

Tips and Tricks

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  • Configurable Logic Cell Tips n Tricks

    TIPS N TRICKS INTRODUCTIONMicrochip continues to provide innovative products thatare smaller, faster, easier to use and more reliable.Flash-based PIC microcontrollers (MCUs) are used ina wide range of everyday products from smokedetectors to industrial, automotive and medicalproducts.

    The PIC16(L)F150X and PIC10(L)F32X families ofdevices with on-chip configurable logic cells merge allthe advantages of the PIC MCU architecture and theflexibility of Flash program memory with the functional-ity of a configurable digital logic cell. Together, theyform a low-cost building block with resource savingsand external component reduction.

    The flexibility of Flash and an excellent developmenttool suite, including a low-cost In-Circuit Debugger, In-Circuit Serial ProgrammingTM (ICSPTM) and CLCConfiguration Tool GUI, make these devices ideal forjust about any embedded control application.

    The following series of Tips n Tricks can be applied toa variety of applications to help make the most of digitallogic functions using a PIC MCU with on-chipconfigurable logic.


    Input SelectionFor all CLC modules, there are eight signals availableas inputs to the configurable logic cell, and these eightinput signals may vary from device to device. Neverthe-less, only four can be selected at any one time. This isdone via four 8-input multiplexers, used to pass theinput signals on to the data gating stage of the CLC.Input signals are selected with the CLCxSEL0 andCLCxSEL1 registers, as shown in Figure 1.


    Configurable Logic Cell (CLC) 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. DS41631B-page 1

  • Configurable Logic Cell Tips n Tricks Data GatingThe outputs from the input multiplexers are directed tothe data gating stage of the CLC. The data gates canbe configured to direct each input signal as inverted ornon-inverted data signals. These signals are then

    ANDed together in each gate. Finally, each gatesoutput can be inverted before going on to the logicfunction stage of the CLC.

    The basic logic that can be obtained in each gate issummarized in Table 1 and Figure 2.


    LOGIC FUNCTION SELECTIONThe outputs from the four data gates are now inputsinto the logic function selection stage of the CLC. Here,the data gate outputs can be gated down to one outputsignal from a selection of eight logic functions. Theseeight logic functions are shown in Figure 3 throughFigure 10.

    TABLE 1: DATA GATING LOGICCLCxGLS(0-3) Registers LCxGyPOL bits Gate Logic

    Inverted 55h 1 AND55h 0 NAND

    Non-Inverted AAh 1 NORAAh 0 OR

    Not Connected 00h 0 Logic 000h 1 Logic 1




    ORDS41631B-page 2 2012 Microchip Technology Inc.

  • Configurable Logic Cell Tips n TricksFIGURE 3: AND-OR

    FIGURE 4: OR-XOR 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. DS41631B-page 3

  • Configurable Logic Cell Tips n Tricks FIGURE 5: 4 INPUT AND

    FIGURE 6: SR LATCHDS41631B-page 4 2012 Microchip Technology Inc.

  • Configurable Logic Cell Tips n TricksFIGURE 7: 1 INPUT D FLIP-FLOP WITH SET AND RESET

    FIGURE 8: 2 INPUT D FLIP-FLOP WITH RESET 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. DS41631B-page 5

  • Configurable Logic Cell Tips n Tricks FIGURE 9: J K FLIP-FLOP WITH RESET

    FIGURE 10: 1 INPUT TRANSPARENT LATCH WITH SET AND RESETDS41631B-page 6 2012 Microchip Technology Inc.

  • Configurable Logic Cell Tips n TricksOUTPUT CONTROLThe last stage of the CLC is the output control stage.Here the output signal from the logic function selectionstage can be inverted, or not, and sent to the deviceoutput pin or sent internally to other peripherals. Also,an interrupt can be generated upon a change in theCLC output signal. This interrupt can be set to occur onthe rising or falling edge of the CLC output signal.

    FIGURE 11: 1 INPUT TRANSPARENT LATCH WITH SET AND RESET 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. DS41631B-page 7

  • Configurable Logic Cell Tips n Tricks TIP 1: REROUTING AN OUTPUT PINHow often have you needed to move a signal on onepin of a PIC MCU to another? Often, this will have to bedone by extra source code that eats up deviceresources or by physically adding a jumper wire thatdoes not look very good. This tip presents a simple

    method of rerouting one device pin to another pin onthe same device internally, using the CLC modulewithout using up precious resources.

