Birstall Post (358) May 2013



Birstall Post May 2013

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MAY 2013 No. 358

the Birstall postY O U R C O M M U N I T Y N E W S P A P E R

Longslade’s new start Get involved� Send your stories...� Send your pics...

AFTER THREE years near the bottom of County league tablesfor its GCSE performance, Longslade College has a newleader, a new partner and an aspiration to join the ranks ofthe County’s top performing schools within 12 months.

The newLongslade princi-pal is Mrs KirstieBlack, previouslyhead at MeltonVale Post 16centre. She said:“I am incrediblyexcited to beappointed princi-pal at Longslade,I am passionateabout youngpeople and edu-cation and I amvery optimisticabout the future.

“What I wantat the end of the day is to say : ‘Yes, I’dsend my kids to this school.’ Longsladeis changing and changing for the better.”

Longslade is working in partnershipwith the Belvoir and Academy MeltonTrust (BMAT), a successful academytrust comprising Belvoir High School for11-16 year olds and Melton Vale Post 16Centre.

Belvoir High School has been ratedas ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted at its last twoinspections.

Mrs Black’s appointment follows theresignation of Ms Liz Hall for personal

reasons. She was appointed principal in2010.

The former Head of Belvoir HighSchool and now the Executive Principalat BMAT and Longslade is Jon Sherwin(59). He said: “I am delighted to havebeen asked to oversee developments atLongslade with a view to the collegejoining BMAT at some point over thenext 12 months.

“My two sons came to Longslade, Ilive locally in the catchment area and Iam proud to have been given the oppor-

Pic: New Longslade Principal Kirstie Black talks to students

Continued on page 2

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tunity to work with the school and en-sure its future success.”

The new leadership team are seekingto establish and evaluate what the issueswere that saw Longslade failing to reachthe Government’s floor target for GCSEresults in 2012.

Mr Sherwin said: “We will be spend-ing time talking to students and meetingwith parents over the next few weeks, toanswer their questions and to explainour vision and tell them what we areabout.”

A questionnaire will be sent to allparents, students and staff to help estab-lish what works well at the college, andwhat needs improving. An informationevening was also held at the college onMay 2.

Mr Sherwin said: “As a first step wehave revised the curriculum for Year 10next year to cut down the number ofsubjects students are studying and givemore time to the essentials of English,Mathematics and Science. This is anapproach which has proved to be ex-tremely successful at Belvoir High.”

Other measures that have been intro-duced include:

• 25% of Year 11 students havestarted on an intensive intervention pro-gramme this term to improve their suc-cess at GCSE

• the post 16 curriculum is beingreviewed to ensure better progressionfor sixth formers on to university or intoemployment

• the induction of new Year 10 andYear 12 students is being overhauled tohelp students have a better understand-ing of expectations and to prepare themfor a successful start to their studies

Students in Years 10 and 11 willwear a formal uniform from September

and there will be a dress code for 6th

form students.Mr Sherwin said: “We want a school

where students and staff wake up want-ing to come, and go home feeling hap-py.

“We want to foster a feeling of identi-ty, pride, achievement and high aspira-tion in the students, and to support themby explaining clearly how they canprogress, set out a timeline and makethem understand it’s realistic and what’sin it for them, that people take themseriously and that we care too much tosee them prat about and fail.”

BIRSTALL PARISH Council’sAnnual Meeting was held onApril 8.

Youth worker Helen McNulty report-ed on the activities of the youth café,which is open on Wednesdays and Fri-days at the pavilion on the School Laneplaying field.

Numbers of 12-19 year olds at theWednesday night session fell away inOctober 2012 and it was agreed thissession be offered to 8-11 yr olds. Pub-licity was sent out to schools, an openday was held and the session now at-tracts 35 young people, compared to 6-8of the older group. Feedback from par-ents has been very positive.

Activities include making things,cooking, Scrabble and Twister, led byyoung people and supervised by theyouth workers. All day summer activitiesare planned.

Funding for the Wednesday nightsession, £4500 a year, ends this April.Birstall Parish Council intends to trans-fer its funding from Friday night toWednesday and to invite CharnwoodBorough Council to fund the Fridaysession, which continues to be for 12-19year olds.

County Councillor Roger Wilson an-nounced his retirement from local poli-tics after 60 years – he will not be acandidate at the May elections. He saidhe hoped he could leave with the feelingthat he had made some contribution tomaking Birstall a better place, that hefelt he had had the support of the com-munity and he thanked all those whohad voted for him.

Borough Councillor David Gaskellreported that he had received assuranc-es that Charnwood would not recom-mend a traveller site in Birstall. Heurged residents to object to LeicesterCity Council’s proposed sites once plan-

ning applications are submitted.The Annual Meeting was followed by

the April meeting of the council. Theclerk reported that the LE4 Actiongroup, which is campaigning againstLeicester City’s traveller site plans, hadrequested a meeting with the ParishCouncil.

It was agreed that the Managementand Policy committee review the Coun-cil’s procedures for its internal audit.

It was reported that the first chil-dren’s play area at Hallam Fields hasbeen adopted by the Parish Council. AJubilee tree and a noticeboard will beerected in that area.

Three other play areas at HallamFields are planned. The Parish Councilwill not have the responsibility of main-taining grass verges, balancing ponds orother grassed open areas at HallamFields.

The parish churches have shown aninterest in using the planned CommunityHall at Hallam Fields. Developers Jelsonwill be consulted on what progress theyare making with building the hall.

There is dry rot in the Village Hall’skitchen floor. Extensive work is neededat a cost of around £7500. The kitchenwill have to be closed for seven weeks.

Councillors discussed the proposedMeadow Lane/Worcester Avenue track.Some concern was expressed about thespecification of the work and the assur-ances provided by a contractor. It wasagreed to defer a decision pending fur-ther consultation with the contractor.

Parish Council notes

CRIME FIGURES for 2012/13show that all recorded crimein Leicestershire fell by13.7% compared to the previ-ous year.

• assault with less serious injuryreduced by 15.1%• criminal damage reduced by17.8%• domestic burglary reduced by 7%• robbery reduced by 22.2%• serious sexual offences increasedby 11.4%• serious violent offences reducedby 15%• theft from a vehicle increased by4%• theft of a vehicle reduced by 15%

Police and Crime Commissioner(PCC) Sir Clive Loader said: “Thefigures show a great improvement,especially with regard to the crimeswhich cause most harm to people.Whilst not all targets have been met,Leicestershire Police is heading in theright direction and we are making agood start in delivering the key priori-ties outlines in my Police and CrimePlan.”

Sir Clive Loader has published hisPolice and Crime Plan for tacklingcrime and reducing the number ofvictims in Leicester, Leicestershire andRutland over the next four years. Toread the full plan, executive summaryof for further information on the Po-lice and Crime Plan go

Continued from page 1

Pic: Longslade Executive Principal Jon Sherwin

County crimerates falling

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A BIRSTALL Parish Council-lor and amateur artist hasdied.

The plan proposes:• at least 1500 dwellings• 15 hectares of employment land• development to create a new GardenSuburb, containing shops and communityfacilities• 30% affordable homes• health facilities and a place of worship• a new primary school• a contribution to the expansion of localsecondary schools• a supermarket (up to 100 sq.m)• Four pitches for travelling show people• a new roundabout on the A6, north ofthe A46 interchange• a new link road from the new rounda-bout to Wanlip and a Wanlip bypass toRectory RoadBirstall Parish Council Clerk Steve

Blackburn said: “The Parish Council isconcerned about the plans and is monitor-

ing the situation.”Rothley Parish Council is urging its

residents to object to the plans. “We donot want the extra houses, these planswould totally kill our village” said theChairman of Rothley Parish Council, PercyHartshorn

Rothley County Councillor Peter Os-borne is objecting to the Core Strategy. Hesaid: “I do not believe that further ribbondevelopment that is joining Leicester, Bir-stall, Rothley, Mountsorrel and Quorn isdesirable.” Cllr Osborne also says that thestrategy is flawed as it does not containany alternative sites.

Birstall Borough Councillor DavidGaskell said: “Ideally we don’t want anynew development, but we have to live inthe real world. We must have these houseswhether we like it or not, but I would be

concerned if we are taking more than ourshare.

“I quite like the idea of a garden sub-urb as it fits in with the location of thenearby Great Central Railway. The linkroad and Wanlip bypass concerns me,Wanlip Lane is over used as it is.”

Cllr Gaskell welcomed the provision ofa primary school but said it was urgentthat one was built at Hallam Fields as soonas possible.

The Core Strategy also includes plansfor a new settlement of 4500 homes eastof Thurmaston and 3000 west of Lough-borough.

