By Jane Hamon - of the Lord for... · By Jane Hamon Each year prophetic ... dealing...


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Word of the Lord for 2015 By Jane Hamon

Each year prophetic people everywhere set aside time to focus in on hearing what the Lord wants to say to His people for the upcoming season of time. It is not necessarily about what God will do during a 365 day cycle of a calendar year, but rather about a certain emphasis of the Holy Spirit for any given season. Different prophetic voices will frame what they are sensing in short, easy to remember phrases that may sound different, however, as time progresses we often see how each word has a significant part to play in the plans and purposes of God. The purpose of sharing a prophetic word at the beginning of a calendar year, whether the Hebraic Calendar or the Gregorian calendar, is to hear what God is saying so that we might focus our faith and raise our expectations to see God move on our behalf in the days ahead. A Time of Fulfillment, Celebration and Angelic Action This year I believe we are going to see fulfillment and completion of prophetic words which have been released in previous seasons of time. It will be a time of celebration and rejoicing! It is a time to see an alignment of anointing from the last several years come together with a synergistic effect of power, purpose and prosperity just as we have been believing and praying for. Angels are actively moving about even now to bring us to the right place at the right time to see heaven’s results! The angel armies are assembled to push back our enemies and pull us in to God’s victory! We must tune our ears to the voice of God this year as never before to assure we are walking in alignment with heaven’s purpose and be willing to be mobilized to pray as never before. I Corinthians 13:1 tells us “Though I speak in the tongues of men and of angels” ….I have come to believe that when we are praying in tongues angels are listening for their assignments from heaven to go out and work on our behalf. When we speak the language of the Spirit they are receiving marching orders for people, churches, territories and even nations. With this increased revelation about what happens when we pray in the Holy Ghost, we should all press in to a greater experience of the presence of the Lord and the mobilizing of angels on our behalf through the exercise of this gift. At Christian International, our staff devotes one hour a day to praying in the Spirit and one full 24 hour period on the first day of each month to do nothing but charge the

atmosphere by praying in tongues. All over the world churches have joined us by selecting a day each month to pray in shifts to cover a 24 hour period. It produces a reservoir of power that we will use in the times to come. When speaking about a time of fulfillment I want to share what the Lord has spoken to me at the beginning of each year over the past few years. In 2012 God showed me it was a time for God to unlock and open the vaults of heaven. He said he was dealing with the Prince of Persia who has been sent into the earth to withstand and hinder God’s restoration purposes. He said He was breaking the Church out of cycles of frustration that comes from delay and disappointment as found in Ezra 4 and breaking the decrees of the enemy over our lives. In 2013 God spoke that it was a Turn Around Year and a time of Double Portion Fruitfulness. In fact we had double the rain in our area that year, and farmers all over the nation reported a bumper crop year! That year He also showed me how the spirit of robbery had been stealing from the people of God and how many times we were just accepting the destruction by Holding a mentality that "This is just life!" No, it's not just life! There is a destroyer who wants to rob, kill and destroy! We have the right to demand back at least a double portion of what he has taken! (Ex. 22:7, Is. 61:7, Zech. 9:11-12). God has decreed Double for Your Trouble! In 2014, the Year of Double Portion, He also told me it was the Time of the Quantum Leap, which speaks about the suddenlies of God breaking forth and taking us to new levels of the supernatural. I will share more on each of these later to show that we are now in the time of seeing these things come into alignment for fulfillment in 2015 and beyond but I want you to keep them in mind as I share a few other things. A Time for Shifting Gears Last week during prayer time, the Lord spoke to me and said it is a time for shifting gears. He let me know that when driving a standard vehicle, in order to move forward you have to make sure the gears are engaged. But normally what we do to engage the proper gear is that we put in our clutch to disengage the gear from the spinning engine. I felt the Lord was saying that we are in a time when He is asking us to put in our clutch to disengage from all the doubt, disappointment, fear and any other negative effect of 2014 so that He can put us in proper alignment and gear for the new year. When we pray in the Holy Spirit God enables us to disengage from all the faith robbers in our lives and begins to stir up our most holy faith. Once our faith is stirred, we can again engage the gears to begin to accelerate and advance. We cannot just sit with our engines idling but we must shift gears several times throughout this year to continue to move forward.

