CHAIO: Enabling HPC Applications on Data-Intensive File...


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CHAIO: Enabling HPC Applications on Data-Intensive File Systems Hui Jin, Jiayu Ji, Xian-He Sun Department of Computer Science Illinois Institute of Technology

{hjin6, jji3, sun}

Yong Chen Department of Computer Science

Texas Tech University

Rajeev Thakur MCS Division

Argonne National Laboratory

ABSTRACT—The computing paradigm of “HPC in the Cloud” has gained a surging interest in recent years, due to its merits of cost-efficiency, flexibility, and scalability. Cloud is designed on top of distributed file systems such as Google file system (GFS). The capability of running HPC applications on top of data-intensive file systems is a critical catalyst in promoting Clouds for HPC. However, the semantic gap between data-intensive file systems and HPC imposes numerous challenges. For example, N-1 (N to 1) is a widely used data access pattern for HPC applications such as checkpointing, but cannot perform well on data-intensive file systems. In this study, we propose the CHunk-Aware I/O (CHAIO) strategy to enable efficient N-1 data access on data-intensive distributed file systems. CHAIO reorganizes I/O requests to favor data-intensive file systems and avoid possible access contention. It balances the workload distribution and promotes data locality. We have tested the CHAIO design over the Kosmos file system (KFS). Experimental results show that CHAIO achieves a more than two-fold improvement in I/O bandwidth for both write and read operations. Experiments in large-scale environment confirm the potential of CHAIO for small and irregular requests. The aggregator selection algorithm works well to balance the workload distribution. CHAIO is a critical and necessary step to enable HPC in the Cloud.

Keywords-high-perfomrance computing, MapReduce, data-intensive, distributed file system

I. INTRODUCTION “HPC in the Cloud” is an emerging computing paradigm

that advocates traditional high performance computing (HPC) applications in Cloud environments. Such a computing paradigm enables HPC scientists to run their applications with the flexible pay-as-you-go pricing model. Numerous efforts have been elaborated to investigate the potential of “HPC in the Cloud” computing paradigm [1] [2] [3] [4].

As HPC applications become more and more data intensive, data and its management is recognized as one of the most critical components for scientific computing. Parallel file systems (PFS) are currently the state-of-art storage architecture for typical HPC environments. However, PFS assume dedicated, highly reliable hardware with fast network connectivity, which makes it unrealistic to be deployed in the Cloud that is built on top of commodity hardware.

Data-intensive distributed file systems are storage systems specially designed to support MapReduce frameworks that share the same assumptions with Clouds [5] [6] [7] [8]. As a consequence, data-intensive file systems

are a natural choice for the data manipulation of HPC applications in the Cloud.

Unfortunately, data-intensive file systems are not designed with HPC semantics in mind, and few HPC applications can benefit from them directly even if they are not consistency constrained. A large body of HPC applications is either not supported or cannot perform well on data-intensive distributed file systems.

N-1 (N to 1) is a widely used data access pattern for parallel applications such as checkpointing and logging [9]. The N processes usually issue requests to different regions of one shared file, which leads to non-sequential data access, unbalanced data distribution and violates the data locality. All these factors make N-1 based HPC applications not usable on data-intensive file systems.

We have set up an experimental environment to compare the write performance of N-1 and N-N (N to N) data access patterns on two data-intensive file systems, Hadoop distributed file system (HDFS) [7] and Kosmos file system (KFS) [8]. We added components to the IOR benchmark to access data-intensive file systems. We utilize the API provided by libHDFS to access HDFS. However, the N-1 write is not supported by HDFS since libHDFS currently only allows hdfsseek in read only mode [10]. On the other hand, KFS, a C++ based data-intensive file system, supports the N-1 data access by allowing concurrent non-sequential writes to one chunk [8].

Fig. 1 compares the performance of N-1 and N-N performance on 16 I/O nodes (chunk servers). The chunk (block) size is 64MB for both file systems. We have 16 processes in each run to issue strided I/O requests. The N-1 curve presents unstable performance with different request sizes. Smaller request sizes lead to more contention in the shared chunk and more performance degradation. The

Fig. 1. Performance Comparison of N-1 and N-N (Write)

2012 41st International Conference on Parallel Processing

0190-3918/12 $26.00 © 2012 IEEE

DOI 10.1109/ICPP.2012.1


problem is common for HPC applications as often the request size is much smaller than the chunk size of data-intensive file systems (64MB or higher) [11].

