BOVINA NEWSLETTER - bovinaupchurch · Bovina Public Library will be sending out applications to...


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A letter from the pastor:


the Bovina UP Church

March 2014

Volume 7, Issue 1

March 19— Wednesday Evening Service @ 7 PM.

March 28— Game Night at the Bovina UP Church @ 6:30 PM.

March 29— Chicken and Biscuit Dinner at the Bovina UP (Freewill Dona-tion) 5-7 PM.

April 19— Easter Egg Hunt and Children’s Candy Fundraiser at the Bovina UP Church @ 11 AM.

April 20— Easter Sunrise Service. at Marie Burns’ Farm @ 6:30 AM.

August 18-22— BHS Schoolhouse Day Camp (see p. 6).

October 30—

November 6 Scotland Trip with Ray LaFever (see de-tails on p. 8-9).

A father receives the bowl of ashes. Like those before him, he presses a finger in the bowl to transfer the ashes from the bowl to his finger. He turns towards his son, marks him with the sign of the cross while saying, “Remember you are dust, and to dust you shall return.”

In turn, the son, a tall, stout, young man receives the bowl. He presses his finger in the ashes, turns to the short, elderly woman next to him, marks her with the sign of the cross while saying, “Remember you are dust, and to dust you shall return.”

Minutes later, a grandmother’s finger makes the same journey to the bowl then onward to her ten-year-old granddaughter’s forehead. The grandmother marks her granddaughter with the sign of the cross and says the words, “Remember you are dust, and to dust you shall return.”

Ash Wednesday is not a joyful day on the Christian calendar. It is second only to Good Friday in somberness. In the midst of this somberness there are holy moments abound. Moments like those above that you stand in awe before God. Mortality is ignored in our society, yet this past Ash Wednesday a father reminded his son, the son reminded an elderly woman, and a grand-mother reminded with her granddaughter words that force us to face reality: we will not live forever.

Ultimately, it is something we all know. We won’t live forev-er. But if we truly understood this fact, would we continue living our lives the same way? Would we chase after the same pursuits? Would we have the same outlook? Would everything in our lives carry the same weight it does now?

I cannot answer these questions for everyone. I can share my hope. I hope we realize everything we are currently pursuing so not worth it. I hope we realize our current outlooks on life need a little tweaking. I hope we realize everything we care about isn’t the number one concern for everyone else in this world. We are dust, and to the dust we will return; however, in the mean time, let’s live our lives loving God, loving our families, loving others, and loving ourselves realizing we are all humans having the same begin-nings and the same end, realizing that in the middle the love of God is what holds us together and helps us get through.

After-School Update

Wednesday after-school life is beginning to bubble once again at our House of Worship as the kids shoot off the bus and run through the church doors. We still need volunteers to sign up for snacks. If interested, please contact Rev. Schindler at or


Youth Group Update

The youth are active in learning more about our faith and are preparing for a rotating mis-sion trip this summer with the churches in our presbytery. If you are interested in being a

chaperone or know of mission opportunities for 20 - 40 youth please contact Rev. Schindler at or 832-4340.

Bovina UP News, by Garrett Schindler

Page 2 Bovina newsletter

Joys and Concerns

Bovina Seniors

Please join us for lunch

at the Church!

On the 2nd Tuesday of Every Month

@ Noon

Contact Janet Stewart with questions


The Bovina UP Church welcomes you to worship with us Sunday

mornings at 10 AM. If you are interested in joining the church,

please contact a member of the Church Session. Session members

are Amy Burns, Jack Burns, Norma Gabriel, Mark Schneider, Tom

Hilson, and Mike Worden.

Sunday worship @ 10 AM. Please come join us!

Sunday School for Children preschool through 6th grade dur-

ing worship (during the school year).

Communion served on the 1st Sunday of every month.

Session Meeting @ 7PM on the 2nd Tuesday of every other


Fellowship Coffee Hour following worship service on the 2nd

Sunday of every month.

Our thoughts are with Gert Hall, Agnes Burns,

Hugh and Pat Lee, and Millie Reinertsen.

Page 3 Bovina newsletter

That’s Right…the Memorial Committee ap-proved the purchase of a new piano for the sanc-

tuary to help us glorify God with song.



~Prayerfully consider what you’re able to give.

~Then, pick up a Pledge Card by the Wall Piano and write down how much you

wish to pledge and what “keys” you want.

~Place your pledge in the offering plate during worship.

~Be sure to write your name on a sticker by the Wall Piano and

stick them on your choice piano keys. Act fast or your favorite keys may be taken!

Can you spell a word

with the piano keys? Ex: DAD or BEE or FACE





Black Keys are $75

White Keys are $100

An Octave is $1,000 and has 5 black notes and 7 white notes.

Page 4 Bovina newsletter

Christmas eve at the bovina U.P. We enjoyed another lovely Christmas Eve service this year, featuring Janet Stewart singing “Happy

Birthday Jesus”, and performances by our youth in modern dance and in the Annual Christmas Eve


Page 5 Bovina newsletter

Game Night!