    Although there are some limits placed on which pinscan be routed to which locations, the input pin must beone of the CLC inputs and the destination pin must beone of the CLC output pins.


    This device has two CLC modules, see Table 2. CLC1and CLC2. CLC1 has inputs on pins RA3 and RC7,either one of these pins can be moved to RA2 or RC5(RC5 requires the use of the APFCON register). Like-wise, when using CLC2, it has inputs on pins RC3 andRC4, either one of these pins can be moved to RC0only.



    in P






    in Q





















    RA0 19 16 AN0 IOC Y ICSPDAT


    RA2 17 14 AN2 CWG1FLT CLC1(1) T0CKI PWM3 INT/IOC



    RA4 3 20 AN3 T1G IOC Y CLKOUT


    RB4 13 10 AN10 IOC Y

    RB5 12 9 AN11 IOC Y

    RB6 11 8 IOC Y

    RB7 10 7 IOC Y

    RC0 16 13 AN4 CLC2

    RC1 15 12 AN5 NCO1(1) PWM4

    RC2 14 11 AN6

    RC3 7 4 AN7 CLC2IN0 PWM2

    RC4 6 3 CWG1B CLC2IN1

    RC5 5 2 CWG1A CLC1(2) PWM1

    RC6 8 5 AN8 NCO1(2)

    RC7 9 6 AN9 CLC1IN1

    VDD 1 18 VDD

    VSS 20 17 VSSNote 1: Default location for peripheral pin function. Alternate location can be selected using the APFCON register.

    2: Alternate location for peripheral pin function selected by the APFCON register.DS41631B-page 8 2012 Microchip Technology Inc.

  • Configurable Logic Cell Tips n TricksTIP 2: MANCHESTER ENCODERManchester encoding is a versatile line encodingmethod, which is widely used. When the EUSART isused to transmit data, various mechanisms such as

    interrupts and buffers are available to free up resourceson the CPU. To date, however, it was required to eitherperform a bit-bang transmission or use externalhardware to take this output signal and encode it inManchester format.


    This tip presents a method to produce a Manchester-encoded output signal by using the SPI port inSynchronous mode with the CLC. By combining theSPI clock with the SPI data using the CLC, a Manches-ter-encoded signal can be created in hardware with nooverhead and no external components required to dothe modulation.

    Configure the CLC as shown in Figure 13. The outputwill be a Manchester-encoded version of the data sentvia SPI in Master mode.



    Bit Stream

    Manchester-Encoded Output

    Bit StreamClock Manchester-Encoded Output

    1 0 1 0 0 1 1 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. DS41631B-page 9

  • Configurable Logic Cell Tips n Tricks TIP 3: FREQUENCY DIVIDERFrequency dividers are commonly used building blocksfor more complex applications.

    By negating the CLC4OUT signal when feeding it intoD, we are effectively tapping out Q. The flip-flop clocksthis input through to the output on the positive edge ofthe next external clock, causing the output to toggleonce for every positive edge coming in from theexternal signal. This results in the input clock beingdivided by two at the output. Using the CLC as a D flip-flop, the user can create a simple frequency divider byconnecting it up as follows. See Figure 14.

    FIGURE 14: CLC CONFIGURED FOR FREQUENCY DIVIDERDS41631B-page 10 2012 Microchip Technology Inc.

  • Configurable Logic Cell Tips n TricksTIP 4: CONDITIONAL WAKE FROM SLEEPIn applications where power use is critical, it is commonto put the microcontroller to Sleep in order to savepower, and wake it up only when a specific event hasoccurred which requires attention.

    If the condition we are looking for requires a number ofsignals to represent a specific state, it often results inthe CPU waking from Sleep due to a pin change, onlyto check the condition and realize that the other inputs,which constitute the specific condition, have notoccurred, resulting in a waste of power.

    This tip describes how to wake the microcontroller fromSleep when a combination of things are true.