In recognition of the semantic gap between HPC applications and data-intensive file systems, the objective of this research is to bridge the gap and facilitate efficient shared data access of HPC applications to data-intensive file systems.

The contribution of this study is three-fold, • CHAIO, a chunk-aware I/O strategy to enable

efficient N-1 data access patterns on data-intensive distributed file systems, is introduced. CHAIO reorganizes data from different processes to avoid contention and achieve sequential data access.

• An aggregator selection algorithm is proposed to decide a process that issues the I/O requests on behalf of the conflicting processes to balance the I/O workload distribution and regain the data locality.

• CHAIO is prototyped over the Kosmos file system. Extensive experiments have been carried out to verify the benefit of CHAIO and its potential in fostering scalability.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section II introduces the background and related work. We present the design idea and methodology of CHAIO in Section III. The experimental results are presented in Section IV. We conclude this study in Section V.

II. BACKGROUND AND RELATED WORK HPC applications are parallel scientific applications that

rely on low-latency networks for message passing and use parallel programming paradigms such as MPI to enable parallelism [12]. A. Parallel File System v.s. Data-Intensive File System: A

Comparison Parallel file systems currently serve as the de-facto file

systems for the data manipulation of HPC applications. Representative examples of parallel file systems include IBM GPFS [13], Oracle Lustre [14] and PVFS [15]. HPC applications access PFS via either POSIX interface or MPI-IO, a subset of the MPI-2 specification [16] that enables performance optimizations such as collective I/O [17].

Data-intensive distributed file systems are specialized file systems for data-intensive computing frameworks such as MapReduce [5]. Leading data-intensive file systems include Google file system (GFS) [6], Hadoop file system (HDFS) [7], and Kosmos file system (KFS) [8]. Data-intensive file systems usually come with interfaces to interact with general HPC applications. For Java_based HDFS, libHDFS can be used as the programming interface to support MPI applications [10]. The Kosmos file system offers a native interface to support HPC applications [8]. POSIX imposes many hard consistency requirements that are not needed for MapReduce applications and are not natively supported for data-intensive file systems. MPI-IO [17] was designed on general-purpose file systems and its

access to data-intensive file system is currently not supported as well.

Parallel file systems and data-intensive file systems share similar high-level designs. They are both cluster file systems that are deployed on a bunch of nodes. Both of them divide a file into multiple pieces (stripes or blocks/chunks), which are distributed onto multiple I/O servers. However, because these two file systems assume different targeting applications and computing environments, there are several distinguish differences in their design:

File Caching. Client-side cache is an effective approach to improving the bandwidth, especially for small I/O requests. However, the adoption of cache also threatens the data consistency. Data-intensive file systems employ cache for better performance since consistency is not the top design goal. The client accumulates the write requests in memory until its size reaches the chunk size (usually 64MB) or the file is closed, which triggers the write operation to I/O servers. To guarantee consistency and durability, PVFS drops client side cache. GPFS and Lustre support file caching but depends on sophisticated distributed locking mechanism to assure the consistency [18].

Concurrency and Locking. One data chunk is exclusively used by one process/task in MapReduce applications. As such, concurrency is not supported well by data-intensive file systems. Concurrent write operation to one shared file is not supported by HDFS. KFS supports shared file write by placing an exclusive lock on each chunk. All the processes accessing the same chunk compete for the lock to perform I/O operations. Parallel file systems are designed to support POSIX interface and concurrency is inherently supported. GPFS and Lustre leverage more complex distributed locking mechanism to mitigate the impact of caching. For example, GPFS employs a distributed token-based locking mechanism to maintain coherent caches across compute nodes [19]. However, PVFS does not support POSIX semantics for concurrent writes and relies on applications to handle concurrency.

Data Locality. Parallel file systems are designed for typical HPC architecture that separates I/O nodes from compute nodes. File system server processes are deployed on I/O nodes and client processes are deployed on compute nodes. Client processes see server processes as symmetric and data locality is not considered by PFS. On the other hand, the deployment of data-intensive file systems calls for the existence of local disk on each compute node. The client processes of data-intensive file systems should be co-located with server processes to gain high data locality and better I/O performance.

