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Prof. Dr. Ergun KARAAĞAOĞLUHacettepe ÜniversitesiTıp FakültesiBiyoistatistik ve Tıp Bilişimi Anabilim Dalı

Bilişim, bilgi ile, bilginin yapısı, iletişimi ve kullanımı ile ilgilenir. Günümüzde toplumlar giderek daha bilgi yoğun olmaya başladıklarından, bilgiyi toplamak, yönetmek ve modellemek için yeni yöntemleri öğrenme, geliştirme ve uygulamaya olan gereksinimleri giderek artmaktadır. Bu, özellikle tıp alanında daha da belirgindir.

Bilgi Teknolojilerinin genel kullanımı arttıkça, sağlık sektöründe de hasta yönetimi ve bakımının iyileştirilmesi için tıbbi bilginin toplanması, organizasyonu, analizi ve yayılmasına yönelik çalışmalar giderek önem kazanmıştır. Sağlık – Tıp bilişimi de bilgi teknolojilerini kullanarak son yıllarda hızlı gelişme yakalamıştır.

Sağlık – Tıp Bilişimi ProfesyonelleriKlinik Bilişim (Clinical

Informatics)Bilgi ve İletişim Teknolojileri

(Information & Communication Technology)

Bilgi Yönetimi : Veri toplama, analiz, yorumlama ve sunum

Medical informatics is the intersection of information science, computer science, and health care. It deals with the resources, devices, and methods required to optimize the acquisition, storage, retrieval, and use of information in health and biomedicine. Health informatics tools include not only computers but also clinical guidelines, formal medical terminologies, and information and communication systems. It is applied to the areas of nursing, clinical care, dentistry, pharmacy, public health and (bio)medical research.

Aspects of the field: architectures for electronic medical records and

other health information systems used for billing, scheduling, and research

decision support systems in healthcare, including clinical decision support systems

standards (e.g. DICOM, HL7) and integration profiles (e.g. Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise) to facilitate the exchange of information between healthcare information systems - these specifically define the means to exchange data, not the content

Applications of biostatistics

Public health, including epidemiology, health services research, nutrition, and environmental health

Design and analysis of clinical trials in medicine

Genomics, population genetics, and statistical genetics in order to link variation in genotype with a variation in phenotype. This has been used in agriculture to improve crops and farm animals (animal breeding). In biomedical research, this work can assist in finding candidates for gene alleles that can cause or influence predisposition to disease in human genetics

Ecology, ecological forecasting Biological sequence analysis

Biostatistical methods are beginning to be integrated into medical informatics, public health informatics, and bioinformatics

The University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health houses the Department of Biostatistics and Medical Informatics.

Serving as a resource for clinical and basic science investigators. A major goal of the Department faculty and staff is to collaborate in the design, conduct, and analyses of laboratory, clinical, and epidemiologic studies and clinical trials in a variety of biomedical disciplines and departments. In addition, faculty conduct research in statistical methodology and computational methods and participate in several graduate and postdoctoral training programs.

The Department of Biostatistics & Medical Informatics is organized into three research and training programs: Biostatistics, Clinical Trials, and Medical Informatics. In addition, the Biomedical Computing Group (BCG) provides computer support for the Department, the UW Comprehensive Cancer Center and other research groups. Many of our faculty members have joint appointments with other schools and/or departments including Statistics, Computer Sciences, Preventive Medicine, Nursing, Business, Educational Sciences, and Animal Sciences.

Biostatistics Program Training M.S. and Ph.D. programs The Department of Statistics, in collaboration with

the Medical School's Department of Biostatistics and Medical Informatics, offers both an M.S. and a Ph.D. with Emphasis in Biostatistics. The Department of Biostatistics and Medical Informatics has faculty with joint appointments in Statistics as well as over 20 other faculty and staff who are involved in the design and analysis of clinical trials, genetics, and other clinical, epidemiological and laboratory experiments.

Summer Programs for Undergraduates

The Department of Biostatistics and Medical Informatics conducts two complementary summer programs for undergraduates with an interest in the quantitative sciences. These programs aim to introduce students to the opportunities in biostatistics and bioinformatics through instruction and hands-on work with real data. The Department of Biostatistics and Medical Informatics also administers two certificate programs in bioinformatics.


INFORMATICS & BIOSTATISTICS (MDMI&B) In more and more countries, also in

Romania, Medical Informatics & Biostatistics is an officially recognized

profession, thus offering access to a very interesting and promising emerging segment of the labor market.

Türkiye’de Durum Nedir? Biyoistatistik Anabilim Dalı Biyoistatistik ve Tıp Bilişimi – Tıbbi Bilişim

Anabilim Dalı Tıp Eğitimi ve Bilişimi Anabilim Dalları Tıp Eğitimi ve Bilişimi Anabilim Dallarının

kapatılması Biyoistatistik ve Tıp Bilişimi Anabilim Dalı


Fırsatlar: Birlikte Çalışabilirlik Biyoistatistik Tıp Mühendislik Genetik-Biyoloji

Görüntüleme teknikleriElektronik sağlık kayıtları, Nüfus

kayıtlarıNüfusun yapısının ve buna bağlı olarak

hastalıklardaki değişim

VERİ BİLGİAraçlarVeri madenciliği teknikleri, machine

learning (İstatistiksel öğrenme), karar destek sistemleri, yeni yazılımlar.
