CALL#final self-reflection essay


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Career: Profesorado de Inglés

Teacher: Matilde Oria

Subject: C.A.L.L.

Student: Sergio A. Fernández

Course: 4th

Year: 2012

Final Self-Reflection EssayFinal Self-Reflection Essay

Now that the end is near, I can come to the conclusion this subject served me extremely well. I have encountered so many things which may be applied in ELT while at the same time they are both engaging and motivating for students. It cannot be denied I am still on the way to keep on learning how to implement technological tools and devices appropriately so as to make learning memorable for the learners. It is also true I have come across some difficulties throughout this period but I consider the major issue to deal with was the internet connection while working in class. Basically, the following aspects will be taken into consideration in the present essay. They are Cognition, Skills, Judgement and Feelings.

Concerning Cognition, in my own experience I reckon I have learned many interesting things that it had not crossed my mind they existed. Managing different tools and programs, the fact of being the curator of a virtual magazine as it is With respect to Dropbox, it was of great help for me since I am able to keep all my files in a secure place. The most fascinating way to learn was absolutely having the opportunity to work collaboratively through Google docs thus putting in practice a new way of learning in order to reach my own autonomy. In terms of easiness, I am of the mind some things were easier to learn than others because I could manage smoothly whereas other topics required more ‘trial and error’ technique.

As regards skills, this is more or less related to the above paragraph; that is, managing tools and programs, solving my own problems and improving my performance by trial and error. I consider way I learned was by experiencing, making mistakes, and looking for alternative approaches and possible solutions.

Regarding judgement, I guess my personal development was enhanced with this subject in a way that allows me to deal with stuff that is highly vital for my future profession and not purposeless as most of things related to technology are nowadays and that most people find them enjoyable. Considering my potentials as an EFL teacher, this learning experience helped me to be aware I have to be ready to constantly ‘update’ myself, especially with digital issues so as to provide students with meaningful learning. I definitely daresay this learning experience was valuable for me since I was able to handle several things all by myself and that way learning is likely to be anchored in your mind.

Finally, about feelings, I consider myself having grown and made progress regarding computing and the like in comparison with two or three years ago. In fact, as I said before I had put a lot effort into learning a lot of things by myself that I hadn’t the slightest idea how to manage them but once you experience ‘sacrifice’, it is really rewarding and pays off. In the learning experience a lot of aspects are involved such as your dreams, sometimes it takes your time or you have to undergo uncertainty but in the end you only get satisfaction.