Fault Tolerance. Parallel file systems do not have native fault tolerance support inherently and usually rely on hardware level mechanism like RAID for fault tolerance. Failures could occur frequently for data-intensive file systems that assume commodity hardware at scale. As such,


chunk-level replication is adopted to support the fault tolerance of data-intensive file systems. B. HPC on Data-Intensive File Systems

VisIO is an I/O library that strives to utilize HDFS as the storage for large-scale interactive visualization applications [20]. VisIO provides a mechanism for using non-POSIX distributed file system to provide linear scaling of I/O bandwidth. The application targeted by VisIO is N-N read, which is naturally supported by data-intensive distributed file systems.

In [11], the authors targeted the scenario of migrating data from HPC storage system to data-intensive frameworks such as MapReduce, and proposed MRAP to bridge semantic gaps. As an extension of MapReduce, MRAP eliminates multiple scans and reduces the number of pre-processing MapReduce programs.

In [21], the authors examined both HPC and Hadoop workloads on PVFS and KFS, and confirmed the performance degradation of N-1 data access pattern on the Kosmos file system.

In [22], the authors enhanced PVFS to match the HDFS-specific optimizations. A non-intrusive shim layer was proposed such that unmodified Hadoop applications can store and access data in PVFS. Several optimizations, including prefetching data, emulating replication and relaxed consistency, were also implemented to make PVFS performance comparable to HDFS.

Nevertheless, all these existing works acknowledged the concurrency issue on data-intensive file systems but did little to overcome it. This research is motivated by the observation that some HPC applications with concurrent I/O access cannot perform well even they are not consistency constrained. This work extends the scope of HPC applications supported by data-intensive file systems, and improves the overall I/O performance of HPC systems as a consequence. C. N-1 Data Access and its Handling

Modern PFS either leverages distributed locking protocols to achieve consistency for N-1 shared data access (GPFS and Lustre), or does not support POSIX semantics for concurrent writes and relies applications to solve conflicting operations (PVFS). The lock-based solution imposes considerable overhead and several works have been conducted to address this concern.

Collective I/O merges the requests of different processes with interleaved data access patterns and forms a contiguous file region, which is further divided evenly into non-overlapping, contiguous sub-regions denoted as file domains [17]. Each file domain is assigned an aggregator process that issues the I/O requests on behalf of the rest of the processes in that file domain. Collective I/O does not take underlying file system into consideration when deciding file domains and cannot eliminate the conflict chunks. It is still possible that two aggregator processes concurrently access one shared chunk in collective I/O. Users can customize the

collective buffer size on each aggregator process by setting parameter cb_buffer_size but that does not solve the problem.

In [18], the authors proposed to partition files based on the underlying locking protocols such that the file domains are aligned to locking boundaries. Data shipping was introduced by GPFS to bind each file block to a single I/O agent that acts as the delegator [23].

PLFS is a virtual parallel log structured file system that sits between parallel file systems and applications and transforms the N-1 data access into N-N pattern [9]. PLFS currently supports parallel file systems such as GPFS and PanFS. Extra efforts need to be taken to adapt PLFS to support data-intensive file systems because the underlying N-N data access potentially imposes more overhead to the metadata management, which is unwanted for data-intensive file systems due to the centralized metadata server.

In [24], the authors presented Blobseer, a storage system that supports efficient, fine-grain access under heavy concurrency. They also demonstrated the potential of BlobSeer in substituting HDFS to support efficient MapReduce applications. BlobSeer adopts versioning instead of locking protocols to handle the concurrency issue.

While demonstrating their success on the N-1 data access of PFS, the ideas of these works can also be applied to data-intensive file systems to alleviate the problem. However, unique features of data-intensive file systems require additional efforts for a complete solution. The selection of the aggregator process is actually a key factor in determining the overall performance of N-1 access on data-intensive file system, especially when the requests from different processes are irregular with varied sizes. However, the selection of aggregator process is not covered by existing PFS optimization techniques since the client processes are usually independent of server processes.