The plans will have a six week publicconsultation period which is expected tostart in June. The schedule has been de-layed as the plans were called in by sixLabour councillors and the consultationdates were not available at the time ofgoing to press.

Following the public consultation peri-od the Core Strategy will be submitted tothe Secretary of State, then it will be exam-ined by an independent planning inspec-tor. It deemed sound it will be adopted inOctober 2014.


New primaryschool


New Wanliplink road& bypass




PLANS FOR ‘at least 1500’ new homes in what planners call‘north Birstall’ feature in Charnwood Borough Council’s CoreStrategy, which was approved by Charnwood’s cabinet onApril 11.

“At least 1500” homes planned

Mary Houghton (1940-2013) diedpeacefully at LOROS on March 18.

Mary was a longstanding parish coun-cillor and was secretary of Birstall andDistrict Art Society for 13 years, playinga leading role in organising the society’sannual exhibition in the Village Hall.

She had a career in nursing spanning35 years, as a Ward Sister, conductingresearch into allergies and finally as ahealth visitor.

A former chairman of the LeicesterBoard of Prison Visitors, Mary was alsoa member of the Parochial ChurchCouncil and a worshipper at St JamesChurch. She lived on Front Street.

May is survived by hr three sons andseven grandchildren. Her funeral washeld at St James the Great, Birstall onApril 9.

PUPILS FROM the Steps School ofTheatre Dance won 77 awards at adance festival in Atherstone.

Amongst the winners were dancers fromBirstall crowned Festival Champions: NataliaPuczylo (9), Katie Jay Batson (10) and Em-ma Garner (14)

The school is presenting a show called‘The Magic of Dance’ at Longslade College onSaturday May 18, 2.30pm & 7.30pm.

Contact Michelle Upton for tickets (£9)on 07909 861197


Pic: Mary Houghton


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Organised by the Knitting Guerrillasof Birstall (KGB) participants had tofind and photograph the dozens ofwoolly eggs secreted in the village.

A KGB spokesman said: “From thebeginning, with so many donations ofwonderfully crafted eggs from very

many gener-ous knit-ters, withnine KGBagentshelpingwith thehanging ofthe eggs,with sup-port fromour spon-sors Flex-press,

Dodgy and Little Bird School of Stitch-craft and the help from lots of kindlocal shopkeepers wholet us display the eggsin their windows, it’sbeen great. Our mis-sion has made smilesand as you know thismakes us happy.Thanks to everyonewho took part.

“The only down-side is that there canbe only two winners.In first place was theSkye & Summer, withMichelle and Denise. They win a Lindt

cracker full of chocolate donated byFlexpress. In second place was Edelynwho came with her mum, Jackie, all the

way from Chichester. She winsa knitter’s brooch by localknitter, Giant Rumble Buffin.”

The following people alsofound lots of eggs.

Adrian Barnacle (on behalf of Grace)– 58 eggs

Amy and Lexie McLoughlin – 68 eggsJackie Abela and her clan – 78 eggs

A WOOLLY egg hunt in Birstall attracted over 600 entrieswith one egg hunter travelling all the way from Chiches-ter to take part.

THE NEW £11million headquarters of the LeicestershireFire and Rescue service was opened in Birstall last month.

The building, located at Hallam Fields, was officially opened by the Lord Lieuten-ant of Leicestershire, Jennifer Lady Gretton.

It will replace the fire authority’s former HQ at Glenfield, and also house a fire-station manned by full-time firefighters working 24 hour shifts.

Construction ofthe building start-ed in 2011 – itcontains offices, acommunity room,gym, rest areas, akitchen, lectureroom and traininghouse.

The buildingwas designed byarchitects PickEverard and builtby Bowmer andKirkland.

New headquarters& fire station opens

Pic: (l-r) Peter Roffey, Chair of the Combined Fire Authority, The Lord-Lieutenant of Leicestershire, Jennifer, Lady Gretton and Chief Fire and Res-cue Officer Dave Webb at next to the commemorative plaque which markedthe official opening of the buildings.

Egg hunters seekchocolate prize

Pic: (top) In first place: Skye &Summer, with Michelle and Denise& (above) Edelyn who came withher mum, Jackie, all the way fromChichester

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LONGSLADECOLLEGE’SPalmer Tomkin-son Centre re-cently hostedthree concertsfeaturing localstudents.

On March 22 Citi-zenship students or-ganised a talent showand an exhibition ofartwork, and on April18, Longslade studentswere joined by pupilsfrom Stonehill for ajoint band concert.

On April 23 ‘AShow for Joe’ was afundraising concertorganised by thefriends of Rothleyteenager Joe Hum-phries, who died sud-denly while outrunning on October 4.2012.

The concert was

Student talent onshow at centre

raising money for the Joe Humphries MemorialTrust, set up by hisparents top promoteresearch into suddenunexpected death inyoung people, and topromote the teachingof CPR.

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A LOCAL action group isworking with Birstall ParishCouncil to object to CityCouncil plans for travellersites on the edge of Bir-stall.

Planning applications are expected soonfor the sites: a permanent site of up to sixpitches at Greengate Lane, and up to 10pitches at Red Hill Way.

Steve Blackburn, Birstall Parish Councilclerk, said: “We would say to residents thatthis is not the end of the matter. This is not adone deal. The proposals are not wanted byBirstall residents or the travelling communityand your Parish Council will continue tosupport the LE4 Action Group in their effortsto persuade the City to reconsider this highlyunpopular decision.”

The LE4 Action Group, with the support ofthe Parish Council, will be holding an openday on Sibson Road as soon as the planningapplications are submitted. “It will assistresidents to construct appropriate objectionletters” said Mr Blackburn.

“These letters will be ‘personalised’ sothat they cannot be dismissed as a petitionand will be hand delivered to the City Councilso they will have to be properly considered.”

The planning applications will be consid-ered by the City Council’s planning committeeand although the City Council will effectivelybe considering its ‘own’ planning applicationthey will have to do so in accordance withadopted planning policy.

“Both of these sites lie within areas desig-nated as ‘green wedge’ and this will be oneof the grounds for objection. Indeed twoprevious applications for residential develop-ment of the Red Hill Way site were refusedand dismissed at Appeal because of the im-pact on the Green Wedge. Even if the sites areapproved they may still be grounds for a legalchallenge against that decision” said MrBlackburn.

Terry McGreal is a member of the LE4Action Group and has announced he will bestanding as an independent in the May 9by-election for the Abbey ward on the CityCouncil.

A SPECIAL session of BirstallMessy Church saw more than80 adults and children gathertogether to celebrate Easter.

Set up just over three yearsago, and supported by bothMethodist and Anglican church-es, Birstall Messy Church usu-ally meets on Saturdayafternoon twice a month and isan experience of church de-signed for whole families toenjoy together. Crafts on abible story or theme, storytell-ing, parachute prayers and ashared meal are all part ofthe Messy format.Pic: (l-r) Ella Kolade, GeorgiaWhite, Hollie Akiens

A COMPLAINT about a Bir-stall Parish Councillor hasbeen rejected.

The complainant had alleged that Cllr JimGarner’s actions in relation to a planningapplication had been affected by an allegedfriendship with the applicant.

The complaint was made in September2012. Charnwood Borough Council’s Moni-toring Officer conducted an initial fact-findingexercise and decided that a full investigationof the complaint was warranted.

The investigation involved reviewing rele-vant documents and minutes, interviewing CllrGarner, the complainant and some otherwitnesses.

The allegation was that Cllr Garner sup-ported a planning application and had: con-ducted himself in a manner which couldreasonable by regarded as having brought hisoffice and his local authority into disrepute;used his position as a member improperly toconfer on or secure for himself or any otherperson an advantage or disadvantage.

The complaint was determined on January7, 2013. The investigating office concludedthat on the balance of probabilities there hadbeen no breach of the Code of Conduct.

BIRSTALL VILLAGE CC held their Pres-entation evening for the 2012 seasonat BUFC.

Players, families and associated membersall enjoyed a great evening. We celebrated amixed season from 2012, but the main cele-bration was the success of the 2nd XI whoachieved promotion.

Individual achievement was: 1st XI, Battingaward - Dave Sharpe, Bowling award - RichSharpe, Player of the season - Mark Forknall

2nd XI: Batting award - Andy Lord, Bowl-ing award - Mick Jones, Player of the season- Sam Carnan

Birstall are looking to have a very strongstart to the 2013 with the addition of newplayers to the club, juniors making the stepup into senior cricket and current players

getting back to formfrom previous seasons.We have made someimprovements to theclubhouse and look tocontinue to build asuccessful club both onand off the field. We

welcome any local supporters to come downand enjoy our facilities including 'the BVCCBar'. Please check our for all the latestnews. From Joshua SayePics: Mark Forknall (left) & Sam Carnan






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Now that Spring is here at last, morepeople will be heading for the coun-tryside in their cars and making gooduse of the Bank holidays.