Forget Atlantic City, the basement of the Bovina UP Church

is the place to be! In January and February, we gathered to

show off our gaming talents and competitive spirit. We’re

hosting one more on March 28th. Bring your own games

and a snack to share. Maybe someone will be able to beat

Gert Hall at Mexican Train or Ray LaFever at Catch-Phrase!

Page 6 Volume 7, Issue 1

Bovina Historical Society News, by Jan Bray

The Bovina Historical Society is starting 2014 ready to move, with a new

President and an active board. Now the BHS needs your help. First, if you have not done so, please consider joining the society. Membership is only

$5 a year. Application for membership can be found on p. 7 and can be

mailed to the Bovina Historical Society at PO Box 97, Bovina Center, NY 13740, c/o Donna Bray, with your check made out to the Bovina His-

torical Society.

Second, the society is working on an ambitious fund raising plan. With

three buildings under the society’s responsibility (the museum, old fire-

house and Russell's Store), funds are needed to maintain them. We hope soon to share one fund raising idea with you- plans for what we expect

will be a very popular Bovina calendar for 2015. If you have a talent to share – music, art, organizational skills or are a jack of all trades, please

let us know.

Bovina is a wonderful small

community with a rich history.

Help the Bovina Historical So-

ciety preserve this history.

The society has its own e-mail

address now: bovinahistori-

Page 7 Volume 7, Issue 1 Page 7 Volume 7, Issue 1

NEW Spring Hours Tues 10:30 AM —3 PM

Wed 1—7 PM (closing one hour earlier) Thurs 10:30AM —3 PM

Saturday 9 AM —2 PM (open one hour later)

Applications for The National Bank and Trust of Delaware County Annual Scholarship are Also Available This scholarship is open to ALL Delaware County residents who have or will be graduating from a county high school, with an emphasis on those who those who are going into or are pursuing Bachelors or Mas-

ters degrees in Education, the Physical Sciences, Engineering or related fields. Applications for this scholarship are due by April 15th.

Call Bryan Boyer at DNBD with questions 855-363-3544.

Bovina Library News, from Marjorie Miller

The Annual Jean Marie Collin Scholarship

Bovina Public Library will be sending out applications to eligible graduating seniors this spring. The scholarship is a 4 year award of $1000 for college or training expenses.

All Bovina resident graduating seniors in the class of 2014 are eligible

From the Andes Recorder, March 5, 1878,

“Messrs Editors: - It is some time since I

have written to the Recorder, but having

good will to all men, I wish to occupy a

brief space in your columns to show your

readers that Brushland is still in a prosper-

ous condition, owing, first, to the fact that

we have no liquor license; second, we

can’t get a license; third, we don’t want a

license, consequently we are a sober, in-

dustrious people."

Page 8 Bovina newsletter

Page 9 Volume 7, Issue 1

Page 10 Bovina newsletter


Town Board meetings are the second Tuesday of the month 6 PM at the Community Hall Tina Mole, supervisor Board Members: Kenneth Brown, Mark Rossley, Evelyn Stewart-Barnhart, Gerald Wright Town Clerk and Tax Collector Superintendent of Highways Town Justice Catherine Hewitt 832-4302 Edward Weber 832-4220 John H. Way 832-4500 Book Keeper Assessor Water Superintendent Joseph Hanley D. Joseph Gifford Joshua Choquette 832-4539

Code Enforcement Officer Dog Control Officer Town Historian Dale Downin Edward Weber 832-4211 C. Raymond LaFever Planning board meetings are at the community hall on the third Monday of the month at 7 PM Planning Board Members Don Farley, Chairman, Edward Weber, John Cianci,, J, Christian Ingvordsen, Thomas Hilson, Carrie Hewitt Choquette, Clerk. Zoning Board of Appeals meets when needed Zoning Board Members : Assessment Review Board Charles Mole, Chairman, Monica Gabriel, David Jalkower, John Virga Carol Brannen, Joan Burns, Gary Robson Transfer Station Summer hours (May through September) Winter hours (October through April) Wednesday 1 PM till 4 PM 8 AM till 12:30 PM Saturday 8 AM till 12:30 PM Closed holidays

Town Information, from Mark Rossley

Thanks so much, once again, to the Bovina Fire and EMS crew for hosting the Annual Visit from Santa in December at the Fire Hall. The children and

parents thoroughly enjoyed their time with jolly old St. Nick—so many clever children brought lists and even gifts for Santa. We look forward to this

event every year to really put us in the holiday mood!

Page 11 Volume 7, Issue 1



Bovina is truly a place of hospitality and natural beauty —aren’t we fortunate to call it home?

Pastor, Rev. Garrett Schindler

607-832-4340 PO Box 26

Bovina Center, NY 13740


We are now green!

If you would like to receive our e-newsletter, please send a

message to:

Visit the Bovina UP on Facebook






If you have any news to contribute for future issues, please let Julie

know (

or 832-4567)!

Photos and images in this issue were con-tributed by Julie Hilson, Ray LaFever, and Garrett and Marena Vittorio Schindler.