A. Data Access Patterns The data access patterns in HPC applications like

checkpointing can be classified as either N-N or N-1 [9]. In N-N data access pattern, each process accesses an independent file with no interference with other processes. Fig. 2(a) demonstrates N-N data access pattern and how it is handled by data-intensive file systems. We assume the chunk size and request size as 64MB and 40MB, respectively, which means a chunk is composed of 1.6 requests. Each compute node has one process, and we have four nodes host the data-intensive file system.

Each process issues three I/O requests, which are marked by logical block number (LB#) to reflect its position in the file. The file view layer in the figure shows the mapping between the requests and their positions in the file. Based on the data access information and chunk size, the requests are translated into chunks by the data-intensive file


system, which are distributed onto the nodes with the consideration of data locality.

(a) N-N

(b) N-1 Segmented

(c) N-1 Strided

Fig. 2. Data Access Patterns and the Handling of Data-Intensive File Systems

In the N-N data access case of Fig. 2(a), each process accesses an individual file and does not incur contention. The I/O workload is evenly distributed such that each node holds two chunks. The downside of the N-N data access pattern, however, is that it involves more files and requires extra cost in metadata management, which is unwanted for data-intensive file systems because of the centralized metadata management.

N-N data access pattern is the ideal case to avoid contention. However, most HPC applications have the processes cooperate with each other and adopt N-1 data access pattern in practice. The processes access different regions of one shared file in N-1 data access. Depending on the layout of regions, N-1 data access can be further

classified into two categories: N-1 segmented and N-1 strided [9].

In N-1 segmented data access pattern, each process accesses a contiguous region of the shared file. Fig. 2(b) illustrates N-1 segmented data access pattern and how it is handled by the data-intensive file system. The request size is determined by HPC applications and does not match the chunk size well. The requests from multiple processes could be allocated to one chunk and lead to contention. We term a chunk as conflict chunk if it is accessed by multiple requests. In Fig. 2(b) we have three conflict chunks with id 1, 3 and 5.

Conflict chunks degrade the I/O performance because of the following reasons:

• First, the file system alternates among different requests on the conflict chunk, which violates the sequential data access assumption of data-intensive file systems.

• Furthermore, the conflict chunk is composed of requests from multiple compute nodes and only one node is selected to host the chunk. Data locality is not achieved for the requests from other compute nodes. For example, for chunk 3 of Fig. 2(b), the request from p1 (LB# 5) is not a local data access.

• The chunk placement is decided by the first request with the consideration of data locality. This mechanism results in unbalanced data distribution. In Fig. 2(b) we can observe that three chunks (3, 4, and 5) are allocated onto node 2 while node 1 only has one chunk. It is more critical for data-intensive file systems to balance the chunk distribution since the chunk size is normally sized 64MB or higher, which is magnitudes higher than the strip size (usually 64KB) of PFS.

In the N-1 strided data access pattern, each process issues I/O requests to the file system in an interleaved manner. As illustrated in Fig. 2(c), strided data access has a higher probability to incur conflict chunks and has greater impact in degrading the performance. Actually, all the 8 chunks have contention in the case shown in Fig. 2(c). The data locality and balanced data distribution will be further deteriorated as well. Fig. 2(c) demonstrates the worst case that node 2 has 4 chunks, while no chunk is allocated to node 1.

In practice, N-1 strided is a more common data access pattern than N-1 segmented for HPC applications such as checkpointing [9].

This study is motivated by the performance issues with the N-1 data access on data-intensive file systems. As demonstrated in the following subsections, the proposed new CHAIO strategy rearranges the I/O requests to eliminate conflict chunks, achieve data locality and balance data distribution. B. CHAIO Design, Methodology and Analysis

1) CHAIO Design


The basic idea of CHAIO is to reorganize the I/O requests such that each chunk is accessed by one process to eliminate contention. Fig. 3 shows how CHAIO handles the scenario shown in Fig. 2(c).

We add a communication phase to exchange data among processes. One process is selected as an aggregator process for each conflict chunk. The aggregator collects data from the non-aggregator processes accessing the same conflict chunk, and issues the I/O requests to the file system. From the perspective of data-intensive file systems, each chunk is accessed by the aggregator process only. Even though CHAIO introduces slight message passing overhead, it improves the performance significantly by removing the contention and marshaling the I/O requests.