There is often a notable increase incrime in this season, involving carsparked in country lanes and secludedareas. Vehicles should always be secure-ly locked and nothing left on display inthe car. Most thieves are opportunisticand look for the easy prey.

If your number plates are stolen, youcould be liable for:

• speeding fines• running red lights• illegal parking• congestion zone charges• driving off without paying for petrolDon’t be accused of something you

didn’t do. At our monthly Advice Shop,we supply, free of charge to our mem-bers, anti theft number plate screws.

Bicycles can be etched with your postcode and the details given to the police.If your bicycle is stolen and subsequent-ly found, it can then be returned to you.This service is also free at our AdviceShop and you can buy a cycle lock foronly £4. Without the coding, cycle locksare £6 and there is an alarm lock avail-able for £10.

The next Advice Shop is on SaturdayMay 18 from 10am until 12 noon.

From the committee, Birstall and WanlipNeighbourhood Watch

‘A MUSICAL CELEBRATION’was performed by the FacesArts Theatre School childrenin April at the Palmer Tom-kinson Centre in Birstall.

Faces Arts, the locally based and wellestablished Performing Arts Company forchildren, performed two shows to a sell

out audience. Over 60 children agedfrom 4-16 years, from Birstall and thesurrounding areas, performed scenesfrom various musicals such as MaryPoppins, Legally Blonde, Hairspray, LionKing and Annie.

“The level of talent we see is hugelyencouraging. It is wonderful to see chil-dren joining Faces Arts and growing withus through the years. The developmentin their ability and self confidence of the

children has been outstanding. A hugewell done to all the children who tookpart” said Faces Arts principal JodyChesterton.

Faces Arts will also be staging a se-ries of Summer Schools during the sum-mer holidays in Birstall and Quorn. Formore information on any of Faces Artssessions please visit the or 07971423201

NHW news& crime report

Crime Report : Birstall & Wanlip,March 2013

Assaults 3, burglary 5, burglary non-dwelling 2, damage 2, drugs 1, fraud 4,theft 5, theft from vehicle 3, theft stores4

We have been working hard to identi-fy possible suspects of crimes within thevillage. When PC Des Hearnshaw arrived,he soon realised that many of the crimesbeing committed in Birstall were bypeople living outside the village. He setup a new Police group called the LE4Tasking Group. Its main purpose was tojoin up the nearby Proactive Police offic-ers and share their local knowledge.

This has resulted in lots of positiveidentifications and subsequent arrests. Itwon’t be long before the message getsout that Birstall is no longer a soft tar-get. If people choose to offend here thenwe will hunt them down, no matterwhere they live and bring them to jus-tice.

Finally this month we have seen aslight increase in burglary offences.Some of these have been attempts wherea large white male dressed in a greyhooded tracksuit has been seen nearby.PC Hearnshaw did chase this suspect onthe Gates estate but he managed toevade him. Please be aware and reportany suspicious people.

Three people who had burgled ahouse in Birstall were arrested aftercrashing the stolen car near to the Ham-ilton Estate.

Prom PC 688 Des Hearnshaw – Bea-con Officer

ST JAMES Monday Group haveraised £1500 for the Cystic FibrosisTrust.

Holly Van Getten, accompanied by herparents Nick and Jane, accepted thecheque on behalf of the Trust.

The Monday Group’s members haveproduced a folder of favourite recipes, theproceeds of which will be going to theTrust. If you would like a copy, for a mini-mum donation of £1.50, please contactJane Scott on 2673761.Pic: (l-r) Jane Scott, Holly Van Geffen andJoan Verso


Group raise£1500

Pics: (top) Ruby & Joseph Bernard, Early Faces Group; Mary Poppins: Emily Reed & Millie Shepherd

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A SHOWCASE weekend forall the clubs and societiesin the village was hosted inSt James the Great in April.

The church was open all weekendand there were 23 different groups,clubs, societies and associations repre-sented. The three churches, St James, StTheresa’s and the Methodist were allthere under their ‘Churches Together’banner to talk about the activities of thechurches

“The event kicked off late Fridayafternoon with the ringing of the eightbells at St James followed that eveningwith joyful chords of the Gospel Choirrehearsing for their next performance”said spokeswoman Debbie Shephard

“During Saturday we had demonstra-tions from the Flower Arrangers, theHand Bell Ringers and the WorkersEducation Association who gave a spec-tacular demonstration of Tai Chi andthen encouraged visitors to join in whichwas great fun and gave our Rector, RevVince Jupp, the opportunity to give it ago!

“Sunday was less physical with ademonstration from the Flower Arrang-ers club who sent us all home inspiredto be creative with our garden flowers.The weekend was an eye-opener tomany people to find just how muchthere is to do in our village, in the wayof sports, music, creative, charitable andjust ‘fun’ activities.”

The St James café was open allthrough the weekend serving tea, coffee,soft drinks and delicious home madecakes and rolls. “There was a real buzzin the church and a real sense of dis-covery as we all learnt about all thediverse activities that go on in andaround Birstall and Wanlip” said Deb-bie.

She added: “I would like to thank all

THANKS TO the generosity of many local businesses the prizesavailable for the duck race on May 6 are set to be even betterand more plentiful this year, says organiser Charlotte Foy of TheWhite Horse.

duck race will start at 2pm.Ducks are available now from Birstall

United Juniors Football club, Nando’s,Unique and The White Horse, Birstall.

There are cash prizes to be won of£100, £50, £25 as well as those donat-ed by the local businesses.

“Ducks can also be bought on theday of the event so come on down andjoin in the fun!” said Charlotte.

For more information or call0116 2671038

those who put so much time and effortinto making the event a success. Wehave already had enquiries from groupswe didn’t manage to track down thistime, who would like to take part if wedo it again. So, as they say, watch thisspace.”

Club showcase event

“It’s great to feel that the whole vil-lage is getting involved with the duckrace and despite difficult trading timesthat so many local businesses have beenso kind in donating prizes” said Char-lotte.

The day will also have more attrac-tions than ever; it’s now confirmed thatthe Leicester Tigers promotional teamwill be there as well as Peppa Pig andalso a surprise Leicester city football staris set to start the race.

There will be river boat rides fromPaddle Plus, face painting, bouncy cas-tle, coconut shy, football games, donkeyderby, raffle, teddy tombola, cake stalland BBQ as well as many other stallsand activities to make it a great fun dayout.

The white Horse and Birstall UnitedJunior Football Club would like to thankall those who have donated prizes, aswell as Nando’s and Unique who areselling ducks.

Phil Hughes of Birstall United JuniorsFootball Club said: “The money raisedwill be used on much needed renova-tions to pitches following the harsh win-ter floods and will ensure that the clubcan continue playing. So we would liketo encourage all Birstall Post readers tocome along and support the Duck Race.Not only is there a chance of winningsome fantastic prizes, but there will belots of fun and games for the kids too.All in all it will be a great family day outwhich will ultimately benefit the kids ofBirstall.”

The fun will start at 12noon and the

A BIRSTALL couple havecelebrated their DiamondWedding anniversary.

Roy and Kath Warner of WindmillAvenue were married on April 4,1953 at St Barnabas Church, Leices-ter. At the time Kath worked atDurstons Ladies Shoes and Royworked at Gents on St Saviour’s Road.

Roy (83) and Kath (80) have oneson David.Pic: Roy and Kath Warner with their anniver-sary card from the Queen

P/13/0542/2 : 11 Sibson Road – erec-tion of two storey building for 6x1bedroom and 1x2 bedroom flats andground floor A1/A2 unit followingdemolition of buildingP/13/0626/2 : Village Hall, SchoolLane/Birstall Rd – bricking up of onedoor, three windows and replacementof breezeblocks with bricks (ListedBuilding Consent)P/1230618/2 : Pavement on Loughbor-ough Rd – replacement of 15m tele-communications column 3 antennas,equipment cabinets and ancillary works

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Last month the Lib Dem candidate made apoint of stating “there is to be a housingdevelopment north of Birstall” and that “theTories have passed it”.