Passivity is our enemy. We must be intentional about shifting in to God’s Kingdom dream for our lives. There are old, destructive cycles that God is requiring us to shift out of. Beyond just an internal, personal shift, God is asking His Church to arise in a new way to facilitate a shift in our nation’s culture, in the church culture and in the generational culture. Ayin Hei This is the year 2015 on the Gregorian calendar and 5775 on the Hebraic calendar. I want to start by discussing the significance of these numbers for each of the calendar years. 5775 - It is the year of Ayin Hei – the second seven is Ayin meaning to see, to discern, to reveal and the five is Hei being the picture of an open window or a man standing with his hands uplifted. It’s time to see the windows of heaven opened for a fresh outpouring of revelation, resources and restoration! Last year I had a vision where I saw the windows of heaven opened and a wind blowing through, drawing out the old, stale air of the last season. I then saw the window with a sign in it, like at a place of business or a bank. The sign in the window read “Open For Business”. I believe heaven is open for business right now and is more easily accessed than we ever imagined. I believe the breath of heaven is blowing upon us and giving us supernatural insight, strategies and resources for all that is to come. You will notice that this number is a mirror of itself having two 5’s and two 7’s. Five is the number of grace or favor and seven is the number of perfection, completion and finishing. This is a time when God is releasing a double portion of grace and favor to see every promise fulfilled and every assignment completed without delay hindering in any way. The Valley of Achor Will Become a Door of Hope This is not to say that there won’t be challenges to overcome. On the contrary, there will be continued turmoil in cities and nations, challenges in families and health issues, exposure of corrupt unrighteous leaders in the world and in the church. But I sense that our faith will continue to grow in grace not in a garden of tranquility but through the Valley of Achor….the valley of trouble. But Hosea 2:14-16 assures us that God will turn the Valley of Trouble into a Door of Hope! Just as we declared last year for this

season….Double for Your Trouble! The best fruit grows in the deepest valleys! The double portion of grace will empower us to not only face, but to overcome in our own personal Valley of Trouble so that we will receive amazing miracles and supernatural blessings. Last year the Lord impressed on me that we had entered a three year period of time of supernatural signs and wonders. His purpose was to Restore Hope to the Church so the Church could Restore Hope to the World! We are now in that time so believe He can do it for you! Believe He can do it for the Church that is arising and reforming! Believe He can do it even for our nation! God wants to shift our Turmoil into Triumph! Hei is also a picture of a man with his hands upraised. This is going to be a year of allowing our praise to penetrate the atmosphere in a new and powerful way. There is a new sound arising from the Church. It is a penetrating sound! It is a positive sound! It is a powerful sound! As we praise we will see Psalms 8:2 made real “For this purpose God ordained praise, to silence our foe and still the avenger!” God is stirring extreme gratitude, passion and perspective as we exalt the Lord on a daily basis. As we magnify Him, everything else begins to take on a proper perspective. As we lift up the name of Jesus even the atmosphere over our cities can shift. We will rediscover the power of praise in a new a revelatory way this year as we see tangible miracles result in direct correlation to our times of worship. In looking at the 75 (5775) portion of this year and comparing it to significance in scripture we see that Abraham was 75 years old when God came to him and told him to shift out of the land of his fathers and take a journey to a new place and positioning. I believe God is releasing new vision for our future and giving us that double portion of grace to walk it out. Remember, God shifted Abram’s name and made him Abraham and Sarai’s name and made her Sarah. He did that by adding a Hei (Hei is not just the number 5 but also the letter ‘h’) He added the Hei in the fifth position of each of their names. It changed the meanings of their names to be more accurate concerning their future and destiny. This year God will be faithful to add his Hei to our lives…His grace, His breath, His anointing for multiplication so we too can see divine purpose accomplished. 2015 – In scripture the number 15 is tied to rest, celebration and joy after a time of deliverance from one’s enemies. In Exodus 15 we read the song of Moses and Miriam as they celebrated God opening up the Red Sea and delivering the Jewish people from