With CHAIO, each chunk has only one aggregator process that acts as the file system client to issue the I/O request, as shown in the I/O phase of Fig. 3. The data locality is assured since the file system by default allocates the chunk to the node where the aggregator process resides.

The N-1 read of CHAIO is performed in the reverse order. The aggregator first gets data from the file system and distributes the data to the corresponding processes.

2) Aggregator Selection Algorithm In this subsection we introduce the aggregator selection

algorithm that balances the chunk distribution among the nodes.

The aggregator selection algorithm takes the data access pattern, chunk size and process distribution as input. The output of the algorithm is the decision of the aggregator process for each chunk.

The pseudo code of the aggregator selection algorithm is listed in Algorithm 1. The node with less conflict chunks has higher priority to be selected to host the aggregator process. If multiple chunks are serviced by the selected node, the chunk with the least service nodes is selected. The algorithm is a greedy algorithm that is biased toward the node or chunk with least matching options.

The algorithm sets a threshold to limit the aggregator processes on each node and guarantee balanced I/O

workload distribution. A node will not be selected to run more aggregator processes if it is already fully loaded with the threshold number of aggregator processes. The threshold value will be increased if there is no eligible node but not all the chunks have been allocated yet.

Multiple processes from the selected node may access the same conflict chunk in a multicore architecture. The process with the largest I/O request size to minimize the message passing overhead will be selected in this case. Fig. 3 shows an example where each node has two chunks with the assistance of the aggregator selection algorithm.

Algorithm 1. Aggregator Selection Algorithm

Fig. 3. N-1 Strided write with CHAIO

Definition: A chunk is allocated if its aggregator process has been decided. Chunk c is serviced by node s if there is at least one I/O request from s to c. Terminology: C is the collection of the unallocated chunks. a(s) is the number of chunks that have been allocated to node s. n(s) is the number of unallocated chunks that are served by node s. g(c) is the number of nodes that service chunk c. p is the number of conflict chunks. q is the number of nodes. f(c)=s means we select a process on node s as the aggregator process for chunk c. Algorithm: Initialize C, n(s), g(c), p and q based on the data access info, chunk size and the process distribution. a(s)=0

threshold= � �/p q

while (size(C)>0) find the node s with min(a(s)+n(s)) and satisfies a(s)�threshold. if s=null increase threshold by 1 continue end if for each chunk serviced by node s, find the chunk c with min(g(c)). f(c) =s a(s)=a(s)+1 for each node that services c, remove c from its chunk list set n(s)=n(s)-1 end for remove c from C. end while


3) CHAIO Implementation CHAIO can be implemented either inside the application

code or in the I/O middle-ware layer such as MPI-IO. CHAIO takes the data access information, chunk size and the process distribution information as input. The data access information can be obtained from the application or from MPI primitives, i.e., MPI_File_get_view. The data-intensive file system needs to expose the chunk size information to CHAIO, which is trivial to implement. We also need to know the process distribution information that indicates the mapping between processes and nodes, usually in a round-robin or interleaved manner. We can obtain this information easily from the job scheduler.

Each process first captures the aforementioned input and carries out the aggregator selection algorithm. The output of the algorithm is organized in a hash table data structure which stores the chunk id and the corresponding rank id for the aggregator process.

When a process carries out an I/O request, it first calculates the chunk id of the I/O request and checks the hash table derived from the aggregator selection algorithm. If the chunk id of the I/O request matches one entry in the hash table, it means the I/O request is involved in a conflict chunk and we need to take action. If the rank id of the process matches the aggregator process id from the hash table, the process will receive data from other processes and then issue the I/O request of the entire chunk to the file system. If the process is not selected as the aggregator, it simply sends the data to the aggregator process.

We use nonblocking send for the non-aggregator processes so that the following I/O requests are not blocked by the message passing. Blocked receive is adopted by the aggregator to guarantee that the process is carrying out one I/O request at a time.

4) CHAIO Analysis There are potential alternative solutions to the problem

of N-1 data access besides the CHAIO approach. The straightforward solution is to adopt methodologies such that one I/O request generates one individual chunk in the data-intensive file systems. To implement the idea, we can adapt the chunk size to the I/O request size in the file system.