Charnwood Borough Council is directedby central Government to provide 790 homesper year between 2006 and 2028: a total of17,380 new homes over that 22 year period.This is obviously a major challenge and needsto be taken seriously. Without a Plan, devel-opments are likely to be decided at appealsand full control over quality and content willbe lost. The Borough Council as a whole hashad to deal with this challenge and it hasconcluded that the strategic location north ofBirstall has potential and should be examinedfurther. The landowners, the Palmer-Tomkin-son Trust and the Cooper family, have sup-ported the idea of a garden suburb styledevelopment based on, for example the veryhigh quality areas such as Swithland Lane,Rothley or Chaveney Road Quorn. The Bor-ough Council’s priority is also to ensure aproper mixture of homes, jobs, and facilities-including a primary school specifically toserve the garden suburb. It is vital that facili-

ties are provided from the outset and theongoing control of the landowners is a keyconsideration in making sure that this occurs.

Having been scrutinised by a cross partyPanel, the Borough Council’s Cabinet hasincluded the proposal as a preferred locationin its draft Core Strategy. The Strategy, willnow go through a process of consultation andwill be assessed by an independent inspector.

The LibDem candidate has decided topersonalise the issues rather than dealingwith very important matters in a responsibleway. As a serving Charnwood Borough Coun-cillor Iain Bentley, the Conservative Partycandidate for the May 2 County Elections hasa strong record of ensuring that the concernsof local residents are heard. He is activelycampaigning for a Primary School on HallamFields. He has lived and worked inBirstall/Wanlip for 30 years and has been aCharnwood Borough Councillor forBirstall/Wanip, since being elected in 2003.

I believe Iain Bentley will make an excel-lent County Councillor for Birstall.

Mary Allen


The Birstall Post welcomes your viewsand opinions on any subject. Letters,which must include your name andaddress, (though not necessarily forpublication) can be posted to: The Bir-stall Post, Longslade College, WanlipLane, Birstall, Leicester LE4 4GH, orhanded in at Birstall library or

The family of Oliver Burton would like tothank the most wonderful and generous peo-ple of Birstall who attended Oliver's party atthe Birstall Social Club on Saturday the 30thMarch.

We were overwhelmed by the number ofpeople who wished to be involved in sharingour darling boy.

We would like to thank Paula Clifford andher team of hard workers for organising thisfundraising event and the Birstall Social Clubfor allowing them to use the premises. Wewould also like to thank everyone who donat-ed their time and skills to make this event sosuccessful, sorry we can't name everyoneinvolved.

The money raised is being used to giveOliver as many happy experiences as possiblewhile he is still well enough to enjoy themand giving the family, including Oliver's littlebrother, many memories to cherish.

Once again big thanks to our wonderfulcommunity.

Jane Burton (Oliver's Grandma)

Over the last couple of years our daughterPaula Clifford has held several events to raisemoney for various local charities.

Like Carol Withers (April issue of TheBirstall Post) we also miss our ex postwomanLorraine, who delivered on the top end ofGreengate Lane Estate, Birstall. Lorraine wasalways reliable, helpful and cheerful, she evenrescued our Jack Russell when she ran off.

Lorraine we wish you good luck in yournew post in the Abbey Lane area of Leicester.Just why do the Royal Mail always changethings when we do so get used to the regularpostie? Old folks hate change!

Anita Gamble and family

I write in answer to Miss V M Reynoldswho wrote to this page in the March editionwith regards to the bus shelters. I would liketo say that I am in fact in the same positionas you; there is no bus shelter near where Ilive and I too stand outside in the cold with-out any cover. My point was that Birstall sure-ly needs more than four shelters - and ones

Thank you very much to the person whohanded in my bracelet that was lost March19, found in the Nationwide Building Societyin Birstall. Not realising my precious braceletwas missing for over three days as is wornwith two others, I just could not imaginewhere it could be, tried to retrack where I’dbeen, like a needle in a haystack. Then myhusband rang the Nationwide and Yes it hadbeen handed in, so if you could leave yourname at the Nationwide I would like to thankyou personally.

Shirley Harrison, Birstall

Yesterday afternoon, March 30, she heldanother one at the Birstall Social Club, thistime for a young lad called Oliver. Oliver is aDowns syndrome sufferer. He is also termi-nally ill.

His parents, family and friends have beenraising money to take him to Disneyland.Once again Paula called on her friends andcontacted quite a few businesses to get thingsto be raffled, the response was to say theleast, amazing, from Easter eggs to a coffeemachine, from bottles of drink to hampers.People were not slow to buy raffle tickets orother items that were on sale.

One man who heard about the party onthe radio called in and gave what he had inhis wallet, £140 (WOW) saying he had achild with Downs, what generosity!

Everybody enjoyed themselves with nailpainting, face painting, hair colouring, peopledressed up as children’s TV characters and adisco, all these given free and all proceedsgiven to the ‘Oliver’s Wish’ fund.

At the end of the afternoon when it cameto adding up time, the sum raised was…waitfor it…an outstanding…£3,560!

We, as parents, are very proud of Paulaand all she has achieved over the past 18months, also we are grateful to all those whoattended or donated items.

A big thank you to everyone!Malcolm and Joan Denningberg

that do not look an absolute eyesore. Theyare (yet again) covered in graffiti and havebeen for some time. I often wonder if theparish councillors notice when the villagebecomes graffiti ridden? I do wait to see if itever gets removed - but alas it never does -until I pick up the phone to Charnwood Bor-ough Council.

A Godby

We would like to congratulate Kathleen

Smith on her 100th birthday. She is a lovelycharacter who was always happy and pleasantto meet in the village.

Many more happy years, Granny Smith,may you celebrate them all with your family!

Bill and Barbara Hill

The Residents of Wanlip Ave are, again,requiring that something be done about theparlous state of the Grass Verges in our Ave-nue.

Long-term Residents have for many yearsnow been making representations to the localauthority to take action and provide thewherewithal to remedy the dangerous verges.

More recently, Bill Hill and Dave Cobbhave met with the Charnwood CouncillorsDavid Gaskell and Iain Bentley who are sup-porting our concerns, and a Survey of Resi-dents has resulted in 90% requiring remedialaction on the verges.

Wanlip Ave has been a 'rat run' betweenSibson Road and Wanlip Lane and after many

North Birstall




Shelters needed


Happy Birthday

Grass verges

Continued on page 14

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Enjoy a complimentary therapy treatment in a calm relaxing atmosphere. Meet &chat to other patients & carers over a cup of tea. Therapies available includearomatherapy massage, reflexology, Indian head massage & reiki

Coffee MorningSaturday May 11From 10am to 12noonAt the Methodist Coffee Shop, WanlipLane, BirstallVarious stalls including raffle & cakesAll proceeds to Mothers’ UnionProjects

Open Churchfor Tea, Cakes and Books at St Leon-ard’s Church, Swithlandfrom 2-4.30pmon Saturday & Sunday, May 11 and 12

Spring FairCo-op Sports & Social Club, BirstallRoad, Birstall, LE4 4DESaturday May 18 from 12noon-4pmStallholders taking part will be sellingjewellery, cakes, Body Shop products,pickles & chutneys, handmade cards,tombola stall, toys, new and pre-lovedbaby clothes, toys and equipment willbe on sale. We also have a lady offer-ing eyebrow and hand treatments.Teas & coffee will be on sale and thesocial club bar will also be open£1 entrance for adults, children freeAll money to ADAPT Prembabies whooffer support to families with a babyneeding intensive neonatal care Sue 07983 099170

The Big Lunchis an idea from the Eden Project inCornwall that started in 2009 and mil-lions of people all over Britain will besharing food and fun within their com-munities on that daySunday June 2 at 12noonAt Birstall Methodist ChurchOpen to everyone within the communi-


A big thank you to the children, par-ents, staff and friends, for all the kindwords, cards, lovely gifts and surprisesend-off I received on Thursday March21, for my retirement from the BirstallMethodist Preschool. I am looking for-ward to an enjoyable future.

