zone in China. Withits location in the Pearl River Delta, Shenzhen covers an area of2050 square kilometers, including urban and rural areas with atotal population of 479,000 to 14 million from 1990 to 2008.Shenzhen was the fastest growing city in China for the past 30years. A large amount of immigration streamed into this developingregion during these three decades. It is the development examplefor the Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-city and it provided a templatefor a later coastal economic zone.4.2. Scenario II: GDP driver for industrial water demand

    The newly industrialized economies in the BHNA have achievedhigh levels of per capita income and fast-maturing industrialstructures. An important challenge it faced was the ability tomaintain rapid growth while structurally changing their economiesby moving into more technological and capital-intensive productlines.

    In the simulated environment of the WEAP, continuous eco-nomic growth was one of the inherent assumptions. Water is one ofthe most precious natural resources and the lifeblood for a sus-tainable economic development in any country. The BHNA isdeveloping with a high growth rate of population and industrialactivity. Future industrial water use in this region was estimated bymultiplying the industrial GDP in the country by its water intensity(Wu and Barnes, 2008). The purpose of setting this scenario was toestimate the inuence of economic growth and the adjustment ofthe industrial structure on future water use and availability. Three

    r demands forecasted by model.

    agement 106 (2015) 97e109different industrial sectors were assumed for changes in water in-tensity. In 2006, the water use rate was 0.42 m3/yuan, 0.009 m3/yuan and 0.011 m3/yuan for the primary industry, secondary in-dustry and tertiary industry, respectively (Statistics, 2006). For theanalysis, we assumed the primary industry sector remained con-stant at its current situation because of its small proportion in theBHNA, while its water use efciency could be reasonably enhancedby irrigation technology innovation.

    With secondary and tertiary industrial GDP growth, governmentpolicies are strengthened and populations experience a rise in theirdemand for water resources. The industrial water use rate willlikely experience an N shape during longer-term time scales,which is also known as the Environmental Kuznets Curve. This Nshape indicates that water use increases as a country develops,decreases once the threshold GDP is reached, and then beginsincreasing as national income continues to increase. This is inaccordance with the development of United States in the 1980s. Itwas estimated that water consumption achieved a peak in 2005.Water intensity will likely be lower in the near future as technologyand equipment improves and the environmental protective andfuel economical consciousness increases (see Table 5).

    With the limited water resources and reduction in the water userate in the next decade, the GDP would strongly increase from 137billion yuan RMB to 3054 billion yuan within the water resources



















  • carrying capacity of the BHNA. Under these scenario assumptions,the prediction results are shown in Fig. 11. As in scenario I, the yearsfrom 2007 to 2012 were calibrated years, and the average R2 be-tween the statistical data and the predicted data was 0.86. Theindustrial water demand would vary from 1.530 billion m3 in 2006to 1.500 billion m3 in 2020. The amount of agricultural water wasstable and declined gradually while the secondary and tertiarywater demands increased a little in the next ten years. The water

    consumption was approximately 700 million cubic meters for theindustrial sector and 400million cubic meters for the service sector,which make up approximately 75% of the water resources in theBHNA. Total amount of water was kept constantly under this sce-nario, but the GDP would rapidly increase until 2020.

    4.3. Scenario III: GDP driver for industrial water demand

    This sub-scenario was set under scenario II according to theannual GDP growth targets for the twelfth-ve-year plan from 2011to 2015. According to the eleventh-ve-year plan and the twelfth-ve-year plan of Tianjin City and the Mid-long Plan of Tianjin City(2005e2020), the annual growth rate of economic scale is 22% from2006 to 2010. The GDP would reach 1000 billion yuan, according tothe 2020 economic growth target. The ratio of secondary industryto tertiary industry is approximately 7:3 until 2020, and the vari-able trend is shown in Fig. 6.

    Because the GDP upper limit was much lower than the previous

    Table 6Annual water use rate in different sectors.

    Industrial type Water use rate(m3/yuan)

    2006 2010 2015 2020

    Primary industry 0.4245 0.4170 0.4082 0.3996Secondary industry 0.0105 0.0071 0.0055 0.0042Tertiary industry 0.0088 0.0069 0.0053 0.0041

    Fig. 12. The trends of water use rate in PDNA and SSEZ during their rapidly developing period.

    X. Li et al. / Ocean & Coastal Management 106 (2015) 97e109 107Fig. 13. Predict industrial water demand under economic targets with WEAP.