The primary concern with this approach is that the metadata management overhead it introduces to the file system. The number of chunks is equal to the number of I/O requests, which could be significant considering small request sizes from HPC applications [11]. On the other hand, the file system namespace and file Blockmap of the data-intensive file system is kept in the memory of the centralized metadata server (Namenode). A large number of chunks could overwhelm the centralized metadata management of the data-intensive file system and degrade I/O performance.

CHAIO aggregates multiple I/O requests of one chunk to form sequential data access and does not increase the metadata management overhead to the file system. CHAIO

is implemented at either the application level or I/O middle-ware level and does not introduce complexity to the data-intensive file system.

Data-intensive applications usually adopt multiple replicas of one chunk to achieve fault tolerance. The data locality and balanced data distribution are not concerned by non-primary replicas since they select nodes randomly to store the data. Multiple replicas do not obscure the advantages of CHAIO for read operations. The I/O request returns after reading one replica from the file system and CHAIO does help to alleviate contention in this scenario. Furthermore, the performance of the primary (first) replica is improved by CHAIO for write operations. The performance of the first replica is usually more critical than others since it concerns the application elapsed time. It is a widely used optimization technique for replica_based file systems to return to the application after the first replica is completed and process the rest of the replicas in parallel with the applications [25].


A. Experiment Setup We have carried out experiments on a cluster of 65 Sun

Fire Linux-based cluster test bed. Each node is equipped with dual 2.7GHz Opteron quad-core processors, 8GB memory and 250GB SATA hard drive. All the nodes are connected with 1 Gigabit NICs in a fat tree topology. One node dedicated as the job submission node and the metadata server of the Kosmos file system. The experiments were tested with Open MPI v1.4 on Ubuntu 9.04 with kernel

KFS is utilized as the underlying data-intensive file system in the experiments. We use IOR-2.10.2 from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory as the benchmark to evaluate the performance [26]. We have added a KFS interface to the IOR benchmark to enable data access to the Kosmos file system. The KFS interface was implemented with the methodology similar to other interfaces of IOR such as POSIX. We implement CHAIO in IOR benchmark and compare its performance with the original IOR benchmark. We set the chunk size at 64MB in the experiments and each chunk has one replica by default. B. Performance with Different Request Sizes

We keep the number of nodes fixed at 32 in Fig. 4 and study the performance with different I/O request sizes. We fix the size of the shared file at 32GB and each process issues 16 interleaved I/O requests to implement N-1 strided data access. The number of processes is varied accordingly with different request sizes. We run each setting 10 times in the experiments, get the mean and standard deviation of the aggregated bandwidth and plot them in the figure. The standard deviation is reflected by the error bars.

The write performance is illustrated in Fig. 4(a). A smaller size of I/O requests means more contention in conflict chunks and leaves more opportunity for performance improvement in CHAIO. Actually, when the


request size is 4MB, it is not possible to havdata access by the existing approachoverwhelming contention on the conflict chable to get successful data access for requebut the performance was still very pooCHAIO achieved a write bandwidth of 916MB request size, which is three times hiMB/s, the bandwidth achieved by the existin

When the request size is 64MB, CHAIOadvantage in bandwidth performance. Sinceis equal to the chunk size, there is no cochunks and the benefit of CHAIO cannot be

When the request size is 4MB, CHAbandwidth than in the case with larger requare possibly two factors leading to thdegradation. First, a smaller request size nexchange in the communication phase. Furthcore node is overloaded with 16 processes wsize is 4MB and could considerably harmperformance. Our later analysis in subsectithat the impact of the small request sioverhead and we can attribute the performato the second factor.

Fig. 4(b) compares the read bandwidth the existing approach. It is easy to observe tCHAIO over the existing approach. The ban

(a) Writes

(b) Reads Fig. 4. Performance with Different

ve successful N-1 h due to the hunks. We were est size of 8MB or (22.92MB/s). 83.52 MB/s for igher than 270.6 ng approach. O does not show e the request size ontention on the


AIO shows less uest sizes. There he performance needs more data hermore, each 8-when the request

m the overall I/O ion IV- F shows ize incurs little ance degradation

of CHAIO and the advantage of ndwidth of reads

more than doubles the existing apsize is 16MB or less. C. Performance with Two Re

We set the number of replicas aperformance with different requestand the results are shown in Fig. 5.