Kay Hilton

ty. Just turn up.Bring yourself or family or friends anda plate of food to share

Bi Polar UKCoffee MorningSaturday May 2510am to 12noonMethodist Coffee Shop, Wanlip Lane,BirstallHome made cakes, scones, bric-a-brac,plants, children’s games etc

Rothley Bowling ClubMountsorrel Lane, Rothley (rear oflibrary)A very warm welcome is extended toeveryone to join us at our

Open DaySunday June 16from 11am to 4pmLight refreshments available through-out the dayEveryone welcome(old, young, male, female, novices orexperienced)All equipment provided – just wearflat soled shoesCome and ‘have a go’ and see whatbowling is all about at a very friendlyclubFurther details may be obtained from:Ladies Captain Carol Ballantine 01162301277Men’s Captain Ron Flight 01162303856or club secretary Mrs Carole Law 01162990178,

Saturday May 18, from 10am to12noon

Coffee MorningIn the Coffee Shop, Wanlip Lanein aid of Macmillan Cancer Services andBirstall BAGSCakes, puzzles, books, tombola andplantsThursday May 23, 7.30pm at BirstallMethodist ChurchA concert with Ann Hughes ‘Singing forFun’ choirNo admission charge, but donationsalways welcome for Macmillan CancerServices and Birstall Bags

Mountsorrel Methodist ChurchPresents the 5th in the 12th series of

Sunday Night @ EightOrgan Recitalson Sunday May 19 at 8pmby Adam LangeveldOrgan Scholar at St Thomas, WigstonAdmission freeDonations for Development FundBuffet from 7.30pm

CLASHDrop-in Sessions for people with Ar-thritis and other Musculoskeletal con-ditions, to gather information and tohave a general chat about these condi-tions.Sessions held every Monday, 10am to12noon, Room 7, Peepul Centre, Or-chardson Ave, Leicester LE4 6DP Ses-sions are free – please contact Karen:07963221570/2006clashkm@gmail.comE-learning – Are you interested inlearning basic computer skills and howto safely use the internet? If so comealong and join us at Palmer TomkinsonCentre, Longslade College, Birstall.Sessions are free and held on Thurs-days from 3.30-4.30pm, dates of ses-sions are May 2, 9 16, 23. Please

The RSPCA is currently inundated witha record number of pleas for help fromfamilies needing to escape domesticabuse and asking for someone to care fortheir pets.

We run a pet fostering service,PetRetreat, which looks after cats anddogs belonging to victims of domesticabuse.

Many people going into temporaryaccommodation will have to leave theiranimals behind. Some people stay longerin abusive situations because they don’twant to leave their much-loved pets be-hind.

With record pressure on this service,we need more people than ever before tocome forward to foster animals in theseareas – that way we can provide urgenthelp to people trapped in this harrowingsituation.

The sad fact is we get so many callsand we just don’t have enough fosterhomes. We simply cannot continue tohelp if we don’t find more fosterers tocare for these very special animals.

At the moment we are desperate forfosterers in your area, so please, if youthink you can help get in touch Call uson 0300 123 8278 or via our

Carolyn Southwell (PetRetreatmanager)

Noticeboardall details printed free

years, with three children being involvedin accidents, we did manage to get the'road-humps' which has reduced speed-ing, now the 'problems' associated withthe churned up grass verges poses afurther risk to our Avenue

Bill and Barbara Hill, Dave andBrenda Cobb

A TEAM from the Co-operative Pharmacywished one of their longest serving cus-tomers and one of Birstall’s oldest resi-dents a happy birthday recently.

Mrs Kathleen Smith celebrated her 100th

birthday on Friday April 12 and the teamfrom the Sibson Road Pharmacy, which hasprovided health support to Mrs Smith formore than 15 years, were keen to help herhave a good time.

Pharmacist Amit Tanna and DispensingTechnician, Lorraine Rose, along with theirpharmacy colleagues, delivered a bouquet offlowers to Mrs Smith and enjoyed reminisc-ing with her and her family about her Co-operative past when she used to work at theCo-operative shop on Rosetree Avenue.

Mrs Smith said: “I had a wonderfulbirthday and a fantastic celebration at thelocal church hall and I am thrilled so manypeople came to see me on the day, somefrom very far away.”

All nine of her grandchildren and anumber of great-grandchildren visiting fromCanada and the USA also joined her in thefestivities.Pic: (l-r) Dispensing Technician LorraineRose, Mrs Kathleen Smith and Co-operativePharmacist Amit Tanna

Continued from page 13


Pet foster carers




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MAY 2013THE BIRSTALL POST 15contact Conrad on 07919 844629/2006clashcwm@gmail.comAre you retired and have computerskills that you can use in the commu-nity to support local people to ‘getonline’?CLASH ( like to hear from youPlease contact Chris on 07751072612to discuss this furtherCLASH 2013 Monthly Meeting,Wednesday May 8. Post Arthritis Diag-nosis, a clinical perspective (Dr Moor-thy). Meeting held at PalmerTomkinson Centre, Longslade Commu-nity College, Birstall, 7-9pm. Firstmeeting is free, subsequent meetings£2Arthritis Awareness May 24 – a Ques-tion & Answer session is being heldwith Dr Moorthy at the Peepul Centre,from 6-7pmArthritis/MSK Health Day Event Satur-day May 24 at the Peepul Centre from10am

Charnwood Conservative Association

Spring FairThe Rothley CentreSaturday May 11, from 10am to12noonAdmission 50pRt Hon Stephen Dorrell MP will be at-tendingRaffle, tombola, plants, books, pro-duce stalls, games & cakes

The Magic of DancePalmer Tomkinson CentreLongslade CollegeThe Steps School of Theatre DanceSaturday May 18, 2.30pm & 7.30pmTickets £9, call 07909 861197

Watermead Challenge

Charity Run3 mile or 5 mile routeWed July 3, 7pmRoute around Watermead Country ParkFor runners of all abilitiesProceeds to Syston charity IntercareEntries accepted on the night until6.30pmFull entry

A Royal OccasionA concert of music to celebrate the60th Anniversary of the Coronation ofElizabeth IILeicester Philharmonic ChoirLeicester Symphony OrchestraSaturday May 11, 7.30pmat De Montfort HallTickets £11,14,17 (Concessions avail-able)

NHSThe Urgent CareCentrehas opened at Loughborough HospitalThe Walk In Centre at Pinfold Gate hasclosedThe service is for people of all ageswith health needs that are urgent butnot life threateningThe centre is open 7 days a week, 24hours a day and you do not need anappointmentLocation : Hospital Way, Loughbor-ough LE11 5JYTel: 01509 611600

Belgrave CemeteryForthcoming Events 2013Sunday May 1910.15am to 12noonFriends of Belgrave Cemetery AGMat Greenacres, the Sidings, Red HillWay, LeicesterAll members are welcome to attendThere will be a re-election of the com-mittee, should anyone wish to putthemselves forwardSaturday May 25‘Morn Chorus’ walkBelgrave Cemetery 10amBring binoculars and wear suitableclothingFree to the public (no need to pre-book)Greenacres will put tea & coffee onafterwardsSaturday June 8Belgrave Cemetery, Summer Open Day10am to 3pmThere will be the FOBCG record infor-mation available together with cake,book, plant and bric-a-brac stalls, plusrefreshmentsSandra Moore will take two cemeterywalks/talks at 11am and 2pmDressed in Victorian costume

Picnic in the Park…UnpluggedLoughborough’s Queens ParkSaturday June 8, 12noonMusic, arts, crafts, children’s shows,circus skills, Victorian Fair ridesAcoustic musicians needed, also danc-ers, choirs and singers – contact Re-becca, Charnwood Arts 01509

LCFC FootballCoachingCourses for children aged 7-12A great balance of technical basedsessions and all of the traditional funand games that have become the hall-mark of our popular two day courses.

Places are now available priced £30(£24 for LCFC season ticket holders)Book now

Film PresentationsFrom Thurcaston & Cropston ParishCouncil‘Quartet’ Friday May 10 (145 mins)Starring Dame Maggie Smith, thiswickedly comic film is about redefin-ing old age with aspirations. It dem-onstrates how music can illuminatelife. Four retired opera singers cele-brate Verdi’s birthday by endeavour-ing to perform an operetta at theirretirement home.‘The Life of Pi’ Friday June 14 (120mins)June’s film is a beautiful adventuredrama based on Yann Martel’s popularnovel. The young Pi is charming andfunny as he struggles to stay alive in afishing boat in the Pacific Ocean withthe other survivor, a Bengal Tiger,with whom he makes an unexpectedconnection. This film was nominatedfor several Bafta awards.‘Lincoln’ will be shown on Friday Sep-tember 13Thurcaston and Cropston Parish Coun-cil will be showing these films atThurcaston Memorial Hall. Starting at7.30pm, tickets cost £4.50 and con-cessions are £4. The price includesrefreshments and a lucky prize draw.Advance tickets can be purchased viathe parish office, 0116 2367626 or atthe door.