    Since the CLC keeps running even when the devicehas been placed in Sleep mode, and the device can bewoken from Sleep by an interrupt created by a CLCoutput changing, it is possible to conditionally wake thedevice from Sleep. The CLC can be configured toperform a number of logical operations such as OR,XOR or AND operations on input signals, and evencombine this with stateful behavior by incorporatingflip-flops, waking the device from Sleep only when avery specific combination occurs. 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. DS41631B-page 11

  • Configurable Logic Cell Tips n Tricks TIP 5: FAST PULSE DETECTOR/PULSE EXTENDERWhen using a microprocessor to do pulse counting orsimply react to a condition where an input pin ispresented with a very short one-shot pulse, it is often aproblem that these small pulses are missed, resultingin incorrect behavior.

    While it is possible to solve this problem by using aninterrupt-on-change mechanism, many applicationshave to operate in deterministic time (real time) and are

    thus prevented from using interrupts. In this case,inputs need to be polled at a specific time to determinethe value, making it impractical to count short pulses.

    This tip describes a way to detect a clock edge on anexternal pin and hold it, even if the input changes backto the original state very quickly. By Configuring theCLC to clock the pulse edge into a D flip-flop, as shownin Figure 15, it is possible to save the pulse for an indef-inite amount of time, allowing the microprocessor toread and react to the impulse at its own leisure.


    This will solve the problem in all cases where multiplepulses are not expected in quick succession. Thissame technique also allows for the debouncing of acontact that needs to be read, ensuring that multipleevents are not triggered by a single contact change.

    Variation:By adding an input to the reset line of the D flip-flop andfeeding this back from the output via a RC filter, it ispossible to simply extend the pulse instead of continu-ing the signal indefinitely.DS41631B-page 12 2012 Microchip Technology Inc.

  • Configurable Logic Cell Tips n TricksTIP 6: SIGNAL THRESHOLD AND HOLD CIRCUITInterfacing a digital device, such as a CPU, with ananalog device, such as a photodiode, can be challeng-ing. As the output signal will be offset by the ambientlight, which may vary widely between differentconditions such as being indoors, or outdoors in directsunlight. These conditions can cause the entire upper(logic 1), or the entire lower (logic 0) part of the signalto fall within the undefined range on the device(between VIN0max and VIN1min). On many devices,these values can be significantly far apart, as digitalelectronics are designed to operate at discreet valuesof 1 and 0, and not in between.

    In order to overcome this problem, it is necessary tochange the threshold where the decision is madewhether the signal represents a 0 or a 1, and elimi-nate as much as possible of the undefined region inbetween the two. This can be accomplished by usingan on-chip comparator to sample the signal, by feedingthe non-inverting input signal to the comparator from aninternal Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) peripheral.

    This tip presents a simple method of sampling the inputsignal with a precise threshold, overcoming theproblem of a signal floating in the undefined region of anormal input pin. The comparator is set up to sampleand hold the input signal precisely at the bias pointusing the internal DAC. The CLC is configured as a Dflip-flop to sample and hold the value as follows.


    For example, when decoding a quadrature-encodedinput signal from a optical rotary encoder, a timer canbe set up to sample both inputs in this fashion andadjust for the ambient offset by adjusting the biasvoltage from the DAC. 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. DS41631B-page 13

  • Configurable Logic Cell Tips n Tricks TIP 7: QUADRATURE DECODERMany input devices, such as rotary encoders, provide aquadrature-encoded output signal, which needs to bedecoded to determine if the device has been turnedand in which direction it has been turned. SeeFigure 18.

    A common problem with circuits that decode thisquadrature-encoded signal (see Figure 17) occurswhen the input is left between a 0 and a 1, and oneof the two lines is toggled repeatedly, causing thedevice to mistakenly detect the dial is still being turned,while it is in fact, stationary.



    This tip describes how to use the CLC to decode aquadrature-encoded input signal such as a rotaryencoder. As seen above, the line connected to the flip-flop clock toggles repeatedly due to noise if it is leftbetween a 1 and a 0 level, and will cause the counterto keep on counting (or run) without the turning of thewheel.

    The circuit below (Figures 19, 20, and 21) uses twoD-type flip-flops with a clear input to generate twoseparate pulse trains for clockwise and anti-clockwiserotation. By clearing the output from the line, which isnot used as the clock, we ensure that the circuit willnever run in one direction, if the dial is not beingturned.


    Using the CLC, the D-type flip-flops needed areavailable on-chip with no external componentsrequired. (Note that the CLR input is active-low, so inthe CLC this input needs to be configured as invertedbetween D and CLR.)