Though the advantage of CHAmore replicas, as discussed in spresents satisfactory write perforshown in Fig. 5(a). CHAIO achiev685.7 MB/s, which doubled the eMB/s.

(a) Wri

(b) ReadFig. 5. Performance w

We also observe that both Capproach have bandwidth degradatthe one replica case of Fig. 4(acontention-free case with 64MB bandwidth of two replicas is abconsiderably lower than the 1300case of one replica. A detailed performance degradation is due tWhen the number of replicas increanode not only services the first chucopies will also compete for the ncontention. This study focusescontention problem caused by N-1level contention problem is on studies.

Request Sizes

proach when the request

eplicas as two and demonstrate its t sizes in this set of tests,

AIO is less significant for subsection IV-B, it still rmance improvement as ved a write bandwidth of existing approach, 328.9


ds ith Two Replicas

CHAIO and the existing tion for two replicas than a). For example, in the

request size, the write bout 700MB/s, which is 0MB/s bandwidth in the

study reveals that the to node-level contention. ases to two or more, each unk, but the non-primary ode and incur node-level s on the chunk-level 1 data access. The node-our roadmap for future


As illustrated in Fig. 5(b), read perfimpacted by multiple replicas and CHAIO existing approach consistently. D. Performance with Different Numbe

In Fig. 6 we vary the number of data nodand observe its impact on the performancewe spawn 4 MPI processes to carry out thEach process issues 16 interleaved I/O rshared file to implement N-1 strided writes. size is kept at 16MB.

The write bandwidth is presented in bandwidth of CHAIO is two-fold higher texisting approach.

The existing approach also exhibits mbandwidth than CHAIO, which is caused bychunk distribution. In the existing approachunk selects the node based on the first I/Ointo the file system, which results in uncchunk distribution and a large variance in ba

Fig. 6(b) compares the read bandwidthapproach with the existing approach anadvantage of CHAIO as well. CHAIO achietwo times higher than the existing approach E. Scalability Analysis

We use the performance with 4 nodesand plot the speedup for each scenario in performs well in terms of scalability for botoperations, which is close to the ideal speedobserve that the existing approach achiev

(a) Writes

(b) Reads Fig. 6. Performance with Different Num

formance is not outperforms the

er of Nodes des from 4 to 64

e. For each node he I/O requests. requests to one The I/O request

Fig. 6(a). The than that of the

more variance in y the unbalanced ach, the conflict O request coming certainties in the andwidth. h of the CHAIO nd confirms the ved a bandwidth for all cases.

as the baseline Fig. 7. CHAIO

th write and read dup case. We can ved speedup as

well; however, it is not stable. Fmuch improvement between 16 noexisting approach. A detailed studuneven chunk distribution, a smconstantly selected as the chunkscalability. The CHAIO approacontention and regains the accessrequests, and achieves better and staF. Overhead Analysis in LEnvironment

We have shown the performCHAIO in terms of both bandwprevious subsections. We have perthe potential of CHAIO in environment as well. To achieve thcommunication phase cost of Cmachine at Argonne National Labosystem is composed of 972 nodeswith 6 cores and 4GB memory. This 1300 MB/s with a novel netwgraph” [28].

Fig. 7. Scalabilit

Data exchange cost is the primaintroduced by CHAIO and is used CHAIO overhead. 1 Fig. 8 repexchange cost of one conflict chunsizes and number of processes. It data exchange cost is kept less thawhich is a minor overhead. The daincreased by 0.15 seconds when rfrom 8MB to 16KB, which is still tI/O performance CHAIO helexperimental tests confirm that Cbandwidth considerably with oncommunication overhead.

We keep the number of procrequest size from 1MB to 32MB, aexchange overhead in Fig. 9. In th 1 We eliminated the I/O phase in the

only measured the communicationanalysis. The lack of local disk SiCortex make it impractical, if nKosmos file system on SiCortex.

mber of Nodes

For example, there is no odes and 32 nodes for the dy reveals that due to the mall set of the nodes is k servers and hurts the ach reduces the access s locality by rearranging able scalability. Large-Scale Computing

mance improvement of width and scalability in rformed tests to evaluate

large-scale computing hat, we have measured the HAIO on the SiCortex ratory [27]. The SiCortex s, each node is equipped

he interconnect bandwidth work topology of “Kautz

ty Analysisary, if not only, overhead as the metric to study the

ports the measure data nk with different request can be observed that the an 1 second for all cases ata exchange overhead is reducing the request size trivial compared with the lps to improve. The

