Bits and Pieces Roger Billerey-Mosier Engineering Lead, Trulia, Inc


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Bits and Pieces

Roger Billerey-MosierEngineering Lead, Trulia, Inc.

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Best Practices Rule

• What are “Best Practices”?– standard body of knowledge– standard but always evolving– almost a lingua franca, like a software library

Best Practices Rule (2)

• Why “Best Practices”?– They work– Not all difficult or expensive to implement– They let you focus on what differentiates you

from the competition• Being feature-equivalent is necessary, and not

sufficient• The competition probably uses best practices• So you’d better implement them as well

Best Practices In Development

• OOP is not optional. Spaghetti code is...– hard to read– impossible to maintain

• Someone else WILL work on your code

– impossible to share across pages/modules• Someone WILL ask you to put that widget from

page X on page Y

Best Practices In Development

• OOP is not optional

• Separate data access, data and display– Avoid platform-specific code– Use a templating system– “MVC” model

• Namespace your Javascript

• Run unit tests

• Use version control (CVS, SVN, etc.)

Avoid Platform-Specific Code

Instead of:mysql_connect(‘mydb’, ‘myuser’, ‘12345’);$result = mysql_query(‘SELECT id,name FROM MyUser ORDER BY

name’);while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) echo $row[‘id’].”\t”.$row[‘name’].”\n”;

Do:$db = new db();$db->query(‘SELECT id, name FROM MyUser ORDER BY name’);while($db->next_record()) echo $db->fetch(‘id’).”\t”.$db->fetch(‘name’).”\n”;

Best Practices In Development

• OOP is not optional

• Separate data access, data and display– Avoid platform-specific code– Use a templating system– “MVC” model

• Namespace your Javascript

• Run unit tests

• Use version control (CVS, SVN, etc.)

Use A Templating System

Instead of endless strings of:


<? echo “<h1>”.$name.”</h1>”; ?>



$tpl = new Template(‘template’);

$tpl->assign(‘NAME’, $name);




Best Practices In Development

• OOP is not optional

• Separate data access, data and display– Avoid platform-specific code– Use templating system– “MVC” model

• Namespace your Javascript

• Run unit tests

• Use version control (CVS, SVN, etc.)

MVC Model, Simplified (1)

• MVC = Model, View, Controller– Model = data and business logic– View = display, UI– Controller = “conductor” that shepherds them

MVC Model, Simplified (2)controller.php$from = $_GET[‘from’];$to = $_GET[‘to’];$data = new Model($from, $to);$data->look_up();$display = new View($data);$display->render();

Model.phpclass Model{ private $_from, $_to, $_data; public function __construct($from, $to) { $this->_from = $from; $this->_to = $to; $this->_data = array(); } public function look_up() { // query from db using from, to, etc. }}

View.phpclass View{ private $_Data; public function __construct(&$Data) { $this->_Data =& $Data; } public function render() { $tpl = new Template(); $tpl->assign(‘TITLE’, $this->_Data->get_title()); foreach($this->_Data as $k => $v) { $tpl>assign(‘HEADER’, $k); $tpl->assign(‘VALUE’, $v); } return $tpl->render(); }}

Best Practices In Development

• OOP is not optional

• Separate data access, data and display

• Namespace your Javascript– This avoids naming conflicts– Use Javascript objects whenever possible

• Run unit tests

• Use version control (CVS, SVN, etc.)

Namespace your Javascript

Basic namespacing:

function MyNamespace() {}MyNamespace.validate = function(partridge, pear, tree){ alert(‘hello there, Ms. ’ + partridge);}

You can now invoke validate as

MyNamespace.validate(‘Cassidy’, ‘apple’, ‘shrub’);

Javascript Objects

// constructor syntaxfunction Person(name){ = name;}Person.prototype.say = function(message){ alert( + ‘ says “‘ + message + ‘”’);}

var joe = new Person(‘Joe’, 24);joe.say(‘wassup’);

Best Practices In Development

• OOP is not optional

• Separate data access, data and display

• Namespace your Javascript

• Run unit tests– Automatically run regression tests– Test units are use cases; they help you

design your class interfaces

• Use version control (CVS, SVN, etc.)