    1 2 3 4




    DriverCircuit M A B


    CLC1IN0 RA3

    +5 VDC

    2.7k2.7k 74HC14


    EncoderCh. A

    +5 VDC

    2.7k2.7k 74HC14


    EncoderCh. B

    CLC2IN0 RC3

    CLC1IN1 RC7

    CLC2IN1 RC4DS41631B-page 14 2012 Microchip Technology Inc.


    FIGURE 21: CLC2 CONFIGURATION FOR ROTARY ENCODER SIGNALS 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. DS41631B-page 15

  • Configurable Logic Cell Tips n Tricks TIP 8: PWM STEERINGPulse-Width Modulation (PWM) applications can bechallenging, especially if an application needs onePWM signal in up to four different locations, or up tofour different PWM signals in up to four differentlocations.

    This tip describes how to use the CLC to steer one orup to four different PWM signals to up to four differentpins on a device.

    The first example will show how to set up all four CLCsto output four different PWM signals. The secondexample will show how to set up all four CLCs to outputone PWM signal.

    EXAMPLE 1First, you need a device that has four CLC peripherals,like the PIC16F1508. Second, set up the CLC2 with theoutput of PWM1 as an input, CLC3 with PWM2 as theinput, CLC4 with PWM4 as the input, and CLC1 withPWM3 as the input. Then, AND-OR the PWM signal tothe specific output pin for each CLC, as shown inFigures 22, 23, 24 and 25.

    FIGURE 22: CLC1 CONFIGURATION FOR EXAMPLE 1DS41631B-page 16 2012 Microchip Technology Inc.

  • Configurable Logic Cell Tips n TricksFIGURE 23: CLC2 CONFIGURATION FOR EXAMPLE 1

    FIGURE 24: CLC3 CONFIGURATION FOR EXAMPLE 1 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. DS41631B-page 17

  • Configurable Logic Cell Tips n Tricks FIGURE 25: CLC4 CONFIGURATION FOR EXAMPLE 1

    With the microcontroller configured this way, eachPWM can be set up to output four different PWMsignals. However, what if only one PWM signal isneeded on up to four different output pins? SeeExample 2 below.

    EXAMPLE 2Again, using the PIC16F1508 device, only CLC2 will beset up with the output of PWM1 as the input, and allother CLCs will be linked off of CLC2. This will put theoutput of PWM1 on four different output pins. SeeFigures 26, 27, 28 and 29.DS41631B-page 18 2012 Microchip Technology Inc.

  • Configurable Logic Cell Tips n TricksFIGURE 26: CLC2 CONFIGURATION FOR EXAMPLE 2

    FIGURE 27: CLC1 CONFIGURATION FOR EXAMPLE 2 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. DS41631B-page 19

  • Configurable Logic Cell Tips n Tricks FIGURE 28: CLC3 CONFIGURATION FOR EXAMPLE 2

    FIGURE 29: CLC4 CONFIGURATION FOR EXAMPLE 2 DS41631B-page 20 2012 Microchip Technology Inc.

  • Configurable Logic Cell Tips n TricksTIP 9: GLITCH-FREE CLOCK SIGNALA glitch is a signal which does not remain active for afull clock period. If a signal with a glitch feeds the clockline of numerous latches, some of the latches may getupdated, while others may not. This is clearly asituation that designers want to avoid.


    For this example, a PIC16F1509 was used becausethree of the four available internal CLC modules will beneeded. The NCO will be used as a high speed counterto increment as long as an external pulse signal is high.This creates a high-resolution, long-duration counter,as the NCO counter is a 20-bit wide register. It will takeapproximately 16 instruction cycles (4 s with 16 MHzclock) for the data to be read and the counter to reset,so it is necessary to have at least 4 s of low timebetween pulses. A falling edge interrupt flag on CLC2provides a signal that the pulse width measurementhas been completed. CLC1 setup as an XOR gate willhave the function of taking feedback from the D flip-flop(CLC2) and inverting the clock, so that it will trigger on

    the falling edge once the flip-flop has been set. CLC3will use the AND function to clock the NCO when thepulse is high. It will do this by creating a new signal thatwould only rise on the rising edge of the clock, and onlyfall on the falling edge of the clock. This new signal(CLC2OUT) is then ANDed with the oscillator clock,thus insuring a glitch-free output signal. A simplifiedschematic for this is shown below (Figure 31).


