Citra hafilah shabrina 1106089041 kawasaki disease(revisi)




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Kawasaki DiseaseCitra Hafilah Shabrina


Presentation’s Puspose To make student know what is

kawasaki disease

To make student know the etiology and phases of kawasaki disease

To make student know how to treatment kawasaki disease

Definitions Etiology Symptom

s & Signs

Phases Treatment


What do you think of kawasaki?


is a syndrome of unknown cause

that mainly strikes young


The usual symptoms and signs of Kawasaki disease

The usual symptoms and signs of Kawasaki disease

fever Ulcerative gum disease (gingivitis


The usual symptoms and signs of Kawasaki disease

Joint pain often on

both sides of the body

cough and

runny nose

Phases of Kawasaki

Acute PhaseSub-acute


nt Phase

Acute PhaseFever that increase high temperature immadiately and can reach 40°C for 5 days or more

Bloodshoot eyes without pus

a rash that is raised and bright red over the body

cracked and inflamed lips and mucous membranes of the mouth with an inflamed "strawberry" tongue

Sub-acute PhaseBegin in the 11th day - 25th day

Fever decreased

a rash over the body reduced

Heart complication in the artery coroner

Convalescent Phase

Last after 25th day

Beau’s line (Transverse line on the nail)

Why Kawasaki disease can be harmful?

Kawasaki disease

Inflammation of the heart vessels

Heart vessels swelling

Turbulent blood


The blood flood is blocked by trombus



Kawasaki’s Treatment High doses of Aspirin

Gamma Globulin

Anti-inflammatory drugs

to reduce inflammation

to mildly thin the blood to prevent

blood clot formation

decrease the chance of

developing aneurysms in the coronary arteries

Persisting joints

ConclusionsKawasaki’s disease cannot be

prevented because is a syndrome of unknown cause, but we can cure the disease by decreased inflammation.