The St PetersburgBlagovest EnsembleConcertSaturday May 18, 7pmMountsorrel Methodist Church LE127JBThe ensemble sings unaccompanied,following a rich Russian musical tradi-tionTickets £6 fromGeoff Wainwright 0116 2376979or

Cupcake FestivalLoughborough Town HallSaturday May 1811am to 4pmWe hope to bring together bakers fromthe region to promote and sell theircupcakes to the public, to meet likeminded bakers and raise funds forRainbows Children’s HospiceWe are asking bakers to donate a min-imum of 12 cupcakes which can be anystyle or flavour and hope to reach atarget of 1,000 to sell on the dayThe Festival will combine a fun ele-ment of cupcake competitions; cakedecorating demonstrations; children’scupcake corner, face painting andshopping stalls; there will also be araffle and all the cupcakes you can eatunder one roof, including some wehave already been pledged from FionaCairns, the Royal Wedding cake makerEntry for each category is £3For details of how to donate cupcakesor enter the competitions or for moregeneral information please emailcupcakefestival2013@gmail.comor is £1 which secures entryinto a Free Prize draw to win a Pando-ra bracelet, kindly donated by Tylersof Loughborough.Admission is free for children under12

Wanlip Church & Community Centre

Coffee morningand plant saleSaturday May 1810am-12noonVarious stalls, light refreshmentsavailableFree admission

Birstall Flower ClubThe Italian JobLinda SmithWednesday May 22 at 7.15pmBirstall Village Hall

Continued on page 16

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Birstall Parish Council

Notice of Casual VacancyNotice is hereby given that by reasonof the death of Councillor MaryHoughton a vacancy has occurredamong the members of the ParishCouncil.Any person wishing to fill this vacancyshould apply to the Clerk in writing onor before June 3, 2013.The applicant’s name must appear onthe current register of the Voters Listor the applicant should during thewhole of the 12 months preceding therelevant date have resided in or withinthree miles of the parish or the appli-cant’s only place of work during thewhole of the 12 months preceding therelevant date is in the parish.The applicant must not be debarredfrom standing as a Councillor.PUBLIC elections cannot be held untilthe year 2015 but for the interim peri-od the present sitting Councillors mayco-opt to fill the vacancy.S G BlackburnClerkCouncil Offices, Birstall Road, BirstallLE4 4DH

Birstall & District LocalHistory SocietyThursday May 9 at 7.30pmBirstall Village Hall, Birstall Road, Bir-stallThe talk for this month will be‘The Good, Bad & Sometimes Ugly,Naughty and Nice Leicester People’Speaker – Robert GregoryAll visitors are welcome

Coffee ConcertThe 663 Ensemble & Friends will beproviding a concert of Light Musicat a Coffee Morning held at St JamesParish Church, Birstallon Saturday June 29from 10.30am to 12noon

Donations to charity will be appreciat-ed

St James Day Centre 200 ClubWinners for April:1st Mrs Joan Merrick2nd Mr Tony Bloxham3rd Mr & Mrs Andrew Thomas4th Polly

Vanished BirstallA talk by local historian Mike SmithA look at Birstall as it used to be in-cluding slides of buildings which areno longer here.Tickets are £3 to include refresh-ments.Booking essentialfor more information and to book con-tact the library on 0116 3058756or History Taster SessionWednesday May 8 at 2pmCome along and find out about web-sites which can help you trace yourfamily history£3 per personBooking essentialFor more information and to book con-tact the library on 0116 3058756or email:

NHS Blood and Transplant

Save a Life – GiveBloodFriday May 17at Birstall Social Club, Wanlip Lane,Birstall1-3.30pm and 5-8pmTo make an appointment please callthe number below0300 123 23 23or visit:

Charnwood Drawing & Painting Club

Summer ArtExhibition 2013June 1 and 211am to 5pm (12 on Sunday)Methodist Church, Main St, Woodhouse

EavesAround 100 original paintings will beon display – most of them will be forsale at very reasonable pricesThis will be the Club’s 4th Annual Exhi-bition held in conjunction with theOpen Gardens WeekendAdmission freeRefreshments available – homemadecakes, tea, coffee and cold drinksRaffle for an Original Painting with theproceeds going to Rainbows

Live JazzSaturday July 6, 2-5pmThe Sacred Heart Convent, Rearsby LE44YYOutdoor performance in the gardens,hall if wet£6, includes tea and slice of cakeUnder 18s freeCake stall, book stall, lucky dip, col-ouring competitionIn aid of Syston charity IntercareCall for tickets 2695295

HATS playHATS next production is

The Haunted Cabinby Matthew LynchThe show is on stage from May 16-18at Highcliffe School on GreengateLane, BirstallPerformances start at 7.15pm and thedoors open at 6.45pmTickets are available now and can bereserved by phoning the box office on0116 2209594 or 2676049or by applying in writing to HATS at16 Lyngate Avenue, Birstall LE4 3HFor by are £6 (£5 for concessions)As usual there will be a reduction forgroup bookings

BIRSTALL BAGSSunday May 19From 10am (registration), 11am start

Fun run/walkaround Watermead Country ParkBBQ, bar, raffle, cakes, penalty shoot-out

Tennis Open DaySunday May 5, 10am-1pmat Birstall Watermead T.CCo-op Sports and Social Clubon Birstall RoadHalf-price membership on the day

FUN, GAMES and a baking com-petition are the order of theday for the annual SummerFair at Highcliffe PrimarySchool on Saturday June 8.

“The Great Highcliffe Bake Off, now in itssecond year, will be the centrepiece of anexciting afternoon and everyone is encour-aged to enter and show off their skills” said aPTA spokesman. Two age groups, under 16sand over 16s can submit one entry into eachof the categories: one large cake, four identi-cal cupcakes or six identical biscuits. Awardswill be given to the winners of each categoryand there is a prize for best in show in eachage group. Visitors to the fair will be able tosample the delights afterwards as the entriesare sliced and sold to raise money for theschool.

Also featuring on the day will be a carboot sale, a market of homemade crafts,Indian food stall, bouncy castle, raffle – withprizes donated by generous businesses acrossthe village, a coffee shop and entertainmentprovided by local groups.

The event is organised by Highcliffe ParentTeachers Association, Kelly Emerson, chair ofthe association, said: “Our Summer Fair hasbeen going for several years now and it goesfrom strength to strength. It’s our main fund-raising event of the year and has been fantas-tically supported by pupils, parents andcarers alike. We’re thrilled that our Bake Offcompetition is being run again and we hopfor many entries from all ages.”

The Summer Fair runs from 1-4pm onSaturday June 8. Entrance is 50 per adult,free for school children, and can be paid atboth Greengate Lane and Elmfield Avenuegates. If you would like more information orare interested in taking a stall for the home-made craft market or a pitch for the car bootsale, email: orvisit

ALL FOUR members of Birstall Ladies Bowl-ing Club’s national Championship winningteam have been rewarded for their per-formances last season by being chosen forthe England Women’s International Trial,which takes place later this month in War-wickshire.

Pa Walker, Jan Everitt, Jennie Groves andDi Hurst will all be hoping for selection toplay for England at the International Series, inGlasgow next month, just days before the fourrepresent Birstall, Leicestershire and Englandin the British Isles Championships at the samevenue.

The outdoor bowls season is now underwayat Birstall Bowling Club, and new members arewelcome. For more details about the club,ladies can call Diane on 0116 2675457 andmen can call Andy on 0116 2677969.


Bowling club

Continued from page 15

The June issue ofTHE BIRSTALL POST

will be published on Jun 1.The copy deadline is May 17.


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shop on Bowling Green Street in whichthey could help. The high points of theseyears were participating in two great ralliesand parades around Leicester in 1910 and1911, when they were photographed. Theyalso took part in mass demonstrations inLondon, but never participated in violenceor property damage, although, as we shallsee, they enjoyed the cut and thrust ofheckling opposition speakers. In 1911 Evamarried and, living on Front Street, contin-ued with her suffrage work. In 1913 Jaynebecame chairwoman of the local branch.

In 1914, with the coming of the GreatWar, the Union agreed to suspend all ac-tivities against the government. It seemsthat with the long break from action andwith, in 1918, women over thirty beinggiven a conditional vote, Ada and Evaceased suffrage agitation. However theyremained keen, active socialists and joinedthe Labour party .

In the nineteen twenties, although notactive suffragettes, they remained commit-ted to Women’s Rights and as a result ofattending lecture courses and discussiongroups they, along with Eva’s youngersister Annie, became active socialists. Atthe 1923 General Election when, in SouthWest Leicester, Winston Churchill stoodagainst Pethick Lawrence they regularlyheckled Churchill’s meetings by singing:

“Vote vote vote for Pethick Lawrence,

The Story of Birstall’s SuffragettesIn 1907, in Birstall, two 23 year old schoolteachers at Ellis Avenue School, Eva Lines,

who lived on Front Street and Ada Billington who lived in Netherhall Lane, were surpris-ing their conservative parents with their sympathy for socialist opinions. It was not long

Birstall’s suffragettes

before they were drawn to the growingdemands for votes for women and joinedthe “National Union of Women’s Suffrage”.Today we accept that women have theright to a vote, but a hundred years agowomen’s suffrage was a contentious issuethat divided the country. It stirred manywomen to demonstrate in what, to Edward-ian England, was a most unseemly manner.