Pharoah and his armies. God took an absolutely impossible situation and turned it around for Israel! The horse and the rider have been thrown into the sea! You will never see these enemies which have pursued you ever again! Our God is a Mighty Man of War! God blew by His mighty wind and shifted and changed everything! The sound for this year will be a sound of celebration, a sound of victory, a sound of accomplishment. It won’t be “The horse and the rider WILL BE thrown into the sea” but rather an acknowledgment of the victory already won. This year we are going to shift into a VICTORY sound as never before, acknowledging that the battle has been WON! Our God is a Man of War! We will release a sound of victory that drives confusion into the camp of the enemy just as it did with Jehoshaphat in II Chronicles 20:20. “For He is good and His mercy endures forever!” At staff prayer in early December I felt the Lord say that the enemy has shown his hand and overplayed it. He has done his worst. Now, prepare to see victory released. We need to let this decree be in our mouths, "The Best Is Yet To Come!" At our New Year's Eve Service I heard the Lord declare He wants to sing songs of healing and songs of deliverance over us. If we will worship the Lord, then listen for His Voice I believe we will hear new songs flowing from the thrown of God to touch us, to heal us and the set us free so that we can be empowered to change the world! There is such an incredible wind of refreshing blowing out of heaven that is filling us with the breath of God! We all need to shift into an expectation in our Spirit to be listening for the sounds of heaven! Celebration and Rest 15 is tied to feasts of celebration and remembrance for God’s mighty deliverances and victory over the enemy. The Jews left Rameses on the 15th day of the 1st month which later became the Feast of the Unleavened Bread (right after Passover). The Feast of Tabernacles happens on the 15th day of the 7th month to rejoice and rest after all the hard work of harvest and to remember living in booths when being delivered from Egypt. Purim takes place on the 15th day of the 12th month to commemorate deliverance from Haman’s decree of death against the Jews. Hezekiah was facing death but God added 15 years to his life because he humbled himself and cried out to Him. God turned death to life for him! God is turning dead

situations around this year. As the enemy has spoken death to many dreams, this will be a time of resurrection life! In Genesis 15 God first spoke to Abraham about the nations that were to be born to him. God also mentioned the 400 years of slavery in a foreign land, but also told him they would be delivered with great possessions! At the end of that chapter God cut covenant with Abraham in a dream. Get ready for greater revelation, great deliverance and a greater understanding of the covenant of the Lord working in our lives! The Great Turn Around! But one of the main scriptures for this turn around year of double portion deliverance and victory is found in Esther 9. We know of the decree of death and destruction released by Haman against the Jews authorizing the people of the land to kill them and take their possessions on the 13th day of the 12th month of Adar. But Esther wrote a new decree, in the king’s name and sealed it with the king’s ring, that the Jews had a right to defend themselves and kill those who were trying to kill them. This carried over into the 14th day when they finished destroying those against them. On the 15th day they had a feast, a celebration of joy, that God had delivered them from their oppressors. This is that day! It was a time of turn around! The turn started in the 13th year, continued through 2014 and we will see great fulfillment in 2015! Some need to write a new decree over your life for the upcoming season of time. God is mobilizing angels to see the things we decree come to pass! 2015 A Year of Divine Reversals! I heard the Lord say that this would be a Year of Divine Reversals. As a matter of fact, in Esther 9:1 when it speaks of the decree of Haman it says of that day “that the enemies of the Jews hoped to have power over them, though it was turned to the contrary that the Jews had rule over them that hated them.” I was surprised to find that the word “turned” in this verse is the Hebrew word haphak is the Strong’s number 2015!! It means to overturn, to change, to overthrow, to turn around, to transform, to be reversed! This will be a year of Divine Reversal! As a matter of fact, I heard the Lord say this would be a Boomerang Year! As we know, a boomerang gets thrown out and then returns to the one that threw it. God is going to cause every curse and every assignment from hell to be turned right back upon

the head of our spiritual enemy! Haman built gallows to hang the Jews, but he ended up being hanged on his own gallows! It wasn’t only Haman who was destroyed, but also his 10 sons so they couldn’t come back again to retaliate! God is boomeranging the curses of hell right back on the enemy. In the Message translation Esther 9:25 reads “But when Queen Esther intervened with the king, he gave written orders that the evil scheme that Haman had worked out should boomerang back on his own head!” God is turning the curse to a blessing for us, because He loves us! (Deut 23:5) God is also bringing divine reversals in situations that experienced a down turn. He is bringing a reversal of fortunes, a reversal out of death into life, a reversal out of sickness and pain into healing and wholeness. Marriages on the verge of divorce can experience divine reversal and a renewal of love and hope for the future. Decrees of death, destruction, poverty, bankruptcy, divorce, sickness, pain, grief and confusion are being reversed to decrees of life, hope, freedom, blessings, strategies, reconciliation, health and wholeness. God is turning mourning to dancing and sorrow to joy! Even in the United States of America, God has determined to bring some significant divine reversals back to a place of righteousness and justice. There is a rising feeling of "Enough is enough!" God is awakening His people from complacency and even raising up non-believing advocates for truth and righteousness in the media and marketplace who will be bold enough to make a stand and shift the status quo! Two years ago the Lord told me "Do not accept what seems to be inevitable! Release Your faith and I will do the impossible!" Now is that time! 2015 in Greek So then, out of curiosity I looked up 2015 in Strongs in the Greek. It is a word which means to manifest the appearance of the Lord, brightness, to shine upon. I believe this is speaking of the Glory of the Lord which is going to be revealed in the coming months ahead. We will see His glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth! (John 1) Taking this just one step further, I looked up the number 15 in Hebrew and Greek. In Hebrew the word connected to this Strong’s number means longing and desire. If we are going to see His Glory it is because He will respond to our longing and desire for Him. In the Greek the word associated with 15 means peace, prosperity, to do good, to be well. Pretty cool stuff for us to align with!

