Chemistry 6c fall



Chemistry UCSD Fall 2015

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Know microscopes Light

Brightfield Electrons

TEM transmission- to study cell organelles. Sees internal SEM scanning- 3D image

Plant Cell Eukaryotic Nucleus Chloroplasts Large central vacuole Cell wall

Animal Cells Eukaryotic No chloroplasts There are vacuoles but not as large No cell wall

Prokaryotes Yes cell walls/capsules Plasmids No mitochondria No nucleus Dna is free floating No organelles Yes ribosomes

Cell organelles Nucleus

Contains dna Chromosomes make up nucleus

Ribosomes Carry out protein synthesis Located in cytosol & rough ER

Endoplasmic Reticulum Smooth ER

Synthesis of lipids & steroids Carbohydrate metabolism Detoxification Calcium Storage

Rough ER Contains Ribosomes so it’s involed in protein synthesis Protein modification

Golgi Apparatus Receives from ER Modifies products of ER

Lysosomes Lys means to break Contain hydrolytic enzymes that digest fats and polysaccharides & nucleic acids Fuse with vesicles and deliver 3 kinds of vesicles

3 kinds of vesicles Endosomes

Engulfed molecules Phagosomes

Take and destruction of pathogens Autophagosomes

Recycle damaged organelles Phagocytosis

Cellular eating Pinocytosis

Cellular drinking Endosymbiant Theory

Mitochondria & chloroplasts Free ribosomes Circular DNA Reproduce independently Double membrane

Mitochondria Produces energy

Chloroplasts Have two parts

Thymakoid stacked

Stroma Internal fluid

Cytoskeleton (road) Support the cell Interacts with motor proteins (cars) Vesicles travel along cytoskeleton Components of cytoskel

Microtubules Made of tubulin

Cilia and flagella 9+2 9 surrounding and 2 in the middle Found in both euk and proks

Centrasome MTOC Peroxisomes

Produce hydrogen peroxide and converts to water? Major fxn is to break down long fatty acids

Vacuole Provides support to soft structures in the cells Plants have larger vacuole

ER -> Golgi -> Vesicles, process called exocytosis ?


Phospholipid bilayer Amount of lipid species complexity Two types of movement

Lateral (side ways) Flip flop (top to bottom)

Phosphalidylserines Type of phospholipid Tags cells for death

If theres a cell that disfunctioned, it’ll tag it for death Factors that influence membrane fluidity

Saturated single bonds vs Unsaturated fatty acids double bonds Which has more room for movement? Cholesterol

At warm temps, restrains movement At low temps, it prevents tight packing, [more fluid?]

Membrane proteins Only permeable to gases and hydrophobic molecules? Determine membranes specific function Integral

Transmembrane Monotopic

Peripheral Functions of

Enzymatic activity Single transduction Cell to cell recognition Intercellular joining Attachment to cytoskeleton & EC Transport

Passive no energy needed, down concentration gradient

Active needs energy Osmosis diffusion of water

Ion pumps Electrochemical gradient Co transport Bulk transport Exocytosis going out cell membrane? Endocytosis going in cell membrane?

Cell signaling Direct contact plasma d… Local signaling

Synamptic Involve neruotransmitters?

Long distance signaling Pathway for cell signaling

Perception Transduction Response

Anabolic pathway Consume energy Photosynthesis?

Catabolic Releases energy Cellular respiration?

Delta G negative Reaction is spontaneous Nonspontaneous for delta g positive Reaction is equilibrium at delta g is 0 Cells are open system, shit going in and out so theres no equilibrium for something..

Cofactors and coenzymes Inorganic/organic

Types of inhibitors Competitive

Bind to active site of enzyme Noncompetitive

Binds to another part of the enzyme Not to the active site

Cooperatovoty Feedback inhibition

Anabolic pathway End product would stop the reaction bc it would avoid excess of product Could be competitive or non usually competitive

X ->y -> z -> w W would stop x or anyone of them saying I don’t want more or w’s (me) made

Last lecture

Cellular respiration Heterotrophs

The way they Break down compounds/energy Catabolic pathway ^

Can be split to 2 categories Chemoheterotrophs

Animals break down compounds of food? Photoheterotrophs

Use sunlight as energy in order to break down compounds Cellular respiration

Glycolysis : cytosol, doesn’t need O2 Glucose -> 2 pyruvate

Takes 2 atp (energy investment phase) and generate 4 ATP (energy payoff phase) Take 2 nad+ molecules and generates nadh (electron carriers)


Organisms that fix CO2, takes co2 from environment and makes a longer carbon chain lets say a fruit?

Photoautotrophs, use sun as energy Chemoautotrophs, use carbon compounds as energy? Chemical compounds