Within the year Eva and Ada realisedthat the National Union, composed ofmainly elderly ladies who were very cooltowards their youthful enthusiasms, wasnot for them and resigned. They joined the“Women’s Social and Political Union”, adecision prompted mainly by the forcefuland inspiring speeches given by the Pan-khurst sisters at two of fifteen outdoormass meetings held by the Union inLeicester in 1909. In the WSPU they metanother teacher, Jayne Wyatt, who taught atHarrison Road School, and working to-gether for the next five years the trio be-came known as “The Three Graces”.

From 1909 onwards the three, alongwith other Leicester suffragettes, took anactive part in parades, rallies and demon-strations, and there was also the Union’s

He is sure to win the day,And you Leicester voters tooPethick Lawrence worked for you.Vote for him and not for Winston

Churchill.”During the General Strike of 1926 they

attended a mass meeting in the MarketPlace in support of the miners, standingfor two hours listening to the strike lead-ers. After buying lapel pins in the form ofa miner’s lamp they walked home to Bir-stall.

Shortly after this family circumstancesmeant that although retaining their leftwing beliefs, Ada, Eva and later Annie tookno further part in active politics.

A third suffragette, Violet West, allegedlylived in New Birstall but nobody of thatname is recorded on Birstall’s censusreturns for 1901 and 1911.This is the first of a series of occasional ar-ticles on people and places from Birstall’slong history contributed by local historianand author Mike Smith.

35 BIKES were postcoded, 50 backpacks given away and bikeswere checked for safety by Police mechanics at a Bike Hub eventin Birstall.

Organised by the local Police beat team at the Sibson Road car park, visitors werealso able to buy bike locks, hear advice about bike safety and security and meetNHW volunteers and their local police officers.

Pic: Eva Lines

Pic: Ada Billington

Bicycle safety checks


Corgi Gas Reg. Installers

Visit gardens in theBlenheim Road & Allington Drive

area of BirstallBirstall Methodist Church’s


In aid of Cancer Research UKand Church Funds Sponsored by Birstall Garden Centre

Adults £3.00 in advance (passports obtainable fromlocal retailers or telephone 0116 2677576)

£3.50 on the dayAccompanied children (16 & under) free

Plant Stall, TombolaRefreshments, Ices &Raffle

Saturday and Sunday8th and 9th June 2013

2.00pm – 5.30pm


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVENThat Birstall Parish Council has appliedfor a licence to use the premises knownas School Lane Playing Field, Birstall forthe purpose of Regulated Entertainment(Live Music, Recorded Music, Boxing Dis-play and Performances of Dance)for theBirstall Gala 2013: 29th June & 30thJune 2013Dated: 1 May 2013

Any objections or representations in re-spect of the application should be madein writing to the Deputy Partnership &Customer Services, Charnwood BoroughCouncil, Council Offices, Southfield Road,Loughborough, LE11 2TX.Representations/objections must be re-ceived by: 29 May 2013

The applicant will be supplied with cop-ies of any objections. A record of theapplication can be inspected at the Coun-cil Offices at the aforementioned addressduring normal office hours. It is an of-fence to knowingly or recklessly make afalse statement in or in connection withan application. Any person found guiltyof such an offence shall be liable onsummary conviction to a maximum findin the sum of £5,000.00


SPRING HAD finally arrived byApril 8 and 28 ladies of Birstalland Wanlip WI enjoyed a joyfulevening at Highcliffe School.

During future business we weretold about Summer lunches, ContainerGardening Workshops, a Synagoguetour, Markfield Open Gardens and aSpeaker’s Audition evening. These arejust a very few of the activities that areavailable for WI members countywide.

Our own group has organized acoach trip to Springfield ShoppingCentre in August and the annualBradgate Group skittles tournamentwill be starting soon. So you see wehave plenty of opportunities to get outand about in the WI!

Our speaker Ken Goddard main-tained the happy Spring atmosphereby presenting each lady with a daffodiland then playing wonderful video clipsfrom Tosca, Carmen and Verdi’s Rigo-letto. It really was a ‘Beginners Guideto Opera’ and he dispelled all mythsthat Opera is difficult to understand.You just have to expect that all theleading sopranos will be dead by thelast act and use subtitles!

We ended our musical evening bywatching a video of ‘Last Night of theProms at the Albert Hall. We wavedour flags and sang along with gusto toJerusalem, Land of Hope and Gloryand Rule Brittania. It was good funand there was still time for refresh-ments, a chat and an Opera Wordsearch competition.

Our next meeting will be in theElmfield Hall of Highcliffe School onMay 13 at 7.15pm. ‘Lily & Grace’ willbe demonstrating some Spring flowerdisplays and the competition is anarrangement of three spring flowers.

Luncheon Club RestartsAs a result of an extremely encouraging &

well supported meeting the good news is thatthe weekly Luncheon Club will be re-launched on Wednesday May 1. It had beenclosed since December 31.

Meals freshly cooked by a small familybusiness will be delivered to church & servedimmediately, thus continuing with the “homecooking” tradition.

The meal consisting of a main course,sweet & a cup of tea will cost £5.50. It ismostly for people who live alone.

There are a few places available; pleasecontact Janet Bradford on 2671471 for de-tails.

If anyone would like to join the team ofvolunteers, please contact Sheila Wilson on2675973Church Anniversary

On the morning of June 2 it is our ChurchAnniversary and we look forward to welcom-ing Rev. Peter Hancock (our District Chairfrom Northampton) who will be leading Wor-ship at 10.30am.The Big Lunch

Following the service on June 2 at 12noon we are joining in ‘The Big Lunch’. Thiswas started in 2009 by the Eden Project (inCornwall) to get communities to meet up atevents of all shapes and sizes and in 2012 amassive 8.5 million people took part. Theyrange from simple get-togethers, street par-ties, to events in community halls in villages,towns and cities right across the UK.

If you would like to join in The Big Lunch2013, you will be one of millions of peoplesharing food, stories and skills to strengthenthe communities that we live in this summer.Just come along to the Methodist Church –weare providing tables and chairs, selections offood on each table, entertainment and lots oflaughter. No need to book, just turn up andbring a plate of food to share. Prize for thebest party hat !Christian Aid Week

In the week of May 12 - 18, members ofthe four Churches in Birstall & Wanlip thatmake up ‘Churches Together in Birstall” willbe taking part in ‘house to house collections”for the worlds poorest people. It is still ascandal that 870 million people are in des-perate need of food!

If you get a red envelope through the

door then do please contribute and hand itback to the volunteer who will call.

Alas there are not enough volunteers tocollect in every road in Birstall & Wanlip, soif you don’t get an envelope, do contributethrough the many other means that are avail-able. If you can offer to help with collecting,please contact Mary on 267 5154

There is the rumour of a Christian Aidlunch on Friday May 17 at lunchtime in theMethodist Coffee Shop. This has yet to beconfirmed.

From Tony Moore, Birstall MethodistChurch

will be held monthly (except during theholiday periods) and last about an hour;they will be free of charge, informal and itis expected that participants will show re-spect for others’ views. The topic for Mayis: “Origins: Aliens, Evolution or God?” Ifyou would like to attend, then please con-tact the number given below to registeryour interest and state your preference forday(s) and time(morning/afternoon/evening) and we willget back to you with an agreed date, timeand venue.Sunday Services

Our services during May will be held inthe Community Room at Highcliffe PrimarySchool (LE4 3DL) from 10.45am and youwill be most welcome to join with us. Ourvisiting speaker for May 12 is Bryn Jones(Derby).

Further information please ring 01162214883.

From Anne Taylor, Birstall Independ-ent Baptist Church

Two rivers partnershipMany people are probably aware that

churches in all parts of the country (and inall denominations) need to share resources,including buildings, ideas - and clergy - ifthey are to remain as vibrant parts of eachcommunity. The parish of Birstall and Wan-lip is already committed to a group of 10Anglican churches, situated between the Soarand the Wreake rivers, forming an alliance tobe known as the Two Rivers partnership.This includes other large villages such asSyston and Thurmaston, but also much small-er ones such as Ratcliffe and Thrussington.

To seal this partnership, all ten churcheswill be well represented at a “launch” serv-ice, attended by the Bishop of Leicester onSaturday May 11 at 6pm in St. James’ church,Birstall. It will be a joyful occasion, to whicha couple of people from each church will bewalking to Birstall, carrying a symbol of theirparish, and it is hoped that they will be wel-comed by a large congregation from all theparishes. Please feel invited to come andcelebrate this important occasion, with re-freshments after the service.

From Beryl McHugh, Parish Churches

Discussion TopicsModern lifestyles can be so very hectic,

with a constant pressure to meet deadlines,to fulfil our daily responsibilities and wecan often add three jobs to our ‘To Do’ listfor every one we complete, so there doesn’tseem to be the time to think about ourpersonal answers to ‘Life’s Big Questions’.