Unit Testing Simplified<?$MyObject = new MyClass();$Test = new TestUnit($MyObject);$test_data = array( array(‘test’ => ‘<h1>hello</h1>’, ‘expected’ => ‘hello’), array(‘test’ => ‘<div class=“blue”>xy</div>’, ‘expected’ => ‘xy’));foreach($test_data as $test => $expected){ // this invokes the strip method on the $MyObject object // with $test as argument // and compares the return value of strip with $expected // returns true if they match, and false if not, i.e. something like // if ($MyObject->strip($test) != $expected) return false; $pass = $Test->assert(‘strip’, $test, $expected); // you could email the developer, file a bug, log to file, etc. echo $pass ? “Pass” : “Fail”;}?>

Best Practices In Development

• OOP is not optional• Separate data access, data and display• Namespace your Javascript• Run unit tests• Use version control (CVS, SVN, etc.)

– New code broken? • Roll back to previous stable state

– Need to restore old feature? • Grab it from old version

– Develop new features while maintaining stable code base for fixes?

• Branch and merge

Best Practices in Design

• Don’t co-opt standard widgets for other purposes– Users don’t have time to learn your whiz-bang

new navigation/interaction– Switching costs are low (competition is one

click away)– Don’t use yourself as a benchmark for your

users• Hallway usability tests are cheap; use them

Best Practices in Design

• Don’t co-opt standard widgets for other purposes– Users don’t have time to learn your whiz-bang

new navigation/interaction– Switching costs are low (competition is one

click away)– Don’t use yourself as a benchmark for your

users• Hallway usability tests are cheap; use them

Best Practices in Design

• Don’t co-opt standard widgets for other purposes• Remember basic, standard UI principles

– logo in top left corner is clickable, goes home– checkboxes or radio buttons don’t reload

• use links or buttons for actions that have a big UI impact

– Bigger fonts are better than smaller fonts– Big widgets are better than small targets– Color-coding should be avoided

• some 10% or more of users are color-blind; • use high-contrast color schemes

Best Practices in Design

• Don’t co-opt standard widgets for other purposes• Remember basic, standard UI principles

– Logo in top left corner is clickable, goes home– Checkboxes or radio buttons don’t reload

• use links or buttons for actions that have a big UI impact

– Bigger fonts are better than smaller fonts– Big widgets are better than small targets– Avoid color-coding

• some 10% or more of users are colorblind• use high-contrast color schemes if you have to color-code

Best Practices in Design

• Don’t co-opt standard widgets for other purposes

• Remember basic, standard UI principles

• Remember your audience– You’re a hip techie. Your users aren’t.– Your cool sliders SUCK.

Best Practices in Design

• Don’t co-opt standard widgets for other purposes

• Remember basic, standard UI principles• Remember your audience

– You’re a hip techie. Your users aren’t.– Your cool sliders SUCK.

• small target, very hard to acquire• lots of users (esp. w/ laptops) can’t drag easily• non-linear scale hard to represent

Best Practices in Design

Oh, and... your cool Flash intro



Best Practices in Design

• This doesn’t mean “don’t innovate”

• It only means “don’t break what works”– You’re free to invent new things

••• your project here

Best Practices in Production

• Serve compressed content from Apache– mod_deflate

Best Practices in Production

• Serve compressed content from Apache

• Minimize HTTP connections in browser– Minimize size and number of images

Minimize the Number of ImagesA rollover effect with 2 images can be achieved with a single image with both states:

Your CSS then switches the states on hover:

a.bgbutton{ background: url(“pretty_button.gif") 0 0 no-repeat;}a.bgbutton:hover { background-position: 0 -54px;}<a class=“bgbutton” href=“”>Anchor text</a>

Best Practices in Production

• Serve compressed content from Apache

• Minimize HTTP connections in browser– Minimize size and number of images– Shrink and join included content (JS, CSS)

Best Practices in Production

If you have:<script src=“tools.js”></script> <script src=“site.js”></script><script src=“sliders.js”></script>

Remove comments, etc and merge the files into:<script src=“combined.js”></script>

File size is bigger, but only 1 http connection is required; size matters less if you...

Best Practices in Production

• Serve compressed content from Apache• Minimize HTTP connections in browser

– Minimize size and number of images– Shrink and join included content (JS, CSS)

• Use a CDN (Content Delivery Network)– Akamai caches static content– Akamai’s servers optimize the route to the client – Content is served from the closest server to the

client’s computer

How to be Successful Without Really Trying To Fit into a

PowerPoint Header Section• Have fun• Work with people who are better than you• Hire same• Learn from others• Embrace change• Resist change• Be kind to animals• Keep in touch: