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St. Joseph, Cyclone & Sts. Cyril & Methodius, Marak Pastor: Rev. RanJan Cletus

Mailing address: 20120 FM 485, Burlington, TX 76519…...Phone 254-985-2280 Email: Website:

Masses: Cyclone: Sat. 5:30PM & Sun. 8:15AM; Weekdays: Tue, Thurs & Friday: 7AM Marak: Sundays: 10:15AM and Wednesday 5:30PM(unless otherwise stated)


MARCH 14: Second Collection for Catholic Relief Services MARCH 16: KC meeting—7:30pm at St. Joseph Parish Hall, Cyclone.

WASHPOT STEW DINNER: Buckholts Volunteer Fire Department will have a Washpot Stew Dinner in Honor of James Junek today at the Buckholts Fire Department. $10.00—Serving Starts at 11am—Meal consists of Stew, Cornbread, Crackers, Dessert and Tea. All proceeds go to the Buckholts Volunteer Fire Department. Thank you for your Support.

WELCOME: Congratulations on the baptismal of Milo Marek, son of James & Halie Marek. May God bless your family today and always.

SPECIAL THANKS: Thank you to Tom & Julie Motyka for the restoration of the antique kneeler and also to St. Ann’s Altar Society for supplying the materials. Your time and dedication to our church is greatly appreciated. May God Bless you!

The Sacraments: Baptism: On Sundays after Mass. Please contact the pastor for scheduling a meeting with him; a preparation program may be needed. Parents must be registered parishioners of St. Joseph, Cyclone or Sts. Cyril & Methodius, Marak.

Confessions: Before Mass on the weekend and anytime by appointment.

Marriage: Couples planning to be married should contact the pastor at least six months in advance before you set the date of the wedding. Completion of required paperwork and a preparation program needed.

MARAK MASSES —March 14-21, 2021

Date Time Mass Intentions

Today– 3/14 10:15am + Cyril Vaculin by Julie McLerran + Joseph Andrew Tomek by Mike & Jane Simon + James Junek by Dennis & Carolyn Lazek

3/17— Wednesday—Stations of the Cross

5:30pm + Johnnie Slavik by Merlene Slavik + Martha Hertenberger by Julie McLerran + Albert Michalka by Robert & Vicki Plachy

3/21—Sunday 10:15am + John Dohnalik by James & Jeannine Dohnalik Family + August & Mary Hubnik by Liz & Arvell Jungmann + Larry Green by Leroy & Kathy Vansa

Prayer Chain…Please remember in your daily prayers the faithfully departed, those souls in purgatory, those of our community that are in special need of prayer, those who are homebound or in nursing homes, all those in the military and to all those who have been affected by the Covid-19 Virus and also that the vaccine for the corona virus will help to stop this pandemic & for the following: Colt Charanza, Baby Townes Bush, Paulette Hubnik Foster, Carolyn Klecka, Edward Brenek, Jr., Marilyn Junek Gonzalez, and Doris Matocha. Prayers are powerful! To be added to the prayer chain:

Please contact: Merlene Slavik—254-697-1247 or email—

Bulletin Information: MARAK: Patsy Gaines (254-482-0570) - Email— CYCLONE: Nancy Posvar (254-913-2696)

Bulletin deadline : Please call or e-mail info for the bulletin by Wednesday before the weekend!

3/7: Stewardship: Sunday Offering: $1,330.00 3/7: Building Fund & Maintenance: $355.00 3/7: Children’s Offering: $6.00

Thank you for Your Generosity!

The Sunday readings in Lent have been showing us the high points of salvation history—God’s covenant with creation in the time of Noah; His promises to Abraham; the law He gave to Israel at Sinai. In today’s First Reading, we hear of the destruction of the kingdom established by God’s final Old Testament covenant— the covenant with David (see 2 Samuel 7; Psalm 89:3). His chosen people abandoned the law He gave them. For their sins, the temple was destroyed, and they were exiled in Babylon. We hear their sorrow and repentance in the exile lament we sing as today’s Psalm. But we also hear how God, in His mercy, gathered them back, even anointing a pagan king to shepherd them and rebuild the temple (see Isaiah 44:28–45:1, 4). God is rich in mercy, as today’s Epistle teaches. He promised that David’s kingdom would last forever, that David’s son would be His Son and rule all nations (see 2 Samuel 7:14–15; Psalm 2:7–9). In Jesus, God keeps that promise (see Revelation 22:16). Moses lifted up the serpent as a sign of salvation (see Wisdom 16:6–7; Numbers 21:9). Now Jesus is lifted up on the Cross, to draw all people to Himself (see John 12:32). Those who refuse to believe in this sign of the Father’s love condemn themselves—as the Israelites in their infidelity brought judgment upon themselves. But God did not leave Israel in exile, and He does not want to leave any of us dead in our transgressions. We are God’s handiwork, saved to live as His people in the light of His truth.

MARCH 14, 2021—FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT “ So Moses made a bronze serpent, and set it on a pole; and if a serpent bit any man, he would look at the bronze serpent and live. “

Ministries for March 21, 2021 Rosary: Volunteers Eucharistic Minister: Jeannine Dohnalik

Offertory: Todd Doskocil Family Lector: Brad Vaculin

Ushers: Tony Dohnalik & Steve Jochec Altar Servers: Lily, Adison, Ian

Sanctuary Light: March 15th-21st: August & Mary Hubnik by Liz & Arvell Jungmann

CYCLONE MASSES —March 14-21, 2021

Date Time Mass Intentions

Today – 3/14 8:15am + Barbara Eixman by Monica Mikeska

3/16—Tuesday 7:00am + Joe & Martha Dubcak by Daniel & Linda Wilde

3/18—Thursday 7:00am + Robert Dach by David & Cindy Kahlig

3/19—Friday 7:00am + Evelyn Green by Charlie & Jackie Green

3/19—Friday– 6:00pm STATIONS OF THE CROSS

3/20—Saturday Vigil 5:30pm + Leslie & Naomi Green by LaVerne Pick

3/21—Sunday 8:15am + Wilbert Mikeska by Pete & Judith Riola