BIBC is offering the opportunity to con-sider some of these fundamental issues in aseries of Discussion Topics, which areopen to individuals of any denomination orreligion (or none) and you can opt toattend as many or as few of them as youwish. It is proposed that the discussions

TWO LONGSLADE students have re-ceived a fixed term of exclusionfrom the college after fighting inthe streets.

The incident occurred on WindmillAvenue and Wanlip Lane duringlunchtime on Tuesday April 23.

A large crowd of students lookedon as residents called the Police andthe college to deal with the incident.

Longslade’s new Principal MrsKirstie Black said: “These studentshave been dealt with and will have aperiod of fixed term exclusion.”

Longslade Executive Principal MrJon Sherwin said: “There are someissues around the behaviour of asmall minority. Our job is to makesure that the minority does not set thetone.”

WI news Church news


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The group of seven, all aged 10-14 years,stayed at Great Tower Scout Activity Centre onthe banks of Lake Windermere. The groupundertook a variety of activities during theirfour day trip, including caving in the York-shire dales in caves which were formed 350million years ago at the end of the last iceage. This challenge required scouts to wadethrough underground streams of snow meltwater or commando crawl between solidrock all up to 25 metres below ground level.

Other challenges included bell boat racingon England’s largest lake, where teamworkand communication were paramount to win-ning races, and climbing natural crags whichrequired team members to completely placetheir trust in their fellow scouts who weremanning the safety ropes on which they ab-seiled down.

The Scouts challenged themselves to plana route, navigate and walk nine miles alongthe banks of Windermere and the surround-ing countryside.

“This expedition allowed us to take in thewonder and the natural beauty of the environ-ment that we were in, and also watch thepride of the RAF as the scouts climbed tovantage points where the planes were passingbeneath the level from which we were view-ing. The scouts learned and put into practicethe country code to ensure the beauty of thelakes was preserved for others” said Scout

Leader Gareth Woods.He added: “The trip allowed all partici-

pants to build confidence and trust in eachother by attempting new activities, as well asthe opportunity to learn and develop skills forlife such as team working, communication,leadership and community values. These skillswill enable the scouts to achieve in theirfuture lives and careers which is rewarding towitness.”

All scouts reported that they had a fantas-tic time, says Gareth, and that they enjoyedevery minute of the week, the highlights rang-ing from the variety of activities to the stun-ning surroundings and the development andstrengthening of friendships and bonds.

“Birstall Scouts are always looking torecruit new leaders to enable us to providedevelopment opportunities to as many youngpeople as possible in Birstall. We teach awide range of skills from health and fitness tocrafts and adventures, therefore no matterwhat your skills are there is a place for you.If you feel you could help us in providingthese opportunities, then please contact us atthe Scout Hut, Birstall Road next to Gunns’gym – Friday nights, 7.30-9pm term timeswhere you could start your next adventure”said Gareth.Pic: scouts in caving equipment, havingreturned from under snow covered moun-tain in background

WHETHER 25 metres below ground under snow covered mountains, or climbingnatural crags, a team of seven Birstall Scouts conquered all the challengesthat an expedition to the Lake District could throw at them.

ACORN UNDER Fivesheld their annualEaster Bonnet pa-rade on the last dayof the spring termto raise funds forthe group and tointroduce the chil-dren to the recep-tion teacher atHighcliffe PrimarySchool.

This year the children paraded their hatsaround the classroom inside due to the in-clement weather. However, this didn’t damp-en the spirits as children, parents andgrandparents took part in the games andsampled the cakes on the cake stall.

A surprise visitor arrived to help the re-ception teacher, Dan McFarland, to judge thehats and this was Peppa Pig kindly modelledby Katie Bateman. Thank go to Kaine’s Castleswho loaned the costume.

The winners were Shivam Patel in firstplace, Charlie Watts in second place and Faryl

McManus in third place. “Every child re-ceived a prize for entering and there weresome fantastic designs” said spokeswomanJackie Bateman.

“The organisers would like to thank every-one who donated prizes for the raffle andvolunteers who helped on the day. Theamount raised totalled just under £400 andthis is to be spent on toys and equipment forthe children” she added.Pic: (l-r) Charlie Watts, Shivam Patel and mumNikki McManus modelling her daughter Faryl’shat

Scouts’ trip to Lakes

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Small ads are 25p for the first 16 words. 17-32 words:50p. Enclosing payment, post your ad to us or hand it in(inside an envelope) at Birstall library.

Trade/business rates for small ads are 25p aword. You are liable for the trade/business rate if youare offering a service for which you are asking forpayment, or if you are advertising new goods for sale.All text will be printed bold. Box outline £1 extra.Max 50 words. Phone numbers count as one word.

Small Ads

TELEPHONE EXTENSION Sockets fitted byex-BT engineer. Cable, BT and digital TV.Over 25 yrs experience. John 2675132

AMLI DESIGN Architectural Consultancy.Plans drawn and submitted. Extensions,conversions, new build. David IvesB.Sc.(Hons) FBEng MCIOB 0116 2674395/ 07974807111

BUILDING PLANS drawn and submitted forLocal Authority approval. Free quotations.Quorn Plan Services 01509 413332

GRAVE FOR SALE at Belgrave Cemetery07531 602911

BIRSTALL BASED company require an of-fice assistant to support busy team. Fulltime Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm. A knowl-edge of commercial catering equipmentwould be beneficial but not essential.Please email your CV

CARAVAN for sale : 2004 Lunar Stellar 2berth with all mod cons. Motor mover,awning, ground sheet, hitch & wheellocks, electricity hook up. Aquaroll andwastemaster. Last serviced 2012. £5,500ono. Tel O116 2673338


Helping yourself when you are diagnosedwith cancer

When most people think of cancer treat-ment surgery, chemotherapy and radiothera-py are the first things that come to mind.Of course these orthodox methodsform the basis of most treatmentregimens but there are also anumber of measures individualscan take to help themselves.Birstall BAG’s would like to intro-duce you to some useful sourcesthat provide information on how youcan help fight your cancer yourself or howwe can all help prevent cancer occurring orre-occurring.

Macmillan Cancer Support has an exten-sive section on their website dedicated to‘How you can help yourself’ which coversexercise, diet, emotional wellbeing, compli-

mentary therapy, support groups andalcohol consumption, all of whichcan be considered alongside tradi-tional orthodox treatments.

Another useful source of informationabout how to help yourself comes from acharity called Cancer Active who providesinformation about Complimentary and Alter-

native Cancer Thera-pies and about howto prevent cancer.Their founder ChrisWoollams, who haspublished a numberof books on the sub-ject, was inspired tosearch for all theevidence he couldfind to help hisdaughter following adiagnosis of ad-

vanced incurable brain cancer. Their cir-cumstances are touching beyond belief andvery inspiring. From these personal begin-nings Cancer Active has grown tremendously,it is an invaluable asset publishing a regularmagazine ICON and maintaining a websitethat is loaded with information about pub-lished research in the field.

The final organisation we would like tosignpost you to is Cancer Net which is anindependent organisation comprising of amultidisciplinary group of health profession-als and cancer contains educationaladvice sheets for patients affected by cancer,their relatives and health professionals. Ithas identified the areas and levels of infor-

mation which patients need to help themmake decisions, cope with the side effects oftherapy and help them make informed life-style choices. It also provides a useful re-source for services which may be usefulafter a diagnosis of cancer such as supportgroups, academic and commercial organisa-tions. The founder and current editor isProfessor Robert Thomas a consultant, can-cer specialist, with 20 year’s experience inpatient care.

Macmillan Cancer Support free phonehelp line 0808 808 000 Monday – Friday9am-8pm.

University Hospitals of Leicester CancerInformation Centre on 0116 258 6189.

To reflect the interest and support of thelocal community Birstall BAG's seeks to beinclusive of all cancers and the group wel-come villagers to support the many eventsthey organise each year within the localcommunity.Please support our next event: May 19Birstall BAG’s 5k walk/run around Wa-termead Park

For more information on the funds wehave raised, projects we support and forth-coming events see

Birstall BAG’s continue to fund the Bir-stall Time Out Group held the 2nd and 4thWednesday of each month at the Village Hall.

The June issue ofTHE BIRSTALL POST

will be published on Jun 1.The copy deadline is May 17.

Birstall BAG’s cancer corner

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Longslade College, Wanlip Lane,Birstall, Leicester LE4 4GHEditor: Mr Jerry Jackson

Editorial/Advertising (Tel & Fax)

0116 2674213Correspondence, news etc

can be handed in at:Birstall Library or to our office in the

Youth Centre,Longslade College, Birstall