  • Manscenario, the water use rate would be much easier to accomplish.The Eleventh and Twelfth Five Year Plans have taken the followingfactors into consideration for the management of water allocation:the cost of technical renovation and instrumental innovation; thecarrying capacity of natural resources; and the preservation of alivable environment. It does not correspond with the sustainablemethod to develop society and economy without considering theconservation of the eco-environment in the BHNA. Using otherdeveloped countries' experience as a reference, the water use ratewas set at 0.005 cubic meters per yuan, which is relatively easier toaccomplish. The predicted use rate is shown in Table 6. The BHNAwould most likely resemble the SSEC. However, there are no otherregions facing the same tough problems as the BHNA. Although it isa recently constructed area, the target of lowering the water userate must be set more rigorously. The PDNA and the SSEC tookalmost ten years to decrease the water use rate of the secondaryindustry to 0.005 cubic meters, which is shown in Fig. 12. Withadvanced technology, the BHNAwill achieve this objective within ashorter time frame, as well as producing more economic value.

    Industrial water demand under this target was estimated at 1.5billion yuan in 2006 to 1.1 billion yuan in 2020 (see Fig. 13), and theaverage R2 between the statistical data and the predicted data was0.83 from 2007 to 2012. It was quite a unique development modulein China than in other countries. The policies or plans establishedby the government impact the socio-economic development. Un-der the guidance of these overall plans, the use of natural resources,such as water and energy, could be extremely optimized.

    5. Conclusions

    The WEAP model was successfully achieved in the BHNA tosupport scientic management of the local water resource, which isone of the most important factors for the sustainable developmentof socio-economy (Song et al., 2011). A total of 13.8 billion m3 waterwas transferred toTianjin from the Luanhe River in 1983e1999, andin the 1970s and 1980s the water was also diverted from the YellowRiver to Tianjin (Bai and Imura, 2001). Against this background, theBHNA, which is developing with the rapid urbanization and highgrowth rate of industrial units, is showing an increasing trend inwater demands. The PDNA and SSEC have set good examples forother coastal zones. However, the BHNAmust explore a uniquewayto adapt sustainable development and to allocate the limited waterresources appropriately. The WEAP enabled a comprehensiveanalysis of water resources in this region to forecast water demandin domestic and industrial sectors for the years from 2006 to 2020.

    In the rst scenario, population growth was the most importantfactor inuencing domestic water demand in the BHNA. Waterdemand for this sector must be satised in the rst, because it has adirect bearing on social stability and harmony. Faced with thescarcity of fresh water supply in Tianjin, the second scenarioanalyzed the adjustment of the industrial structure impact onwater demand. The amount of required water was maintained bydeveloping water efciency technology and equipment, but it wasapparent that demand could not be met if it only relied on freshwater supplies. Depending on the eleventh-ve-year plan made bycentral government, the economic target for the third scenario wasmuch lower than the second scenario so that had less water de-mand in the next decade, but the demand could not be met by theclean water supply. Exploiting nontraditional water sources hassignicant value for this region, such as the desalination of seawater.

    The coastal zone represents the most wealthy and sociallydiverse part of China and still gains in economic importance, suchas the BHNA. However, as the development of the coastal zone

    X. Li et al. / Ocean & Coastal108progresses and national and local interests in coastal and marineresources rise, the coastal zone needs to be sustainably managed.The WEAP can be used to obtain more information beyond thescope of the present study, such as power and water supply costsand income, the relationship between surface water and ground-water, and water quality, etc. Effective water management couldhelp avoid the estuarine land reclamation and salinization, andmaintain sustainable development based on the limited water re-sources in the BHNA.


    The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers fortheir helpful suggestions and advice. We are also grateful to theNational Science Data Share Project e Data Sharing Infrastructureof Earth System Science (China) for the data support. This work wasfunded by Chinese Academy for Environmental Planning (Grant No.2008AW01) and the innovation team training plan of the TianjinEducation Committee (TD12-5037).


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    X. Li et al. / Ocean & Coastal Management 106 (2015) 97e109 109

    Application of Water Evaluation and Planning (WEAP) model for water resources management strategy estimation in coastal Bin ...1. Introduction2. Methodology and data2.1. Study area2.2. Model description2.3. Data preparation

    3. Scenario initializations3.1. Scenario I: Urbanization driver for domestic water use3.2. Scenario II: Gross Domestic Product (GDP) driver for industrial water use3.3. Scenario III: Economic development goals driver for water supply demand

    4. Results and discussion4.1. Scenario I: Urbanization driver for domestic water use4.2. Scenario II: GDP driver for industrial water demand4.3. Scenario III: GDP driver for industrial water demand

    5. ConclusionsAcknowledgmentsReferences