    Asynchronous input signal

    PIC internal oscillator

    Clock signal with glitch

    Note: For more detailed information, refer toapplication note AN1451 Glitch-FreeDesign Using the Configurable Logic Cell(CLC).

    D Q


    PULSE (RC3)




    CLC1 CLC2 CLC3 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. DS41631B-page 21

  • Configurable Logic Cell Tips n Tricks TIP 10: DELAY BLOCK/DEBOUNCERIn this example, the Configurable Logic Cell (CLC) isbeing used to implement a delay block/debouncer. Thedelay can be set between 2s and 193 s, which isused effectively as a noise discriminator, or for switchdebouncing.

    When used as a delay block, the application can beused to fix low-level timing issues on signals. Whenused as a debouncer, it can debounce signals from amechanical switch, so that a clean signal can feedother circuitry.

    The Configurable Logic Cell peripheral is used toproduce fast switching on the output (if desired). If thesame application were written using port logic only,there would be multiple instruction cycles before theoutput would change in response to an input. Thus, inusing the CLC, the signal can be routed directly andonly have propagation and gate delay between theinput and output signals.

    With the CLC block configured as a pass-through, it ispossible to quickly route signals to the output when nodelay is desired, and the PIC device core (portfunction) will create edge delays when desired. TheMUX (CLC1CON, LC1OE) selects whether the pin isdriven by the CLC or by the port logic (Figure 32).


    Note: For detailed information, refer to applica-tion note AN1450 Delay Block/Debouncer.



    Port PinInput

    Port PinOutput

    PIC Device Core PORTA

    CLC Blockconfigured aspass-through

    CLC1CON, LC1OEDS41631B-page 22 2012 Microchip Technology Inc.

  • Configurable Logic Cell Tips n TricksRESOURCES[1] Configurable Logic Cell (CLC) Configuration

    Tool Users Guide, DS41597 at

    [2] Configurable Logic Cell (CLC) ConfigurationTool GUI software at

    [3] Device data sheet for the specific device beingused, at 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. DS41631B-page 23

  • Configurable Logic Cell Tips n Tricks NOTES:DS41631B-page 24 2012 Microchip Technology Inc.

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    Input SelectionFIGURE 1: CLC ConfigurationData GatingTABLE 1: Data Gating LogicFIGURE 2: CLC Data Gating LogicFIGURE 3: AND-ORFIGURE 4: OR-XORFIGURE 5: 4 Input ANDFIGURE 6: SR LatchFIGURE 7: 1 Input D Flip-Flop with Set and ResetFIGURE 8: 2 Input D Flip-Flop with ResetFIGURE 9: J K Flip-Flop with ResetFIGURE 10: 1 Input Transparent Latch with Set and ResetFIGURE 11: 1 Input Transparent Latch with Set and ResetTABLE 2: Example Allocation TableFIGURE 12: Manchester-Encoded SignalFIGURE 13: CLC Configured for Manchester EncodingFIGURE 14: CLC Configured for Frequency DividerFIGURE 15: CLC Configured to Clock a D Flip-FlopFIGURE 16: CLC Configured As A D Flip-flop To Sample and Hold ValuesFIGURE 17: Quadrature-Encoded SignalFIGURE 18: Typical Quadrature Decoder CircuitFIGURE 19: Schematic of Rotary Encoders Connection to the CLC InputsFIGURE 20: CLC1 Configuration For Rotary Encoder SignalsFIGURE 21: CLC2 Configuration For Rotary Encoder SignalsFIGURE 22: CLC1 Configuration for Example 1FIGURE 23: CLC2 Configuration for Example 1FIGURE 24: CLC3 Configuration for Example 1FIGURE 25: CLC4 Configuration for Example 1FIGURE 26: CLC2 Configuration for Example 2FIGURE 27: CLC1 Configuration for Example 2FIGURE 28: CLC3 Configuration for Example 2FIGURE 29: CLC4 Configuration for Example 2FIGURE 30: Logical AND of Asynchronous Pulse and System ClockFIGURE 31: CLC Setup for Glitch-Free SignalFIGURE 32: Block DiagramTrademarksWorldwide Sales