CAHIO improves the I/O ly introducing a minor

cesses at 2048, vary the and demonstrate the data is set of experiments, we

e SiCortex experiments and n phase cost for overhead and the job scheduler of not impossible, to deploy


have irregular request sizes that cannot diblock size of 64MB perfectly, e.g., 3MB, 5MSuch irregular sized requests result in irpatterns and impose challenges to the aggralgorithm. As reported in Fig. 9, we do noperformance deviation of irregular request to the regular ones. This infers that CHAIOvarious request sizes with trivial data exchan

Fig. 8. Data Exchange Overhead (1 C

G. Load Balance Evaluation The primary objective of the aggre

algorithm is load balance. CHAIO shounumber of chunks allocated to each data noparallelism and performance. As such, we ebalance of CHAIO and compare it wiapproach. We first calculate the ideal dconflict chunks are evenly distributed to data nodes. The data layout of CHAIO aapproach are also calculated. We nexManhattan distances between the ideal datatwo scenarios (with/without CHAIO), whicmetrics of unbalance [24]. Fig. 10 reportunbalance by varying request size from 1MB2048 processes on SiCortex. CHAIO perforbetter in balancing the workload among eachthe existing approach. In particular, we obsebalance (0 in y-axis) for 17 out of the 32 sam11 irregular requests that cannot divide 64M

Fig. 9. Data Exchange Overhead with 20

ivide the default MB, 10MB, etc. rregular conflict regator selection ot observe much

sizes compared O is applicable to nge cost.

Conflict Chunk)

egator selection uld balance the de to gain better

evaluate the load ith the existing data layout that all the involved and the existing xt compute the a layout and the ch is used as the ts the degree of B to 32MB with rms significantly h data node than erve perfect load mples, including

MB perfectly.

Fig. 10. Load Balance Evaluation

V. CONCLUSIONS AThere is a surging interest in m

framework with MapReduce fromMotivated by the “HPC in the Clouthis paper strives to promote applications on top of MapReduce f

N-1 data access is a widely applications. Unfortunately, it is nexiting data-intensive file systemspropose a systematic approach to enaccess on data-intensive file system

We have identified three faperformance of N-1 data accesssystems: non-sequential data distribution, and the violation of aware I/O (CHAIO) strategy was pissues and overcome the challengean aggregator process that colleprocesses and issues the I/O requeachieve sequential data access aggregator selection algorithm is chunk distribution among nodimplemented at either the applicmiddle-ware level and does not intunderlying file systems.

We have prototyped the CHAexperiments with the IOR benchmsystem. Experimental results showboth the write and read performoverhead analysis shows that Coverhead for small request sizes anlarge-scale computing environmenof CHAIO is robust to differaggregator selection algorithm wobalance.

In the future, we plan to enabledata-intensive file systems and prHPC I/O operations in the Cloud.

ACKNOWLEDGEMThis research was supported in

Foundation under NSF grant CCF-CNS-0751200, and in part by thScientific Computing Research, O

048 Procs

n (2048 Procs)

AND FUTURE WORK merging traditional HPC

m different perspectives. ud” computing paradigm, the adaption of HPC

file systems. used pattern for HPC

not supported well by the s. In this research, we nabling efficient N-1 data

ms. actors that degrade the s on data-intensive file access, uneven chunk data locality. A chunk-

proposed to address these e. The CHAIO introduces ects data from multiple ests to the file system to and data locality. An proposed to balance the des. CHAIO can be cation level or the I/O troduce complexity to the

AIO idea, and conducted ark over the Kosmos file

w that CHAIO improves mance significantly. The CHAIO introduces little nd has a real potential for nt. The performance gain ent requests size. The orks efficiently for load

e MPI-IO to interact with ovide support to general

MENTS part by National Science

-0621435, CCF-0937877, he Office of Advanced Office of Science, U.S.


Department of Energy, under contract DE-AC02-06CH11357. We are thankful to Dr. Ioan Raicu of Illinois Institute of Technology and the MCS department at Argonne National Lab for the support to run large-scale simulations on the SiCortex computing system.

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