A New Sound! In Esther 9 we find that this victory over the oppressive enemy resulted in the Feast of Purim. It is interesting as I read about how Jewish families celebrate this feast, by giving gifts to one another, by giving to the poor, and by recounting the story of Esther. In one account I read that the reading of the book of Esther was outlawed in Nazi Germany during the time of Hitler. The power of the story of God’s deliverance against the enemy set to wipe out the Jews represented a real threat to that agenda in that day. Today, when Jewish people celebrate Purim, when the story of Haman and Esther is read, when Haman’s name is spoken the people use noisemakers and shouting to drown out the name of the enemy. God so wants the sound of celebration and joy in the mouths of His people to drown out the sound of the enemy. This year we are to be very intentional about this type of celebration and releasing the sounds of joy! There is power in the sound of joy! In Summary… A Time of Unlocking In 2012 I had two visions that are important for this season. First I saw a combination lock...the type with three numbers to align before the lock would open. First I saw one number in place then the next & finally the third. It was very difficult to get the numbers into place, but once they aligned the lock popped open. Then I heard The Lord say that He has been positioning, repositioning and pre-positioning people and circumstances to prepare for the unlocking. Second, I heard a loud clicking sound & when I looked I saw a huge, thick vault door that was being opened in heaven. The clicking was the round arm on the door, like a bank vault door turning. I felt God was saying not only has He unlocked, but He is now opening the vault door. Inside is everything we need to advance, both natural and spiritual. He is revealing Himself as "He who opens and no one shuts & shuts & no one opens." Over the following two weeks I spoke to six other prophets that saw the same thing of the open vault in heaven. I now wonder if the three numbers aligning on the lock were the following three years of 2012, 2013 and 2014….now we are ready for the unlocking and the opening! As a matter of fact, at Chuck Pierce’s Head of the Year Conference in September 2014 he prophesied this: “There is a divine unlocking in you that will cause God to be seen like never before. Heaven is opening up in a different way. There will be a shifting of authority structures in the earth. The whirlwind is going to unlock the seed to be sown for the future.” Paul Keith Davis also prophesied at that time: “It is God’s heart that the Bride will be given access to the treasury room of heaven.”

Last year the Lord spoke to me about the time of the Quantum advancement that comes suddenly from one level to the next with no in between. During that time someone related the story of Chinese bamboo and I shared it everywhere. With Chinese bamboo, it is planted in the first year, the ground is watered, fertilized, seeded and tended. At the end of the first year there is no proof of growth above the ground. At the end of the second year, still nothing is happening. At the end of the third year, a tiny three inch plant has poked its head above the soil. By the end of the fourth year the plant is a foot tall. But in the fifth year....the plant shoots up and grows 90 feet in just four months!! That's a quantum leap! And it happens in the fifth year! This is the fifth year of this decade! More than that, it is a time of decreed prophetic fulfillment, strategic unlocking, powerful turnaround, divine reversals and joyous celebration and victory! It is the time of rapid growth and the quantum leap! As we align with the decrees of heaven we will see God's plan unfold in amazing ways! We will see double portion recovery of all that has been lost or stolen from us! We will see new advancements as opportunity knocks on our doors! We will experience a spiritual rest in the midst of exciting activity! We will run and not be weary! We will receive courage to step out of the boat and walk on water, stretching our faith and manifesting the Kingdom as never before! God is turning things around for His people! It's a time of Divine Reversals! But we must aggressively partner with Him to see His Kingdom come and His Will be Done, on Earth as it is in Heaven! Happy 2015! It's going to be an exciting ride!